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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Russian Grammar: System - Usus - Variation / Русская грамм&#107 by
La interfaz Léxico-Gramática: Contrastes entre el español y las lenguas germánicas by
La gramatización del español en el Perú del Siglo XIX: Contribución a la historia de las ideas lingueísticas en América Latina by Zamorano Aguilar, Alfonso
Legal Interpreting: Teaching, Research, and Practice Volume 12 by
Arabic Writing in the Digital Age: Towards a Theoretical Framework by Khalil, Saussan
Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans by
Russian Syntax for Advanced Students by Rojavin, Marina
Russian Syntax for Advanced Students by Rojavin, Marina
Teaching Writing in English as a Foreign Language: Teachers' Cognition Formation and Reformation by Zhao, Huan, Zhang, Lawrence Jun
Rethinking Place Through Literary Form by
Self-Regulated Learning and Second Language Writing: Fostering Strategic Language Learners by Teng, Lin Sophie
Discourse Constructions in English: Meaning, Form, and Hierarchies by Iza Erviti, Aneider
Unsettling Translation: Studies in Honour of Theo Hermans by
Creole Renegades: Rhetoric of Betrayal and Guilt in the Caribbean Diaspora by Boisseron, Bénédicte
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Individual Differences by
Introducing Koine Greek: A Grammar & Workbook by August, Jared M.
An Idiot's Love of Idioms by Smethurst, Nick
Learning Korean: A Language Guide for Beginners: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Korean Quickly! (Free Online Audio & Flash Cards) by Baik, Juno, Damron, Julie
Language and Identity in Migration Contexts by
Spanish Grammar Companion for Teachers: Linguistic Insights for Deeper Understanding by Klein, Philip W.
Complex Syntax in the Language of Persons with Down Syndrome by Goodluck, Helen
Ruth: A Guide to Reading Biblical Hebrew (an Intermediate Hebrew Reader's Edition with Exegetical and Syntactical Aids) by Howell, Adam J.
Sénégalais de l'étranger by Angela Smith, Maya
New Perspectives on Material Mediation in Language Learner Pedagogy by
Morphological Diversity and Linguistic Cognition by
Corpus-Assisted Ecolinguistics by Poole, Robert
The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition by
A Historical Phonology of Central Chadic by Wolff, H. Ekkehard
The Language of Living Matter: How Molecules Acquire Meaning by Küppers, Bernd-Olaf
Finnish Early Childhood Education and Care: A Multi-Theoretical Perspective on Research and Practice by
Theoretical and Practical Developments in English Speech Assessment, Research, and Training: Studies in Honour of Ewa Waniek-Klimczak by
Betrachtungen zur diachronen und synchronen Linguistik by
La investigación en tecnologías de la traducción: Parámetros de la digitalización presente y la posible incidencia en el perfil de los futuros profesi by Ortego Antón, Teresa
Estudio pragmático-textual de marcadores discursivos en crónicas audiovisuales de eventos deportivos by Quintero Ramírez, Sara
Giving the Past a Voice: Oral History on Communism in Translation by Painca, Diana
Exploring Language in Global Contexts by
The Syntax and Morphology of English Verbs: Patterns That Matter by Emonds, Joseph Embley
A Dictionary of Austronesian Monosyllabic Roots (Submorphemes) by Blust, Robert
Exploring Language in Global Contexts by
Diskurse - digital by
Rethinking Orality II: The Mechanisms of the Oral Communication System in the Case of the Archaic Epos by
Konstruktionen zwischen Lexikon und Grammatik by
Intimität in der Sprache by Steinke, Britta
Historische Lexikographie des Deutschen by
From Lying to Perjury: Linguistic and Legal Perspectives on Lies and Other Falsehoods by
A Grammar of Yélî Dnye: The Papuan Language of Rossel Island by Levinson, Stephen C.
Language Development and Developmental Language Disorder by
A Sketch Grammar of Kopar: A Language of New Guinea by Foley, William a.
