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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2021

Alphabet Trace The Letters and Sight Words On the ga: The Perfect Kindergarten and Preschoolers - Letter Tracing Handwriting Workbook for Pre K, Kinde by Publications, Modern
Licorne Livre de coloriage: Enfants 4-8 ans; Fun Coloriage pour les préadolescents, les enfants et les filles, avec des dessins Licornes by Jacques, Jérémie
Fedorov's Introduction to Translation Theory by
Macau's Languages in Society and Education: Planning in a Multilingual Ecology by Moody, Andrew J.
Linguistic Tactics and Strategies of Marginalization in Japanese by
The Development of the Bulgarian Literary Language: From Incunabula to First Grammars, Late Fifteenth - Early Seventeenth Century by Petrov, Ivan N.
Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Issues in Linguistics by
Thai-English Picture Book: Thai Consonants, Vowels, 4 Tone Marks, Numbers & Activity Book For Kids Thai Language Learning by B, Alisscia
Learn Seasons, Months of the Year, Days of the Week in Urdu by Huma, Zille
Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics by
En arabe... je t'aime: Brève introduction aux lettres et sons arabes by Benferhat M. a., Thouria
Classical Ethiopic: A Grammar of Gəˁəz by Tropper, Josef, Hasselbach-Andee, Rebecca
Discourses of Perfection: Representing Cosmetic Procedures and Beauty Products in UK Lifestyle Magazines by Hermans, Anne-Mette
China's Contemporary Image and Rhetoric Practice by
The Poetry of Cao Zhi by Cutter, Robert Joe
The Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language Pronunciation: Segments and Prosody by
Diachrony, Synchrony, and Typology of Tense and Aspect in Old Japanese by Watanabe, Kazuha
Intermediate Ancient Greek Language by Palmer, Darryl
Chinese Stories for Language Learners: A Treasury of Proverbs and Folktales in Bilingual Chinese and English (Online Audio Recordings Included) by Ling, Vivian, Wang, Peng
Alphabet tracing coloring book for preschoolers ages 3_6: Activity book for toddlers, Animals designs and Letters tracing by Anazour, Asafou Aghbalou
Kommunikative Rekonstruktion in Der Theaterpause: Eine Gattungsanalyse Von Pausengesprächen Im Theater by Schlinkmann, Eva
Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations by
Educating Adolescent Newcomers in the Superdiverse Midwest: Multilingual Students in English-Centric Contexts by Seilstad, Brian
Chronotopes and Migration: Language, Social Imagination, and Behavior by Karimzad, Farzad, Catedral, Lydia
The Performance of Multilingual and 'Ultralingual' Devotional Practices by Young British Muslims by Rosowsky, Andrey
Educating Adolescent Newcomers in the Superdiverse Midwest: Multilingual Students in English-Centric Contexts by Seilstad, Brian
My First Toddler Coloring Book: Fun with Numbers, Letters, Shapes, Colors, & Animals: (Big Activity Workbook for Toddlers & Kids Ages 1-5, with 150 si by Activity, Kids
Epistemologies of Rape and Revelation by Bade, David
Latin in Modern Fiction: Who Says It's a Dead Language? by Hoffmann, Henryk
Corpus Approaches to the Language of Sports: Texts, Media, Modalities by
Graphic Politics in Eastern India: Script and the Quest for Autonomy by Choksi, Nishaant
Digital Pedagogies and the Transformation of Language Education by
Translating Trans Identity: (Re)Writing Undecidable Texts and Bodies by Rose, Emily
Dua Libro de l' Lingvo Internacia: Dro ESPERANTO by Zamenhof, L. L.
Vasishtha Shiksha: A Treatise on the Sanskrit Alphabet by Freund, Peter F.
