• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Korean History in 2023

The Korean War and Postmemory Generation: Contemporary Korean Arts and Films by Koh, Dong-Yeon
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary North Korea by
Voices of the Korean Comfort Women: History Rewritten from Memories by
The Korean War: 1950-53 by Malkasian, Carter
Voices of the Korean Comfort Women: History Rewritten from Memories by
Postwar South Korea and Japanese Popular Culture by Kim, Sungmin
100°c: South Korea's 1987 Democracy Movement by Choi, Kyu-Sok
The Two Koreas and Their Global Engagements by
Dictionnaire De La Culture Coréenne: Du Kimchi À La K-Pop En Passant Par Les Clichés Des K-Drama. On T'explique Tout Sur La Corée ! by Kang, Woosung
Postwar South Korea and Japanese Popular Culture by Kim, Sungmin
Empire and Righteous Nation: 600 Years of China-Korea Relations by Westad, Odd Arne
Flowers of Fire: The Inside Story of South Korea's Feminist Movement and What It Means for Women' S Rights Worldwide by Jung, Hawon
Remaking the Chinese Empire: Manchu-Korean Relations, 1616-1911 by Wang, Yuanchong
Flowers of Fire: The Inside Story of South Korea's Feminist Movement and What It Means for Women's Rights Worldwide by Jung, Hawon
Flowers of Fire: The Inside Story of South Korea's Feminist Movement and What It Means for Women's Rights Worldwide by Jung, Hawon
Constructing Student Mobility: How Universities Recruit Students and Shape Pathways Between Berkeley and Seoul by Kim, Stephanie K.
City of Sediments: A History of Seoul in the Age of Colonialism by Oh, Se-Mi
City of Sediments: A History of Seoul in the Age of Colonialism by Oh, Se-Mi
Salvaging Buddhism to Save Confucianism in Choson Korea (1392-1910) by Evon, Gregory N.
The Complete History of Korea by Garcia, Robert
National Perspectives on the Global Second World War by
Education in South Korea: Reflections on a Seventy-Year Journey by Kwak, Sam-Geun, Kim, Jae-Woong, Lee, Don-Hee
Neutralist Proposal for Korean Reunification by Ra, Pil-Yull
Hidden History of the Korean War: New Edition by Stone, I. F.
Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray by
Hidden History of the Korean War: New Edition by Stone, I. F.
Beyond Courage: Daring Escapes of Captured Airmen in the Korean War by Blair, Clay
Südkorea: Geschichte weltweit by Weltweit, Geschichte
The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia by Jager, Sheila Miyoshi
Human-Animal Relations and the Hunt in Korea and Northeast Asia by Kallander, George
Min Jin-i`s poem to a soul by Lopez, Christopher
Neo-Confucianism and Science in Korea: Humanity and Nature, 1706-1814 by Ro, Sang-Ho
BTS Dictionary: Behind the Music and Beyond by Kang, Maeng
Budoji: A Tale of the Divine City of Ancient Korea with an Overview of Korean Shamanism by Park, Jesang, Cho, Sungje
New Perspectives in Modern Korean Buddhism: Institution, Gender, and Secular Society by
Formation of Periodical Authorship in 1920s Korea: Distant and Close Reading by Lee, Jae-Yon
Korea at War: Conflicts That Shaped the World by Seth, Michael J.
Soldier. Politician. Patriot. The Biography of Kyung Soon Chang by Chang, Kyung Soon
Korea: A New History of South and North by Cha, Victor, Pacheco Pardo, Ramon
Il Ruggito Della Corea: Reportage Da Seoul by Giuliani, Federico
Boundless Winds of Empire: Rhetoric and Ritual in Early Choson Diplomacy with Ming China by Wang, Sixiang
Boundless Winds of Empire: Rhetoric and Ritual in Early Choson Diplomacy with Ming China by Wang, Sixiang
Korea, Das Land des Morgenrots. by Hamilton, Angus
Japanese Diplomacy and Force in Korea by MacLennan, Arthur
Verdict In Korea by Oliver, Robert T.
La Coree, Independante, Russe, Ou Japonaise: Ouvrage Contenant Cinquante Illustrations D'apres Des Photographies by de Laguérie, R. Villetard
Horace G. Underwood: King's Counsellor in Korea by Carr, Floyd L.
