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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2017

Ich mag Deutsch! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
The Function of Evil across Disciplinary Contexts by
Wunderbar, Wunderbar! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
The Contemporary British Novel Since 2000 by
The Contemporary British Novel Since 2000 by
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
Ich spreche Deutsch! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
Riding Shotgun: Women Write about Their Mothers by
Let's Learn German! German Learning for Kids by Baby Professor
La cuestión palpitante by Pardo Bazan, Emilia
Le Salon de 1877 by Houssaye, Henry
Acté by Dumas, Alexandre
Un jardin sur l'Oronte by Barres, Maurice
Wake Up Uk!: The Ten Things That P*** Me Off in Modern Britain! by Malleus, Thomas
Genesis de Una Revista: Mito by Tarazona Bautista, Alberto Enrique
Androids and Intelligent Networks in Early Modern Literature and Culture: Artificial Slaves by Lagrandeur, Kevin
Praxagoras of Cos on Arteries, Pulse and Pneuma: Fragments and Interpretation by Lewis, Orly
Collage in Twentieth-Century Art, Literature, and Culture: Joseph Cornell, William Burroughs, Frank O'Hara, and Bob Dylan by Cran, Rona
Common Sense by Paine, Thomas
The Duino Elegies by Rilke, Rainer Maria
The Pen is Mightier than the Sword. The Role of Language in George Orwell's Works by Schönfelder, Gregor
Flaying in the Pre-Modern World: Practice and Representation by
Reading Lessons in Seeing: Mirrors, Masks, and Mazes in the Autobiographical Graphic Novel by Chaney, Michael a.
Romanticism, Self-Canonization, and the Business of Poetry by Gamer, Michael
Pinocho by Collodi, Carlo
John Berryman: Centenary Essays by
La troyanas by Eurípides
Bernard Shaw, W. T. Stead, and the New Journalism: Whitechapel, Parnell, Titanic, and the Great War by Ritschel, Nelson O'Ceallaigh
In Defense of Reading by Worth, Sarah E.
Beds and Chambers in Late Medieval England: Readings, Representations and Realities by Morgan, Hollie L. S.
Lou Sullivan: Daring To Be a Man Among Men by Smith, Brice D.
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men at 75 by Lofaro, Michael A.
L'Epopée des animaux by Louandre, Charles
Das Wiener Stadt-Theater by Laube, Heinrich
Le Roman dans le monde by Blaze De Bury, Henri
Wolfgang Goethe by Blaze De Bury, Henri
Le Salon de 1849 by Blaze De Bury, Henri
Le Salon de 1848 by Blaze De Bury, Henri
Schiller und Lotte, 1788-1805 by Schiller, Friedrich, Fielitz, Wilhelm
Alice Walker - The Color Purple by Lister, Rachel
Contes Divers 1881 by de Maupassant, Guy
Doña Berta by Alas Clarín, Leopoldo
El Abuelo by Peréz Galdos, Benito
Froth: My Battle with Low Self Esteem by Phiri, Matrida
The Jungle Book by Kipling, Rudyard
The Second Jungle Book by Kipling, Rudyard
Dictionnaire des Idées Reçueses by Flaubert, Gustave
Kim by Kipling, Rudyard
Disillusionment and Alienation in Hamid's selected works by Shakir, Farheen
Postcolonialism and Postsocialism in Fiction and Art: Resistance and Re-Existence by Tlostanova, Madina
Contemporary Italian Narrative and 1970s Terrorism: Stranger Than Fact by Ward, David
Utopia and Dystopia in Postwar Italian Literature: Pasolini, Calvino, Sanguineti, Volponi by Fioretti, Daniele
The Ludic Uncertainty of the World and Its Word: A Philosophical Investigation of Nichita Stănescu's Poetry by Deleanu, Daniel
Reading Eustathios of Thessalonike by
Namensmythologie by Schüller, Alexander
Falter by Stelmach, Marjorie
Wallenstein: A Dramatic Poem by Schiller, Friedrich
Schiller und Lotte, 1788-1805 by Schiller, Friedrich, Fielitz, Wilhelm
Translating Jazz Into Poetry: From Mimesis to Metaphor by Redling, Erik
Understanding Metalepsis: The Hermeneutics of Narrative Transgression by Hanebeck, Julian
Power Play in Latin Love Elegy and Its Multiple Forms of Continuity in Ovid's >Metamorphoses by Blanco Mayor, José Manuel
Imagining Indianness: Cultural Identity and Literature by
Falter by Stelmach, Marjorie
The Sublime by Shaw, Philip
The Memoirs of John Addington Symonds: A Critical Edition by
African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows by Brewster, Fanny
La komunismo estas bona partio. Diru al ĝi JES by Martelli, Roger, Seve, Lucien
Mind Presentation in Ian McEwan's Fiction: Consciousness and the Presentation of Character in Amsterdam, Atonement, and on Chesil Beach by Nayebpour, Karam
At Home in the World: Women Writers and Public Life, from Austen to the Present by DiBattista, Maria, Nord, Deborah Epstein
Domestic Subjects: Gender, Citizenship, and Law in Native American Literature by Piatote, Beth H.
