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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2015

Georg Büchners Werk "Leonce und Lena" als gesellschaftskritisches Lustspiel? by Taylan, Özge
Tentacles Longer Than Night: Horror of Philosophy by Thacker, Eugene
Starry Speculative Corpse: Horror of Philosophy by Thacker, Eugene
Public Speaking by Stratton, Clarence
Pink Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Movie Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
My Life Story Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Old Fashioned Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Papaya Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
New York Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
Awakening Higher Consciousness: Guidance from Ancient Egypt and Sumer by Boudreau, Paul R., Dickie, Lloyd M.
She Is Sitting in the Night: Re-Visioning Thea's Tarot by Pickle, Oliver
Impressions and Comments by Ellis, Havelock
The Great Book Collectors by Elton, Charles Isaac
Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Literature, Animals, Environment by Huggan, Graham, Tiffin, Helen
The Craft of Poetry: Dialogues on Minimal Interpretation by Attridge, Derek, Staten, Henry
Salman Rushdie. An Anthology of Critical Essays in New Millennium by Chaubey Et Al, Ajay K.
A History of Modernist Poetry by
The Cambridge Companion to John F. Kennedy by
Women in Roman Republican Drama by
Reflections on the Present Condition of the Female Sex by Wakefield, Priscilla
Die Statue. Entschlüsselung der Konzeption des Weiblichen in Goethes 'Torquato Tasso' by Lederhilger, Christoph
Traumwirklichkeit in "Traumnovelle" von Arthur Schnitzler und "Eyes Wide Shut" by Jaworski, Claudia
Anecdotes of Painters, Engravers, Sculptors, and Architects and Curiosities of Art Volume II by Spooner, Shearjashub
The Apology of the Church of England by Jewel, John
Hippolytus by Euripides
Gender Bias in Mystery and Romance Novel Publishing: Mimicking Masculinity and Femininity by Faktorovich, Anna
Culture and Commerce in Conrad's Asian Fiction by Francis, Andrew
Lord Rochester in the Restoration World by
Studien zu Goethes "Iphigenie" und Kleists "Penthesilea". Die, schöne Seele' und die, zerrissene Weiblichkeit' im Spiegel der Humanität by Denk, Candida
Der Kindertod im psychologischen Kinderroman. Begründungen und Formen des Erzählens in Éric-Emmanuel Schmitts Roman "Oskar und die Dame in Rosa" by Kumpe, Knut
Adaption und Dekonstruktion der psychoanalytischen Theorie von Jelineks "Die Klavierspielerin" by Müller, Nadia
Erzählperspektiven in schwedischer Kinderliteratur: Der Blickwinkel als wahrnehmungsbestimmendes Element by Schiefler, Anna
The Cambridge Companion to John F. Kennedy by
The Cambridge Companion to Women's Writing in the Romantic Period by
Swift and Others by Rawson, Claude
Heimatlosigkeit bei Joseph Roth. Analyse autobiografischer Züge an den Beispielen "Juden auf Wanderschaft", "Hiob" und "Die Kapuzinergruft" by Robertz, Louisa
Swift and History by Marshall, Ashley
Postcolonial Ecocriticism: Literature, Animals, Environment by Huggan, Graham, Tiffin, Helen
Stalking als Thema aktueller Jugendromane by Hanika, Julia
Voices of Negritude in Modernist Print: Aesthetic Subjectivity, Diaspora, and the Lyric Regime by Noland, Carrie
Literature and Moral Economy in the Early Modern Atlantic: Elegant Sufficiencies by Eklund, Hillary
Dickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew on Wellington Street: The Print Culture of a Victorian Street by Shannon, Mary L.
Forget Me Not: The Rise of the British Literary Annual, 1823-1835 by Harris, Katherine D.
InVerse 2014-2015: Italian Poets in Translation by
Black Stereotypes in Popular Series Fiction, 1851-1955: Jim Crow Era Authors and Their Characters by Drew, Bernard A.