Local Theories of Argument by
Technology and the Psychology of Second Language Learners and Users by
Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence--Nlpinai 2020 by
Voice up!: Dein Guide für eine wirkungsvollere Stimme by Schick, Claudia
Literacy: Practice your writing with this beautiful book. by Guimarães, Daiane Cintia
Language Contact in Nepal: A Study on Language Use and Attitudes by Gautam, Bhim Lal
The Ultimate Alphabet & Numbers Coloring Activity Workbook For Kindergarteners: Learn The Alphabet, Learn To Count, Letter And Number Tracing Coloring by Funotez
Dot Markers Activity Book ABC Alphabet & Animals: Dot Coloring Book For Kids, & Toddlers Preschool, Easy Guided BIG DOTS by Wings, Golden
Креативный потенциал яз& by Fateeva, Natalia
Cognitive Linguistics and Religious Language: An Introduction by Richardson, Peter, Pihlaja, Stephen, Mueller, Charles M.
Cognitive Linguistics and Religious Language: An Introduction by Richardson, Peter, Mueller, Charles M., Pihlaja, Stephen
Handwriting Practice Workbook for Kids: Tracing, Coloring, Sight words and Sentences (Large Print Edition) by Collection, Handwriting Workbooks
O'zbek tilida faol so'z yasalishi va muallif neologizmlari by Asadov, To'lqin, Mardonova, Sarvinoz
Letter tracing coloring book: Activity for learning tracing & coloring the alphabets/Little learners adorable and educational coloring book/Great gi (Large Print Edition) by Publisher, Design Cotage
Trace Letters: Alphabet Handwriting Practice workbook 150 pages: for kids Preschool writing Workbook with Sight words for Pre K, Kind by Messallek, Youssef
Kulturwissenschaftlich-interkulturelle Linguistik: Kommunikationstheoretische Grundlegungen, interkulturelle Dimensionen und fremdsprachendidaktische by Künkel, Veronika Elisabeth
Aspekte multimodaler Kurzformen: Kurztexte und multimodale Kurzformen im oeffentlichen Raum by
English in China: Language, Identity and Culture by Fong, Emily Tsz Yan
Destructive Storytelling: Disinformation and the Eurosceptic Myth That Shaped Brexit by Henkel, Imke
Corpora in Esp/Eap Writing Instruction: Preparation, Exploitation, Analysis by
Peer-Gespraeche in der Schule: Beobachtungen zum muendlichen Sprachgebrauch im Spannungsfeld zwischen Institution und Identitaetsentwicklung im Jugend by Könning, Benjamin
Dual Language Development & Disorders: A Handbook on Bilingualism and Second Language Learning by Crago, Martha, Paradis, Johanne, Genesee, Fred
Historical Linguistics, Fourth Edition: An Introduction by Campbell, Lyle
Reflexiones Glotopolíticas Desde Y Hacia América Y Europa by
Chinese: An Essential Grammar by Rimmington, Don, Po-Ching, Yip
Linguistic Discrimination in Us Higher Education: Power, Prejudice, Impacts, and Remedies by
Bringing Linguistics Into the Spanish Language Classroom: A Teacher's Guide by Hochberg, Judy
Project-Based Learning in Second Language Acquisition: Building Communities of Practice in Higher Education by
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Politics by
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Superdiversity by
Academic Irregularities: Language and Neoliberalism in Higher Education by Sauntson, Helen, Morrish, Liz
Design Perspectives on Multimodal Documents: System, Medium, and Genre Relations by Lickiss, Matthew David
Megawords: 200 Terms You Really Need to Know by Osborne, Richard
Prosodic Syntax in Chinese by Shengli, Feng
Tudor Translation in Theory and Practice by Morini, Massimiliano
Language and Culture in Dialogue by Stewart, Pamela J., Strathern, Andrew J.
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish in the Global City by
The Semiotics of Movement in Space by McMurtrie, Robert James
Blended Basic Language Courses: Design, Pedagogy, and Implementation by Anderson, Hope M.
