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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

The Discourse of Desperation: Late 18th and Early 19th Century Letters by Paupers, Prisoners, and Rogues by Timmis, Ivor
Persian Linguistics in Cultural Contexts by
Antisemitism in Reader Comments: Analogies for Reckoning with the Past by Becker, Matthias J.
Ancient Indo-European Dialects: Proceedings of the Conference on Indo-European Linguistics Held at the University of California, Los Angeles April 25- by
How Spanish Grew by Spaulding, Robert K.
A Century of Chinese Literature in Translation (1919-2019): English Publication and Reception by
Ancient Indo-European Dialects: Proceedings of the Conference on Indo-European Linguistics Held at the University of California, Los Angeles April 25- by
How Spanish Grew by Spaulding, Robert K.
Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom by
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Beyond Print-Centric Practices by
Multimodal Literacies in Young Emergent Bilinguals: Beyond Print-Centric Practices by
Sylloge of Defixiones from the Roman West. Volume I: A comprehensive collection of curse tablets from the fourth century BCE to the fifth century CE by Sánchez Natalías, Celia
Social Theory and Language: The Construction of Meaning by Williams, Glyn
Sylloge of Defixiones from the Roman West. Volume II: A comprehensive collection of curse tablets from the fourth century BCE to the fifth century CE by Sánchez Natalías, Celia
Advances in Discourse Analysis of Translation and Interpreting: Linking Linguistic Approaches with Socio-Cultural Interpretation by
Brush Conversation in the Sinographic Cosmopolis: Interactional Cross-Border Communication Using Literary Sinitic in Early Modern East Asia by
Mieux comprendre la pensée: Oubliez la Motivation ! by Maus, H. Arne
Facing Diversity in Child Foreign Language Education by
Linguistics: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Schuetzner, Kaylynn
The Universal Translator: Everything You Need to Know about 139 Languages That Don't Really Exist by Wahlgren, Yens
Languages Are Good for Us by Hardach, Sophie
The Meaning of If by Khoo, Justin
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications by Munday, Jeremy, Ramos Pinto, Sara, Blakesley, Jacob
Chicano English. Dialect or language? by Michalowski, Leonie
L'oeuvre de Lucien Tesnière by
The Language of Colour in the Bible: Embodied Colour Terms Related to Green by García Ureña, Lourdes, Valeriani, Emanuela, Angelini, Anna
Introducing Translation Studies: Theories and Applications by Munday, Jeremy, Ramos Pinto, Sara, Blakesley, Jacob
The Secrets of Words by Chomsky, Noam, Moro, Andrea
Translanguaging and the Bilingual Brain: A Mixed Methods Approach to Word-Formation and Language Processing by Dumrukcic, Nina
Die Entstehung des Germanischen by Pinhas, Yossef
A Place for Everything: The Curious History of Alphabetical Order by Flanders, Judith
Langues et cultures en contact: Réflexions linguistiques et traductologiques by
El adverbio francés y sus combinaciones by Hermoso Mellado-Damas, Adelaida
Putting Pirls to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context by Bruggink, Marian, Swart, Nicole, Van Der Lee, Annelies
Analysing Digital Interaction by
New Perspectives on Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language by
Putting Pirls to Use in Classrooms Across the Globe: Evidence-Based Contributions for Teaching Reading Comprehension in a Multilingual Context by Van Der Lee, Annelies, Bruggink, Marian, Swart, Nicole
Popularität Und Relevanz in Der Suche: Ein Experiment Zur Erforschung Von Relevanzkriterien in Akademischen Suchsystemen by Behnert, Christiane
Spanish in Miami: Sociolinguistic Dimensions of Postmodernity by Lynch, Andrew
Corpora in Applied Linguistics by Hunston, Susan
Creating a More Transparent Internet by
A Practical Handbook of Corpus Linguistics by
Multimodal Composing in K-16 ESL and EFL Education: Multilingual Perspectives by
The Coherence of Linguistic Communities: Orderly Heterogeneity and Social Meaning by
Corpora in Applied Linguistics by Hunston, Susan
Corpus Analysis in Different Genres: Academic Discourse and Learner Corpora by
Language Teaching with Video-Based Technologies: Creativity and CALL Teacher Education by Thomas, Michael, Schneider, Christel
