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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Linguistics in 2022

The Semantics of Case by Kagan, Olga
Covid-19 and Speech-Language Pathology by
Language Socialization in Classrooms by
Feeling, Thinking, and Talking by Ritchie, L. David
Extended Conceptual Metaphor Theory by Kövecses, Zoltán
Covid-19 and Speech-Language Pathology by
The Sociolinguistics of Written Identity: Constructing a Self by Schmit, John S.
Indexing 'Chav' on Social Media: Transmodal Performances of Working-Class Subcultures by Di Martino, Emilia
The English Language Before England: An Epigraphic Account by Mees, Bernard
The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics by
Theory and Practice in Second Language Teacher Identity: Researching, Theorising and Enacting by
Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese Pronunciation: The Mainstream Pronunciation of Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, from Sound Segments to Speech Melodi by Simões, Antônio Roberto Monteiro
The Struggle for the National Narrative in Indonesia by Hatherell, Michael, Welsh, Alistair
From Critical Literacy to Critical Pedagogy in English Language Teaching: Using Teacher-Made Materials in Difficult Contexts by
Perspectives on Academic Persian by
Español Académico Como Le/L2: Destrezas, Competencias Y Movilidad Universitaria by Pastor Cesteros, Susana
Español Académico Como Le/L2: Destrezas, Competencias Y Movilidad Universitaria by Pastor Cesteros, Susana
Fair Trial Rights and Multilingualism in Africa: Perspectives from Comparable Jurisdictions by Namakula, Catherine S.
Translating Borrowed Tongues: The Verbal Quest of Ilan Stavans by Vidal Claramonte, Macarmen África
Translating Feminism: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Text, Place and Agency by
Philippine English: Development, Structure, and Sociology of English in the Philippines by
Géographie de l'Asie, de l'Afrique et de l'Océanie. Cours supérieur, classe de 3e. 3e édition by DuPont, Joseph
Géométrie élémentaire. Géométrie dans l'espace by Bos, Henri
L'université devant la famille by Dufaut, André
Petit questionnaire, leçons sur l'emploi de l'interrogation dans toutes ses formes by Forestier, Claudius
L'école mutuelle, cours complet d'éducation populaire. Cosmographie by Rambosson, Jean
Nouvel essai sur l'éducation, à l'usage des instituteurs de la jeunesse by La Coste, De
Éléments usuels des sciences physiques et naturelles, cours moyen. Livre de l'élève by Saffray, Charles
La sténographie sans maître ou L'art d'écrire aussi vite que l'on parle by Roby, A.
Lydie de Gersin Ou Histoire d'Une Jeune Anglaise de Huit Ans. Nouvelle Édition: Pour Servir À l'Instruction Et À l'Amusement Des Jeunes Françaises Du by Wiesenhutten, Friederike Henriette
Les Origines Du Lycée de Bordeaux. Le Lycée de l'An XI, 1802-1809 by Courteault, Paul
Notice sur le nouveau collège de Gray, 1789-1889 by Godard, Charles
L2 Pragmatic Competence in Chinese EFL Routines by Wang, Yuqi
Narrative as Dialectic Abduction by West, Donna E.
Definiteness: A Linguistic Study (Volume 2) by
Pragmatics of Space by
Sociofonética andaluza by Cruz Ortiz, Rocío
The Handbook of Dialectology by
Differential Argument Marking: Volume 1 by
Das linguistische Erbe von al-Andalus by Noll, Volker
Compositionality in Formal Semantics by
Translation and Interpretation in Languages (Volume 1) by
Meaning in Language: An Introduction to Semantics by
Manuscript and Print in the Islamic Tradition by
Fremder Text - fremde Welt? by Wolf, Johanna
Writing Around the Ancient Mediterranean: Practices and Adaptations by
The Life and Growth of Language: An outline of linguistic science by Whitney, William Dwight
The Frameworks of English: Introducing Language Structures by Ballard, Kim
The Indo-European Language Family by
Syntax of Hungarian: Coordination and Ellipsis by
Introducing Historical Orthography by Condorelli, Marco
Introducing Historical Orthography by Condorelli, Marco
Translation by
Comics in Contemporary Arab Culture: Politics, Language and Resistance by Høigilt, Jacob
Ancient Roots of Creation and Afterlife Beliefs by Ara, Mitra
Talking about Second Language Acquisition by Sadeghi, Karim
The Measurement of Psychological States Through the Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior by Gleser, Goldine C., Gottschalk, Louis A.
