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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2005

The Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Faherty, Michael
Shakespeare Dancing: A Theatrical Study of the Plays by Brown, John Russell
The Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Faherty, Michael
The Prose of Oscar Wilde by Wilde, Oscar
Writing About Literature: Essay and Translation Skills for University Students of English and Foreign Literature by Woolf, Judith
Writing about Literature: Essay and Translation Skills for University Students of English and Foreign Literature by Woolf, Judith
Comparative Children's Literature by O'Sullivan, Emer
The Cass Mastern Material: The Core of Robert Penn Warren's All the King's Men by
Beyond Christianity: African Americans in a New Thought Church by Martin, Darnise C.
British Women Writers and Race, 1788-1818: Narrations of Modernity by Wright, E.
Marriage and Its Dissolution in Early Modern England, Volume 1 by Thompson, Torri L.
Marriage and Its Dissolution in Early Modern England, Volume 4 by Thompson, Torri L.
Sam Shepard: A 'Poetic Rodeo' by Rosen, Carol
Ian Fleming and James Bond: The Cultural Politics of 007 by
Wordsworth and Coleridge: Lyrical Ballads by Blades, John
Conversations with Texas Writers by
Teacher's Classroom Guide to Robert Stanek's Ruin Mist: A Guide for The Kingdoms and the Elves of the Reaches by Stanek, Robert
The Power of Delight: A Lifetine in Literature, Essays 1962-2002 by Bayley, John
Wordsworth and Coleridge: Lyrical Ballads by Blades, John
The Works of Thomas Traherne I: Inducements to Retirednes, a Sober View of Dr Twisses His Considerations, Seeds of Eternity or the Nature of the Soul, by
Entdämonisierung und Verteufelung by Schnierer, Peter Paul
Cervantes in Algiers: A Captive's Tale by Garces, Maria Antonia
Popular Fiction: The Logics and Practices of a Literary Field by Gelder, Ken
Marriage and Its Dissolution in Early Modern England, Volume 2 by
Marriage and Its Dissolution in Early Modern England, Volume 3 by
Comparative Cultural Studies and Michael Ondaatje's Writing by
Dialogue and Deviance: Male-Male Desire in the Dialogue Genre (Plato to Aelred, Plato to Sade, Plato to the Postmodern) by Sturges, R.
The Jews and British Romanticism: Volume 2 by Spector, S.
The Cherry Orchard: A Comedy in Four Acts by Adamson, Samuel
Gender and the City in Euripides' Political Plays by Mendelsohn, Daniel
Narrating Scotland: The Imagination of Robert Louis Stevenson by Menikoff, Barry
Albanische Identitaetssuche im Spannungsfeld zwischen nationaler Eigenstaatlichkeit und europaeischer Integration by Schubert, Inge
Beginning Shakespeare by Hopkins, Lisa
Culturing the Child, 1690-1914: Essays in Memory of Mitzi Myers by
Text & Presentation, 2004 by
The Real History of Tom Jones by Stevenson, J.
Shakespeare, Reception and Translation: Germany and Japan by Von Schwerin-High, Friedrike
The Behavioral Study of Political Ideology and Public Policy Formulation by
Non-Native Sources for the Scandinavian Kings' Sagas by White, Paul A.
Tradition and Innovation in Hellenistic Poetry by Fantuzzi, Marco, Hunter, Richard
Reading Sex in the Eighteenth Century: Bodies and Gender in English Erotic Culture by Harvey, Karen
Flannery O'Connor and Cold War Culture by Bacon, Jon Lance
The Indian Mutiny and the British Imagination by Gautam, Chakravarty, Chakravarty, Gautam
Augustine: The City of God Books I and II by Augustine
Waugh without End: New Trends in Evelyn Waugh Studies by
Rethinking the Uncanny in Hoffmann and Tieck by Falkenberg, Marc
Contesting Empires: Opposition, Promotion and Slavery by Hart, J.
Performing Women in the Middle Ages: Sex, Gender, and the Iberian Lyric by Filios, D.
Women's Literary Feminism in Twentieth-Century China by Dooling, A.
Women's Literary Feminism in Twentieth-Century China by Dooling, A.
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Literary Radicalism in India: Gender, Nation and the Transition to Independence by Gopal, Priyamvada
Chaucer and the Norse and Celtic Worlds by McTurk, Rory
Village Governance in North China: 1875-1936 by Li, Huaiyin
Images of Japan: For Pre-Advanced and Advanced Learners of Japanese by Maruyama, Chika, Kondoh, Atsuko
Sex, Gender, and the Body: The Student Edition of What Is a Woman? by Moi, Toril
Homer: The Resonance of Epic by Graziosi, Barbara, Haubold, Johannes
Dionysus Since 69: Greek Tragedy at the Dawn of the Third Millennium by
The Holocaust and the Postmodern by Eaglestone, Robert
Ogden Nash: The Life and Work of America's Laureate of Light Verse by Parker, Douglas M., Gioia, Dana
Mark Twain and the South by Pettit, Arthur G.
