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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Linguistic Tactics and Strategies of Marginalization in Japanese by
Inquiries in Philosophical Pragmatics: Issues in Linguistics by
Joachim Lambek: The Interplay of Mathematics, Logic, and Linguistics by
Linke Satzperipherie und [±wh]-Asymmetrie by Tsiknakis, Antonios
Metaphorical Conceptualizations: (Inter)Cultural Perspectives by
Humor and Horror: Different Emotions, Similar Linguistic Processing Strategies by Straßburger, Lena
The Language of the English Street Sign by Cook, Vivian
The Language of the English Street Sign by Cook, Vivian
Evidential Marking in European Languages: Toward a Unitary Comparative Account by
Cross-Categorial Classification: Nouns and Verbs in Eegimaa by Sagna, Serge
Felicitous Underspecification: Contextually Sensitive Expressions Lacking Unique Semantic Values in Context by King, Jeffrey C.
The Literacy Approach to Teaching Foreign Languages by Halbach, Ana
Language and Institutional Identity in the Post-Apartheid South African Higher Education: Perspectives on Policy and Practice by
Wanderjahre in Literatur und Leben: Ontologien des Wandel(n)s by
Sociodidactique du plurilinguisme et de l'altérité inclusive: Des langues régionales aux langues des migrants by Chateaureynaud, Marie-Anne
Linguistik Im Sprachvergleich: Germanistik - Romanistik - Anglistik by
Deutsches Rechtswörterbuch: Wörterbuch Der Älteren Deutschen Rechtssprache. Band XIV, Heft 5/6 - Subjekt - Taufzeuge by
The Acquisition of Chinese as a Second Language Pronunciation: Segments and Prosody by
Individual and Contextual Factors in the English Language Classroom: Theoretical, Pedagogical, and Empirical Approaches by
Syntactic Change in French by Wolfe, Sam
Mobile Messaging and Resourcefulness: A Post-Digital Ethnography by Tagg, Caroline, Lyons, Agnieszka
Shakespeare's Queer Analytics: Distant Reading and Collaborative Intimacy in 'Love's Martyr' by Rodrigues, Don
Linguistic Perspectives on Sexuality in Education: Representations, Constructions and Negotiations by
Graphic Politics in Eastern India: Script and the Quest for Autonomy by Choksi, Nishaant
Discourses of Hope and Reconciliation: On J. R. Martin's Contribution to Systemic Functional Linguistics by
Critical Perspectives on Language and Kinship in Multilingual Families by Wright, Lyn
A Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective on L2 Writing Development by Li, Shaopeng
Remaking Kichwa: Language and Indigenous Pluralism in Amazonian Ecuador by Wroblewski, Michael
The Cambridge Handbook of Task-Based Language Teaching by
The Geography of Words by Sipka, Danko
The Geography of Words by Sipka, Danko
What Proust Heard: Novels and the Ethnography of Talk by Lucey, Michael
Translanguaging in Translation: Invisible Contributions That Shape Our Language and Society by Sato, Eriko
Translanguaging in Translation: Invisible Contributions That Shape Our Language and Society by Sato, Eriko
Kommunikation, Text und Sprachwandel im romanischen Mittelalter: Fuenf sprachwissenschaftliche Beitraege by
Neoliberalization of English Language Policy in the Global South by
Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet by Warren, Michelle R.
Holy Digital Grail: A Medieval Book on the Internet by Warren, Michelle R.
Natural Language Processing in Artificial Intelligence--Nlpinai 2020 by
Language vs. Reality: Why Language Is Good for Lawyers and Bad for Scientists by Enfield, N. J.
