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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2021

John M'Coy's Catalogue of English and Foreign Books [microform]: Comprising Popular and Standard Works on Theology, History, Biography, Medicine, Surg by
Press Cuttings: a Topical Sketch Compiled From the Editorial and Correspondence Columns of the Daily Papers by Shaw, Bernard 1856-1950
Swinton's Language Lessons [microform]: an Introductory Grammar and Composition Adapted to the Requirements of the Public Schools of Ontario by MacMillan, J., Swinton, William 1833-1892
Ramanujan by
A Patch of Blue by Kata, Elizabeth
Gomillion Versus Lightfoot; the Tuskegee Gerrymander Case by Taper, Bernard
Latin in Modern Fiction: Who Says It's a Dead Language? by Hoffmann, Henryk
Catalogue Raisonné. A General and Classified List of the Most Important Works in Nearly Every Department of Literature and Science, Published in the U by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, November 1940; 18, No. 1 by
Biographies of Guilford, Sangerville, Abbot, and Parkman, Maine by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, November 1929; 7, No. 1 by
A Handbook to the Manitoba Readers [microform]: Especially Prepared for the Use of Teachers in Manitoba by Anonymous
University of Toronto Medical Journal, April 1926; 3, No. 6 by
Exhibition of Old Mss., &c., Selected From the Archives of St. Mary's College [microform]: for the Free Library Fund, 1894, April 10, 11, 12th . by
History of Richard and Francina (Hart) Phillips and Their Descendants: Including a Brief Account of Their Ancestry, Collateral Lines, and Items of Int by Hackenbracht, Henry
The Magnificent Collection of Engraved Portraits Formed by the Late Edward R. Cope ..., American Theatrical and Napoleoniana ...: to Be Sold Tuesday, by Cope, Edwin R.
Rowsell's Catalogue of Books [microform] by
The Institutes of English Grammar, Methodically Arranged: With Forms of Parsing and Correcting, Examples for Parsing, Questions for Examination, False by Kiddle, Henry 1824-1891, Brown, Goold 1791-1857
University of Toronto Medical Journal, November 1933; 11, No. 1 by
List of Records of the Palatinates of Chester, Durham & Lancaster, the Honour of Peveril and the Principality of Wales: preserved in the Public Record by
Cradled in the Waves; the Story of a People's Co-operative Achievement in Economic Betterment on Prince Edward Island, Canada by Croteau, John Tougas
General Catalogue of Printed Books. Photolithographic Edition to 1955; 136 by
Catalogue Auction Sale of the Library of the Late Professor Smith, of Queen's College, Kingston, C.W. [microform]: to Be Sold by Public Auction at Hen by
Rare Americana Relating to the American Indians: Being a Portion Ofthe Library of Wilberforce Eames; 1 by Eames, Wilberforce 1855-1937
Medical Library and Historical Journal; 5 n.4 by
Benjamin Disraeli. Earl of Beaconsfield, K.G. /in Upwards of 100 Cartoons From the Collection of "Mr. Punch." by Doyle, Richard 1824-1883, Leigh, Percival 1813-1889
Depositions From the Castle of York, Relating to Offenses Committed in the Northern Counties in the Seventeenth Century by Raine, James 1830-1896 Ed
Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries by
Opinions of Experienced Educationists in the United States, Ontario and Elsewhere, as to the Policy of Maintaining the Educational Depository of Ontar by
Dictionary English Papiamentu - Papiamentu English by
Importance of the Ministerial Office: a Sermon Preached in the Independent or Congregational Church of Charleston, S.C., January 3, 1821, at the Ordin by
Catalogue of Lincolniana: a Remarkable Collection of Engravings, Lithographs, Books, Eulogies, Orations, Pamphlets, Etc., Relating Wholly, or in by
University of Toronto Medical Journal, January 1934; 11, No. 3 by
Genealogical Reference Materials Available in the Public Library of Fort Wayne and Allen County by Wilkens, Cleo Goff
Reference Work and Reference Works [microform]: Containing Hints on Reference Library Service Followed by an Annotated Catalogue of Three Hundred of t by
Catalogue of Books in the Central Lending Library to December, 1906 / Comp. by Archibald Sparke. by
The Wool Trade in English Medieval History by Power, Eileen Edna 1889-1940
The McLellan Lincoln Collection at Brown University; a Sketch by McLellan, Charles Woodberry 1836-1918, Cushman, Esther Cowles
The Lincoln Collection of the Illinois State Historical Library by
Frost's Original Letter-writer: a Complete Collection of Original Letters and Notes Upon Every Imaginable Subject of Every-day Life: With Plain Direct by
Labour Policies, Language Use and the 'New' Economy: The Case of Adventure Tourism by Gonçalves, Kellie
English-Medium Instruction and the Internationalization of Universities by
Dynamic Assessment of Students' Academic Writing: Vygotskian and Systemic Functional Linguistic Perspectives by Shrestha, Prithvi N.
