• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Lexicography in 2023

The Smutesaurus: The Ultimate Guide to Superior and Preposterous Language for Romance Writers by Swart, Samantha
English Idioms for Everyone: ALWAYS LEARNING SUCCESSFULLY with ALS Books by Chui, Lawrence
Vollständiges Wörterbuch Deutsch-Esperanto in drei Bänden. Band 2 (H-R): Plena Vortaro Germana-Esperanto en tri volumoj. Volumo 2 (H-R) by Krause, Erich-Dieter
Vollständiges Wörterbuch Deutsch-Esperanto in drei Bänden. Band 1 (A-G): Plena Vortaro Germana-Esperanto en tri volumoj. Volumo 1 (A-G) by Krause, Erich-Dieter
Vollständiges Wörterbuch Deutsch-Esperanto in drei Bänden. Band 3 (S-Z): Plena Vortaro Germana-Esperanto en tri volumoj. Volumo 3 (S-Z) by Krause, Erich-Dieter
All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopedia by Garfield, Simon
All the Knowledge in the World: The Extraordinary History of the Encyclopedia by Garfield, Simon
Pandexicon: How the Language of the Pandemic Defined Our New Cultural Reality by Grady, Wayne
Remotivierung in Der Sprache: Auf Der Suche Nach Form Und Bedeutung by
Dizione e pronuncia: Per attori, doppiatori, docenti, linguisti ed appassionati by Guida, Gianmaria
A Sociolinguistic History of British English Lexicography by Yong, Heming, Peng, Jing
Enchengeria - EkeGusii Dictionary: The Complete EkeGusii Trilingual Dictionary by
Heavens to Betsy!: & Other Curious Sayings by Funk, Charles E.
The Influence of English on Italian: Lexical and Cultural Features by Pulcini, Virginia
Novum Lexicon Manuale Graeco-latinum Et Latino-graecum, Volume 1... by Patrick, Samuel, Pinzger, Gustav, Hederich, Benjamin
Diccionario de Barbarismos y Provincialismos de Costa-Rica by Gagini, Carlos
An English Expositor, by I.B by Bullokar, John
Swenskt Och Latinskt Supplementar-Lexikon by Törneros, Adolph
Diccionario de Barbarismos y Provincialismos de Costa-Rica by Gagini, Carlos
Scottish Plant Names: An A to Z by Kenicer, Gregory
A Constructional Approach to Interpersonal Metaphor of Modality by Hu, Jian
Redefining the Hypernym Mensch: in in German: Gender, Sexuality, and Personhood by Pober, Maria
Radical: A Life of My Own by Guo, Xiaolu
Radical: A Life of My Own by Guo, Xiaolu
Terminology Extraction for Translation and Interpretation Made Easy: How to use ChatGPT and other low-cost, web-based programs to create terminology e by Muegge, Uwe
The Dictionary People: The Unsung Heroes Who Created the Oxford English Dictionary by Ogilvie, Sarah
Phraséologie et terminologie by
Medieval English in a Multilingual Context: Current Methodologies and Approaches by
Imparare l'Inglese: Una Guida Completa, Pratica e Strategica per Imparare con Maestria l'Inglese in Poche Settimane Divertendoti Padronegg by Quintessenza, Federico
A Frequency Dictionary of British English: Core Vocabulary and Exercises for Learners by Gablasova, Dana, Brezina, Vaclav
A Frequency Dictionary of British English: Core Vocabulary and Exercises for Learners by Brezina, Vaclav, Gablasova, Dana
Chinese Lexicography in the Twentieth Century by Jing, Peng, Xiangming, Zhang, Yong, Heming
Sprachliche Zweifelsfalle: Lexikalisch-Semantische, Flexivische Und Wortbildungsbedingte Zweifelsfalle by Storjohann, Petra