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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

Elogio Storico Di Carlo III: Re Delle Spagne Etc. (1789) by Gaetani, Onorato
Ballads And Poems: From The Pacific (1885) by Garth, Philip
Californian Verses (1882) by Phelps, Charles Henry
Gueroco Guero (1864) by Axular, Petrus
Henry Fieldings Dramatische Werke: Litterarische Studie (1895) by Lindner, Felix
Cambridge Classical Examinations (1824) by
Canti Popolari Serbi (1894) by Nikolic, Giovanni
Canzoniere: Coll' Esposizione Dell' Allegoria Agguinta A Questa Edizione (1825) by Missirini, Melchior
Essays On Shakespeare's Dramatic Characters: With An Illustration Of Shakespeare's Representation Of National Characters, In That Of Fluellen (1812) by Richardson, William
Carlo Troya Vita Pubblica E Privata, Studi, Opere (1899) by Giudice, Giuseppe Del
Euripidea (1879) by Mekler, Siegfried
Tonio Kröger als Wiedergeburt Hanno Buddenbrooks?: Parallelen und Unterschiede zweier Künstlerfiguren im Werk Thomas Manns by Schmid, Johannes
Laurence R. Horns Theorie der Q- und R-Implikatur by Schmid, Johannes
Der Umgang mit Alterität und Differenz in der interkulturellen Begegnung um 1800 am Beispiel der Novelle "Die Verlobung in St. Domingo" von Heinrich v by Hochmann, Björn
Jonathan Franzen at the End of Postmodernism by Burn, Stephen J.
Unfettering Confession: Ritualized Performance in Spanish Narrative and Drama by Pace, Donald Gene
Indo-European Poetry and Myth by West, M. L.
Q. D. Leavis: Collected Essays 3 Volume Paperback Set by Leavis, Q. D.
The Cambridge Companion to American Travel Writing by
Sir Thomas Browne: The World Proposed by
Unity and Design in Horace's Odes by Santirocco, Matthew S.
The Catholic Imaginary and the Cults of Elizabeth, 1558-1582 by Hamrick, Stephen
Cotton's Queer Relations: Same-Sex Intimacy and the Literature of the Southern Plantation, 1936-1968 by Bibler, Michael P.
The Cornell Wordsworth: A Supplement by Curtis, Jared
Cotton's Queer Relations: Same-Sex Intimacy and the Literature of the Southern Plantation, 1936-1968 by Bibler, Michael P.
The Cinematic Jane Austen: Essays on the Filmic Sensibility of the Novels by Hudelet, Ariane, Wiltshire, John, Monaghan, David
Transatlantic Solidarities: Irish Nationalism and Caribbean Poetics by Malouf, Michael G.
Transatlantic Solidarities: Irish Nationalism and Caribbean Poetics by Malouf, Michael G.
Oeuvres Completes de M. Le Vicomte de Chateaubriand by De Chateaubriand, Francois Rene
Cartas de Lisboa by Dias, Carlos Malheiro
Die Gattungszugehörigkeit Rainer M. Rilkes "Die Turnstunde" by Sperling, Peter
Inhaltliche und sprachliche Analyse der Falkenstrophen des Kürenbergers unter Berücksichtigung der Falknerpraxis by Reichardt, Sabine
Himmlische und irdische Liebe in Mörikes Lyrik: Inhaltliche und formelle Analyse zweier Gedichte by Szabolcs, Carol
The Literature of the Irish in Britain: Autobiography and Memoir, 1725-2001 by Harte, L.
Wilkomirsiks "Bruchstücke" - Über das Werk und seine Rezeption by Hoffmann, Alexander
Aus Doron Rabinovicis Werken - Auf der Suche nach einer Identität by Hoffmann, Alexander
The Literature of the Irish in Britain: Autobiography and Memoir, 1725-2001 by Harte, L.
