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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

Early Modern Authorship and Prose Continuations: Adaptation and Ownership from Sidney to Richardson by Simonova, N.
Hegel and the English Romantic Tradition by Deakin, W.
Transitions in Middlebrow Writing, 1880 - 1930 by
Katherine Mansfield and Continental Europe: Connections and Influences by Kimber, Gerri, Kascakova, Janka
Shakespeare: A Six Pack by Clark, Paul
A History of American Poetry by Gray, Richard
Filmische Räume als Heterotopien im Schaffen von Wes Anderson by Jaworski, Claudia
Die Suche des Ich. Autobiographie, Fiktion und Selbsterkenntnis in Karl Philipp Moritz' Roman "Anton Reiser" by Vaziri, Fritz Hubertus
On Voice in Poetry: The Work of Animation by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Textuelle Formationen Von Erinnerung Und Gedächtnis: Linguistische Studien Zum Erzählen in Uwe Johnsons »Jahrestagen« by Attig, Matthias
The Demographic Imagination and the Nineteenth-Century City by Daly, Nicholas
Stealing Things: Theft and the Author in Nineteenth-Century France by Peters, Rosemary A.
Mediated Maternity: Contemporary American Portrayals of Bad Mothers in Literature and Popular Culture by Seidel, Linda
Reading Dante: From Here to Eternity by Shaw, Prue
From the Socratics to the Socratic Schools: Classical Ethics, Metaphysics and Epistemology by Zilioli, Ugo
Oscar Wilde's Chatterton: Literary History, Romanticism, and the Art of Forgery by Mitchell, Rebecca N., Bristow, Joseph
Those Who Write for Immortality: Romantic Reputations and the Dream of Lasting Fame by Jackson, H. J.
The War That Used Up Words: American Writers and the First World War by Hutchison, Hazel
The Lyrics of the Red Book of Ossory by
Dorian: A Peculiar Edition with Annotated Text & Scholarship by Anderson, Nephi
Dorian: A Peculiar Edition with Annotated Text & Scholarship by Anderson, Nephi
The Body in the Library: A Literary Anthology of Modern Medicine by
Disabling Characters: Representations of Disability in Young Adult Literature by Dunn, Patricia A.
Teaching Literature at Ridgeview by
Realism and Its Vicissitudes: Essays in Honor of Sandy Petrey by
The Glory of English Prose - Letters to My Grandson by Coleridge, Stephen
Biographia Literaria by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Charles Baudelaire His Life by Gautier, Theophile
The E. R. Davis Primer by Davis, E. R.
The Racial Imaginary: Writers on Race in the Life of the Mind by
A Lie of Reinvention: Correcting Manning Marable's Malcolm X by
Die (R)evolution bei Georg Forster by Kreuzwirth, Christina
East Meets Black: Asian and Black Masculinities in the Post-Civil Rights Era by Chon-Smith, Chong
Fragments and Assemblages: Forming Compilations of Medieval London by Bahr, Arthur
Updike by Begley, Adam
Out of Time: Music and the Making of Modernity by Johnson, Julian
Commentary on the Song of Awakening: A Twentieth Century Japanese Zen Master's Commentary on the Seventh Century Poem by the Chinese Ch'an Master Yung by Sawaki, Kodo
A Descriptive Index of the English Lyrics in John of Grimestone's Preaching Book by Wilson, Edward
Salvage Work: U.S. and Caribbean Literatures Amid the Debris of Legal Personhood by Naimou, Angela
Sanctity as Literature in Late Medieval Britain by
Aestheticism and the Marriage Market in Victorian Popular Fiction: The Art of Female Beauty by Hallum, Kirby-Jane
Hamlet: Language and Writing by Callaghan, Dympna
The Inspirationists, 1714-1932 Vol 1 by Hoehnle, Peter
Sex, Machines and Navels: Fiction, Fantasy and History in the Future Present by Botting, Fred
Impossible Object by Sewell, Lisa
Aber plötzlich war mir, als drohe das Haus über mir zusammenzubrechen.. Komparative Analyse des Heimkehrermotivs in der deutschen und russischen Prosa by Sivuda, Olena
Plain Ugly: The Unattractive Body in Early Modern Culture by Baker, Naomi
The Inspirationists, 1714-1932 Vol 2 by Hoehnle, Peter
