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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 1995

The Peirce Seminar Papers: Volume II: An Annual of Semiotic Analysis by
Rechtsfragen Im Exportgeschäft: Sicherung Und Beitreibung Von Forderungen Im Ausland by
Metrical Stress Theory: Principles and Case Studies by Hayes, Bruce
Formen Und Funktion Mündlicher Tradition: Vorträge Eines Akademiesymposiums in Bonn, Juli 1993 by Heissig, Walther
Gellerts Briefpraxis Und Brieflehre: Der Anfang Einer Neuen Briefkultur by Arto-Haumacher, Rafael
Von Saussure Zum Konnektionismus: Struktur Und Kontinuität in Der Lexemsemantik Und Der Musiksemiotik by Köster, Lothar
Zählangaben -- Maßangaben: Bedeutung Und Konzeptuelle Interpretation Von Numeralia by Eschenbach, Carola
Language and Literacy in Uganda. Towards a Sustainable Reading Culture by
Sociological Worlds: Comparative and Historical Readings on Society by Sanderson, Stephen K.
Beyond Names for Things: Young Children's Acquisition of Verbs by
Comprehending Power in Christian Social Ethics by Hinze, Christine Firer
Working Emptiness: Toward a Third Reading of Emptiness in Buddhism and Postmodern Thought by Glass, Newman R.
Patterns in the Mind: Language and Human Nature by Jackendoff, Ray S.
American Vistas by
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychotherapy: Theory and Practice by Bongar
Discourse Configurational Languages by
Sprichwort und Sprache by Ruef, Hans
New Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin by Sihler, Andrew L.
Minimum Wages in Central and Eastern Europe: From Protection to Destitution by
Bilingualism by Romaine, Suzanne
A Linguistic History of Italian by Maiden, Martin
Computational Approaches to the Lexicon by
True Blues: The Politics of Conservative Party Membership by Richardson, Jeremy, Seyd, Patrick, Whiteley, Paul
Romanticism, Writing, and Sexual Difference: Essays on the Prelude by Jacobus, Mary
In the Highest Degree Odious: Detention Without Trial in Wartime Britain by Simpson, A. W. Brian
Elegies II by Tibullus
The Palms of the Amazon by Henderson, Andrew
Clause Structure and Language Change by
Clause Structure and Language Change Oscs by
The Making of the National Poet: Shakespeare, Adaptation and Authorship, 1660-1769 by Dobson, Michael, Dobson, Michael S. Pmp
Equations of State for Solids in Geophysics and Ceramic Science by Anderson, O. L., Anderson, Orson, Lee, Pamela Anderson
Arabic Sociolinguistics: Issues and Perspectives by Suleiman, Yasir
Textual Politics: Discourse And Social Dynamics by Lemke, Jay L.
Textual Politics: Discourse And Social Dynamics by Lemke, Jay L.
Groups of Finite Morley Rank by Borovik, Alexandre, Nesin, Ali
The Oldest Old by
Aspects of Oral Communication by
Converbs in Cross-Linguistic Perspective: Structure and Meaning of Adverbial Verb Forms - Adverbial Participles, Gerunds by
Dialects Converging: Rural Speech in Urban Norway by Kerswill, Paul
Reappraising Political Theory: Revisionist Studies in the History of Political Thought by Ball, Terence
Daniel Sanders: Aufgeklärte Germanistik Im 19. Jahrhundert by Haß-Zumkehr, Ulrike
Bedders, Bulldogs and Bedells: A Cambridge Glossary by Stubbings, Frank
A Performance Theory of Order and Constituency by Hawkins, John A.
Principles of English Stress by Burzio, Luigi, Luigi, Burzio
Scripts and Literacy:: Reading and Learning to Read Alphabets, Syllabaries and Characters by Olson, David R., Taylor, Insup
Textverstehen Bei Kindern: Zur Entwicklung Von Kohärenz Und Referenz by Terhorst, Evamaria
Discourse Comprehension: Essays in Honor of Walter Kintsch by
Publishing in the Organizational Sciences by
Reason and the Christian Religion: Essays in Honour of Richard Swinburne by
Analysis on Symmetric Cones by Faraut, Jacques, Korányi, Adam
The Elect Nation: The Savonarolan Movement in Florence 1494-1545 by Polizzotto, Lorenzo
Agents, Causes, and Events: Essays on Indeterminism and Free Will by
Agents, Causes, and Events: Essays on Indeterminism and Free Will by
Images of the Algerian War: French Fiction and Film, 1954-1992 by Dine, Philip, Dine, Philip D.
