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Linguistics in 2021

The Jacob Pankratz Genealogy by Schmidt, Helene Schroeder
English Grammar, by
Fritz Von Unruh, a Monograph by Kronacher, Alwin 1880-
Teachers' Manual to Accompany Jeschke, Potter, and Gillet's "Better English": Grade Four by Anonymous
Wings for Reading by Hovious, Carol 1906-
Precious Bane by
French Elements in Middle English [microform]: Chapters Illustrative of the Origin and Growth of Romance Influence on the Phrasal Power of Standard En by Sykes, Frederick Henry 1863-1917
After Fifty Years; an Appreciation, and a Record of a Unique Incident by
An Essay on the Archaeology of Our Popular Phrases, and Nursery Rhymes; 2 by Ker, John Bellenden 1765-1842
The English Spelling Book [microform]: Accompanied by a Progressive Series of Easy and Familiar Lessons Intended as an Introduction to the Reading and by Mavor, William Fordyce 1758-1837
Lexiphanes, a Dialogue. Imitated From Lucian, and Suited to the Present Times by
Great Queens -Famous Women Rulers of the East by Glover, Lady
Eric Ed012042: Ayacucho Reader. by
Catalogue of the Apprentices' and De Milt Libraries, New York by
Mary Webb, Her Life and Work by Moult, Thomas
Pain Killer Annual: 1871 & 1872 by Anonymous
Walker's Pronouncing Dictionary [microform]: in Which the Accentuation, Orthography and Pronunciation of the English Language Are Distinctly Shown, an by Walker, John 1732-1807
Trematodes of the Pacific Northwest, an Annotated Catalog by Pratt, Ivan, McCauley, James Elias
University of Toronto Medical Journal, April 1925; 2, No. 6 by
The Curious Cow by
General Catalogue of Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, N.H., 1813-1930 by
Ingle-Schierloh Records, Volume 5: Flemington to Killarney; 5 by
Zadig, and Other Stories; Chosen and Edited With an Introd., Notes, and a Vocabulary by Irving Babbitt by Babbitt, Irving 1865-1933
A Catalogue of the Library of Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts by Peirce, Benjamin 1809-1880
The Elements of Rhetoric and Composition: a Text-book for Schools and Colleges by Hill, David Jayne 1850-1932
University of Toronto Medical Journal, November 1943; 21, No. 2 by
A Bibliography of Algeria, From the Expedition of Charles V in 1541 to 1887 by
A Manual of Orthoepy [microform]: With Numerous Notes Upon the Origin and Abuse of Words by
E. Grace Coombs (Mrs. James Sharp Lawson) A.O.C.A., O.S.A. by Pierce, Lorne 1890-1961
Catalogue of Books in the Halifax Mechanics' Library [microform]: Established October 17, 1831 by
The Higher Reader [microform] by
DDT, Killer of Killers by
General Catalogue of Standard Books, Sunday-school Libraries, & C., & C., &c., for Sale at the Wesleyan Book Room ... [microform] by
Catalogue of the Loan Library, Sherbrooke, P.Q., Canada, 1889 [microform] by
Devonshire Celebrities: Illustrated With Photographs by
The North-Carolina Reader. Prepared, With Special Reference to the Wants and Interests of North Carolina, Under the Auspices of the Superintendent of by Hubbard, Fordyce Mitchell 1809-1888
Library Planning, Bookstacks and Shelving [microform]: With Contributions From the Architects' and Librarians' Points of View by
Catalogue of Books for Sale by Henry Rowsell, King Street, Toronto [microform] by Anonymous
A Practical Grammar: in Which Words, Phrases, and Sentences Are Classified According to Their Offices, and Their Various Relations to One A by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, February 1958; 35, No. 4 by
Catalogue of the Portland Free Public Library [microform] by
A New Pronouncing and Explanatory Vocabulary, Upon an Improved Plan [microform]: in Two Parts ... the Whole Carefully Selected and Arranged for the Us by Gouinlock, G.
