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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1994

Body & Text in the Eighteenth Century by
Roxa: Voices of the Culver Family by Patrick, William B.
Cyclops. Alcestis. Medea by Euripides
Iugum - Laboro by
Alligo - Amitto by
Subjects Without Selves: Transitional Texts in Modern Fiction by Schwab, Gabriele
Preromanticism by Brown, Marshall
Subjugated Knowledges: Journalism, Gender, and Literature in the 19th Century by
Freud and Forbidden Knowledge by
Feminism and the Honor Plays of Lope de Vega by Yarbro-Bejarano, Yvonne
Context North America: Canadian-U.S. Literary Relations by
The Biblical Web by Aproberts, Ruth
Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens, Band 41, Archiv für Geschichte des Buchwesens (1994) by
Subjekt und Unsterblichkeit bei Pietro Pomponazzi by Wonde, Jürgen
Vitae Parallelae: Volumen II/Fasc. 2 by Plutarchus
Mystification et Créativité dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Marguerite Yourcenar: Cinq lectures g�n�tiques by Ness, Beatrice
Eddas und Sagas by Kristjánsson, Jónas
The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology by
The Writing of Elena Poniatowska: Engaging Dialogues by Jrgensen, Beth E., Jorgensen, Beth E.
Aristotelica Helvetica by
Alfred Andersch: Perspektiven Zu Leben Und Werk by
Die Andere Deutsche Literatur: Aufsätze Zur Literatur Aus Der DDR by Emmerich, Wolfgang
Social Chaucer by Strohm, Paul
Laurentii Vallae de Falso Credita Et Ementita Constantini Donatione Declamatio by Valla, Laurentius
Ephemeridos Belli Troiani Libri by Dictys Cretensis
Geoponica Sive Cassiani Bassi Scholastici de Re Rustica Eclogae by Cassianus
Saturnalia: Apparatu Critico Instruxit in Somnium Scipionis Commentarios by Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius
Dissertationes by Maximus Tyrius
Pro Se de Magia Liber (Apologia) by
Subjugated Knowledges: Journalism, Gender, and Literature in the 19th Century by
Die Ost- Und Zentralwissenschaftlichen Beiträge in Der Orientalischen Literaturzeitung 1976-1992: Bibliographie Und Register by
Dionysus in Literature: Essays on Literary Madness by
The Writings of Medieval Women: An Anthology by
Light from a Nearby Window: Contemporary Mexican Poetry by
Contemporary British Theatre by Shank, Theodore
Die Literaturen in der österreichischen Monarchie im 19. Jahrhundert in ihrer Sonderentwicklung: 369. Sitzung am 24. November 1993 in Düsseldorf by Wollman, Slavomír
Renaissance Rhetoric by
Edwardian Bloomsbury: The Early Literary History of the Bloomsbury Group Volume 2 by Rosenbaum, S.
Investigating Powell's a Dance to the Music of Time by Joyau, Isabelle
Youth and Leadership. The Ogoni Example by Kpone-Tonwe, Sonpie
Thucydides: History Book III by
Stage Blood: Vampires of the 19th Century Stage by Stuart, Roxana
French Women Writers by
Tracing the Threads: Studies in the Vitality of Jewish Pseudepigrapha by
Meditations on America: John D. Macdonald's Travis McGee Series and Other Fiction by Moore, Lewis D.
