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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Second alphabet ou livre de lecture. Nouvelle édition by Collectif
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque de la Société républicaine d'instruction de la Haute-Marne by Societe de la Haute-Marne
Géographie, cours élémentaire. Nouvelle édition by S. F.
Projet d'éducation pour tout le royaume, précédé de quelques réflexions sur l'Assemblée nationale by Auger, Athanase
Méthode pour apprendre seul à parler assez bien latin by Mazoyer, Vital-Benoît
Instructions Élémentaires Et Techniques Pour La Mise En Ordre Des Livres d'Une Bibliothèque by DeLisle, Léopold
Reading & Writing Japanese: A Workbook for Self-Study: A Beginner's Guide to Hiragana, Katakana and Kanji (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Cards by Sato, Eriko
Etymological Dictionary of the Sumerian Language, Part 3: Linguistic Analysis, Addenda and Corrigenda by Parpola, Simo
Finite-State Computational Morphology: An Analyzer and Generator for Georgian by Lobzhanidze, Irina
Language and Social Justice in Context: Hawaiʻi as a Case Study by Saft, Scott
The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics by
Language as Evidence: Doing Forensic Linguistics by
Employing Linguistics: Thinking and Talking about Careers for Linguists by Trester, Anna Marie
Une porte ouverte vers la langue louée by Kibinda, Yakaumbu
The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language by
The Cambridge Handbook of Phonetics by
Linguistic Dimensions of Sexual Normativity: Corpus-Based Evidence by Motschenbacher, Heiko
Understanding Eap Learners' Beliefs about Language Learning from a Socio-Cultural Perspective: A Longitudinal Study at an EMI Context in Mainland Chin by Li, Chili
Magical Unicorns Cursive Handwriting Workbook: Alphabet, Sight Words, & Color Pages by Alchemy, Fire Light
El discurso reaccionario de la derecha española: De Donoso Cortés a Vox by Fernández Riquelme, Pedro
Cyberhate in the Context of Migrations by
Number Tracing For Kids Ages 3-5: Tracing Numbers 1-20 For Kindergarten And Preschool, Tracing Numbers For Girls Ages 3-5, Tracing Letters And Numbers by Cherif, Ben
Diachronic Dialectology: New Methods and Case Studies in Medieval Norwegian by Blaxter, Tamsin S. T.
Negotiating Linguistic Plurality: Translation and Multilingualism in Canada and Beyond by
Alphabets for Kids: Fun Coloring Letters by Writing, Easy Funny
Language Policies and the Politics of Language Practices: Essays in Honour of Sjaak Kroon by
Reasoning and Language at Work: A Critical Essay by Termini, Settimo, Tabacchi, Marco Elio, Trillas, Enric
Fankulturen und Fankommunikation by
Negotiating Identities in Nordic Migrant Narratives: Crossing Borders and Telling Lives by
The Legibility of Serif and Sans Serif Typefaces: Reading from Paper and Reading from Screens by Richardson, John T. E.
Picturing Fiction through Embodied Cognition: Drawn Representations and Viewpoint in Literary Texts by Schilhab, Theresa, Burke, Michael, Klomberg, Bien
Interdisziplinaere, interkulturelle und interliterarische Erkundungen by
Traducción e interpretación en entornos institucionales / Translation and Interpreting in Institutional Settings: Enseñanza y práctica de la profesión by
Wiener Slawistischer Almanach Band 87/2021 by
The American Accent Learnway Cross the Bridge, Over the Divide by Rehman, Adil
English as the Medium of Instruction in Turkish Higher Education: Policy, Practice and Progress by
The Acoustic Self in English Modernism and Beyond: Writing Musically by Varga, Zoltan
Challenges in Language Testing Around the World: Insights for Language Test Users by
Language Policy in Ethiopia: The Interplay Between Policy and Practice in Tigray Regional State by Yohannes, Mekonnen Alemu Gebre
Scottish Gaelic and its European Cousins by McLennan, George
Tracing Letter: 33 Khmer Consonants Handwriting Practice Books For Beginner by Sar, Moka
The Politics of Researching Multilingually by
The Politics of Researching Multilingually by
Global Perspectives on Youth Language Practices by
Konstruktionssemantik by Willich, Alexander
Roland Barthes by Roger-P
Traduire by Ost-F
A Grammar of Modern Baba Malay by Lee, Nala H.