A Literary History of the English People From the Origins to the Renaissance by Jusserand, Jean Jules
Höflichkeit - Eine Frage des Geschlechts? Kritik an und Alternativen zu Lakoffs Theorie by Bauer, Romana
Understanding Pat Conroy by Seltzer, Catherine
Languages of the Night: Minor Languages and the Literary Imagination in Twentieth-Century Ireland and Europe by McCrea, Barry
The Symbolism and Sources of Outlander: The Scottish Fairies, Folklore, Ballads, Magic and Meanings That Inspired the Series by Frankel, Valerie Estelle
WechselWirkungen: Austria-Hungary, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and the Western Balkans, 1878-1918 by
Affective Landscapes in Literature, Art and Everyday Life: Memory, Place and the Senses by Berberich, Christine, Campbell, Neil
Colonialism/Postcolonialism by Loomba, Ania
Zum Verhältnis von Aktionsart und Argumentstruktur im Deutschen by Kindl, Niels
Multiple Normalities: Making Sense of Ways of Living by Misztal, B.
The Making and Unmaking of Mediterranean Landscape in Italian Literature: The Case of Liguria by Pagano, Tullio
Our First Alliance by Jusserand, Jean Jules
The English Novel in the Time of Shakespeare by Jusserand, Jean Jules
The Matriverse & Other Essays: A Hypothesis or Model of the Origin of the Universe by Govindaraj, Mano
The Matriverse & Other Essays: A Hypothesis or Model of the Origin of the Universe by Govindaraj, Mano
The Mysteries of Paris and London by Maxwell, Richard
De la Cabra y la Loba a "Into the Woods" by Moreno Fernández, Dra Ma Carmen
Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Die Ambivalenz zwischen Recht und Unrecht by Zachopoulos, Jasmin
Islands of the Imagination. Transformation from Mythical Places in Ancient and Modern Thought by Mercer, Sabine
Vergil's Political Commentary in the Eclogues, Georgics and Aeneid by Weeda, Leendert
The South in the German Imaginary: The Italian Journeys of Goethe and Heine by Bauer, Lukas
Ten Steps: Critical Inquiries on Leopardi by
With Americans of Past and Present Days by Jusserand, Jean Jules
The History of Australian Exploration from 1788 to 1888 by Favenc, Ernest
George Augustus Sala and the Nineteenth-Century Periodical Press: The Personal Style of a Public Writer by Blake, Peter
Travel, Tourism, and Identity by Ricci, Gabriel R.
Caribbean Irish Connections: Interdisciplinary Perspectives by
The Poem of Fernan Gonzalez by
The Medieval New: Ethical Ambivalence in an Age of Innovation by Ingham, Patricia Clare
Spalten - Herta Muellers Textologie zwischen Psychoanalyse und Kulturtheorie by Leipelt-Tsai, Monika
A Jane Austen Dictionary by Apperson, George Latimer
Breaking the Silence: Poetry and the Kenotic Word by
Romananalyse: André Malraux, "Les Conquérants" by Bartsch, Suzie
Peaceless Europe by Nitti, Francesco S.
Heroism in Anita Rau Badami's novel "The Hero's Walk". An analysis of the female protagonists by Walter, Doreen
An Image of the Times: An Irreverent Companion to Ben Jonson's Four Humours and the Art of Diplomacy by Jergensen, Nils-Johan
Samuel Roth, Infamous Modernist by Gertzman, Jay A.
Sacred Uncertainty: Religious Difference and the Shape of Melville's Career by Yothers, Brian
Home in British Working-Class Fiction by Wilson, Nicola
Reflections by De La Rochefoucauld, Francois
Lyrics of Earth by Lampman, Archibald
Citation and Examination of William Shakspeare by Landor, Walter Savage
Architects of Tomorrow: Volume One by D'Ammassa, Don
Korean Slang: As much as a Rat's Tail: Learn Korean Language and Culture through Slang, Invective and Euphemism by Lee, Siwoo, Liptak, Peter N.
