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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

Poetry and Allegiance in the English Civil Wars: Marvell and the Cause of Wit by McDowell, Nicholas
Comparing Postcolonial Diasporas by
Toward a Latina Feminism of the Americas: Repression and Resistance in Chicana and Mexicana Literature by Sandoval, Anna Marie
Against All England: Regional Identity and Cheshire Writing, 1195-1656 by Barrett Jr, Robert W.
Goethe Yearbook 16 by
The Lure of Illustration in the Nineteenth Century: Picture and Press by
Selected Essays by Blaise, Clark
Shakespeare's Letters by Stewart, Alan
Flaubert's Tentation: Remapping Nineteenth-Century French Histories of Religion and Science by Orr, Mary
The Future in Greek: From Ancient to Medieval by Markopoulos, Theodore
Networks & Knowledge Rogets Thesaurus C by
Arabian Nights in Historical Context: Between East and West by
Juan Luna's Revolver by Igloria, Luisa
The Civil Rights Reader: American Literature from Jim Crow to Reconciliation by
Miss Julie and Other Plays by Strindberg, August
Four Major Plays by Edmunds, John, García Lorca, Federico
Cousin Henry by Trollope, Anthony
Christianity, Patriotism, and Nationhood: The England of G.K. Chesterton by Stapleton, Julia
Christianity, Patriotism, and Nationhood: The England of G.K. Chesterton by Stapleton, Julia
Objectively Speaking: Ayn Rand Interviewed by
From an Antique Land: An Introduction to Ancient Near Eastern Literature by
Speak Like Singing: Classics of Native American Literature by Lincoln, Kenneth
Dante and Renaissance Florence by Gilson, Simon A.
Imagining Virginia Woolf: An Experiment in Critical Biography by DiBattista, Maria
Defining Medievalism(s) by
The Early Medieval Bible: Its Production, Decoration and Use by
Slavery, Philosophy, and American Literature, 1830 1860 by Ralph, Hanna, Lee, Maurice S., Hanna, Ralph
Women's Poetry and Religion in Victorian England: Jewish Identity and Christian Culture by Scheinberg, Cynthia
Allegory and Epic in English Renaissance Literature: Heroic Form in Sidney, Spenser, and Milton by Borris, Kenneth, Kenneth, Borris
Ethical Joyce by Eide, Marian
Privacy, Playreading, and Women's Closet Drama, 1550 1700 by Straznicky, Marta
Democracy, Revolution, and Monarchism in Early American Literature by Downes, Paul
Writing and Political Engagement in Seventeenth-Century England by
Fiction and the Law: Legal Discourse in Victorian and Modernist Literature by Dolin, Kieran
The Cultural Geography of Colonial American Literatures: Empire, Travel, Modernity by Bauer, Ralph
Henry James and the Culture of Publicity by Salmon, Richard
Modernism and the Celtic Revival by Castle, Gregory, Spasskii, B. I.
Women and Religious Writing in Early Modern England by Longfellow, Erica
The Myth of Theory by Righter, William, William, Righter
Literature, Satire and the Early Stuart State by McRae, Andrew
The Bard: Robert Burns, a Biography by Crawford, Robert
Australien im Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufe II. Doris Pilkingtons "Rabbit-Proof Fence" und Philip Noyce' "Long Walk Home" by Beyer, Charlotte
"Das doppelte Lottchen": Ein Filmvergleich USA-Deutschland by Stein, Mandy
De Liflade Of St. Juliana: From Two Old English Manuscripts Of 1230 A.D. (1872) by Nicomedia, Julia Saint of
A Transatlantic Tour: Comprising Travels In Great Britain, France, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, And Italy (1845) by Dana, William Coombs
Adelaide Di Savoia, Elettrice Di Baviera: Contributo Alla Storia Civile E Politica Del Milleseicento (1892) by Merkel, Carlo
A Doll's House: A Play in Three Acts (1890) by Ibsen, Henrik Johan
A Zonzo (1900) by Martini, Ferdinando
Automata Old And New (1893) by Cooke, Conrad William
An Introduction To Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream (1841) by Halliwell-Phillipps, James Orchard
A Last Harvest: Lyrics And Sonnets From The Book Of Love (1891) by Marston, Philip Bourke
Biografia Degli Uomini Distinti Dell'Istria V2 (1829) by Stancovich, Pietro
A Key To The Exercises In The First Six Books Of Casey's Elements Of Euclid (1885) by Casey, Joseph B.
