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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

The Poems of William of Shoreham by
The Matter of the Facts: On Invention and Interpretation by Tamen, Miguel
A Postmodern Analysis of the Little Red Riding Hood Tale by Chalou, Barbara Smith
Pedagogical Articles (Including The School at Yasnaya Poyana and The Linen-Measurer) by Tolstoy, Leo
Twenty-six Men and a Girl and Other Stories by Gorky, Maxim
The Clemenceau Case by Dumas, Alexandre
Picture Books by Latino Writers: A Guide for Librarians, Teachers, Parents, and Students by York, Sherry
Samuel Beckett's Self-Referential Drama: The Sensitive Chaos, 2nd Edition by Levy, Shimon
Making of the Modern Canon: Genesis and Crisis of a Literary Idea by Gorak, Jan
Norwegian Women's Writing 1850-1990 by Garton, Janet
The Citizen-Patient in Revolutionary and Imperial Paris by Weiner, Dora B.
Images in Mind: Lovesickness, Spanish Sentimental Fiction, and Don Quijote by Folger, Robert
Mary Wollstonecraft's Social and Aesthetic Philosophy: An Eve to Please Me by Bahar, S.
The Shakespeare Effect: A History of Twentieth-Century Performance by Shaughnessy, R.
Constructing Monsters in Shakespeare's Drama and Early Modern Culture by Burnett, Mark Thornton
Same Sex Desire in Victorian Religious Culture by Roden, F.
Stalin on Linguistics and Other Essays by Gray, P.
On Religion and Psychology by Coleridge, S.
Literary Culture in Jacobean England: Reading 1621 by Salzman, P.
Eros and the Poetry at the Courts of Mary Queen of Scots and James VI by Dunnigan, S.
Yeats's Collaborations: Yeats Annual No. 15: A Special Number by
Hardy's Geography: Wessex and the Regional Novel by Pite, R.
E. M. Forster's Modernism by Medalie, David
The Female Hero in English Renaissance Tragedy by Hopkins, L.
British Romanticism and the Edinburgh Review: Bicentenary Essays by
A Mary Shelley Chronology by Garrett, M.
Chastity and Transgression in Women's Writing, 1792-1897: Interrupting the Harlot's Progress by Eberle, R.
Romantic Victorians: English Literature, 1824-1840 by Cronin, R.
Medieval Spain: Culture, Conflict and Coexistence by
Theorising Muriel Spark: Gender, Race, Deconstruction by McQuillan, M.
Transformations of Domesticity in Modern Women's Writing: Homelessness at Home by Foster, T.
Christina Rossetti's Feminist Theology by Palazzo, L.
Animals, Literature and the Politics of Representation by Simons, J.
Tragedy and Irish Literature: Synge, O'Casey, Beckett by McDonald, R.
Early Modern Hermaphrodites: Sex and Other Stories by Gilbert, R.
Beckett's Eighteenth Century by Smith, F.
Shakespeare's Arguments with History by Knowles, R.
Transition, Reception and Modernism by Greaves, R.
British Identities, Heroic Nationalisms, and the Gothic Novel, 1764-1824 by Wein, T.
The Female Narrator in the British Novel: Hidden Agendas by Sternlieb, L.
Modernity and Metropolis: Writing, Film and Urban Formations by Brooker, P.
Spatial Representations and the Jacobean Stage: From Shakespeare to Webster by West, R.
Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabes by Hawkins, Beth
Reluctant Theologians: Franz Kafka, Paul Celan, Edmond Jabes by Hawkins, Beth
The Fountain Light: Studies in Romanticism and Religion Essays in Honor of John L. Mahoney by Barth, Robert J.
The Fountain Light: Studies in Romanticism and Religion Essays in Honor of John L. Mahoney by Barth, Robert J.