Literary Visions of Multicultural Ireland: The Immigrant in Contemporary Irish Literature by
The Oxford Handbook of New Audiovisual Aesthetics by
Flashlight On Drama and Film. A Drama for Situation Analysis Guide by Inyang, Ekpe
The Persistence of Beauty: Victorians to Moderns by Sandy, Mark
The Inspirationists, 1714 - 1932 Vol 3 by Hoehnle, Peter
An Atmospherics of the City: Baudelaire and the Poetics of Noise by Chambers, Ross
Doris Lessing by Watkins, Susan
Monstrous Media/Spectral Subjects: Imaging Gothic from the Nineteenth Century to the Present by
Iterations of Loss: Mutilation and Aesthetic Form, Al-Shidyaq to Darwish by Sacks, Jeffrey
La piedra angular by Pardo Bazan, Emilia
The Easter Eggs Contest by Raileanu, Estela
The Columbiad by Barlow, Joel
Ephemera Critica by Collins, John Churton
Diary of a Critic - Part 2 by Chauhan, Dr Karan Singh
FLATLAND - A Romance of Many Dimensions (The Distinguished Chiron Edition) by Abbott, Edwin
Novel Approaches to Anthropology: Contributions to Literary Anthropology by
The Complete Story of the Grail: Chrétien de Troyes' Perceval and Its Continuations by Troyes, Chrétien de
Comic Book Film Adaptation: Exploring Modern Hollywood S Leading Genre by Burke, Liam
Dictatorships in the Hispanic World: Transatlantic and Transnational Perspectives by Riordan-Goncalves, Julia, Swier, Patricia
Developments in the Histories of Sexualities: In Search of the Normal, 1600-1800 by
Enlightenment in Ruins: The Geographies of Oliver Goldsmith by Griffin, Michael
She-Wolf: A Cultural History of Female Werewolves by
Playhouse Wills: 1558-1642 by
Mamas of Dada: Women of the European Avant-Garde by Kamenish, Paula K.
Common Precedents: The Presentness of the Past in Victorian Law and Fiction by Ben-Yishai, Ayelet
Picturing the Closet: Male Secrecy and Homosexual Visibility in Britain by Janes, Dominic
First We Read, Then We Write: Emerson on the Creative Process by Richardson, Robert D.
Iterations of Loss: Mutilation and Aesthetic Form, Al-Shidyaq to Darwish by Sacks, Jeffrey
The Culture Series of Iain M. Banks: A Critical Introduction by Caroti, Simone
Dante: A Very Short Introduction by Hainsworth, Peter, Robey, David
Feast of Laughter 2 by
The Merchant of Venice: Critical Essays by
A History of Ecology and Environmentalism in Spanish American Literature by DeVries, Scott M.
Mortality's Muse: The Fine Art of Dying by Siebert, D. T.
The Natural History of Selborne by White, Gilbert
Lectures on Art by Allston, Washington
The Collected Letters of Oliver Goldsmith by
Popjournalismus. Grenzgänge zwischen medialem und literarischem Erzählen by Verfürden, Michael
9/11 Fiction, Empathy, and Otherness by Gauthier, Tim
Macbeth: Critical Essays by
Modern Language Review (110: 2) April 2015 by
Nuevas Voces Poeticas: A Dialogue about New Chican@ Identities by Chavarría, Isaac, Sanchez, Gabriel, Lima, Rossy
Romantic Things: A Tree, a Rock, a Cloud by Jacobus, Mary
Picture Freedom: Remaking Black Visuality in the Early Nineteenth Century by Cobb, Jasmine Nichole
Picture Freedom: Remaking Black Visuality in the Early Nineteenth Century by Cobb, Jasmine Nichole
Jorge Luis Borges: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
Juan Rulfo: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
Eve Reborn: The Story of the Five Gifts by Magnus, Katharine
Isabel Allende: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
Rapunzel 1790 A New Translation of the 1790 Tale by Friedrich Schulz by Loo, Oliver
The Oxford History of the Novel in English: Volume 2: English and British Fiction 1750-1820 by
Essays in Romanticism, Volume 22.1 2015 by
Bread & Sentences by Schumann, Peter
The Homeric Hymns by Lang, Andrew
Miniature Metropolis: Literature in an Age of Photography and Film by Huyssen, Andreas
The Cambridge Old English Reader by Marsden, Richard
Don Juan Tenorio by Zorrilla, Jos
Representing Mixed Race in Jamaica and England from the Abolition Era to the Present by Salih, S.