A Corner Of Cathay: Studies From Life Among The Chinese (1894) by Fielde, Adele Marion
Oeuvres De Dante Alighieri: La Divine Comedie (1886) by Dante Alighieri
Gairm Don T-Sluagh Neo-Iompaichte Pilleadh: A Call To The Unconverted To Turn And Live (1894) by Baxter, Richard
Aesthetic Physical Culture: A Self Instructor For All Cultured Circles, And Especially For Oratorical And Dramatic Artists (1883) by Guttmann, Oskar
A Deskbook Of Errors In English: Including Notes On Colloquialisms And Slang To Be Avoided In Conversation (1906) by Vizetelly, Frank Horace
A German Hero Of The Colonial Times Of Pennsylvania: Or The Life And Times Of Henry Antes (1886) by McMinn, Edwin
The Adventures Of A French Sergeant: During His Campaigns In Italy, Spain, Germany, Russia, Etc. From 1805 To 1823 (1898) by Barbaroux, Charles O.
A View Of The English Stage: Or A Series Of Dramatic Criticisms (1906) by Hazlitt, William
Oeuvres Choisies De D. Diderot V3 (1878) by Diderot, Denis
A Lexicon To Sophocles (1841) by Ellendt, Friederich
A Collection Of The Moral And Instructive Sentiments, Maxims, Cautions, And Reflections, Contained In The Histories Of Pamela, Clarissa, And Charles G by Richardson, Samuel
The Milton Anthology: Selected From The Prose Writings (1865) by Milton, John
A Book Of Danish Verse (1922) by
African Aphorisms: Or Saws From Swahili Land (1891) by Taylor, William Ernest
A Teacher's Manual For The Study Of English Classics (1912) by Marsh, George Linnaeus
A Treasury Of Helpful Verse (1896) by
A Short History Of America's Literature: With Selections From Colonial And Revolutionary Writers (1907) by Tappan, Eva March
A Defense Of Poesie And Poems (1909) by Sidney, Philip
A Tamil Prose Reading Book, Books 1-3: Or Companion To The Handbook (1859) by Pope, George Uglow
A Primer Of Spanish Literature (1878) by Conant, Helen Stevens
Der Stricker, Ordo & Aufklärung by Pfundstein, Jens
Die Etablierung des Fußballs in Deutschland: Eine Untersuchung zur Wesensverwandtschaft von Fußball und Militarismus by Bunse, Tobias
Tasso und Antonio - Poesie und Politik: Der letzte Auftritt in Goethes Torquato Tasso by Matthies, Helmut
Kognitive Ordnungsbildung beim Verstehen und bei der Reproduktion von fiktionalen Texten by Hagemeister, Daria
Homer´s Odyssee als Jugendbuch? Eine kritische Betrachtung anhand Walter Jens "Ilias und Odyssee" und W. Schadewaldts Originalübersetzung by Tehrani, Taraneh
Persuasive Aspekte der Kommunikationsmedien: Text und Bild in der Anzeigenwerbung by Avalon, Ekaterina
Euphemismen in der Sprache der Politik by Warkentin, Julia-Maria
The Imagery of Sea and Land in Fred D'Aguiar's Feeding the Ghosts by Sievers, Marco
Die destruktive Erotik im ersten Teil von 'Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften': Die Frauen Leona, Bonadea und Clarisse by Pilz, Ulrike
Towards Theorization of Postcolonial Literature in the Global Culture of the Integrated Spectacle by Markin, Pablo
Personenanalyse von Dorst aus dem Roman "Ich muß los" von Annette Pehnt by Schneider, Ann-Kristin
Zu Georg Trakls "Grodek" by Gelver, Albert
Die Klage einer leidenden Frau - Interpretation zweier Gedichte von Karoline von Günderrode by Pilz, Ulrike
Die Figur des isolierten Musikers in Patrick Süskinds "Der Kontrabaß" by Pilz, Ulrike
Short Stories - Volume I: The Begging-Letter Writer, Bill-Sticking, A Child's Dream of a Star, The Child's Story, A Christmas Tree, The Detectiv by Dickens, Charles
Books Without Borders (2 Volume Pack): Volumes 1 and 2: The Cross-National Dimension in Print Culture/Perspectives from South Asia by
" [...] verkleinern is fast ebensogut wie verhübschen": Eine Untersuchung zu Fontanes Poetik am Beispiel von Stine by Vaziri, Fritz Hubertus