The Translation of Irony: Examining its Translatability into Narratives by Moreno Giménez, Alícia
Die Literaturtheorie von Roman Ingarden und ihre Moeglichkeiten fuer eine werkbezogene Analyse by Steltner, Ulrich
Lehnwortphonologie - Segmente und Strukturen: Prozessphonologische und optimalitaetstheoretische Analyse am Beispiel des arabisch-romanischen Sprachko by Kiegel-Keicher, Yvonne
La historia de la lengua, la dialectología y el concepto de cambio lingueístico en el pensamiento de Eugenio Coseriu by
Traducción y discapacidad: Un estudio comparado de la terminología inglés-español en la prensa escrita by Sánchez Carnicer, Jaime
From Speaking to Grammar by
Die Sprachberatung der Academias de la Lengua in Hispanoamerika by Merk, Hanna
Sustaining Action Research: A Practical Guide for Institutional Engagement by Ellis, Neville John, Burns, Anne, Edwards, Emily
Translating Change: Enhanced Practical Skills for Translators by Pattison, Ann, Cragie, Stella
Destructive Storytelling: Disinformation and the Eurosceptic Myth That Shaped Brexit by Henkel, Imke
Ockhamism and Philosophy of Time: Semantic and Metaphysical Issues Concerning Future Contingents by
Thirty Years of ProtoSociology - Three Decades Between Disciplines by Krauße, Reuß-Markus, Peter, Georg
Translating Change: Enhanced Practical Skills for Translators by Cragie, Stella, Pattison, Ann
Natural Language Processing for Corpus Linguistics by Dunn, Jonathan
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Sociolinguistics by
The Philosophy and Science of Language: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
Introducing Stylistic Analysis: Practising the Basics by Alaghbary, Gibreel Sadeq
Introducing Stylistic Analysis: Practising the Basics by Alaghbary, Gibreel Sadeq
Urban Contact Dialects and Language Change: Insights from the Global North and South by
Sustaining Action Research: A Practical Guide for Institutional Engagement by Ellis, Neville John, Burns, Anne, Edwards, Emily
Handbook of Early Language Education by
Outcomes of University Spanish Heritage Language Instruction in the United States by
Outcomes of University Spanish Heritage Language Instruction in the United States by
Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices, VOL 1 by
Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices, VOL 2 by
Research Anthology on Applied Linguistics and Language Practices, VOL 3 by
Hebrew Matters: 110 Hebrew Roots; the Roads They Take; the Stories They Tell by Lowin, Joseph
Activating Linguistic and Cultural Diversity in the Language Classroom by
Language Learning of Adult Migrants in Europe: Theoretical, Empirical, and Pedagogical Issues by
ICT in English Language Education: Bridging the Teaching-Learning Divide in South Asia by Bhattacharya, Atanu, Hiradhar, Preet
Diachronic Slavonic Syntax: Traces of Latin, Greek and Church Slavonic in Slavonic Syntax by
Norms and the Study of Language in Social Life by
Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective by
Autonomy Support Beyond the Language Learning Classroom: A Self-Determination Theory Perspective by
Der Gottesdiskurs: Neo-Atheistische Argumentation Und Ihre Christlich-Apologetische Erwiderung by Dorn, Nicolas
Menschen - Tiere - Kommunikation: Praxeologische Studien Zur Tierlinguistik by Steen, Pamela
Diversity and Decolonization in French Studies: New Approaches to Teaching by
Die Interjektion "MHM" in der verschriftlichten Umgangssprache by Anonymous
Systemic Functional Insights on Language and Linguistics by Matthiessen, Christian M. I. M., Wang, Bo, Ma, Yuanyi
Alfabetización archivística: Rescate y organización de los documentos públicos by Irala Álvarez, Oscar Alberto
Interaktion auf der Social Media Plattform Instagram: Eine Untersuchung zu Kohärenz by Sibarani, Melin
Language Use, Education, and Professional Contexts by
Intercultural and Transcultural Awareness in Language Teaching by Baker, Will
Reconsidering Context in Language Assessment: Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Social Theories, and Validity by Artemeva, Natasha, Fox, Janna
Standardising English Spelling by Condorelli, Marco
Writing as Meaning-Making: A Systemic Functional Linguistic Approach to EFL Writing by Xuan, Winfred Wenhui
Multilingual Routes in Translation by
Preparing Teachers for Young and Adolescent Multilingual Learners: The Use of Reflective Narratives by
SPEECH! How Language Made Us Human by Prentis, Simon
Contes populaires de Basse-Bretagne: édition intégrale des trois volumes by Luzel, François-Marie
Catalogue de livres de la bibliothèque du feu citoyen Gigot d'Orcy, receveur-général des finances by Collectif
Extrait Du Catalogue Des Manuscrits Et Imprimés de la Bibliothèque de la Grande Mosquée de Tunis: Histoire by Roy, Bernard
Les écoles maternelles, décrets, règlements et circulaires en vigueur et mis en ordre by Kergomard, Pauline
