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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 1995

Theatre and Fashion: Oscar Wilde to the Suffragettes by Stowell, Sheila, Kaplan, Joel H.
James Joyce and the Problem of Justice by Valente, Joseph
Practical Criticism by Coyle, Martin, Peck, John
French Essays on Shakespeare and His Contemporaries: What Would France with Us? by Maguin, Jean-Marie
Austriaca and Judaica: Essays and Translations by Zohn, Judith
Somatic Fictions: Imagining Illness in Victorian Culture by Vrettos, Athena
The Winter's Tale: Critical Essays by
Rediscoveries in Children's Literature by Rahn, Suzanne
Beobachtungen Der Literatur: Aspekte Einer Polykontexturalen Literaturwissenschaft by
Faulkner and Southern Womanhood by Roberts, Diane
On the Name by Derrida, Jacques
Conversations with Ralph Ellison by
Beyond the Red Notebook by
The Selected Letters of Louisa May Alcott by Alcott, Louisa May
Somatic Fictions: Imagining Illness in Victorian Culture by Vrettos, Athena
A Genealogy of the Modern Self: Thomas de Quincey and the Intoxication of Writing by Clej, Alina
An Explanation of the Birds by Antunes, António Lobo
Jean Paul: Hinführung Zu Seiner Semiologie Der Wissenschaft by Sinn, Christian
Annette Von Droste-Hülshoff by Schneider, Ronald
Minnesang by Schweikle, Günther
Bettina Von Arnim by Bäumer, Konstanze, Schultz, Hartwig
History and Literature in Contemporary Russia by Marsh, R.
History and Literature in Contemporary Russia by Marsh, R.
Marianne Moore: Questions of Authority by Miller, Cristanne
Iliad Book IX by Homer
Romanticism and the Heritage of Rousseau by McFarland, Thomas
Authors and Owners: The Invention of Copyright by Rose, Mark
Notorious Identity: Materializing the Subject in Shakespeare by Charnes, Linda
The Art of Brian Friel: Neither Reality Nor Dreams by Andrews, E.
The Singer Resumes the Tale by Lord, Albert Bates
John Milton: A Literary Life by Brown, Cedric C.
Literatur Und Quantentheorie by Emter, Elisabeth
The Black Unicorn: Poems by Lorde, Audre
Joyce's Iritis and the Irritated Text: The Dis-Lexic Ulysses by Gottfried, Roy K.
Franz Kafka: A Biography by Brod, Max
Sartre by Howells, Christina
Queen of the 'B's: Ida Lupino Behind the Camera by
The Alchemist and Other Plays: Volpone, or the Fox; Epicene, or the Silent Woman; The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair by Jonson, Ben
Reciprocity and Ritual: Homer and Tragedy in the Developing City-State by Seaford, Richard
Modernisms: A Literary Guide by Nicholls, Peter
Utopian Imagination and Eighteenth Century Fiction by Rees, Christine
Interactions of Thought and Language in Old English Poetry by Clemoes, Peter
The Textuality of Old English Poetry by Pasternack, Carol Braun
The American Face of Edgar Allan Poe by
Toward Wholeness in Paule Marshall's Fiction by Pettis, Joyce
The Power of Women: A Topos in Medieval Art and Literature by Smith, Susan L.
Reluctant Expatriate: The Life of Harold Frederic by Myers, Robert M.
Ritual and Experiment in Modern Poetry by Korg, Jacob
Reconstructing Proto-Afroasiatic (Proto-Afrasian): Vowels, Tone, Consonants, and Vocabulary Volume 126 by Ehret, Christopher
The Critical Response to Jack London by Nuernberg, Susan
Prometheus and Faust: The Promethean Revolt in Drama from Classical Antiquity to Goethe by Wutrich, Timothy R.