The Deidis of Armorie: A Heraldic Treatise and Bestiary: Volume II by
African-American Voices in Young Adult Literature: Tradition, Transition, Transformation by Smith, Karen Patricia
Einleitung Und Kommentar Zu Den Kapiteln 1-73 by Hillgruber, Michael
Senecas Trostschrift an Polybius. Dialog 11: Ein Kommentar by Kurth, Thomas
Pensio - Perdomo by
Claudii Aeliani Epistulae Et Fragmenta by Aelianus, Claudius
Orationes I-XIX Continens by Demosthenes
Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis by Macrobius, Ambrosius Theodosius
Erschliessung der Antike by Latacz, Joachim
Vitae Parallelae: Volumen I/Fasc. 2 by Plutarchus
In Platonis Cratylum Commentaria by Proclus Diadochus
Physiognomonica Pseudaristotelis, Graece Et Latine, Adamantii Cum Epitomis Graece, Polemonis E Recensione Georgii Hoffmanni Arabice Et Latine Continen by
Physiognomonica Anonymi, Pseudopolemonis, Rasis, Secreti Secretorum Latine, Anonymi Graece, Fragmenta, Indices Continens by
Liz Lochhead's Voices by Crawford, Robert
Edmund Gosse: Father and Son by Cockshut, A. O. J.
John Ruskin: Præterita by Ruskin, John
Thomas Hardy: Moments of Vision by Shelston, Alan
Joseph Tusiani -- Poet Translator Humanist: An International Homage by
The Deidis of Armorie: A Heraldic Treatise and Bestiary: Volume I by Houwen, L. a. J. R.
The Babylonian Esther Midrash: A Critical Commentary, Volume 3 by Segal, Eliezar
Revista Iberoamericana: Índice Números 41-161 (1956-1992) by
Parables in Midrash: Narrative and Exegesis in Rabbinic Literature by Stern, David
Blacks by Brooks, Gwendolyn
AB Excessu Divi Augusti (Annales) by Cornelius Tacitus
John Clare by Lucas, John
Keats the Poet by Sperry, Stuart M.
Conversations with Louise Erdrich and Michael Dorris by
The Victorian Period: The Intellectual and Cultural Context of English Literature, 1830 - 1890 by Gilmour, Robin
Shylock: A Legend and Its Legacy by Gross, John
Unbecoming Women: British Women Writers and the Novel of Development by Fraiman, Susan
Eichendorff's Scholarly Reception: A Survey by
Pietism in Petticoats and Other Comedies by Russell, John R., Gottsched, Luise Adelgunde, Kerth, Thomas
Trails in No-Man's-Land: Essays in Literary and Cultural History by Guthke, Karl S.
Space to ACT: The Theater of J.M.R.Lenz by
Edward Lear and the Critics by Colley, Ann C.
Francisco de Rojas Zorilla Y Augustin Moreto: Analisis by MacKenzie, Ann L.
Framing the Margins: The Social Logic of Postmodern Culture by Harper, Phillip Brian
William Hazlitt by Brett, R. L., Priestley, J. B.
Black Folktales by Lester, Julius
Text by
Goethe. Die Schriften Zur Naturwissenschaft (Leopoldina): Zweite Abteilung: Ergänzungen Und Erläuterungen.Band 10, Teil A: Zur Morphologie 1816-1824 by
Richard Beer-Hofmann und die Wiener Moderne by Scherer, Stefan
Autobiographics: Lessons from Six Scanlon Plans by Gilmore, Leigh
Synoptische Konkordanz Zu Franz Kafkas Romanen: Der Verschollene - Der Proce - Das Schlo by
Autobiographics: Lessons from Six Scanlon Plans by Gilmore, Leigh
A New World of Words: Redefining Early American Literature by Spengemann, William C.
