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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2005

Driftwood by Fu, Lo
Review of Contemporary Fiction by Ishiguro, Kazuo, Coleman, Emily Holmes, Jonke, Gert
Iceland Saga by Magnusson, Magnus
Ignatius Rising: The Life of John Kennedy Toole by Hardy, Deborah George, Nevils, René Pol
Splendor in the Short Grass: The Grover Lewis Reader by Lewis, Grover
Buddy Does Seattle by Bagge, Peter
Form and Transformation in Asian American Literature by
Voices of Vision: Creators of Science Fiction and Fantasy Speak by Blaschke, Jayme Lynn
Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles: A Routledge Study Guide and Sourcebook by
Mencius on the Mind: Experiments in Multiple Definition by Richards, I. a.
A Pound of Paper: Confessions of a Book Addict by Baxter, John
Disorienting Fiction: The Autoethnographic Work of Nineteenth-Century British Novels by Buzard, James
Postcolonial Approaches to the European Middle Ages: Translating Cultures by
Martyrdom and Literature in Early Modern England by Monta, Susannah Brietz
African Tales by Scheub, Harold
The Ancrene Wisse- A Four-Manuscript Parallel Text: Parts 5-8 with Wordlists by
Dante in Love by Rubin, Harriet
James Fenimore Cooper Versus the Cult of Domesticity: Progressive Themes of Femininity and Family in the Novels by Wegener, Signe O.
Julius Caesar by Bloom, Harold
Return to Good and Evil: Flannery O'Connor's Response to Nihilism by Edmondson, Henry T.
Knut Hamsun, Novelist: A Critical Assessment by Lyngstad, Sverre
Randall Jarrell and His Age by Burt, Stephanie
Johannes Rothes Elisabethleben: Aufgrund Des Nachlasses Von Helmut Lomnitzer by
Papa Hemingway: A Personal Memoir by Hotchner, A. E.
Nineteenth-Century Narratives of Contagion: 'Our Feverish Contact' by Christensen, Allan Conrad
Shooting Scripts: From Pulp Western to Film by Herzberg, Bob
Autobiographical Writing and British Literature, 1783-1834 by Treadwell, James
Joyce's Revenge: History, Politics, and Aesthetics in Ulysses by Gibson, Andrew
Packaging Post/Coloniality: The Manufacture of Literary Identity in the Francophone World by Watts, Richard
Shelley and Vitality by Ruston, S.
Shelley and Vitality by Ruston, S.
Metaphysical Hazlitt: Bicentenary Essays by
The Virgin and the Grail: Origins of a Legend by Goering, Joseph
Incest and Agency in Elizabeth's England by Quilligan, Maureen
Writing in Our Time: Canada's Radical Poetries in English (1957-2003) by Rudy, Susan, Butling, Pauline
Classic Writings on Poetry by
Fantasy Fiction: An Introduction by Armitt, Lucie
Maurice Blanchot: The Refusal of Philosophy by Bruns, Gerald L.
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Literature: Volume 1: From Restoration to Occupation, 1868-1945 by Rimer, J. Thomas, Gessel, Van
Brother Men: The Correspondence of Edgar Rice Burroughs and Herbert T. Weston by Weston, Herbert T., Burroughs, Edgar Rice
D. H. Lawrence's Sons and Lovers: A Casebook by
Colonial Divide in Peruvian Narrative: Social Conflict and Transculturation by Kokotovic, Misha
Lexikon der deutschsprachigen Krimi-Autoren by
Packaging Post/Coloniality: The Manufacture of Literary Identity in the Francophone World by Watts, Richard
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 11 by
Reconsidering Tolkien by
The Contemporary Deathbed: The Ultimate Rush by Tercier, John Anthony
Situated Utterances: Texts, Bodies, and Cultural Representations by Berger, Harry
Targets of Opportunity: On the Militarization of Thinking by Weber, Samuel
Targets of Opportunity: On the Militarization of Thinking by Weber, Samuel
Masks of Authority: Fiction and Pragmatics in Ancient Greek Poetics by Calame, Claude
The Empty Cage: Inquiry Into the Mysterious Disappearance of the Author by Benedetti, Carla
In the Court of the Pear King: French Culture and the Rise of Realism by Petrey, Sandy
Situated Utterances: Texts, Bodies, and Cultural Representations by Berger, Harry
Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass by Whitman, Walt
Private Topographies: Space, Subjectivity and Political Change in Modern Latin America by Grzegorczyk, M.
The Art of Comedy and Social Critique in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer (1800-1868) by Pritchett, Rinske
Samurai and Supermen: National Socialist Views of Japan by Maltarich, Bill
Regnum Post Marcum by Herodianus
Chaucer And His England by Coulton, G. G.
