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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2004

Einführung in die rhetorische Textanalyse by Plett, Heinrich F.
Kurze Vergleichende Grammatik Der Indogermanischen Sprachen: Auf Grund Des Fünfbändigen Grundrisses Der Vergleichenden Grammatik Der Indogermanischen by Brugmann, Karl
J 1 by
de Paris À Nuremberg: Naissance de l'Interpretation de Conférence by Jalón, Jesús Baigorri
Investigating Dickens' Style: A Collocational Analysis by Hori, M.
Prison Discourse: Language as a Means of Control and Resistance by Mayr, A.
Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis by Charteris-Black, Jonathan
Metaphor and Political Discourse: Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe by Musolff, A.
Orality: The Power of the Spoken Word by Furniss, Graham
Bakhtinian Perspectives on Language and Culture: Meaning in Language, Art and New Media by
Der Schulerwerb von Deutsch als Fremdsprache by Terrasi-Haufe, Elisabetta
The Force of Language by Lecercle, J., Riley, D.
Zwischen Monolog und Dialog by Burkhardt, Armin
Deutsche und russische Gespräche by Yakovleva, Elena
Sprachnorm und Sprachqualität im frankophonen Fernsehen von Québec by Reinke, Kristin
Diskurslexikologie und Sprachgeschichte der Computertechnologie by Busch, Albert
Translation and Bilingual Dictionaries by
Wörterbuchinterpretation: Integrative Lexikographie Am Beispiel Des Guaraní by Drude, Sebastian
Legal Translation and the Dictionary by Chromá, Marta
Historical Dictionaries and Historical Dictionary Research: Papers from the International Conference on Historical Lexicography and Lexicology, at the by
Gender Differences in English Syntax by Mondorf, Britta
Sense, Reference, and Philosophy by Katz, Jerrold J.
Germany, Europe, and the Politics of Constraint by
Braille Literacy: A Functional Approach by Wormsley, Diane P.
La formazione della struttura di frase romanza by Salvi, Giampaolo
Thomaso Porcacchis »L'isole Piu Famose del Mondo«: Zur Text- Und Wortgeschichte Der Geographie Im Cinquecento (Mit Teiledition) by Gerstenberg, Annette
Die »Anathomie« in Der »Grande Chirurgie« Des GUI de Chauliac: Wort- Und Sachgeschichtliche Untersuchungen Und Edition by Tittel, Sabine
Dialogue Analysis VIII: Understanding and Misunderstanding in Dialogue: Selected Papers from the 8th Iada Conference, Göteborg 2001 by
Regional Variation in Intonation by
Latin Classics in Medieval Hungary: Eleventh Century by Nemerkényi, Előd
A Man Left Albuquerque Heading East: Word Problems as Genre in Mathematics Education by Gerofsky, Susan
Critical Pedagogies and Language Learning by
Language Policy by Spolsky, Bernard
Language Policy by Spolsky, Bernard
Literal Meaning by Recanati, Francois
Literal Meaning by Recanati, Francois, Recanati, Franois, Recanati, Frangois
A Revolution in Language: The Problem of Signs in Late Eighteenth-Century France by Rosenfeld, Sophia
The Reason's Proper Study: Essays Towards a Neo-Fregean Philosophy of Mathematics by Hale, Bob, Wright, Crispin
Skeptical Linguistic Essays by Postal, Paul Martin
Linguistic Categorization by Taylor, John R.
First Language Acquisition: The Essential Readings by
Compositionality in Formal Semantics by Partee, Barbara H.
Sprachgeschichte. 4. Teilband by
Textual Metonymy: A Semiotic Approach by Al-Sharafi, A.
Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning by
The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book by Kreidler, Charles W.
The Pronunciation of English: A Course Book by Kreidler, Charles W.
Structuring Events: A Study in the Semantics of Lexical Aspect by Rothstein, Susan
Indefinites Type of Sets by Landman, Fred
Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication by Locher, Miriam A.
Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication by Locher, Miriam A.
Band V: K-L, 4. Lieferung (Az-Kleben Bis Koppodi) by
Einführung in das Medienmanagement by Breyer-Mayländer, Thomas
A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics by Swann, Joan, Deumert, Ana, Lillis, Theresa
A Dictionary of Sociolinguistics by Swann, Joan, Deumert, Ana, Lillis, Theresa
Grammar Sense 3: Workbook 3 Volume a by Blackwell, Angela, Davy, Karen
A History of Roget's Thesaurus: Origins, Development, and Design by Hüllen, Werner
A Structural Account of Mathematics by Chihara, Charles S.
The English Writing System by Cook, Vivian J.
Negotiation of Identities in Multilingual Contexts by
Negotiation of Identities in Multilingual Contexts by
Textlinguistik: Eine Einführende Darstellung by Adamzik, Kirsten
Anaphorisch oder deiktisch? by Consten, Manfred
Niklas Luhmanns Systemtheorie und Charles S. Peirces Zeichentheorie by Scheibmayr, Werner
Nominalisierte Infinitive by Blume, Kerstin
Studienbuch Linguistik: Ergänzt Um Ein Kapitel »Phonetik/Phonologie« Von Urs Willi by Portmann, Paul R., Linke, Angelika, Nussbaumer, Markus
Historische Semantik in den romanischen Sprachen by
Medium und Reflexiv by Kaufmann, Ingrid
Aspectos Foneticos de Las Vocales Espanolas by Monroy-Casas, Rafael
Constraints in Phonological Acquisition by Kager, Rene
Conversation With The WordMan: And Other Words on Words by Payack, Paul Jj
Directions for the Future: Issues in English for Academic Purposes by
Intransitive Predication by Stassen, Leon
Pope John XXII and His Franciscan Cardinal: Bertrand de la Tour and the Apostolic Poverty Controversy by Nold, Patrick
The Irish Literary Periodical 1923-1958 by Shovlin, Frank
Language Change by Beard, Adrian
Der Dialog bei Ramon Llull by Friedlein, Roger
Das Interview in der französischen Presse by Kött, Martin
Dynamics of Viscous Compressible Fluids by Feireisl, Eduard
Pronouns by Bhat, D. N. S.
Namenwelten by
The Learner's Kanji Dictionary by Hadamitzky, Wolfgang, Spahn, Mark
Silence in Second Language Learning: A Psychoanalytic Reading by Granger, Colette A.
Discourse and Technology: Multimodal Discourse Analysis by
Silence in Second Language Acquistion: A Psychoanalytic Reading by Granger, Colette A.
Silence in Second Language Acquisition: A Psychoanalytic Reading by Granger, Colette A.
Corpus Approaches to Critical Metaphor Analysis by Charteris-Black, Jonathan
Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts by Field, John
Zur Geschichte Der Gleichung Germanisch - Deutsch: Sprache Und Namen, Geschichte Und Institutionen by
Globalisation and African Languages by
Phonetic Interpretation: Papers in Laboratory Phonology VI by
Cognitive Linguistics by Croft, William, Cruse, D. Alan
Cognitive Linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, and Foreign Language Teaching by
Cognitive Linguistics by Croft, William, Cruse, Alan, Cruse, D. Alan
The Machinery of Talk: Charles Peirce and the Sign Hypothesis by Freadman, Anne
The Machinery of Talk: Charles Peirce and the Sign Hypothesis by Freadman, Anne
Ethical Argument: Critical Thinking in Ethics by Curtler, Hugh Mercer
Thüring von Ringoltingen: Melusine. Aus dem Frühneuhochdeutschen übertragen ins Neuhochdeutsche von Gerhard Wahle by Wahle, Gerhard
Liars and Heaps: New Essays on Paradox by
Spinoza's Heresy: Immortality and the Jewish Mind by Nadler, Steven M.
