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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

An Essay On The Genius Of Shakespeare: With Critical Remarks On The Characters Of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, And Ophelia (1826) by Graves, Henry Mercer
Aristophanes-Studien, Als Vorlaufer Eines Aristophanes-Lexikons (1908) by Wust, Ernst
Alciphronis Rhetoris Epistularum Libri IV (1905) by Alciphron
Analekta Zur Kritik Und Exegese Der Sibyllinischen Orakel (1907) by Rzach, Alois
Asthetische Erklarung Sophokleischer Dramen: Erster Band, Antigone (1903) by Wohlrab, Martin
Herrschaft und Macht in Hartmanns von Aues "Iwein": Herrschaftsrechte- und Pflichten des Landesherrn by Keßler, Till
Women's Rights as Multicultural Claims: Reconfiguring Gender and Diversity in Political Philosophy by Mookherjee, Monica
Records of the Salem Witch-Hunt by Rosenthal, Bernard
Aspects Of Authorship: Or Book Marks And Book Makers (1872) by Jacox, Francis
Angelo Poliziano Ristauratore Degli Studi Classici: Discorso Letto Nel R Liceo Pellegrino Rossi (1868) by Castellani, Carlo
Antonio Fogazzaro: La Sua Vita, Le Sue Opere, 1 Suoi Critici (1896) by Rumor, Sebastiano
Classic Latin Course In English (1893) by Wilkinson, William Cleaver
D. F. E. Auber: Sa Vie Et Ses Oeuvres (1864) by Jouvin, B.
Archaica V1: Containing A Reprint Of Scarce Old English Prose Tracts (1815) by Brydges, E.
Della Satira Italiana (1759) by Bianchini, Giuseppe
Della Antichissima Sapienza Degl' Italiani: Tratta Da' Latini Parlari (1816) by Vico, Giambattista
Aristoteles' Poetik Und Joh. Vahlen's Neueste Bearbeitung Derselben (1875) by Spengel, Leonhard
A Historical Enquiry Into The Probable Causes Of The Rationalist Character Lately Predominant In The Theology Of Germany (1828) by Sack, Karl Heinrich, Pusey, Edward Bouverie
Ai Vescovi Adunati In Roma: Lettera Cattolica (1862) by Siotto-Pintor, Giovanni
An Exposition Of The Four Gospels V1: Of Which Those By Mark, Luke, And John, Have Never Before Been Published (1837) by Adam, Thomas
An Essay On Shakespeare's Character Of Shylock (1833) by Farren, George
Antrim Edylls And Other Poems (1907) by Robinson, William Clarke
Scholia Graeca In Aristophanis Comoedias V2 (1823) by Aristophanes
Annotazioni Critiche Sulle Antiche Rime Volgari Del Codice Vaticano 3793 (1888) by Casini, Tommaso
Analisi Derivata: Ossia L'Analisi Matematica (1802) by Brunacci, Vincenzo
Aristodemo: Tragedia (1822) by Monti, Vincenzo
Dell' Origine E Delle Regole Della Musica, Colla Storia Del Suo Progresso, Decadenza, E Rinnovazione (1774) by Antonio Eximeno Y Pujades
Della Storia D'italia Dalle Origini Fino Ai Nostri Tempi: Sommario (1856) by Balbo, Cesare
Della Pittura Religiosa (1844) by Ranalli, Ferdinando
Ardours And Endurances: Also, A Faun's Holiday, And Poems And Fantasies (1917) by Nichols, Robert Malise Bowyer
Ahn's Second German Book: Being The Second Division Of Ahn's Rudiments Of The German Language (1873) by Henn, Peter, Ahn, Franz
Antiperistasi Pisane Sul Risorgimento E Cultura Delle Belle Arti (1812) by Tempest, Ranieri
Ad Odysseam Eiusque Scholiastas Curae Secundae (1881) by Polak, Hermann Joseph
Allegoria Morale, Ecclesiastica, Politica Nelle Due Prime Cantiche Della Divina Commedia Di Dante Allighieri (1864) by Lubin, Antonio
Alla Memoria Di Paolo Savi (1871) by Ruschi, Rinaldo, Buonamici, F., Studiati, C.