Korea; Its History Its People, and Its Commerce by Hamilton, Angus
Les origines de la Corée by
The Island of World Peace: The Jeju Massacre and State Building in South Korea by Gwon, Gwisook
Encounter, Transformation, and Agency in a Connected World: Narratives of Korean Women, 1550-1700 by Broomhall, Susan
Encounter, Transformation, and Agency in a Connected World: Narratives of Korean Women, 1550-1700 by Broomhall, Susan
The Korean War Remembered: Contested Memories of an Unended Conflict by Devine, Michael J.
Protestant Christianity in Modern Korean History by Ryu, Dae Young
Protestant Christianity in Modern Korean History by Ryu, Dae Young
Korea: A New History of South and North by Cha, Victor, Pardo, Ramon Pacheco
East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World by Cohen, Warren I.
East Asia at the Center: Four Thousand Years of Engagement with the World by Cohen, Warren I.
Korea: A New History of South and North by Pardo, Ramon Pacheco, Cha, Victor
The God Susanoo and Korea in Japan's Cultural Memory: Ancient Myths and Modern Empire by Weiss, David
Soviet-North Korean Relations During the Cold War: Unruly Offspring by Tertitskiy, Fyodor
Like-Minded Allies?: Indo-Pacific Partners' Views on Possible Changes in the U.S. Relationship with Taiwan by Hornung, Jeffrey W., Priebe, Miranda, Rooney, Bryan
A Mirror for The Blind: Reflections of a Digital Seoul by Jeong, Mu
The Sister: North Korea's Kim Yo Jong, the Most Dangerous Woman in the World by Lee, Sung-Yoon
Korean Film and History by
K-Speed: The Source of Korean Competitiveness by Lim, Jung Duk
The Us-Dprk Peace Treaty: A Commentary by Lee, Eric Yong Joong, Karim, Ridoan
Routledge Handbook of Contemporary South Korea by
Reconciling Divided States: Peace Processes in Ireland and Korea by
Celluloid Democracy: Cinema and Politics in Cold War South Korea by Kim, Hieyoon
Ancient China 221 BCE - 1644 AD: Emperors To Philosophers & Walls To Masterpieces by Kingston, A. J.
Yeonmi Park: Fighting for Freedom: Yeonmi Park's Courageous Escape from North Korea by Rowell, Tyler
Evangelizing Korean Women and Gender in the Early Modern World: The Power of Body and Text by Broomhall, Susan
Koreatown Dreaming: Stories & Portraits of Korean Immigrant Life by Hahn, Emanuel
East Asia Observed: Selected Writings 1973-2021 by
The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia by Jager, Sheila Miyoshi
The Other Great Game: The Opening of Korea and the Birth of Modern East Asia by Jager, Sheila Miyoshi
Political Moods: Film Melodrama and the Cold War in the Two Koreas Volume 4 by Workman, Travis
Commentary on the Birds by Munson, Jed
Discover South Korea: A Journey Through 35 Remarkable Places by Hwang-Smith, Alexander
Aspiring to Enlightenment: Pure Land Buddhism in Silla Korea by McBride, Richard D.
The Red Decades: Communism as Movement and Culture in Korea, 1919-1945 by Tikhonov, Vladimir
Shrimp to Whale: South Korea from the Forgotten War to K-Pop by Pacheco Pardo, Ramon
Negotiation Dynamics to Denuclearize North Korea: Cohesion and Disarray by
Options for Strengthening Rok Nuclear Assurance by Choi, Kang, Bennett, Bruce W., Cooper, Cortez A.
Moral Authoritarianism: Neighborhood Associations in the Three Koreas, 1931-1972 by Kwon, Shinyoung
Moral Authoritarianism: Neighborhood Associations in the Three Koreas, 1931-1972 by Kwon, Shinyoung
From Japanese Empire to American Hegemony: Koreans and Okinawans in the Resettlement of Northeast Asia by Augustine, Matthew R.
The Politics of Korean Language Textbooks in the Two Koreas: Nationalism, Ideologies and Education by Lee, Dong Bae
Korea and Her Neighbors: Victorian Travelogue Series (Annotated) by Bird, Isabella Lucy