Una sacra rappresentazione profana by Morabito, Raffaele
Anthology of Japanese Literature: From the Earliest Era to the Mid-Nineteenth Century by
I Can't Go On, I'll Go on: A Samuel Beckett Reader by Beckett, Samuel
Gilbert and Sullivan: Interviews and Recollections by
A Personal Matter by Oe, Kenzaburo
Die Quellen Der Dänisch-Halleschen Mission in Tranquebar in Deutschen Archiven: Ihre Bedeutung Für Die Indienforschung by Liebau, Heike
Frauen Und Exil: Zwischen Anpassung Und Selbstbehauptung by
Literature and Culture in Modern Britain: Volume 1: Volume 1: 1900-1929 by Bloom, Clive
The Best of Plimpton by Plimpton, George
Vargas Llosa Among the Postmodernists by Booker, M. Keith
The Proverbial Bernard Shaw: An Index to Proverbs in the Works of George Bernard Shaw by
The Fatal Eggs and Other Soviet Satire by
A Preface to Pope by Gordon, Ian Robert Fraser
Homographesis: Essays in Gay Literary and Cultural Theory by Edelman, Lee
A History of Russian Literature by Terras, Victor
English Preaching in the Late Middle Ages by Spencer, H. Leith
Nikolai Zabolotsky by Goldstein, Darra
The Limits of American Literary Ideology in Pound and Emerson by Wolfe, Cary
Becoming a Reader: The Experience of Fiction from Childhood to Adulthood by Appleyard, J. A., J. a., Appleyard
Against Finality: Inaugural Lecture, Delivered 4th February 1993 by Beer, John B.
Brides and Doom: Gender, Property, and Power in Medieval German Women's Epic by Frakes, Jerold C.
Dante's Christian Astrology by Kay, Richard
Middleplots: Vol. 4 a Book Talk Guide for Use with Readers Ages 8-12 by Gillespie, John T., Unknown, Naden, Corinne J.
Books to Help a Child Cope with Separation and Loss: An Annotated Bibliography Fourth Edition by Gagne, Kathleen Dunne, Bernstein, Joanne E., Rudman, Masha K.
Psychoanalysis and Storytelling by Brooks, Peter
Kinder- Und Jugendliteratur in Deutschland 1840-1950: Band III: L-Q by Klotz, Aiga
The Pragmatics of Insignificance: Chekhov, Zoshchenko, Gogol by Popkin, Cathy
Seeing Together: Friendship Between the Sexes in English Writing from Mill to Woolf by Luftig, Victor
Sein und Schein - Traum und Wirklichkeit: Zur Poetik oesterreichischer Schriftsteller/innen im 20. Jahrhundert by Arlt, Herbert, Diersch, Manfred
Rewriting Shakespeare, Rewriting Ourselves by Erickson, Peter
A Readers Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary Criticism by Humm, Maggie
The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the 14th and 18th Centuries by Chartier, Roger
Backing Into the Future: The Classical Tradition and Its Renewal by Knox, Bernard
The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe Between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries by Chartier, Roger
Techniques of Satire by Draitser, Emil A.
The Antimodernism of Joyce's Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by Thornton, Weldon
Early American Writing by Various
Scenes of Seduction: Prostitution, Hysteria, and Reading Difference in Nineteenth-Century France by Matlock, Jann
Hardy's Literary Language and Victorian Philology by Taylor, Dennis
Henry David Thoreau: A Case Study in Canonization by Scharnhorst, Gary
Scenes of Seduction: Prostitution, Hysteria, and Reading Difference in Nineteenth-Century France by Matlock, Jann
The Word in Black and White: Reading "Race" in American Literature, 1638-1867 by Nelson, Dana D.
Staging Politics: The Lasting Impact of Shakespeare's Histories by Iser, Wolfgang
The Tragedy of Mariam, the Fair Queen of Jewry: With the Lady Falkland: Her Life, by One of Her Daughters by Cary, Elizabeth
The Practice of Theory: Confraternities and Social Welfare in Spain, 1400-1700 by Moxey, Keith
Margins in the Classroom: Teaching Literature Volume 2 by
Italian Women Writing by
Rosendorf Quartet by Shaham, Nathan
The Location of Culture by Bhabha Homi, K., Bhabha, Homi K.
Deutsches Italienbild und italienisches Deutschlandbild im 18. Jahrhundert by
Heinrich von Veldeke und Ovid by Kistler, Renate
Ars memorativa by
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
The Herne's Egg: Mathematical Physics by Yeats, W. B.
Who's Afraid...? Facing Children's Fears with Folktales by Livo, Norma J.
Gender Politics in Modern China: Writing and Feminism by
The Future of German Literature by Bullivant, Keith
Exploring the Pacific States Through Literature by Doll, Carol A.