Intrigue: Espionage and Culture by Hepburn, Allan
The Anthology at the End of the Universe: Leading Science Fiction Authors on Douglas Adams' the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by
Hell Without Fires: Slavery, Christianity, and the Antebellum Spiritual Narrative by Pierce, Yolanda
Actresses and Whores: On Stage and in Society by Pullen, Kirsten
Latin Sermon Collections from Later Medieval England: Orthodox Preaching in the Age of Wyclif by Wenzel, Siegfried
Ferocious Minds: Polymathy and the new Enlightenment by Broderick, Damien
The Anarchy of Empire in the Making of U.S. Culture by Kaplan, Amy
Twilight of the Literary: Figures of Thought in the Age of Print by Cochran, Terry
Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture by
Stephen King's the Dark Tower: A Concordance, Volume II by Furth, Robin
The Road of Excess: A History of Writers on Drugs by Boon, Marcus
Read 'em and Weep: A Bedside Poker Companion by Stravinsky, John
Unmapped Countries: Biological Visions in Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture by
Shakespeare and Science by Clark, Cumberland
A History of Italian Literature by Trail, Florence
Pathos, Ausdruck und Bewegung by Dönike, Martin
Epic Succession and Dissension: Ovid, Metamorphoses 13.623-14.582, and the Reinvention of the Aeneid by Papaioannou, Sophia
Apuleius' Florida: A Commentary by Lee, Benjamin Todd
The Dynamics of Narrative Form: Studies in Anglo-American Narratology by
Kosmopolitismus: Weltbürgerdiskurse in Literatur, Philosophie Und Publizistik Um 1800 by Albrecht, Andrea
Renaissance Go-Betweens: Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe by
The Devil's Race-Track: Mark Twain's Great Dark Writings, the Best from Which Was the Dream? and Fables of Man by Twain, Mark
The Metaphysics of Dante's Comedy by Moevs, Christian
Folk-Etymology: A Dictionary of Verbal Corruptions or Words Perverted in Form or Meaning, by False Derivation or Mistaken Analogy by Palmer, A. Smythe
Shakespeare's Theatre: A Dictionary of His Stage Context by Richmond, Hugh MacRae
Shakespeare's Military Language: A Dictionary by Edelman, Charles
Shakespeare's Legal Language: A Dictionary by Sokol, B. J.
Taboo Subjects: Race, Sex, and Psychoanalysis by Bergner, Gwen
Myths of Power: A Marxist Study of the Brontës by Eagleton, T.
Writing to Cuba: Filibustering and Cuban Exiles in the United States by Lazo, Rodrigo
The New Anthology of American Poetry: Modernisms: 1900-1950 Volume 2 by
The French Actress and her English Audience by Stokes, John
Manual of the History of French Literature by Brunetiere, Ferdinand
H.G. Wells: A Critical Study by Beresford, J. D.
Individuation and Attachment in the Works of Isabelle de Charrière by Samsom, Jelka
Choose not these Vices: Social Reality in the German Novel 1618-1848 by White, Alfred Douglas
Visionary Materialism in the Early Works of William Blake: The Intersection of Enthusiasm and Empiricism by Green, M.
Monomania: The Flight from Everyday Life in Literature and Art by Van Zuylen, Marina
The Moral Philosophy of John Steinbeck by
Monomania: The Flight from Everyday Life in Literature and Art by Van Zuylen, Marina
Tetrabiblos by Ptolemy, Claudius
Tales of St. Mary's by Guyther, M. D. Roy, Norris, Joanne, Guyther, J. Roy
Myths of Power: A Marxist Study of the Brontës by Eagleton, T.
Before Pornography: Erotic Writing in Early Modern England by Moulton, Ian Frederick
Early Modern Women's Manuscript Poetry by
Before the Empire of English: Literature, Provinciality, and Nationalism in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Yadav, A.
A Companion to the Victorian Novel by
Before the Empire of English: Literature, Provinciality, and Nationalism in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Yadav, A.
Taste: A Literary History by Gigante, Denise
Thomas Browne and the Writing of Early Modern Science by Preston, Claire
Reading Material in Early Modern England: Print, Gender, and Literacy by Brayman Hackel, Heidi
Here Comes the Reign, Sir Guillaume!: Another collection of warped, wicked and wild stories about medieval history and life in (and around) the SCA. by Farrell, Scott
Mythenkorrekturen by
The Book Lover's Cookbook: Recipes Inspired by Celebrated Works of Literature, and the Passages That Feature Them by Wenger, Shaunda Kennedy, Jensen, Janet
Stories of Heaven and Earth: Bible Heroes in Contemporary Children's Literature by
Hemingway and Faulkner in Their Time by
Count Cagliostro by Photiades
Interrupted Music: The Making of Tolkien's Mythology by Flieger, Verlyn
War and the Iliad by Bespaloff, Rachel, Weil, Simone
A Reader's Guide to Writers' London by Cunningham, Ian
The Main Stream by Sherman, Stuart
A Panorama of the Short Story by
Authors of the Day by Overton, Grant
Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America by Gayley, Charles Mills
The Melting Pot Drama in Four Acts by Zangwill, Israel
Sagas of the Seas by American Writers by French, Joseph Lewis
The Library by Lang, Andrew
Tecumseh, A Drama and Canadian Poems by Mair, Charles
Famous Dogs in Fiction by McSpadden, J. Walker
Mencius on the Mind: Experiments in Multiple Definition by Richards, I. a.
