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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2002

The Europa Directory of Literary Awards and Prizes by
The Collected Works of W.B. Yeats: Volume XII: John Sherman and Dhoya by Yeats, W.
Flares of Memory: Stories of Childhood During the Holocaust by
Postmodernism and the Contemporary Novel: A Reader by
Postmodernism and the Contemporary Novel: A Reader by
Aleksandr Blok's Trilogy of Lyric Dramas: A Puppet Show, the King on the Square and the Unknown Woman by
Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita: A Casebook by
The Book to Come by Blanchot, Maurice
The Táin by Kinsella, Thomas
Concise Comp To Modernism by
Lines of Flight: Discursive Time and Countercultural Desire in the Work of Thomas Pynchon by Mattessich, Stefan
Reimagining Shakespeare for Children and Young Adults by Miller, Naomi
Orwell to the Present: Literature in England, 1945-2000 by Brannigan, John
Orwell to the Present: Literature in England, 1945-2000 by Brannigan, John
Sidney to Milton, 1580-1660 by Wynne-Davies, Marion, Wolfreys, Julian
The Historical Experience in German Drama: From Gryphius to Brecht by Menhennet, Alan
Teaching Literature: A Companion by
Pervertere: Ästhetik der Verkehrung by
Apparat / Kommentar. Anhang by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
American Gangster Cinema: From Little Caesar to Pulp Fiction by Mason, F.
Mastering the Novels of Jane Austen by Gregory, Susan, Gill, Richard
Reading Psychoanalysis by Rudnytsky, Peter L.
The Notebooks of Anton Chekhov: Reminiscences of Chekhov by Gorky, Maxim, Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich
Reading Psychoanalysis by Rudnytsky, Peter L.
Nation, State and Empire in English Renaissance Literature: Shakespeare to Milton by Maley, Willy
Representing the Holocaust in Children's Literature by Kokkola, Lydia
Wissen und soziale Konstruktion by
Faszination des Verfalls by Beßlich, Barbara
The Book to Come by Blanchot, Maurice
Mauscheln by Althaus, Hans Peter
Die Tradition des Traditionsbruches: John Cages amerikanische Aesthetik by Jürging, Stefan
Letters: Volume 2 by Coleridge
Letters: Volume 3 by Coleridge
Letters: Volume 4 by Coleridge
Letters: Volume 5 by Coleridge
Letters: Volume 1 by Coleridge, Coleridge, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Letters: Volume 6 by Coleridge, Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, Coleridge
The Matter of Identity in Medieval Romance by
Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction by Belsey, Catherine
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey with Index 1-10 by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
Shakespeare Survey by
American Gangster Cinema: From Little Caesar to Pulp Fiction by Mason, F.
Singular Performances: Reinscribing the Subject in Francophone African Writing by Syrotinski, Michael
Singular Performances: Reinscribing the Subject in Francophone African Writing by Syrotinski, Michael
Mark Twain's Letters, Volume 6: 1874-1875 Volume 9 by Twain, Mark
A Zora Neale Hurston Companion by Croft, Robert W.
Modern British Women Writers: An A-To-Z Guide by
John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath: A Reference Guide by Heavilin, Barbara
Undergraduate's Companion to Women Writers and Their Web Sites by Dean, Katharine, Bracken, James K., Conteh-Morgan, Miriam
Contemporary American Women Fiction Writers: An A-To-Z Guide by Vivante, Bella
Booktalks, Bookwalks, and Read-Alouds: Promoting the Best New Children's Literature Across the Elementary Curriculum by Blass, Rosanne
The Moliere Encyclopedia by
A Reader's Guide to J. D. Salinger by Alsen, Eberhard
Reflections on Exile and Other Essays by Said, Edward W.
The Juridical Unconscious: Trials and Traumas in the Twentieth Century by Felman, Shoshana
Othello and the Tragedy of Mariam by Shakespeare, William, Carroll, Clare
Annotated Chaucer Bibliography, 1986-1996 by
Charles W. Chesnutt: Essays and Speeches by
The Peirce Seminar Papers: Volume V: Essays in Semiotic Analysis by
Images in Mind: Statues in Archaic and Classical Greek Literature and Thought by Steiner, Deborah Tarn
The Making of the State Writer: Social and Aesthetic Origins of Soviet Literary Culture by Dobrenko, Evgeny
Women Writing Africa: The Southern Region by
Daddy Was a Number Runner by Meriwether, Louise
Charles W. Chesnutt and the Fictions of Race by McWilliams, Dean
Weltliche Lyrik: Cats-Übersetzungen by Zesen, Philipp Von
Fürstenpreis und Kunstprogramm by Stockhorst, Stefanie
Philanthropisme, Libéralisme Et Révolution: Le 'Braunschweigisches Journal' Et Le 'Schleswigsches Journal' (1788-1793) by Losfeld, Christophe
The Art of Recollection in Jena Romanticism: Memory, History, Fiction, and Fragmentation in Texts by Friedrich Schlegel and Novalis by Johnson, Laurie Ruth
The Valdemar Companion by
Nuns as Historians in Early Modern Germany by Woodford, Charlotte
Die Präsenz des Mittelalters in seinen Handschriften by
Reading East Asian Writing: The Limits of Literary Theory by
William Shakespeare's Othello: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
Paul Ricoeur by Simms, Karl
William Shakespeare's Othello: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
The Financial System in Nineteenth-Century Britain by
Arthurian Literature XIX: Comedy in Arthurian Literature by
National Abjection: The Asian American Body on Stage by Shimakawa, Karen
Paul Ricoeur by Simms, Karl
The Language of Greek Comedy by
Irish Literature Since 1800 by Vance, Norman
In Arden: Editing Shakespeare - Essays In Honour of Richard Proudfoot by
The Brothers Grimm: From Enchanted Forests to the Modern World 2e by Zipes, J.