"You remind me of Edgar Allan Poe's Dupin": C. Auguste Dupin und Sherlock Holmes im Vergleich by Sundermann, Ines
Faustina. Ein Gespräch über die Liebe by Wassermann, Jakob
Kants Als-Ob-Wendungen in Kleists und Kafkas Prosa: Aufklaerung/Kategorischer Imperativ der Pflicht contra Passion/Juvenilitaet by Fischer, Dagmar
Teaching Shakespeare with Film and Television by Greenwood, John Ed, Coursen, H. R.
The Cambridge Companion to Seamus Heaney by
Neun Kurzgeschichten Franz Kafkas von 1909-1931: Ein Damenbrevier, Grosser Lärm, Der Heizer, Die Verwandlung, Der Mord, Eine kaiserliche Botschaft, Au by Kafka, Franz
The Cambridge Companion to Seamus Heaney by
Later Manuscripts by Austen, Jane
Shakespeare and Tolerance by Sokol, B. J.
Romanticism and Improvisation, 1750-1850 by Esterhammer, Angela
The Illustrated Shakespeare, 1709-1875 by Sillars, Stuart
Scotland and the Fictions of Geography by Fielding, Penny
The Discursive Construction of National Identity by Reisigl, Martin, Wodak, Ruth, de Cillia, Rudolf
The Discursive Construction of National Identity by Reisigl, Martin, Wodak, Ruth, de Cillia, Rudolf
Pierre Batcheff and Stardom in 1920s French Cinema by Powrie, Phil, Rebillard, Eric
Pierre et Jean by de Maupassant, Guy
Key Ideas in Linguistics and the Philosophy of Language by
Latitudinarianism and Didacticism in Eighteenth-Century Literature: Moral Theology in Fielding, Sterne, and Goldsmith by Müller, Patrick
A Trip To Germany During Wartime (1915) by A. Medical Freelance, Seibert, August
A Course Of Harmony (1899) by Sawyer, Frank Joseph, Bridge, Frederick
A Course Of Counterpoint And Fugue V1 (1841) by Cherubini, Luigi
Abeille by France, Anatole
Oliver Twist by Dickens, Charles
Lieder des Prinzen Vogelfrei - Idyllen aus Messina: (zwei Gedichtzyklen) by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Short Stories - Volume II: Familiar Epistle from a Parent to a Child Aged Two Years and Two Months, A Flight, Full Report of the First Meeting of by Dickens, Charles
Short Stories - Volume III: The Haunted House, Holiday Romance, The Holly-Tree by Dickens, Charles
Short Stories - Volume IV: Hunted Down, The Lamplighter, The Long Voyage, Lying Awake, A Monument of French Folly, ... by Dickens, Charles
Short Stories - Volume IX: Mrs. Lirriper's Legacy, Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings, Mugby Junction by Dickens, Charles
Les Misérables - Tome I - Fantine: Livre Cinquième - La Descente et Livre Sixième - Javert by Hugo, Victor
Alpine Sketches: Comprised In A Short Tour Through Parts Of Holland, Flanders, France, Savoy, Switzerland And Germany, During The Summer Of 1814 (1814 by Bridges, George Wilson
Laokoon - Über die Grenzen der Malerei und Poesie by Hagemeister, Daria
Was haben Literatur und Wissenschaft miteinander gemein?: Am Beispiel von Daniel Kehlmanns "Die Vermessung der Welt" by Hagemeister, Daria
Das literarische Mäzenatentum der Thüringer Landgrafen zwischen 1170 und 1217 als Beispiel literarischer Interessenbildung: Entstehung, Umfang, Intere by Stunz, Holger Reiner
Buchwissenschaft als Medienwissenschaft - Die Inhaltsanalyse als mögliche Methode der Buchwissenschaft by Timoteo, Cecilia
Die Angst vor der Wahrheit: Eine Analyse des Franz Biberkopf aus Alfred Döblins Berlin Alexanderplatz by Abel, Volkmar
Franz Grillparzers Rezeption der antiken Medea-Dramen by Rothmann, Franziska
Marcel Reich-Ranicki als literarische Figur by Poitzmann, Nikola
Der Krieg in der Lyrik des Expressionismus: Staatsexamensvorbereitung by Kalden, Angelina
Daniel und Garel, zwei Ritter von dem blühenden Tal by Stephan, Marion
William Faulkner: Seeing Through the South by Matthews, John T.
