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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

Crónicas Universitarias by Alba Dorada
Literarische Stolpersteine. Versprecheranalyse bei Zungenbrechern by Federhen, Katja
Jesus and Mary Reimagined in Early Christian Literature by
Jesus and Mary Reimagined in Early Christian Literature by
Diary of a Critic - Part 1 by Chauhan, Dr Karan Singh
Early Britain, Anglo-Saxon Britain by Allen, Grant
Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor (Großdruck) by Shakespeare, William
Tristan. Liebendes Opfer und betrügender Held by Sergeeva, Ava
Come to Me by Vērdiņs, Kārlis
Suicide and Contemporary Science Fiction by Gutierrez-Jones, Carlos
Kartographie des Selbst. "Reisen" als Metapher bei Hugo Loetscher: Am Beispiel von "Wunderwelt: Eine brasilianische Begegnung" by Parimal, Shiwanee
Die Inszenierung des Waldes in Ronja Räubertochter by Frenken, Clarissa
Brill's Companion to Statius by
Momentum and the East Timor Independence Movement: The Origins of America's Debate on East Timor by Gunderson, Shane
Owen Wister and the West: Volume 30 by Scharnhorst, Gary
Kate O'Brien and the Basques/La Escritora Kate O'Brien Y Euskadi by Mentxaka, Aintzane L.
Westliches und islamisches Frauenbild in Elisabeth Gaskells "North and South" (1854), David Lodges "Nice Work" (1988) und Monica Alis "Brick Lane" (20 by Dickert, Matthias
Wind-Borne Sister by Holland, Melinda
Persian Language, Literature and Culture: New Leaves, Fresh Looks by
British Pirates in Print and Performance by Powell, M.
Contemporary Black British Playwrights: Margins to Mainstream by Goddard, L.
Wind-Borne Sister by Holland, Melinda
The Invention of Private Life: Literature and Ideas by Kaviraj, Sudipta
Eccentricity and Sameness: Discourses on Lesbianism and Desire between Women in Italy, 1860s-1930s by Ross, Charlotte
Galdós and Medicine by Stannard, Michael
Die humoristische Stereotypisierung einer texanischen Kleinstadt in Richard Linklaters Film "Bernie" by Hem, Jay
Die Figur des Belcampo / Schönfeld in E.T.A. Hoffmanns "Die Elixiere des Teufels" by Kracht, Philipp
La obra de Jorge Semprún: Claves de interpretación - Vol. II: Cine y teatro by
La memoria novelada III: Memoria transnacional y anhelos de justicia by
Is Mars Habitable? by Wallace, Alfred Russell
Le chevalier de Maison-Rouge by Dumas, Alexandre
Momma Days, Mommy Days: A Story of Love, Change and Hope by Moreno, Isabella
Touching the Wind by Ricasa, Lourdes Odette Aquitania
The Woman Question and George Gissing by Haydock, James
Touching the Wind by Ricasa, Lourdes Odette Aquitania
The Invention of Private Life: Literature and Ideas by Kaviraj, Sudipta
An Aesthetic Underground: A Literary Memoir by Metcalf, John
Modernists at Odds: Reconsidering Joyce and Lawrence by Kochis, Matthew J., Lusty, Heather L.
The Art of Flight by Pitol, Sergio
Momma Days, Mommy Days: A Story of Love, Change and Hope by Moreno, Isabella
In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin by
The Educational Prophecies of Aldous Huxley: The Visionary Legacy of Brave New World, Ape and Essence, and Island by Zigler, Ronald
In Praise of Later Roman Emperors: The Panegyrici Latini Volume 21 by Rodgers, Barbara Saylor, Nixon, C. E. V.
The Culture of Translation in Early Modern England and France, 1500-1660 by
"Spirit of Health" or "Goblin Damn'd"? The Representation of the Ghost's Ambiguity in Two Hamlet Film Adaptations by Fick, Larissa
Tolkien's Intellectual Landscape by Risden, E. L.
"D-Zug dritter Klasse" von Irmgard Keun. Analyse der Verbindung der Themen Reise, Grenzüberschreitung und Neubeginn by Kaßner, Vanessa
Christa Wolfs "Kein Ort. Nirgends". Die Beziehung von Karoline von Günderrodezu Carl Friedrich von Savigny by Rittlicher, Eliane
Voices of East Asia: Essential Readings from Antiquity to the Present by Childs, Margaret, Hope, Nancy
Kritikfiguren / Figures de la critique: Festschrift fuer Gérard Raulet zum 65. Geburtstag / En Hommage à Gérard Raulet by
The Medieval Book and a Modern Collector: Essays in Honour of Toshiyuki Takamiya by
Wege zur spaeten Lyrik von Elisabeth Langgaesser: Uebersinnliches erfahren im sinnlich Wahrnehmbaren by Kranemann, Niels
American Literature and the Free Market, 1945-2000 by Clune, Michael W.
