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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

The Winter's Tale: Critical Essays by
Modernism, Gender, and Culture: A Cultural Studies Approach by
Victorian Urban Settings: Essays on the Nineteenth-Century City and Its Contexts by
Islam and its Reflection in Contemporary British Literature. A Course Book by Dickert, Matthias
Stigma and the Shaping of the Pornography Industry by Voss, Georgina
How to Live Forever: Science Fiction and Philosophy by Clark, Stephen R. L.
Women Writers of Yiddish Literature: Critical Essays by
Zwischen Pflicht und Lust. Die erste erotische Szene Wolframs "Willehalm" in Text und Bild by Danilets, Daniil
The Life of John Milton - Volume III by Masson, David
The Life of John Milton - Volume V by Masson, David
The Three Devils by Masson, David
Crooked Tales: The Short Stories by Thorpe, Jennifer L.
Indisciplinas críticas. La estrategia poscrítica en Margarita Mateo Palmer y Julio Ramos by Pérez-Hernández, Reinier
Pingtung Boy Tom 1: Winter frogs by Pao, Wu Jui
English Fiction in Pakistan. Focus on Qaisra Shahraz by Majeed, Huda
Haunted Beauty: Aesthetics and Mindfulness in the Traditional Ghost Story by Weldon, Tim
Crossed Paths: Desperation Squad and the Age of Fortuitism by Ausmus, Kevin
Reasons Why I Bled, Bored, and Wrote Myself to Death by Edge, Zero
The Tragedy of Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, William
Life on the Mississippi by Twain, Mark
Emily Pfeiffer: Poet, Feminist, Iconoclast by Prudence Brand
The Child, the State and the Victorian Novel by Berry, Laura C.
Thomas Hardy and the Proper Study of Mankind by Gatrell, Simon
Vanishing Lives: Style and Self in Tennyson, D. G. Rossetti, Swinburne, and Yeats by Richardson, James
Tennyson's Fixations: Psychoanalysis and the Topics of the Early Poetry by Rowlinson, Matthew
Paradise Dislocated: Morris, Politics, Art by Skoblow, Jeffrey
Culture and Irony: Studies in Joseph Conrad's Major Novels by Winner, Anthony
The Feminine Political Novel in Victorian England by Harman, Barbara Leah
Francis Bacon: The Double-Edged Life of the Philosopher and Statesman by Ellis, Robert P.
Twisted Shapes of Light by Jolliff, William
Beitraege zu einer Galizienliteratur by Woldan, Alois
Double Diaspora in Sephardic Literature: Jewish Cultural Production Before and After 1492 by Wacks, David A.
Niederdeutsch im Niedergang. Ein Dialekt auf dem Totenbett? by Schwießelmann, Christian
Die Verkleidung der Tugend. Funktion der höfischen Kleider im "Fräulein von Sternheim" by Krebil, Angela
Paradoxa und Widersprüche in Kleists "Erdbeben in Chili" by Bruhn, Taylor
Alcohol in the Writings of Herman Melville: "The Ever-Devilish God of Grog" by Thompson, Corey Evan
The Apology of the Augsburg Confession by Melanchthon, Philipp
The Roaring Girl by Middleton, Thomas, Dekker, Thomas
The Annotated We: A New Translation of Evgeny Zamiatin's Novel by Wozniuk, Vladimir
The Tale of Genji: Translation, Canonization, and World Literature by Emmerich, Michael
Transnational Na(rra)tion: Home and Homeland in Nineteenth-Century American Literature by Dolis, John
The Problem with Pleasure: Modernism and Its Discontents by Frost, Laura
Performatively Speaking: Speech and Action in Antebellum American Literature by Rosenthal, Debra J.
Performatively Speaking: Speech and Action in Antebellum American Literature by Rosenthal, Debra J.
