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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1995

Lektüren Von Jahrestagen: Studien Zu Einer Poetik Der Jahrestage Von Uwe Johnson by Schulz, Beatrice
Die bereinigte Moderne by Alter, Reinhard
Das Problem Der Individualität ALS Herausforderung an Die Semantik Im Sturm Und Drang: Studien Zu Goethes Brief Des Pastors Zu *** an Den Neuen Pastor by Willems, Marianne
Deutsche Erzählprosa der frühen Restaurationszeit by
Zur Geschichte Der Deutsch-Ungarischen Und Ungarisch-Deutschen Lexikographie: Von Der Jahrhundertwende Bis Zum Ende Des Zweiten Weltkrieges by Fejér, Rita
At Work with Grotowski on Physical Actions by Richards, Thomas
The Female Thermometer: Eighteenth-Century Culture and the Invention of the Uncanny by Castle, Terry
The Supernatural Index: A Listing of Fantasy, Supernatural, Occult, Weird, and Horror Anthologies by Ashley, Mike, Cantento, William
Feministische Literaturwissenschaft in Der Romanistik: Theoretische Grundlagen - Forschungsstand - Neuinterpretationen. Ergebnisse Der Frauenforschung by
Minnesangs Wende by Kuhn, Hugo
Eliot to Derrida: The Poverty of Interpretation by Harwood, John
Zum Philologischen Werk J. A. Schmellers Und Seiner Wissenschaftlichen Rezeption: Eine Studie Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Der Germanistik by Scheuerer, Franz Xaver
The Politics of the Unpolitical: German Writers and the Problem of Power, 1770-1871 by Craig, Gordon A., Craig, Grodon A.
The Distaff Side by
Heroic Poets, Poetic Heroes by Reynolds, Dwight F.
Male Authors, Female Readers by Bartlett, Anne Clark
The Origins of Drama in Scandinavia by Gunnell, Terry
New Maladies of the Soul by Kristeva, Julia
The Art of Brian Friel: Neither Reality Nor Dreams by Andrews, E.
Crits Litt Raires (1800-1813) by Delbouille, Paul, Candaux, Jean-Daniel, Constant, Benjamin
Allegorische Texturen by Knauer, Bettina
The Emergence of Romanticism by Riasanovsky, Nicholas Valentine
Cultural Studies and Cultural Value by Frow, John
Eastern Canons: Approaches to the Asian Classics by
The Enemy Reviewed: German Popular Literature Through British Eyes Between the Two World Wars by Halkin, Ariela
Gogol from the Twentieth Century: Eleven Essays by
Culture and Entertainment in Wartime Russia by
Understanding The Scarlet Letter: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historical Documents by Johnson, Claudia
Death of the Corn King: King and Goddess in Rosemary Sutcliff's Historical Fiction for Young Adults by Talcroft, Barbara L.
Literary Journalism: A New Collection of the Best American Nonfiction by Kramer, Mark, Sims, Norman
Edith Wharton: Traveller in the Land of Letters by Goodwyn, Janet Beer
Edith Wharton: Traveller in the Land of Letters by Goodwyn, Janet Beer
Narrating the Past: Fiction and Historiography in Postwar Spain by Herzberger, David K.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian Romance by Putter, Ad
Johnson and Boswell: The Transit of Caledonia by Rogers, Pat
Women and Writing in Medieval Europe: A Sourcebook by Larrington, Carolyne
The Novel & the Globalization of Culture by Moses, Michael Valde
Who Set You Flowin'?: The African-American Migration Narrative by Griffin, Farah Jasmine
Rousseau's Legacy: Emergence and Eclipse of the Writer in France by Porter, Dennis
The American Literary History Reader by
Kafka's the Castle and the Critical Imagination by Dowden, Stephen D.
Law and Literature: Possibilities and Perspectives by Ward, Ian
The Story of Webster's Third: Philip Gove's Controversial Dictionary and Its Critics by Morton, Herbert C.
Joyce and the Invention of Irish History by Hofheinz, Thomas C.
Joyce, Race, and Empire by Cheng, Vincent J.
