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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

Zum triuwe-Begriff in Hartmanns Erec. Das Spiel von triuwe und untriuwe by Zagoricnik, Jelena
"Brudi, gönn' Dir!" Kölner Jugendliche im Spannungsfeld zwischen formellem und informellem Sprachgebrauch by Greiten, Bernadette
Sprachgesellschaften des 17. Jahrhunderts und ihre Wirkung auf die deutsche Sprache by Oberkircher, Anna
Radwa Achour et "La trilogie de Grenade". De l'Histoire à l'actualité by Haggag, Yasmine
Studying Modern Arabic Literature: Mustafa Badawi, Scholar and Critic by
Oulipo: A Primer of Potential Literature by
Stories and Prose Poems by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr
Life-ARC Teaching Tales by Zeugner, John
The Heavenly Twins by Grand, Sarah
Poems by Gordon, Adam Lindsay
The Opposite of Loneliness: Essays and Stories by Keegan, Marina
Lacan in Literature and Film: A Closer Look at the Formation of Subjectivity in Lacanian Epistemology by Birlik, Nurten
Towards a Political Anthropology in the Work of Gilles Deleuze: Psychoanalysis and Anglo-American Literature by Clancy, Rockwell F.
Against Self-Reliance: The Arts of Dependence in the Early United States by Howell, William Huntting
The Would-Be Author: Molière and the Comedy of Print by Call, Michael
The Romantic Imagination and Astronomy: On All Sides Infinity by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Before They Were Titans: Essays on the Early Works of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy by
Making the Archives Talk: New and Selected Essays in Bibliography, Editing, and Book History by West III, James L. W.
I Guess We Missed The Boat by Finlay, Barry
New Norse Studies: Essays on the Literature and Culture of Medieval Scandinavia by
Literarisches Schaffen in André Gides "Les Faux-Monnayeurs". Ein auf Inspiration beruhender Prozess? by Federhen, Katja
Vergleich der Elektra des Sophokles mit Hofmannsthals Adaption by H, Marie
Igor Tuveris "Berichte aus der Ukraine". Narrative Strategien in dokumentarischen Comics by Peresich, Carmen
The Representation of the Protagonist Harry Gordon Selfridge in the TV Series "Mr Selfridge" by Frintrop, Kim
Friedrich Schillers "Kabale und Liebe". Eine Kritik an zeitgenössischen politischen Zuständen by Büchele, Torsten
Aurora Leigh by Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Carlos Fuentes: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
E.T.A. Hoffmanns Doppelgänger-Motiv aus psychoanalytischer Perspektive by Nowack, Lars Johannes
Zwischen Schwarz und Weiß. Die Figuren der Schachnovelle von Stefan Zweig by Salewski, Dorothee
Civic London to 1558 [3 Volume Set] by
Achebe and Friends at Umuahia: The Making of a Literary Elite by Ochiagha, Terri
Remaking the Comedia: Spanish Classical Theater in Adaptation by
Woolf Studies Annual Volume 21 by Hussey, Mark
The Old English Metrical Calendar (Menologium) by
La Mujer Moderna En Los Escritos de Federica Montseny by Nuria Cruz-Camara, Nuria
Beyond Gatsby: How Fitzgerald, Hemingway, and Writers of the 1920s Shaped American Culture by McParland, Robert
Anglo-Saxon Saints' Lives as History Writing in Late Medieval England by Turner Camp, Cynthia
The All-Encompassing Eye of Ukraine: Ivan Nechui-Levyts'kyi's Realist Prose by Tarnawsky, Maxim
Cambridge Readings in French Literature by Tilley, Arthur
Great Writers by Lord, John
Chaucer and His Times by Hadow, Grace Eleanor
An Astounding War: Science Fiction and World War II by Wysocki, Jr. Edward M.
Entwürfe für eine Zukunft am Beispiel von Texten Anna Seghers' und Alfred Döblins by Schweppe, Anja
Mann und Schlange. Eine Fabel im Wandel der Zeit by Kreuzwirth, Christina
Zusammenhänge zwischen Grammatik und mentalen Prozessen by Carrasco, Maria Sandra
Diskurs - interdisziplinär by
Volkssprachiges Proverbium in der Gelehrtenkultur by Nöcker, Rebekka
George Eliot's Feminism: The Right to Rebellion by Szirotny, June
Proust, Pastiche, and the Postmodern or Why Style Matters by Austin, James F.