Researching Interpretive Talk Around Literary Narrative Texts: Shared Novel Reading by Gordon, John
De-Gendering Gendered Occupations: Analysing Professional Discourse by McDowell, Joanne
Language Diversity in the Sinophone World: Historical Trajectories, Language Planning, and Multilingual Practices by
Decolonizing Language Learning, Decolonizing Research: A Critical Ethnography Study in a Mexican University by Despagne, Colette
A Sociolinguistic View of A Japanese Ethnic Church Community by Barrett, Tyler
Rethinking Politeness with Henri Bergson by
Introducing M.A.K. Halliday by Ma, Yuanyi, Wang, Bo
Introducing M.A.K. Halliday by Wang, Bo, Ma, Yuanyi
Harpocration Et Moeris by
Chinese Literature in the World: Dissemination and Translation Practices by
Tolkien as a Literary Artist: Exploring Rhetoric, Language and Style in the Lord of the Rings by Kullmann, Thomas, Siepmann, Dirk
Languages, Linguistics and Development Practices by
Multimodalidad y cultura democrática en la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras by Sánchez Vizcaíno, María Carmen
Zwei Zuhause: Kroatische Arbeitsmigration nach Deutschland als transnationales Phaenomen by Čapo, Jasna
La lógica de inferiorización de las variedades lingueísticas no dominantes: Etnografía sociolingueística crítica del andaluz by Rodríguez-Iglesias, Ígor
Dostojewskij und der Sozialismus by
Evaluation Across Newspaper Genres: Hard News Stories, Editorials and Feature Articles by Ngai, Jonathan
Bridging the Humor Barrier: Humor Competency Training in English Language Teaching by
Language Creativity: A Semiotic Perspective by Casini, Simone
Language Incompetence: Learning to Communicate through Cancer, Disability, and Anomalous Embodiment by Canagarajah, Suresh
Language Incompetence: Learning to Communicate Through Cancer, Disability, and Anomalous Embodiment by Canagarajah, Suresh
Analyzing Multimodality in Specialized Discourse Settings: Innovative Research Methods and Applications by
Studies in the Evolution of Languages and Techniques by Haudricourt, Andre-Georges
How adjectival can a participle be?: Subsective Gradience in English 2nd Participles by Aljohani, Samirah
African Multilingualisms: Rural Linguistic and Cultural Diversity by
Discourse Processes Between Reason and Emotion: A Post-Disciplinary Perspective by
Neurolinguistics by Baggio, Giosue
Lederer on Language: A Celebration of English, Good Grammar, and Wordplay by Lederer, Richard
Bernard Shaw and the Spanish-Speaking World by
A grammar of Kalamang by Visser, Eline
When Translation Goes Digital: Case Studies and Critical Reflections by
Digital Literacies by Pegrum, Mark, Dudeney, Gavin, Hockly, Nicky
Digital Literacies by Pegrum, Mark, Dudeney, Gavin, Hockly, Nicky
Terminologie numérique: conception, représentation et gestion by Vezzani, Federica
I'm Henry IV, I Am: Henry IV of France in Selected Works of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Paulson, Michael G.
Interpreting Conflict: A Comparative Framework by
Autoethnographic Perspectives on Multilingual Life Stories by
Autoethnographic Perspectives on Multilingual Life Stories by
Disciplinary Literacy as a Support for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning by
Explorations of Language Transfer by Odlin, Terence
Disciplinary Literacy as a Support for Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Teaching and Learning by
Explorations of Language Transfer by Odlin, Terence
Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions by
Language Teachers Studying Abroad: Identities, Emotions and Disruptions by
Cultural Knowledge and Values in English Language Teaching Materials: (Multimodal) Representations and Stakeholders by
Women, Sexuality and the Changing Social Order: The Impact of Government Policies on Reproductive Behavior in Kenya by Ahlberg, Beth Maina
Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis, Second Edition by Haug, Martin
Essays on the Sacred Language, Writings, and Religion of the Parsis, Second Edition by Haug, Martin
Aspiring to Be Global: Language and Social Change in a Tourism Village in China by Gao, Shuang
Language Teacher Motivation, Autonomy and Development in East Asia by
Journeys Towards Intercultural Capability in Language Classrooms: Voices from Students, Teachers and Researchers by East, Martin, Tolosa, Constanza, Howard, Jocelyn
