• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2017

Playing Offstage: The Theater as a Presence or Factor in the Real World by
Literary Celebrity in Canada by York, Lorraine
Music Into Fiction: Composers Writing, Compositions Imitated by Ziolkowski, Theodore
Human in Death: Morality and Mortality in J. D. Robb's Novels by Ali, Kecia
Antitheatricality and the Body Public by Freeman, Lisa A.
Irony and the Modern Theatre by Storm, William
Timeless Wit by Tajfar, Maryam, Ctrpress Org
The Theatrical Public Sphere by Balme, Christopher B.
Jews, Jewish Difference and Austrian Culture (Austrian Studies 24): Literary and Historical Perspectives by
Literary Awakenings: Personal Essays from the Hudson Review by
The World of the Khanty Epic Hero-Princes by Hatto, Arthur
Modernist Voyages by Snaith, Anna
Irish Culture and Colonial Modernity 1800-2000 by Lloyd, David
Illegitimacy and the National Family in Early Modern England by Vella Bonavita, Helen
The Dramatic Concepts of Antonin Artaud by Sellin, Eric
Festgabe für Franz Susemihl: zur Geschichte griechischer Wissenschaft und Dichtung by Susemihl, Franz
Bierwerbung in Deutschland. Eine Analyse ausgewählter Werbespots by Hoffmann, Evgeniya
Kulturelle Unterschiede in der Werbegestaltung. Stadardisierte und differenzierte Werbung und deren Elemente by Hoffmann, Evgeniya
Mela Hartwigs "Das Weib ist ein Nichts" und das Frauenbild der zwanziger Jahre by Fast, Evelyn
Charles Dickens: A Hyperrealist Avant la Lettre by Deleanu, Daniel
Robert Louis Stevenson and the Great Affair: Movement, Memory and Modernity by
A Preface to Marlowe by Simkin, Stevie
Experimental Writing: Africa vs Latin America Vol 1: Literatura Experimental: África vs América Latina Vol 1 by
Heinrich Heine's gesammelte Werke: kritische Gesamtausgabe: Sechster Band by Heine, Heinrich, Karpeles, Gustav
Geschichte der französischen Nationalliteratur: Von ihren Anfängen bis auf die neueste Zeit by Kreyssig, Friedrich Alexander Theodor
Geschichte der deutschen Schauspielkunst by Devrient, Eduard
The Best Read Naturalist: Nature Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Best Read Naturalist: Nature Writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Marieluise Fleißers "Ein Pfund Orangen" unddas Frauenbild der 20er Jahre by Fast, Evelyn
Of Gardens and Graves: Kashmir, Poetry, Politics by Kaul, Suvir
Of Gardens and Graves: Kashmir, Poetry, Politics by Kaul, Suvir
Island Genres, Genre Islands: Conceptualisation and Representation in Popular Fiction by Crane, Ralph, Fletcher, Lisa
Rewriting the Nation in Modern Kazakh Literature: Elites and Narratives by Kudaibergenova, Diana T.
Irmgard Keuns "Das Kunstseidene Mädchen" und das Frauenbild der zwanziger Jahre by Fast, Evelyn
Bierwerbung in Russland. Eine Analyse ausgewählter Werbespots by Hoffmann, Evgeniya
Geschichte der Weltliteratur by Baumgartner, Alexander
Geschichte der französischen Nationalliteratur: Von ihren Anfängen bis auf die neueste Zeit by Kreyssig, Friedrich Alexander Theodor
La nariz de un notario by About, Edmond
La sombra by Perez Galdos, Benito Perez Galdos
Reel to Reel Productions presents: Real True Taughts of Good Over Evil by Queeley, Dave R.