Diglossia and the Linguistic Turn: Flann O'Brien's Philosophy of Language by Coulouma, Flore
Pointless Book 2: Continued by Alfie Deyes Finished by You by Deyes, Alfie
Slavonic & East European Review (93: 2) April 2015 by
Portuguese Studies 31: 1 2015 by
Heiner Carows zeitungebundenes Erzählprinzip und seine Realisierung im Nachkriegsfilm "Die Russen kommen" by Morawetz, Ingeborg
The Love Affair as a Work of Art by Hofstadter, Dan
Medieval 'Artes Praedicandi': A Synthesis of Scholastic Sermon Structure by Wenzel, Siegfried
"Mehr-Personen-Gespräche" über den "Etwas-ins-Bier-schütten-Scherz": Eine empirische und theoretische Untersuchung von Phrasenkomposita des Deutschen by Particke, Hans-Joachim
Zigeuner und Wahnsinnige in der Literatur der Romantik by Stettner, Markus
Von /e/ zu /ö/ und /ā/ zu /ō/. Eine Analyse des mittelhochdeutschen Phänomens der Rundung bei Konrad von Würzburgs "Heinrich von Kempten" by Burkhard, Samuel
Justice and Revenge in Contemporary American Crime Fiction by Sim, Stuart
Suffer the Little Children: Uses of the Past in Jewish and African American Children's Literature by Eichler-Levine, Jodi
Kamasutra by Vatsyayana, Mallanaga
Rising: Poems for America by Beal, Jane
Rising: Poems for America by Beal, Jane
The Gnostic Paradigm: Forms of Knowing in English Literature of the Late Middle Ages by Elias, N.
Fascist Hybridities: Representations of Racial Mixing and Diaspora Cultures Under Mussolini by Loparo, Kenneth A.
A King and No King by Beaumont, Francis
An Enemy of the People by Ibsen, Henrik
Early Modern Writing and the Privatization of Experience by Davis, Nick
Encountering Buddhism in Twentieth-Century British and American Literature by
Beowolf by Anonymous
Four to Fourteen by
Early Modern Playhouse Manuscripts and the Editing of Shakespeare by Werstine, Paul
Reading Sin in the World by Dykes, Anthony
News from the Village by Bullett, Gerald
Die Hysterie um 1900. Ein Vergleich am Beispiel "Fräulein Else" von A. Schnitzler und "Dora" von Freud by Bergsieker, Tanja
The Greek Mythology in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" by Hannemann, Patrizia
Satirische Techniken in Christoph Martin Wielands "Prozess um des Esels Schatten" by Johann, Sandra
Explorations in Ecocriticism: Advocacy, Bioregionalism, and Visual Design by Lindholdt, Paul
Vergleich der Balladenversionen "Der Hugenott" und "Die Füße im Feuer" von Conrad Ferdinand Meyer by Salewski, Dorothee
Die Funktion der Nationen in Thomas Manns Künstlernovelle "Der Tod in Venedig" by Schulze, Maja
The Salmon Who Dared to Leap Higher by Do-Hyun, Ahn
State Power, Stigmatization, and Youth Resistance Culture in the French Banlieues: Uncanny Citizenship by Anderson Tchumkam, Hervé
Japan-Pop Without Borders?: Transkulturalität Und Subkulturen in Der Japanischen Populärkultur by
The Persian Book of Kings: An Epitome of the Shahnama of Firdawsi by Robinson, B. W.
Books of Definition in Islamic Philosophy: The Limits of Words by Kennedy-Day, Kiki
Complex TV: The Poetics of Contemporary Television Storytelling by Mittell, Jason
Surprise: The Poetics of the Unexpected from Milton to Austen by Miller, Christopher R.
