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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2018

Demystifying Meaning: Structuralism vs. Behaviorism by Chihab, Mohammed
Writing Research Papers Using Mendeley-A Hand Book by Suseendran, Dr G.
'Other' Psychology of Julian Jaynes: Ancient Languages, Sacred Visions, and Forgotten Mentalities by McVeigh, Brian J.
2018 Memories by Marshall
Interactional Linguistics by Selting, Margret, Couper-Kuhlen, Elizabeth
Rezeption und Verständlichkeit fremdsprachlicher Elemente. Werbeanzeigen im Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Spanien by B, Madeleine
Indiscipline in Young Efl Learner Classes by Kuloheri, Foteini-Vassiliki
Origins of Human Language: Continuities and Discontinuities with Nonhuman Primates by
Wissenstransfer und Popularisierung: Ausgewaehlte Beitraege der Tagung Germanistische Forschungen zum Text (GeFoText) in Vaasa by
Stilistische Funktionen Von Mehrdeutigkeit in Deutschen Werbetexten by Skerlavaj, Tanja
Translating Popular Fiction: Embracing Otherness in Japanese Translations by Nohara, Kayoko
Diccionario de Marcadores Discursivos Para Estudiantes de Español Como Segunda Lengua by Holgado Lage, Anais
Interprofessional interactions at the hospital: Nurses' requests and reports of problems in calls with physicians by Sterie, Anca-Cristina
Sguardi linguistici sulla marca: Analisi morfosintattica dei nomi commerciali in italiano by Janner, Maria Chiara
Argumentieren: Grundlagen einer unverzichtbaren sprachlichen Handlung by Herbig, Albert F.
Der Erwerb von Relativsätzen im Deutschen by Haberland, Frank
Semantic and Structural Types of English Compounds in Novels by Cakir, Incinur
Writing Practice Kindergarten Level 1: 3 years to 4 years + by Gafur, M. A.
Writing Practice Level 2: 6 years to 7 years old by Gafur, M. A.
The MS Digby 133 «Mary Magdalene»: Beyond Scribal Practices: Language, Discourse, Values and Attitudes by Maci, Stefania M.
Writing Practice Level 1: 5 years old to 6 years old by Gafur, M. A.
Verhältnis von Sprache, Emotion und Gefühl. Emotionalisierung von Konsumenten und Rezipienten im Wellness-Diskurs by Schönbach, Nicole
Zum bilingualen Kanada und Individuum versus Gesellschaft. Ein Vergleich von Frankophonie und Anglophonie in Ontario und Quebec by Exner, Jaqueline
Modalität im Sprachwandel. Grammatikalisierung der Modalverben im Deutschen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Verbpaares "müssen/sollen" by Smirnova, Dariya
Sollin Kathai by Varadarajan, Mu
Writing Practice Kindergarten Level 2: 4 Years to 5 Years + by Gafur, M. A.
Learner Autonomy in Second Language Pedagogy and Research: Challenges and Issues by Schwienhorst, Klaus
Unaccompanied Children: Care and Protection in Wars, Natural Disasters, and Refugee Movements Reprint of the 1988 edition by Boothby, Neil, Steinbock, Daniel J., Ressler, Everett M.
Ubiquitous Translation by Blumczynski, Piotr
Representations of the World in Language Textbooks by Risager, Karen
Representations of the World in Language Textbooks by Risager, Karen
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure (2nd Edition) by Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew
Racialized Identities in Second Language Learning: Speaking Blackness in Brazil by Anya, Uju
Visualize Your Vocabulary: Turn Any SAT/ACT Word into a Picture and Remember It Forever by Gardner, Shayne
Thema Jugendsprache im Fach Deutsch: Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung einer Unterrichtsstunde by Kuhlmann, Anna
The Ecstasies of Roland Barthes by Wiseman, Mary Bittner
Essays in Modern Stylistics by
Speech Acts and Literary Theory by Petrey, Sandy
Sprachverarbeitung im Zweitspracherwerb by
Le français parlé informel by Horváth, Márton Gergely
Memorization and the Compound-Phrase Distinction: An Investigation of Complex Constructions in German, French and English by Schlechtweg, Marcel
Syntactic Structures After 60 Years: The Impact of the Chomskyan Revolution in Linguistics by
The Conspiracy of the Text: The Place of Narrative in the Development of Thought by Adams, Jeff
Critical Reading among English Department's Students in Learning by Emhemmed, Amna
Online Hate Speech in the European Union: A Discourse-Analytic Perspective by Millar, Sharon, Assimakopoulos, Stavros, Baider, Fabienne H.