Higher Order Thinking Skills in the Language Classroom: A Concise Guide by Jahedizadeh, Safoura, Ghanizadeh, Afsaneh, Al-Hoorie, Ali H.
Sakralno nazivlje u dvojezicniku "Deutsch-Illyrisches Wörterbuch / Nemacko-Ilirski Slovar" (1842, Ivan Mazuranic i Jakov Uzarevic) by Bikic, Petra
Second Language Prosody and Computer Modeling by Kang, Okim, Johnson, David O., Kermad, Alyssa
Envisioning TESOL Through a Translanguaging Lens: Global Perspectives by
China English in World Englishes: Education and Use in the Professional World by He, Deyuan
Cognitive Processing Routes in Consecutive Interpreting: A Corpus-Assisted Approach by Liu, Xiaodong
Russian verbal prefixation by Zinova, Yulia
Václav Havel: Sprache und Diskurs: Beitraege zum 11. Bohemicum Dresdense 01.11.2019 by
Marathi Aksharmala - A Beginner Level Book for Marathi Learner by Vidyalay, Vedic
Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives by
Jugendsprache am Beispiel der sozialen Netzwerke Facebook und YouTube by Anonymous
Pedagogical Translanguaging: Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives by
Samskrutarambh - A beginner book for learning Sanskrit by Vidyalay, Vedic
A New Perspective for the Use of Dialect in African American Spirituals: History, Context, and Linguistics by Barber, Felicia Raphael Marie
The Shape of Sound by Hammerstein, B. Redzisz
A Sociolinguistic History of British English Lexicography by Yong, Heming, Peng, Jing
New Research on Cohesion and Coherence in Linguistics by Rushan, Liu, Delu, Zhang
Functional Variations in English: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Challenges by
Ten Lectures on Diachronic Construction Grammar by Hilpert, Martin
Speech Perception, Production and Acquisition: Multidisciplinary Approaches in Chinese Languages by
Structures Mères: Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science by
Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning by Meyer, Oliver, Coyle, Do
Beyond CLIL: Pluriliteracies Teaching for Deeper Learning by Coyle, Do, Meyer, Oliver
Quoting in Parliamentary Question Time by Reber, Elisabeth
English Rhythm and Blues: Where Language and Music Come Together by Larroque, Patrice Paul
Übersetzen in Der Frühen Neuzeit - Konzepte Und Methoden / Concepts and Practices of Translation in the Early Modern Period by
The Struggle for the National Narrative in Indonesia by Hatherell, Michael, Welsh, Alistair
Sociolinguistic study of French in private schools in Lagos by Omotokese, Mujibat Opeyemi
Schreiben in den Faechern: Ziele - Ergebnisse - Perspektiven by
Perspectives on Academic Persian by
Revisiting the Essential Indexical by Perry, John
Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text, Place and Agency by
Engagement in Medical Research Discourse: A Multisemiotic Approach to Dialogic Positioning by Fryer, Daniel Lees
Language, Society, and the State: From Colonization to Globalization in Taiwan by Price, Gareth
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Multilingualism: The Fundamentals by
A Grammar of Shaowu: A Sinitic Language of Northwestern Fujian by Ngai, Sing Sing
Current Approaches to Metaphor Analysis in Discourse by
Runes Across the North Sea from the Migration Period and Beyond: An Annotated Edition of the Old Frisian Runic Corpus by Kaiser, Livia
Moderationsstile aus Rezipientensicht by Böhme, Grit
Zur Theorie Des Lexikographischen Beispiels: Die Beispielangaben in Der Ein- Und Zweisprachigen Pädagogischen Lexikographie Des Deutschen by Lettner, Khrystyna
Constructing Us: The First and Second Persons in Spanish Media Discourse by Aijón Oliva, Miguel A.
NS-Vergleiche und NS-Metaphern by Giesel, Linda
Die Zeit im Spiegel der Sprache by Köller, Wilhelm
Sprachliche Ausgrenzung Im Späten Mittelalter Und Der Frühen Neuzeit by Lobenstein-Reichmann, Anja
Kenyan English by Buregeya, Alfred
A Descriptive Grammar of Hindko, Panjabi, and Saraiki by Bashir, Elena, Conners, Thomas J.