The Language of Siegfried Sassoon by Giovanelli, Marcello
The Measurement of Psychological States Through the Content Analysis of Verbal Behavior by Gottschalk, Louis A., Gleser, Goldine C.
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 2 Nominals by Brakel, Arthur
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 3 Verbs by Brakel, Arthur
Portuguese Morphophonology: A Generative-Markedness Approach: Volume 1 Foundations by Brakel, Arthur
Handbook of Pragmatic Language Disorders: Complex and Underserved Populations by
Discourse and Conflict: Analysing Text and Talk of Conflict, Hate and Peace-Building by
Early Language Learning Policy in the 21st Century: An International Perspective by
Function and Class in Linguistic Description: The Taxonomic Foundations of Grammar by Perini, Mário Alberto
Die Klitika "spä" und "no" in Tocharisch B by Schwerdtfeger, Lea
On the Self: Discourses of Mental Health and Education by Allan, Julie, Harwood, Valerie
Fedorov's Introduction to Translation Theory by
English in China: Language, Identity and Culture by Fong, Emily Tsz Yan
The Communicative Linguistic Landscape: Production Formats and Designed Environments by Wee, Lionel
Translational Politics in Southeast Asian Literatures: Contesting Race, Gender, and Sexuality by
Funktionen und Gebrauch von Emojis in der Streit-Kommunikation: Eine Analyse interpersonaler Kommunikation auf WhatsApp by Anonym
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language by Kemmerer, David
Identity, Language and Education of Sakhalin Japanese and Koreans: Continual Diaspora by Paichadze, Svetlana
Definiteness: A Linguistic Study (Volume 1) by
Language Acquisition: Learning to Use Language in Context by
Phonetics and Phonology: The Sounds of Language by
Differential Argument Marking: Volume 2 by
Handbook of Language Prosody by
Translation and Interpretation in Languages (Volume 2) by
Linguistics: An Introduction to Language and Communication by
Cognitive Neuroscience of Language by Kemmerer, David
Computational Linguistics: An Introduction by
Social and structural aspects of language contact and change by
Tungusic languages by
The Afterlife of Dante's Vita Nova in the Anglophone World: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Translation and Reception History by
Language Learning Motivation and L2 Pragmatic Competence by Yang, He
Issues in Kartvelian Studies by
Bias, Belief, and Conviction in an Age of Fake Facts by
Analyzing the Logic of Sun Tzu in "The Art of War", Using Mind Maps by Xie, Kaibo, Van Emde Boas, Peter, Van Emde Boas, Ghica
The Inner World of Gatekeeping in Scholarly Publication by
Metalinguistic Communities: Case Studies of Agency, Ideology, and Symbolic Uses of Language by
Fundamental Principles of Corpus Linguistics by McEnery, Tony, Brezina, Vaclav
Sémantique discursive cognitive: Frames et constructions des discours de vente du vin en Autriche by Bach, Matthieu
Shaping Learners' Pronunciation: Teaching the Connected Speech of North American English by Crowther, Dustin, Brown, James Dean
Initial Language Teacher Education by Díaz Maggioli, Gabriel
Translation as Social Justice: Translation Policies and Practices in Non-Governmental Organisations by Tesseur, Wine
Genre Networks by Luzón, María-José, Pérez-Llantada, Carmen
Shaping Learners' Pronunciation: Teaching the Connected Speech of North American English by Brown, James Dean, Crowther, Dustin
Social and Regional Variation in World Englishes: Local and Global Perspectives by
Translation as Social Justice: Translation Policies and Practices in Non-Governmental Organisations by Tesseur, Wine
Two Dimensions of Meaning: Similarity and Contiguity in Metaphor and Metonymy, Language, Culture, and Ecology by Goatly, Andrew
Pragmatics in Korean and Japanese Translation by Kiaer, Jieun, Cagan, Ben
Revisiting Trustworthiness in Social Interaction by Nielsen, Ann Merrit Rikke, Nielsen, Mie Femø
Language, Style and Variation in Contemporary Indian English Literary Texts by Adami, Esterino
Communicative Spaces in Bilingual Contexts: Discourses, Synergies and Counterflows in Spanish and English by
Discourses, Modes, Media and Meaning in an Era of Pandemic: A Multimodal Discourse Analysis Approach by
Gesture and Multimodality in Second Language Acquisition: A Research Guide by
Pragmatics in Korean and Japanese Translation by Kiaer, Jieun, Cagan, Ben
Initial Language Teacher Education by Díaz Maggioli, Gabriel
Language Revitalisation and Social Transformation by
Public Relations and the Digital: Professional Discourse and Change by Bourne, Clea
Media Linguistics in South Asia: Language, Culture and Communication by Fatihi, Ali R.