Botho Strauß, "Marlenes Schwester". Auftreten und Wirkung frühromantischer Elemente in einer Erzählung von 1975. by Lommatzsch, Sabine
Petrushka: The Russian Carnival Puppet Theatre by Kelly, Catriona
Disjunctive Poetics: From Gertrude Stein and Louis Zukofsky to Susan Howe by Quartermain, Peter
Q. D. Leavis: Collected Essays: Volume 3 by Leavis, Q. D.
Tiecks Märchenkonzeption am Beispiel des Blonden Eckbert im Vergleich zur Märchenkonzeption von Novalis am Beispiel des Klingsohr-Märchens (in Heinric by Lommatzsch, Sabine
Henry James and the Writing of Race and Nation by Blair, Sara
The Poetry of Marianne Moore: A Study in Voice and Value by Holley, Margaret, Margaret, Holley
Cotton Mather and Benjamin Franklin: The Price of Representative Personality by Breitwieser, Mitchell Robert
The Interpretation of Material Shapes in Puritanism: A Study of Rhetoric, Prejudice, and Violence by Kibbey, Ann
H. D. and the Victorian Fin de Siecle: Gender, Modernism, Decadence by Laity, Cassandra
The Science of Fiction and the Fiction of Science: Collected Essays on SF Storytelling and the Gnostic Imagination by McConnell, Frank
Narrative Strukturen in Märchen. Zu den Untersuchungen von Max Lüthi und der Darstellungsprinzipien von Geschehen in Märchen by Lommatzsch, Sabine
Stoicism, Politics and Literature in the Age of Milton: War and Peace Reconciled by Shifflett, Andrew
Islam and Postcolonial Narrative by Erickson, John
Fictions of Loss in the Victorian Fin de Si Cle: Identity and Empire by Arata, Stephen
British Modernism and Censorship by Marshik, Celia
New England's Crises and Cultural Memory: Literature, Politics, History, Religion, 1620 1860 by McWilliams, John
Emerson and the Conduct of Life: Pragmatism and Ethical Purpose in the Later Work by Robinson, David M., David M., Robinson
Lesbisches "coming-out" in der deutschsprachigen Gegenwartsliteratur: Konzepte und Darstellungsformen by Lommatzsch, Sabine
Modern American Reading Practices: Between Aesthetics and History by Goldstein, P.
Byron: Heritage and Legacy by
Byron: Heritage and Legacy by
Early Modern Ecostudies: From the Florentine Codex to Shakespeare by Kamps, I., Raber, K.
Early Modern Ecostudies: From the Florentine Codex to Shakespeare by Kamps, I., Raber, K.
Modern American Reading Practices: Between Aesthetics and History by Goldstein, P.
The Culture of the Gift in Eighteenth-Century England by
Die Liebe in Reinmars lyrischem Werk: Eine Darstellung des Liebeskonzepts anhand 31 ausgewählter Texte by Melcher, Matthias
"Und das wäre männlich?" (Béla Balázs): Zur Kritik an der Neuen Sachlichkeit by Wiesinger, Tino
Was gibts denn da zu lachen? Komik durch Polyphonie und Karnevalisierung in Robert Gernhardts Erzählung "Das Buch Ewald" by Lommatzsch, Sabine
L'Eve future und das Genre der Phantastik by Kerschbaumer, Sara Claire, Huber, Stefanie
Laudine - "gesellin unde herrin": Eine Frau im Konflikt zwischen "minne" und "êre" by Otter, Lena
Die Motivation für den Krieg in Heinrich Wittenwilers "Der Ring" by Wegener, Linda Kim
Schuld, Schicksal, Götterwille: Die Darstellung der Dido-Minne im Eneasroman Heinrichs von Veldeke by Kanngießer, Lydia
On the Nature of the Universe by Melville, Ronald, Lucretius
Hagiographica (1908) by De'cavalieri, Pio Franchi
Come Fu Educato Vittorio Emanuele III (1901) by Morandi, Luigi
Conferenze (1911) by Fradeletto, Antonio
Confessioni E Ricordi: Firenze Granducale (1922) by Martini, Ferdinando
Diderik Fleming Og Hans Hus: Christiania-Interioer Fra Forrige Aarhundrede (1910) by Benneche, Olaf
Boyology: Or Boy Analysis (1922) by Gibson, Henry William
Ciceruacchio E Don Pirlone: Ricordi Storici Della Rivoluzione Romana Dal 1846 Al 1849, Con Documenti Nuovi (1894) by Giovagnoli, Raffaele
Ceitre Sgeulta Eile 11-14: Tarraingte As An Sgeuluide Gaedealac (1902) by Hyde, Douglas
Commento Alla Legge Sulla Condanna Condizionale (1905) by Pola, Giuseppe Cesare
Camillo Benso Di Cavour (1861) by Bonghi, Ruggero
Commento Grafico Alla Divina Commedia: Per Uso Delle Scuole (1902) by Porena, Manfredi
Chambers Twain (1890) by Radford, Ernest
Cosmic Vision (1922) by Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James
Lays Of Leisure Hours (1829) by Jewsbury, Maria Jane
Chrestomathia Petronio-Burmanniana (1734) by Verburg, Isaac, Hemsterhuis, Tiberius, Burman, Pieter
Henrik Ibsens Kunstanschauungen (1912) by Bienenstock, Max
Genezis Z Ducha (1903) by Slowacki, Juliusz
Guiot Von Provins, Seine Gonner, Die Suite De La Bible Und Seine Lyrischen Dictungen (1902) by Baudler, Arthur
Ciceros Verrinen (1903) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Gustav Freytags Romantechni (1907) by Ulrich, Paul
Gems Of German Verse (1860) by Furness, William Henry
Contributo Alla Storia E Alla Teoria Della Rei Vindicatio Utilis (1901) by Mancaleoni, Flaminio
An Introduction to Narratology by Fludernik, Monika
Lay Piety and Religious Discipline in Middle English Literature by Rice, Nicole R.