Understanding Hamlet: A Study Guide by Renwick, Robert James
Where I'm Reading from: The Changing World of Books by Parks, Tim
Literarische und philosophische Konzeptionen von Liebe und Geschlecht in Wielands Musarion "Nie scherzte die Vernunft aus einem schönern Mund" by Pauer, Antje
At Vanity Fair by Milne, Kirsty
Racial Ambiguity in Asian American Culture by Ho, Jennifer Ann
Henry Thoreau and John Muir Among the Native Americans by Fleck, Richard F.
Racial Ambiguity in Asian American Culture by Ho, Jennifer Ann
Entertaining Violence. Distancing the Audience from the Violent Content in Garth Ennis' and Steve Dillon's "Preacher Book One" by Frintrop, Kim
Edgar Rice Burroughs: The Master of Pulp Storytelling by Madison, Charles A.
Ogazi Amaka by Amakeze, Ositadimma
So We Read on: How the Great Gatsby Came to Be and Why It Endures by Corrigan, Maureen
Consolation in Medieval Narrative: Augustinian Authority and Open Form by Schrock, C.
Consolation in Medieval Narrative: Augustinian Authority and Open Form by Schrock, C.
Mark Twain in China by Lai-Henderson, Selina
Reflections on the New River: New Essays, Poems and Personal Stories by
Strukturalistische Erzähltextanalyse der kinderliterarischen Bilderzählung "Das Traumfresserchen" by Jahnke, Luisa
Die Weimarer Republik. Entwicklung, Goldene Zwanziger, Aufbau, Literatur und Untergang by Zachopoulos, Jasmin
Samuel Becket's "Waiting for Godot" and the Theater of the Absurd: "Nothing is certain" - What makes Samuel Beckett's absurdist play to one of the mos by Speri, Stefanie
Amphitryon by Moliere
How to Listen to Music by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Horrors of War: The Undead on the Battlefield by
Latin American Women and the Literature of Madness: Narratives at the Crossroads of Gender, Politics and the Mind by Sánchez-Blake, Elvira, Kanost, Laura
The Severed Head and the Grafted Tongue by Palmer, Patricia
Tragic Pathos by Munteanu, Dana Lacourse
The Star Trek Universe: Franchising the Final Frontier by
The Cambridge Old English Reader by Marsden, Richard
The Iliad: A New Translation by Peter Green by Homer
Chaucer, Gower, and the Vernacular Rising: Poetry and the Problem of the Populace After 1381 by Arner, Lynn
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Modality in the Turkic Languages: Form and Meaning from a Historical and Comparative Perspective by Rentzsch, Julian
Science and Pseudoscience in Social Work Practice by Pignotti, Monica G., Thyer, Bruce A.
The Sacred Dance of the Irish Circus: Ural Ireland and Traveling Shows and Showpeople, 1922 -1972 by O'Haodha, Michael
Shakespeare and Music by Wilson, Christopher
Envisioning Social Justice in Contemporary German Culture by
German Women's Writing in the Twenty-First Century by
Joyce and Militarism by Winston, Greg
Reading the Modernist Bildungsroman by Castle, Gregory
Survivors and Exiles: Yiddish Culture After the Holocaust by Schwarz, Jan
The Ways of the World: European representations of other cultures: from Homer to Sade by Mason, Peter
The Voice and Spiritual Education by Corson, Hiram
The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Volume II by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek: The Original Cast Adventures by
El cuento fantástico en el Río de la Plata: Sección: Ensayos, análisis y críticas literarias by Lopez, Brayan Andres, Chelle, Fernando Andres
Author and Printer in Victorian England by Dooley, Allan C.
The Vulgarization of Art: The Victorians and Aesthetic Democracy by Dowling, Linda
Victorian Publishing and Mrs. Gaskell's Work by Lund, Michael, Hughes, Linda K.
Matthew Arnold and the Betrayal of Language by Riede, David G.