German Pop Literature: A Companion by
Der apokalyptische Kaiser: Die Wahrnehmung Domitians in der apokalyptischen Literatur des Fruehjudentums und Urchristentums by Mucha, Robert
Learning with Literature in the EFL Classroom by
Magical Realism: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
Automatische Erkennung Von Redewiedergabe: Ein Beitrag Zur Quantitativen Narratologie by Brunner, Annelen
The Science of Literature: Essays on an Incalculable Difference by Müller-Sievers, Helmut
The Boundaries of Europe: From the Fall of the Ancient World to the Age of Decolonisation by
The Shadow of Creusa: Negotiating Fictionality in Late Antique Latin Literature by Cullhed, Anders
The Edinburgh Companion to the Arab Novel in English: The Politics of Anglo Arab and Arab American Literature and Culture by
From Comic Strips to Graphic Novels: Contributions to the Theory and History of Graphic Narrative by
Conversations with Michael Chabon by
The Play's the Thing: The Theatrical Collaboration of Clark Bowlen and Kathleen Keena, 1988-2012 by Keena, Kathleen
Women at Turning Point (English Edition) by Thabet, Hoda
La estrategia de los fantasmas: Enunciación y crisis de sentido en los relatos orales de aparecidos en el norte del Perú by Rojas, Kelita Ytamar Rodriguez, Murillo, Marcos Mondonedo
Dickens's London: Perception, Subjectivity and Phenomenal Urban Multiplicity by Wolfreys, Julian
Gabriel Garcia Marquez: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Dissertations and Theses by Allene, Louis V.
The Unexpected: Narrative Temporality and the Philosophy of Surprise by Currie, Mark
The Derrida Wordbook by Wolfreys, Julian, Dick, Maria-Daniella
Literature of the 1940s: War, Postwar and 'Peace': Volume 5 by Plain, Gill
Multiple Translation Communities in Contemporary Japan by
Gael and Lowlander in Scottish Literature by
The Cambridge Companion to James Baldwin by
Affect and American Literature in the Age of Neoliberalism by Smith, Rachel Greenwald
The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in Britain, 1660-1789 by
Anthropocene Fictions: The Novel in a Time of Climate Change by Trexler, Adam
Roman Social Imaginaries: Language and Thought in the Context of Empire by Ando, Clifford
The Cambridge Companion to James Baldwin by
American Writers and the Approach of World War II, 1935-1941 by Takayoshi, Ichiro
Shakespeare and the Idea of Apocrypha by Kirwan, Peter
The Broadview Anthology of British Literature: One-Volume Compact Edition: The Medieval Period Through the Twenty-First Century by
Anthropocene Fictions: The Novel in a Time of Climate Change by Trexler, Adam
Textual Exposures: Photography in Twentieth Century Latin American Narrative Fiction by Russek, Dan
Octave Mirbeau's Fictions of the Transcendental by Ziegler, Robert
Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading by Oziewicz, Marek C.
In and of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies by
In and of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies by
Vox & Silentium: Études de linguistique et littérature romanes - Studi di linguistica e letteratura romanza - Estudios de lingueística by
Theory of the Earth - Volume II by Hutton, James
The attitude of Robert Burns towards Calvinism by Endrizzi, Laura
Liebe, Ehe und Schicksal im Nibelungenlied by Baciu, Maria
The Kingdom According to Luke and Acts: A Social, Literary, and Theological Introduction by Kuhn, Karl Allen
James Joyce and the Exilic Imagination by Gillespie, Michael Patrick
The Urewera Notebook by Katherine Mansfield by Mansfield, Katherine
Reading Barth with Charity by
El mundo Ingaramo by Canaparo, Claudio
Toni Morrison: A Literary Life by Wagner-Martin, L.