Nationalism, Language, and Identity in India: Measures of Community by Kumar, A. P. Ashwin
The Philosophy and Science of Language: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Understanding Abstract Concepts across Modes in Multimodal Discourse: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach by Górska, Elżbieta
The Religious Rhetoric of U.S. Presidential Candidates: A Corpus Linguistics Approach to the Rhetorical God Gap by Vincent, Arnaud
Formalism and Functionalism in Linguistics: The Engineer and the Collector by Thomas, Margaret
Sociology Through Literature: A Study of Kaaroor's Stories by Pillai, S. Devadas
Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World by
Language Variation and Language Change Across the Lifespan: Theoretical and Empirical Perspectives from Panel Studies by
Chinese: An Essential Grammar by Po-Ching, Yip, Rimmington, Don
The History of Voice Pedagogy: Multidisciplinary Reflections on Training by
Using Computers in the Translation of Literary Style: Challenges and Opportunities by Youdale, Roy
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture by
Critical Discourse Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Power in Language by Statham, Simon
Critical Discourse Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Power in Language by Statham, Simon
The Analysis of Legal Cases: A Narrative Approach by Di Donato, Flora
Bilingual Parent Participation in a Divided School Community by Menard-Warwick, Julia
Rarely Used Structures and Lesser-Studied Languages: Insights from the Margins by Manetta, Emily
The Changing Role of the Interpreter: Contextualising Norms, Ethics and Quality Standards by
Multilingual Brazil: Language Resources, Identities and Ideologies in a Globalized World by
Studying Scientific Metaphor in Translation by Shuttleworth, Mark
The Politics of Translingualism: After Englishes by Won Lee, Jerry
Emoticons, Kaomoji, and Emoji: The Transformation of Communication in the Digital Age by
The House of the Net: The Magical Symbolism of the Hieroglyphs by Berg, Wendy
Linguistic Discrimination in Us Higher Education: Power, Prejudice, Impacts, and Remedies by
Bringing Linguistics Into the Spanish Language Classroom: A Teacher's Guide by Hochberg, Judy
Phrasal verbs by Zulkhumor, Mahmudova
Text Analysis with R: For Students of Literature by Jockers, Matthew L., Thalken, Rosamond
Studies in Language and Information by Perry, John
Alphabet Book: My ABC 101: Animals Starting With ..... by Katelyn, Jessie
New Perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew by
Norman Gnome Knows All Of The ABC's! by Griffis B. S. Ed, Roberta M.
At Home in the Language of the Soul: Exploring Jungian Discourse and Psyche's Grammar of Transformation by Evetts-Secker, Josephine
Redefining Tandem Language and Culture Learning in Higher Education by
The Discourse of Perceived Discrimination: Perspectives from Contemporary Australian Society by Rojas-Lizana, Sol
The Aesthetics and Politics of Linguistic Borders: Multilingualism in Northern European Literature by
Contours of the Flesh: The Semiotics of Pain by Juschka, Darlene M.