University of Toronto Medical Journal, December 1938; 16, No. 2 by
Catalogue: Prang's War Pictures, Aquarelle Facsimile Prints by
Constitution and By-laws of the Elora Mechanics' Institute and Library Association, and Catalogue of Books in the Library [microform] by
Relliquiæ Philologicæ: or, Essays in Comparative Philology by Darbishire, Herbert Dukinfield 1863-1
The Cardiff Libraries Review: a Monthly Periodicals and Guide to Books and Reading; 1912-1917 by Anonymous
Catalogue Raisonné. A General and Classified List of the Most Important Works in Nearly Every Department of Literature and Science, Published in the U by
Catalogue of the Law Library of the Late Hon. Sir James Stuart, Bart., Chief Justice of Lower Canada [microform]: to Be Sold by Auction, by Messrs. A. by
The Survey of Western Palestine. Special Papers on Topography, Archaeology, Manners and Customs, Etc.; v.3 by
Pictorial and Biographical Memoirs of Indianapolis and Marion County, Indiana by Anonymous
Bibliotics; or, The Study of Documents; Determination of the Individual Character of Handwriting and Detection of Fraud and Forgery; by Frazer, Persifor 1844-1909
The French Canadian Scholar's Companion [microform]: an English Grammar Based on French Grammar Comprising the Substance of the Best English Grammars by
Catalogue of New and Standard Books, for Sale by James Campbell & Son, Toronto St., Toronto and St. John Street, Montreal [microform] by
Comparison of the Effects of Sex-linked Early and Late Feathering on Growth and Feathering of Chicks to Twelve Weeks of Age by Plumart, Phillip Edmond
Venerable Mother Jeanne De Matel, Foundress of the Order of the Incarnate Word and the Blessed Sacrement: Her Life, Spirit and Works / by P.G. Penaud; by
Memorial Meeting in Honor of the Late Stanford White: Held at the Library of New York University for the Dedication of the Stanford White Memorial Doo by
Illustrated Catalogue of the Various Styles of the Standard Organ. by
The First Reader, Designed for the Use of Primary Schools. Adopted for Use in the Public Schools of Mobile by
Life on the Frontier; a Sketch of the Parry Sound Colonies That Settled Near Edmonton, N.W.T., in the Early Nineties by Pollard, William Correll 1878-
Two Lectures on Rhetoric [microform]: Delivered in the Mechanics' Institute, Toronto by Rintoul, David
Pomona College Journal of Economic Botany as Applied to Subtropical Horticulture; v.1: no1-4 (1911) by
The English Reader, or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry: Selected From the Best Writers; Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read With Propriety and Effect by
Bibliotheca Heberiana: Catalogue of the Library of the Late Richard Heber, Esq. P. 5 by Heber, Richard
First Annual Report of the Director of the Department of Archives and History of the State of Mississippi, From March 14th, 1902, to October 1st, 1902 by Rowland, Dunbar 1864-1937
A Vocabulary of the Igorot Language as Spoken by the Bontok Igorots by Clapp, Walter Clayton
Spinoza's Theory of Knowledge by
The Rhythm of English Prose, a Manual for Students by Tempest, Norton Robert
History of Porter by Teg, William
This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound. -- by Mullins, Eustace Clarence 1923-
Bibliography of Books, Pamphlets and Broadsides Printed at Auburn, N. Y., 1810-1850. by
Rules and Catalogue of the Halifax Garrison Library [microform]: With a List of the Subscribers by
Genealogical Notes of Interest to Descendants of Robert and Mary Black Price by Carter, Beverly Price
Catalogue of Books in the Free Public Library of Victoria City [microform] by
Catalogue of the Books in the Library of the Law Society of Upper Canada [microform] by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, October 1941; 19, No. 1 by
Catalogue of Books, Stationery, and Miscellaneous Articles for Sale by B. Dawson ... Montreal [microform] by
Journal of the Pacific (Bark) out of New Bedford, MA, Mastered by Gilbert B. Borden and Kept by Gilbert B. Borden, on a Whaling Voyage Between 1873 an by Borden, Gilbert B.