Gleichzeitigkeit in der Interaktion by Krug, Maximilian
Nouvel Alphabet de l'Enfance Orné d'Un Grand Nombre de Dessins Et de Textes Explicatifs by Sans Auteur
Préliminaire de Lecture by Conte-X
Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Acculturation in Turkish Immigrants: Identity, Language and Education Across Generations by Yagmur, Kutlay, Van de Vijver, Fons J. R.
Pedagogical Stylistics in the 21st Century by
The Language Game: How Improvisation Created Language and Changed the World by Christiansen, Morten H., Chater, Nick
Language as a Social Determinant of Health: Translating and Interpreting the Covid-19 Pandemic by
Researching Language Learning Motivation: A Concise Guide by
Understanding Language: An Introduction to Linguistics by Fowler, Roger
Social Media in Legal Practice by
Making World English: Literature, Late Empire, and English Language Teaching, 1919-39 by Malouf, Michael G.
Translation and Social Media Communication in the Age of the Pandemic by
Discursive Constructions of the Suicidal Process by Ziólkowska, Justyna, Galasinski, Dariusz
Communicating with the Public: Conversation Analytic Studies by
Action Ascription in Interaction by
Translanguaging in Science Education by
Vivre avec des prothèses auditives ou des implants cochléaires by Cathiard, Marie-Agnès
Applying Anzalduan Frameworks to Understand Transnational Youth Identities: Bridging Culture, Language, and Schooling at the Us-Mexican Border by
Multimodal Literacy in School Science: Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Theory, Research and Pedagogy by Tytler, Russell, Fenwick, Lisl, Unsworth, Len
Letter Coloring Book for Kids: Workbook Learn to Write, Trace and Color the Alphabet in Space by Med, Med
The Pandemic of Argumentation by
The Pandemic of Argumentation by
Image-Schemata Und Deutsche Präpositionen: 意象图式与德语介词 by Ni, Dan, Spindler, André
English and Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education: Global Perspectives on Teacher Preparation and Classroom Practices by
Politische, mediale und kommunikative Dimensionen der Weblogs in Russland by Khrushcheva, Daria
The Integration of Language and Society: A Cross-Linguistic Typology by
Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide by Barton, David, Lee, Carmen, Page, Ruth
Pragmatics Online by Scott, Kate
Education and Language in the Philippines by Symaco, Lorraine Pe, Dumanig, Francisco P.
Lingüística de Corpus En Español / The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Corpus Linguistics by
The Political Interview: Broadcast Talk in the Interactional Combat Zone by Hutchby, Ian
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Holmes, Janet, Wilson, Nick
Multifunctionality in English: Corpora, Language and Academic Literacy Pedagogy by
An Introduction to Sociolinguistics by Holmes, Janet, Wilson, Nick
Ausfuehrliche Darlegung und Diskussion der Prinzipien der Prosodie: Basṭ al-maqbūḍ fī mabādiʾ ʿilm al-ʿar&#3 by El Mallouki, Habib
L'écriture du témoignage: Récits, postures, engagements by
Pragmatics Online by Scott, Kate
Researching Language and Social Media: A Student Guide by Lee, Carmen, Page, Ruth, Barton, David
Chinese Linguistics: An Introduction by Basciano, Bianca, Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco
¡No Valga La Redundancia!: Pleonasmos, Redundancias, Sinsentidos, Anfibologías Y Ultracorrecciones Que Decimos Y Escribimos En Español by Argüelles, Juan Domingo
The Greatest Invention: A History of the World in Nine Mysterious Scripts by Ferrara, Silvia
Linguistics: Formalism and Forms by
African Linguistics: Volume 1 by
African Linguistics: Volume 2 by
Morphology: The Role of Lexeme (Volume 2) by
Language Universals and Linguistic Typology by
Complex Lexical Units: Multi-Word Expressions by
Computational Linguistics: Studies in Natural Language Processing by
Speech and Language Processing: Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing by
Understanding Theoretical Linguistics by
Linguistics: An Introduction by
Teaching World Languages for Specific Purposes: A Practical Guide by Ruggiero, Diana M.