Analecta Euripidea (1875) by Euripides, Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Udalricus De
Arte Poetica Facil: Dialogos Familiares, En Que Se Ensena La Poesia (1801) by Masdeu, Juan Francisco De
Analisi Del Latte: Guida Pratica (1887) by Sartori, Giuseppe
Agadath Shir Hashirim (1896) by
Death Of Oscar, Part 1: A Chronicle Of The Fianna In Twelve Cantos (1901) by Sargant, Alice
An Evening In My Library Among The English Poets (1916) by Coleridge, Stephen
Della Eloquenza Italiana (1706) by Fontanini, Giusto
An Easy Introduction To The German Language (1839) by Eulenstein, Charles
A Historical Account Of The Monumental Bust Of William Shakespeare: In The Chancel Of The Church, At Stratford-Upon-Avon, Warwickshire (1827) by Wivell, Abraham
Ancient Hymns And Poems: Chiefly From The Latin (1868) by
Dell' Istoria Civile Del Regno Di Napoli Libri Quaranta V3 (1723) by Giannone, Pietro
Anecdota Graeca V4: E Codd. Manuscriptis Bibliothecarum Oxoniensium (1837) by Cramer, John Anthony
Della Fluidita De' Corpi (1754) by Fromond, Giovanni Claudio
Nuova Scuola Di Grammatica Er Agevolmente Apprendere La Lingua Punica Maltese (1750) by De Soldanis, Giovanni Pietro Francesco
Aloys Blumauer's Gesammelte Werke (1863) by Blumauer, Aloysius
Arte Magica Dileguata: Lettera Del Signor Marchese Maffei Al Padre Innocente Ansaldi (1750) by Maffei, Scipione, Ansaldi, Casto Innocente
Alt-Englisches Theater Oder Supplemente Zum Shakspear (1811) by Tieck, Ludwig
Davidis Jacobi Van Lennep Poematum Fasciculus (1850) by Lennep, David Jacob Van
Alcune Lettere E Poesie Inedite (1892) by Bedetti, Alessandro, Rossetti, Gabriele
Ahn's Rudiments Of The German Language (1873) by Ahn, Franz, Henn, Peter
L'Ateneo Veneto, Rivista Bimestrale Di Scienze Lettere Ed Arti: Anno 22, V2 (1899) by Santalena, Antonio
Atalanta, Winnie, And Other Poems (1873) by Brent, John
Della Indipendenza Italiana V2: Cronistoria (1873) by Cantu, Cesare
Annotations Upon The Merchant Of Venice (1787) by Steevens, George, Johnson, Samuel
An Actor's Tour: Or Seventy Thousand Miles With Shakespeare (1885) by Bandmann, Daniel Edward
An Estimate Of Shakespeare (1918) by McClorey, John A.
Aristophanis Comici Quae Supersunt Opera V1: Undecim Fabulas Superstites Continens (1886) by Blaydes, Fredericus H. M., Aristophanes
Della Condizione Economica Delle Nazioni (1840) by Parisi, Girolamo
Aegypten: Forschungen Uber Land Und Volk Wahrend Eines Zehnjahrigen Aufenthalts (1863) by Kremer, Alfred Von
An Enquiry Into The Causes Of The Late Increase Of Robbers, Etc.: With Some Proposals For Remedying This Growing Evil (1751) by Fielding, Henry
Della Propria Ed Altrui Ignoranza (1858) by Fracassetti, Giuseppe, Petrarca, Francesco, Boccaccio, Giovanni
Annotations Illustrative Of The Plays Of Shakespeare V1-2 (1819) by Johnson, Samuel, Steevens, George, Malone
Aristophanis Eqvites (1897) by Velsen, Adolf Von, Aristophanes
Della Potesta, E Della Politia, Della Chiesa V2: Trattati Due, Contro Le Nuove Opinioni Di Pietro Giannone (1745) by Bianchi, Giovanni Antonio
Della Revoca Degli Atti Fraudolenti (1898) by Maierini, Angelo
Dell' Astronomia Libri Sei (1774) by Cassola, Gaspare Luigi
Della Legge Fondamentale Dell' Intelligenza Nel Regno Animale: Saggio Di Psicologia Comparata (1877) by Vignoli, Tito
An Essay On The Play Of The Tempest (1840) by Macdonell, Patrick
An Epitome Of Chronology: From The Creation To The Present Period (1822) by Maydwell, Elizabeth
Aeschinis Oratoris Opera: Ad Optimorum Librorum Fidem Accurata Edita (1829) by Aeschines, Wolf, Hieronymus
Aristophanes Aves Graece (1782) by Aristophanes