Migration und kulturelle Diversitaet: Tagungsbeitraege des XII. Internationalen Tuerkischen Germanistik Kongresses- Bd. I: Literatur- und Uebersetzung by
Last Things: Essays on Ends and Endings by
Translating Audio Description Scripts: Translation as a New Strategy of Creating Audio Description by Jankowska, Anna
Suedslawen und die deutschsprachige Kultur by
Robert Louis Stevenson a Hyeres by Pouliquen, Jean-Luc
ThisisReno 2015 Anthology by Conrad Ph. D., Bob
Hans-Georg Gadamer by Simms, Karl
Darstellung der Natur in der Funktion der Heldengestaltung in Goethes "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" by Georgievska, Tatjana
Infamous Commerce: Prostitution in Eighteenth-Century British Literature and Culture by Rosenthal, Laura J.
Picturing Reform in Victorian Britain by Carlisle, Janice
Neil Gaiman in the 21st Century: Essays on the Novels, Children's Stories, Online Writings, Comics and Other Works by
Chaucer and Fame: Reputation and Reception by
The Anglo-Saxon Chancery: The History, Language and Production of Anglo-Saxon Charters from Alfred to Edgar by Snook, Ben
Goethes Natalie. Die Inkarnation des klassischen Ideals der "schönen Seele" by Rittlicher, Eliane
Das Märchen "Die zwölf Brüder". Inhalt, Entwicklung und Interpretation by Hesse, Maria
The Hemingway Log: A Chronology of His Life and Times by Chamberlin, Brewster
Medieval Ovid: Frame Narrative and Political Allegory by Gerber, A.
Reading London's Suburbs: From Charles Dickens to Zadie Smith by Pope, G.
Italian Sexualities Uncovered, 1789-1914 by Beccalossi, Chiara, Riall, Lucy, Babini, Valeria P.
The Other Woman by Olson, Toby
French Travel Writing in the Ottoman Empire: Marseilles to Constantinople, 1650-1700 by Longino, Michele
Medieval Ovid: Frame Narrative and Political Allegory by Gerber, A.
Disabling Characters: Representations of Disability in Young Adult Literature by Dunn, Patricia A.
Liebes Leid und Lust / Love's Labor's Lost: Deutsch - Englisch by Shakespeare, William
Confessions of the Nun of St. Omer, Volume 2 by Matilda, Rosa, Dacre, Charlotte
Fantastik und Spuk im literarischen Realismus. Das Spuk-Motiv und dessen Funktionen in Storms "Schimmelreiter" und Fontanes "Effi Briest" by Dumont, Mia
El tiempo contraído. Canon, discurso y circunstancia de la narrativa cubana (1959-2000) by Pérez Cino, Waldo
Glossator 9: Pearl by Coley, David
6 For A Dozen: Stories From Liberia by Forte, D. Othniel
The Sign of Four by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A Study Guide by Moore M. a., Ray
On Elizabeth Bishop by Tóibín, Colm
The New Negro: An Interpretation by Locke, Alain
Heart Beats: Everyday Life and the Memorized Poem by Robson, Catherine
Children's and YA Books in the College Classroom: Essays on Instructional Methods by
My Recollections of Lord Byron and Those of Eye-Witnesses of His Life by Guiccioli, Teresa
Goethes Faust: Eine philosophische Deutung by Abeling, Lutz
Enhanced E-Books im Kinderbuchverlag: Strategische Bewertung einer neuen Produktform by Köhler, Thomas
The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period by
Swift and Others by Rawson, Claude
Program Music by Kregor, Jonathan
Program Music by Kregor, Jonathan
Conventional Gender Roles in Viginia Woolf's "To the Lighthouse" by Siedlik, Agnieszka
Roots & Branches: The Symbol of the Tree in the Imagination of G. K. Chesterton by Elkink, Deb
Valerii Pereleshin: The Life of a Silkworm by Bakich, Olga
Amazing Place: What North Carolina Means to Writers by
Ecocriticism of the Global South by
The Art of Literature, Art in Literature by
Voices of East Asia: Essential Readings from Antiquity to the Present by Childs, Margaret, Hope, Nancy
Der Sündenbock als literarisches Motiv: Eine Untersuchung zu Werken von Friedrich Schiller, Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach und Max Frisch by Ehlert, Laura Marie
Psychoanalytische Literaturwissenschaft am Beispiel von Kafkas Erzählung "Das Urteil" by Hindinger, Vanessa
Das Verhältnis von Zweisprachigkeit und Identitätsbildung: Untersuchung anhand eines Narrativen Interviews by Hindinger, Vanessa
Moral Science by Bain, Alexander
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures by Babbage, Charles
Aufschlagen und Schreiben Das Workbook 1: 101 neue Schreibideen by Susemihl, Caroline
Die Funktionen der Spiegel in Friedrich Dürrenmatts "Minotaurus. Eine Ballade" by Reinhardt, Gloria
Market Aesthetics: The Purchase of the Past in Caribbean Diasporic Fiction by Machado Sáez, Elena
Market Aesthetics: The Purchase of the Past in Caribbean Diasporic Fiction by Machado Sáez, Elena
Silent Dialogues: Diane Arbus & Howard Nemerov by Nemerov, Alexander
Die Darstellung der Frau in Stifters "Brigitta" und Flauberts "Ein schlichtes Herz" by Gruca, Sofia
Angst in Rainer Maria Rilkes "Die Aufzeichnungen des Malte Laurids Brigge": Eine Analyse by Kim, Chiinngaihkim
Bolaño en sus cuentos by
Ernst Jünger und die (Post-) Moderne. Betrachtung des Essays "Der Arbeiter. Herrschaft und Gestalt" und des Romans "Eumeswil" by Schmidt, Anne-Sophie
Machiavelli Goes to the Movies: Understanding The Prince through Television and Film by Kozma, Troy, Kasper, Eric T.
