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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2009

Commentaries On The Historical Plays Of Shakespeare V2 (1840) by Courtenay, Thomas Peregrine
Cielo E Terra: Cantica Nei Solenni Funerali Del Re Carlo Alberto (1849) by Romani, Felice
Fabliaux Et Contes Des Poetes Francois Des Douzieme A De Quinziemes Siecles V2 (1756) by Barbazan, Etienne
Commentarii Critici: Ad Thucydidem Pertinentes (1888) by Hude, Karl
Children Of Fantasy (1899) by Tackenberg, Charles William
Creation Dawn, A Vision Drama: Evening Talks And Meditations (1913) by Kanno, Takeshi
Cavalry On Service: Illustrated By The Advance Of The German Cavalry Across The Mosel In 1870 (1906) by Pelet-Narbonne, Gerhard Von
Clouds And Sunshine: And Art, A Dramatic Tale (1855) by Reade, Charles
Gwerziou Gant Abherve Ha Taldir (1899) by Vallee, Francois, Jaffrennou, Fanch
Chapters On The Metric Of The Chaucerian Tradition (1910) by Licklider, Albert Harp
Laoidhean Shioin (1870) by Farcharson, Gilleasbuig
Ino E Temisto: Tragedia (1825) by Niccolini, Giovanni Battista
Considerazioni Filosofiche Sull' Odierna Riforma Dell' Insegnamento Publico Della Pittura E Dell Scultura (1856) by Soster, Bartolommeo
Laokoon: Lessing, Herder, Goethe (1910) by
Gli Asolani (1808) by Bembo, Pietro
Sul Problema Dei Circoli Tangenti A Tre Circoli Dati (1872) by Marsano, Giovanni Battista
Gli Atti E Monumenti De' Fratelli Arvali, Part 1: Scolpiti Gia' In Tavole Di Marmo Ed Ora Raccolti Diciferati E Comentati (1795) by Arvales, Fratres
Considerazioni Sulla Quistione Romana, Ossia, Risposta Alle Obbiezioni Antiche E Recenti Contro Il Governo Pontificio (1860) by Sale, Antoino Brignole
Gli Elementi Di Euclide A Migliore, E Piu Chiara Maniera Ridotti, Arricchiti Per La Maggior Parte Di Nuove Dimostrazioni, Premessi Gli Elementi Dell' by Euclid
Lapo Gianni (1885) by Lamma, Ernesto
Consigli Ai Giovani (1869) by Tommaseo, Niccolo
Helene: And Other War Verses (1920) by Pell, Stephen
Gli Idolatri (1892) by D'Annunzio, Gabriele
Gli Italiani Nella Guerra D'Ungheria, 1848-1849: Storia E Documenti (1887) by Bettoni-Cazzago, Francesco
Gli Slavi Meridionali: Bosnia, Erzegovina, Croazia, Slavonia, Confini Militari (1875) by Perrot, Georgio
Gli Straccioni, Commedia; La Ficheide, Comento; La Nasea E La Statua Della Foia (1863) by Caro, Annibal
Dialogo Critico-Letterario (1829) by Monti, Vincenzo
Codice Diplomatico Colombo-American (1823) by Columbus, Christopher
Codice Diplomatico Padovano: Dal Secolo Sesto A Tutto L'Undecimo (1877) by Gloria, Andrea
Codice Diplomatico Toscano, Part 2, V1 (1833) by
Codice Per La Veneta Mercantile Marina: Approvato Dal Decreto Dell' Eccellentissimo Senato (1786) by Venice
Codicis Ambrosiani 222: Scholia In Theocritum (1867) by Ziegler, Christopher
Felice Orsini: Notizie Storiche (1881) by Venosta, Felice
Hegel: As The National Philosopher Of Germany (1874) by Rosenkranz, Karl
Feminine Influence On The Poets (1911) by Thomas, Edward
Codicis Ciceroniani: Bibliothecae Laurentianae Ab Hieronymo Lagomarsinio N. 32 Designati (1884) by Vassis, Sp
Heinrich Heines: Familienleben (1892) by Embden, Ludwig Von
Coelestes Et Inferi (1771) by Calvert, Frederick
Jezebel: A Drama (1904) by Barnard, Percy Mordaunt
Constance: A Lay Of The Olden Time (1874) by Maple Leaf
Constantia, A Tragedy, In Five Acts: And Valville Or The Prejudices Of Past Times, A Drama, In Five Acts (1824) by Taggart, Ann M.