En Torno a la Delimitación de Determinadas Categorías Lingüísticas by
Translation and Chinese Modernity by Xuanmin, Luo
Traducción bíblica e historia de las lenguas iberorrománicas by
The Use of Technology in English Medium Education by
Concepts, Discourses, and Translations by
New Zeeland Sign Language by Publishing, Cristie
Among Cultures: The Challenge of Communication by Covarrubias, Patricia O., Kirschbaum, Kristin A., Hall, Bradford 'J'
Über Widersprüche Sprechen: Linguistische Beiträge Zu Contradiction Studies by
Intensification in English and Spanish Communication by Flores-Ferrán, Nydia
Among Cultures: The Challenge of Communication by Covarrubias, Patricia O., Kirschbaum, Kristin A., Hall, Bradford 'J'
Perspectives on Contemporary English: Structure, Variation, Cognition by
Third Language Acquisition and Linguistic Transfer by González Alonso, Jorge, Puig-Mayenco, Eloi, Rothman, Jason
Relevance, Pragmatics and Interpretation by
Learning Vocabulary in Another Language by Nation, I. S. P.
Categories, Constructions, and Change in English Syntax by
The Babel Lexicon of Language by Evans, Matt, McIntyre, Dan, Jeffries, Lesley
Developmental Dyslexia across Languages and Writing Systems by
English as a Lingua Franca by Kecskes, Istvan
Learning Vocabulary in Another Language by Nation, I. S. P.
Sign Language Phonology by Brentari, Diane
Frequency in Language by Divjak, Dagmar
Multilingualism and Education by
Referring Expressions, Pragmatics, and Style by Scott, Kate
Voice Quality by Esling, John H., Moisik, Scott R., Benner, Allison
Language Politics and Policies by
The Babel Lexicon of Language by Evans, Matt, McIntyre, Dan, Jeffries, Lesley
The Sociolinguistics of Global Asias by
English Medium Instruction Practices in Vietnamese Universities: Institutional, Practitioner and Student Perspectives by
Learn to Write and Spell - Homophones: The Danger Twins by Lusher, Anne
Our American Sayings by Calhoun, Dolores Jean
Paisaje lingueístico: cambio, intercambio y métodos by
Orality in Written Texts: Using Historical Corpora to Investigate Irish English 1700-1900 by Amador-Moreno, Carolina
The Language of Patient Feedback: A Corpus Linguistic Study of Online Health Communication by Brookes, Gavin, Evans, Craig, Baker, Paul
English for Research Publication Purposes: Critical Plurilingual Pedagogies by Corcoran, James, Englander, Karen
English in the Disciplines: A Multidimensional Model for ESP Course Design by Miller, Lindsay, Hafner, Christoph
Corpus Linguistics and the Analysis of Sociolinguistic Change: Language Variety and Ideology in Advertising by O'Sullivan, Joan
Describing Prescriptivism: Usage Guides and Usage Problems in British and American English by Van Ostade, Ingrid Tieken-Boon
English for Vocational Purposes: Language Use in Trades Education by Parkinson, Jean, MacKay, James, Coxhead, Averil
Assessing English for Professional Purposes by Knoch, Ute, Macqueen, Susy
The Role of Corpus Linguistics in the Ethnography of a Closed Community: Survival Communication by Harrington, Kieran
Linguistic Variation and Social Practices of Normative Masculinity: Authority and Multifunctional Humour in a Dublin Sports Club by O'Dwyer, Fergus
The Routledge Companion to the Work of John R. Rickford by
African Languages, Development and the State by
The Impact of Global English on Cultural Identities in the United Arab Emirates: Wanted not Welcome by Hopkyns, Sarah
Corpus Perspectives on the Spoken Models Used by EFL Teachers by Farrell, Angela
The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teacher Education by
The Routledge International Handbook of Language Education Policy in Asia by
Making Sense of the Intercultural: Finding Decentred Threads by Holliday, Adrian, Amadasi, Sara
Lexical Innovation in World Englishes: Cross-Fertilization and Evolving Paradigms by Anesa, Patrizia
The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Pragmatics by
The Routledge Handbook of Language in Conflict by
The Routledge Handbook of English Language Studies by
Multimodal Theory and Methodology: For the Analysis of (Inter)Action and Identity by Norris, Sigrid
The Power of Language and the Language of Power: A Linguistic Perspective on Power Dynamics in NATO by Dragomir, Isabela-Anda
Interactions langagières et apprentissage des langues dans des contextes spécifiques by
(In)Coherence of Discourse: Formal and Conceptual Issues of Language by
Isle of Devils, Isle of Saints: An Atlantic History of Bermuda, 1609-1684 by Jarvis, Michael J.