New Perspectives in Biblical and Rabbinic Hebrew by
Readalong with me: Student's Book by Dickenson, Julian
Critical Pragmatic Studies on Chinese Public Discourse by Chen, Xinren
Translating Buddhism: Historical and Contextual Perspectives by
Language variation and change in social networks: A bipartite approach by Benton, Richard A., Dodsworth, Robin
Using Corpus Methods to Triangulate Linguistic Analysis by
Persian Calligraphy: A Corpus Study of Letterforms by Meidani, Mahdiyeh
At Home In The Language Of The Soul: Exploring Jungian Discourse and Psyche's Grammar of Transformation by Evetts-Secker, Josephine
Parameter Hierarchies and Universal Grammar by Roberts, Ian
Transgressing Frontiers: Shifting Rhetorics in Linguistic and Literary Discourses by
Fallacies and Free Speech: Selected Discourses in Early America by Rudanko, Juhani
Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis by
Care Communication: Making a Home in a Japanese Eldercare Facility by Backhaus, Peter
Mitoni Niya Nêhiyaw / Cree Is Who I Truly Am: Nêhiyaw-Iskwêw Mitoni Niya / Me, I Am Truly a Cree Woman by
Mitoni Niya Nêhiyaw / Cree Is Who I Truly Am: Nêhiyaw-Iskwêw Mitoni Niya / Me, I Am Truly a Cree Woman by
Dot Coloring Book For Children's ABC Gifts For Kids: Dot Marker Coloring Book For Toddlers Animal Easy Guided Big Dots For Kids Ages 2-5, Dot Markers by World, Coloring Books
Language Perceptions and Practices in Multilingual Universities by
The First 500 Commonly Used Chinese Characters: Chinese Writing Workbook - Mastering The Most commonly Used Chinese Characters - Support Learning Chin by Boyang, Han
Pragmatics and Its Applications to TESOL and Sla by Attardo, Salvatore, Pickering, Lucy
Wanderers, Kings, Merchants: The Story of India Through Its Languages by Mohan, Peggy
Family Language Policy in the Polish Diaspora: A Focus on Australia by Romanowski, Piotr
Polyónymoi: A Lexicon of the Divine Epithets in the Orphic Hymns by Macedo, José Marcos, Kölligan, Daniel, Barbieri, Pedro
Gender Acquisition in Spanish: Effects of Language and Age by Diebowski, Jessica
Forschungsfeld Sprachevolution: Methodik, Theorie Und Empirie Der Modernen Sprachursprungsforschung by Breyl, Michael
Basic Tagalog: Learn to Speak Modern Filipino/ Tagalog - The National Language of the Philippines: Revised Third Edition (with Online Audio) by Aspillera, Paraluman S., Hernandez, Yolanda Canseco
letter tracing book for preschoolers: Kids learning activity book for practice alphabet writing by Publishing, Karim Ba
Lernen leicht gemacht: Für einen schnelleren Spracherwerb und leichtere Sprachentwicklung bei Kindern: Wissenschaftliche Arbeit zum Thema mit by Löw, Manuel
The Magic Mirror of Literary Translation: Reflections on the Art of Translating Verse by Sellin, Eric
The Magic Mirror of Literary Translation: Reflections on the Art of Translating Verse by Sellin, Eric
Literary Sinitic and East Asia: A Cultural Sphere of Vernacular Reading by Kin, Bunkyo
Semantic Relations Between Nominals, Second Edition by Nakov, Preslav, Nastase, Vivi, Szpakowicz, Stan
The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Linguistics by
Changing Language Assessment: New Dimensions, New Challenges by
Sprache Denkt (Fe)Male: Intelligente Sprache Für Selbstbewusste Und Wertschätzende Kommunikation by Burel, Simone
Alphabet Letter Tracing For Kids: Alphabet Handwriting Practice workbook for kids Preschool Practice Handwriting Workbook: Kindergarten and Kids Ages by Publisher, God Servent
Plurilingual Pedagogies: Critical and Creative Endeavors for Equitable Language in Education by
Conditionals Paradox Probability C by Walters, Hawthorne
Translation, interpreting, cognition by
Handwriting Practice Affirmations for Kids: Encourage and Inspire Children While Practice Writing by Salvatierra, Nita
Manual of Clinical Phonetics by
Varietäten der deutschen Sprache. Gegenstand des Deutschunterrichts in der Sekundarstufe I by Anonymous
Rhetoric and Sociolinguistics in Times of Global Crisis by
Manual of Clinical Phonetics by
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Fuller, Janet M., Wardhaugh, Ronald
The Explosion of Life Forms: Living Beings and Morphology by
Dynamism in African Languages and Literature: Towards Conceptualisation of African Potentials by
The Pragmatics of Fiction: Literature, Stage and Screen Discourse by Jucker, Andreas H., Locher, Miriam A.