Caminho Longe: Romance by Rosa, Alirio Mendes
Reworking Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour and Rights by
Westland: Polen und die Ukraine in der russischen Literatur von Puskin bis Babel' by Lecke, Mirja
Art, Literature, and the Japanese American Internment: On John Okada's No-No Boy by Girst, Thomas
Perspektive Nord: Zu Theorie und Praxis einer modernen Didaktik der Landeskunde: Beitraege zur 2. Konferenz des Netzwerks Landeskunde No by
The Flow of Ideas: Russian Thought from the Enlightenment to the Religious-Philosophical Renaissance by Walicki, Andrzej
Zum Ausdruck von Intentionen in deutschen und polnischen Geschaeftsbriefen aus kontrastiver Sicht: Eine textlinguistische Untersuchung by Szwed, Iwona
Emotionalitaet und Wertung im Diskurs: Eine kontrastive Analyse deutscher und polnischer Pressetexte zum EU-Beitritt Polens by Miller, Dorota
Narrating Ancient Egypt: The Representation of Ancient Egypt in Nineteenth-Century and Early-Twentieth-Century Fantastic Fiction by Fleischhack, Maria
Aesthetik des Geschlechts: Prousts "À la rechreche du temps perdu" zwischen Genealogie und Anti-Genealogie by Goerlitz, Guido
Eine unbekannte Sprache lesen oder Von der Entdeckung des Nissart durch Interkomprehension by Wagner, Stefanie
Sawles Warde and the Wooing Group: Parallel Texts with Notes and Wordlists by
Everything You Need to Know to Survive English Class by Petit, Blake M.
The Confessions of William Henry Ireland by Ireland, William Henry
About The Holy Bible by Ingersoll, Robert Green
Almoran and Hamet by Hawkesworth, John
Textual Masculinity and the Exchange of Women in Renaissance Venice by Quaintance, Courtney
Aspektbasierte Stimmungsanalyse. Semantische Annotation und Klassifikation von aspektbasierten Stimmungswörtern by Scholz, Elmar
Blackening Canada: Diaspora, Race, Multiculturalism by Barrett, Paul
The Animal Part: Human and Other Animals in the Poetic Imagination by Payne, Mark
La traducción de proyectos cinematográficos: Modelo de análisis para los largometrajes de ficción gallegos by Montero Dominguez, Xoán
John Bull and the Continent by
Approaches to Middle English: Variation, Contact and Change by
J.K. Rowling: A Bibliography 1997-2013 by Errington, Philip W.
The Historical Imagination of G.K. Chesterton: Locality, Patriotism, and Nationalism by McCleary, Joseph R.
Primo Levi's Narratives of Embodiment: Containing the Human by Ross, Charlotte
Prophecy and Sibylline Imagery in the Renaissance: Shakespeare's Sibyls by Malay, Jessica L.
The Uses of the Future in Early Modern Europe by
Locating Transnational Ideals by
Jewishness and Masculinity from the Modern to the Postmodern by Davison, Neil R.
The Politics and Pedagogy of Mourning: On Responsibility in Eulogy by Secret, Timothy
Shakespeare in London by Dustagheer, Sarah, Young, Jennifer, Crawforth, Hannah
The Literal Sense and the Gospel of John in Late Medieval Commentary and Literature by Hazard, Mark
Dead Letters to the New World: Melville, Emerson, and American Transcendentalism by McLoughlin, Michael
The Slave in the Swamp: Disrupting the Plantation Narrative by Cowa, William Tynes
Victorian Servants, Class, and the Politics of Literacy by Fernandez, Jean
Travel and Modernist Literature: Sacred and Ethical Journeys by Peat, Alexandra
Politics and Aesthetics in Contemporary Native American Literature: Across Every Border by Herman, Matthew
Travel Writing and Atrocities: Eyewitness Accounts of Colonialism in the Congo, Angola, and the Putumayo by Burroughs, Robert
Christian and Lyric Tradition in Victorian Women's Poetry by Gray, F. Elizabeth
Song from the Land of Fire: Azerbaijanian Mugam in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods by Naroditskaya, Inna
Darwin in Atlantic Cultures: Evolutionary Visions of Race, Gender, and Sexuality by
Progress & Identity in the Plays of W.B. Yeats, 1892-1907 by Suess, Barbara A.
