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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

Not Eleven Languages: Translanguaging and South African Multilingualism in Concert by Makalela, Leketi
A Short Media History of English Literature by Berensmeyer, Ingo
Sprache(n) in pädagogischen Settings by
Kleines mittelhochdeutsches Wörterbuch by Hennig, Beate
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Pragmatics: Foundations and Interfaces by
Sign Languages and Linguistic Citizenship: A Critical Ethnographic Study of the Yangon Deaf Community by Foote, Ellen
Multimodal Approaches to Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting by
Distributed Languaging, Affective Dynamics, and the Human Ecology Volume II: Co-Articulating Self and World by Thibault, Paul J.
Sentence Diagramming 101: Fun with Linguistics (and Movies) by Paquette, Jen, Mita, Laura
Dear Fellow Time-Binder: Letters on General Semantics by Mayer, Christopher
Führt eine gendergerechte Sprache zu mehr Chancengleichheit in der beruflichen Karriere von Frauen? by Anonym
How special are early birds? Foreign language teaching and learning by University, Kevin McManus Penn State, York, Monika S. Schmid University of
Becoming an Outstanding Languages Teacher by Smith, Steve
Language, Gender and Videogames: Using Corpora to Analyse the Representation of Gender in Fantasy Videogames by Heritage, Frazer
Place-Name Politics in Multilingual Areas: A Comparative Study of Southern Carinthia (Austria) and the Těsín/Cieszyn Region (Czechia) by Balode, Marika, Jordan, Peter, Mácha, Přemysl
Challenges Encountered by Chinese ESL Learners: Problems and Solutions from Complementary Perspectives by
Becoming an Outstanding Languages Teacher by Smith, Steve
Language Education in Multilingual Colombia: Critical Perspectives and Voices from the Field by
Coarticulation in Phonology by Zellou, Georgia
Language Awareness in Business and the Professions by
Morphosyntax by Croft, William
Multilingualism and Identity by
Morphosyntax by Croft, William
Considérations sur les lacunes de l'éducation secondaire en France by Renouard, Augustin-Charles
Translating Samuel Beckett Around the World by
راز واژگان پارسی by یوسفی, آری&#
Der Einfluss von Instruktion auf den Erwerb und die Verwendung des Dritte Person Singular -s in der Zweitsprache Englisch by Chlubek, Kerstin
A Reader's Guide to Classic Papers in Formal Semantics: Volume 100 of Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy by
Intersectional Perspectives on LGBTQ+ Issues in Modern Language Teaching and Learning by
Pour Les Tout Petits, Lecture Sur La Morale: À l'Usage Des Écoles Maternelles Et Des Divisions Élémentaires Des Écoles Primaires by Mas, Émile
Programmes officiels pour l'enseignement secondaire classique et professionnel by Collectif
Lectures expliquées pour nos fils, à l'usage de l'enseignement primaire by Lebaigue, Charles
Harmful Eating Habits: Improve Your Eating Habit: Weight Loss and Physical Activities by Karp, Scott
My Story Book by Swiatkowska-Sulecka, Agnieszka
The Art of Verbal Warfare by Smits, Rik
Knowing What Things Are: An Inquiry-Based Approach by Abath, André J.
Kindergarten Writing Paper With Lines For Kids by Swiatkowska-Sulecka, Agnieszka
Journal de l'instruction publique by Huberson, G.
Lifestyle Politics in Translation: The Shaping and Re-Shaping of Ideological Discourse by Raus, Rachele, Caimotto, M. Cristina
Tagungsband der Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul - Band 1: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels - Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung by
Tagungsband der Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul - Band 3: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels - Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung by
Tagungsband der Asiatischen Germanistentagung 2016 in Seoul - Band 2: Germanistik in Zeiten des großen Wandels - Tradition, Identitaet, Orientierung by
AH THA ( ALIF TAV) I Know My Paleo Hebrew Alphabets: Lashawan Qadash ( The Holy Tongue) by Tankard, Roosevelt, Shah, Kahan Tazadaq
Using Technologies for Creative-Text Translation by
Corpus Linguistics and Translation Tools for Digital Humanities: Research Methods and Applications by
How Mediation Works by Garcia, Angela Cora
How Language Makes Meaning by Colston, Herbert L.
