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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Retos e incertidumbres: sobre la traducción de literatura en lenguas ibéricas by
Things That Are (Said) and Things That Are Not: A Brief Look at the Ideological Context of the Basque Language by Anabitarte, Naroa
Normatividad, equivalencia y calidad en la traducción e interpretación de lenguas ibéricas by
Translating Buddhism: Historical and Contextual Perspectives by
Al-'Arabiyya: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, Volume 54, Volume 54 by
Dictionnaire Étymologique de l'Ancien Français (Deaf). Buchstabe D/E. Fasc. 1-2 by
Algerian Languages in Education: Conflicts and Reconciliation by Ghafsi, Abderrezzaq, Bouherar, Salim
Making Sense of the Paranormal: The Interactional Construction of Unexplained Experiences by Ironside, Rachael, Wooffitt, Robin
Digitale Literaturgeschichte: Eine Versuchsreihe Mit Sieben Experimenten by Weitin, Thomas
Understanding Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Meaning and Identities in English as a Lingua Franca Skype Conversations by Brunner, Marie-Louise
Esperanto Revolutionaries and Geeks: Language Politics, Digital Media and the Making of an International Community by Fians, Guilherme
Tono-Types and Tone Evolution: The Case of Chaoshan by Zhang, Jingfen
Reflexive Pronouns: A Theoretical and Experimental Synthesis by Sperlich, Darcy
Second Language Learning Motivation in a European Context: The Case of Hungary by Csizér, Kata
Mobile Assisted Language Learning by Stockwell, Glenn
Mobile Assisted Language Learning by Stockwell, Glenn
Sanskrit-Kompendium: Verkleinerte Sonderausgabe der 6., erweiterten Auflage 2022 by Stiehl, Ulrich
Bridging the Gap Between Conversation Analysis and Poetics: Studies in Talk-In-Interaction and Literature Twenty-Five Years After Jefferson by
The Languaging of Higher Education in the Global South: De-Colonizing the Language of Scholarship and Pedagogy by
Language Learning in Anglophone Countries: Challenges, Practices, Ways Forward by
The Polish Alphabet: The Symbols and Sounds of Polish by Wallis, James Paul
Aphasie und Mehrsprachigkeit. Cross-linguistische Effekte in der Therapie von multilingualen AphasikerInnen by Anonymous
Paradigms regained by Diewald, Gabriele, Politt, Katja
Researching and Teaching Second Language Writing in the Digital Age by Li, Mimi
The Rise of Coptic: Egyptian Versus Greek in Late Antiquity by Fournet, Jean-Luc
Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Theoretical Developments by
Mediating Specialized Knowledge and L2 Abilities: New Research in Spanish/English Bilingual Models and Beyond by
Anti-Proverbs in Five Languages: Structural Features and Verbal Humor Devices by T. Litovkina, Anna, Barta, Péter, Hrisztova-Gotthardt, Hrisztalina
Scholarly Publication Trajectories of Early-Career Scholars: Insider Perspectives by
The Palgrave Handbook of Humour, History, and Methodology by
Proto-Fula-Sereer by Pozdniakov, Konstantin
Statistical Methods for Annotation Analysis by Poesio, Massimo, Paun, Silviu, Artstein, Ron
Concepts, Frames and Cascades in Semantics, Cognition and Ontology by
Analyzing Digital Discourses: Between Convergence and Controversy by
Research Methods in Linguistic Anthropology by
Diversifying Family Language Policy by
The Stylistics of 'You' by Sorlin, Sandrine
Research Questions in Language Education and Applied Linguistics: A Reference Guide by
Narrative Praktiken Von Unternehmen: Imagefördernde Selbstdarstellungen Im Internet by Ackermann, Ulrike
Meta-Functional Equivalent Translation of Chinese Folk Song: Intercultural Communication of Zhuang Ethnic Minority as an Example by Yang, Yang
Modular Design of Grammar by
Literacies in the Age of Mobility: Literacy Practices of Adult and Adolescent Migrants by
Clitics in the wild by Kolakovic, Zrinka, Jurkiewicz-Rohrbacher, Edyta, Hansen, Björn
Série de Modèles Établie Pour l'Enseignement Manuel À l'École Primaire: D'Après La Méthode Des Objets Utiles Et Le Mode Individuel by Schmitt, Étienne
Thèse. Les Écoles Primaires Protestantes Avant La Révocation de l'Édit de Nantes: Faculté de Théologie Protestante, Montauban by Maurin, Jacques
Les Asiles Agricoles de la Suisse, Comme Moyen d'Éducation Pour Les Enfants Pauvres: Remède Contre l'Envahissement Du Paupérisme, Système de Colonisat by Risler, Mathieu
L'instruction civique mise à la portée des enfants. 8e édition by Pavette, Ovide
L'enseignement par projections lumineuses. Sciences physiques, naturelles, agriculture et hygiène by Mage, J., Bonhoure, F.