A Modern Grammar of the English Language [microform]: Intended to Supply Deficiencies in Murray's Grammar, Containing Copious Exercises and Many New A by Lowden, William
The Orthoëpist [microform]: a Pronouncing Manual Containing About Three Thousand, Five Hundred Words by Ayres, Alfred
The Conference Called by the Governor of Pennsylvania to Consider Ways and Means for Preventing the Spread of the Chestnut Tree Bark Disease.: The Cap by
Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads Relating to India and Neighbouring Countries. Vol. 12 Edn: 5 by
Catalogue of the Magnificent Private Library of the Late Amor L. Hollingsworth of Milton, Mass. ... Magnificent Collection of Fine and Rare Books, Man by Hollingsworth, Amor Leander
Portrait and Biographical Record of Northern Michigan, Containing Portraits and Biographical Sketches of Prominent and Representative Citizens, Togeth by
The ABC Both in Latyn & Englyshe: Being a Facsimile Reprint of the Earliest Extant English Reading Book by
Secrets of Correct Table Service: Suggestions for Menu Making / Compiled and Written by the School of Domestic Arts and Science. by Anonymous
Introduction to the Study of Language, a Critical Survey of the History and Method of Comparative Philology of the Indo-European Languages; by Delbrück, Berthold 1842-1922
Chronological Listing of the Songs of Gabriel Faurâe: From a Historical and Stylistic Study of the Mâelodies of Gabriel Faurâe by
A Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library. Of the Society of Antiquaries of London by
First Book in Composition Applying the Principles of Grammar to the Art of Composing: Also, Giving Full Directions for Punctuation; Especially Designe by
Abbreviations Dictionary: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Anonyms and Eponyms, Appellations, Contractions, Geographical Equivalents, Historical and Myt by
Dictionary of Obsolete and Provincial English: Containing Words From the English Writers Previous to the Nineteenth Century Which Are No Longer in Use by Wright, Thomas 1810-1877
Fourth Catalogue of Books Issued From the New, Free, Public, City Library [microform]: the Gift of Mr. Andrew Carnegie by
Shakespeare and Shakespeareana; a Catalogue Issued in Commemoration of the Tercentenary of the First Folio Shakespeare, A.D. 1623-1923 by
The President's Report on the Work of the Punjab Mission of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America by
Report on the Progress and Condition of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History for the Years 1909 and 1910 ... by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, January 1938; 15, No. 3 by
Tower's Common School Grammar: With Models of Clausal, Phrasal, and Verbal Analysis and Parsing ... by Tower, David Bates
Still Waters; 2 by Paull, Margaret Agnes
An Abridgement of Murray's English Grammar and Exercises [microform]: With Questions Adapted to the Use of Schools and Academies: Also an Appendix Con by Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
Genealogy of the Pepper Family in America by
A Grammar of the Italian Language, Arranged in Twenty Lessons, With a Course of Exercises by Alfred Elwes by
Murray's English Reader, or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry [microform]: Selected From the Best Writers: Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read With Pro by Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
A Tale of a Tub, Written for the Universal Improvement of Mankind to Which is Added an Account of a Battel Between the Antient and Modern Books in St. by Swift, Jonathan
Fool of Love; by
A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge. By Th. Aufrecht by Aufrecht, Theodor 1822-1907
The Women's Symphony Society of Boston, and Women's Symphony Orchestra: Alexander Thiede, Conductor, and Stanley Hassell, Conductor, 1939-1942. Clippi by
The Eclectic Fourth Reader: Containing Elegant Extracts in Prose and Poetry From the Best American and English Writers: With Copious Rules for Rea by McGuffey, William Holmes 1800-1873
University of Toronto Medical Journal, March 1927; 4, No. 5 by
The Saint John Law Society [microform]: Catalogue of the Law Library by
Billy's Neighbors. by McIntire, Alta 1890-
Catalogue of Canadian Publications [microform]: Including Historical and General Books, Statutes and Other Governments Imprints, Pamphlets, Magazines by
Philosophy: Metaphysics, Psychology, Ethics by
Catalogue of Books in the Great Lever Branch Lending Library by
The Practical Speller [microform]: Suitable for High and Public Schools: Containing a Series of Graded Lessons Giving Familiar Words, Words of Similar by Anonymous
Bibliotheca Americana, 1887. Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of Books and Pamphlets Relating to America. Supplement for 1887 by
A Comparative Grammar of the Modern Aryan Languages of India: to Wit, Hindi, Panjabi, Sindhi, Gujarati, Marathi, Oriya, and Bangali; 03 by Beames, John
The Prinicples of English Grammar [microform]: Comprising the Substance of All the Most Approved English Grammars Extant, Briefly Defined, and Neatly by Lennie, William 1779-1852
Orig. Russian: Paragenetic Assoc. of Hydrothermal Uranium Deposits of the Soviet Union (Foreign Language) by