Persian Nursery Rhymes Ash'áre Kúdakáneh: In Persian, English & Finglisi: In Persian, English & Finglisi: Persian Nursery Rhymes Ash'áre Kúdakáneh by Kiani, Mona
Persian Games Bází ha: In Persian, English & Finglisi: Persian Games Bází ha by Kiani, Mona
The Routledge Handbook of Language and Persuasion by
Persian Nursery Rhymes Ash'áre Kúdakáneh: In Persian, English & Finglisi: In Persian, English & Finglisi: Persian Nursery Rhymes Ash'áre Kúdakáneh by Kiani, Mona
Diachronic Variation in the Omani Arabic Vernacular of the Al-ʿAwābī District by Morano, Roberta
The Referential Mechanism of Proper Names: Cross-Cultural Investigations Into Referential Intuitions by Li, Jincai
Gesture and Multimodality in Second Language Acquisition: A Research Guide by
Méthode rationnelle d'écriture nationale cursive, dite radiographie by Rongier, P.
La pédagogie dans l'Allemagne du Nord by Dumesnil, Georges
Les jeux des enfants by Queyrat, Frédéric
Le Fénelon des classes élémentaires. 3e édition by de Fontaine de Resbecq, Adolphe
Bibliographie ariégeoise. Comté de Foix, Couserans et diocèse de Mirepoix by LaFont de Sentenac, Louis
Bibliothèque des familles by Zaccone, Pierre
Diachronic Variation in the Omani Arabic Vernacular of the Al-ʿAwābī District by Morano, Roberta
Persian Games Bází ha: In Persian, English & Finglisi: In Persian, English & Finglisi: Persian Games Bází ha by Kiani, Mona
The Language of Contemporary Poetry: A Framework for Poetic Analysis by Jeffries, Lesley
Genre Practices, Multimodality and Student Identities by Gray, Robert James
Working Towards a Proficiency Scale of Business English Writing: A Mixed-Methods Approach by Wang, Li, Fan, Jason
An N Integrative Architecture for Systemic Functional Linguistics and Other Theories of Language by Fawcett, Robin P.
Bilingual Creativity and Arab Contact Literature: Towards a World Englishes and Translation Studies Framework by Hassan, Dina
Das Türkisch-Deutsche Codeswitching: Eine Darstellung der Arten und Funktionen des Codeswitching der in Deutschland lebenden Menschen mit türkischer H by Samioglu, Medina
The Language of Employability: A Corpus-Based Analysis of UK University Websites by Fotiadou, Maria
Makrokonstruktionen by Ehmer, Oliver
Periphrasis and Inflexion in Diachrony: A View from Romance by
Handbuch Mehrsprachigkeit by
Applicative Morphology: Neglected Syntactic and Non-Syntactic Functions by
Dreierin - Trog by
Learn to Write: Alphabets by Lombardi, Vivaldo
Labyrinths of Language: Philosophical and Cultural Investigations by Manjali, Franson
Self-Praise Across Cultures and Contexts by
Discourses of Migration in Documentary Film: Translating the Real to the Reel by Sanchez, Alexandra J.