Motivik und Symbolik in Theodor Fontanes Roman "Effi Briest" by Ernst, Josephine
Das Amerikabild Bertolt Brechts am Beispiel des Stückes "Im Dickicht der Städte" by Honeck, Christian
Schloß Gripsholm: Eine Sommergeschichte by Tucholsky, Kurt
Short Stories - Volume VII: Some Particulars Concerning a Lion, Somebody's Luggage, Sunday Under Three Heads, Three Detective Anecdotes by Dickens, Charles
Issues of Sexuality in "Bram Stoker's Dracula" by Haeberlein, Christoph
Über die Darstellung und die Funktion Filip Zesens in Günter Grass' Erzählung "Das Treffen in Telgte" by Reymann, Kristina
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book Eighth - A Counter-Blow by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Volume II - Cosette: Book First - Waterloo by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Volume II - Cosette: Book Second - The Ship Orion and Book Third - Accomplishment Of The Promise Made To A Dead Woman by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Volume II - Cosette: Book Fourth - The Gorbeau Hovel and Book Fifth - For A Black Hunt, A Mute Pack by Hugo, Victor
Robinson Crusoe by Defoe, Daniel
Oliver Twist by Dickens, Charles
David Copperfield by Dickens, Charles
Les Trois Mousquetaires by Dumas, Alexandre
The Theory of Moral Sentiments by Smith, Adam
Hard Times by Dickens, Charles
Short Stories - Volume VI: Plated Article, A Poor Man's Tale of a Patent, The Poor Relation's Story, Prince Bull, Public Life of Mr. Tulrumble - by Dickens, Charles
Short Stories - Volume VIII: To Be Read at Dusk, The Trial for Murder, A Walk in a Workhouse, What Christmas Is as We Grow Older, The Wreck of the by Dickens, Charles
Les Misérables - Tome I - Fantine: Livre Premier - Un Juste by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Tome I - Fantine: Livre Deuxième - La Chute by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Tome I - Fantine: Livre Troisième - En L'Année 1817 et Livre Quatrième - Confier, C'Est Quelquefois Livrer by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Tome I - Fantine: Livre Septième - L'Affaire Champmathieu et Livre Huitième - Contre Coup by Hugo, Victor
Une page d'amour by Zola, Émile
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book Second - The Fall by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book Third - In The Year 1817 and Book Fourth - To Confide Is Sometimes To Deliver Into A Person's Power by Hugo, Victor
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book Fifth - The Descent and Book Sixth - Javert by Hugo, Victor
Die Produktivität adjektivischer Wortbildungsarten: Belegt an gegenwartssprachlichen Beispielen by Busch, Anja
Poor Boy by
Evangelienharmonie by Alber, Erasmus
Aufklärung und Esoterik by
Short Stories - Volume V: Our Bore, Our English Watering-Place, Our French Watering-Place, Our Honourable Friend, Our School, Our Vestry, Out of by Dickens, Charles
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book First - A Just Man by Hugo, Victor
James Still in Interviews, Oral Histories and Memoirs by
The Poems of William Wordsworth: Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth, I by Wordsworth, William
Phraseologie im Kontext - Ihre Bekanntheit und ihr Verständnis by Wehe, Stefan