The Cambridge Companion to American Travel Writing by
Securing the Past by Eggert, Paul
Securing the Past: Conservation in Art, Architecture and Literature by Eggert, Paul
Cicero Pro Lege Manilia (1880) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Commedie Varie (1876) by Alberti, Luigi
Commentaire Sur L'Ordonnance Des Eaux Et Forets Du Mois D'Aout, 1669 (1772) by Jousse, Daniel
Conduct And The Supernatural: Being The Norrisian Prize Essay For The Year 1913 (1915) by Thornton, Lionel Spencer
Gli Asolani (1808) by Bembo, Pietro
Come Fa Dante A Vedere Nell' Inferno Se E Al Buio? (1900) by Martinozzi, Mario
Bibliotheca Graeca Et Latina (1784) by Reviczky, Karl Emerich Alexander
Gli Italiani In Oriente: Canti Quattordici (1857) by Roncaglia, Emilio
Commentatio Philologica Exhibens Specimen Libri (1817) by Scherif, Ben Abu
Bibliotheque Critique Ou Recueil V4: De Diverses Pieces Critiques, Dont La Plupart Ne Font Point Imprimees, Ou Ne Se Trouvent Que Tres-Difficilement ( by Simon, Richard
Commentationes Lysiacae (1865) by Francken, Cornelis Marinus
Catalogo Delle Lingue Conosciute E Notizia Della Loro Affinita, E Diversita Opera (1784) by Hervas, Lorenzo
Bilancio Storico Italo-Franco: Dal 1789 Al 1899 (1890) by Tioli, Luigi
Guido Baccelli: Note Biografiche (1899) by Gorrini, Giovanni
Guido D' Arezzo: Monaco Ed Eremita Camaldolese, Ristoratore Dell' Arte Musicale (1882) by Camaldolese
Guillaume Tell: Poeme Dramatique (1818) by Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Camillo Benso Di Cavour (1861) by Bonghi, Ruggero
Choix Litteraire V14 (1758) by CL and Ant Philibert
Conrad And Columbine: A Fairy Tale (1873) by Mason, James
Conrad And Other Poems (1824) by Templeman, Richard Abraham
Lays Of The Minnesingers: Or German Troubadours Of The Twelfth And Thirteenth Centuries (1825) by
Canzonette Anacreontiche Di Lindoro Elateo Pastore Arcade (1723) by Magalotti, Lorenzo
Capitan Spavento (1899) by Senigaglia, Graziano
Hell, The Doom Of Sin, A Poem: With Lights And Shadows Of Musing Hours (1858) by Telfer, Edward Armstrong
Xenophon Hellenica: Books 1-4 (1888) by Xenophon
Xenophon Hellenica, Books 5-7 (1892) by Xenophon
Batavian Anthology Or Specimens Of The Dutch Poets: With Remarks On The Poetical Literature And Language Of The Netherlands, To The End Of The Sevente by Bowring, John, Van Dyk, Harry Stoe
Cavalry On Service: Illustrated By The Advance Of The German Cavalry Across The Mosel In 1870 (1906) by Pelet-Narbonne, Gerhard Von
Cavedoniane (1834) by Rosini, Giovanni
The Bay View Magazine V1, No. 4 (1893) by Bay View Reading Circle
Confessioni Di Un Autore Drammatico (1883) by Costetti, Giuseppe
Cebes' Tablet: With Introduction, Notes, Vocabulary, And Grammatical Questions (1897) by Parsons, Richard