The Cloud Men of Yamato Being an Outline of Mysticism in Japanese Literature by Gatenby, E. V.
Walker in the Fog by Gundy, Jeffrey Gene, Gundy, Jeff
Poems of Sidney Lanier by Lanier, Sidney
Dramatic Technique by Baker, George Pierce
A Book of Prefaces by Mencken, H. L.
Man and Superman a Comedy and a Philosophy by Shaw, George Bernard
Essays of Elia: The Works of Charles Lamb Part One by Lamb, Charles
The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell by Lowell, James Russell
The Collected Essays And Addresses Of Augustine Birrell 1880 to 1920 by Birrell, Augustine
An Introduction to the Literature of the New Testament by Moffatt, James
The Poetry of Chaucer: A Guide to Its Study and Appreciation by Root, Robert Kilburn
Sheridan's Comedies: The Rivals And The School For Scandal by Sheridan, Richard Brinsley
Shakespeare As A Dramatic Thinker by Moulton, Richard G.
Falstaff and Other Shakespearean Topics by Tolman, Albert H.
The Pathos of Distance A Book of a Thousand and One Moments by Huneker, James
Hebraic Literature: Translations from The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by
Oscar Wilde His Life and Confessions by Harris, Frank
Representative British Dramas Victorian and Modern Part One by
The American Mercury Reader by
Lessons in Taxidermy: A Compendium of Safety and Danger by Lavender, Bee
Classical Rhetorics and Rhetoricians: Critical Studies and Sources by
Hebraic Literature: Translations from The Talmud, Midrashim and Kabbala by
Letters Of James Russell Lowell Part Two by Norton, Charles Eliot
Germany by Gilman, Arthur, Baring-Gould, S.
The Letters of Robert Louis Stevenson Part One by Colvin, Sidney
A Guidebook to the Poetic and Dramatic Works of Robert Browning by Cooke, George Willis
A Short History of Modern English Literature by Gosse, Edmund
A Library of Universal Literature: Greek Orations Part Three by
Letters Of James Russell Lowell Part One by Norton, Charles Eliot
The Child and Childhood in Folk Thought by Chamberlain, Alexander Francis
The Genius of Henry Fielding with Selections from His Works by Fielding, Henry
An Introduction to the Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism by Scott, Fred Newton, Gayley, Charles Mills
Traits and Stories of the Irish Peasantry by Carleton, William
Provincial Types in American Fiction by Fiske, Horace Spencer
The Book of Ballads by Gaultier, Bon
A Book of Prefaces by Mencken, H. L.
Odes of Anacreon: Translated Into English Verse with Notes by
Great Englishmen Of The Sixteenth Century by Lee, Sidney
A Treasury of War Poetry: British and American Poems of the World War 1914 to 1919 by
Is It Shakespeare? The Great Question Of Elizabethan Literature Answered by Begley, W.
Scenes of Clerical Life by Eliot, George
The Novels of Ivan Turgenev: Fathers and Children by Turgenev, Ivan
Essays of Elia: The Works of Charles Lamb Part One by Lamb, Charles
National Life And Character In The Mirror Of Early English Literature by Dale, Edmund
Puritan And Anglican Studies In Literature by Dowden, Edward
The Spirit of American Literature by Macy, John
Kathrina a Poem by Holland, J. G.
Shakespeare and the Founders of Liberty in America by Gayley, Charles Mills
Dramatic Technique by Baker, George Pierce
Collected Essays And Reviews of Thomas Graves Laws With A Memoir by Law, Thomas Graves
The Early Poems of James Russell Lowell Including The Bigelow Papers by Lowell, James Russell
Masterpieces of Latin Literature by
Of English Literature in the Reign of Victoria with A Glance at the Past by Morley, Henry
Representative English Literature from Chaucer to Tennyson by Pancoast, Henry Spackman
Library of Southern Literature Part 15 by
Poems and Two Men of Sandy Bar A Drama by Harte, Bret
Readings in English Prose of the Nineteenth Century by
Oscar Wilde His Life and Confessions by Harris, Frank
Hanif Kureishi by Thomas, Susie
Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
Demosthenes, Speeches 18 and 19 by
Screening the Gothic by Hopkins, Lisa
Shakespeare Goes to Paris: How the Bard Conquered France by Pemble, John
The Novels of Jeanette Winterson by Makinen, Merja
Unsung Heroes of The Lord of the Rings: From the Page to the Screen by Porter, Lynnette
Benjamin Disraeli: The Novel as Political Discourse by Flavin, Michael
Benjamin Disraeli: The Novel as Political Discourse by Flavin, Michael
The Fiction of Ellen Gilchrist: An Appreciation by Hooper, Brad
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