Chinese Turkestan: With Caravan And Rifle (1901) by Church, Percy William Palmer
Heinrich Ruckerts Kleinere Schriften (1877) by
Heinrich Ruckerts Kleinere Schriften (1877) by
Humoradas (1886) by De Campoamor, Ramon
L'Art De Faire Des Garcons (1760) by Coltelli, Michel
Compendio Della Storia Della Bella Letteratura V3, Part 3: Greca, Latina E Italian (1817) by Cardella, Giuseppe M.
Fo-Ka, Parts 1 and 2: Ou Les Metamorphoses, Conte Chinois (1777) by Baret, Paul
Commentarius Perpetuus In M. Accii Plauti Quae Supersunt Comoedias (1804) by Schmieder, Benjamin Friedrich
Notae In Terentium (1750) by Gronovii, Joannis Frederici
Glimpses Of The French Revolution: Myths, Ideals, And Realities (1894) by Alger, John Goldworth
Lays Of Christmas: An Offering For The Christmas Season (1847) by Murray, Thomas Boyles
Compendio Delle Vite Depittori: Scultori E D'Altri Artefici Le Di Cui Famose Opere Formano Las Prescrita Celebre Galleria (1767) by Fanti, Vincenzo
Forestiero Illuminato Intorno Le Cose Piu' Rare, E Curiose Antiche, E Moderne, Della Citta' Di Venezia, E Dell' Isole Circonvicine (1772) by Albrizzi, Giovanni Battista
Lays Of Leisure Hours V1 (1838) by Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte E. Stuart
Charles Dickens's Stories From The Christmas Numbers Of Household Words And All The Year Round, 1852-1867 (1896) by Dickens, Charles
Lays Of Many Hours (1847) by Maylin, Anne Walter
Luciani Samosatensis Colloquia Selecta (1732) by Lucianus
Helpful Hints In English, A Companion Volume To Better Say: A Book Of Helpful Suggestions For The Correct Use Of English Words And Phrases (1911) by
Grammatica Della Lingua Olandese (1897) by Morgana, Mario
Grammatica Storica Della Lingua Italiana, Parte 1: Morfologia (1872) by Fornaciari, Raffaello
Die Kunst, Sich Eine Bibliothek Zu Sammlen Und Zu Ordnen (1798) by Rothe, Immanuel Vertraugott
Lays Of The Lakes, And Other Poems Of Description And Reflection (1850) by Ponsonby, Catherine
Collections From The Greek Anthology: And From The Pastoral, Elegiac, And Dramatic Poets Of Greece (1813) by Bland, Robert
Gems From The Victorian Anthology (1904) by
Chrestomathia Petronio-Burmanniana (1734) by Hemsterhuis, Tiberius, Burman, Pieter, Verburg, Isaac
Gems Of Beauty, Or Literary Gift For 1853 (1853) by
King Edward III: An Historical Drama In Five Acts (1814) by A. I. Valpy
Lays Of Leisure Hours V1 (1838) by Wortley, Emmeline Charlotte E. Stuart
Grettis Saga (1859) by Thordarson, G., Magnusson, Gisli
Luciani Samosatensis Colloquia Selecta (1732) by Lucianus
King Estmere: Old English Ballad, For Chorus And Orchestra (1906) by Holst, Gustav
Charlotte Bronte, The Woman: A Study (1916) by Goldring, Maude
Contes A Ma Fille V1-2 (1835) by Bouilly, Jean Nicolas
King Rene's Daughter: A Danish Lyrical Drama (1850) by Hertz, Henrik
Jo. Brunatii Chartarum Coenobii S. Justinae Explicatio (1763) by Brunacci, Giovanni
Hendrik En Anna: Een Volksboek (1792) by Algemeen, Tot Nut Van 't
Charles Dickens's Stories From The Christmas Numbers Of Household Words And All The Year Round, 1852-1867 (1896) by Dickens, Charles
Conciliazione: Studi Sul Digesto (1891) by Carnazza, Gabriello
Chapters On The Metric Of The Chaucerian Tradition (1910) by Licklider, Albert Harp