Branje Od Tih V' Kmetizhke Kalendre Postavlenih Ino Nekerih Drugih Svetnikov (1833) by Krempl, Anton
Cecily: A Tale Of English Reformation (1881) by Leslie, Emma
Hydriotaphia, Urn Burial: With An Account Of Some Urns Found At Brampton In Norfolk (1893) by Browne, Thomas
Breve Compendio Di Tutte Le Regole Dell' Aritmetica Pratica Aggiuntouinuoue Offeruationi, Con Tutte Le Regole Della Geometria Pratica (1681) by Venturoli, Giacomo
Celebrated Englishwomen Of The Victorian Era V1 (1884) by Adams, William Henry Davenport
Bellini: Memorie E Lettere (1882) by Florimo, Francesco
Breve Esposizione Della Divina Commedia (1900) by Giordano, Antonino
Eva, Duchess Of Monteleone: An Original Play, In A Prologue And Four Acts And The Triumph Of Love, A Dramatic Legend, In Two Acts (1887) by Giacosa, Giuseppe
Bene Pei Cari Piccolini (1892) by Colombi, Marchesa
Annali D' Italia V8, Part 2: Dal Principio Dell' Era Volgare Sino All' Anno 1750 (1787) by Muratori, Lodovico Antonio
Fairyland: Tales And Legends Of Dwarfs, Fairies, Water Sprites, Elves, Etc. (1876) by Villamaria
Indirect Discourse In Anglo-Saxon (1895) by Gorrell, Joseph Hendren
Celtic Fables, Fairy Tales, And Legends: Chiefly From Ancient Welsh Originals (1862) by Williams, Jane
The Ingoldsby Country: Literary Landmarks Of The Ingoldsby Legends (1906) by Harper, Charles George
Fairyland: Tales And Legends Of Dwarfs, Fairies, Water Sprites, Elves, Etc. (1876) by Villamaria
Celtic Manuscript In Relation To The Macpherson Fraud: With A Review Of Professor Freeman's Criticism Of The Viking Age (1890) by Roger, James Cruikshank
Christ's Company And Other Poems (1861) by Dixon, Richard Watson
Confession Of An English Opium Eater: Also The Lives Of Shakespeare And Goethe (1888) by Quincey, Thomas de
Bernardino Telesio V2: Ossia Studi Storici Su L' Idea Della Natura (1874) by Fiorentino, Francesco
Celticism A Myth (1884) by Roger, James Cruikshank
Cenni Biografici Di G. La Masa (1882) by Ferlazzo, Giovanni
Cenni Sulla Vita E Sugli Scritti Della Principessa Maria Wyse-Solms-Bonaparte (1857) by Broglio, Vincenzo
Cenni Sull'Origine E Sui Progressi Dell' Arte Tipografica In Torino Dal 1474 Al 1861 (1861) by Marocco, Maurizio
Briefe An Dieterich, 1770-1798 (1898) by Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
Boyology: Or Boy Analysis (1922) by Gibson, Henry William
Cartas Criticas Para Servir De Suplemento Al Discurso Sobre La Pregunta Que Se Debe A La Espana? (1788) by Denina, Carlo
Briefe Goethe's Und Der Bedeutendsten Dichter Seiner Zeit An Herder (1858) by Duntzer, Heinrich, Herder, Ferdinand Gottfried Von, Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Friesche Rymlery Yn Twaa Dielen Bystaende (1755) by Althuysen, Jan
Centaurine: A Drama In Five Acts (1869) by Gerardy, D.