Frances Ellen Watkins Harper: African American Reform Rhetoric and the Rise of a Modern Nation State by Stancliff, Michael
Theoretical Schools and Circles in the Twentieth-Century Humanities: Literary Theory, History, Philosophy by
Identity and Theatre Translation in Hong Kong by Chan, Shelby Kar-Yan
Metamorphosen by Ovid
Views and Reviews by Henley, William Ernest
The Prose Writings of Heinrich Heine by Heine, Heinrich
Characters of Shakespeare's Plays by Hazlitt, William
Lectures on the English Poets by Hazlitt, William
Liber Amoris by Hazlitt, William
Table Talk by Hazlitt, William
The Spirit of the Age or Contemporary Portraits by Hazlitt, William
Kokoro - Hints and Echoes of Japanese Inner Life by Hearn, Lafcadio
Winterslow by Hazlitt, William
Poems by Eddy, Mary Baker
Ladies Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Baudelaire's Media Aesthetics: The Gaze of the Flâneur and 19th-Century Media by Grøtta, Marit
Masculinity and the Paradox of Violence in American Fiction, 1950-75 by McKinley, Maggie
The Fall Out of Redemption: Writing and Thinking Beyond Salvation in Baudelaire, Cioran, Fondane, Agamben, and Nancy by Acquisto, Joseph
The Presocratics and the Supernatural: Magic, Philosophy and Science in Early Greece by Gregory, Andrew
Henry Miller: New Perspectives by
Cognitive Poetics and Cultural Memory: Russian Literary Mnemonics by Gronas, Mikhail
Welles, Kurosawa, Kozintsev, Zeffirelli: Great Shakespeareans: Volume XVII by Burnett, Mark Thornton, Lehmann, Courtney
The Irish Dramatic Revival 1899-1939 by Roche, Anthony
British Theatre Companies: 1995-2014: Mind the Gap, Kneehigh Theatre, Suspect Culture, Stan's Cafe, Blast Theory, Punchdrunk by Tomlin, Liz
The Theatre and Films of Jez Butterworth by Rabey, David Ian
The Theatre and Films of Jez Butterworth by Rabey, David Ian
The Romance of Tristran by Beroul and Beroul II: A Diplomatic Edition and a Critical Edition by Sargent-Baur, Barbara N.
Poems by Henley, William Ernest
Diary Poetics: Form and Style in Writers� Diaries, 1915-1962 by Jackson, Anna
Semiotics of Happiness: Rhetorical Beginnings of a Public Problem by Frawley, Ashley
Counterfeit Politics: Secret Plots and Conspiracy Narratives in the Americas by Kelman, David
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Mens Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Shakespeare and Costume by
Toni Morrison and Literary Tradition: The Invention of an Aesthetic by Baillie, Justine
Negotiating Copyright: Authorship and the Discourse of Literary Property Rights in Nineteenth-Century America by Buinicki, Martin T.
Segregated Miscegenation: On the Treatment of Racial Hybridity in the North American and Latin American Literary Traditions by Hiraldo, Carlos
Shakespeare in London by Dustagheer, Sarah, Young, Jennifer, Crawforth, Hannah
Voltaire, Goethe, Schlegel, Coleridge by
Hamlet: Language and Writing by Callaghan, Dympna
Medieval Literature for Children by
Ready to Trample on All Human Law: Finance Capitalism in the Fiction of Charles Dickens by Jarvie, Paul A.
Transforming the Teaching of Shakespeare with the Royal Shakespeare Company by Winston, Joe
Bausteine Zu Einer Narratologie Der Dinge: Der 'Eneasroman' Heinrichs Von Veldeke, Der 'Roman d'Eneas' Und Vergils 'Aeneis' Im Vergleich by Christ, Valentin
William Stanley as Shakespeare: Evidence of Authorship by the Sixth Earl of Derby by Rollett, John M.
The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation by Attridge, Derek, Staten, Henry
The World According to Philip K. Dick by
Vergleich der Protagonisten aus Goethes "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" und Salingers "Der Fänger im Roggen" by Schiffbauer, Eva
Dekadenz und Spleen. Das Pariser Spektakel aus der Perspektive Rilkes und Baudelaires by Baciu, Maria
The Mountains are Calling by Tonner, Brad, Tonner, Jim
Basic Christianity by Hanson, Tom S.
Popular Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola: First National Army and the War (1975-1992) by Junior, Miguel
Popular Armed Forces for the Liberation of Angola: First National Army and the War (1975-1992) by Junior, Miguel
Angola the Failure of Operation Savannah 1975 by Junior, Miguel
Angola the Failure of Operation Savannah 1975 by Junior, Miguel
Moon Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Unnatural Narrative: Theory, History, and Practice by Richardson, Brian
Permanenz der Urbilder. Mythische und biblische Anspielungen bei Botho Strauß by Schauberger, Sebastian
Die Frage nach der Rechtfertigung des Suizids in Goethes "Die Leiden des jungen Werthers" by Freyaldenhoven, Lena
Mehr als eine Zofe. Lunete als zentrale Romanfigur in Hartmanns von Aue "Iwein" by Mett, Johanna
Vergleich der Beziehungen in William Shakespeares Stück "Viel Lärm um nichts" by Kumpe, Knut
Fear and Loathing in the North: Jews and Muslims in Medieval Scandinavia and the Baltic Region by
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