Journeys Towards Intercultural Capability in Language Classrooms: Voices from Students, Teachers and Researchers by East, Martin, Tolosa, Constanza, Howard, Jocelyn
Rationalist Pragmatism: A Framework for Moral Objectivism by Silver, Mitchell
Reference and Identity in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Scriptures: The Same God? by Buckner, Dean Edward
Nachhaltiges Personalmanagement ALS Schlüsselfaktor Für Erfolgreiches Wirtschaften: Eine Linguistische Diskursanalyse Ausgewählter Unternehmenstexte U by Geursen, Elisabeth
Linguistic Landscapes in South-East Asia: The Politics of Language and Public Signage by
Catalogue de livres rares anciens et modernes de la bibliothèque du prince A. G. by Collectif
Cours d'études préparatoires à l'examen du baccalauréat ès-lettres by Sardou, Antoine-Léandre
Programmes officiels de l'enseignement secondaire classique by Collectif
Bibliothèque du Berry by Collectif
Cosmographie élémentaire et descriptive, rédigée d'après le programme du 3 décembre 1863 by Audoynaud, Mathieu
Recueil des textes de compositions by Collectif
Traité de calligraphie théorique et pratique. L'expédiée française by Papi, Marc-André
Les Textes Latins Du Programme, Classe de 6e. Livre Du Maître by Petitmangin, Henri
Catalogue de livres précieux du citoyen Laborde. Vente, 25 Juin 1793 by Collectif
Traité de Sphère, À l'Usage Du Pensionnat de Fournes Dirigé Par Les Demoiselles Gombert by Collectif
Système anglais d'instruction. Traduit de l'anglais by Lancaster, Joseph
De la religion dans l'instruction publique by de Teyssèdre, A. Person
Principes élémentaires par demandes et par réponses. Ouvrage méthodique by Oger, Jean-Valentin
La réforme de l'éducation nationale, problèmes d'après guerre by Hersent, Georges
Plan d'éducation et d'instruction publiques, où l'on s'est appliqué à rendre l'éducation by Wandelaincourt, Antoine-Hubert
Catalogue de la Bibliothèque communale de Saint-Amand-les-Eaux, Nord by Bibliotheque Municipale
Catalogue de la bibliothèque de feu M. Bertholet-Campan, bibliothécaire by Collectif
Catalogue de livres anciens de la bibliothèque de M. le comte René de Béarn. Partie 3 by Collectif
Exercices de mémoire. Conseils pédagogiques, maximes, morceaux expliqués, diction by de LaMarche, A. -P
Catalogue de Livres Du Cabinet de Feu M. Bonnemet. Vente, 10 Février 1772 by Collectif
Condorcet et l'éducation démocratique by Vial, Francisque
Catalogue deslivres de feu M. Delpech de Mereville, conseiller de Grand'Chambre by Collectif
Interpersonal Meaning in Multimodal English Textbooks by Chen, Yumin
The Impact of Everyday Language Change on the Practices of Visual Artists by Hocking, Darryl
Writing and Society in Ancient Cyprus by Steele, Philippa M.
Reflective Practice in Language Teaching by Farrell, Thomas S. C.
The Idea of Progress in Forensic Authorship Analysis by Grant, Tim
Pragmatic Particles: Findings from Asian Languages by Kiaer, Jieun
The Phonetics of Malay by Deterding, David, Gardiner, Ishamina Athirah, Noorashid, Najib
Offensive Language: Taboo, Offence and Social Control by O'Driscoll, Jim
Identity and Ideology in Digital Food Discourse: Social Media Interactions Across Cultural Contexts by
Language, Space and Cultural Play by Wee, Lionel, Goh, Robbie B. H.
The Concept of the Game in American Literature: True Freedom and a Mistaken Idea of Freedom by Schenk, Sandra
Desire, Fantasy and the Drive: Lunguage: Issue No.1 / 2022 by Publications, Sfl
Academic Discourse Socialization: Case Study on Multilingual Learners by Fujieda, Yutaka
International Perspectives on CLIL by
Face-To-Face Dialogue: Theory, Research, and Applications by Bavelas, Janet Beavin
What Proust Heard: Novels and the Ethnography of Talk by Lucey, Michael
Analysing Health Communication: Discourse Approaches by
Wissensrohstoff Text: Eine Einführung in Das Text Mining by Quasthoff, Uwe, Heyer, Gerhard, Biemann, Chris
Interlinguale Lakunen in Diskursen: Eine empirische Studie anhand von ausgewaehlten deutschen und polnischen Textbeispielen by Milosz-Szewczyk, Karolina
Data Analytics in Cognitive Linguistics: Methods and Insights by
Irregular Phonological Marking of Japanese Compounds: Benjamin Smith Lyman's Pioneering Research on Rendaku by Vance, Timothy J.