One Hundred Years of Irish Language Policy, 1922-2022 by Walsh, John
English in China: Creativity and Commodification by
Complexity in Second Language Study Emotions: Emergent Sensemaking in Social Context by Sampson, Richard J.
Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish Folklore from Northern Iraq: A Comparative Anthology with a Sample of Glossed Texts, Volume 2 by
A history of English by Walkden, George, Hejná, Mísa
Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish Folklore from Northern Iraq: A Comparative Anthology with a Sample of Glossed Texts, Volume 2 by
Polyrhythmicity in Language, Music and Society: Complex Time Relations in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences by Andrews, Richard
Visual Metaphors and Aesthetics: A Formalist Theory of Metaphor by Gal, Michalle
The Origin of Language by Kellerman, Henry
The Origin of Language by Kellerman, Henry
Sprachreflexive Praktiken: Empirische Perspektiven Auf Metakommunikation by
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes by de Lespinasse, René
Revue bénédictine: messager des fidèles by Collectif
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes by de Lespinasse, René
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes by de Lespinasse, René
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes by de Lespinasse, René
Bibliothèque de l'École des Chartes by de Lespinasse, René
Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish Folklore from Northern Iraq: A Comparative Anthology with a Sample of Glossed Texts, Volume 1 by
Enotradulengua: Géneros y tipos textuales en el sector del vino by
Insights into the Baltic and Finnic Languages: Contacts, Comparisons, and Change by
Neo-Aramaic and Kurdish Folklore from Northern Iraq: A Comparative Anthology with a Sample of Glossed Texts, Volume 1 by
Kompakt-Lexikon Sprechwissenschaft by Heilmann, Christa M.
Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Teaching Foreign Languages in Multilingual Settings: Pedagogical Implications by
Theoretical and Applied Perspectives on Teaching Foreign Languages in Multilingual Settings: Pedagogical Implications by
Glaube, Wissenschaft, Sprache by Gerdes, Joachim
Number in the World's Languages: A Comparative Handbook by
Adverbs and Adverbials: Categorial Issues by
Morphologie comparée du mentonnais et du ligurien alpin by Forner, Werner
Wiederkehr des Subjekts?: Perspektiven auf Philosophie, Poetik und die Lyrik der Gegenwart by
Stephen Harris--Writer, Educator, Anthropologist: Kantriman Blanga Melabat (Our Countryman) by
Doctor-Patient Communication in Chinese and Western Medicine by Jin, Ying
Empathy and Reading: Affect, Impact, and the Co-Creating Reader by Keen, Suzanne
Empathy and Reading: Affect, Impact, and the Co-Creating Reader by Keen, Suzanne
Thinking and Speaking in a Second Language by Wang, Yi, Wei, Li
Metadiscursive Nouns: Interaction and Persuasion in Disciplinary Writing by Jiang
Explicit and Implicit Learning in Second Language Acquisition by VanPatten, Bill, Smith, Megan
Cutting-Edge Language and Literacy Tools for Students on the Autism Spectrum by Beals, Katharine P.
Cutting-Edge Language and Literacy Tools for Students on the Autism Spectrum by Beals, Katharine P.
