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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2017

Cults and Conspiracies: A Literary History by Ziolkowski, Theodore
Comic Connections: Analyzing Hero and Identity by
Shakespeare, Adaptation, Psychoanalysis: Better than New by Biberman, Matthew
Forms of Empire: The Poetics of Victorian Sovereignty by Hensley, Nathan K.
A Companion to Euripides by
Benedict's Daughter: Poems by Kolin, Philip C.
Benedict's Daughter: Poems by Kolin, Philip C.
Blake, Myth, and Enlightenment: The Politics of Apotheosis by Fallon, David
Fashioning Authorship in the Long Eighteenth Century: Stylish Books of Poetic Genius by Egan, Gerald
Early Modern Women's Writing: Domesticity, Privacy, and the Public Sphere in England and the Dutch Republic by Van Elk, Martine
The Organist in Victorian Literature by Quinn, Iain
The Annals of Tacitus: Books 5-6 by Tacitus
Jane Austen, Virginia Woolf and Worldly Realism by Morris, Pam
Space To Create in Chinese Science Fiction by Price, Robert G.
Wozu Braucht Der Mensch Dichtung?: Anthropologie Und Poetik Von Platon Bis Musil by Gaier, Ulrich
Alicia en el país de las maravillas by Carroll, Lewis
Brenda by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Neo Romanticism: American Postmodernism: Contemporary American Poetics by Bhattacharya, Gargi
外国文学名家名作鉴赏辞典系列-巴尔扎克&#203 by Wen Xue Jian Shang, CI Dian Bian Zhuan
Lyric Texts & Consciousness by Miller, Paul
Polysituatedness: A Poetics of Displacement by Kinsella, John
Imperium of the Soul: The Political and Aesthetic Imagination of Edwardian Imperialists by Etherington, Norman
Samuel Beckett by Birkett, Jennifer, Ince, Kate
Christopher Marlowe by Wilson, Richard
English and Italian Literature From Dante to Shakespeare: A Study of Source, Analogue and Divergence by Kirkpatrick, Robin
Medieval Family Roles by
Clough: Selected Poems by Clough, Arthur Hugh, Phelan, Joseph
Leonora Carrington and the International Avant-Garde by
Heinrich Penthesilea Kleist: Liebetod, Todliebe by Stutz, Manfred
Virgil's Ascanius: Imagining the Future in the Aeneid by Rogerson, Anne
Milton and the Burden of Freedom by Chernaik, Warren
10 Cent War: Comic Books, Propaganda, and World War II by
BTRIPP Books - 2016 by Tripp, Brendan
The Philosophical Salon: Speculations, Reflections, Interventions by
Love and the Turning Seasons by Schelling, Andrew
Eschyle: et le drame politique des Grecs by Binaut, Louis
Sophocle: et la philosophie du drame chez les Grecs by Binaut, Louis
Tolstoy by Rolland, Romain
Gloria by Perez Galdos, Benito
Zaragoza by Perez Galdos, Benito
Étude sur Virgile by Sainte-Beuve, Charles-Augustin
A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard (Volume 2) by Howard, Robert E., Lovecraft, H. P.
A Means to Freedom: The Letters of H. P. Lovecraft and Robert E. Howard (Volume 1) by Lovecraft, H. P., Howard, Robert E.
Der Bildungsroman im Zeitalter der Pop-Literatur. Wolfgang Herrndorf und Christian Kracht by Weber, Stefanie
Unearthing Shakespeare: Embodied Performance and the Globe by Pye, Valerie Clayman
J.G. Ballard's Politics: Late Capitalism, Power, and the Pataphysics of Resistance by Cord, Florian
Das Althochdeutsche aus textlinguistischer Sicht by Braun, Christian
Cuentos delgados by Ruggeri, Dario, Ruggeri, Simona
Unearthing Shakespeare: Embodied Performance and the Globe by Pye, Valerie Clayman
Mining Memory: Reimagining Self and Nation through Narratives of Childhood in Peru by Tierney-Tello, Mary Beth
Travel Writing in Dutch and German, 1790-1930: Modernity, Regionality, Mobility by
Ctesias' Persica in Its Near Eastern Context by Waters, Matt
The Mary Daly Reader by Daly, Mary
Other Seasons by Recinos, Harold J.