Rhetoric, Sophistry, Pragmatism by
Gender and Genre in Medieval French Literature by Gaunt, Simon
Sciences and the Self in Medieval Poetry: Alan of Lille's Anticlaudianus and John Gower's Confessio Amantis by Simpson, James, Simpson, J.
Rhetoric, Sophistry, Pragmatism by
Literature and Culture in Early Modern London by Lawrence, Manley, Manley, Lawrence
Culture and Society in the Stuart Restoration: Literature, Drama, History by MacLean, G.
The Reformation of the Subject: Spenser, Milton, and the English Protestant Epic by Gregerson, Linda
Virgil in Medieval England: Figuring the Aeneid from the Twelfth Century to Chaucer by Christopher, Baswell, Baswell, Christopher
Ibsen: A Doll's House by Egil, Tornqvist, Tornqvist, Egil
Byron and the Victorians by Elfenbein, Andrew, Eifenbein
Sade and the Narrative of Transgression by Allison, Csf
Cambridge Companion to Mark Twain by Robinson, Forrset G.
Native Americans in Children's Literature by Stott, Jon
Pindar: Victory Odes: Olympians 2, 7 and 11; Nemean 4; Isthmians 3, 4 and 7 by Willcock, M. M., Pindar, Pindar, Peter
What About Murder?: A Guide to Books about Mystery and Detective Fiction by Breen, Jon L.
Robert Benchley: An Annotated Bibliography by Ernst, Gordon E.
Beyond the Provinces: Literary Canada at Century's End by Staines, David
Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the 1930s by
Germanistik in Mittel- und Osteuropa by
Jumping Off Shadows by Delanty, Greg
Writing It Down for James by
The Invention of the West: Joseph Conrad and the Double-Mapping of Europe and Empire by GoGwilt, Christopher Lloyd
Manuscrits Francais de la Bibliotheque Parker [Les Parker Library, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge Actes Du Colloque 24-27 Mars 1993 by
Samuel Richardson's Fictions of Gender by Gwilliam, Tassie
Subjects on the World's Stage: Essays on British Literature of the Middle Ages and the Renaissqance by Allen, David G.
Die erzaehlte Welt Eduard von Keyserlings: Untersuchung zum ironischen Erzaehlverfahren by Gutmann, Hannelore
Freud and Forbidden Knowledge by
Andre Gide Dans Le Labrynthe de la Mythotextualite by Genova, Pamela Antonia
Reading Freud's Reading by
Dorothy Richardson by Watts, Carol
David Lodge by Bergonzi, Bernard
Melville's Art of Democracy by Fredricks, Nancy
Catalogue Des Manuscrits Francais de la Bibliotheque Parker (Parker Library) Corpus Christi College, Cambridge by
Christians and Tyrants: The Prison Testimonies of Boethius, Thomas More and Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Scott, Jamie S.
Forgiving the Boundaries: Home as Abroad in American Travel Writing by Caesar, Terry
Crime and Inequality by
Mimologics by Genette, Gerard
Female Rule in Chinese and English Literary Utopias by Wu, Qingyun
Song of Songs in the Middle Ages by Astell, Ann W.
By the Sweat of the Brow: Literature and Labor in Antebellum America by Bromell, Nicholas K.
To Write Like a Woman: Essays in Feminism and Science Fiction by Russ, Joanna
Women, the Book, and the Godly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, 1993: Volume I by
Trauma Explorations in Memory by
Plautus: The Comedies Volume 1 by
Loathsome Jews and Engulfing Women: Metaphors of Projection in the Works of Wyndham Lewis, Charles Williams, and Graham Greene by Loewenstein, Andrea Freud
Harriet Beecher Stowe: A Life by Hedrick, Joan D.
The Bible According to Mark Twain: Writings on Heaven, Eden, and the Flood by Twain, Mark
Stanley Marcus: A Life with Books by Farmer, David
Literati and Self-Re/Presentation: Autobiographical Sensibility in the Eighteenth-Century Chinese Novel by Huang, Martin W.
On the Nature of Things: de Rerum Natura by
Readings in the Canon of Scripture: Written for Our Learning by Jasper, D.