At the Roots of the Modern Novel: A Comparative Reading of Ihara Saikaku's the Life of an Amorous Woman and Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders by Sonnenberg, Katarzyna
Teaching Information Literacy Threshold Concepts: Lesson by McClure, Hazel, Schaub, Gayle, Bravender, Patricia
中国文化-文学:英文 Chinese Culture: Literature by Li Chunyu
The Miscellaneous Writings of Tobias Smollett by
The Gothic Novel and the Stage: Romantic Appropriations by Saggini, Francesca
Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction by Stone, Lauren Shizuko, Nagel, Barbara Natalie
Gender, Race, and American Science Fiction: Reflections on Fantastic Identities by Haslam, Jason
A Case for Teaching Literature in the Secondary School: Why Reading Fiction Matters in an Age of Scientific Objectivity and Standardization by Alsup, Janet
El Mundo Zurdo 4 by
William Cobbett, Romanticism and the Enlightenment: Contexts and Legacy by Grande, James
The Poem of Fernan Gonzalez by
Derek Attridge in Conversation by Attridge, Derek
Silviano Santiago Y Los Estudios Latinoamericanos by
Flirtations: Rhetoric and Aesthetics This Side of Seduction by Stone, Lauren Shizuko, Nagel, Barbara Natalie
The Political Writings of Eva Gore-Booth by
Reading with John Clare: Biopoetics, Sovereignty, Romanticism by Guyer, Sara
Unreading Shakespeare by Gontar, David P.
Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism by Cox, Emma
Performing Noncitizenship: Asylum Seekers in Australian Theatre, Film and Activism by Cox, Emma
The Fantastic Made Visible: Essays on the Adaptation of Science Fiction and Fantasy from Page to Screen by
The Whole Shot: Collected Interviews with Gregory Corso by
Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real by Siegert, Bernhard
Welcome to Frost Heaves: You Can't Get There from Here by Sheldon, Ken
The Witch-Cult in Western Europe by Murray, Margaret Alice
The Political Writings of Eva Gore-Booth by
Icons of Danish Modernity: Georg Brandes and Asta Nielsen by Allen, Julie K.
Narrative Theory Unbound: Queer and Feminist Interventions by Warhol, Robyn R., Lanser, Susan S.
Cultural Techniques: Grids, Filters, Doors, and Other Articulations of the Real by Siegert, Bernhard
New Diaspora: The Changing Landscape of American Jewish Fiction by
Reading with John Clare: Biopoetics, Sovereignty, Romanticism by Guyer, Sara
Chronicle of Separation: On Deconstruction's Disillusioned Love by Ben-Naftali, Michal
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway Hardback Set Volumes 1-3: Volume 1-3 by Hemingway, Ernest
Poems by Lanier, Sidney
The Peace Negotiations by Lansing, Robert
The Poetic Edda by
The Letters of Ernest Hemingway Hardback Set Volumes 2 and 3: Volume 2-3 by Hemingway, Ernest
Isidorean Perceptions of Order: The Exeter Book Riddles and Medieval Latin Enigmata by Salvador-Bello, Mercedes
The Literary Experience, Compact Edition by Beiderwell, Bruce, Wheeler, Jeffrey M.
Paint the Town Black by Black, Arthur
Mondo Di Luce E Mago Cabalista: Mago Primis. by Anedda, Manuel
An Essay on the History of Civil Society by Ferguson, Adam
The Beginnings of New England by Fiske, John
New Poems by Lawrence, David Herbert
Womens Journal by Speedy Publishing LLC
The Cherry Orchard: A Comedy in Four Acts by Chekhov, Anton
Studies in Literature and History by Lyall, Alfred Comyn
Interpreting the Turkic Runiform Sources and the Position of the Altai Corpus by
Ancient Babylonian Medicine: Theory and Practice by Geller, Markham J.
Land Ionia NiP by Greaves, Alan M.
Chinese Ethnic Minority Oral Traditions: A Recovered Text of Bai Folk Songs in a Sinoxenic Script by Zhao, Min, Xu, Lin, Fu, Jingqi
The Arresting Eye: Race and the Anxiety of Detection by Huh, Jinny
The Arresting Eye: Race and the Anxiety of Detection by Huh, Jinny
Fictions of Youth: Pier Paolo Pasolini, Adolescence, Fascisms by Bondavalli, Simona
"Der Gute Mensch von Sezuan". Brechts Idee vom epischen Theater by Posch, Andreas
A Sisterhood of Seclusion. Medieval Women's Writing by Charney, Kristin
The Beautiful by Lee, Vernon
Writing Reconstruction: Race, Gender, and Citizenship in the Postwar South by Kennedy-Nolle, Sharon D.