The Political Development of the British Isles 1100-1400 by Frame, Robin
Text and Discourse Analysis by Salkie, Raphael
The Turn of the Century/Le Tournant Du Siècle: Modernism and Modernity in Literature and the Arts/Le Modernisme Et La Modernité Dans La Littérature Et by
The Tears of Narcissus: Melancholia and Masculinity in Early Modern Writing by Enterline, Lynn
Shadows of the Future: H. G. Wells, Science Fiction, and Prophecy by Parrinder, Patrick
The Romance of Flamenca by
The Analysis of Change by
Prosthesis by Wills, David
Hebrew Love Poems by Gross, David, Weil, Shraga
Literature and Photography: Interactions 1840-1990: A Critical Anthology by Rabb, Jane M.
Review of Contemporary Fiction: XV, #3: Brigid Brophy/Robert Creely/Osman Lins by O'Brien, John
The Listener's Guide to Audio Books: Reviews, Recommendations, and Listings for More Than 2,000 Titles by Wynne, John
The Western Canon: The Books and School of the Ages by Bloom, Harold
Dreiser's Jennie Gerhardt: New Essays on the Restored Text by
Theodore Dreiser: Beyond Naturalism by
Langston Hughes: The Man, His Art, and His Continuing Influence by
Couplehood by Reiser, Paul
Kinder- Und Jugendliteraturforschung 1994/95: Mit Einer Gesamtbibliographie Der Veröffentlichungen Des Jahres 1994 by
Der Literarische Salon: Literatur Und Geselligkeit Zwischen Aufklärung Und Vormärz by Seibert, Peter
Einführung in Die Literaturwissenschaft by
Economics as Literature by Henderson, William
Occidentalism: A Theory of Counter-Discourse in Post-Mao China by Chen, Xiaomei
Edward the Second: Christopher Marlowe by Forker, Charles
Reconstructing Camelot: French Romantic Medievalism and the Arthurian Tradition by Glencross, Michael
Whispers In The Dark: The Fiction of Louisa May Alcott by
Boricuas: Influential Puerto Rican Writings--An Anthology by
Ausgewählte Werke, Band 5/Teil 4, Erste Gründe der gesammten Weltweisheit. Kommentar by
Post-Colonial Literatures: Achebe, Ngugi, Walcott and Desai by
Masters of the Drum: Black Lit/Oratures Across the Continuum by Fox, Robert E.
A Commentary on Virgil Eclogues by Virgil
Horace Odes I: Carpe Diem by Horace
The Postmodern Arts: An Introductory Reader by
Third World Women's Literatures: A Dictionary and Guide to Materials in English by Fister, Barbara
Allegories of Kingship: Calderón and the Anti-Machiavellian Tradition by Rupp, Stephen
Divided Empire: Milton's Political Imagery by Fallon, Robert Thomas
From the Polish Underground: Selections from "Krytyka," 1978-1993 by
Science Fiction in der deutschsprachigen Literatur by Friedrich, Hans-Edwin
Mediation in Contemporary Native American fiction by Ruppert, James
The Nickel Was for the Movies: Film in the Novel from Pirandello to Puig by Moses, Gavriel
Newton's Sleep: The Two Cultures and the Two Kingdoms by Tallis, R.
Die Schulen Der Nation: Bildungskritik in Der Literatur Der Frühen Moderne by Mix, York-Gothart
Der Anspruch Des Subjekts: Zum Unsterblichkeitsdenken Im Jungen Deutschland. M&p Schriftenreihe by Briese, Olaf
Worüber Man Nicht Sprechen Kann: Aspekte Der Undarstellbarkeit in Philosophie, Naturwissenschaft Und Literatur by Vanderbeke, Dirk
Harold Pinter - A Question of Time by Regal, M.
African Popular Theatre: From Precolonial Times to the Present Day by Kerr, David
Conquering the Reign of Femeny: Gender and Genre in Chaucer's Romance by Weisl, Angela Jane
Women of the Harlem Renaissance by Wall, Cheryl A.
Isaac Asimov: An Annotated Bibliography of the Asimov Collection at Boston University by Green, Scott E., Mugar Memorial Library (Boston Universit
Newton's Sleep: The Two Cultures and the Two Kingdoms by Tallis, R.