Le paradis perdu, annoté, d'après la signolégie by Milton, John
Exposition scolaire, 1889 by Collectif
Programme d'un cours d'histoire générale by Royé, François
Fragments d'un essai sur l'éducation publique by Lafite, Émile
Catalogue de livres anciens et modernes de la bibliothèque de feu M. Ed. Sénemaud by Collectif
Lecture attrayante et rapide. Tome 2 by Cunéo, Mlle
Essai sur la construction grammaticale considérée dans son développement historique, en sanskrit by Bergaigne, Abel
Plan d'études et Programmes de l'Enseignement secondaire des jeunes filles by Collectif
Les grands éducateurs. Jean Macé et l'instruction obligatoire by Compayré, Gabriel
Essai sur l'education des demoiselles by D' Espinassy, Adélaïde
Conférences sur l'enseignement de l'écriture. 2e édition by Taiclet, Joseph
Buffon des petits enfants by Comte Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc
Lecture attrayante et rapide. Tome 1 by Cunéo, Mlle
Cours d'enseignement primaire élémentaire. Livret de lecture pour le cours préparatoire by Toussaint, Jules
L'Enseignement Dans Le Droit Républicain by Clémenceau, Georges
Plan d'études et programmes de l'enseignement secondaire en 1925, selon l'arrêté du 3 juin 1925 by Collectif
Allevytechnie. Histoire de France Allevysée by Allevy, Alcide
Journal of Language Relationship 19/3-4 by
Crónica de la Lengua Española 2021 by Real Academia Española, Real Academia Española
A Critical Pragmatic Approach To Muslim Preachers' Sectarian Discourse In English Contexts by Jubair, Basim
On the Discursive Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Europe by
The Culture of Language in Ming China: Sound, Script, and the Redefinition of Boundaries of Knowledge by Vedal, Nathan
Individual Language Policy: Bilingual Youth in Vietnam by Nguyen, Trang Thi Thuy
The Culture of Language in Ming China: Sound, Script, and the Redefinition of Boundaries of Knowledge by Vedal, Nathan
The Routledge Guide to Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online by Mazzei, Cristiano, Ibrahim Aibo, Laurence Jay-Rayon
The Routledge Guide to Teaching Translation and Interpreting Online by Mazzei, Cristiano, Ibrahim Aibo, Laurence Jay-Rayon
Encountering China's Past: Translation and Dissemination of Classical Chinese Literature by
The Mechanism of Speech by Von Kempelen, Wolfgang
Research Methods for Digital Discourse Analysis by
The Mechanism of Speech by Von Kempelen, Wolfgang
Transmitting Minority Languages: Complementary Reversing Language Shift Strategies by
Bedeutung der Fachsprache in der Alltagskommunikation by Anonymous
Introducing Language and Society by Themistocleous, Christiana, Jones, Rodney H.
The Oxford Handbook of the Mental Lexicon by
Designing and Evaluating Language Corpora by Biber, Douglas, Gray, Bethany, Egbert, Jesse
Designing and Evaluating Language Corpora by Egbert, Jesse, Biber, Douglas, Gray, Bethany
Understanding Emotions in English Language Learning in Virtual Worlds by Pawlak, Miroslaw, Kruk, Mariusz
The Holocaust & the Exile of Yiddish: A History of the Algemeyne Entsiklopedye by Trachtenberg, Barry
Sheng: Rise of a Kenyan Swahili Vernacular by Githiora, Chege
Sign Language Brokering in Deaf-Hearing Families by Napier, Jemina
Alpha Masculinity: Hegemony in Language and Discourse by Russell, Eric Louis
Maltese: Contemporary Changes and Historical Innovations by
Medieval Multilingual Manuscripts: Case Studies from Ireland to Japan by
Structures by Anderson, John M.
Categories by Anderson, John M.
Semiotic Networks by Thiopoulos, Constantin
Von Gabe, Gift Und Zivilisation: Eine Wissenssoziologische Diskursanalyse Der Öffentlichen Sprachdiskussionen in Kasachstan by Ten, Alexandr
New World in Our Hearts by Chomsky, Noam
Kafka: a Freudo-Structuralist Analysis by Genell, Kaj Bernhard
Imaginary Languages: Myths, Utopias, Fantasies, Illusions, and Linguistic Fictions by Yaguello, Marina
New World in Our Hearts by Chomsky, Noam
Learning by Design and Second Language Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice by Zapata, Gabriela C.
Learning by Design and Second Language Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice by Zapata, Gabriela C.
Key Themes and New Directions in Systemic Functional Translation Studies by
Suddenness and the Composition of Poetic Thought by Magee, Paul
Sound Writing: Experimental Modernism and the Poetics of Articulation by Wilke, Tobias
When Language Meets Blockchain by Peng, Zhihong
Applying Linguistics in Illness and Healthcare Contexts by
Genetic Translation Studies: Conflict and Collaboration in Liminal Spaces by
Contemporary Media Stylistics by
Linguistic Inquiries Into Donald Trump's Language: From 'Fake News' to 'Tremendous Success' by
The Performative Dimensions of Rhetorical Questions in the Hebrew Bible: Do You Not Know? Do You Not Hear? by Adams, Jim W.