Modernism and Affect by
The Decadent Image: The Poetry of Wilde, Symons and Dowson by Boyiopoulos, Kostas
The Poetical Works of George MacDonald Volume 2 by MacDonald, George
The Ethics and Aesthetics of Vulnerability in Contemporary British Fiction by Ganteau, Jean-Michel
Culture and Cosmos Vol 17 Number 2 by
Darstellung des Forschungsstandes und die Diskussion um den Begriff Intertextualität by Tausch, Peter
Usines En Textes, Ecritures Au Travail: Temoigner Du Travail Au Tournant Du Xxie Siecle by Grenouillet, Corinne
The Bigamy Plot by McAleavey, Maia
Kingdom of Chaos Vol 2: Simplified Chinese Edition by Lu, Kenneth
Transformations of Knowledge in Dutch Expansion by
The Cambridge Companion to American Gay and Lesbian Literature by
The Dynamics of Inheritance on the Shakespearean Stage by Dowd, Michelle M.
The Cambridge Companion to the Body in Literature by
A History of California Literature by
Virginia Woolf: A Portrait by Forrester, Viviane
Form und Formauflösung der Tragödie by Ghyselinck, Zoe
The Picaresque Novel in Western Literature by
Prose of the World: Modernism and the Banality of Empire by Majumdar, Saikat
Shelf: From LEQ to LES: Adventures in Extreme Reading by Rose, Phyllis
The Homoerotics of Orientalism by Boone, Joseph
A Midsummer Night's Dream by
A History of Virginia Literature by
Religion Im Schwedischen Kriminalroman: Die Schwedenkrimis Von Larsson, Mankell Und Nesser by Schroter, Jeanette
Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies by Alfano, Veronica, Stauffer, Andrew
Postcolonial Comics: Texts, Events, Identities by
Twenty-First Century Perspectives on Indigenous Studies: Native North America in (Trans)Motion by
Joycean Legacies by Carpentier, Martha C.
Virtual Victorians: Networks, Connections, Technologies by Alfano, Veronica, Stauffer, Andrew
Creative Cognition and the Cultural Panorama of Twentieth-Century Spain by Gala, C.
Ethiopian Poems by Teklu, Yosef Teshome
Lügen, falsch Implizieren und vorgetäuschte Sprechakte by Lippold, Eva
Die literaturgeschichtliche Bedeutung des skandinavischen Nobelpreisträgers Knut Hamsun. Analyse und Bewertung seines Werkes "Segen der Erde" by Brendelmann, Julia
(An)Schreiben gegen das Vergessen. Literarische Geschichtsschreibung und ihr Beitrag zur Geschichtserinnerung am Beispiel von Uwe Timms "Morenga" by Hahnfeld, Andrea
The Subject of Holocaust Fiction by Budick, Emily Miller
The Subject of Holocaust Fiction by Budick, Emily Miller
Vexed by Poreba, Elizabeth
Thomas Carlyle by Nichol, John
Russian Silver Age Poetry: Texts and Contexts by
Russian Silver Age Poetry: Texts and Contexts by
Runic and Heroic Poems of the Old Teutonic Peoples by
The Complete English Poems of John Skelton: Revised Edition by
Colonial India in Children's Literature by Goswami, Supriya
Contemporary Dystopian Fiction for Young Adults: Brave New Teenagers by
At the Limits of Memory: Legacies of Slavery in the Francophone World by
The Vienna Circle: Studies in the Origins, Development, and Influence of Logical Empiricism by Stadler, Friedrich
Magical Realism and the History of the Emotions in Latin America by Arellano, Jerónimo
The Complete English Poems of John Skelton: Revised Edition by
Berto Breĥto kaj la komunismo: Pensado pri Breĥto en la epoko de tutmondiĝinta kapitalismo - Dek tri kontribuaĵoj el la Kongreso " by Diversaj, Diversaj
Classic Horror Films and the Literature That Inspired Them by Backer, Ron
Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience by Altieri, Charles
Sentimental Literature and Anglo-Scottish Identity, 1745-1820 by Shields, Juliet
George Eliot in Context by
Greek Literature for the Modern Reader by Baldry, H. C.
Principles and Method in the Study of English Literature by MacPherson, William
A Primer of English Literature by Young, W. T.