Phytologia; V.94 (2012) by Anonymous
The Road to Safety: Who Travels There by Buckley, Horace Mann 1883-
The International Library of Famous Literature: Selections From the World's Great Writers, Ancient, Mediaeval, and Modern, With Biographical and Expla by Lang, Andrew 1844-1912, Mitchell, Donald Grant 1822-1908
Genealogy of the Potter - Wilson - Fellows - Elliott Families by
A Catalogue of the Books in the Admiralty Library by
The Best Books; a Reader's Guide to the Choice of the Best Available Books (about 25,000) in Every Department of Science, Art, and Literature, With th by Sonnenschein, William Swan 1855-1931
A Description of the Villa of Horace Walpole, Youngest Son of Sir Robert Walpole Earl of Orford, at Strawberry-hill, Near Twickenham. With an Inventor by Walpole, Horace 1717-1797
Catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island; v.1: pt.1 by
The Collection of Books Used by James Spedding as His Working Library in Preparing His Edition of the Works of Sir Francis Bacon. Offered for Sale by by Spedding, James 1808-1881
Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar [microform]: With an Appendix Containing Exercises in Orthography, in Parsing, in Syntax and in Punctuation: De by Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
Sadlier's Elementary Studies in English Grammar [microform]: With Numerous Examples and Exercises in Analysis and Parsing by Anonymous
University of Toronto Medical Journal, January 1954; 31, No. 4 by
Tower's Common School Grammar: With Models of Clausal, Phrasal, and Verbal Analysis and Parsing ... by Tower, David Bates
An English-Hindustani Law and Commercial Dictionary of Words and Phrases Used in Civil, Criminal, Revenue, and Mercantile Affairs; Designed Especially by
History of Augusta County, Virginia by
The North Carolina Practical Spelling-book: a Complete Graded Course in Orthography for the Use of Public and Private Schools by
Catalogue of Books in the Mechanics' Institute, Coldstream [microform]: November 13, 1894 by
Bibliophobia: Remarks on the Present Languid and Depressed State of Literature and the Book Trade, in a Letter Addressed to the Auth by
A Booklet Devoted to the Book Plates of Elisha Brown Bird, Being a Collection Printed in Photogravure by
History of the Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge: Commonly Known as The Linen Hall Library, Chiefly Taken From the Minutes of the So by Anderson, John
Catalogue of Books and Pictures Belonging to Estate Late F.S. Lyman, Esq. [microform]: to Be Sold by Public Auction, by Order of the Executors at the by
English Grammar [microform]: Including Grammatical Analysis by
A Primary School Dictionary of the English Language, Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Synonymous. With an Appendix Containing Various Useful Tables. Main by Wheeler, William Adolphus 1833-1874, Webster, Noah 1758-1843
A Handy Poetical Anglo-Saxon Dictionary: Based on Groschopp's Grein. Edited, Revised, and Corrected With Grammatical Appendix, List of Irregular Verbs by Groschopp, Friedrich 1858-, Harrison, James Albert 1848-1911
The Essentials of English Analysis [microform]: and an Exposition of the Fundamental Laws of Syntax, With Exercises by
Pioneering in Formosa: Recollections of Adventures Among Mandarins, Wreckers, & Head-hunting Savages by Pickering, William Alexander 1840-1907
Logopolis, or City of Words: Containing a Development of the Science, Grammar, Syntax, Logic and Rhetoric of the English Language by Hildreth, Ezekiel 1784-1856
Sounds and Their Relations: A Complete Manual of Universal Alphabetics; Illustrated by Means of Visible Speech: and Exhibiting the Pronunciation o by Bell, Alexander Melville 1819-1905
The Libraries of California: Containing Descriptions of the Principal Private and Public Libraries Throughout the State by Loughead, Flora Haines
Carpenter's Scholars' Spelling Assistant [microform]: Wherein the Words Are Arranged on an Improved Plan, According to Their Respective Principles of by Carpenter, Thomas
Theophrastus Bombastus Von Hohenheim (Paracelsus) 1493-1541: Bibliography of the Paracelsus Library of the Late E. Schubert, M.D., Frankfurt-am-Main: by Schubert, Eduard 1822-1892
A High-school Dictionary of the English Language Explanatory, Pronouncing, and Synonymous. With an Appendix Containing Various Useful Tables. Mainly A by Wheeler, William Adolphus 1833-1874, Webster, Noah 1758-1843
The Verbalist [microform]: a Manual Devoted to Brief Discussions of the Right and the Wrong Use of Words, to Some Other Matters of Interest to Th by Ayres, Alfred
Catalogue of Books in the Library of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal, With the Rules of the Library and Reading Room [microform] by
Hand List of What is Believed to Be the Largest Collection in the World of Editions of "The Imitation" of Thomas À Kempis [microform]: Consisting of a by Copinger, Walter Arthur 1847-1910
Catalogue of Books in Library [microform] by
The Chorus Glee Book: Consisting of Glees, Quartets, Trios, Duets, and Solos, Mostly Selected and Arranged From the Best European and American Compose by Hastings, Thomas 1784-1872