Order and structure in syntax I by
Order and structure in syntax II by
Exercise Book Especially Made for Japanese Calligraphy by Bertin, Valerie-Anne
Inheritance and Innovation in a Colonial Language: Towards a Usage-Based Account of French Guianese Creole by Jennings, William, Pfänder, Stefan
Towards Post-Native-Speakerism: Dynamics and Shifts by
The Oxford Handbook of the Word by
Factors Affecting the Level of English Proficiency: A Case Study among Undergraduate Students of the International Islamic University Malaysia by Abdul Rahman, Nazurah
Blurt, Master Constable: or, The Spaniard's Night Walk by Dekker, Thomas, Middleton, Thomas
Ist Spanglish eine Sprachvarietät oder Code-Switching?: Ein kontrastiver Vergleich der Ansichten von Ilan Stavans und Laura Callahan im Hinblick auf l by Anonymous
Learner Identity and Learner Beliefs in EFL Writing by Majchrzak, Olga
Queering Masculinities in Language and Culture by
A Brief History of the Verb to Be by Moro, Andrea
Simple Phonetic English Spelling by Kiisk, Allan
(Beute - Brett) by
Wort- Und Sachregister Zu Akkadische Fremdwörter ALS Beweis Für Babylonischen Kultureinfluss by Zimmern, Heinrich
Books Are Not Life But Then What Is? by Mudrick, Marvin
The Keys to Freedom: Tolstoyan Lessons of Life for Every Day, Volume II by Richmond, Walter
Difficulties of the English Language for Arabic People: A Psycholinguistic Approach by Mohammed, Sulaiman
Language as Hermeneutic: A Primer on the Word and Digitization by Ong, Walter J.
Language, Politics and Society in the Middle East: Essays in Honour of Yasir Suleiman by
Language as Hermeneutic: A Primer on the Word and Digitization by Ong, Walter J.
Kanji Alchemy I: A Strategy for Reading Japanese Characters by Nap, Harry
The Gist of Reading by Elfenbein, Andrew
The Language of Thought in Late Medieval Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Claude Panaccio by
English Usage Guides: History, Advice, Attitudes by
An Introduction to English Morphology: Words and Their Structure (2nd Edition) by Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew
The Gist of Reading by Elfenbein, Andrew
Sociolinguistics in England by
Intercultural Communicative Competence for Global Citizenship: Identifying Cyberpragmatic Rules of Engagement in Telecollaboration by Lee, Fiona, Orsini-Jones, Marina
The Multilingual Edge of Education by
The Sociolinguistics of Hip-Hop as Critical Conscience: Dissatisfaction and Dissent by
Communicating Across Cultures and Languages in the Health Care Setting: Voices of Care by Penn, Claire, Watermeyer, Jennifer
Wortbildungsstrukturen ALS Wegweiser Beim Dekodieren: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Zum Erschließen Komplexer Wörter in Jahrgang 5 by Bangel, Melanie
Analyse eines Zeitungskommentars mit Karrikatur by Kermec, Janine
People in Quandaries: The Semantics of Personal Adjustment by Johnson, Wendell
Indian Alphabet: Calligraphic History and Mystic Function of the Brahmi Writing System by Jackson, Mark
Die verkörperte Kognitionshypothese. Ist die Sprachbildung mit dem sensorischen und mit dem motorischen System des menschlichen Körpers verbunden? by Haase, Franziska
Linguistic and Cultural Innovation in Schools: The Languages Challenge by Spiro, Jane, Crisfield, Eowyn
Sprachliches Handeln und Kognition by
Invisibilising Austrian German: On the Effect of Linguistic Prescriptions and Educational Reforms on Writing Practices in 18th-Century Austria by Havinga, Anna Dorothea
Sprache und (Post)Kolonialismus by
Trends in Iranian and Persian Linguistics by
Expanding the Lexicon: Linguistic Innovation, Morphological Productivity, and Ludicity by
Cognitive Pragmatics: Mindreading, Inferences, Consciousness by Mazzone, Marco
Kommunikation in Metin2. Eine linguistische Untersuchung des Sprachgebrauchs in MMORPG-Chats by Huremovic, Mevludin
Premiers éléments pour une lexicogrammaire de la ponctuation bretonne by Haloj, Karl
Oxford Handbook of Eating Disorders by
Direction of Arrival Estimation and Localization of Multi-Speech Sources by Dey, Nilanjan, Ashour, Amira S.