Geschichte des Sonettes in der deutschen Dichtung: Mit einer Einleitung über Heimat, Entstehung und Wesen der Sonettform by Welti, Heinrich
Saint Augustin by Bertrand, Louis
Ismael by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
In gratitude to Judith Butler: for her legacy. The performative aspects of print in the 18th century in colonial Calcutta, India: Telling a story on by Bharadwaj, Tapati
Life of Robert Browning by Sharp, William
Chronik des Königlichen Hof- und National-Theaters in München by Grandaur, Franz
Proclus and His Legacy by
Rethinking Joyce's Dubliners by
Bel-Ami by de Maupassant, Guy
César Cascabel by Verne, Julio
Contes Divers 1881 by de Maupassant, Guy
Doña Berta by Alas Clarín, Leopoldo
El Abuelo by Peréz Galdos, Benito
We May Never Know: a collection of bite-sized vignettes by Temitope, Toyosi E.
Onomastik Des Rolandsliedes: Namen ALS Schlüssel Zu Strukturen, Welthaltigkeit Und Vorgeschichte Des Liedes by Beckmann, Gustav Adolf
The Postmillennial Vampire: Power, Sacrifice and Simulation in True Blood, Twilight and Other Contemporary Narratives by Chaplin, Susan
Stefan George - Werkkommentar by
Postcolonial Slavic Literatures After Communism by
Challenging Boundaries in Linguistics: Systemic Functional Perspectives by
The Cambridge Companion to the Beats by
Handbuch Sturm Und Drang by
The New Midwest by Athitakis, Mark
Plotting Motherhood in Medieval, Early Modern, and Modern Literature by Rose, Mary Beth
Rethinking the South English Legendaries by
Roman Theories of Translation: Surpassing the Source by McElduff, Siobhán
Roman Literature, Gender and Reception: Domina Illustris by
Feast of Laughter 4: An Appreciation of R.A. Lafferty by
Computer Games and Technical Communication: Critical Methods and Applications at the Intersection by Dewinter, Jennifer, Moeller, Ryan M.
Notational Experiments in North American Long Poems, 1961-2011: Stave Sightings by Carruthers, A. J.
In Stereotype: South Asia in the Global Literary Imaginary by Chakravorty, Mrinalini
Postirony: The Nonfictional Literature of David Foster Wallace and Dave Eggers by Hoffmann, Lukas
City Images: Perspectives from Literature, Philosophy and Film by Caws, Mary Ann
Cosmo Innes and the Defence of Scotland's Past C. 1825-1875 by Marsden, Richard A.
Wartesäle der Poesie: Schriftstellerinnen im Pariser Exil 1933-1941 by Hoja, Roland
Corazón by De Amicis, Edmondo
Charlotte Brontë: A Fiery Heart by Harman, Claire
Better Living Through Criticism: How to Think about Art, Pleasure, Beauty, and Truth by Scott, A. O.
Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung aus den Quellen by Goedeke, Karl
Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung aus den Quellen by Goedeke, Karl
Grundriss der Geschichte der deutschen Nationalliteratur: Vom Anfang des 17. bis zum zweiten Viertel des 18. Jahrhunderts by Koberstein, August
Big Books by Junker, Howard
Akten des XIII. Internationalen Germanistenkongresses Shanghai 2015 - Germanistik zwischen Tradition und Innovation: Band 5 by
Medea by Eurípides
Nativa by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Allegorical Spectrum of the Parables of Jesus by Wong, Suk Kwan
Allegorical Spectrum of the Parables of Jesus by Wong, Suk Kwan
English Literature for Boys and Girls - Illustrated by John R. Skelton by Marshall, H. E.
Heinrich Heine's gesammelte Werke by Karpeles, Gustav
In mehreren Sprachen studieren: Repraesentationen und Praktiken von Mehrsprachigkeit in dreisprachigen Studienprogrammen an der Universitaet Luxemburg by Stoike-Sy, Rahel
Advances in the Analysis of Spanish Exclamatives by
Inspiring Views from a' the airts on Scottish Literatures, Art and Cinema: The First World Congress of Scottish Literatures in Glasgow 2014 by
In Defense of Reading by Worth, Sarah E.