Academic Listening: Research Perspectives by Flowerdrew, John, Friedman, Alan Warren
A-Birne by
The Bakhtin Reader: Selected Writings of Bakhtin, Medvedev, Voloshinov by
Sidonius Apollinaris and the Fall of Rome, AD 407-485 by Harries, Jill
Aeschines and Athenian Politics by Harris, Edward Monroe, Harris, Edward M., Jr.
Grammatik und deutsche Grammatiken by
Im Wald der Zeichen by Walitschke, Michael
Satzstruktur und Verbbewegung by Schmidt, Claudia Maria
Symmetric Coordination by Wesche, Birgit
Infinite Komplementation by Kiss, Tibor
Die Ordnung der Wörter by
The Poetics of Translation: History, Theory, Practice by Barnstone, Willis
Multidimensional Programming by Faustini, Anthony A., Jagannathan, Rangaswamy, Ashcroft, Edward A.
Chinese Religion: An Anthology of Sources by
The City in Slang: New York Life and Popular Speech by Allen, Irving Lewis
Mikhail Bakhtin: Between Phenomenology and Marxism by Bernard-Donals, Michael F.
Computational Lexical Semantics by
The Cambridge History of the English Language by
Sound Symbolism by
Quantity Adjustment by Ritt, Nikolaus
The Psychopathology of Language and Cognition by Rieber, Robert W., Vetter, Harold J.
Logic and Lexicon: The Semantics of the Indefinite by Pinkal, Manfred
Cognitive and Language Development by Lloyd, Peter
Das Kind Von Europa: Zur Rezeption Des Kaspar Hauser-Stoffes in Der Literatur by Gottschalk, Birgit
Inorgan Mater Chem Ocp 23 P by Weller
Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1994: Educational Linguistics, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Global Interdependence by
Machine Translation and the Lexicon: Third International Eamt Workshop, Heidelberg, Germany, April 26-28, 1993. Proceedings by
Foundational Issues in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science: Impasse and Solution Volume 109 by Terveen, L., Bickhard, Mark H.
Argument und Algorithmus by Kaufmann, Stefan C.
Genitivattribute: Eine Morphosyntaktische Untersuchung Zum Deutschen Dp/Np-System by Lindauer, Thomas
Modellbildung in der Wirtschaftssprache by Hundt, Markus
Kausalität als linguistische Kategorie by Schmidhauser, Beda
Pressesprache by Lüger, Heinz-Helmut
Wortschatz: Register Der Deutschen Glossen Und Ihrer Lateinischen Bezugswörter Auf Der Grundlage Der Gesamtüberlieferung by
Constructions: A Construction Grammar Approach to Argument Structure by Goldberg, Adele E.
Tuttle Practical Cambodian Dictionary: English-Cambodian Cambodian-English by Smyth, David, Kien, Tran
Particles: On the Syntax of Verb-Particle, Triadic, and Causative Constructions by Dikken, Marcel Den
Particles: On the Syntax of Verb-Particle, Triadic, and Causative Constructions by Dikken, Marcel Den, Den Dikken, Marcel
Belfast English and Standard English: Dialect Variation and Parameter Setting by Henry, Alison
Belfast English and Standard English: Dialect Variation and Parameter Setting by Henry, Alison
Medieval Dialectology by
Stilfragen by
Working Theory: Critical Composition Studies for Students and Teachers by Goleman, Judith
The Law of Subrogation by Mitchell, Charles
Alexander Forbes of Brechin: The First Tractarian Bishop by Strong, Rowan
Religion, Law, and Power: The Making of Protestant Ireland 1660-1760 by Connolly, S. J.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Colonel Edward Saunderson: Land and Loyalty in Victorian Ireland by Jackson, Alvin
English for the Computer: The Susanne Corpus and Analytic Scheme by Sampson, Geoffrey
The Emergence and Development of Svo Patterning in Latin and French: Diachronic and Psycholinguistic Perspectives by Bauer, Brigitte L.