Aristotle's Poetics, 125, In The Light Of The Homeric Scholia (1896) by Carroll, Mitchell
Della Educazione E Dell' Istruzione Libri Due Di Raffaello Lambruschini, Libro Primo: Della Educazione (1850) by Lambruschini, Raffaello
Della Ragione Giuridica Dei Popoli D'Italia (1860) by Confalone, Odoardo
Athghearradh Teagaisg Chriosta, Air A Cheartachadh Le Iain Camshron, Easbuig Antigonish (1886) by Cameron, John
Della Famosissima Compagnia Della Lesina Dialogo, Capitoli, Ragionamenti (1666) by Buoni, Tommaso, Vialardi, Francesco Maria
Dell' Origine E Fundazion De' Seggi Di Napoli (1754) by Tutini, Camillo
Appressamento Della Morte: Cantica Inedita (1880) by Leopardi, Giacomo
An Exact And Authentic Account Of The Greatest White Herring Fishery In Scotland: Carried On Yearly In The Island Of Zetland, By The Dutch Only (1885) by Campbell, John
Annals Of The Life And Work Of William Shakespeare: Collected From The Most Recent Authorities (1886) by Cundall, Joseph
Classificazione Delle Scienze (1899) by Trivero, Camillo
America's Aid To Germany In 1870-1871: An Abstract From The Official Correspondence Of E. B. Washburne, United States Ambassador To Paris (1905) by Washburne, E. B.
An Authentic Account Of The Shakespearian Manuscripts, Etc. (1796) by Ireland, William Henry
American Authorship Of The Present Day, Since 1890 (1918) by Rankin, Thomas Ernest
Anello Di Sette Gemme O Venezia E La Sua Storia: Considerazioni E Fantasie (1838) by Carrer, Luigi
Appunti Su Girolamo Preti: Con Breve Studio Sull 'Origine Dell'Idillio E La Salmace Commentata (1898) by Finocchiaro, Leonardo Patane
Trattato Del Moto E Della Misura Delle Acque Correnti (1736) by Riva, Lodovico
Aphorisms On Drawing (1856) by Malan, Solomon Caesar
Algiers In 1857: Its Accessibility, Climate And Resources Described With Especial Reference To English Invalids (1858) by Davies, Edward William Lewis
Ardnt's Spirit Of The Times: Being The Work For The Publication Of Which The Unfortunate Palm, Of Erlangen, Was Sacrificed By Napoleon, The Destroy by Arndt, Ernst Moritz
Aristotelis Ars Rhetorica (1885) by Aristotle
Della Espiazione Penale Secondo I Moderni Sistemi Pentenziarj E Della Applicazione Della Legge Criminale: Discorso (1862) by Girolami, Giuseppe
Cinque Episodii Delle Guerre Dell'Indipendenza Italiana: 1848-1849; 1859-1866; 1870 (1881) by Rocca, Luigi
Ane Satire Of The Three Estates: In Commendation Of Virtue And Vituperation Of Vice (1602) by Lindsay, David
An Artist's Wife: A Drama, In Two Acts (1850) by Ranger, Edward
Della Giurisdizione Penale Relativamente Ai Reati Commessi All' Estero (1875) by Fiore, Pasquale
Della Istorio D' Europe, Libri 7 (1856) by Giambullari, Pier Francesco
Della Origine Delle Leggi, Delle Arti, E Delle Scienze V2: E Dei Loro Progressi Appresso Gli Antichi Popoli (1761) by Goguet, Antoine-Yves
Della Nobilta Delle Lettere E Delle Armi (1821) by Giacomini, Lorenzo
Della Origine, Et De' Fatti Delle Famiglie Illustri D'Italia Libro 1 (1609) by Sansovino, Francesco
Della Pena E Dell' Emenda V1: Studi E Proposte (1869) by Garelli, Vincenzo
Al Popolo Toscano (1859) by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico
All' Ombra Di Dante Alighieri: Canto (1878) by Liegeard, Stephen
All Round The World V1: Or What's The Object? (1876) by Foster, Frank, Puseley, Daniel
Angelsaechsisches Lesebuch (1847) by Ebeling, Friedrich Wilhelm
Angiola Maria: Storia Domestica (1874) by Carcano, Giulio
An Examination Of The Charges Maintained By Messrs. Malone, Chalmers, And Others, Of Ben Jonson's Enmity, Etc. Towards Shakespeare (1808) by Gilchrist, Octavius Graham
Analysis Of Essays And Reviews (1861) by Denison, George Anthony