Georg Kaiser and the Critics: A Profile of Expressionism's Leading Playwright by Willeke, Audrone
A New-England Tale; Or, Sketches of New-England Character and Manners by Sedgwick, Catharine Maria
The Rhetoric of Suffering: Reading the Book of Job in the Eighteenth Century by Lamb, Jonathan
Schiller's Aesthetic Essays: Two Centuries of Criticism by Sharpe, Lesley
The Culture and National Identity in Republican Rome: Women Philosophers in Neoclassical France by Gruen, Erich S.
Novel Arguments: Reading Innovative American Fiction by Walsh, Richard
V. S. Naipaul by Mustafa, Fawzia
Salem Story: Reading the Witch Trials of 1692 by Rosenthal, Bernard, Bernard, Rosenthal
V. S. Naipaul by Mustafa, Fawzia
Diving Deep & Surfacing: Women Writers on Spiritual Quest by Christ, Carol P.
Louisa May Alcott: A Modern Biography by Saxton, Martha
The Dark Side of Japanese Business: Three Industry Novels by Prindle, Tamae K., Shimizu, Ikko, Johnson, Gail
The Vision of Richard Weaver by Scotchie, Joseph A.
Melodramatic Tactics: Theatricalized Dissent in the English Marketplace, 1800-1885 by Hadley, Elaine
English as a Creative Art: Literacy Concepts Linked to Creative Writing by Peach, Linden, Burton, Angela
The Shock of Men: Homosexual Hermeneutics in French Writing by Schehr, Lawrence R.
Alcibiades at the Door: Gay Discourses in French Literature by Schehr, Lawrence R.
Prospero's Daughter: The Prose of Rosario Castellanos by O'Connell, Joanna
Sexual Attraction and Childhood Association: A Chinese Brief for Edward Westermarck by Wolf, Arthur P.
Reading at the Social Limit: Affect, Mass Culture, & Edgar Allan Poe by Elmer, Jonathan
Romance Revisited by
Historical Fictions by Kenner, Hugh
Romance Revisited by
Patterned Aimlessness: Iris Murdoch's Novels of the 1970s and 1980s by Heusel, Barbara Stevens
David Letterman's Book of Top Ten Lists: and Zesty Lo-Cal Chicken Recipes by Letterman, David, Writers, David Letterman
Playback by Pryor, Richard Cactus
Flann O'Brien, Bakhtin, and Menippean Satire by Booker, M. Keith
The Autobiographical Subject: Gender and Ideology in Eighteenth-Century England by Nussbaum, Felicity A.
The Journey to Wisdom: Self-Education in Patristic and Medieval Literature by Olson, Paul A.
Native American Writing in the Native Southeast: An Anthology, 1875-1935 by
Smilla's Sense of Snow by Hoeg, Peter
Mr. Baldwin, I Presume: James Baldwin - Chinua Achebe: A Meeting of the Minds by Champion, Ernest A.
Thomas Bernhard by Mittermayer, Manfred
Der Spanische Roman: Vom Mittelalter Bis Zur Gegenwart by
Manifeste Und Proklamationen Der Europäischen Avantgarde (1909-1938) by
Medium Und Maske: Die Literatur Hubert Fichtes Zwischen Den Kulturen by
Representations of the Feminine in the Middle Ages by
Hesiod and Aeschylus by Solmsen, Friedrich
The Two Versions of Malory's Morte Darthur: Multiple Negation and the Editing of the Text by Tieken-Boon Van Ostade, Ingrid
Women, the Book, and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St Hilda's Conference, Oxford, Volume II by
Daniel Von Dem Blühenden Tal by Der Stricker
The Blanchot Reader by
Vast Encyclopedia: The Theatre of Thornton Wilder by Lifton, Paul
Social Shakespeare: Aspects of Renaissance Dramaturgy and Contemporary Society by Smith, Peter J.
The Language of George Orwell by Fowler, Roger
All Is True: The Claims and Strategies of Realist Fiction by Furst, Lilian R.
The Letters of Ralph Waldo Emerson: 1870-1880 by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Jane Austen and Discourses of Feminism by
Walking the Victorian Streets: Women, Representation, and the City by Nord, Deborah Epstein
Walking the Victorian Streets: Women, Representation, and the City by Nord, Deborah Epstein
The Emergence of Standard English by Fisher, John H.