Inklusion am Theater: Uebertitel zwischen Aesthetik und Translation by Mälzer, Nathalie, Wünsche, Maria
Exploring Silence and Absence in Discourse: Empirical Approaches by
Visual and Linguistic Representations of Places of Origin: An Interdisciplinary Analysis by Pozzato, Maria Pia
Pronouns in Literature: Positions and Perspectives in Language by
Translation as Citation by Saussy, Haun
Jugendsprache in Buenos Aires. Das Phänomenen des Sprachwandels aus lexikologischer Sicht by Mittermüller, Julia
Verbal-Nominal-Komposita im Italienischen by Leschhorn, Victoria
Second Russian Reader: Bilingual for Speakers of English by Zubakhin, Vadim
Mehrsprachigkeit. Die Auswirkungen im frühen Kindesalter auf die Sprachentwicklung und Sprachproduktion des Kindes by Weihrauch, Bianca
The Routledge Handbook of Hispanic Applied Linguistics by
German-Australian Encounters and Cultural Transfers: Global Dynamics in Transnational Lands by
Conflict, Co-Operation and the Rhetoric of Coalition Government by Atkins, Judi
Technolingualism: The Mind and the Machine by Pfrehm, James
The Essential Hyland: Studies in Applied Linguistics by Hyland, Ken
Philosophy of Language by Miller, Alexander
Constructions of Migrant Integration in British Public Discourse: Becoming British by Bennett, Sam
The Tyranny of Writing: Ideologies of the Written Word by
Revisiting the Assessment of Second Language Abilities: From Theory to Practice by
Further Advances in Pragmatics and Philosophy: Part 1 from Theory to Practice by
Populist Discourse in Venezuela and the United States: American Unexceptionalism and Political Identity Formation by Savage, Ritchie
Bilingualer Sachunterricht in der Primarstufe: Möglichkeiten der Umsetzung im Rahmen bilingualer Schulkonzepte by Thiemann, Kerstin
The Unmasking of English Dictionaries by Dixon, R. M. W.
Foreign Language Learning Anxiety in China: Theories and Applications in English Language Teaching by He, Deyuan
Revisiting Metaphors in International Relations Theory by Marks, Michael P.
Written Corrective Feedback for L2 Development: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Guo, Qi
Writing Words in Wary Worlds: World Wide Improved Spellings of Native America Languages by Miller Phd, Jay
Der Sprachwandel des Konjunktivs vom Althochdeutschen bis ins Neuhochdeutsche by Fetter, Kira
Arabic Language and Its Linguistics: Linguistic Concerns by N. U. Ahmed
Multibiometric Watermarking with Compressive Sensing Theory: Techniques and Applications by Dwivedi, Vedvyas J., Borisagar, Komal R., Thanki, Rohit M.