Critical Architecture and Contemporary Culture by
Birds in Literature by Lutwack, Leonard
Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader by
Colonial Discourse and Post-Colonial Theory: A Reader by
The Tempter's Voice: Language and the Fall in Medieval Literature by Jager, Eric
Contemporary Spanish-Speaking Writers and Illustrators for Children and Young Adults: A Biographical Dictionary by
Der realistische Weg by Geppert, Hans Vilmar
Späthumanismus in Schlesien: Caspar Dornau (1577-1631). Leben Und Werk by Seidel, Robert
Verwandlungen in Hofmannsthals Lyrik by Thomasberger, Andreas
Phänomenologie Der Wahrnehmung Von Literatur: Am Beispiel Von Elfriede Jelineks Lust (1989) by Schlich, Jutta
Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry by
The Rhetoric of Sexuality and the Literature of the French Renaissance by Kritzman, Lawrence
Satire-Pa by Griffin, Dustin
Satires of Horace by Rudd, Niall
Major American Short Stories by Litz, A. Walton
The Art of the Odyssey by Clarke, Howard W.
The Cambridge History of American Literature: Volume 1, 1590-1820 by
Robert Frost and a Poetics of Appetite by Kearns, Katherine
The Cambridge Companion to Ibsen by
Theatre and State in France, 1760-1905 by Hemmings, F. W. J., Hemmings, Frederic William John
William Carlos Williams and Alterity: The Early Poetry by Ahearn, Barry
The Poetics of Personification by Paxson, James J.
Life In The Middle Ages: From the Seventh to the Thirteenth Century by Werner-Goetz, Hans
Medieval and Renaissance Spanish Literature: Selected Essays of Keith Whinnom by
Reading George Steiner by
Jungfrauenzucht: Literaturwissenschaftliche Und Pädagogische Studien Zur Mädchenerziehungsliteratur Zwischen 1200 Und 1600 by Barth, Susanne
Der Tanhûser: Organisationsprinzipien Der Werküberlieferung in Der Manesseschen Liederhandschrift. M&p Schriftenreihe by Paule, Gabriela
Standard Deviations: Chance and the Modern British Novel by Monk, Leland
Heuretics: The Logic of Invention by Ulmer, Gregory L.
Homer by King, Katherine Callen
Margaret Atwood: Writing and Subjectivity: New Critical Essays by Nicholson, Colin
One Hundred Indian Feature Films: An Annotated Filmography by Banerjee, Shampa, Srivastava, Anil
The Death of the Troubadour by Stone, Gregory B.
Physiognomie und Pathognomie by
Pindar's Homer: The Lyric Possession of an Epic Past by Nagy, Gregory
Aufklärung Und Humanismus by
Bürger Und Bürgerlichkeit Im Zeitalter Der Aufklärung by
Lessing Und Der Kreis Seiner Freunde by
Aufklärung Und Haskala in Jüdischer Und Nichtjüdischer Sicht by
An Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine by Newman, John Henry Cardinal
Shakespeare and the Uses of Antiquity: An Introductory Essay by Martindale, Michelle
Paganism in Arthurian Romance by Darrah, John
Mariken Van Nieumeghen by Decker, Therese, Walsh, Martin
Electra by Euripides
Late-Medieval Religious Texts and Their Transmission: Essays in Honour of A.I. Doyle by
Text by
Die Darstellung der historischen Wirklichkeit in Alessandro Manzonis "I Promessi Sposi" by Lizium, Karin
Ins Ungebundene: Über Literatur Nach Blanchot by Poppenberg, Gerhard
Die Passion Christi in Literatur Und Kunst Des Spätmittelalters: [Überarb. Fassung Der Beiträge Zum 8. Reisensburger Arbeitsgespräch Vom 29. November by
Produktiver Historismus by Niefanger, Dirk
Diskurswandel im Werk Carl Einsteins by Kiefer, Klaus H.
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