Global and Transformative Approaches Toward Linguistic Diversity by
Global and Transformative Approaches Toward Linguistic Diversity by
Soziolinguistik: Eine Einführung by Spitzmüller, Jürgen
The Oxford History of Phonology by
Giving an Academic Presentation in English: Intermediate Level by Wallwork, Adrian
How We Read Now: Strategic Choices for Print, Screen, and Audio by Baron, Naomi
Writing an Academic Paper in English: Intermediate Level by Wallwork, Adrian
Engaging with Work in English Studies: An Issue-Based Approach by
Telling Animals: Animacies in Dene Narratives by Spencer, Jasmine
Stigmatized on Screen: How Hollywood Portrays Nonstandard Dialects by Clouse, Lindsey
Traducción & Paratraducción I: Líneas de investigación by
Decolonial Voices, Language and Race by
Universities Under Fire: Hostile Discourses and Integrity Deficits in Higher Education by Jones, Steven
Decolonial Voices, Language and Race by
Reading & Writing Burmese: A Workbook for Self-Study: Learn to Read, Write and Pronounce Burmese Correctly (Online Audio & Printable Flash Cards) by Mo, A. Zun, Johnstone, Angus
Evidential verbs in the genre of medical posters: A corpus-based analysis by Maci, Stefania
Le travail manuel à l'atelier scolaire et le dessin géométrique. Nouvelle édition by Jully, A.
Enseignement primaire. Livres classiques, rédigés en trois cours gradués by F. J. J.
De l'éducation by Dupanloup, Félix
Programmes officiels de l'enseignement secondaire classique by Collectif
Entretiens familiers d'une institutrice avec ses élèves by Bélilon, Camille
Manuel agricole élémentaire, spécial à l'Algérie by Antoine, J.
Dissolutions et mélanges. Tome 3 by Duhem, Pierre
Les erreurs scolaires by Tarnier, Etienne Auguste
Essai sur les moyens de réformer l'éducation particulière et générale by de Fleury, Nicolas-Marie
Le quadrille des enfans. 5e édition by Berthaud, Claude-Louis
Règlements et programmes d'études des écoles normales d'instituteurs et d'institutrices by Collectif
Physiologie des écoles en vingt-sept leçons faciles by Bray, Caroline
Leçons aux jeunes enfants sur l'utilité des choses. Nouvelle édition by Delattre, Charles
Premières notions sur toutes choses by Lévi Alvarès, Théodore
Programmes officiels pour l'enseignement secondaire classique et spécial by Collectif
Problèmes sur les quatre règles. Livre du maître by Bransiet, Mathieu
Introduction à la lecture ou Méthode pour y parvenir en très-peu de temps by Chevet, J. -M
Plan d'études et programmes de l'enseignement secondaire des jeunes filles. 4e édition by Collectif
Le premier Livre des petits garçons. 3e édition by Berville, C.
Notice sur le collège d'Agen, depuis sa fondation jusqu'à nos jours, 1581-1888 by Lauzun, Philippe
Le livre des enfants de France. L'éducation physique élémentaire de la jeunesse par l'instituteur by Collectif
Notions de cosmographie, à l'usage des élèves de la 1ère classe by Collectif
Plan d'éducation nationale, en faveur des pauvres enfans de la campagne by de Thelis, Claude Antoine
Chinese Characters Writing Practice Pad: Learn Chinese in Just Minutes a Day! by Liang, Xin, Lam, Martha
Le pluriel brisé, d'après l'Alfyah de Bnou-Malek, la Chafyah de Bnou l-Hadjeb by Mohammad Ibn Ibrhm
Beginning Japanese Phrases Writing Practice Pad: Learn Japanese in Just Minutes a Day! by Matsuzaki, William
Language Acquisition: The Basics by Ibbotson, Paul
Language Acquisition: The Basics by Ibbotson, Paul
A grammar of Fwe by Gunnink, Hilde
Language is a complex adaptive system by
Premodern Experience of the Natural World in Translation by
Handwriting Without Tears -Learning with Under Sea Animals for Toddler's by Swiatkowska-Sulecka, Agnieszka
مقدمة في تاريخ الكتابة ا&#1604 by علي الدكت&#1
Introducing Researching English for Specific Purposes by Woodrow, Lindy
Introducing Researching English for Specific Purposes by Woodrow, Lindy
A Featural Typology of Bantu Agreement by Van Der Wal, Jenneke
The Discursive Construction of Identity and Space Among Mobile People by Piazza, Roberta
New Directions in Cognitive Grammar and Style by
Posthumanism and the Digital University: Texts, Bodies and Materialities by Gourlay, Lesley
Linguistic Landscapes Beyond the Language Classroom by
Narrative Retellings: Stylistic Approaches by
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