Romeo and Juliet: Critical Essays by
Twelfth Night: Critical Essays by
Coriolanus: Critical Essays by
Lost Coast Review, Spring 2015: Vol. 6, No. 3 by
Octavio Paz: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
The Voice and Spiritual Education by Corson, Hiram
The Irish Banking Crisis by Anonymous
Aufschlagen und Schreiben Workbook 2: 102 neue Schreibideen by Susemihl, Caroline
Aufschlagen und Schreiben Workbook 3: 103 neue Schreibideen by Susemihl, Caroline
"Lenore" von Gottfried August Bürger. Frischer Wind für die Balladendichtung by Salewski, Dorothee
Analyse des inneren und äusseren Wandels der Figuren Kaiser Otto und Heinrich von Kempten in Konrad von Würzburgs Erzählung "Heinrich von Kempten" by Burkhard, Samuel
The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: Student Edition and English Translation by Sargent-Baur, Barbara N.
Graphic Justice: Intersections of Comics and Law by
Tiecks Komödie "Der gestiefelte Kater". Eine Analyse ausgewählter komischer Effekte und deren Wirkung by Frohnhoff, Felix
Herkunft und Hintergründe der Adynata in Lied IX des Tannhäuser by Salewski, Dorothee
manlîchiu wîp, wîplîch man. Eine Analyse des Crossdressing-Phänomens in der mittelalterlichen hagiographischen Literatur by Burkhard, Samuel
Die Shoah im französischen Roman. Erinnern und Vergessen in Patrick Modianos Roman "Dora Bruder" by Schmidt, Dennis
Revolution der Geschlechterverhältnisse? Diderots "Nachtrag zur Reise Bougainvilles" by Salewski, Dorothee
The 'Duplessis orphans'. A Historical, Political And Literary Approach by Dickert Et Al, Matthias
Resisting Novels (Routledge Revivals): Ideology and Fiction by Davis, Lennard J.
Nature as a Theme in the History of American Literature. Richard Wright's "Uncle Tom's Children" by Schmidt, Dennis
27 Views of Greensboro: The Gate City in Prose & Poetry by
Titus Andronicus: Critical Essays by
The Little Magazine in Contemporary America by
De cueromatos, moyectos y algo más by Itriago M., Antonio L.
El egocentrismo de escribir: (Sentires) by Suarez, Carlos G.
Jose Donoso: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
Cowley's Essays by Cowley, Abraham
Migration et Littérature de la diaspora by Pierre, Mirline, Petit Frère, Dieulermesson
Bukowski and the Beats: An Extended Essay on the Life and Work of Charles Bukowski by Poynter, M. J.
The Bab Ballads by Gilbert, W. S.
Poems by Gent, Thomas
Literary and Social Essays by Curtis, George William
What Would Jesus Read?: Popular Religious Books and Everyday Life in Twentieth-Century America by Smith, Erin a.
The New Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner by
Nbbc, Joshua: A Commentary in the Wesleyan Tradition by Lennox, Stephen J.
Cigar Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Yoknapatawpha Blues: Faulkner's Fiction and Southern Roots Music by Ryan, Tim A.
Ironie und ihre sprachliche Verwendung by H, Marie
The Cambridge Introduction to Jane Austen by Todd, Janet
The Other Worlds of Hector Berlioz by Van Rij, Inge
Ellipsis in English Literature by Toner, Anne
Printers without Borders by Coldiron, A. E. B.
Rudyard Kipling's Fiction: Mapping Psychic Spaces by Welby, Lizzy
A World of Heroes by Joint Association of Classical Teachers'
The New Cambridge Companion to William Faulkner by
Reading William Blake by Makdisi, Saree
Mahler's Symphonic Sonatas by Monahan, Seth
Three Kinds of Motion: Kerouac, Pollock, and the Making of American Highways by Hanick, Riley
Sentimentalism in Nineteenth-Century America: Literary and Cultural Practices by
The End of Cinema?: A Medium in Crisis in the Digital Age by Gaudreault, André, Marion, Philippe
Reading Václav Havel by Danaher, David S.
Girls, Texts, Cultures by
Carl Einsteins "Bebuquin" und sein frühes Denken: Der Roman als erkenntnis- und kunsttheoretische Reflexion by Schweigler, Daniel
Männlichkeitskonstruktionen als subversives Element in der "Melusine" des Thüring von Ringoltingen: Männlichkeit in der "Melusine" by Spögler, Barbara
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