Adam Usk's Secret by Justice, Steven
Nietzsche: The Meaning of Earth by Murrey, Lucas
Aufschlagen und Schreiben: 788 Schreibanregungen für jede Gelegenheit by Susemihl, Caroline
Einflüsse des Existenzialismus bei Friedrich Dürrenmatt by Hindinger, Vanessa
Bertolt Brecht und Peter Weiss. Realität und Teilfiktion in "Die Ästhetik des Widerstands" by Hindinger, Vanessa
Identitätskonstruktion und -krise. Betrachtung eines Hauptmotivs in Heinrich von Kleists Werk: Anhand der Erzählungen "Die Verlobung von St. Domingo" by Riesch, Jannike
Natürliche Logik. Zum Konzept und zur Konzeption der Heidebilder Annette von Droste-Hülshoffs by Oellers, Manuel
Innere und äußere Einflussfaktoren auf den Umgang mit Außenseiterrollen in Raquel J. Palacios "Wunder" by Anonymous
Writing and Tauromachy in A. L. Kennedy's "On Bullfighting" by Anonymous
Little Snoops: Back At It Again by Webster, Regina
The Rise of the Diva on the Sixteenth-Century Commedia Dell'arte Stage by Kerr, Rosalind
Psychoanalysis and Literature: The Stories We Live by Charles, Marilyn
Wahnsinn in Ludwig Tiecks "Der blonde Eckbert" und "Liebeszauber": "Daß dies die Tollheit und Raserei selbst sei" by Anonymous
Die relationale Funktion der Modalpartikel, wohl'. Ein Ergebnis der Grammatikalisierung oder Pragmatikalisierung? by Krebil, Angela
The Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra: Asps amidst the Figs by Zak, William F.
Apeetha by Narayanan, Padma, Ramamirtham, La Sa
Zum Problem der Kurzwörter und Abkürzungen in der SMS-Kommunikation by Anonym
Forgiveness in Victorian Literature: Grammar, Narrative, and Community by Gibson, Richard Hughes
Windows in the Clouds: A True Story About Overcoming Spinal Cord Injury by Byrne, Stephen
Sustaining the West: Cultural Responses to Canadian Environments by
Dostoevsky's Political Thought by
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu 4 Volume Set: With Some of the Letters of Her Correspondents by Montagu, Elizabeth
Imagebedrohungen in "MMOPRGs" am Beispiel von "World of Warcraft" by Weber, Varinia
Literatura y ficción: La ruptura de la lógica ficcional by
Hans Urs Von Balthasar and the Question of Tragedy in the Novels of Thomas Hardy by Taylor, Kevin
Romance, Diaspora, and Black Atlantic Literature by Goyal, Yogita
The Poetics of Sight by Harvey, John
Destination Italy: Representing Migration in Contemporary Media and Narrative by
The Crime of Our Lives by Block, Lawrence
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu - Volume 1 by Montagu, Elizabeth
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu - Volume 2 by Montagu, Elizabeth
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu - Volume 3 by Montagu, Elizabeth
The Letters of Mrs Elizabeth Montagu - Volume 4 by Montagu, Elizabeth
Open-Space Learning: A Study in Transdisciplinary Pedagogy by Chillington Rutter, Carol, Monk, Nicholas
The Disappearance of Literature: Blanchot, Agamben, and the Writers of the No by Hillyer, Aaron
Language Lost and Found: On Iris Murdoch and the Limits of Philosophical Discourse by Forsberg, Niklas
Poems Chiefly from Manuscript by Clare, John
Poetical Works by Churchill, Charles
Le droit et la loi by Hugo, Victor
The Blank-Verse Tradition from Milton to Stevens by Weinfield, Henry
James Joyce in the Nineteenth Century by
The Art of Caesar's Bellum Civile by Grillo, Luca
Die Graphic Novel als Medium des Widerstandes. M. Satrapis "Persepolis" im Vergleich zu "Zahra's Paradise" von Amir u. Khalil by Lohmann, Ludwig
Culture, Gender and Transformation in Alan Warner's "Morvern Callar" and Victor Pelevin's "The Hall of the Singing Caryatids": A Comparative Approach by Gaiduk, Daria
Shakespeare and Religion by Shell, Alison
Wortschatz und Wortbildungen des J. M. Hahn anhand "Von der Wiedergeburt, und wie nötig diese ist, wenn man nach dem Tode dem Gericht entgehen will": by Schäfer, Jaana
Die Dynamik der Rache im Beowulf-Epos by Weber, Sarah K.