Die Allerneueste Art, Zur Reinen Und Galanten Poesie Zu Gelangen (1707) by Menantes, Neumeister, Erdmann
Contes Moraux V3 (1775) by Marmontel, Jean Francois
Conduct And The Supernatural: Being The Norrisian Prize Essay For The Year 1913 (1915) by Thornton, Lionel Spencer
Dissertazioni Istoriche, Scientifiche, Erudite V1: Recitate Da Diversi Autori In Brescia Nell' Adunanza Letteraria (1765) by Mazzuchelli, Giammaria
Colonization Of South Australia (1835) by Torrens, Robert
Dmitri: A Dramatic Sketch From Russian History (1876) by Alexander, George Gardiner
Charters Of The Old English Colonies In America: With An Introduction And Notes (1850) by Lucas, Samuel
Klopstock and His Friends: A Series of Familiar Letters, Written Between the Years 1750 and 1803 (1814) by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
Grettis Saga (1859) by Thordarson, G., Magnusson, Gisli
Christabel And Other Poems (1905) by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Elogi E Discorsi Accademici (1840) by Strocchi, Dionigi
Know Thyself In Greek And Latin Literature (1917) by Wilkins, Eliza Gregory
Conforti All' Italia, Ovvero, Preparamenti All'Insurrezione (1846) by Ricciardi, Giuseppe
Chef-D'Oeuvre De Piron (1788) by Piron, Alexis
Elogj Accademici Della Societa Degli Spensierati Di Rossano, Part 2 (1703) by Gimma, Giacinto
Chef-D'Oeuvres De P. Corneille (1785) by Corneille, Pierre
Elogj Di Galileo Galilei E Di Bonaventura Cavalieri (1778) by Frisi, Paolo
La Vraye Histoire Comique De Francion V1 (1721) by De Moulinet, Nicolas
Emendationes Aeschyleae (1878) by Herwerden, Henricus Van
Grammatica Storica Della Lingua Italiana, Parte 1: Morfologia (1872) by Fornaciari, Raffaello
Guicciardini E Le Sue Opere Inedite (1880) by Gioda, Carlo
Indice De' Libri A Stampa Citati Per Testi Di Lingua Nel Vocabolario De' Signori Accademici Della Crusca, Con Una Lettera Preliminare Ed Alcune Osserv by Bravetti, Jacopo
Guida Allo Studio Della Geografia Militare (1898) by Porro, Carlo
Guida De' Forestieri (1697) by Sarnelli, Pompeo
Cosmic Vision (1922) by Cobden-Sanderson, Thomas James
Anacreontis Carminum Reliquias (1834) by Anacreon
Ladislao: Fisedia (1796) by Pepoli, Alessandro
Johan Bale's Comedy Concerning Three Laws (1882) by Bale, John
Comentari Di Roma, Part 2: E Serie Degl' Imperatori Sino A Leopoldo Ignatio (1668) by Loschi, Alfonso
English Ancestral Homes Of Noted Americans (1915) by Wharton, Anne Hollingsworth
An Introduction to Narratology by Fludernik, Monika
Churchyard Literature: A Choice Collection Of American Epitaphs, With Remarks On Monumental Inscriptions And The Obsequies Of Various Nations (1876) by Kippax, John Robert
Agincourt: A Contribution Towards An Authentic List Of The Commanders Of The English Host In King Henry IV's Expedition To France (1850) by Hunter, Joseph
Chinese Literature: Comprising The Analects Of Confucius, The Shi-King, The Sayings Of Mencius, The Sorrows Of Han, And The Travels Of Fa-Hien (1900) by Wilson, Epiphanius
Guido D' Arezzo: Monaco Ed Eremita Camaldolese, Ristoratore Dell' Arte Musicale (1882) by Camaldolese
The Historical Imagination of G.K. Chesterton: Locality, Patriotism, and Nationalism by McCleary, Joseph R.
The Postmodern Humanism of Philip K. Dick by Vest, Jason P.
Wallace Stegner and the American West by Fradkin, Philip L.