Philosophy of Language by Miller, Alexander
Quantitative Semiotic Analysis by
Person, Case, and Agreement: The Morphosyntax of Inverse Agreement and Global Case Splits by Barany, Andras
Semantics, Stylistics & Pedagogics by Prakasam, V., Abbi, Anvita
From Vocal Poetry to Song: Towards a Theory of Song Objects by Surmont, Jean Nicolas de
Der Einfluss der kognitiven Linguistik in den traditionellen Ansätzen: Inwiefern hat sich die kognitiven Linguistik auf die Erklärungsansätze zum Pass by Smirnova, Dariya
Vocabulary in a Snap: 100+ Lessons for Secondary Instruction (Teaching Vocabulary to Middle and High School Students with Quick and Easy Voc by Peery, Angela B.
Notes Sur Quelques Faits Gotiques by Meillet, Antoine
L'Orphelin de la Chine, Tragédie Représentée Pour La Première Fois À Paris, Le 20 Août 1755 by Voltaire
Cours Classique Et Raisonné de Langue Française Avec Questionnaire: Grammaire Syntaxique Ou Complémentaire by Guerrier de Haupt, Adrien
Essai d'Unité Linguistique Raisonnée Ou de la Philosophie Du Verbe Dans La Trinité Catholique by Bouzeran, Joseph
Tropical Tongues: Language Ideologies, Endangerment, and Minority Languages in Belize by Gómez Menjívar, Jennifer Carolina, Salmon, William Noel
Human Language Technologies for Under-Resourced African Languages: Design, Challenges, and Prospects by
Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics by
Morphologies of Asia and Africa: Volume 2 by Kaye, Alan S.
Morphologies of Asia and Africa: Volume 1 by Kaye, Alan S.
Reflections on Psycholinguistic Theories: Raiding the Inarticulate by Duffield, Nigel
Semantics, Pragmatics and Meaning Revisited: The Case of Conditionals by Sztencel, Magdalena
Untersuchungen zu Partikelverben mit "an" im Deutschen. Das strukturelle und semantische Puzzle by Zheng, Duanzhuang
The Pleasures of Melancholy; a Poem by Warton, Thomas
Sprachwandel im Deutschen by
Relational Semantics and the Anatomy of Abstraction by Sovran, Tamar
Primitive Elements of Grammatical Theory: Papers by Jean-Roger Vergnaud and His Collaborators by
Diskurs, Wissen, Sprache by
Multimodal Analysis in Academic Settings: From Research to Teaching by
The Conceptualization of Counterfactuality in L1 and L2: Grammatical Devices and Semantic Implications in French, Spanish and Italian by Repiso, Isabel
English Language: Description, Variation and Context by
Letters to the Inhabitants of Northumberland and its Neighborhood, on Subjects Interesting to the Author, and to Them by Kennedy, Andrew, Priestley, Joseph
Leonora by Cameron, Julia Margaret Pattle, Bürger, Gottfried August, Maclise, Daniel
Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts by
Everyday Language and Everyday Life by Hoggart, Richard
Formal Approach to the Metaphysics of Perspectives: Points of View as Access by Colomina-Almiñana, Juan J.