Stereotyped images of the West and the East in Michel Houellebecq's novel "Platform" by Gaiduk, Daria
In Dialogue with Godot: Waiting and Other Thoughts by
A Hundred Years of English Poetry by
Automatic for the Masses: The Death of the Author and the Birth of Socialist Realism by Petrov, Petre M.
Lieder by Rist, Johann
The Postcolonial Intellectual: Ngugi wa Thiong'o in Context by Lovesey, Oliver
Alexander Von Humboldt / Johann David Erdmann Preuß, Briefwechsel by
The Vienna Epigrams Papyrus: (G 40611) by
Rosengarten: Teilband I: Einleitung, 'Rosengarten' A. Teilband II: 'Rosengarten' Dp. Teilband III: 'Rosengarten' C, 'Rosengarten' F by
Dimensions of Sociolinguistic Landscapes in Europe: Materials and Methodological Solutions by
Migration und kulturelle Diversitaet: Tagungsbeitraege des XII. Internationalen Tuerkischen Germanistik Kongresses- Bd. II: Sprachwissenschaft und Spr by
Diskursanalyse und mentale Prozesse: Sprachliche Strategien zur diskursiven Konstruktion nationaler Identitaet bei Hugo Chávez und Evo Morales by Castro Zambrano, Romana
Venedig als Buehne: Seine Theatralitaet in der Literatur by Schlemmer, Friederike
Hugo von Hofmannsthals Elektra: Eine quellenbasierte Neuinterpretation by Treiber, Dorothée
A Massively SIngle Number by
Poems Chiefly from Manuscript by Clare, John
Poems Chiefly from Manuscript by Clare, John
P'tit bonhomme by Verne, Jules
Nineteenth-Century Morality and "The Decline in the Sentiment of Sex". Henry James's "The Bostonians" and Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" by Mercer, Sabine
Irritationen by
Defarge Does Shakespeare by
Gatsby: The Cultural History of the Great American Novel by Batchelor, Bob
Mapping Gendered Routes and Spaces in the Early Modern World by
Masculine Virtue in Early Modern Spain by Armon, Shifra
Bluestockings Now!: The Evolution of a Social Role by
Serialization and the Novel in Mid-Victorian Magazines by Delafield, Catherine
Memory and Community in Sixteenth-Century France by Yandell, Cathy, Laguardia, David P.
inklings - Jahrbuch fuer Literatur und Aesthetik: Duestere Aussichten - Margaret Atwoods imaginative Expeditionen in das Unwohnliche. Symposium 27. un by
Orient im Okzident - Okzident im Orient: West-oestliche Begegnungen in Sprache und Kultur, Literatur und Wissenschaft by
Zwischen englischsprachigem Studium und landessprachigem Umfeld: Internationale Absolventen deutscher und daenischer Hochschulen by Priegnitz, Frauke
Das Liebeshindernis: Zur Semantik der Liebe in der franzoesischen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart by Kresse, Gesa
Texte - Textsorten - Phaenomene im Text by
Englischunterricht auf der Primarstufe: Neue Forschungen - weitere Entwicklungen by
Sprache als Schluessel zur Zusammenarbeit: Status und Prestige der Nachbarsprachen im polnisch-saechsischen Grenzgebiet by
Painted Devils, Siren Tongues: The Semiotic Universe of Jacobean Tragedy by Galant, Justyna
A World Apart by Gustaw Herling: Translated by Agnieszka Kolakowska by Bolecki, Wlodzimierz
Visions of Whiteness in Selected Works of Asian American Literature by Szmańko, Klara
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