Problems in Lexicography: A Critical / Historical Edition by Adams, Michael
Problems in Lexicography: A Critical / Historical Edition by Adams, Michael
On the Tip of My Tongue: The Perfect Word for Every Life Moment by Read Wilson, Tom
Functional Heads Across Time: Syntactic Reanalysis and Change by
The Little Book of Foreign Swear Words by Finch, Sid
Japanese Folktales for Language Learners: Bilingual Legends and Fables in Japanese and English (Free Online Audio Recording) by Sato, Anna, Sato, Eriko
From Jazz" and Rap" to Dzhaz" and Rep": Phonological Adaptation of English Loanwords in Russian by Laidler, Kateryna
Lesen und Schreiben von E-MAILS und Multiple Choice Aufgaben: Deutsch-Test für den Beruf B2-DTB mit Lösungsvorschlägen B2 Prüfungsvorbereitung by Von Trautheim, Rosa
Pragmatics in English Language Learning by
Inheritance and Innovation in the Evolution of Rural African American English by Bailey, Guy, Salinas, Juan, Cukor-Avila, Patricia
The Babel Message: A Love Letter to Language by Kahn-Harris, Keith
A Discursive Perspective on Wikipedia: More Than an Encyclopaedia? by Kopf, Susanne
Sightlines: Beyond the Beyond in Ireland by Kane, Eileen
Narrating Migrations from Africa and the Middle East: A Spatio-Temporal Approach by
Task-Based Language Teaching by Jackson, Daniel O.
Rationality and Interpretation: On the Identities of Language by Evans, David
Ambiguity in EU Law: A Linguistic and Legal Analysis by Kartalova, Sofiya
Handbook of Research on Socio-Cultural and Linguistic Perspectives on Language and Literacy Development by
Conversation and Communication: A Psychological Inquiry into Language and Human Relations by Meerloo, Joost A. M.
Formal Cause in Marshall McLuhan's Thinking: An Aristotelian Perspective by Liñán, Laura Trujillo
The Official Indonesian Qurʾān Translation: The History and Politics of Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahnya by Lukman, Fadhli
The Official Indonesian Qurʾān Translation: The History and Politics of Al-Qur'an dan Terjemahnya by Lukman, Fadhli
Marathi Matramala 3 by Vidyalay, Vedic
Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Linguistic Pragmatism by Devitt, Michael
Speech Etiquette in Slavic Online Communities by
" T " apprend à écrire: Apprendre à tracer et suivre les pointillés by Blanc, Elsa
Tomás García Luna: Gramática General (1845): Kommentierte Edition mit einer Einleitung versehen von Isabel Zollna by Zollna, Isabel
Code-Switching und Sprachwechsel. Der wechselnde Gebrauch von Englisch und Spanisch by Bauer, Hannah
New Materialist Explorations Into Language Education by
New Materialist Explorations Into Language Education by
Written Chinese Made Easy: A Beginner's Guide to Learning 1,000 Chinese Characters (Online Audio) by Nadeau, Kit-Yee Yam, Kluemper, Michael L.
Intermediate Japanese Workbook: Activities and Exercises to Help You Improve Your Japanese! by Kluemper, Michael L., Berkson, Lisa
Headedness and/or grammatical anarchy? by
La Phrase Verbale dans le Créole Martiniquais: Une Analyse du Passif, de la Négation et des Constructions des Verbes en Série by Anonym
Non-Binary Gender Identities: The Language of Becoming by Cordoba, Sebastian
Non-Binary Gender Identities: The Language of Becoming by Cordoba, Sebastian
Metaphor, Riddles, and the Origin of Language: The Sphinx's Legacy by Danesi, Marcel
Establishing a Mechanism-Based Framework for the Corpus-Informed Analysis of Multi-Word Discourse Markers by Heeren, Jan-Friso
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact 2 Volume Hardback Set by
New Perspectives on Corpus Translation Studies by
New Directions in Linguistic Geography: Exploring Articulations of Space by
Linguistics Meets Philosophy by
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact by
The Cambridge Handbook of Language Contact by
Genre in English Medical Writing, 1500-1820 by
Füssener Dialekt by Hindelang, Wolfgang K.
Nominalization in Latin by Spevak, Olga
Talking about: An Intentionalist Theory of Reference by Unnsteinsson, Elmar
Language Acquisition in a Nutshell by Simonsen, Russell
Towards a Feminist Translator Studies: Intersectional Activism in Translation and Publishing by Vassallo, Helen
From Discriminating to Discrimination: The Influence of Language on Identity and Subjectivity by
Speaking My Soul: Race, Life and Language by Rickford, John Russell
Speaking My Soul: Race, Life and Language by Rickford, John Russell
Language, Identity Online and Running by Kurtoğlu-Hooton, Nur
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