Om logikkens begrænsning by Hansen, Niels Fleckner
The Translation of Realia and Irrealia in Game Localization: Culture-Specificity Between Realism and Fictionality by Pettini, Silvia
Sign Multilingualism by
Architecture of Topic by
Rapport and the Discursive Co-Construction of Social Relations in Fieldwork Encounters by
The Sociolinguistic Economy of Berlin: Cosmopolitan Perspectives on Language, Diversity and Social Space by
A Grammar and Dictionary of Tayap: The Life and Death of a Papuan Language by Kulick, Don, Terrill, Angela
Noun Phrases in Australian Languages: A Typological Study by Louagie, Dana
Articles in the World's Languages by Becker, Laura
Sprache und Kontext by Eckardt, Regine
On the Subject of English: The Linguistics of Language Use and Learning by Widdowson, Henry
Participles: A Typological Study by Shagal, Ksenia
Insubordination: Theoretical and Empirical Issues by
Competition in Language Change: The Rise of the English Dative Alternation by Zehentner, Eva
Fachunterricht, Sprachbildung und Sprachkompetenzen by
Laugh Like an Egyptian: Humour in the Contemporary Egyptian Novel by Dozio, Cristina
Words Beginning with Se, Si, Su by Puhvel, Jaan
Schweizerdeutsch und Sprachbewusstsein by Ruoss, Emanuel
Experiments in Focus: Information Structure and Semantic Processing by
Was ist gutes Deutsch? by Beuge, Patrick
The Mainland Southeast Asia Linguistic Area by
A Grammar of Belep by McCracken, Chelsea
Discourses of Global Queer Mobility and the Mediatization of Equality by Comer, Joseph
English phonetics by Tojiboyev, Islom
Workplace Vocabulary for Esl Students: With Exercises and Tests by de Gennaro, G.
Reading and Writing Korean: A Workbook for Self-Study: A Beginner's Guide to the Hangeul Writing System (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Cards) by Kiaer, Jieun, Driggs, Derek
Your Voice Speaks Volumes: It's Not What You Say, But How You Say It by Setter, Jane
The Routledge Handbook of Plurilingual Language Education by
A Historical Morphology of English by Ringe, Don
Politics of the Russian Language Beyond Russia by
Language Unlimited: The Science Behind Our Most Creative Power by Adger, David
A Historical Morphology of English by Ringe, Don
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis by Liddicoat, Anthony J.
Handbook of Pragmatic Language Disorders: Complex and Underserved Populations by
Early Language Learning Policy in the 21st Century: An International Perspective by
Conducting Sentiment Analysis by Liu, Dilin, Lei, Lei
Discourse and Conflict: Analysing Text and Talk of Conflict, Hate and Peace-Building by
Interaction by Behney, Jennifer, Gass, Susan
Function and Class in Linguistic Description: The Taxonomic Foundations of Grammar by Perini, Mário Alberto
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Standardization by
Die Entwicklung der Kollokationskompetenz im DaF-Unterricht: am Beispiel des Erwerbs von Substantiv-Verb-Kollokationen by Targońska, Joanna
Style and Emotion in Comic Novels and Short Stories by Marszalek, Agnes
The Sociopolitics of English Language Testing by
An Introduction to Conversation Analysis by Liddicoat, Anthony J.
Saying and Doing in Zapotec: Multimodality, Resonance, and the Language of Joint Actions by Sicoli, Mark A.
Teaching and Researching Writing by Hyland, Ken
Teaching and Researching Writing by Hyland, Ken
H for Halloween Alphabet Book for Kids: Trace, Find & Color the Letter A to Z by Space, Beekyoo
The Etymology and Syntax of the English Language Explained and Illustrated by Crombie, Alexander
Synergy III: Challenges in Translation by
Translation and the Global City: Bridges and Gateways by
Analysing Sentences: An Introduction to English Syntax by Burton-Roberts, Noel
Discourses of Student Success: Language, Class, and Social Personae in Italian Secondary Schools by Leone-Pizzighella, Andrea R.
Language - The Loaded Weapon: The Use and Abuse of Language Today by Bolinger, Dwight
Language - The Loaded Weapon: The Use and Abuse of Language Today by Bolinger, Dwight
Metalinguistic Communities: Case Studies of Agency, Ideology, and Symbolic Uses of Language by
Chatbots and the Domestication of AI: A Relational Approach by Kempt, Hendrik
Analysing Sentences: An Introduction to English Syntax by Burton-Roberts, Noel
A Dictionary of Vurës, Vanuatu by Malau, Catriona
A Minimalist Theory of Simplest Merge by Kitahara, Hisatsugu, Seely, T. Daniel, Epstein, Samuel D.
Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation by
Dialoggestaltung der passwortgestützten Authentifizierung. Begriffe, Umsetzung und Empfehlungen by Nagel, Rouven
Second Language Research: Methodology and Design by Mackey, Alison, Gass, Susan M.
The Routledge Handbook of Translation History by
Your World Language Classroom: Strategies for In-Person and Digital Instruction by Poth, Rachelle Dene
Shifts Towards Image-Centricity in Contemporary Multimodal Practices by
Multimodal Composition: Faculty Development Programs and Institutional Change by
Persuasive Genres: Old and New Media by Kathpalia, Sujata S.
Retracing the History of Literary Translation in Poland: People, Politics, Poetics by
Teaching and Testing Second Language Pragmatics and Interaction: A Practical Guide by Roever, Carsten
Teaching and Testing Second Language Pragmatics and Interaction: A Practical Guide by Roever, Carsten
Multilingual La La Land: Language Use in Sixteen Greater Los Angeles Communities by
Linguistic Worldview(s): Approaches and Applications by Glaz, Adam
Teaching and Learning Pragmatics: Where Language and Culture Meet by Ishihara, Noriko, Cohen, Andrew D.
Teaching and Learning Pragmatics: Where Language and Culture Meet by Ishihara, Noriko, Cohen, Andrew D.
Mysteries of English Grammar: A Guide to Complexities of the English Language by Calude, Andreea S., Bauer, Laurie
Topics in Spanish Linguistic Perceptions by
Intersections in Language Planning and Policy: Establishing Connections in Languages and Cultures by
Cross-Cultural Pragmatics by House, Juliane, Kádár, Dániel Z.
Tertiary Language Teacher-Researchers Between Ethics and Politics: Silent Voices, Unseized Spaces by Crozet, Chantal, Díaz, Adriana R.
Your World Language Classroom: Strategies for In-Person and Digital Instruction by Poth, Rachelle Dene
Topics in Spanish Linguistic Perceptions by
In Defense of Polemics by Amossy, Ruth
Working Towards a Proficiency Scale of Business English Writing: A Mixed-Methods Approach by Wang, Li, Fan, Jason
Resolving Hiatus by Casali, Roderic F.
Multimodal Legitimation: Understanding and Analysing Political and Cultural Discourse by MacKay, Rowan R.
Cross-Cultural Pragmatics by House, Juliane, Kádár, Dániel Z.
Metaphor in Economics and Specialised Discourse by
Second Language Teacher Prosody by Kuder, Emily
Multilingual La La Land: Language Use in Sixteen Greater Los Angeles Communities by
Teaching Languages to Adolescent Learners by Feick, Diana, Erlam, Rosemary, Philp, Jenefer
English and Spanish by
Teaching Languages to Adolescent Learners by Feick, Diana, Erlam, Rosemary, Philp, Jenefer
Texte und Medien: Linguistische Zugaenge zu Textmanifestationen in medialen Spielraeumen by
Mehrsprachigkeit per Gesetz: Die Implementierung der Ko-Offizialisierung von Sprachen in Brasilien by Pöhlmann, Jan
Dialectología fronteriza de Extremadura: Descripción e historia de las variedades lingueísticas en la frontera extremeña by Carrasco González, Juan M.
Routledge Handbook of Japanese Sociolinguistics by
Systemic Functional Language Description: Making Meaning Matter by
Translation as Actor-Networking: Actors, Agencies, and Networks in the Making of Arthur Waley's English Translation of the Chinese 'Journey to the Wes by Luo, Wenyan
Ageing Identities and Women's Everyday Talk in a Hair Salon by Heinrichsmeier, Rachel
New Speakers of Irish in the Global Context: New Revival? by Walsh, John, O'Rourke, Bernadette
Chinese-English Interpreting and Intercultural Communication by Hlavac, Jim, Xu, Zhichang
First Language Influences on Multilingual Lexicons by Booth, Paul, Clenton, Jon
Crosslinguistic Influence in Singapore English: Linguistic and Social Aspects by Teo, Ming Chew
Interface-Driven Phenomena in Spanish: Essays in Honor of Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach by
Authority and Power in Social Interaction: Methods and Analysis by
The Place of English as an International Language in English Language Teaching: Teachers' Reflections by Phan, Ngan Le Hai
Posthumanism and Deconstructing Arguments: Corpora and Digitally-Driven Critical Analysis by O'Halloran, Kieran
Language Policy in Superdiverse Indonesia by Zein, Subhan
The Discourse of Food Blogs: Multidisciplinary Perspectives by Cesiri, Daniela
Dialects from Tropical Islands: Caribbean Spanish in the United States by
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