Women Editing Modernism: Little Magazines and Literary History by Marek, Jayne
De interpretatione by Notker
People Have More Fun Than Anybody: A Centennial Celebration of Drawings and Writings by James Thurber by Thurber, James, Thurber
Native American Perspectives on Literature and History: Volume 19 by Velie, Alan R.
The History and Power of Writing by Martin, Henri-Jean
Literature and Resistance in Guatemala: Textual Modes and Cultural Politics from El Señor Presidente to Rigoberta Menchú by Zimmerman, Marc
Virgil, 20: A Study in Civilized Poetry by Otis, Bruce
John Pairman Brown: Israel and Hellas. [I] by Brown, John Pairman
The Book of Sodom by Hallam, Paul
Jane Austen the Novelist: Essays Past and Present by McMaster, J.
The Discerning Reader: Christian Perspectives on Literature and Theory by Barratt Roger, David, Leland Ryken, Pooley
Southern Women's Writing, Colonial to Contemporary by
Unpainted to the Last: Moby-Dick and Twentieth-Century American Art by Schultz, Elizabeth A.
Welt Und Gegen-Welt in Jean Pauls Titan by Golz, Jochen
Schiller ALS Historiker by
Herr Göli: Neidhart-Rezeption in Basel by Bärmann, Michael
Der erste Teil der fünften Athos-Sammlung griechischer Sprichwörter by
Postcolonial Discourse and Changing Cultural Contexts: Theory and Criticism by Mohanram, Radhika, Rajan, Gita
Dichtungstheorien Der Deutschen Frühaufklärung by
Performativity and Performance by
The French Critical Reception of African-American Literature: From the Beginnings to 1970 an Annotated Bibliography by Fabre, Michel
Mary Higgins Clark: A Critical Companion by de Roche, Linda
Schillers Werke. Nationalausgabe: Band 40, Teil II: Briefe an Schiller 1.1.1803 - 17.5.1805. Anmerkungen. by
Naturgeschichte Zwischen Artes Liberales Und Frühneuzeitlicher Wissenschaft: Conrad Gessners Historia Animalium Und Ihre Volkssprachliche Rezeption by Friedrich, Udo
Fortuna by
Maulwurfsarchäologie by Bertschik, Julia
Une minorité francophone hors Québec: Les Franco-Terreneuviens by Magord, André M.
Mythisches Denken zwischen Romantik und Realismus by Winkler, Markus
Deux lais en langue mixte by Billy, Dominique
Puppenspiel als kulturhistorisches Phänomen by Taube, Gerd
Nationale Grenzen und internationaler Austausch by
Dekalog-Auslegung: Das erste Gebot by
Der lateinische Eulenspiegel des Ioannes Nemius by Winkler, Martin M.
Zeremoniell ALS Höfische Ästhetik in Spätmittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit by
Chronos Und Thanatos: Zum Existentialismus Des >Nouveau Romancier by Kuhnle, Till R.
Les Desarrois Du Moi: »A La Recherche Du Temps Perdu« de M. Proust Et »Der Mann Ohne Eigenschaften« de R. Musil by Godeau, Florence
Mensa philosophica by
Enzyklopädien der Frühen Neuzeit by
Theater im postkolonialen Zeitalter by Balme, Christopher B.
Edition Von Autobiographischen Schriften Und Zeugnissen Zur Biographie: Internationale Fachtagung Der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Für Germanistische Edition a by
How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy by Clark, Stephen R. L.
de Los Otros: Intimacy and Homosexuality Among Mexican Men by Carrier, Joseph
Aristophanes and Athens: An Introduction to the Plays by MacDowell, Douglas M.
Victorian Periodicals and Victorian Society by
Twentieth Century Theatre: A Sourcebook by
Joseph Conrad and the Anthropological Dilemma: 'Bewildered Traveller' by Griffith, John W.
Genealogies of the Text by Mehlman, Jeffrey
Uwe Johnson zwischen Vormoderne und Postmoderne by
Klopstock an der Grenze der Epochen by
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