Vues sur l'organisation de l'instruction publique et sur l'éducation des filles by Le Brun, Isidore-Frédéric-Thomas
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, août 1897 by Editions Fasquelle
De l'éducation des souverains ou des princes destinés à l'être, discours by Boucher-d'Argis, André-Jean-Baptiste
Bibliothèque Publique de Circulation Fondée Par Les Loges Maçonniques de Rouen: Avec Le Concours Des Propagateurs de l'Instruction Populaire by Bibliotheque Publique
Rapport sur l'Ecole pratique des hautes études, sections des Sciences by Collectif
L'école rurale, belles exemples by Jônain, Pierre Abraham
Sur les bijoux, conférence by Falize, Lucien
L'école. Méthode Néel, lecture, écriture, leçons de choses. Livret 2 by Neel, P.
Organisation d'ensemble des forteresses. Partie 3. Fascicule 1 by Joffre, Joseph
Les six dons de Froebel, manuel des jardins d'enfants by Collectif
Difficultés proposées à M. de Caradeuc de La Chalotais, procureur-général au Parlement de Bretagne by Crevier, Jean-Baptiste-Louis
Méthode Cuissart. Enseignement pratique et simultané de lecture, d'écriture et d'orthographe by Cuissart, Eugène
Enseignement du premier degré. Arithmétique. Livret 1 by Pujol, Victor
Essai sur l'art de la parole. De l'action, des accents et de l'accentuation by Fourcade, V. -M
Cours de sténo-dactylographie... by Ets Williams Et Wigmore
Méthode analytique synthétique de lecture. Livret 2 by Toussaint, G., Toussaint, M.
Alphabet illustré ou syllabaire des commençants. Lecture. Ecriture. Dessin by Collectif
Méthode de lecture by Mercier, U.
Kingdom of Characters: The Language Revolution That Made China Modern by Tsu, Jing
Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 28: Volume 28 by
Creación y análisis de corpus orales: saberes prácticos y reflexiones teóricas by Pons Borderia, Salvador
Investigating Dynamic Relationships Among Individual Difference Variables in Learning English as a Foreign Language in a Virtual World by Kruk, Mariusz
Explanations in Sociosyntactic Variation by
Significance in Language: A Theory of Semantics by Feist, Jim
The Language of Argumentation by
Emerging Concepts in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning by
Emerging Concepts in Technology-Enhanced Language Teaching and Learning by
Media Discourse of Commemoration: The Centenary of World War One in Europe by
Conversation Analysis and Classroom Management: An Investigation Into L2 Teachers' Interrogative Reproaches by Klattenberg, Revert
Eastern Cherokee Stories: A Living Oral Tradition and Its Cultural Continuance by Muse Isaacs, Sandra
"Zeg mij wie je vrienden zijn en ik zal zeggen wie u bent" by Machado Oliveira Rio, Marlon
From Literacy to Literature: England, 1300-1400 by Cannon, Christopher
Reterritorializing Linguistic Landscapes: Questioning Boundaries and Opening Spaces by
Language of Conflict: Discourses of the Ukrainian Crisis by
The Discursive Construction of Economic Inequality: Cads Approaches to the British Media by
Expressing Critical Thinking Through Disciplinary Texts: Insights from Five Genre Studies by Bruce, Ian
Researching Language Learning Motivation: A Concise Guide by
Pedagogical Translanguaging by Gorter, Durk, Cenoz, Jasone
Good Data in Business and Professional Discourse Research and Teaching: Further Explorations by
Writing a War of Words: Andrew Clark and the Search for Meaning in World War One by Mugglestone, Lynda
The Texture of the Lexicon: Relational Morphology and the Parallel Architecture by Jackendoff, Ray, Audring, Jenny
The Language of Fiction by
Online Language Learning: Tips for Teachers by Mann, Laurence, Çakır, Emine, Kiaer, Jieun
Interactive and Interpersonal Meanings of Grammatical Structures: A Cognitive Grammar Analysis of Selected Direct Directive Constructions in Polish by Kochańska, Agata
Etude historique des constructions verbales de l'allemand du 9ème au 16ème siècle by Robin, Thérèse