Eric Ed013356: Introduccion a Una Comparacion Fonologica del Espanol Y del Ingles. (Introduction to a Phonological Comparison of Spanish and English). by
Graded Lessons in English: An Elementary English Grammar, Consisting of One Hundred Practical Lessons, Carefully Graded and Adapted to the Class-room by Kellogg, Brainerd
The New Testament: Translated From the Original Greek, With Chronological Arrangement of the Sacred Books, and Improved Divisions of Chapters and Vers by
The Most Common Mistakes in English Usage by Berry, Thomas Elliott
The Secret Languages of Ireland, With Special Reference to the Origin and Nature of the Shelta Language by
The Atharva Veda by
Biblotheca Westiana: a Catalogue of the Curious and Truly Valuable Library of the Late James West, Esq by
W. Drysdale & Co.'s Catalogue of Educational Literature and Material [microform] by
In Pursuit of the English by Lessing, Doris May 1919-
Exercises in Rhetoric [microform]: With Examination Papers for the Use of Candidates Preparing for the Primary Examination by
Catalogue of the Library of A. Oakey Hall, Esq. by
(The) Plaisted Family of North Wilts, With Some Account of the Branches of Berks, Bucks, Somerset, and Sussex by Plaisted, Arthur Henry 1876-
A Graded Spelling-book: Being a Complete Course in Spelling for Primary and Grammar Schools: in Two Parts by
Introduction to the English Reader, or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Poetry [microform]: Calculated to Improve Younger Classes of Learners in Re by Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
Introduction to the English Reader; or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Poetry; Calculated to Improve the Younger Classes of Learners in Reading, a by Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
The Patten Families; Genealogies of the Pattens From the North of Ireland, Usually Called "Scotch-Irish," With Some Branches of English Ancestry Settl by Moore, Howard Parker 1868-
University of Toronto Medical Journal, February 1938; 15, No. 4 by
Classified List of Books Added to the Circulating Department of the ... Library. Jan. 1, 1896 - July 1, 1900. by
A Plea for Liberty: an Argument Against Socialism and Socialistic Legislation, Consisting of an Introduction by Herbert Spenser and Essays by Spencer, Herbert 1820-1903, MacKay, Thomas 1849-1912
Composition and Practical English [microform]: With Exercises Adapted for Use in High Schools and Colleges by Williams, William
The Meaning of Meaning; a Study of the Influence of Language Upon Thought and of the Science of Symbolism by Malinowski, Bronislaw 1884-1942
General Catalogue of Printed Books. Photolithographic Edition to 1955; 253 by
A Minimum of Greek [microform]: a Hand Book of Greek Derivatives for the Greek-less Classes of Schools and for Students of Science by
Park of Kentucky, 1747-1929; Biographical Sketches and Genealogy of the Descendants of Ebenezer Park, Pioneer, of Madison County, Kentucky; With Brief by Gum, Nell Park 1891-
A Primer for Young Children [microform]: Applicable to the Indian Language, as Spoken by the Mee-Lee-Ceet Tribe in New Brunswick by
Catalogue of Stoves and Hot Air Furnaces: Oriental Stove Works. by
Rules and Catalogue of the Halifax Garrison Library [microform]: Instituted Under the Patronage and at the Suggestion of His Excellency Lieut.-General by
Forging Ahead: the True Story of the Upward Progress of Thomas James Wise: Prince of Book Collectors, Bibliographer Extraordinary, and Otherwise; 1939 by
Travancore Tribes and Castes. Vol. 2 by
The Libraries of California: Containing Descriptions of the Principal Private and Public Libraries Throughout the State by Loughead, Flora Haines
Catalogue of a Magnificient Collection of Valuable Books to Be Sold by Public Auction at the Undersigned's Salesrooms 1828 Notre Dame Street, Montreal by
Colonel David Crockett / by D.M. Kelsey; Prepared by the Staff of the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County. by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, January 1958; 35, No. 3 by
An Abridgment of Murray's English Grammar [microform]: Containing Also Punctuation, the Notes Under Rules in Syntax, and Lessons in Parsing: to the La by Putnam, Samuel, Murray, Lindley 1745-1826
Catalogue of Building Hardware and Tools by
A Dramatic Entertainment, Called a Christmas Tale. In Three Acts. As Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane by Garrick, David 1717-1779
Catalogue of Books in the Somerville Circulating Library,: Milk Street, Somerville, at the Apothecary Store of J.W. Tufts by
The English Reader, or, Pieces in Prose and Poetry: Selected From the Best Writers; Designed to Assist Young Persons to Read With Propriety and Effect by
Catalogue of Antiques by
Notes on Psychology From Lectures Given by James McCosh... by McCosh, James
Notes on Metaphysics Lectures... by Ormond, Alexander Thomas 1847-1915
A Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, and Other Items: Mostly Relating to Abraham Lincoln Offered for Sale by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, January 1962; 39, No. 3 by
Catalogue of the Collection of Sr. Giacomo Opezzo ... [08/13/1941] by
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