Brieven Van Ferdinand Cortes, Aan Keizer Karel V Gegens De Verovering Van Mexico (1780) by Cortez, Ferdinand
Cento Novelline Morali Pei Fanciulletti (1810) by Muzzi, Salvatore
C. Plini Caccili Secundi Epistularum: Libri Novem, Epistularum Ad Traianum Liber, Panegyricus (1868) by Pliny
Cento Osservazioni Al Dizionario Etimologico Delle Voci Dantesche (1830) by Viviani, Quirico
Ciceruacchio E Don Pirlone: Ricordi Storici Della Rivoluzione Romana Dal 1846 Al 1849, Con Documenti Nuovi (1894) by Giovagnoli, Raffaele
Cento Sonetti E Cento Brindisi Di Minto: Del Picciol Ren (1733) by Monte, Giovanni Battista Da
Cento Sonetti In Vernacolo Romanesco (1877) by Marini, Augusto
Khovanchtchina, The Khovanskys: A National Music Drama, In Five Acts (1913) by Moussorgsky, M.
Centon Epistolario Del Bachiller Fernan Gomez De Cibdareal: Y Generaciones Y Semblanzas Del Noble Caballero Fernan Perez De Guzman (1790) by Figueroa, Juan Antonio De Vera y.
Confession Of An English Opium Eater: Also The Lives Of Shakespeare And Goethe (1888) by Quincey, Thomas de
Gems Of German Verse (1860) by Furness, William Henry
King Of The Air And Other Poems (1919) by Forman, Elizabeth Chandlee
Collected Papers, Original And Reprinted: In Prose And Verse, 1842-1862 (1862) by Grote, Harriet
Bibliografia Romana V1: Notizie Della Vita E Delle Opere (1880) by Amati, Girolamo
Collected Poems, 1901-1918 (1920) by De La Mare, Walter
Bibliografia Storica Delle Citta, E Luoghi Dello Stato Pontificio (1792) by Ranghiasci, Luigi
Biblioteca Degli Autori Antichi Greci, E Latini Volgarizzati V1: A-D (1766) by Paitoni, Jacopo Maria
Biblioteca Ecclesiastica E Di Varia Letteratura Antica E Moderna V1 (1790) by Anonymous
C. Julii Caesaris Et A. Hirtii De Rebus A C. Julio Caesare Gestis Commentarii Cum C. Jul. Caesaris Fragmentis (1755) by Hirtius, Aulus, Mattaire, Michael, Caesar, Julius
Biblioteca Manoscritta (1771) by Farsetti, Tommaso Giuseppe
Biblioteca Storica Topografica Delle Calabrie (1846) by Falcone, Niccola
Ceres And Persephone, A Child Play: With The Hymn To Demeter (1902) by Menefee, Maud
Bygone Northamptonshire (1891) by
Collezione Di Carte Pubbliche, Proclami V3: Editti, Ragionamenti Ed Altre Produzioni Tendenti A Consolidare La Rigenerata Repubblica Romana (1798) by Repubblica Romana
C. Crispi Sallustii Opera Omnia Quae Exstant (1690) by Sallust
Bibliotheque Impartiale, Pour Les Mois De Janvier Et Fevrier, 1750 (1769) by Formey, Jean Henri S.
Lagune, Monti E Caverne: Ricordi Dei Miei Viaggi (1880) by De Luna, Aurelia Cimino Folliero
C. Julii Caesaris Commentariorum De Bello Civili, Libri Tres V2 (1755) by Hirtius, Aulus, Caesar, Julius
C. Julii Caearis Commentariorum De Bello Civili, Book 3, V2 (1755) by Caesar, Julius
Chamber Dramas For Children (1870) by Mac Donald, Louisa
C. Plini Caccili Secundi Epistularum: Libri Novem, Epistularum Ad Traianum Liber, Panegyricus (1868) by Pliny
Coluthi Raptus Helenae (1825) by Colluthus
L' Aritmetica In Pratica (1759) by Ferraguti, Francesco
Hegel: As The National Philosopher Of Germany (1874) by Rosenkranz, Karl
Elogj Di Galileo Galilei E Di Bonaventura Cavalieri (1778) by Frisi, Paolo
Ciceros Brutus De Claribus Oratoribus (1856) by Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, A Romaunt: And Other Poems (1815) by Gordon, George
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage: A Romaunt (1837) by Gordon, George
G. Julius Caesar's Commentaries Of His Wars In Gaul, And Civil War With Pompey (1706) by Caesar, Julius
Select Tales From The Gesta Romanorum (1845) by G B
Legendes Coptes (1907) by Giron, Noel
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