Contemporary Stylistics: Language, Cognition, Interpretation by Gibbons, Alison, Whiteley, Sara
English Made in America: A Guide Through Everyday American English by Montoya, Edgar
Tracing Language Movement in Africa by
Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review by
Pragmatic Aspects of Scalar Modifiers: The Semantics-Pragmatics Interface by Sawada, Osamu
Emergence of Communication in Socio-Biological Networks by Berea, Anamaria
Logical Form: Between Logic and Natural Language by Iacona, Andrea
The Identity of the Professional Interpreter: How Professional Identities Are Constructed in the Classroom by Runcieman, Alan James
Corpus Approaches to Discourse: A Critical Review by
Stellungsvariationen des Negationspartikels "nicht" in der Lernersprache: Eine Analyse von Texten russischer und polnischer Muttersprachler aus dem ME by Prutskova, Irina
The Fall Of British Tyranny: Or, American Liberty Triumphant, A Tragi-comedy [signed Dick Rifle] by Leacock, John
Homophones: Sonic Wonders: H Ä M- ? - Fon Hom = Same Phone = Sound by Reinholds, Joyce
Political Economy and Sociolinguistics: Neoliberalism, Inequality and Social Class by Block, David
Southern Min: Comparative Phonology and Subgrouping by Kwok, Bit-Chee
The Language of Brexit: How Britain Talked Its Way Out of the European Union by Buckledee, Steve
Institutional Translation for International Governance: Enhancing Quality in Multilingual Legal Communication by
A Vocabulary Persian Arabic And English: Containing Such Words As Have Been Adopted From The Two Former Of Those Languages, And Incorporated Into The by Kirkpatrick, William
History, Features, and Typology of Language Corpora by Dash, Niladri Sekhar, Arulmozi, S.
Translating Culture Specific References on Television: The Case of Dubbing by Ranzato, Irene
Multilingualism in the Chinese Diaspora Worldwide: Transnational Connections and Local Social Realities by
Explorations in Maximizing Syntactic Minimization by Kitahara, Hisatsugu, Seely, T. Daniel, Epstein, Samuel D.
Phonology, Fieldwork and Generalizations by
Global Portuguese: Linguistic Ideologies in Late Modernity by
Gender Representation in Learning Materials: International Perspectives by
Stories, Meaning, and Experience: Narrativity and Enaction by Popova, Yanna B.
Language Planning in the Post-Communist Era: The Struggles for Language Control in the New Order in Eastern Europe, Eurasia and China by
From Conversation to Oral Tradition: A Simplest Systematics for Oral Traditions by Person, Raymond F.
Sprachliche Förderung im Fachunterricht in Bezug auf den Zweitspracherwerb: Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze des sprachsensiblen Fachunterrichts by Cyrulik, Kamila
Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis by McMurtrie, Robert J., Ravelli, Louise J.
Die Wahrheitsfähigkeit von Sätzen der propositionalen Einstellung. Wittgenstein, Quine und Priest by Dörnte, Christian
"Mein Name ist Johanna, aber ich werde Jojo genannt." Eine Untersuchung von Rufnamen und den daraus gebildeten Spitznamen by März, Käthe
Historische Entwicklung der Textlinguistik und der textlinguistischen Textualitätskriterien by Bittner, Anika Marie
The New American Latin Grammar, Or, a Complete Introduction to the Latin Tongue: Formed From the Most Approved Writings in This Kind, by the Late Pres by Rigg, Edward
Feeling It: Language, Race, and Affect in Latinx Youth Learning by
Introduction to Multilingualism Otl P by Coulmas
"Edward" and "Sven I Rosengård": A Study in the Dissemination of a Ballad by Taylor, Archer
Research Methods in Second Language Psycholinguistics by Jegerski, Jill, VanPatten, Bill
Assessing EFL Writing in the 21st Century Arab World: Revealing the Unknown by
Blending Technologies in Second Language Classrooms by Hinkelman, Don
Measures of Language Proficiency in Censuses and Surveys: A Comparative Analysis and Assessment by Ó. Riagáin, Pádraig
Language Disturbances in Adulthood: New Advances from the Neurolinguistics Perspective by Mansur, Leticia Lessa, Radanovic, Marcia
Ideophones and the Evolution of Language by Haiman, John
The Dramatick Works of John Dryden, Esq: Secret Love: Or, the Maiden Queen. Sir Martin Mar-All; Or, the Feign'd Innocence. the Tempest: Or, the Enchan by Anonymous
Ideologičeskie Konteksty Russkoj Kultury XIX-XX Bb. I Poetika Perevoda by
Is English Changing? by Kleinedler, Steve
Studying Dialect by Penhallurick, Rob
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