Psycholinguistics: The Key Concepts by Field, John
Autopsy of a Suicidal Mind by Collins, Judy, Shneidman, Edwin S.
Philosophical Languages in the Seventeenth Century: Dalgarno, Wilkins, Leibniz by Maat, Jaap
Peripheries: Syntactic Edges and Their Effects by
The Italian Language Today by Lepschy, Anna Laura, Lepschy, Guilio
Language and Politics by Chomsky, Noam
The Use of Πας in the New Testament by Johnston, J. Willian
Markets from Culture: Institutional Logics and Organizational Decisions in Higher Education Publishing by Thornton, Patricia H.
Kinship and Behavior in Primates by Chapais, Bernard, Berman, Carol M.
The Aryan Origin of the Alphabet: Disclosing the Sumero Phoenician Parentage of our Letters Ancient and Modern by Waddell, L. Austine
A Practical Grammar of the Sanskrit Language Arranged With Reference to the Classical Languages of Europe for the Use of English Students by Williams, Monier
Nations, Language and Citizenship by Berdichevsky, Norman
Four English Vocabularies to Spell: Facing Spelling as Student and Teacher by Hoffman, Melvin J.
Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to More Than 400 Languages by Dalby, Andrew
Auxiliation: An Enquiry Into the Nature of Grammaticalization by Kuteva, Tania
The Noun Phrase by Rijkhoff, J.
A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries: Volume I: 1567-1784 by Coleman, Julie
Allusion to the Poets by Ricks, Christopher
A History of English Negation by Mazzon, Gabriella
Bayesian Epistemology by Bovens, Luc, Hartmann, Stephan
The Unaccusativity Puzzle: Explorations of the Syntax-Lexicon Interface by
The Language Revolution: Sex and Violence by Crystal, David
Namengebung und Namenverhalten im Spanien der 70er Jahre by Hafner, Ute
Lernerlexikographie: syntagmatisch by Hollós, Zita
Persuasion by Ortak, Nuri
The Motives of Eloquence by Lanham, Richard A.
Age, Accent and Experience in Second Language Acquisition by Moyer, Alene
Fossilization in Adult Second Lang.Acqui by Han, Zhaohong
Age, Accent and Experience in Second Language Acquisition by Moyer, Alene
Gendered Discourses by Sunderland, J.
Sociocultural Contexts of Language and Literacy by
The Language of Schooling: A Functional Linguistics Perspective by Schleppegrell, Schleppegrell, Mary J.
Riedmatte-Rübenschese by
2003 by
Introduction to Parallel Computing by Petersen, W. P., Arbenz, P.
The Divine Lawmaker: Lectures on Induction, Laws of Nature, and the Existence of God by Foster, John
Apuleius: A Latin Sophist by Harrison, S. J.
The Wasting Heroine in German Fiction by Women 1770-1914 by Richards, Anna
The Language of Schooling: A Functional Linguistics Perspective by Schleppegrell, Mary J.
Perspektivität und Sprache by Köller, Wilhelm
The Syntax and Semantics of the Left Periphery by
Himalayan Languages: Past and Present by
Text Types and the History of English by Görlach, Manfred
A Century of Theological and Religious Studies in Britain by
The Development of the Greek Language by Moleas, Wendy
Allusions in the Press: An Applied Linguistic Study by Lennon, Paul
A Sociolinguistic History of Parisian French by Lodge, Anthony, Lodge, R. Anthony
Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems by
Handbook of Philosophical Logic by
Language Change and Sociolinguistics: Rethinking Social Networks by Marshall, Jonathan
Wissenskommunikation in Organisationen: Methoden - Instrumente - Theorien by
The Magic Prism: An Essay in the Philosophy of Language by Wettstein, Howard K.