The 100 Most Beautiful Chinese Characters by Xu, Hui
The 100 Most Traditional Chinese Characters by Xu, Hui
The 100 Most Interesting Chinese Characters by Xu, Hui
Grammatical Reconstruction: The Sogeram Languages of New Guinea by Daniels, Don
Urban Multilingualism in Europe: Bridging the Gap Between Language Policies and Language Practices by
Sprache in Politik und Gesellschaft by
Pragmatics in English as a Lingua Franca: Findings and Developments by
Swearing and Cursing: Contexts and Practices in a Critical Linguistic Perspective by
Kabbala und Haskala by Morlok, Elke
Die Vergangenheitstempora im Alemannischen Deutschlands by Leonhard, Jens
Wissenschaftssprache praxistheoretisch by Niemann, Robert
Word Knowledge and Word Usage: A Cross-Disciplinary Guide to the Mental Lexicon by
Des parlers d'oïl à la francophonie by
Rhetorik und Ästhetik der Evidenz by
Patterns in Language and Linguistics: New Perspectives on a Ubiquitous Concept by
L'Adjectivité by
A Grammar of Seenku by McPherson, Laura
Message and Medium: English Language Practices Across Old and New Media by
Metaphor in Foreign Language Instruction by
Prosodie und Konstruktionsgrammatik by
A Typological Approach to Grammaticalization and Lexicalization: East Meets West by
La Représentation du Discours Autre by Authier-Revuz, Jacqueline
Linguistics Meets Literature: More on the Grammar of Emily Dickinson by Beck, Sigrid, Brockmann, Saskia, Bauer, Matthias
Koloniale Und Postkoloniale Mikrotoponyme: Forschungsperspektiven Und Interdisziplinäre Bezüge by Ebert, Verena, Mühlan-Meyer, Tirza, Schulz, Matthias
Kasusmarkierung im Russischen und Deutschen by Werthmann, Antonina
The Diversity of Irony by
History and Applications by
Il veneziano de là da mar by
Formulaic Language and New Data: Theoretical and Methodological Implications by
Pithanologie by
Einführung in die romanische Sprachwissenschaft by Pöckl, Wolfgang, Rainer, Franz, Pöll, Bernhard
A Grammar of Paluai: The Language of Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea by Schokkin, Dineke
Morphosyntax und Pragmatik in Konkurrenz by Werth, Alexander
Grammar - Discourse - Context: Grammar and Usage in Language Variation and Change by
Derivational Networks Across Languages by
Linguistic Variation: Structure and Interpretation by
Information Structure Within Interfaces: Consequences for the Phrase Structure by Gürer, Asli
Gestures We Live by: The Pragmatics of Emblematic Gestures by Clemente, Ignasi, Payrató, Lluís
A Grammar of Southern Min: The Hui'an Dialect by Chen, Weirong
Recontextualizing Humor: Rethinking the Analysis and Teaching of Humor by Tsakona, Villy
Morpheme-Internal Recursion in Phonology by
Referential and Relational Discourse Coherence in Adults and Children by
Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives by
Null Subjects in Slavic and Finno-Ugric: Licensing, Structure and Typology by
My Soul Look Back in Wonder: Memories from a Life of Study, Struggle, and Doin Battle in the Language Wars by Smitherman, Geneva Napoleon
My Soul Look Back in Wonder: Memories from a Life of Study, Struggle, and Doin Battle in the Language Wars by Smitherman, Geneva Napoleon
The Rhetoric of Literary Communication: From Classical English Novels to Contemporary Digital Fiction by
The Language of Pick-Up Artists: Online Discourses of the Seduction Industry by Dayter, Daria, Rüdiger, Sofia
Intercultural Challenges for the Reintegration of Displaced Professionals: A Response to the Language Learning Needs of Refugees in Europe by Johnstone Young, Tony, Ganassin, Sara, Schneider, Stefanie
The Neo-Aramaic Oral Heritage of the Jews of Zakho by Aloni, Oz
The Neo-Aramaic Oral Heritage of the Jews of Zakho by Aloni, Oz
Teaching the Chinese Language Remotely: Global Cases and Perspectives by
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Technology by
The Black Side of the River: Race, Language, and Belonging in Washington, DC by Grieser, Jessica A.