Mapping Ideology in Discourse Studies by
Susceptibility vs. Resistance: Case Studies on Different Structural Categories in Language-Contact Situations by
Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City: Postmodern Individuals in Urban Communicative Settings by
Linguistic Choices in the Contemporary City: Postmodern Individuals in Urban Communicative Settings by
Acts of Interpretation: Ancient Religious Semiotic Ideologies and Their Modern Echoes by Janowitz, Naomi
Genus - Sexus - Gender by
TV-Talkshows als Propagandainstrument Russlands im Ukrainekonflikt (2014) by Kaltseis, Magdalena
Language, Form, and Logic: In Pursuit of Natural Logic's Holy Grail by Ludlow, Peter, %Zivanovic, Saso
Reading & Writing Vietnamese: A Workbook for Self-Study: Learn to Read, Write and Pronounce Vietnamese Correctly (Online Audio & Printable Flash Cards by Tran, Tri C.
Las Palabras Diacríticas En Fraseología Histórica by Ribes Lorenzo, Juan Manuel
Philosophical Approaches to Language and Communication: Volume 1 by
Conducting Second-Language Reading Research: A Methodological Guide by Bernhardt, Elizabeth B., Kamil, Michael L.
Conducting Second-Language Reading Research: A Methodological Guide by Kamil, Michael L., Bernhardt, Elizabeth B.
American linguistics: From Whitney to Greenberg by Ben Rochd, El Mouatamid
Adult English Language Teaching: Transformation Through Lifelong Learning by
Learning Chinese in a Multilingual Space: An Ecological Perspective on Studying Abroad by Tsung, Linda, Tong, Peiru
Data and Methods in Corpus Linguistics by
The Language of Mental Illness by Price, Hazel
The Lexical and Metrical Phonology of English by Jensen, John T.
The Lexical and Metrical Phonology of English by Jensen, John T.
The Language of Mental Illness by Price, Hazel
Semiotics: The Basics by Chandler, Daniel
Manipulative Fallacies in Early America: Studies on Selected Congressional Debates 1789 to 1799 by Rickman, Paul, Rudanko, Juhani
Die mediologische Revolution in "Für eine Mediologie" von Régis Debray by Kombassere, Gabriel
Semiotics: The Basics by Chandler, Daniel
Runes: A Handbook by Barnes, Michael P.
Learn Conversational Arabic: 50 Daily Arabic Conversations & Dialogues for Beginners & Intermediate Learners by Selim, Malik
A Rhyming Animal Alphabet: Preschool and Kindergarten ABC rhyming and funny illustrated kids book by Torska, Angelina
An Anatomy of Chinese Offensive Words: A Lexical and Semantic Analysis by Tien, Adrian, Carson, Lorna, Jiang, Ning
Dominic's Guide to Text Codes Decoding the Confusing Language of Text Messaging by Fragoso, Andres, Jr., Saborido, Dominic
Conversation and Discourse: Structure and Interpretation by
Das Spanische im Kontext multipler Mehrsprachigkeit: Die Sprachoekologie von Guatemala by Mansfeld, Anna
The Shetland Dialect by Sundkvist, Peter
Multilingual Global Cities: Singapore, Hong Kong, Dubai by
English in Southeast Asia and ASEAN: Transformation of Language Habitats by Hashim, Azirah, Leitner, Gerhard
Institutional Translation and Interpreting: Assessing Practices and Managing for Quality by
Language, Global Mobilities, Blue-Collar Workers and Blue-collar Workplaces by
Kinesemiotics: Modelling How Choreographed Movement Means in Space by Maiorani, Arianna
Autoethnographies in ELT: Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices by
Using CAT Tools in Freelance Translation: Insights from a Case Study by Kornacki, Michal, Pietrzak, Paulina
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Memory by
Principles of Radical CV Phonology: A Theory of Segmental and Syllabic Structure by Van Der Hulst, Harry
The Corpus Phonology of English: Multifocal Analyses of Variation by
Language, Ideology and Sociopolitical Change in the Arabic-Speaking World: A Study of the Discourse of Arabic Language Academies by Lian, Chaoqun
The History of the Present English Subjunctive: A Corpus-Based Study of Mood and Modality by Moessner, Lilo
Dialect Writing and the North of England by
Modelling World Englishes: A Joint Approach to Postcolonial and Non-Postcolonial Varieties by
Native and Non-Native Teacher Talk in the EFL Classroom: A Corpus-Informed Study by Nicaise, Eric
La jurilinguistique dans tous ses états: Tome II by Houbert, Frédéric
TESOL Teacher Education in a Transnational World: Turning Challenges Into Innovative Prospects by
Distributed Languaging, Affective Dynamics, and the Human Ecology Volume I: The Sense-Making Body by Thibault, Paul J.
Lexicografía y ortografía en el siglo XIX: La fijación de la ortografía académica a través del DRAE (1803-1899) by Terrón Vinagre, Natalia
Die Macht des Kontextes: Sprache(n) und Kommunikation by
Las variedades del español de América: Aspectos teóricos y empíricos by
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