C.S. Lewis: A Short Introduction by Vander Elst, Philip
An Anglo-Saxon Reader in Prose and Verse by Sweet, Henry
Italian Colonialism: Legacy and Memory by
A Companion to Henslowe's Diary by Carson, Neil
Schrift - Macht - Heiligkeit: In Den Literaturen Des Jüdisch-Christlich-Muslimischen Mittelalters by Bertau, Karl
Engaging Moments: The Origins of Medieval Bridal-Quest Narrative by Bornholdt, Claudia
Wörtliche Bilder: Zur Funktion Der Literal-Illustration Im Stuttgarter Psalter (Um 830) by Heinzer, Felix
Das poetische Werk by Hugo Von Montfort
Von Gnathon Zu Saturio: Die Parasitenfigur Und Das Verhältnis Der Römischen Komödie Zur Griechischen by Antonsen-Resch, Andrea
Erzählte Geschichte: Narrative Strukturen in Der Französischen Annales-Geschichtsschreibung by Rüth, Axel
Observations on the Fairy Queen of Spenser by Warton, Thomas
Textual Hauntings: Studies in Flaubert's 'Madame Bovary' and Mauriac's 'Therese Desqueyroux' by Gallagher, Edward J.
Petrarch's Lyric Poems: The Rime Sparse and Other Lyrics by Durling, Robert M.
Theory's Empire: An Anthology of Dissent by
American Indian Themes in Young Adult Literature by Molin, Paulette F.
Theory's Empire: An Anthology of Dissent by
History of the American Theatre: New Foundations by Seilhamer, George O.
Dysfunctional Families in the Wessex Novels of Thomas Hardy by Schoenfeld, Lois Bethe
The Death-Bound-Subject: Richard Wright's Archaeology of Death by Janmohamed, Abdul R.
Dante & the Unorthodox: The Aesthetics of Transgression by
Who Wrote Those Letters?: In Search of Jrnjakob Swehn by Knuth, Eldon L.
The Stereotype of the Priest in the Old French Fabliaux: Anticlerical Satire and Lay Identity by Burrows, Daron
Cultural Politics - Queer Reading by Sinfield, Alan
Consuming Silences: How We Read Authors Who Don't Publish by Weber, Myles
Readers and Authorship in Early Modern England by Dobranski, Stephen B.
Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity by Jaffe, Aaron, Aaron, Jaffe
Women's Work as Political Art: Weaving and Dialectical Politics in Homer, Aristophanes, and Plato by Vetter, Lisa Pace
Seeing Chekhov: Life and Art by Finke, Michael C.
Death of a Discipline by Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty
Humor and the Eccentric Text in Puerto Rican Literature by Reyes, Israel
Samuel Johnson and the Art of Sinking 1709-1791 by Johnston, Freya
Euripides' Escape-Tragedies: A Study of Helen, Andromeda, and Iphigenia Among the Taurians by Wright, Matthew
Cervantes' Don Quixote: A Casebook by
Through the Reading Glass: Women, Books, and Sex in the French Enlightenment by Diaconoff, Suellen
Drugs and Theater in Early Modern England by Pollard, Tanya
Cervantes' Don Quixote: A Casebook by
Die Darstellung der Frau in der Literatur des ausgehenden 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts: Eine Untersuchung des Frauenbildes im Werk von Theodor by Platritis, Christos
Die Rezeption der gothic novel in ausgewaehlten Werken der viktorianischen Literatur by Flasdieck, Claudia
Fifteenth-Century Studies Vol. 30 by
Cultural Politics - Queer Reading by Sinfield, Alan
The Cult of the Ego: The Self in Modern Literature by
Modeling Minority Women: Heroines in African and Asian American Fiction by Hebbar, Reshmi J.
Topsy-turvy 1585 - THE SHORT VERSION by Gill, Robin D.
Egyptian Earth by Al-Sharqawi, Adel Rahman
James Oliver Curwood: God's Country and the Man by Eldridge, Judith a.
The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy, Religion by Sussman, Henry
Philip Roth: New Perspectives on an American Author by Royal, Derek Parker
The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia by
Race and Racism in Literature by Wilson, Charles E., Jr.
100 Most Popular Genre Fiction Authors: Biographical Sketches and Bibliographies by Drew, Bernard a.
Handbook of Narrative Analysis by Herman, Luc
Bioethics and Medical Issues in Literature by Stripling, Mahala Yates
Beat Culture: Lifestyles, Icons, and Impact by
Kill All the Lawyers?: Shakespeare's Legal Appeal by Kornstein, Daniel
Masterpieces of American Indian Literature by
Historical Fiction: A Guide to the Genre by Johnson, Sarah L.
Literature and Revolution by Trotsky, Leon
Monkey: A Journey to the West by Kherdian, David
Master of Adventure: The Worlds of Edgar Rice Burroughs by Lupoff, Richard A.
Faulkner: A Biography by Blotner, Joseph
Body Transformations: Evolutions and Atavisms in Culture by Lingis, Alphonso
The Role of Reading in Nine Famous Lives by Howard, Donald E.
Dostoevsky's Religion by Cassedy, Steven
Voices in Dialogue: Reading Women in the Middle Ages by
Times of Trouble: Violence in Russian Literature and Culture by
Politique: Languages of Statecraft between Chaucer and Shakespeare by Strohm, Paul
Politique: Languages of Statecraft between Chaucer and Shakespeare by Strohm, Paul
Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature by Harrison, Jane Ellen
The Outline Of Literature Volume Two by
The Outline Of Literature Volume Three by
The Love Affairs of a Bibliomaniac: The Writings in Prose and Verse of Eugene Field by Field, Eugene
Poems by John Masefield by Masefield, John
Charles Dickens A Critical Study by Chesterton, G. K.
Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling by Kipling, Rudyard
A Study of Swinburne by Welby, T. Earle
The Craft of the Critic by Smith, S. Stephenson
The Elder Henry James by Warren, Austin
Songs From the Ozarks and Other Poems by Hickman, J. M.
Lord Byron's Correspondence Part One by Gordon, Lord Byron George
A Literary History of America by Wendell, Barrett
As I Remember Him, the Biography of R. S. by Zinsser, Hans
Esar's Comic Dictionary by Esar, Evan
Far Town Road: Plays to Be Acted and Read by Sterne, Emma Gelders
The Rabelaisian Princess: Madame Royal of France by Eberlein, Harold Donaldson
Sheridan to Robertson: A Study of the Nineteenth Century London Stage by Watson, Ernest Bradlee
Casanova the World's Greatest Lover: His Known and Unknown Life by Endore, S. Guy
Collected Verse of Rudyard Kipling by Kipling, Rudyard
In Defense of Women by Mencken, H. L.
Myths of the Odyssey in Art and Literature by Harrison, Jane Ellen
The Poems of Henry Van Dyke by Van Dyke, Henry
The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson by Balfour, Graham
A Study of Prose Fiction by Perry, Bliss
Shakespeare From An American Point Of View by Wilkes, George
Commentary of Hierocles on the Golden Verses of Pythagoras by Dacier, Andre
Gwen: A Drama in Monologue by Morris, Lewis
King Henry the Second: An Historical Drama by Helps, Arthur
Birds In Literature by Churchill, Abby P.
Dramatic Music: Catalogue of Full Scores in the Collection of the Library of Congress by
American Humorists by Haweis, H. R.
The Poems of William Watson Part Two by Watson, William
Studies of a Booklover by Parrott, Thomas Marc
A Third Series of Proverbial Philosophy by Tupper, Martin Farquhar
Studies In Virgil by Glover, Terrot Reaveley
The English Drama And Stage Under The Tudor And Stuart Princes 1543 to 1664 by Hazlitt, William Carew
Chronological Outlines of American Literature by Whitcomb, Selden Lincoln
Dickens As An Educator by Hughes, James L.
American Literature I: Washington Irving; James Fenimore Cooper; William Cullen Bryant; Ralph Waldo Emerson by
Phases Of Dickens: The Man, His Message And His Mission by Walters, J. Cuming
Chronological Outlines of English Literature by Ryaland, Frederick
English Literature During the Last Half Century by Cunliffe, J. W.
Melville by Stone, Geoffrey
Essays on Some of the Modern Guides to English Thought in Matters of Faith by Hutton, Richard Holt
A History Of Epic Poetry: Post Virgillian by Clark, John
Some Principles of Literary Criticism by Winchester, C. T.
The Poetical Works of George Herbert and the Synagogue by C. Harvey by Herbert, George
Prejudices First Series by Mencken, H. L.
The Prototype Of Hamlet And Other Shakespearean Problems by Johnston, William Preston
The Novels Of George Meredith: A Study by Bailey, Elmer James
In Defense of Women by Mencken, H. L.
A Handbook of Classics by Prather, Charles Henry
Hurrah And Hallelujah: The Teaching Of Germany's Poets, Prophets, Professors And Preachers by Bang, J. P.
Addresses and Essays by Morgan, Morris H.
An Introduction to the Study of American Literature by Matthews, Brander
The Oxford Stamp and Other Essays and Articles by Aydelotte, Frank
German French and Italian Song Classics by Parker, Horatio
Casual Essays of The Sun: Editorial Articles on Many Subjects Clothed with the Philosophy of the Bright Side of Things by The Sun
Complete Poems: The Personal Edition of George Eliot's Works by Eliot, George
Selections From Robert Louis Stevenson by
From Milton to Tennyson: Masterpieces of English Poetry by Milton, John, Tennyson, Alfred Lord
The Literary Reader: British and American Authors from Shakespeare to the Present Time with Biographical Sketches by Cathcart, George R.
The Outline Of Literature Volume One by
A Literary History of America by Wendell, Barrett
Beside the Western Sea: A Collection of Poems by Skidmore, Harriet M.
Juventus Mundi: The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age by Gladstone, William Ewart
The English Essayists: A Comprehensive Selection of the Great Essayists From Lord Bacon to John Ruskin by
The Little Book of Modern Verse A Selection of the Work of Contemporaneous American Poets by
Irving's Oliver Goldsmith: A Biography by Irving, Washington, Gaston, Charles Robert
The Sibyl or New Oracles from the Poets by Gilman, Caroline
Satyajit Ray's the Chess Players and Postcolonial Film Theory: Postcolonialism and Film Theory by Dube, Reena
Modern Arabic Fiction: An Anthology by
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