Shakespeare and the Culture of Paradox by Platt, Peter G.
Writing and Law in Late Imperial China: Crime, Conflict, and Judgment by Carlitz, Katherine N., Hegel, Robert E.
Fanny's First Play by Shaw, George Bernard
Reading Eighteenth-Century Poetry by Spacks, Patricia Meyer
Printesa Transilvaniei: Minunile de Craciun by Jilinschi, Iulia
Abstractions of Evidence in the Study of Manuscripts and Early Printed Books by Dane, Joseph a.
Philomela: Metamorphosen Eines Mythos in Der Deutschen Und Französischen Literatur Des Mittelalters by Behmenburg, Lena
Le Complexe d'Hermès: Regards Philosophiques Sur La Traduction by Le Blanc, Charles
Handbuch der Sentenzen und Sprichwörter im höfischen Roman des 12. und 13. Jahrhunderts, Band 2, Artusromane nach 1230, Gralromane, Tristanromane by
Reading Literature After Deconstruction by Lumsden, Robert
Der weibliche Vampir in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts by Küllmer, Carolin Miriam
Die "Demaskierung des Bewusstseins" in der Komödie "Zur schönen Aussicht" und im Volksstück "Italienische Nacht" by Zuschnegg, Theresa
Die Herstellung von Gruppen im Gespraech - analysiert am Beispiel des argentinischen Einwanderungsdiskurses by Kesselheim, Wolfgang
Coolness in Raymond Chandler's "The Big Sleep" by Brehme, Susanne
Briefroman und Emanzipation: Zur Kritik an der 'condition féminine' im 18. Jahrhundert: Betrachtung von Françoise de Grafignys 'Lettres d'une Péruv by Gonsior, Jeanette
Darstellung der Geschlechterrollen im französischen Roman des 18. Jahrhundert am Beispiel von Choderlos de Laclos' "Les Liaisons Dangereuses" by Scheipers, Tilman
Cambridge Studies in Anglo-Saxon England 34 Volume Paperback Set by
Alienation and Alterity: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary Francophone Contexts by
Sir Francis Drake: The Construction of a Hero by Wathen, Bruce
El Discurso Colonial En Textos Novohispanos: Espacio, Cuerpo Y Poder by Rivera-Ayala, Sergio
Speichermedien in den Etappen der Medienevolution by Busch, Stefanie
American Culture in the 1970s by Kaufman, Will
American Culture in the 1970s by Kaufman, Will
Mechanism and the Novel: Science in the Narrative Process by Turner, Martha A.
Entwicklung der Titelfiguren aus Lessings Stücken "Miß Sara Sampson", "Philotas", "Minna von Barnhelm" und "Emilia Galotti" bezüglich ihrer Handlungsa by Keil, Natascha
Die Medialisierung der Geschichte by Zapf, Jessica
The state of the writer in Iris Murdoch's "The Black Prince" by Schmidt, Theresa
Der doppelte Kursus in Hartmanns "Erec" und Chrétiens "Erec und Enide" by Schulz, Katja
Fußballmythen in Medien und Literatur am Beispiel von Borussia Mönchengladbach by Lemke, Frank
Agneta Horns leverne: Eine apologetische Autobiographie? by Inderwies, Stefan
Das Tagelied bei Wolfram von Eschenbach und dem Marner by Camen, Jenny
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
Simply Lyne by Harris-Westbrook, Lyne A.