Roy Harris and Integrational Semiology 1956-2015: A bibliography by
Stray Birds by Tagore, Rabindranath
The Principles of Success in Literature by Lewes, George Henry
Les rues de Paris - Tome I by Bouniol, Bathild
Les rues de Paris - Tome III by Bouniol, Bathild
Romanticism, Rousseau, Switzerland: New Prospects by
The Invention of English Criticism by Gavin, Michael
Falsifying Beckett: Essays on Archives, Philosophy, and Methodology in Beckett Studies by Feldman, Matthew
Space and the Postmodern Fantastic in Contemporary Literature: The Architectural Void by Garcia, Patricia
The Space of Fiction by Pittin-Hedon, Marie-Odile
Surrealism, Science Fiction and Comics by
Emmy von Rhodens "Der Trotzkopf". Literatur als pädagogisches Werkzeug by Ringe, Nicole
The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci by Rosengarten, Frank
Bindestrichgebrauch in der Tagespresse. Umsetzung des Regelwerks? by Heinzelmann, Christian
Parzivals Erziehung im dritten Buch von Wolframs von Eschenbach "Parzival" by Heinzelmann, Christian
Analyse der Erzähltextsituation in "Zorgamazoo" von Robert Paul Weston by Mergl, Maximilian
Ambiguität in "Vor einer Kerze", "Engführung" und "Du liegst im großen Gelausche" von Paul Celan by Hyben, Ľubomír
Mündlichkeit in literarischen Texten am Beispiel Salingers "The Catcher In The Rye" by Wilkes, Hanna
The Heart of Japan (Routledge Revivals): Glimpses of Life and Nature Far from the Travellers' Track in the Land of the Rising Sun by Brownell, Clarence Ludlow
Die Sprechsituation in Wiliam Wordsworths "Lines Composed a few Miles above Tintern Abbey" by Schmidt, Insa
Giraffe e girini: Libro di favole per grandi medi e piccoli by Stilnero
Moral Science: A Compendium of Ethics by Bain, Alexander
Critical Theory: The Key Concepts by Felluga, Dino
Laughter, Humor, and the (Un)Making of Gender: Historical and Cultural Perspectives by
Jews and Christians in Thirteenth-Century France by
Jews and Christians in Thirteenth-Century France by
Reading the Waste Land from the Bottom Up by Booth, A.
Laughter, Humor, and the (Un)Making of Gender: Historical and Cultural Perspectives by
Politics, Poetics, and Gender in Late Qing China: Xue Shaohui and the Era of Reform by Qian, Nanxiu
Parabolische Elemente in Kafkas Erzählung 'Kleine Fabel' by Grimm, Melanie
New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass by
Melancholie und ihre literarische Darstellung in Goethes "Die Leiden des jungen Werther" by Hyben, Ľubomír
Die Entstehung der Orientfaszination im Frankreich des 18. Jahrhunderts und ihre Bedeutung in Voltaires "Conte Oriental" by Benthin, Anja
Das Motiv der Mütterlichkeit in Gretha Jüngers "Die Palette" by Massard, Claudine
Das Minnemotiv im lyrischen Werk Konrads von Würzburg by Hyben, Ľubomír
Mensch und Menschenbild in Zuckmayer's "Der Hauptmann von Köpenick" by Ladkany, Shirley
30 Great Myths about the Romantics by Wu, Duncan
Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen by Taves, Brian
Utopie, Dystopie und Robinsonade in Glavinics "Die Arbeit der Nacht" by Ammann, Daniela
Texts and Textuality: Textual Instability, Theory, and Interpretation by Cohen, Philip G.
Langston Hughes: The Man, His Art, and His Continuing Influence by
Shakespearean Echoes by Wetmore Jr, Kevin J.
Class, Please Open Your Comics: Essays on Teaching with Graphic Narratives by
Colson Whitehead: The Postracial Voice of Contemporary Literature by Fain, Kimberly
Mission Statements by Graham, John W., Havlick, Wendy C.
Zur Wiedergabe islamischer Fachtermini im "Duden Deutsches Universalwörterbuch" by Saif, Mohammed
Emblematik und Motive in Gryphius' "Catharina von Georgien oder Bewehrete Beständigkeit" by Hyben, Ľubomír
Continuities by Kermode, Sir Frank
Arms and the Man by Shaw, Bernard
Critical Theory: The Key Concepts by Felluga, Dino Franco
Two Gentlemen of Verona: Critical Essays by
Antony and Cleopatra: An Annotated Bibliography by Bains, Yashdip S.
South African Feminisms: Writing, Theory, and Criticism, l990-l994 by
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