Sound Change by Salmons, Joseph
Sound Change by Salmons, Joseph
The Pragmatics of Fiction: Literature, Stage and Screen Discourse by Locher, Miriam A., Jucker, Andreas H.
The Syntax Workbook: A Companion to Carnie's Syntax by Carnie, Andrew
Syntax: A Generative Introduction by Carnie, Andrew
The Great Pronoun Shift: The Big Impact of Little Parts of Speech by Krauthamer, Helene Seltzer
The Rohonc Code: Tracing a Historical Riddle by Láng, Benedek
Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners by
Preparing Teachers to Work with Multilingual Learners by
The Adaptive Bilingual Mind by Adamou, Evangelia
Language and Social Minds by Tantucci, Vittorio
The Commodification of Language: Conceptual Concerns and Empirical Manifestations by
Textanfänge: Abgrenzungs- Und Definitionsfragen Am Beispiel Verschiedener Textsorten by
Sign Language Brokering in Deaf-Hearing Families by Napier, Jemina
Alphabet Coloring Book for Kids Ages 2-4: Color and Learn Toddler Coloring Book, Alphabet, Animals Ages 2-4 by Khatun Publishing, Sahida
The Commodification of Language: Conceptual Concerns and Empirical Manifestations by
Alpha Masculinity: Hegemony in Language and Discourse by Russell, Eric Louis
Poetry-Painting Affinity as Intersemiotic Translation: A Cognitive Stylistic Study of Landscape Representation in Wang Wei's Poetry and Its Translatio by Jiang, Chengzhi
Teach My Preschooler How To Read: Phonics abc Coloring Book by MacKie, Paul
Legitimation in the European Union: A Discourse- And Field-Theoretical View by Kutter, Amelie
Investigating Spoken English: A Practical Guide to Phonetics and Phonology Using Praat by Beňus, Stefan
Sprachgeschichtsschreibung Im Deutschen: Satzsemantische Analysen Historischer Aussagen Mit Der Präposition Für by Leyhausen-Seibert, Katja
Wortarten: Eine Einführung Aus Funktionaler Perspektive by Thielmann, Winfried
Development of Modality in First Language Acquisition: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective by
Morphology-Semantics Mismatches and the Nature of Grammatical Features by Smith, Peter W.
The Intentional Dynamics of TESOL by Stelma, Juup, Kostoulas, Achilleas
Complaining as a Sociocultural Activity: Examining How and Why in Korean Interaction by Yoon, Kyung-Eun
Korpora in der Lexikographie und Phraseologie by
Semantische Spezialisierung vs. Polysemie: Interpretationsbesonderheiten Bei Komplementreduktionen Lexikalischer Einheiten by Von Der Becke, Tanja
A Vocabulary of Powhatan by Smith, John
Deciphering Aztec Hieroglyphs: A Guide to Nahuatl Writing by Whittaker, Gordon
Gender and Identity in Humorous Discourse Genero e identidad en el discurso humorístico by
La Interconexión de las Categorías Semántico-Funcionales en algunas Variedades del Español: Estudios sobre la Interacción de la Temporalidad, Aspectua by
Language, Democracy, and the Paradox of Constituent Power: Declarations of Independence in Comparative Perspective by Frost, Catherine
Global English and Political Economy by O'Regan, John P.
Verb-Verb Complexes in Asian Languages by
Silence and Sacrifice: Family Stories of Care and the Limits of Love in Vietnam by Shohet, Merav
Italic: What Gives Typography Its Emphasis by Weber, Hendrik
Relevant Acoustic Phonetics of L2 English: Focus on Intelligibility by Koffi, Ettien
Language, Democracy, and the Paradox of Constituent Power: Declarations of Independence in Comparative Perspective by Frost, Catherine
Family Literacies: Reading with Young Children by Levy, Rachael, Hall, Mel
Silence and Sacrifice: Family Stories of Care and the Limits of Love in Vietnam by Shohet, Merav
Rethinking Language Policy by Spolsky, Bernard
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