The Agony of Shopping and Other Plays by Riccardi, Constantino Vincent
Other Seasons by Recinos, Harold J.
The Agony of Shopping and Other Plays by Riccardi, Constantino Vincent
Cultural Hybrids of (Post)Modernism: Japanese and Western Literature, Art and Philosophy by
Attic Oratory and Performance by Serafim, Andreas
Age of Wonders by Hartwell, David G.
The Mary Daly Reader by Daly, Mary
Literature of the 1900s: The Great Edwardian Emporium by Wild, Jonathan
The Children's Troupes and the Transformation of English Theater 1509-1608: Pedagogue, Playwrights, Playbooks, and Play-Boys by McCarthy, Jeanne
Die Ästhetik des Geldes in der romantischen Literatur by Schmieding, Alexander
Geschichte der Weltliteratur by Baumgartner, Alexander
Geschichte der Weltliteratur by Baumgartner, Alexander
Geschichte der Weltliteratur by Baumgartner, Alexander
Key Concepts in Contemporary Popular Fiction by Murphy, Bernice M.
Twins in Early Modern English Drama and Shakespeare by Murray, Daisy
Slavonic & East European Review (95: 1) January 2017 by
Who Is God by Kallas, Peter
The Stadium Seat, Books within Book 3: The Uncatchable Rapist (Click Turnputer) volume 9-12 by Simms, Albert Clint
Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 - Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Band 6 by
The Power of Smell in American Literature: Odor, Affect, and Social Inequality by Babilon, Daniela
Virtualitaet im Minnesang um 1200: Transdisziplinaere Analysen by Mittler, Nicolas
Deutsche Lyrik der Gegenwart seit 1850: eine Anthologie - Mit biographischen und bibliographischen Notizen by
Gedichte von Hieronymus Lorm by Landesmann, Heinrich
Sturm by MacKay, John Henry
Key Concepts in Contemporary Popular Fiction by Murphy, Bernice M.
The Nazi Card: Nazi Comparisons at the Beginning of the Cold War by Johnson, Brian
The Road Goes Ever On: A Christian Journey Through The Lord of the Rings by Gloriod, Trese, Frailey, A. K.
Figures of Natality: Reading the Political in the Age of Goethe by O'Neil, Joseph D.
Jonathan Franzen and the Romance of Community: Narratives of Salvation by Hidalga, Jesús Blanco
Apocalyptic Fiction by Tate, Andrew
Roberto Bolaño as World Literature by
The History of British Literature on Film, 1895-2015 by Hasenfratz, Bob, Semenza, Greg M. Colón
Irish Drama, Modernity and the Passion Play by Poulain, Alexandra
Bel-Ami by de Maupassant, Guy
Interkulturelle Kommunikation im Fremdsprachenunterricht Deutsch nach Englisch: Eine Pilotuntersuchung der Klassen 4-6 im Raum Poznań by Zuzok, Nadja
Therapy Through Faёrie: Therapeutic Properties of Fantasy Literature by the Inklings and by U. K. Le Guin by Cholewa-Purgal, Anna
Transkulturalitaet, Identitaetskonstruktion und narrative Vermittlung in Migrationstexten der italienischen Gegenwartsliteratur: Eine Analyse ausgewae by Linardi, Romina
A Mandala of Words: Cultural Realities in the Poems of Ashok Vajpeyi by Czekalska, Renata
Understanding Wittgenstein, Understanding Modernism by
On the Ethical Imperatives of the Interregnum: Essays in Loving Strife from Soren Kierkegaard to Cornel West by Spanos, William V.
Queering Richard Rolle: Mystical Theology and the Hermit in Fourteenth-Century England by Roman, Christopher M.