The Discourse Community of Electronic Dance Music by Jóri, Anita
California Indian Languages by Golla, Victor
Multilingualism: Interdisciplinary Topics by
Cognitive Semiotics: Integrating Signs, Minds, Meaning and Cognition by Paolucci, Claudio
Emergency Remote Teaching and Beyond: Voices from World Language Teachers and Researchers by
Wittgenstein's on Certainty: Insight and Method by Brice, Robert Greenleaf
English Prepositions: Their Meanings and Uses by Dixon, R. M. W.
Understanding Im/Politeness Through Translation: The English-Greek Paradigm by Sidiropoulou, Maria
Obesity in the News: Language and Representation in the Press by Baker, Paul, Brookes, Gavin
The Semantics of Word Division in Northwest Semitic Writing Systems: Ugaritic, Phoenician, Hebrew, Moabite and Greek by Crellin, Robert S. D.
English Prepositions: Their Meanings and Uses by Dixon, R. M. W.
Obesity in the News: Language and Representation in the Press by Brookes, Gavin, Baker, Paul
The Cambridge Handbook of Heritage Languages and Linguistics by
Creativity in Word Formation and Word Interpretation by Kačmár, Pavol, Körtvélyessy, Lívia, Stekauer, Pavol
Introducing Language and Society by Jones, Rodney H., Themistocleous, Christiana
Reappraising Self and Others: A Corpus-Based Study of Chinese Political Discourse in English Translation by Li, Tao, Hu, Kaibao
Diverse Voices in Chinese Translation and Interpreting: Theory and Practice by
Democracy and World Language Education: Toward a Transformation by Reagan, Timothy
Democracy and World Language Education: Toward a Transformation by Reagan, Timothy
Liberating Language Education by
Liberating Language Education by
Language Teaching in the Linguistic Landscape: Mobilizing Pedagogy in Public Space by
Political Communication: Discursive Perspectives by
Task-Based Language Teaching and Assessment: Contemporary Reflections from Across the World by
Peticiones en alemán y español: Un estudio contrastivo a partir de "Gran Hermano" by Bertomeu Pi, Pau
Des MOTS pour le RIRE: Écriture humour décalé by Des Mots Pour Le Rire, Association
Discours sur l'éducation de M. le Dauphin et sur l'adoption by Du Crest Comtesse de Genlis, Stéphanie-Félicité
Petit cours de dessin linéaire, mis à la portée des enfants par un ancien instituteur by Collectif
Instructions Élémentaires Et Techniques Pour La Mise En Ordre Des Livres d'Une Bibliothèque by DeLisle, Léopold
Alphabet signolégique français et latin by Marie, Paul
Fractions et problèmes résolus par l'unité, cours moyen. Partie 3 by Collectif
Le médaillon, exercices de lecture. 5e édition by Turin, Paul, Lanissol, Benjamin
Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Saint-Philippe-du-Roule by Collectif
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, février 1899 by Editions Fasquelle
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, juin 1898 by Editions Fasquelle
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, janvier 1897 by Editions Fasquelle
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, août 1899 by Editions Fasquelle
Projet d'éducation pour tout le royaume, précédé de quelques réflexions sur l'Assemblée nationale by Auger, Athanase
Méthode d'écriture cursive by Dupuy, J.
Alphabet des écoles primaires. Nouvelle édition by Ducret, Étienne
Méthode pour apprendre seul à parler assez bien latin by Mazoyer, Vital-Benoît
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, juin 1897 by Editions Fasquelle
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque-Charpentier, juin 1899 by Editions Fasquelle
Second alphabet ou livre de lecture. Nouvelle édition by Collectif
La pratique quotidienne. Livre du Maître by Collectif
Le livre d'écriture, recueil de modèles d'écriture, avec conseils aux élèves by André, Anatole
Le collège de Nevers, 1521-1860 by Duminy, Edmond
Méthode d'Articulation Et de Lecture Sur Les Lèvres, À l'Usage Des Institutions de Sourds-Muets by M. B., F.
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de la Société républicaine d'instruction de la Haute-Marne by Societe de la Haute-Marne
L'art du dessin. Partie 2. Cours moyen by Messieux, A.
Géographie, cours élémentaire. Nouvelle édition by S. F.
Mehrsprachigkeit und die Frage nach der 'doppelten Identität': Ein Diskussionsansatz by Kalden, Wolf Hannes
Measurements, Numerals and Scales: Essays in Honour of Stephanie Solt by
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