Questioning Creole: Creolisation Discourses in Caribbean Culture by
Uns plattdüütsch Spraakbook op hooch- un nedderdüütsch by Viechelmann, Ingo, Kloock, Marianne
Vitae Parallelae: Volumen III/Fasc. 2 by Plutarchus
Layamon: Contexts, Language, and Interpretation by
Ascent to Love by Leithart, Peter J.
Paradigms of Reading: Relevance Theory and Deconstruction by MacKenzie, I.
Inner Simple-Mindedness: Unclutter Your Life and Empty Your Head in 50 Easy Steps by Fass, Robert
The Hidden Isaac Bashevis Singer by
Inventing the Classics: Modernity, National Identity, and Japanese Literature by
The Song Repertoire of Amelia and Jane Harris by
Feminizing Chaucer by Mann, Jill
Roar of the Canon: Kott & Marowitz on Shakespeare by Marowitz, Charles
Sensible Ecstasy: Mysticism, Sexual Difference, and the Demands of History by Hollywood, Amy
Sovereign Amity: Figures of Friendship in Shakespearean Contexts by Shannon, Laurie
Literature, Money and the Market: From Trollope to Amis by Delany, P.
Abandoning Dead Metaphors: The Caribbean Phase of Derek Walcott's Poetry by Ismond, Patricia
The Theory and Ethnography of African Social Formations. The Case of the Interlacustrine Kingdoms by Mafeje, Archie
Portraying the Lady: Technologies of Gender in the Short Stories of Henry James by Izzo, Donatella
The Japanese Copula: Forms and Functions by Narahara, T.
Ecotourism Development in Eastern and Southern Africa by
Zaire: What Destiny? by
Democratic Participation in Tanzania by Chambua, Samuel E.
An Anthology of Contemporary Ghanaian Poems by
Courage and Consequence: Women Publishing in Africa by
The Rhetoric of Character in Children's Literature by Nikolajeva, Maria
The Romantic Performative: Language and Action in British and German Romanticism by Esterhammer, Angela
Samuel Beckett's Self-Referential Drama: The Sensitive Chaos, 2nd Edition by Levy, Shimon
First and Last Editions by Allan, Gordon
Bible as Theatre by Levy, Shimon
Godly and Righteous, Peevish and Perverse: Clergy and Religious in Literature and Letters by Chapman, Raymond
Revista Iberoamericana: Índice Números 1-200 (1939-2002) by
Inventing the Classics: Modernity, National Identity, and Japanese Literature by
Killer Books: Writing, Violence, and Ethics in Modern Spanish American Narrative by González, Aníbal
Stones of the Sky by Neruda, Pablo
Italian Literature I: Tristano Panciatichiano by
The Older Scots Vowels: A History of the Stressed Vowels of Older Scots from the Beginnings to the Eighteenth Century by Macafee, Caroline, Aitken, A. J.
Thomas Hardy by
Unmanly Citizens: Jean-Jacques Rousseau's and Germaine de Stael's Subversive Women by Marso, Lori Jo
Studien Zu Frauenlob Und Heinrich Von Mügeln: Festschrift Für Karl Stackmann Zum 80. Geburtstag by
Der Frontbuchhandel 1939-1945: Organisationen, Kompetenzen, Verlage, Bücher - Eine Dokumentation by Bühler, Hans-Eugen, Bühler, Edelgard
Libri VII-XV by Gaius Plinius Secundus
Libri XXXI-XXXVII by Gaius Plinius Secundus
Beginnings in French Literature by
Translating the Garden by Ghanoonparvar, M. R.
The Sea and the Bells by Neruda, Pablo
The Yellow Heart by Neruda, Pablo
Winter Garden by Neruda, Pablo
Chants of a Minstrel by Ohaeto, Ezenwa
The Short Story: The Reality of Artifice by May, Charles
Fantasy: The Liberation of Imagination by Mathews, Richard
Biography: Writing Lives by Parke, Catherine N.
Burying the Beloved: Marriage, Realism, and Reform in Modern Iran by Brown, Steven T.