Digital Games in Language Learning: Case Studies and Applications by
Designing Second Language Study Abroad Research: Critical Reflections on Methods and Data by
Digital Games in Language Learning: Case Studies and Applications by
Language Management: From Bricolage to Strategy in British Companies by Wilmot, Natalie Victoria
Prosody and Prosodic Interfaces by
A Sourcebook for Ancient Greek: Grammar, Poetry, and Prose by Tomarchio, John
Reconceptualising Power in Language Policy: Evidence from Comparative Cases by Sharma, Abhimanyu
Interculturality and the English Language Classroom by
Ridout's Vocabulary of Shawnee by Ridout, Thomas
Language Files: Materials for an Introduction to Language and Linguistics, 13th Edition by Linguistics, Department Of
Cours de linguistique générale by de Saussure, Ferdinand
O by Abregú, Ana
Stylistic Approaches to Pop Culture by
Gelehrtenbriefe an J. P. A. Rémusat und J. Klaproth: Aus der Geschichte der Orientalistik Anfang des 19. Jh. by
Pronunciation Variation in Final i Mandarin Chinese Characters by Kraemer, Stephen M.
Italo-Romance Dialects in the Linguistic Repertoires of Immigrants in Italy by
Traditional Chinese Fiction in the English-Speaking World: Transcultural and Translingual Encounters by Luo, Junjie
Complaining as a Sociocultural Activity: Examining How and Why in Korean Interaction by Yoon, Kyung-Eun
The Evolution of Human Consciousness and Linguistic Behavior: A Synthetic Approach to the Anthropology and Archaeology of Language Origins by Haworth, Karen A., Prewitt, Terry J.
Elasticity in Healthcare Communication by Tseng, Ming-Yu, Zhang, Grace Qiao
Die Anrede im Portugiesischen: Eine soziolinguistische Untersuchung zu Anredekonventionen des gegenwaertigen europaeischen Portugiesisch by Hammermüller, Gunther
Animals and their names coloring book: learn how to name and identify different animals by Kerry, William Yang
Manual of Textual Analysis by Dearing, Vinton A.
Manual of Textual Analysis by Dearing, Vinton A.
International Perspectives on Mentoring in English Language Education by
Affective-Discursive Practice in Online Medical Consultations in China: Emotional and Empathic Acts, Identity Positions, and Power Relations by Zhang, Yu
Unrounded Vowel Finals in Alternate Pronunciation of Mandarin Characters by Kraemer, Stephen M.
The Geometry of Choice: Language, Culture, and Education by Kuźniak, Marek
Names and Naming: Multicultural Aspects by
Finnishness, Whiteness and Coloniality by
Christian and Related Terms Used in Interlinear Glosses in the Old English Period by Ogura, Michiko
Searching for Literacy: The Social and Intellectual Origins of Literacy Studies by Graff, Harvey J.
Approaches to Language and Culture by
Communication, Translation, and Community in the Middle Ages and Early Modern Period: New Cultural-Historical and Literary Perspectives by
The Expression of "Collectivity" in Romance Languages: An Empirical Analysis of Nominal Aspectuality with Focus on French by Kleineberg, Désirée
Kalat Claimed by Beyzaie, Bahram
The Impact of Plain Language on Legal English in the United Kingdom by Williams, Christopher
Transfiction and Bordering Approaches to Theorizing Translation: Essays in Dialogue with the Work of Rosemary Arrojo by
Anglizismen im Alltag. Welche Bedeutung haben englische Wörter für Studierende? by Oberschneider, Eva
Voices of Our Ancestors: Language Contact in Early South Carolina by Nichols, Patricia Causey
So. Many. Letter Stickers.: 3,820 Alphabet Stickers for Word Nerds by Pipsticks(r)+Workman(r)
Arabic for Beginners: A Guide to Modern Standard Arabic (Free Online Audio and Printable Flash Cards) by Risha, Sarah
Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, Present and the Way Forward by
Narrative Persuasion. a Cognitive Perspective on Language Evolution by Ferretti, Francesco
Debate as Global Pedagogy: Rwanda Rising by Voth, Ben
La langue gauloise by Dottin, Georges
Rounded Vowel Finals in Alternate Pronunciation of Mandarin Characters by Kraemer, Stephen M.