Die schöne Seele bei Heinrich von Kleists "Die Verlobung in St. Domingo" by Pohl, Carla
Michael Kohlhaas: Aus einer alten Chronik by Von Kleist, Heinrich
Analyse des Gedichtes "Im Eisenbahnhofe" von Justinus Kerner by Bock, Oliver
Leutnant Gustl by Schnitzler, Arthur
James Joyce: Developing Irish Identity: A Study of the Development of Postcolonial Irish Identity in the Novels of James Joyce by Halloran, Thomas
Funktionen des Erzählens in Arno Schmidts "Kaff auch Mare Crisium" by Binder, Julika
"Mädchen und Gewalt" im Spiegel jugendliterarischer Neuerscheinungen by Gottschalk, Claudia
Auto/Ethnographies: Sex and Death and Symbolic Interaction in the Eighth Moment of Qualitative Inquiry: Seven Essays on the Self-Ethnography of Self by Hemmingson, Michael
Die neue Schöpfungsgeschichte in Peter Hoegs Roman "Die Frau und der Affe" by Uchtmann, Johanna
Die Funktion von Mode in Gottfried Kellers "Kleider machen Leute" by Pohl, Carla
Struktur und Funktion von Erzählsituation/ -perspektive in Alfred Anderschs "Sansibar oder der letzte Grund" by Binder, Julika
Della Storia Degli Agrumi (1734) by Civinini, Giovanni Domenico
Analisi Derivata: Ossia L'Analisi Matematica (1802) by Brunacci, Vincenzo
An Easy Introduction To The German Language (1839) by Eulenstein, Charles
Annals Of The Life And Work Of William Shakespeare: Collected From The Most Recent Authorities (1886) by Cundall, Joseph
Analecta Sophoclea Et Euripidea (1864) by
Alciphronis Rhetoris Epistularum Libri IV (1905) by Alciphron
Ane Satire Of The Three Estates: In Commendation Of Virtue And Vituperation Of Vice (1602) by Lindsay, David
Clavis: Humaniorum Litterarum Sublimioris Tamulici Idiomatis (1876) by Beschi, Costantino Giuseppe
Algiers In 1857: Its Accessibility, Climate And Resources Described With Especial Reference To English Invalids (1858) by Davies, Edward William Lewis
Uber Jsis Und Osiris: Nach Neuverglichenen Handschriften Mit Ubersetzung Und Erlauterungen (1850) by Plutarch
Arte Magica Dileguata: Lettera Del Signor Marchese Maffei Al Padre Innocente Ansaldi (1750) by Ansaldi, Casto Innocente, Maffei, Scipione
Ali: Dramma In Quattro Atti (1921) by Benelli, Sem
An Actor's Tour: Or Seventy Thousand Miles With Shakespeare (1885) by Bandmann, Daniel Edward
Alinda Brunamonti E Vittoria Colonna: In Memoria Di Alinda Brunamonti, Febbraio 3, 1904 (1904) by Antolini, Cornelia
Della Robbias In America (1912) by Marquand, Allan
Appunti Su La Poesia Satirica Latina Medioevale In Italia (1902) by Valgimigli, Manara
Alla Conquista Di Trieste (1907) by Bresadola, Pompeo
Della Condizione Giuridica Dei Figli Naturali Nel Codice Civile Germanico (1908) by Giusti, Roberto
Antigone: In Usum Scholarum (1869) by Sophocles
Album Verses: With A Few Others (1830) by Lamb, Charles
Agnus Dei, A Poem: In Eight Books (1870) by Boulding, James Wimsett
Analecta Euripidea (1875) by Euripides, Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Udalricus De
Darwin, Carlyle, Dickens, The Fools, Jesters, And Comic Characters In Shakespeare: With Other Essays, Etc. (1879) by Davey, Samuel
Aristotelis Ars Poetica: Ad Fidem Potissimum Codicis Antiquissimi Ac, Parisiensis 1741 (1875) by Aristotle
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