Life and Literature in the Roman Republic by Frank, Tenney
The Literature of the French Renaissance by Tilley, Arthur
The Literature of the French Renaissance by Tilley, Arthur
French Introspectives by Mansell Jones, P.
Pliny the Younger: A Life in Roman Letters by Winsbury, Rex
Emily Bronte and the Religious Imagination by Marsden, Simon
Michel Houellebecq and the Literature of Despair by Sweeney, Carole
Dysfluencies: On Speech Disorders in Modern Literature by Eagle, Chris
Mindful Aesthetics: Literature and the Science of Mind by
Aesthetic Sexuality: A Literary History of Sadomasochism by Byrne, Romana
Why?... How Long?: Studies on Voice(s) of Lamentation Rooted in Biblical Hebrew Poetry by
The Poetry of Victorian Scientists by Brown, Daniel
Theology and Literature After Postmodernity by
Reckoning with the Imagination: Wittgenstein and the Aesthetics of Literary Experience by Altieri, Charles
Pagan Magic of the Northern Tradition: Customs, Rites, and Ceremonies by Pennick, Nigel
Ornament of Honour by Altounyan, E. H. R.
Suggestions by Kellett, E. E.
Sir David Lyndsay by Murison, W.
The Poet's Defence by Bronowski, J.
The Life and Poems of William Cartwright by
Postwar British Fiction by
The Ballads of Marko Kraljevic by
Five Short Stories by Balzac
English Blake by Blackstone, Bernard
Unbuttoning America: A Biography of Peyton Place by Cameron, Ardis
Reconsidering Gender, Time and Memory in Medieval Culture by
Brothers and Sisters in Medieval European Literature by Larrington, Carolyne
Death of a Holy Land: Reflections in Contemporary Israeli Fiction by Levinson, Rose L.
Reading William Blake by Makdisi, Saree
Critical Perspectives on Indo-Caribbean Women's Literature by
Language, Ideology and Identity in Serial Killer Narratives by Gregoriou, Christiana
The Real Negro: The Question of Authenticity in Twentieth-Century African American Literature by Eversley, Shelly
Corpus Stylistics and Dickens's Fiction by Mahlberg, Michaela
Conversations with W. S. Merwin by
The Reception of P. B. Shelley in Europe by
The Reception of S. T. Coleridge in Europe by
Southern Mention by Lo, Trete, Connection, Underground South
Ruben Dario y la Critica. Tomo III: : Homenaje en el Centenario de su Muerte 1916-2016 by Rivera-Montealegre, Flavio
Construindo os Sentidos do Texto Poético by E. Silva, Saulo Cesar Paulino
Courting Power: Persuasion and Politics in the Early Thirteenth Century by Shepard, Laurie
The Classical Tradition: Greek and Roman Influences on Western Literature by Highet, Gilbert
Stampa e regimi: Studi su "Legioni e Falangi/Legiones y Falanges", una "Rivista d'Italia e di Spagna" by
Un'autobiografia lirica: I Canti di Giacomo Leopardi by Capizzi, Fanny
The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe by
Steve Tomasula: The Art and Science of New Media Fiction by
The History of British Literature on Film, 1895-2015 by Hasenfratz, Bob, Semenza, Greg M. Colón
Lesen Und Gefangen-Sein: Gefängnisbibliotheken in Der Schweiz by Sutter, Thomas
American Political Fictions: War on Errorism in Contemporary American Literature, Culture, and Politics by Swirski, Peter
Making Sense: Beauty, Creativity, and Healing by
'Free Verse' as Formal Restraint by Crozier, Andrew
Justice as Attunement: Transforming Constitutions in Law, Literature, Economics and the Rest of Life by Dawson, Richard
Darstellung und Analyse der Rolle der Frau in Molières "L'école des femmes" by Hübner, Laura
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 1: Anthropology, Fairy Tale, Folklore, the Origins of Religion, Psychic by Lang, Andrew
The Edinburgh Critical Edition of the Selected Writings of Andrew Lang, Volume 2: Literary Criticism, History, Biography by Lang, Andrew
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