Einführung in Die Phonetik by Pompino-Marschall, Bernd
English Syntax, second edition by Baker, C. L.
Four Revenge Tragedies: The Spanish Tragedy; The Revenger's Tragedy; The Revenge of Bussy d'Ambois; And the Atheist's Tragedy by
Chemical Bonding in Solids by Burdett, Jeremy K.
Applied Logic: How, What and Why: Logical Approaches to Natural Language by
Edouard Glissant by Dash, J. Michael
The Lexicon in Acquisition by Clark, Eve V.
Gesture and the Nature of Language by Armstrong, David F.
Future perspectives of dialogue analysis by
Early Language Development in Full-term and Premature infants by Menyuk, Paula, Schultz, Martin C., Liebergott, Jacqueline W.
Altenglisches Elementarbuch: Einführung, Grammatik, Texte Mit Übersetzung Und Wörterbuch by Lehnert, Martin
Wild Otters: Predation and Populations by Kruuk, Hans
The Sanctity of Rural Life: Nobility, Protestantism, and Nazism in Weimar Prussia by Baranowski, Shelley
Limits to Parallel Computation: P-Completeness Theory by Ruzzo, Walter L., Hoover, H. James, Greenlaw, Raymond
Object Recognition Through Invariant Indexing by Rothwell, Charles A.
Studien Zum Mykenischen Kasussystem by Hajnal, Ivo
Translating the Enlightenment: Scottish Civic Discourse in Eighteenth-Century Germany by Oz-Salzberger, Fania
EC Tax Law by Farmer, Paul, Lyal, Richard
Global Migrants, Local Lives: Travel and Transformation in Rural Bangladesh by Gardner, Katy
Nineteenth-Century Britain: Integration and Diversity by Robbins, Keith
The Art of Literary Biography by
Verb Movement and Expletive Subjects in the Germanic Languages by Vikner, Sten
Situated Order: Studies in the Social Organization of Talk and Embodied Activities by Ten Have, Paul, Psathas, George
Language Education in the National Curriculum by
Materiales Para La Lexicología Histórica: Estudio Y Repertorio Alfabético de Las Formas Léxicas Toponímicas Contenidas En El Libro de la Montería de A by Ruhstaller, Stefan
Ethnographien von Mannheimer Stadtteilen by
Musical Signification by
The British Labour Party and the German Social Democrats, 1900-1931 by Berger, Stefan
Linguistic Reconstruction: An Introduction to Theory and Method by Fox, Anthony
Quaternionic Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Fields by Adler, Stephen L.
Hudson: Dev Prototypic Measures Pa by Hudson, Thom
Yearbook of Morphology 1994 by
Beyond Aristophanes: Transition and Diversity in Greek Comedy by
Musa Lapidaria: A Selection of Latin Verse Inscriptions by Courtney, E.
The Intonation of Interrogation in Palermo Italian: Implications for Intonation Theory by Grice, Martine
Government and Binding Theory by
Die Nominalflexion des Deutschen - verstanden als Lerngegenstand by Wegener, Heide
Mehrfachadressierung by Kühn, Peter
Problems in Scottish English Phonology by Kamin]ska, Tatiana Ewa
Prosodie im Gespräch by Selting, Margret
Zur Geschichte Der Deutsch-Ungarischen Und Ungarisch-Deutschen Lexikographie: Von Der Jahrhundertwende Bis Zum Ende Des Zweiten Weltkrieges by Fejér, Rita
Cultures, Ideologies, and the Dictionary: Studies in Honor of Ladislav Zgusta by
Jugend und ihre Sprache by Henne, Helmut
Linguistic Change under Contact Conditions by
Grammatical Lexical Variance Engl by Quirk, Randolph
Zum Philologischen Werk J. A. Schmellers Und Seiner Wissenschaftlichen Rezeption: Eine Studie Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Der Germanistik by Scheuerer, Franz Xaver
Popular Piety in Late Medieval England: The Diocese of Salisbury 1250-1550 by Brown, Andrew D.