The Cute and the Cool: Wondrous Innocence and Modern American Children's Culture by Cross, Gary
Rex Barks: Diagramming Sentences Made Easy by Davenport, Phyllis
The Decay of a Language: The Case of a German Dialect in the Italian Alps by Dal Negro, Silvia
Language Rights and Language Survival: Sociolinguistic and Sociocultural Perspectives by Freeland, Jane, Patrick, Donna
Gotische Grammatik: Mit Lesestücken Und Wörterverzeichnis by Braune, Wilhelm
II by
Symmetrie bei Schriftsystemen by Wiebelt, Alexandra
The Syntax and Semantics of Split Constructions: A Comparative Study by Butler, A., Mathieu, E.
Bilingual Aesthetics: A New Sentimental Education by Sommer, Doris
The Syntax of Anaphora by Safir, Kenneth J., Safir, Ken
The Syntax of Anaphora by Safir, Kenneth J., Safir, Ken
Greek Literature and the Roman Empire: The Politics of Imitation by Whitmarsh, Tim
Ancient Worlds, Modern Reflections: Philosophical Perspectives on Greek and Chinese Science and Culture by Lloyd, Geoffrey E. R., Lloyd, G. E. R., Lloyd, Geoffrey
Prolegomena to Ethics by Green, T. H., Green, Thomas Hill
A History of Water Rights at Common Law by Getzler, Joshua
Curiosity and the Aesthetics of Travel Writing, 1770-1840: From an Antique Land' by Leask, Nigel
Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Languages and Intercultural Communication by
Privacy and the Press by Rozenberg, Joshua
Leviathan After 350 Years by
The Modern Poet: Poetry, Academia, and Knowledge Since the 1750s by Crawford, Robert
El castellano de Cataluña by Sinner, Carsten
Universal Grammar in Second-Language Acquisition: A History by Thomas, Margaret
Luxury and Public Happiness in the Italian Enlightenment by Wahnbaeck, Till, Wahnbaeck, T.
Zwischen Tradition und Wandel by Becker, Martin G.
Linearization of Chains and Sideward Movement by Nunes, Jairo
Medical and Scientific Writing in Late Medieval English by
Français populaire im siècle classique: Untersuchungen auf der Grundlage der Agréables Conférences de deux paysans de Saint-Ouen et de Montmorency sur by Birk, Jana
Hard-Science Linguistics by
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis by
Systemic Functional Linguistics and Critical Discourse Analysis by
Die Fr Hgeschichte Der Mittelalterlichen Medizinischen Fachsprache Im Deutschen: Bd 1: Untersuchungen. Bd 2: W Rterbuch by Riecke, Jarg, Riecke, J. Rg, Riecke, Jorg
Jetzt sind wir dran was jetzt geschieht geschieht uns. by Schnell, Martine
Multidisciplinary Approaches to Language Production by
The Generative Enterprise Revisited: Discussions with Riny Huybregts, Henk Van Riemsdijk, Naoki Fukui and Mihoko Zushi by Chomsky, Noam
Studies in the History of the English Language II: Unfolding Conversations by
Handlungssprache und Sprechhandlung by Harras, Gisela
Investigating Dickens' Style: A Collocational Analysis by Hori, M.
Language of Early Childhood by Halliday, M. a. K.
Autokommunikation: Selbstanrede ALS Abweichungs- Bzw. Parallelphänomen Der Kommunikation by Schorno, Christian
Ecological Orbits: How Planets Move and Populations Grow by Colyvan, Mark, Ginzburg, Lev
La Formazione Delle Parole in Italiano by
New Perspectives on CALL for Second Language Classrooms by
A Descriptive and Comparative Grammar of Western Old Japanese: Part 1: Phonology, Script, Lexicon and Nominals by Vovin, Alexander
When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People: How to Avoid Common Errors in English by Batko, Ann
Arbitrary Power: Romanticism, Language, Politics by Keach, William
New Insights into Foreign Language Learning and Teaching by
The Linguistics of History by Harris, Roy
Primitivism, Science, and the Irish Revival by Garrigan Mattar, Sinéad
See More