Analysis Of Rotary Motion: As Applied To The Gyroscope (1887) by Barnard, John Gross
Uber Den Gott Eros (1850) by Gerhard, Eduard
Uber Jsis Und Osiris: Nach Neuverglichenen Handschriften Mit Ubersetzung Und Erlauterungen (1850) by Plutarch
Annals Of Scotland: From The Year 1514 To The Year 1591 (1814) by Marioreybanks, George
An Abridged English Version Of Sophocles' Oedipus At Colonos (1848) by Bartholomew, William, Sophocles
Analisi Della Proprieta Capitalista V2 (1889) by Loria, Achille
An Edition Of Philip Massinger's Duke Of Milan (1918) by Baldwin, Thomas Whitfield
Della Commedia Di Dante Alighieri, Cantica 2 (1728) by Alighieri, Dante, D' Aquino, Carlo
An Answer To The Question What Is Poetry? Including Remarks On Versification (1893) by Hunt, Leigh
Aneddoti Italiani: Italian Anecdotes Selected From Il Compagno Del Passegio Campestre, A Key To Exercises In Idiomatic Italian (1867) by Rossetti, Maria Francesca
C. Julii Caesaris Que Extant Cum Notis And Animadversionibus Dionysii Vossii Part 1 (1697) by Graevius, Joannes Georgius, Caesar, Julius
Il Pluto Di Aristofane, Greco E Italiano (1872) by Aristophanes, Castellani, Carlo
Della Conoscenza Intellettuale, Parte 2: Teorica Di S. Tommaso (1858) by Liberatore, Matteo
Alla Ricerca Di Giacomo Leopardi (1901) by Cugnoni, Giuseppe
Dell' Influsso Lunare: Dissertazione, Con Due Opuscoli D' Aggiunta Sullo Stesso Argomento (1776) by Maggi, Carlo
Alfonso La Marmora, Pagine Nuove: Ricordi Storici Della Campagna Di Crimea (1880) by Pagani, Carlo Osvaldo
Aspects Of Balzac (1905) by Helm, William Henry
Anecdotes Of The American Indians: Illustrating Their Eccentricities Of Character (1847) by Blake, John Lauris
An English Farmer In Canada: And A Visit To The States (1904) by Grange, Herbert
An Essay Upon The Harmony Of Language: Intended Principally To Illustrate That Of The English Language (1774) by Mitford, William
Aristophanis Acharnenses (1828) by Aristophanes, Dindorfii, Guilielmi
Proefschrift Ter Verkrijging Van Den Graad Van Doctor In De Rechtswetenschap (1892) by Rietema, Albertus
Antiquario Della Diocesi Di Milano (1828) by Bombognini, Francesco
A Historic Fantasy Of Venice (1900) by Jones, Grace Llewellyn
Antonii Riccoboni Paraphrasis in Rhetoricam Aristotelis, Interjecta Rerum (1819) by Aristotle
Anticritica Ad Una Recensione Del Signora Scialoja Sul Trattato Dell' Eccezione Di Cosa Giudicata (1884) by Cogliolo, Pietro
Ars Sophoclis Emendandi: Accedunt Analecta Euripidea (1869) by Wecklein, Nikolaus
Antoniella (1867) by Lamartine, Alphonse De
Amelia Calani, Considerazioni Sull' Educazione Delle Donne Italiane (1859) by Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico, Paoli, Pasquale
Antigone: In Usum Scholarum (1869) by Sophocles
An Enquiry Into The Nature And Origin Of Literary Property (1762) by Warburton, William
Aerztliche Erfahrungen Uber Die Malaria Der Tropen-Lander (1889) by Martin, Ludwig
Etrennes A m. Clement: Par Un Ami De M. De Voltaire Ou Denonciation De L'Ombre De Boileau, A L'Auteur Des Observations (1773) by Voltaire
Alfredo Baccarini: Note Biografiche, Con Lettere Inedite Di Pietro Paleocapa (1878) by Maineri, Baccio Emanuele
Eiphnh: Cum Scholiorum Antiquorum Excerptis Passim Emendatis (1897) by Aristophanes, Herwerden, Henricus Van
An Essay On The Genius Of Shakespeare: With Critical Remarks On The Characters Of Romeo, Hamlet, Juliet, And Ophelia (1826) by Graves, Henry Mercer
Darwin, Carlyle, Dickens, The Fools, Jesters, And Comic Characters In Shakespeare: With Other Essays, Etc. (1879) by Davey, Samuel