Keywords in Language and Literacy by Carter, Ronald
Parameters of Slavic Morphosyntax by Franks, Steven
Ozumacin Chinantec Texts: Folklore Texts in Mexican Indian Languages 2 by Rupp, Nadine, Rupp, James E.
Readings in Linguistics I & II by
Namenforschung / Name Studies / Les noms propres Namenforschung / Name Studies / Les noms propres Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaf by
Style by Haynes, John
Versteckte lexikographische Information by Goebel, Ulrich, Reichmann, Oskar, Lemberg, Ingrid
Konzeptuelle Grundlagen semantischer Dekompositionsstrukturen by Kaufmann, Ingrid
Italia settentrionale: crocevia di idiomi romanzi by
Spoken English on Computer: Transcription, Mark-Up and Application by Leech, Geoffrey, Myers, Greg, Thomas, Jenny (All Lecturers Department
Fictions at Work: Language and Social Practice in Fiction by Talbot, Mary M.
Symboltheorien by Todorov, Tzvetan
Regime Theory and International Relations by
Johnson and Boswell: The Transit of Caledonia by Rogers, Pat
Corporate Power and Responsibility: Issues in the Theory of Company Law by Parkinson, J. E.
Economic Democracy: The Politics of Feasible Socialism by Archer, Robin
The Syntax of Negation by Haegeman, Liliane
The Verb in Contemporary English: Theory and Description by
Syntax and Parsing by Paul, Gorrell, Gorrell, Paul
Language Test Construction and Evaluation by Wall, Dianne, Alderson, J. Charles
Written Expression Disorders by Gregg, N.
Germanistik in Mittel- und Osteuropa by
Everyday Conceptions of Emotion: An Introduction to the Psychology, Anthropology and Linguistics of Emotion by
Mimologics by Genette, Gerard
Double Case: Agreement by Suffixaufnahme by
Sprachgeschichte des Neuhochdeutschen by
Kommunikative Stilistik einer sozialen Welt "kleiner Leute" in der Mannheimer Innenstadt by Keim, Inken
Controlling Technology: Ethics and the Responsible Engineer by Unger, Stephen H.
Introduction to Circuits with Electronics: An Integrated Approach by Rumin, N. C., Belanger, P. R., Adler, E. L.
Fluid Mechanics by Khan, Irfan A.
Microwave Engineering by Ishii, T. Koryu
Geotechnical Engineering & Soil Testing by Al-Khafaji, Amir Wadi, Andersland, Orlando B., Al-Khafaji, Amir W.
Introduction to Optical Fiber Communications Systems by Jones, William, Jr., Jones, Jones, William B., Jr.
Fundamentals of Hydraulic Engineering by Prasuhn, Prasuhn, Alan L.
Social Literacies: Critical Approaches to Literacy in Development, Ethnography and Education by Street, Brian V.
Excitations in Liquid and Solid Helium by Glyde, Henry R.
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory: Sequences of Independent Random Variables by Petrov, Valentin V.
DNA Cloning: A Practical Approachvolume 1: Core Techniques by
Mitla Zapotec Texts: Folklore Texts in Mexican Indian Languages 3 by
Modelling Frequency and Count Data by Lindsey, James K., Lindsey, J. K.
Frontiers of Phonology: Atoms, Structures and Derivations by Durand, Jacques, Katamba, Francis
Mitla Zapotec Texts: Folklore Texts in Mexican Indian Languages 3 by
From a Metaphorical Point of View by
Sprache des Parlaments und Semiotik der Demokratie by
Sprachhelden und Sprachverderber by Jones, William J.
DNA Cloning: A Practical Approachvolume 2: Expression Systems by
Ennead III.6 by Plotinus, Fleet, Barrie
Ellipsis: Functional Heads, Licensing, and Identification by Lobeck, Anne
An Introduction to the Celtic Languages by Russell, Paul
See More