The Ends of Literature: The Latin American "Boom" in the Neoliberal Marketplace by Levinson, Brett
On the Eternity of the World de Aeternitate Mundi by Proclus
Lancelot and Guinevere: A Casebook by
Old Worlds: Egypt, Southwest Asia, India, and Russia in Early Modern English Writing by Archer, John Michael
Ecopoetry: Critical Introduction by Bryson, Scott
John Irving und die Kunst des Fabulierens by Weiß, Elke
Fontanes Frauenfiguren: Zur literarischen Gestaltung weiblicher Charaktere im 19. Jahrhundert by Bauer, Karen
Honey for a Woman's Heart: Growing Your World Through Reading Great Books by Hunt, Gladys
Literature, Partition and the Nation-State by Cleary, Joe
George Campbell Hay (Deòrsa Mac Iain Dheòrsa) - Collected Poems and Songs by Hay, George Campbell
Red Gold: Red Gold: A Novel by Furst, Alan
Ben Okri An Introduction to his Early Fiction by Moh, Felicia Oka
John the Evangelist in Medieval German Writing: Imitating the Inimitable by Volfing, Annette
Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the Sciences of Life by
Against Autonomy: Global Dialectics of Cultural Exchange by Reiss, Timothy J.
Gabriel García Márquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude: A Casebook by
Writing with an Accent: Contemporary Italian American Women Authors by Giunta, Edvige
Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age by
Aesthetics in a Multicultural Age by
Greek Drama and Dramatists by Sommerstein, Alan H.
Die Ordnung Der PRAXIS: Neue Studien Zur Spanischen Spätscholastik by
Goethe-Philologie im Jubiläumsjahr - Bilanz und Perspektiven by
The Hand of Cicero by Butler, Shane
The Life of Langston Hughes: Volume I: 1902-1941, I, Too, Sing America by Rampersad, Arnold
The Life of Langston Hughes, Volume 2: 1941-1967 by Rampersad, Arnold
Annie Proulx's The Shipping News by Varvogli, Aliki
Graham Swift's Last Orders: A Reader's Guide by Cooper, Pamela
Cormac McCarthy's All the Pretty Horses by Tatum, Stephen
A.S. Byatt's Possession: A Reader's Guide by Burgass, Catherine
Don DeLillo's Underworld by Duvall, John
Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho by Murphet, Julian
Haruki Murakami's the Wind-Up Bird Chronicle: A Reader's Guide by Strecher, Matthew
Ghostwriting Modernism: Transnationalism and Sri Lanka's Migrant Housemaids by Sword, Helen
Ghostwriting Modernism: A Guide to International Stories in Classical Literature by Sword, Helen
Schiller's Wallenstein, Maria Stuart, and Die Jungfrau Von Orleans: The Critical Legacy by Saranpa, Kathy
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 7 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 11 by Judson, Alexander Cobin
The Literary Channel: The Inter-National Invention of the Novel by
Disciplinarity at the Fin de Siecle by
Willa Cather and the Politics of Criticism by Acocella, Joan
Conversations with Joseph Brodsky: A Poets Journey Through the Twentieth Century by Volkov, Solomon
Censored Books II: Critical Viewpoints, 1985-2000 by Karolides, Nicholas J.
American Georgics: Economy and Environment in Early American Literature by Sweet, Timothy
Peeking Under My Skirt by Hunt, Stephanie
Zwischen Trivialitaet und Postmoderne: Literatur von Frauen in den 90er Jahren by
On Shakespeare and Early Modern Literature: Essays by Kerrigan, John
Ernest Hemingway's the Sun Also Rises: A Casebook by
Ernest Hemingway's the Sun Also Rises: A Casebook by
Empire of Honour: The Art of Government in the Roman World by Lendon, J. E.
Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader by
Soul of Chaos: Critical Perspectives on Gao Xingjian by
Forged Genealogies by Rigolot, Carol
Moral Art of Dickens: Second Edition by Hardy, Barbara
Molière: The Theory and Practice of Comedy by Calder, Andrew
The Ends of Literature: The Latin American "Boom" in the Neoliberal Marketplace by Levinson, Brett
Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert) by Marder, Elissa
Dead Time: Temporal Disorders in the Wake of Modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert) by Marder, Elissa
The Cambridge Companion to Shakespearean Comedy by
Staging Domesticity: Household Work and English Identity in Early Modern Drama by Wendy, Wall, Wall, Wendy
Visiones de Estereoscopio: Paradigma de Hibridación En La Ficción Y El Arte de la Vanguardia Española by Fernández Utrera, María Soledad
Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony: A Casebook by
Sticks and Stones: The Troublesome Success of Children's Literature from Slovenly Peter to Harry Potter by Zipes, Jack
The Sentimental Education of the Novel by Cohen, Margaret
Race, Citizenship, and Law in American Literature by Crane, Gregg
Irish Literary Life: An Almanac, 1950- 2000 by Fitzgerald, Patricia A.
Sandra Cisneros in the Classroom: Do Not Forget to Reach by Jago, Carol
How to Read «Ulysses», and Why by Dr Jefferson Hunter
Reading Shakespeare's Will: The Theology of Figure from Augustine to the Sonnets by Freinkel, Lisa
Southern Life in Southern Literature by Fulton, Maurice G.
Science Fiction, Canonization, Marginalization, and the Academy by
The Post-Utopian Imagination: American Culture in the Long 1950s by Booker, M. Keith
Unearthly Visions: Approaches to Science Fiction and Fantasy Art by
Scorned Literature: Essays on the History and Criticism of Popular Mass-Produced Fiction in America by
A Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Reading Shakespeare's Will: The Theology of Figure from Augustine to the Sonnets by Freinkel, Lisa
The Modern Construction of Myth by Von Hendy, Andrew
Virginia Woolf: Interpreting the Modernist Text by
Imaging Her Selves: Frida Kahlo's Poetics of Identity and Fragmentation by Ankori, Gannit
James Joyce's Ulysses: A Reference Guide by McKenna, Bernard
The Language of Postcolonial Literatures: An Introduction by Talib, Ismail S.
Reden, Die Die Republik Bewegten by
Lessing's Philosophy of Religion and the German Enlightenment by Yasukata, Toshimasa
Absolutely Postcolonial: Writing Between the Singular and the Specific by Hallward, Peter
The Language of Postcolonial Literatures: An Introduction by Talib, Ismail S.
Times' Whistle by
Family Fictions: Narrative and Domestic Relations in Britain, 1688-1798 by Flint, Christopher
The Sound and the Fury in the Garden of Eden: William Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury and the Garden of Eden Myth by Anderson, John P.
Manufacturers of Literature: Writing and the Literary Marketplace in Eighteenth-Century England by Justice, George
Leaving the Mother: Whitman, Kristeva, and Leaves of Grass by Jensen, Beth
Interpretation in Piers Plowman by Rogers, William Elford
The Odyssey: Structure, Narration, and Meaning by Louden, Bruce
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 8 by Spenser, Edmund
The Works of Edmund Spenser: A Variorum Edition Volume 10 by Spenser, Edmund
Wordsworth by Wu, Duncan
Green Thoughts, Green Shades: Essays by Contemporary Poets on the Early Modern Lyric by
Learning from Experience: Minority Identities, Multicultural Struggles by Moya, Paula M. L.
Fault Lines: Cultural Memory and Japanese Surrealism by Sas, Miryam
Faux Pas by Blanchot, Maurice
William Faulkner: Self-Presentation and Performance by Watson, James G.
Alice in Acidland by Fensch, Thomas
Fault Lines: Cultural Memory and Japanese Surrealism by Sas, Miryam
Impossible Witnesses: Truth, Abolitionism, and Slave Testimony by McBride, Dwight
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