Zensur und Kultur by
Leibhafter Sinn by Braungart, Georg
Subverting Patriarchy: Feminism and Fantasy in the Novels of Irmtraud Morgner by Lewis, Alison
Desire and Dissent: An Introduction to Luis Antonio de Villena by Perriam, Chris
Outrage and Insight: Modern French Writers and the 'Fait Divers' by Walker, David
Bildung Durch Unterhaltung: Die Entdeckung Des Infotainment in Der Aufklärung: Hallenser Und Wiener Moralische Wochenschriften in Der Blütezeit Des Mo by Maar, Elke
Am Ufer Der Fremde: Literatur Und Arbeitsmigration 1870-1991 by Chiellino, Carmine
... Aber Von Ihnen Dependier Ich Unüberwindlich... Friedrich Hölderlins Ferne Leidenschaft: M&p Schriftenreihe by Darsow, Götz-Lothar
Ventriloquized Voices: Feminist Theory and English Renaissance Texts by Harvey, Elizabeth D.
Philodemus and Poetry: Poetic Theory and Practice in Lucretius, Philodemus, and Horace by
Gide's Bent: Sexuality, Politics, Writing by Lucey, Michael
Orestes by Euripides
Gide's Bent: Sexuality, Politics, Writing by Lucey, Michael
The Christian World of C.S. Lewis, by Kilby, Clyde S.
Aspects and Issues in the History of Children's Literature by
Reading North by South: On Latin American Literature, Culture, and Politics by Larsen, Neil
A Raisin in the Sun and the Sign in Sidney Brustein's Window by Hansberry, Lorraine
Equivocal Beings: Politics, Gender, and Sentimentality in the 1790s--Wollstonecraft, Radcliffe, Burney, Austen by Johnson, Claudia L.
Dangerous Voices: Women's Laments and Greek Literature by Holst-Warhaft, Gail
Majestic Indolence: English Romantic Poetry and the Work of Art by Spiegelman, Willard
Wonder Beasts: Tales and Lore of the Phoenix, the Griffin, the Unicorn, and the Dragon by Nigg, Joe
Ghosts in Shakespeare by Rogers, L. W.
Critical Terms for Literary Study, Second Edition by
Subjects and Citizens: Nation, Race, and Gender from Oroonoko to Anita Hill by
Gilbert and Sullivan: Interviews and Recollections by
How We Found America: Reading Gender Through East European Immigrant Narratives by Zaborowska, Magdalena J.
The Modern Voice in American Poetry by Doreski, William
Über die Religion (2.-)4. Auflage. Monologen (2.-)4. Auflage by
The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree: Medieval Stories of Men and Women by
Ennead III.6 by Plotinus, Fleet, Barrie
The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree: Medieval Stories of Men and Women by
Scars of Conquest/Masks of Resistance: The Invention of Cultural Identities in African, African-American, and Caribbean Drama by Olaniyan, Tejumola
Scars of Conquest/Masks of Resistance: The Invention of Cultural Identities in African, African-American, and Caribbean Drama by Olaniyan, Tejumola
Elementary Latin Exercises by Hillard, A. E., Botting, C. G.
Black Women as Cultural Readers by Bobo, Jacqueline
A Natural Perspective: The Development of Shakespearean Comedy and Romance by Frye, Northrop
Dante's Inferno, the Indiana Critical Edition by Dante Alighieri
Unter der by
Von Ågedal bis Malt by Birkmann, Thomas
Collected Papers on Latin Literature by Nisbet, R. G. M.
The Rise of the Gothic Novel by Kilgour, Maggie
Writing Women in Late Medieval and Early Modern Spain by Surtz, Ronald E.
Spanish Poetry of the Twentieth Century: Modernity and Beyond by Debicki, Andrew
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: Troilus and Criseyde by Windeatt, Barry
The Politics of Color in the Fiction of Jessie Fauset and Nella Larsen by McLendon, Jacquelyn Y.
Pleasures and Pains by Milligan, Barry E.
Postmodern Sublime by Tabbi, Joseph
Hopkins: A Literary Biography by White, Norman
The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton by
The Cambridge Companion to American Realism and Naturalism: From Howells to London by
The Cambridge Companion to Edith Wharton by
The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau by
Encyclopedia of Utopian Literature by Snodgrass, Mary Ellen
The Cambridge Companion to Walt Whitman by
Literature Against Philosophy, Plato to Derrida: A Defence of Poetry by Edmundson, Mark
The Errant Art of Moby-Dick: The Canon, the Cold War, and the Struggle for American Studies by Spanos, William V.