Inisyasyon Nan Kilti Ak Lang Kreyòl Ayiti: Pyonye Yo: Pou Christian Beaulieu (Large Print Edition) by Lapierre, Bob
Multimodal Communication and Soft Skills Development by
Child-directed Speech in Qaqet: A Language of East New Britain, Papua New Guinea by Frye, Henrike
Metaphors in the History of Economic Thought: Crises, Business Cycles and Equilibrium by
Transgender Identities in the Press: A Corpus-based Discourse Analysis by Zottola, Angela
Language, Music and Gesture: Informational Crossroads: Lmgic 2021 by
The Cambridge Handbook of Childhood Multilingualism by
Social Networks in Language Learning and Language Teaching by
Study Abroad and the Second Language Learner: Expectations, Experiences and Development by
The Production-Comprehension Interface in Second Language Acquisition: An Integrated Encoding-Decoding Model by Lenzing, Anke
Translation and Genre by Woodstein, B. J.
Silence as Language by Ephratt, Michal
Language and Dialect Contact in Ireland: The Phonological Origins of Mid-Ulster English by Maguire, Warren
Language Development by
The Routledge Handbook of Language and the Global South/S by
शब्ददेखि वाक्य सम्म (From Word to Sentence): &#2 by Shivakoti, Madhav Prasad
East Asian Pragmatics: Commonalities and Variations by
Individual differences in Computer Assisted Language Learning Research by Pawlak, Miroslaw, Kruk, Mariusz
Refugee Education Across the Lifespan: Mapping Experiences of Language Learning and Use by
Exploring the Interface Between Individual Difference Variables and the Knowledge of Second Language Grammar by Pawlak, Miroslaw
The Emotive Theory of Ethics by Urmson, J. O.
Assessing Second Language Reading: Insights from Cloze Tests by Sadeghi, Karim
Mobile Assisted Language Learning Across Educational Contexts by
Numeral Classifiers and Classifier Languages: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean by
Thematic Structure and Para-Syntax: Arabic as a Case Study by Dickins, James
Prosodic Studies: Challenges and Prospects by
Spanish in the United States: Attitudes and Variation by
Focus Manifestation in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese: A Comparative Perspective by Lee, Peppina Po-Lun
A Discourse Analysis of News Translation in China by Xia, Liang
Celebrity Accents and Public Identity Construction: Analyzing Geordie Stylizations by Di Martino, Emilia
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Humor by
The Routledge Handbook of Vocabulary Studies by
The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Language Education: From Innovation to Program Building by
The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Pragmatics by
The Routledge Handbook of Language Revitalization by
The Routledge Handbook of Ecolinguistics by
The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Discourse Analysis by Shei, Chris
The Position of the German Language in the World by Ammon, Ulrich
The Routledge Handbook of Discourse Processes: Second Edition by
Syntaxe théorique et formelle, Volume 1: Modélisation, unités, structures by Gerdes, Kim, Kahane, Sylvain
The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development by
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Dialogue by
A Multimodal and Ethnographic Approach to Textbook Discourse by Canale, Germán
Reporting Palestine-Israel in British Newspapers: An Analysis of British Newspapers by Sirhan, Nadia R.