The Merchant of Modernism: The Economic Jew in Anglo-American Literature, 1864-1939 by Levine, Gary
Petrarch and His World by Bishop, Morris
Female Acts in Greek Tragedy by Foley, Helene P.
The Invention of Native American Literature: A New Approach to Dealing with Hostile, Threatening, and Uncivil Behavior by Parker, Robert Dale
Literatur als kulturelle Ökologie by Zapf, Hubert
Invention of Native American Literature by Parker, Robert Dale
Dreams of the Burning Child by Miller, David Lee
Great Short Stories of the Masters by
The Little Fun Book of Molecules/Humans: Molecules/Humans by Hodgson, John
Romanticism, Publishing and Dissent: Joseph Johnson and the Cause of Liberty by Braithwaite, H.
James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word by Maccabe, Colin
Plagiarism in Early Modern England by Kewes, P.
Literary Representations of the Irish Country House: Civilisation and Savagery Under the Union by Kelsall, M.
The Syntax of Imperatives in English and Germanic: Word Order Variation in the Minimalist Framework by Rupp, L.
Rhetorical Affect in Early Modern Writing: Renaissance Passions Reconsidered by Cockcroft, R.
English Poetry of the Eighteenth Century, 1700-1789 by Fairer, David
The Narcissus and the Pomegranate: An Archaeology of the Homeric Hymn to Demeter by Suter, Ann
The Shambhala Anthology of Women's Spiritual Poetry by Barnstone, Aliki
Titurel: [Text - Übersetzung - Stellenkommentar] by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
The Politics of Language in Romantic Literature by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Politics of Language in Romantic Literature by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Song for Uncle Tom, Tonto, and Mr. Moto: Poetry and Identity by Mura, David Alan
City of Steel and Fire: A Social History of Atbara, Sudan's Railway Town, 1906-1984 by Sikainga, Ahmad Alawad
Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy: The Limits of Words by Kennedy-Day, Kiki
Randall Jarrell and His Age by Burt, Stephanie
King Arthur in Music by
The Laghukatha: A Historical and Literary Analysis of a Modern Hindi Prose Genre by Sarma, Ira Valeria
Palgrave's Golden Treasury by
Empire and the Gothic: The Politics of Genre by
Literature and Religion in Mid-Victorian England: From Dickens to Eliot by Oulton, C.
Netzwerk der Aufklärung by
Making of the Victorian Novelist: Anxieties of Authorship in the Mass Market by Deane, Bradley
Literature in Vienna at the Turn of the Centuries: Continuities and Discontinuities Around 1900 and 2000 by
Autobiography and Authorship in Renaissance Verse: Chronicles of the Self by Heale, E.
The Art of the Black Essay by Butler, Cheryl
James Joyce and the Revolution of the Word by Maccabe, Colin
Literature of the Sturm Und Drang by
Text / Apparat by
The Difficulties of Modernism by Diepeveen, Leonard
The Difficulties of Modernism by Diepeveen, Leonard
The Stereotyped Jew: In English Literature by Egan, John M.
The Stereotyped Jew: In English Literature by Egan, John M.
You Must Change Your Life: Poetry, Philosophy, and the Birth of Sense by Lysaker, John T.
American Literary Studies: A Methodological Reader by
Odysseys Home: Mapping African-Canadian Literature by Clarke, George Elliott
The Peculiar Sanity of War by Kingsbury, Celia M.
William Blake and the Impossible History of the 1790s by Makdisi, Saree
Broken Time, Fragmented Space: A Cultural Map of Postwar Italy by Torriglia, Anna Maria
Ehud's Dagger: Class Struggle in the English Revolution by Holstun, James
Romanticism and the Materiality of Nature by Oerlemans, Onno
American Literary Studies: A Methodological Reader by
Turrets, Towers, and Temples: The Great Buildings of the World, as Seen and Described by Famous Writers by
Trauma and Survival in Contemporary Fiction by Vickroy, Laurie
The Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing by
Reisen Zum Ursprung: Das Mauritius-Projekt Von Jean Marie Gustave Le Clézio by Rimpau, Laetitia
Human Prehistory in Fiction by De Paolo, Charles
Lectures on Russian Literature by Nabokov, Vladimir
Lectures on Literature by Bowers, Fredson, Nabokov, Vladimir
The History of Indian Literature by Weber, Albrecht
The Rose Garden of Persia by Costello, Louisa Stuart
Louis Althusser by Montag, Warren
Discourse, the Body, and Identity by
Critical Discourse Analysis: Theory and Disciplinarity by
Louis Althusser by Montag, Warren
Mirages of the Selfe Mirages of the Selfe Mirages of the Selfe: Patterns of Personhood in Ancient and Early Modern Europe Patterns of Personhood in an by Reiss, Timothy J.
Teaching Literature: A Companion by
Mastery and Slavery in Victorian Writing by Taylor, J.
Towards a Christian Literary Theory by Ferretter, L.
Engaging Words: The Culture of Reading in the Later Middle Ages by Amtower, L.
Commentum in Ciceronis rhetorica by Grillius
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