Le jeu dans tous ses états: Études dix-neuviémistes by
Inventing Agency: Essays on the Literary and Philosophical Production of the Modern Subject by
Sarah Waters: Gender and Sexual Politics by O'Callaghan, Claire
Shakespeare and New Historicist Theory by Parvini, Neema
Inventing Agency: Essays on the Literary and Philosophical Production of the Modern Subject by
Nibelunge Nôt: Mit den Abweichungen von der Nibelunge liet denlesarten sämmtlicher Handschriften und einem Wörterbuche. by Bartsch, Karl
Ciència de la Ficció by Lacambra Boada, Alexandre David
Über den historischen Wert der älteren Dante-Commentare: Mit einem Anhang zur Dino-Frage by Hegel, Karl
Cracking Jokes: Studies of Sick Humor Cycles & Stereotypes by Dundes, Alan
Apocalyptic Fiction by Tate, Andrew
Shakespeare and Greece by
Bodies of Water: Posthuman Feminist Phenomenology by Neimanis, Astrida
Study and Revise for As/A-Level: Skirrid Hill by Onyett, Nicola, McBratney, Luke
De la vida y del amor: Monte María by Lopez, Asdrubal
Jane Austen and Performance by Cano, Marina
Les excentriques de la littérature et de la science by Esquiros, Alphonse
Unedirte lateinische Gedichte by Baehrens, Emil
Shifting the Blame: Literature, Law, and the Theory of Accidents in Nineteenth Century America by Goodman, Nan
The Politics of Early Modern Women's Writing by Clarke, Danielle
Vietnam War Stories by Herzog, Tobey C.
English Poetry of the Sixteenth Century by Waller, Gary F.
Ideology by Eagleton, Terry
The Later Middle Ages in England 1216 - 1485 by Wilkinson, Bertie
Heinrich Kaufringers Gedichte by Kaufringer, Heinrich
Shakespeare and the Uses of Antiquity: An Introductory Essay by Martindale, Michelle
A Preface to Shakespeare's Comedies by Mangan, Michael
Readers and Reading by Bennett, Andrew
English Drama: Shakespeare to the Restoration 1590-1660 by Leggatt, Alexander
Laurence Sterne by Walsh, Marcus
50 Famous Fables and Folk Tales: Collected from Around the World by Baker, Tom
Shakespeare and the Culture of Paradox by Platt, Peter G.
El combate de la Tapera by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Fábulas by Samaniego, Felíx
Flurry Sea: What sweets a man most that equally kills him by Nnerdy, Daniel N.
Ismael by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Contes by Perrault, Charles
Ameen al-Rihani: You...The Poets by El-Hage, George Nicolas
Doña perfecta by Peréz Galdos, Benito
El Audaz by Pérez Galdos, Benito
Pavlo Tychyna: The Complete Early Poetry Collections by Tychyna, Pavlo
Montaigne in Transit: Essays in Honour of Ian Maclean by
Abraham Lincoln and William Cullen Bryant: Their Civil War by Muller, Gilbert H.
Alphabet Year by Miller-Duggan, Devon
Grito de gloria by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Abriss der Geschichte Algeriens nach 1962 und Analyse des Symbolismus in B. Sansals "L'enfant fou de l arbre creux" in Bezug zur aktuellen Situation i by Krick, Florian
Order in Disorder: Intratextual Symmetry in Montaigne's "Essais" by Runyon, Randolph Paul
Les Eaux vives: Janvier 2017 by Leuwers, Daniel, Malnoe, Celine, Association Internationale De La Critiqu
Aldous Huxley: The Political Thought of a Man of Letters by Maurini, Alessandro
Living with Zombies: Society in Apocalypse in Film, Literature and Other Media by Pielak, Chase, Cohen, Alexander H.
The Works of Tomas Tranströmer: The Universality of Poetry by Lim, Lee Ching
Remaking Romanticism: The Radical Politics of the Excerpt by Legette, Casie
The Evolution of the Costumed Avenger: The 4,000-Year History of the Superhero by Nevins, Jess
Abundance from the Desert: Classical Arabic Poetry by Farrin, Raymond
Arabs and the Art of Storytelling: A Strange Familiarity by Kilito, Abdelfattah
Lucian Blaga's Poetry and Its Gnostic Yearnings by Deleanu, Daniel
de la Estupidez a la Locura / From Stupidity to Insanity by Eco, Umberto
Sailing towards Poland with Joseph Conrad by Szczypien, Jean M.
