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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Multivariate Humanities by Kroonenberg, Pieter M.
The Derivational Timing of Ellipsis by
Language Learning and the Mother Tongue by
Talking with Children by
Deutsch und Arabisch im Sprachvergleich. Geschichte und linguistische Untersuchung by Hamzaoui, Rim
The Theory of Language Holography by Qian, Guanlian
Essential English Grammar and Communication Strategies: Intermediate Level by Wallwork, Adrian
A Dish of Orts Annotated Edition: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare by MacDonald, George
Frank Ramsey: A Sheer Excess of Powers by Misak, Cheryl
Universal Localities: The Languages of World Literature by
Communication in the Analects of Confucius by García Marcos, Francisco
Metalanguages for Dissecting Translation Processes: Theoretical Development and Practical Applications by
Utahisms: Unique Expressions, Inventions, Place Names & More by Eddington, David Ellingson
Utahisms: Unique Expressions, Inventions, Place Names and More by Eddington, David Ellingson
Parlamentarische Sprache des Dazwischenredens: Politolinguistische Analyse der Zwischenrufe im Abgeordnetenhaus des Oesterreichischen Reichsrats 1917- by Czartoryski, Adam
Indirect Translation Explained by Torres-Simón, Ester, Pięta, Hanna, Bueno Maia, Rita
Translation as a Form: A Centennial Commentary on Walter Benjamin's "The Task of the Translator" by Robinson, Douglas
Translation as a Form: A Centennial Commentary on Walter Benjamin's "The Task of the Translator" by Robinson, Douglas
Indirect Translation Explained by Pięta, Hanna, Bueno Maia, Rita, Torres-Simón, Ester
Spannstab ‒ Spießer by
Historical Ecology, Archaeology and Biocultural Landscapes: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to the Long Anthropocene by
A Grammar of Bunaq by Schapper, Antoinette
Writing Systems and Their Use: An Overview of Grapholinguistics by Dürscheid, Christa, Meletis, Dimitrios
Argumentationen über den Klimawandel in Schweizer Medien by Kammermann, Nadine
Specificational and Predicative Clauses: A Functional-Cognitive Account by Van Praet, Wout
Codex oblitus by Klingebeil, Josephine
Wissenskommunikation unter Bedingungen von Mehrsprachigkeit by
National Minorities in Serbian Academia: The Role of Gender and Language Barriers by Lendák-Kabók, Karolina
Negotiating Linguistic and Religious Diversity: A Tamil Hindu Temple in Australia by Perera, Nirukshi
Dominant Language Constellations Approach in Education and Language Acquisition by
Translation and History: A Textbook by Hermans, Theo
Translation and History: A Textbook by Hermans, Theo
The Evolution of EMI Research in European Higher Education by Molino, Alessandra, Dimova, Slobodanka, Kling, Joyce
Arabic Sociolinguistics by Horesh, Uri, Herin, Bruno, Al-Wer, Enam
Inconsistency in Linguistic Theorising by Kertész, András, Rákosi, Csilla
The Shepherd Metaphor in the Old Testament, and Its Use in Pastoral and Leadership Models by Gan, Jonathan
Research Methods in Language Attitudes by
The Logical Writings of Karl Popper by
The Logical Writings of Karl Popper by
Locating Translingualism by Lee, Jerry Won
Locating Translingualism by Lee, Jerry Won
Research Methods in Language Attitudes by
Arabic Sociolinguistics by Herin, Bruno, Al-Wer, Enam, Horesh, Uri
Struggles for Multilingualism and Linguistic Citizenship by
Language, Policy and Territory: A Festschrift for Colin H. Williams by
Sinophone Adaptations of Shakespeare: An Anthology, 1987-2007 by
Struggles for Multilingualism and Linguistic Citizenship by
Language Corpora Annotation and Processing by Dash, Niladri Sekhar
Die PRAXIS Der Systematischen Metaphernanalyse: Anwendungen Und Anschlüsse by
Exploring Silences in the Field of Computer Assisted Language Learning by Ahmed, Anwar
Sprachliche Hybriditaet in der italo-brasilianischen Literatur: eine soziolinguistische Analyse der Sprachmischung zwischen Italienisch/Talian und Por by Müller, Katharina
Linguistic Identities in the Arab Gulf States: Waves of Change by
Linguistic Identities in the Arab Gulf States: Waves of Change by
A Cross-Linguistic Approach to the Syntax of Subjunctive Mood by Baunaz, Lena, Puskás, Genoveva
In the Borderland Between Song and Speech: Vocal Expressions in Oral Cultures by
The Science of English Spelling: Teaching English Spelling to Elementary & Advanced English Learners by Treasure, Stephen G.
Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging by
Multilingual Perspectives on Translanguaging by
Gelehrtenbriefe an den Mongolisten Bernhard Jülg (1825-1886) by Walravens, Hartmut
Second Language Pragmatics by Ren, Wei
The Grammar of Hate by
Sefer ha-Pardes by Jedaiah ha-Penini by Torollo, David
Sefer ha-Pardes by Jedaiah ha-Penini by Torollo, David
The Polish Elite and Language Sciences: A Perspective of Global Historical Sociology by Zarycki, Tomasz
Language in a Globalised World: Social Justice Perspectives on Mobility and Contact by Badwan, Khawla
Sanskrit Sandhi and Exercises, Revised Edition by Emeneau, M. B.
Sanskrit Sandhi and Exercises, Revised Edition by Emeneau, M. B.
Choreographies of Multilingualism: Writing and Language Ideology in Singapore by Lee, Tong King
Differential Heterogenesis: Mutant Forms, Sensitive Bodies by Piotrowski, David, Citti, Giovanna, Sarti, Alessandro
International Perspectives on Diversity in ELT by
Child Second Language Development in Immersion Education: A Study on Generic Determiner Phrases in L2 German and L2 French by Kolb, Nadine
Situated Learning in Interpreter Education: From the Classroom to the Community by Nicodemus, Brenda, Miner, Annette
Language Play in Contemporary Swedish Comic Strips by Beers Fägersten, Kristy
Varieties of Post-Classical and Byzantine Greek by
The Natural History of the Sign: Peirce, Vygotsky and the Hegelian Model of Concept Formation by Barnham, Chris
Toward a Motivation Model of Pragmatics by Chen, Rong
Die Althochdeutschen Adjektive Auf -Aht(i)/-Oht(i): Eine Diachron- Und Synchron-Vergleichende Untersuchung by Luxner, Bernhard
A Grammar of Saramaccan Creole by Good, Jeff, McWhorter, John
Tales From the Word Guy: What Your English Teacher Never Taught You by Berkowitz, Jonathan
New Approaches to Contrastive Linguistics: Empirical and Methodological Challenges by
Linguistik der Eigennamen by
The Multilingual Origins of Standard English by
Widerstreit um das Belarussische by Savitskaya, Natallia
Formal Approaches to Romance Morphosyntax by
Textualität im italienischen Nonstandard by Herbst, Andrea
Linguistic Communities and Migratory Processes: Newcomers Acquiring Sociolinguistic Variation in Northern Ireland by Corrigan, Karen P.
Theory and Methodology of Semiotics: The Tradition of Ferdinand de Saussure by Lagopoulos, Alexandros PH., Boklund-Lagopoulou, Karin
Funktionsverbgefüge im Fokus by
Wörter - Zeichen der Veränderung by
Verb Doubling and Dummy Verb: Gap Avoidance Strategies in Verbal Fronting by Hein, Johannes
El conocimiento compartido by
What It Takes to Talk: Exploring Developmental Cognitive Linguistics by Ibbotson, Paul
Demonstrative Kennzeichnungen im Altfranzösischen by Bürk, Sarah
A Grammar of Karbi by Konnerth, Linda
Integrating Gestures: The Dimension of Multimodality in Cognitive Grammar by Ladewig, Silva
Hexenverhörprotokolle als sprachhistorisches Korpus by
The Greater Awyu Languages of West Papua by Vries, Lourens De
Recent Developments in Phase Theory by
The Many Faces of Multilingualism: Language Status, Learning and Use Across Contexts by
The Discursive Construction of Hierarchy in Japanese Society: An Ethnographic Study of Secondary School Clubs by Wang, Zi
The Morphosyntax of Negative Markers: A Nanosyntactic Account by de Clercq, Karen
Case, Agreement, and Their Interactions: New Perspectives on Differential Argument Marking by
Tales From the Word Guy: What Your English Teacher Never Taught You by Berkowitz, Jonathan
The Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpreting by
Handbook of Home Language Maintenance and Development: Social and Affective Factors by
Prosody in Syntactic Encoding by
Cooperative Learning and World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages: A Guide for Effective Practice by Ghaith, Ghazi M., Awada, Ghada M.
Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics by Rahbek, Ulla, Rask Knudsen, Eva
Refugee Talk: Propositions on Ethics and Aesthetics by Rask Knudsen, Eva, Rahbek, Ulla
Interactional Approach to Cinematic Discourse: How Do Woody Allen's Characters Talk? by Chepinchikj, Neda
Signed Language Corpora: Volume 25 by
Critical Intercultural Pedagogy for Difficult Times: Conflict, Crisis, and Creativity by
Theatre Translation: A Practice as Research Model by Tarantini, Angela Tiziana
The Cambridge Handbook of Working Memory and Language by
Analysing Language, Sex and Age in a Corpus of Patient Feedback by Baker, Paul, Brookes, Gavin
Stance devices in tourism-related research articles: A corpus-based study by Álvarez-Gil, Francisco J.
The History of Chinese Rhetoric by Wei, Weixiao
Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research: Biographical and Speaker-Centred Approaches by
Ernest Hemingway in Interview and Translation by Guttfeld, Dorota, Buchholtz, Miroslawa
Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research: Biographical and Speaker-Centred Approaches by
The Chinese Aspectual System: Theory and Computation by Xu, Hongzhi
English-Medium Instruction Translanguaging Practices in Asia: Theories, Frameworks and Implementation in Higher Education by
Italy and the USA: Cultural Change Through Language and Narrative by
Language and Identity in a Multilingual, Migrating World by
Language and Authority in De Lingua Latina: Varro's Guide to Being Roman by Spencer, Diana
Flutes of Fire: An Introduction to Native California Languages Revised and Updated by Hinton, Leanne
Inventing the Alphabet: The Origins of Letters from Antiquity to the Present by Drucker, Johanna
Domande retoriche nel Bundestag: Un'analisi prosodica by Damiazzi, Vincenzo
Empirical Evidences and Theoretical Assumptions in Functional Linguistics by
Capital, Commodity, and English Language Teaching by Simpson, William
Capital, Commodity, and English Language Teaching by Simpson, William
A New Representation of Chinese Learners: Experiences of Chinese Learners of English in Tertiary Sino-Australian Programs in China by Luo, Yingmei
Constructing the Welfare State in the British Press: Boundaries and Metaphors in Political Discourse by Paprota, Malgorzata
Teaching Pragmatics and Instructed Second Language Learning: Study Abroad and Technology-Enhanced Teaching by Halenko, Nicola
Discourse-Pragmatic Variation and Change by
Translation as Experimentalism by Lee, Tong King
La enseñanza de la pronunciación española en Estados Unidos (1811-1910) by García Aranda, M. a. Ángeles
Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics by Lit Verlag
Native Speakerism: Discriminatory Employment Practices in Polish Language Schools by Paciorkowski, Tomasz
Implicit and Explicit Language Attitudes: Mapping Linguistic Prejudice and Attitude Change in England by McKenzie, Robert M., McNeill, Andrew
Teaching Literature in Translation: Pedagogical Contexts and Reading Practices by
Explorations in Empirical Translation Process Research by
Reframing Translators, Translators as Reframers by
Discourses of Borders and the Nation in the USA: A Discourse-Historical Analysis by Demata, Massimiliano
The Routledge Handbook of Corpora and English Language Teaching and Learning by
Teaching Literature in Translation: Pedagogical Contexts and Reading Practices by
Understanding Variability in Second Language Acquisition, Bilingualism, and Cognition: A Multi-Layered Perspective by
Programmes officiels pour l'enseignement secondaire classique et professionnel by Collectif
La gymnastique des demoiselles by Angerstein, E.