From Complex Sentences to a Formal Semantic Representation Using Syntactic Text Simplification and Open Information Extraction by Niklaus, Christina
The Language of Dystopia by Norledge, Jessica
Form, Meaning and Aspect in the German Impersonal Passive by Leese, Michelle
Imitation from Infancy Through Early Childhood: Typical and Atypical Development by Heimann, Mikael
Meister Eckharts mittelhochdeutsche Predigten in Uebersetzung: Eine uebersetzungskritische Analyse der neuhochdeutschen und franzoesischen Versionen by Dorogova, Elizaveta
Typologie dativischer Domaenen: Ein russisch‐tschechischer Vergleich by
Gaelic Neighbours by McKee, Vincent
New Migrations, New Multilingual Practices, New Identities: The Case of Post-2008 Italian Migrants in London by Pepe, Giulia
The Written World of God: The Cosmic Script and the Art of Ibn 'Arabi by Rasic, Dunja
Adding Sense by Kalantzis, Mary, Cope, Bill
Narrative, Perception, and the Embodied Mind: Towards a Neuro-Narratology by Farmasi, Lilla
Inisyasyon Nan Kilti Ak Lang Kreyòl Ayiti: Pyonye Yo: : Pou Christian Beaulieu by Lapierre, Bob
Silence and Its Derivatives: Conversations Across Disciplines by
Language and Identity in the Arab World by
Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community by Bowker, Lynne, Buitrago Ciro, Jairo
Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel by Rosenhouse, Judith, Perez, Yoel Shalom
Bedouin Folktales from the North of Israel by Perez, Yoel Shalom, Rosenhouse, Judith
Living with Distrust: Morality and Cooperation in a Romanian Village by Umbres, Radu
The Ethnomethodology Program: Legacies and Prospects by
Discourse Markers in Interaction: From Production to Comprehension by
How Language Speaks to Music: Prosody from a Cross-Domain Perspective by
Language, Society, and Empowerment in Africa and Its Diaspora by Òjó, Akinloyè
Das Gegenwort-Wörterbuch by Müller, Wolfgang, Ebner, Jakob
Atlas de Las Emociones Humanas / The Book of Human Emotions: From Ambiguphobia T O Umpty -154 Words from Around the World for How We Feel by Watt, Tiffany
Descriptive and theoretical approaches to African linguistics by
on: Das kleine Suffix mit der großen Wirkung oder die Rettung des generischen Maskulinums by Liegener, Bernd-Peter
The Comedy of Error: Why Evolution Made Us Laugh by Silvertown, Jonathan
A B C for Kids: Learn the Alphabet by Perry, Norah
Researching Metaphors: Towards a Comprehensive Account by
English-Medium Instruction in Higher Education by Lasagabaster, David
Ecological Stylistics: Ecostylistic Approaches to Discourses of Nature, the Environment and Sustainability by Virdis, Daniela Francesca
The Frameworks of English: Introducing Language Structures by Ballard, Kim
Reading in a Second Language by Grabe, William, Yamashita, Junko
Shaping Writing Grades by McCallum, Lee, Durrant, Philip
Language and Gender in Children's Animated Films by Fought, Carmen, Eisenhauer, Karen
Reading in a Second Language by Grabe, William, Yamashita, Junko
Language and Gender in Children's Animated Films by Eisenhauer, Karen, Fought, Carmen
Modal Rose: Coda by Hockenson, Daniel
Coordination and the Syntax - Discourse Interface by Altshuler, Daniel, Truswell, Robert
Other Indonesians: Nationalism in an Unnative Language by Errington, Joseph
Language Education in Digital Spaces: Perspectives on Autonomy and Interaction by
Corpora, Corpses and Corps: A Multimodal Study of Contemporary Canadian TV Crime Series by Gentile, Federico Pio
The Verbal Aspect Integral to the Perfect and Pluperfect Tense-Forms in the Pauline Corpus: A Semantic and Pragmatic Analysis by Sedlacek, James E.
Language Learning and Forced Migration by
Noticing Oral Corrective Feedback in the Second Language Classroom: Background and Evidence by Kartchava, Eva
Crossing Borders: Sinology in Translation Studies by
Academic Literacies Provision for International Students: Evaluating Impact and Quality by Blaj-Ward, Lia
The Song of the Ape: Tenth Anniversary Edition by Halloran, Andrew R.
Exploring Language Education: Global and Local Perspectives by
A Systemic Functional Grammar of Chinese Nominal Groups: A Text-Based Approach by Fang, Jing
Una lengua diversa y mudable. Nuevas perspectivas en historiografía e historia de la lengua española by
Aлексей Tолстой в урагане &#10 by
Priming Translation: Cognitive, Affective, and Social Factors by Robinson, Douglas
Research Methods for Understanding Child Second Language Development by
Research Methods for Understanding Child Second Language Development by
Bridging Linguistics and Economics by
Exploring L1-L2 Relationships: The Impact of Individual Differences by Sparks, Richard L.
Chinese English: Names, Norms and Narratives by Xu, Zhichang
Cognitive Processing Routes in Consecutive Interpreting: A Corpus-Assisted Approach by Liu, Xiaodong
The Cambridge Handbook of World Englishes by
Kasusfähigkeiten monolingualer Kinder: Eine Erhebung mit dem MuSE-Pro by Maurer, Anne
Making Sense by Kalantzis, Mary, Cope, Bill
See More