Barayin Morphosyntax: A Lexical-Functional Approach by Lovestrand, Joseph
The Wrong Box by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Talking College: Making Space for Black Language Practices in Higher Education by Bucholtz, Mary, Charity Hudley, Anne H., Mallinson, Christine
Talking College: Making Space for Black Language Practices in Higher Education by Mallinson, Christine, Bucholtz, Mary, Charity Hudley, Anne H.
Sociolinguistics and Business Talk: A Role-Playing Approach by Jung, Yeonkwon
Sound Writing: Experimental Modernism and the Poetics of Articulation by Wilke, Tobias
Verschwindet das Semikolon? Vergleich von Zeitungstexten des 18. und 21. Jahrhunderts mit Hinblick auf die Häufigkeit der Verwendung des Strichpunktes by Anonymous
Political, Public and Media Discourses from Indyref to Brexit: The Divisive Language of Union by Douglas, Fiona M.
Interests and Power in Language Management by
Language Communities in Japan by
Medio-Translatology: Concepts and Applications by
Methodologies and Challenges in Forensic Linguistic Casework by
Reenacting the Enemy: Collective Memory Construction in Russian and Us Media by Isurin, Ludmila
Taming the Rascal Multitude: Essays, Interviews, and Lectures 1997-2014 by Chomsky, Noam
Taming the Rascal Multitude: Essays, Interviews, and Lectures 1997-2014 by Chomsky, Noam
Vietnamese Stories for Language Learners: Traditional Folktales in Vietnamese and English (Free Online Audio) by Tran, Tri C., Le, Tram
25 Great Sentences and How They Got That Way by Woods, Geraldine
Hedges in Chinese-English Conference Interpreting: A Corpus-Based Discourse Analysis of Interpreters' Role Deviation by Hu, Juan
Studies in Polish Language and Literature by
The Oxford Handbook of Lying by
Government Translation in South Korea: A Corpus-Based Study by Choi, Jinsil
Applied Linguistics and Politics by
Medieval English Syntax: Studies in Honor of Michiko Ogura by
Las afueras del español: El viaje de una lengua con escala en tres continentes by Fernández Vitores, David
'Economy' in European History: Words, Contexts and Change Over Time by Alonzi, Luigi
Translation, Reception and Canonization of the Art of War: Reviving Ancient Chinese Strategic Culture by Luo, Tian
Technology and Language Teaching by Stickler, Ursula
Discourse, Media, and Conflict by
Practical Grammar of Modern Chinese IV: Simple Sentence, Compound Sentence, and Discourse by Wenyu, Pan, Wei, Gu, Yuehua, Liu
Automating Linguistics by Léon, Jacqueline
Heimat in der postmigrantischen Gesellschaft: Literaturdidaktische Perspektiven by
Advancing Socio-Grammatical Variation and Change: In Honour of Jenny Cheshire by
Controlled Document Authoring in a Machine Translation Age by Miyata, Rei
Online Education for Teachers of English as a Global Language by
Community, Solidarity and Multilingualism in a Transnational Social Movement: A Critical Sociolinguistic Ethnography of Emmaus by Garrido Sardà, Maria Rosa
ELF Research Methods and Approaches to Data and Analyses: Theoretical and Methodological Underpinnings by
Interaction, Language Use, and Second Language Teaching by Huth, Thorsten
Scripting Japan: Orthography, Variation, and the Creation of Meaning in Written Japanese by Robertson, Wesley C.
Corpus-Based Analysis of Ideological Bias: Migration in the British Press by Islentyeva, Anna
Mapping Spaces of Translation in Twentieth-Century Latin American Print Culture by Guzmán, María Constanza
Practical Grammar of Modern Chinese I: Overview and Notional Words by Wei, Gu, Yuehua, Liu, Wenyu, Pan
Practical Grammar of Modern Chinese II: Function Words by Wei, Gu, Wenyu, Pan, Yuehua, Liu
Practical Grammar of Modern Chinese III: Sentence Constituents by Wenyu, Pan, Wei, Gu, Yuehua, Liu
A Narrative Approach to Social Media Mourning: Small Stories and Affective Positioning by Giaxoglou, Korina
Managing Multilingual Workplaces: Methodological, Empirical and Pedagogic Perspectives by
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