Syllabaire classique by de Malvin-Cazal, Joseph-M -D
Nouveau traité d'arpentage et de géodésie pratique, par demandes et par réponses by Ricard, D.
Cours Complet d'Histoire. Histoire Sommaire de la France, 1610-1871: Classe de 7e. Leçons, Récits, Lectures, Exercices Oraux Et Écrits by Blanchet, Désiré
Enfants et mères by Daudet, Julia
Institut des frères de Saint-Gabriel. Enseignement logique de la langue française aux sourds-muets by Collectif
Lectures intuitives, avec leçons de choses et leçons de mots. Partie 2 by Georges, M.
Mémoire sur l'instruction et sur l'éducation nationale by Bourdon, Léonard
Le livre des jeunes filles. Jardinage et économie domestique by Barot, Alexandre
Magasin des petits enfants ou Recueil d'amusemens à la portée de leur âge by de Los Rios, Angélique
Le vieux miroir, fables de l'école et de la jeunesse. Nouvelle édition by Bataille, Frédéric
Le calcul des écoles rurales et des classes d'adultes. Livre du maître by Niocel, P. -P
Le nomenclateur calendrier, calcul, géographie by Collectif
La Clef Perdue Ouvrage Pour La Jeunesse by Collectif
Die Architektur des Kodex: Flexionsmorphologische Varianten in DaF-/DaM-Grammatiken und ihr Verhältnis zum grammatikographischen Textnetz by Stark, Sebastian
The Politics of Speech in Later Twentieth-Century Poetry: Local Tongues in Heaney, Brooks, Harrison, and Clifton by Fogarty, William
The Palgrave Handbook of Chinese Language Studies by
Mother Tongue XXIII: 2021 by
Social Class, the Nominal Group and Verbal Strategies by Hawkins, P. R.
Delicious Words: East Asian Food Words in English by Kiaer, Jieun
Pragmatics Pedagogy in English as an International Language by
Autonomy in Language Education: Theory, Research and Practice by Raya, Manuel Jimenez, Vieira, Flavia
Multilingual Mediated Communication and Cognition by
Loanwords in the Chinese Language by Youwei, Shi
Second Language Pragmatics and English Language Education in East Asia by
The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference by
Language, Nations, and Multilingualism: Questioning the Herderian Ideal by
Communicating Strategically in English as a Lingua Franca: A Corpus Driven Investigation by Jafari, Janin
Approaches to Specialized Genres by
Globalisation, Geopolitics, and Gender in Professional Communication by
Japanese Politeness: An Enquiry by Obana, Yasuko
Filmspanism: A Critical Companion to the Study of Spanish Cinema by Egea, Juan F.
Effects of Service-Learning in Foreign and Second Language Courses by
Reconciling Synchrony, Diachrony and Usage in Verb Number Agreement with Complex Collective Subjects by Fernández-Pena, Yolanda
Interculturality in Learning Mandarin Chinese in British Universities by Jin, Tinghe
Research Companion to Language and Country Branding by
Los castellanos del Perú: historia, variación y contacto lingüístico by
Mixing and Unmixing Languages: Romani Multilingualism in Kosovo by Abercrombie, Amelia
Translation in the Arab World: The Abbasid Golden Age by Abdulla, Adnan K.
Repetition and Creation: Poetics of Autotextuality by Kolarov, Radosvet
Innovation in Audio Description Research by
Language Learning Through Captioned Videos: Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition by Feng Teng, Mark
Sentence Diagramming 101: Fun with Linguistics (and Movies) by Paquette, Jen, Mita, Laura
Nantong Chinese by Ao, Benjamin
A Phonological Grammar of Kenyan Sign Language by Morgan, Hope E.
The Many Faces of English -Ing by Sennrich, Xin
Word Order Variation: Semitic, Turkic and Indo-European Languages in Contact by
Arts-Based Research Methods in Writing Studies: A Primer by Hanzalik, Kate
Fresh Perspectives on Major Issues in Pragmatics by
The Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh by
Translating the Crisis: Politics and Culture in Spain After the 15m by Fernández, Fruela
Geological Melts by
See More