Chinese Linguistics: An Introduction by Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco, Basciano, Bianca
Poder de la Palabra: Pnl, El by Dilts, Robert
Teaching World Languages for Specific Purposes: A Practical Guide by Ruggiero, Diana M.
English Language and Learning: A Beginner's Guide by
Grammaticalization Scenarios: Cross-Linguistic Variation and Universal Tendencies by
A Grammar of Patwin by Lawyer, Lewis C.
Universal Ideology Exposed by Grayne, John
Translation and Contemporary Art: Transdisciplinary Encounters by Vidal Claramonte, Macarmen África
Serial Verbs by Aikhenvald, Alexandra Y.
118 Easy Sudoku Puzzles With the American Sign Language Numbers: The ASL Fingerspelling Sudoku Challenge (Large Print Edition) by Lassal, S. T.
The Syntax of V-V Resultatives in Mandarin Chinese by Liu, Jianxun
The Far-Right Discourse of Multiculturalism in Intergroup Interactions: A Critical Discursive Perspective by
The American Accent Learnway Together, On the Road Inland by Rehman, Adil
Expressing Silence: Where Language and Culture Meet in Japanese by Tsujimura, Natsuko
The Interaction of Borrowing and Word Formation by
A Sociolinguistic History of Scotland by Millar, Robert McColl
Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction: An Introduction by Pun, Jack, Richards, Jack C.
Teaching and Learning in English Medium Instruction: An Introduction by Richards, Jack C., Pun, Jack
Bulletin Des Travaux de l'Université de Lyon by Université de Lyon
La Revue de l'université by Collectif
Bulletin Des Travaux de l'Université de Lyon by Université de Lyon
Bulletin Des Travaux de l'Université de Lyon by Université de Lyon
Petit manuel de l'instruction primaire by Barrau, Théodore-Henri
Petit manuel de l'instruction primaire by Barrau, Théodore-Henri
Petit manuel de l'instruction primaire by Barrau, Théodore-Henri
La Revue de l'université by Collectif
A Writing Studies Primer by Kinkead, Joyce
The Language of Russian Peasants in the Twentieth Century: A Linguistic Analysis and Oral History by Nakhimovsky, Alexander D.
Positive Psychology in Second and Foreign Language Education by
Análisis de la Conversación: fundamentos, metodología y alcances by Olguín, Luis Manuel, Raymond, Chase Wesley
Análisis de la Conversación: Fundamentos, Metodología Y Alcances by Raymond, Chase Wesley, Olguín, Luis Manuel
Indeterminacy and Explanation in Linguistic Inquiry: Contentious papers 2012-2018 by Orman, Jon
Synchronic and Diachronic Aspects of Kanashi by Borin, Lars, Saxena, Anju
Syntax by
Directions for Pedagogical Construction Grammar: Learning and Teaching (With) Constructions by
Marcado Diferencial de Objeto Y Semántica Verbal En Español by Romero Heredero, Diego
Second Language Teaching and Learning Through Virtual Exchange by
Medical English as a Lingua Franca by Tweedie, M. Gregory, Johnson, Robert C.
