• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Latin in 2021

Aeneid Book 3: With scansion, interlinear translation, parsing and notes by Maro, P. Vergilius
The Angelus and Regina Caeli in Latin and English by
Aeneid Book 6: With scansion, interlinear translation, parsing and notes by Maro, P. Vergilius
Carmen Megilli by Belzer-Carroll, Arianne
The Catholic'S Latin Instructor In The Principal Church Offices And Devotions; For The Use Of Choirs, Convents, And Mission Schools And For Self-Teach by Caswall, Edward
Decoding Latin Masterclass: Read Latin in 47 Days by Westenberg, Alexander
South Picene by Zamponi, Raoul
Idus Martiae: A Latin Novella by Olimpi, Andrew
Gerbert von Aurillac: Die Kirche und Wissenschaft seiner Zeit by Werner, Karl
Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey: Volume 2 by Arnold, Thomas
Latin in Modern Fiction: Who Says It's a Dead Language? by Hoffmann, Henryk
De Olympionicarum Statuis a Pausania Commemoratis by Hyde, Gualtherus
De Olympionicarum Statuis a Pausania Commemoratis by Hyde, Gualtherus
[Set κηληθμῷ δ᾽ ἔσχοντο / Scritti Editi E Inediti, Vol. 1-3] by Rossi, Luigi Enrico
The Pain Itself by McPherson Eckhoff, Kevin
Nouvelle Methode Pour Apprendre Facilement, Et En Peu de Temps La Langue Latine: Rudiments, Regles Des Genres, Declinaisons, Preterits, Syntaxe, Et Qu by Nicole, Pierre, Lancelot, Claude, Arnauld, Antoine
Memorials of St. Edmund's Abbey: Volume 1 by Arnold, Thomas
Philosophy and Community in Seneca's Prose by Seal, Carey
Mercurius: Infans Horribilis: A Latin Novella by Olimpi, Andrew
Errores Longi Ulixis, Pars I: A Latin Novella by Gronewoller, Brian
Die Könige der Germanen: Das Wesen des ältesten Königtums der germanischen Stämme by Dahn, Felix
LATIN Made Simple Through Stories by Latin, Easy
Latin for Kids by Fet, Catherine
Church Latin for the Third Millennium: Step-by-Step Instruction - Sub Specie Aeternitatis by Fet, Catherine
Clodia: Fabula Criminalis: A Latin Novella by Olimpi, Andrew
Virgilian Parerga: Textual Criticism and Stylistic Analysis by Conte, Gian Biagio
Begehren, Angst - und nuechterne Vernunft: Epikureische Psychologie und Ethik nach griechisch-roemischen Texten by Neumeister, Christoff
Martial: The World of the Epigram by Fitzgerald, William
Venetian Inscriptions: Vernacular Writing for Public Display in Medieval and Renaissance Venice by Ferguson, Ronnie
The Latin -Iēs/Ia Inflection: Synchronic Evidence and Diachronic Origin by Piwowarczyk, Dariusz R.
Relinquo - Renuo by
Tusculan Disputations by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Irdische Unsterblichkeit: Die Suche Nach Dem Ewigen Leben in Der Antike by Liatsi, Maria
Prime and Compline: According to the Benedictine Ritual by
Vespers: According to the Benedictine Ritual by
Terce, Sext, and None: According to the Benedictine Ritual by
Greek and Latin Love: The Poetic Connection by
Kosmogenetisch erzaehlen: Poetische Mikrokosmen in philosophischer und hoefischer Epik des Hochmittelalters by Wick, Maximilian
A Latin Reader Intended as a Companion to the Author's Latin Grammar: With References, Suggestions, Notes, and Vocabulary by Harkness, Albert
Reading Lucan's Civil War: A Critical Guide Volume 62 by Roche, Paul
Latin in Modern Fiction: Who Says It's a Dead Language? by Hoffmann, Henryk
The Politics and Poetics of Cicero's Brutus by Van Den Berg, Christopher S.
Die Kolmarer Liederhandschrift und ihr Umfeld: Forschungsimpulse by
Orbis pictus: Die Welt in Bildern by Comenius, Johann Amos
The Tolkien Option: Reclaiming the Latin Heritage in the Roman Rite by
Storybook Latin 1 Student Workbook by Fluhart, Heather
Matins Psalter: According to the Benedictine Ritual by
Geschichte der Universität Basel: Von der Gründung 1460 bis zur Reformation 1529 by Vischer, Wilhelm
Humanistennamen by Kroiß, Daniel
Tableaux élémentaires de la langue latine by Bentz, Louis
Il glossario latino-bergamasco (sec. XV) della Biblioteca Universitaria di Padova (ms. 534) by Aresti, Alessandro
Learning to Teach in Underserved Schools: A Socio-constructivist Perspective by Kong, Delin
Dolphin Editions: Caesar, The Gallic War by Institute, Paideia
The Major Declamations, Volume II by Quintilian
The Major Declamations, Volume III by Quintilian
Gregor von Tours und seine Zeit vornehmlich aus seinen Werken geschildert by Loebell, Johann Wilhelm
Schriften zur Naturphilosophie und zur Ethik by Schopenhauer, Arthur