An Address Delivered Before The Phi Beta Kappa Society Of Harvard University, August 28, 1834: On Classical Learning And Eloquence (1834) by Gardiner, William Howard
Classical Literature In Its Relation To The Nineteenth Century And Scottish University Education: An Inaugural Lecture (1852) by Blackie, John Stuart
An Essay on the Evidence, External and Internal, Relating to the Poems Attributed to Thomas Rowley (1784) by Mathias, Thomas James
Della C. 2 Quae Sit Longa Consuetudo 8, 52, 53 (1886) by Scialoja, Vittorio
Aristophanis Acharnenses (1845) by Blaydes, Fredericus Henricus, Aristophanes
Anecdotes Litteraires V1: Ou Histoire De Ce Qui Est Arrive De Plus Singulier Et De Plus Interessant Aux Ecrivains Francois (1750) by Raynal, Guillaume Thomas Francois
Clare Welsman (1883) by Bigg, Louisa
De Anguli Rectilinei Divisione In Tres Aequales Demonstratio Geometrica (1623) by Rivan, Antoine
Les Misérables - Volume II - Cosette: Book Eighth - Cemetaries Take That Which Is Commited Them by Hugo, Victor
Romeo und Julia by Shakespeare, William
Stine by Fontane, Theodor
Irrungen und Wirrungen by Fontane, Theodor
Mathilde Möhring by Fontane, Theodor
Wilhem Tell by Von Schiller, Friedrich
L'Adultera by Fontane, Theodor
Unterm Birnbaum by Fontane, Theodor
Die Poggenpuhls by Fontane, Theodor
Ästhetik des Hässlichen: Systematisierung und gesellschaftliche Einordnung des Hässlichen by Hampel, Judith
Der Dialog mit dem Darwinismus in H. G. Wells' "The Time Machine" und "The Island of Dr. Moreau" by Ester, Stephan
Contemporary British Fiction and the Artistry of Space by James, David
The Early Poetry of Charles Wright: A Companion, 1960-1990 by Denham, Robert D.
Basic Elements Narrative by Herman, David
Dependence, Independence, and Death; Toward a Psychobiography of Delmira Agustini by James, William
Local Violence, Global Media; Feminist Analyses of Gendered Representations by
Excess Baggage; A Modern Theory and the Conscious Amnesia of Latin Americanist Thought by Pitcher, Jonathan
Les Misérables - Volume I - Fantine: Book Seventh - The Champmathieu Affair by Hugo, Victor
Kinder-Verwirr-Buch: Gedichte und Märchen von Joachim Ringelnatz by Ringelnatz, Joachim
Frau Jenny Treibel oder 'Wo sich Herz zum Herzen findt' by Fontane, Theodor
Politik als Beruf: Zweiter Vortrag (4) vor dem Freistudentischen Bund by Weber, Max
Grundzüge einer Marxkritik by Liebknecht, Karl
Cécile by Fontane, Theodor
Graf Petöfy by Fontane, Theodor
Quitt by Fontane, Theodor
Grete Minde - Nach einer altmärkischen Chronik by Fontane, Theodor
Anfang 1773 - Ende Oktober 1775 by
Joseph Conrad and the Performing Arts by Baxter, Katherine Isobel
Die Hessischen Reimpredigten: Text by
The Unfamiliar Shelley by Webb, Timothy
Die Hessischen Reimpredigten: Untersuchungen Zu Überlieferung, Sprache Und Herkunft by Lenz-Kemper, Barbara
Notker Latinus Zu Boethius, »De Consolatione Philosophiae«: Buch IV/V: Kommentar by
Notker Latinus Zu Boethius, »De Consolatione Philosophiae«: Buch IV/V: Kommentar by
Trauma, Postmodernism and the Aftermath of World War II by Crosthwaite, P.
Sexual Difference in European Cinema: The Curse of Enjoyment by Vighi, F.
Trauma, Postmodernism and the Aftermath of World War II by Crosthwaite, P.
Globalization and the Great Exhibition: The Victorian New World Order by Young, Paul
Die Deutsche Literatur Des Mittelalters: Deutscher Humanismus 1480-1520 A-K by
Beowulf: An Introduction to the Study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn by R. W., Chambers, Chambers, Raymond Wilson
Just Between You and Me by McCollum, Evelyn
Just Between You and Me by McCollum, Evelyn
Die Deutsche Ballade Im 20. Jahrhundert by
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