Tarzan, Jungle King of Popular Culture by Lemmo, David
American Literature in the World: An Anthology from Anne Bradstreet to Octavia Butler by
Postmodern Crises: From Lolita to Pussy Riot by Lipovetsky, Mark
Becoming Fiction: Reassessing Atheism in Duerrenmatt's Stoffe by
Descartes et son influence sur la littérature française by Nisard, Désiré
Speaking Of Books - Reviews & Interviews With Writers by Daniels, Neil
Alicia en el país de las maravillas by Carroll, Lewis
Brenda by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Doña perfecta by Peréz Galdos, Benito
El Audaz by Pérez Galdos, Benito
El combate de la Tapera by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Fábulas by Samaniego, Felíx
Ismael by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Nature and Nostalgia in the Poetry of Nader Naderpour by Zarei, Rouhollah, Sedarat, Roger
Gendered Masks of Liminality and Race: Black Female Trickster's Subversion of Hegemonic Discourse in African American Women Literature by Saber, Yomna
Narrating the Passions: New Perspectives from Modern and Contemporary Literature by
Mazes and Amazements: Borges and Western Philosophy by Mualem, Shlomy
Lasting Impressions: The Legacies of Impressionism in Contemporary Culture by Matz, Jesse
Contes by Perrault, Charles
Views Beyond the Border Country: Raymond Williams and Cultural Politics by
Women Writers and Artists: Modernist (Im)Positionings by Wallace, Jo-Ann, Elliott, B. J.
The Brontes by Ingham, Patricia
Homeless Dogs and Melancholy Apes: Humans and Other Animals in the Modern Literary Imagination by Brown, Laura S.
On Whitman by Williams, C. K.
Was ist Intertextualität? Form, Funktion und intertextuelle Textverarbeitung by Kemper, Nina
Houses: New and Selected Poems by Don Barkin by Barkin, Don
Grimms "Schneewittchen". Inhalts-, Text- und Figurenanalyse by Dimova, Michaela
Comic Connections: Analyzing Hero and Identity by
Grimms "Dornröschen". Inhalts-, Text- und Figurenanalyse by Dimova, Michaela
Grimms "Hänsel und Gretel". Inhalts-, Text- und Figurenanalyse by Dimova, Michaela
The Weird and the Eerie by Fisher, Mark
American Literature in the World: An Anthology from Anne Bradstreet to Octavia Butler by
Shakespeare's Women and the Fin de Siecle by Duncan, Sophie
Separation Scenes: Domestic Drama in Early Modern England by Christensen, Ann C.
The Signifying Eye: Seeing Faulkner's Art by Waid, Candace
Love in the Time of Revolution: Transatlantic Literary Radicalism and Historical Change, 1793-1818 by Cayton, Andrew
The Scholar and the State: Fiction as Political Discourse in Late Imperial China by Ge, Liangyan
Lessons Learned From My Friendship With Octavia Butler by Harris, Jacqueline D.
Post-Multicultural Writers as Neo-Cosmopolitan Mediators by Gunew, Sneja
El combate de la tapera by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Le Siége de Calais. Tome 1 by Tencin, Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin
Le Siége de Calais. Tome 2 by Tencin, Claudine-Alexandrine Guérin
La Fiesta, El Duelo y El Horror: Representaciones de La Muerte En La Literatura Latinoamericana by
Reluctant Skeptic: Siegfried Kracauer and the Crises of Weimar Culture by Craver, Harry T.
Romantic Rationalist: A William Godwin Reader by Godwin, William
Belligerent Muse: Five Northern Writers and How They Shaped Our Understanding of the Civil War by Cushman, Stephen
Avant-Garde Orientalism: The Eastern 'Other' in Twentieth-Century Travel Narrative and Poetry by Sweet, David Lehardy
Young Adult Literature, Libraries, and Conservative Activism by Gaffney, Loretta M.
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