Sämtliche Werke: 1. Band by Hebbel, Friedrich
Literatur und Theater by Harden, Maximilian
Writing the Earth, Darkly: Globalization, Ecocriticism, and Desire by Hoving, Isabel
National Identities and Imperfections in Contemporary Irish Literature: Unbecoming Irishness by
Danish Literature as World Literature by
Canidia, Rome's First Witch by Paule, Maxwell Teitel
El hombre invisible by Wells, Herbert George
El Principe y el Mendigo by Twain, Mark
El regreso de Don Quijote by Chesterton, Gilbert K.
El ultimo Hombre by Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo by Shelley, Mary
La Esfinge de los Hielos by Verne, Jules
La guerra de los mundos by Wells, Herbert George
La Isla del Tesoro by Stevenson, Robert Louis
La Isla Misteriosa by Verne, Julio
Las minas del rey salomon by Rider Haggard, Henry
Crimen y Castigo by Dostoiewski, Fedor
Cumbres Borrascosas by Brontë, Emily
With Love From My Cat by Ware, Georges
Literary Theory: The Complete Guide by Klages, Mary
J. M. Coetzee's the Childhood of Jesus: The Ethics of Ideas and Things by
Seneca: Hercules Furens by Bernstein, Neil
Heterodox Shakespeare by Benson, Sean
King's Salomon's Mine by Rider Haggard, Henry
Los primeros hombres en la Luna by Welles, Herbert George
The Art of Law in Shakespeare by Raffield, Paul
She: A History of Adventure by Haggard, Henry Ridder
Pentecostal Modernism: Lovecraft, Los Angeles, and World-Systems Culture by Shapiro, Stephen, Barnard, Philip
Literary Theory: The Complete Guide by Klages, Mary
Schillers Calender vom 18. Juli 1795 bis 1805 by Schiller, Friedrich
Writing and Performing Female Identity in Italian Culture by
Sex Trafficking in Postcolonial Literature: Transnational Narratives from Joyce to Bolaño by Barberán Reinares, Laura
Jane Eyre: An Autobiography by Bronte, Charlotte
The Audiobook Book: An Audiobook Production Guide for Indie Authors & Narrators by Deward, Erin, Mason, Renea, Levine, Noah Michael
Persuación by Austen, Jane
Rob Roy by Scott, Walter
The Dramatic Concepts of Antonin Artaud by Sellin, Eric
Homer: Seine Sprache, die Kampfplätze seiner Heroen und Götter in der Troas und ein letztes Wort zur Erklärung der Ilias by Forchhammer, Peter Wilhelm
Reimagineering the Nation: Essays on Twenty-First-Century Sweden by
Zum Politischen der Dramatik von Thomas Bernhard und Peter Handke: Neue Aufteilungen des Sinnlichen by Hegenbart, Christine
Die Transgressionen der Bibelfiguren in der Prosa von Georg Trakl by Pilipowicz, Andrzej
Language - Literature - the Arts: A Cognitive-Semiotic Interface by
Deutschsprachige Kinder- und Jugendliteratur waehrend der Zwischenkriegszeit und im Exil: Schwerpunkt Oesterreich by
Las Tribulaciones de un chino en China by Verne, Julio
Wuthering Heights by Brontë, Emily
Prince Otto: A Romance by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Wielands Abderiten by Seuffert, Bernhard
Iwan Turgenjew: Eine literarische Studie by Zabel, Eugen
Orgullo y Prejuicio by Austen, Jane
In These Great Times: Selected Writings by Kraus, Karl
The war of the worlds by Wells, Herbert George
Staging the Trials of Modernism: Testimony and the British Modern Literary Consciousness by Barleben, Dale
Citaras de silencio: A poesia e o feminino: ensaios by Barroso, Maria Do Sameiro
Poke The Bear: Time To Awaken Out of Sleep by Domingue, Angel
Thoughts by Oropollo, Michael
Georges by Dumas, Alexandre
The Cambridge Companion to the Beats by
Oscar Wilde - De Profundis: "I have said to you to speak the truth is a painful thing. To be forced to tell lies is much worse." by Wilde, Oscar
Oscar Wilde - Intentions: "The more we study Art, the less we care for Nature." by Wilde, Oscar
Oscar Wilde - Essays & Lectures: "The world is a stage and the play is badly cast." by Wilde, Oscar
Eighteenth-Century Women's Writing and the 'Scandalous Memoir' by Breashears, Caroline
Revisiting Shakespeare's Lost Play: Cardenio/Double Falsehood in the Eighteenth Century by
Oscar Wilde - Art & Morality: "Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong." by Wilde, Oscar
The Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature by
Aunt Ester's Children Redeemed: Journeys to Freedom in August Wilson's Ten Plays of Twentieth-Century Black America by Temple, Riley K.