Women Poets of the Italian Renaissance: Courtly Ladies & Courtesans by
Women Poets of the Italian Renaissance: Courtly Ladies & Courtesans by
Zwischen Einfall und Zufall - Friedrich Dürrenmatts Komödientheorie und deren Auswirkungen auf "Die Physiker" by Grubitzch, Julia
Cross-Rhythms: Jazz Aesthetics in African-American Literature by Omry, Keren
Emissaries in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Mediation, Transmission, Traffic, 1550-1700 by Shahani, Gitanjali
Ben Jonson and the Politics of Genre by
What a Kenyan Felt by Mugun, Joyce
The Complete Euripides: Volume IV: Bacchae and Other Plays by Euripides
Zu den orthographischen Prinzipien des Deutschen: Theorie und Praxis by Müller, Stefanie
Veneration and Revolt: Hermann Hesse and Swabian Pietism by Stephenson, Barry
The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher: A Shocking Murder and the Undoing of a Great Victorian Detective by Summerscale, Kate
Northern Lights; Translation in the Nordic Countries by
Marcel Proust: A Life by White, Edmund
The Selected Poems of Korean Minstrel Kim Sat Gat by Chung, Yong Hee
Neusachliche Motive in Erich Kästners "Fabian" by Schmidt, Joachim
Perspektivität in der Sprache: Mehrfachadressierungen in Grundschulzeugnissen: eine Möglichkeit des polyperspektivischen Sprachhandelns? by Steinbach, Nike-Marie
Erec und Enites 'minne' auf dem Weg zur Herrschaftsübernahme by Steinbach, Nike-Marie
Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Julie ou La Nouvelle Héloïse - Choderlos de Laclos: Les Liaisons dangereuses: Ein Vergleich by Steinbach, Nike-Marie
Die Wendlafigur in Frank Wedekinds Kindertragödie "Frühlings Erwachen": Über die Problematik ihrer kindlichen Sexualität by Drechsel, Manuela
Die Allegorie als hermeneutisches Mittel am Beispiel der Minnegrotte im 'Tristan' Gottfrieds von Straßburg by Busch, Stefanie
Popular Shakespeare: Simulation and Subversion on the Modern Stage by Purcell, S.
Representing Bushmen: South Africa and the Origin of Language by Moran, Shane
The Artistry of Shakespeare's Prose by Vickers, Brian
The Sources of Shakespeare's Plays by Muir, Kenneth
Aspects of Robertson Davies' Novels by Lams, Victor J.
Victorian Literature and Postcolonial Studies by Brantlinger, Patrick
Victorian Literature and Postcolonial Studies by Brantlinger, Patrick
Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Postcolonial Studies by Kaul, Suvir
Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Postcolonial Studies by Kaul, Suvir
The Nasiketa Story by Nevo, Amos
The Nasiketa Story by Nevo, Amos
Judith Butler: Diskussion der Konstruktion von Sprache und ihrer Rolle by Küllmer, Carolin Miriam
On The Far Bank Of The River: 'Der Unsympath' in der Verarbeitung von Heimat, Geschichte und Ästhetik in ausgewählten Romanen Caryl Phillips by Wegner, Markus
The Body Adorned: Dissolving Boundaries Between Sacred and Profane in India's Art by Dehejia, Vidya
"You Must Be The Prince" - Traditional Fairy Tale Motifs in A.S. Byatt's "The Djinn in the Nightingale's Eye" by Unzicker, Florian
Zwischen Wissenschaft und autobiographischem Projekt: Saul Friedländer und Ruth Klüger by Machtans, Karolin
Behauptete Subjektivität: Eine Skizze Zur Deutschsprachigen Jüdischen Autobiographie Im 20. Jahrhundert by Malo, Markus
Strategies of Poetic Narrative: Chaucer, Spenser, Milton, Eliot by Kinney, Clare Regan
Reading Sexualities: Hermeneutic Theory and the Future of Queer Studies by Hall, Donald E.
The Poems of William Wordsworth: Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth, III by Wordsworth, William
The Poems of William Wordsworth: Collected Reading Texts from the Cornell Wordsworth, II by Wordsworth, William
Chocolate and Other Writings on Male Homoeroticism by Sharma, Pandey Bechan
Whiteness in the Novels of Charles W. Chesnutt by Wilson, Matthew
Ideologische Strategien bei Karl Marx by Rauland, Julia
Irish Theater in America: Essays on Irish Theatrical Diaspora by
English Printing, Verse Translation, and the Battle of the Sexes, 1476-1557 by Coldiron, Anne E. B.
J.G. Ballard's Surrealist Imagination: Spectacular Authorship by Baxter, Jeannette
Iago´s Iniquitous Cajolery of the Suspicious Othello: An Investigation of Jealousy and Revenge in William Shakespeare´s 'Othello' within the Context o by Baum, Oliver
Voltaire - Candide ou l'Optimisme - Eine Kritik am Optimismus by Freitag, Kristin
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