Literature in the Marketplace: Nineteenth-Century British Publishing and Reading Practices by
Derrida and Autobiography by Smith, Robert
Presenting Poetry by
The Cambridge Companion to Henry David Thoreau by
The Biblical Drama of Medieval Europe by Lynette R., Muir, Muir, Lynette R.
The Decline of the Goddess: Nature, Culture, and Women in Thomas Hardy's Fiction by Stave, Shirley a.
Utterly Other Discourse: The Texts of Christine Brooke-Rose by Martin, Richard, Friedman, Ellen G.
Lolita in Peyton Place: Highbrow, Middlebrow, and LowBrow Novels of the 1950s by Pirsig Wood, Ruth
A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing by Fry, Paul H.
A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing by Fry, Paul H.
Literature and the Relational Self by Schapiro, Barbara Ann
Conversations with Ernest Gaines by
Thackeray and Women by Clarke, Micael
Shadows of the Future: H G Wells, Science, Fiction and Prophecy by Parrinder, Patrick
Saint Ronan's Well by Scott, Walter
In Search of the Swan Maiden: A Narrative on Folklore and Gender by Leavy, Barbara Fass
Pirandello and Film by Da Vinci Nichols, Nina, Bazzoni, Jana O'Keefe
Charles Dickens and the Image of Women by Holbrook, David K.
Briefwechsel Und Dokumente Zu Leben Und Werk by
American Drama by
Traum Und Trauma. Vom Schlaf Der Vernunft: Spanien Zwischen Tradition Und Moderne Und Die Gegenwelt Francisco Goyas. Romanistische Abhandlungen, Band by Dittberner, Susanne
Karl Kraus: Mimesis Und Kritik Des Mediums by Müller, Burkhard
The Structure of Old Norse Dróttkvætt Poetry by Gade, Kari Ellen
Making It Their Own: Seven Ojibwe Communicative Practices by Valentine, Lisa Phillips
Milan Kundera & Feminism: Dangerous Intersections by O'Brien, J.
Eliot to Derrida by Harwood, John
Cursor Mundi Set: Iavii by
Textual Practice: Volume 9 Issue 2 by
Metafiction by Currie, Mark
Oeconomicus: A Social and Historical Commentary by Xenophon
The Real War Will Never Get in the Books: Selections from Writers During the Civil War by
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Shorter Poems by Minnis, A. J.
Brother Hermann's 'Life of the Countess Yolanda of Vianden' [Leben Der Graefen Iolande Von Vianden] by Lawson, Richard H.
Livy by Miles, Gary B.
Dante Now: Current Trends in Dante Studiesydevers Series in Dante Studies V1 by
Mapping the Other: Anthroplogy and Literatures Limits: Paragraph Volume 18, Number 2 by
Engendering Fictions by Pykett, Lyn
Sämtliche Werke, Band 3, Die deutschen Schriften by Geiler Von Kaysersberg, Johannes
Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C. S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy by Downing, David C.
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 by
The Romance of the Rose: Third Edition by De Meun, Jean, de Lorris, Guillaume
Zur Bedeutung Mystischer Denktraditionen Im Werk Von Hermann Broch by Grabowsky-Hotamanidis, Anja
Die Anfänge: Versuche Volkssprachiger Schriftlichkeit Im Frühen Mittelalter: (Ca. 700-1050/60) by Haubrichs, Wolfgang
Königsberg Und Riga by
Briefe an Goethe: Ergänzungsband Zu Den Bänden 1-5 by
Peter Pan and Other Plays: The Admirable Crichton; Peter Pan; When Wendy Grew Up; What Every Woman Knows; Mary Rose by Barrie, James Matthew
Di Serambi: On the Verandah: A Bilingual Anthology of Modern Indonesian Poetry by Brown, I.
Theatre and Fashion: Oscar Wilde to the Suffragettes by Stowell, Sheila, Kaplan, Joel H.
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