Aunt Ester's Children Redeemed: Journeys to Freedom in August Wilson's Ten Plays of Twentieth-Century Black America by Temple, Riley K.
The 101 Greatest Plays: From Antiquity to the Present by Billington, Michael
Der griechische Roman und seine Vorläufer by Rohde, Erwin
Lit Up: One Reporter. Three Schools. Twenty-Four Books That Can Change Lives. by Denby, David
Islam and Postcolonial Discourse: Purity and Hybridity by Mirze Santesso, Esra, McClung, James
Das Suizidmotiv in der deutschsprachigen Literatur by Graefe-Ewald, Annette
Redburn by Melville, Herman
Denkrahmen der Deutschdidaktik: Die Identitaet der Disziplin in der Diskussion by
Studies in Honor of Robert ter Horst by
Oscar Wilde - Reviews: "We are each our own devil, and we make this world our hell." by Wilde, Oscar
The Drunken Duchess of Vassar: Grace Harriet Macurdy, Pioneering Feminist Classical Scholar by McManus, Barbara
The Sub-genres of British Fantasy Literature by Dalton, A. J.
Pier Paolo Pasolini: Performing Authorship by Annovi, Gian Maria
Cuban Studies 45 by
Franz Fuehmann: Das Judenauto - ein Zensurfall im DDR-Literaturbetrieb: Eine historisch-kritische Erkundung mit einer Synopse aller publizierten Textv by Buckendahl, Uwe
Joro's Youth: The first part of the Mongolian epic of Geser Khan by Narangoa, Li, De Rachewiltz, Igor
Present Concerns: Journalistic Essays by Lewis, C. S.
No Picnic at Hanging Rock by Goltz, Helen
All My Road Before Me: The Diary of C. S. Lewis, 1922-1927 by Lewis, C. S.
On Stories: And Other Essays on Literature by Lewis, C. S.
Anatomía del Desencanto: Humor, Ficción Y Melancolía En España (1976-1998) by Morales Rivera, Santiago
Writing an Icon: Celebrity Culture and the Invention of Anaïs Nin by Jarczok, Anita
The Cambridge Companion to Transnational American Literature by
The Space of Words: Exile and Diaspora in the Works of Nelly Sachs by Hoyer, Jennifer M.
Heights of Reflection: Mountains in the German Imagination from the Middle Ages to the Twenty-First Century by
Zacharias Werner: Mystik und Romantik in den Söhnen de Tals by Poppenberg, Felix
Fun with German! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Geshundheit! And More Learning German for Kids by Baby Professor
Das ist Supertoll! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Willkommen, Kinder! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Supertoll Deutsch! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Ich liebe Deutsch! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Eine neue Sprache German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Julien Duvivier by McCann, Ben
With Only Human Hopes: Reading Earl Lovelace by Barrow-Delgado, Xenobia
The Gothic and Death by
Beckett's Happy Days: A Manuscript Study by Gontarski
Lima Fundada by Pedro de Peralta Barnuevo: A Critical Edition by
A Versatile Gentleman: Consistency in Plutarch's Writing by
Without God: Michel Houellebecq and Materialist Horror by Betty, Louis
The Place of Imagination: Wendell Berry and the Poetics of Community, Affection, and Identity by Wiebe, Joseph R.
I Can Learn German! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Deutsch ist toll! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
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