El Queísmo En La Historia: Variación Y Cambio Lingüístico En El Régimen Preposicional del Español (Siglos XVI-XXI) by Blas Arroyo, José Luis, Velando Casanova, Mónica
Morphology and Syntax: Analyzing Languages by
Morphology: The Role of Lexeme (Volume 1) by
English Phonetics and Phonology by
Studies in Comparative Syntax by
Language and Lexical Data: A Historical Perspective by
Grammaticality Judgements: A Linguistic Perspective by
Zweitspracherwerb in der Kita: Eine integrative Sicht auf die sprachliche und kognitive Entwicklung mehrsprachiger Kinder by Lengyel, Drorit
Mobility of Knowledge, Practice and Pedagogy in TESOL Teacher Education: Implications for Transnational Contexts by
A Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Legal Language and Culture by Zhang, Falian
Morphosyntactic change in Late Modern Swedish by
Pandemic and Crisis Discourse: Communicating Covid-19 and Public Health Strategy by
Exploring the Translatability of Emotions: Cross-Cultural and Transdisciplinary Encounters by
The Cambridge Handbook of Intercultural Communication by
Literature, Spoken Language and Speaking Skills in Second Language Learning by
Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis by
Ontologies of English by
Advances in Empirical Translation Studies by
Introducing Interpreting Studies by Pöchhacker, Franz
Introducing Interpreting Studies by Pöchhacker, Franz
The Role of Language in the Wellbeing of Migrants: East Asian Communities in Germany by Wang, Zi
The Competition of Word-Formation Processes in the Derivational Paradigm of Verbs: Diasynchronic Evidence for the Profile and Resolution of Competitio by Fernández-Alcaina, Cristina
Dialog Systems: A Perspective from Language, Logic and Computation by
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Speaking by
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology by
Specialized Knowledge Mediation: Ontological & Metaphorical Modelling by
Metacognitive Translator Training: Focus on Personal Resources by Pietrzak, Paulina
Classroom-Based Conversation Analytic Research: Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Pedagogy by
Academic Literacy Development: Perspectives on Multilingual Scholars' Approaches to Writing by
Mediatized Taiwanese Mandarin: Popular Culture, Masculinity, and Social Perceptions by Peng, Chun-Yi
The emergence of American English as a discursive variety by Paulsen, Ingrid
Die Sprache der deutschen Regierung im Krisenkontext. Ein Vergleich der Sprachbilder von Coronapandemie und Klimakrise by Esser, Jana Maria
Discursive Change in Hong Kong: Sociopolitical Dynamics, Metaphor, and One Country, Two Systems by Eagleton, Jennifer
Vokalveränderungen des New Zealand English: Lautwandel und ihre sozialen Faktoren by Reich, Olga
Handbook of Literacy in Diglossia and in Dialectal Contexts: Psycholinguistic, Neurolinguistic, and Educational Perspectives by
Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory by Francis, Elaine J.
The Secret Life of Literature by Zunshine, Lisa
Exploring Multilingual Hawai'i: Language Use and Language Ideologies in a Diverse Society by Saft, Scott
Noun-Based Constructions in the History of Portuguese and Spanish by Amaral, Patrícia, Delicado Cantero, Manuel
Viking Mediologies: A New History of Skaldic Poetics by Heslop, Kate
Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory by Francis, Elaine J.
Viking Mediologies: A New History of Skaldic Poetics by Heslop, Kate
Lexical Variation of an East Midlands Mining Community by Braber, Natalie
Language Change and Linguistic Diversity: Studies in Honour of Lyle Campbell by
How to Critique Authoritarian Populism: Methodologies of the Frankfurt School by
Research Methods in Language Teaching and Learning: A Practical Guide by
Identity Politics Past and Present: Political Discourses from Post-War Austria to the Covid Crisis by Wodak, Ruth, Rheindorf, Markus
Les discours meurtriers aujourd'hui: Colloque de Cerisy by
Ode to the City - An Ethnographic Drama by Blackledge, Adrian, Creese, Angela
Ode to the City - An Ethnographic Drama by Blackledge, Adrian, Creese, Angela
The Hebrew Signs language of Adam Volume IV (4)- The Secret Ancient light of the Hebrew Master Key letters: The origin of the ancient Hebrew letters, by Kanyavski (Kanyavsky), Moti
Narrative Inquiry Into Language Teacher Identity: Alts in the Jet Program by Hiratsuka, Takaaki
English Language and General Studies Education in the United Arab Emirates: Theoretical, Empirical and Practical Perspectives by
The Cambridge Handbook of Translation by
The Routledge Handbook of Materials Development for Language Teaching by
An Advanced Guide to Multilingualism by Aronin, Larissa
An Advanced Guide to Multilingualism by Aronin, Larissa
Semantische Kongruenz bei belebten Referenten by Schiele, Miriam
Data, Information, and Time: The Dit Model by Kopetz, Hermann
Enhancing Student Support in Higher Education: A Subject-Focused Approach by Richards, Kendall, Pilcher, Nick
Inwiefern unterscheiden sich Quasi-Indikatoren und logophorische Pronomina? by Schiele, Miriam
Linguistic Tactics and Strategies of Marginalization in Japanese by
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