Analyse der Kritik des Kolonialismus in Mongo Betis Romanen "Ville Cruelle", "Le Pauvre Christ de Bomba" und "Mission terminée" by Krick, Florian
Ten Windows: How Great Poems Transform the World by Hirshfield, Jane
African Americans and Jungian Psychology: Leaving the Shadows by Brewster, Fanny
The Fall of Language in the Age of English by Mizumura, Minae
Sämtliche Werke: 1. Band by Hebbel, Friedrich
The Lagoon by Bond, Ruskin
Who Kissed Me In The Dark by Bond, Ruskin
Madame Bovery by Flaubert, Gustave
Altars of Tomorrow by Abell, Ken R.
Altars of Tomorrow by Abell, Ken R.
Shakespeare and the Visual Arts: The Italian Influence by Marrapodi, Michele
Deutsch in Amerika: Beiträge zur der Deutschamerikanischen Literatur by Zimmermann, Gustav Adolf, Germania Männerchor, Chicago
Warriors and Wilderness in Medieval Britain: From Arthur and Beowulf to Sir Gawain and Robin Hood by Melrose, Robin
Webster: The Duchess of Malfi by Carnegie, David
Lost in Transnation: Alternative Narrative, National, and Historical Visions of the Korean-American Subject in Select 20th-Century Korean A by Cho, David S.
Sylvia Plath and the Language of Affective States: Written Discourse and the Experience of Depression by Demjén, Zsófia
Yeats The Poet: The Measures of Difference by Larrissy, Edward
Crime Fiction as World Literature by
Crime Fiction as World Literature by
Shakespeare and Ecofeminist Theory by Munroe, Jennifer, Laroche, Rebecca
Thrift by Smiles, Samuel
Dialogische Krimianalysen: Fachdidaktik und Fachwissenschaft untersuchen aktuelle Repraesentationsformen des franzoesischen Krimis by
Representing Shakespeare: England, History and the RSC by Shaughnessy, Robert
Understanding Foucault, Understanding Modernism by
Science Fiction Criticism: An Anthology of Essential Writings by Latham, Rob
Edward II: A Critical Reader by Melnikoff, Kirk
Telling It Slant: Critical Approaches to Helen Oyeyemi by
Edward II: A Critical Reader by Melnikoff, Kirk
Contemporary Film Theory by Easthope, Antony
Social and Political Theatre in 21st-Century Britain: Staging Crisis by Angelaki, Vicky
Remembering the Holocaust: Generations, Witnessing and Place by Jilovsky, Esther
Censorship and the Limits of the Literary: A Global View by
Early Modern Actors and Shakespeare's Theatre: Thinking with the Body by Tribble, Evelyn
James Joyce and Catholicism: The Apostate's Wake by Mierlo, Chrissie Van
Post-Millennial Gothic: Comedy, Romance and the Rise of Happy Gothic by Spooner, Catherine
Post-Millennial Gothic: Comedy, Romance and the Rise of Happy Gothic by Spooner, Catherine
Chinese American Literature Without Borders: Gender, Genre, and Form by Cheung, King-Kok
Tennyson and Mid-Victorian Publishing: Moxon, Poetry, Commerce by Cheshire, Jim
Wieland und die Weidmannsche Buchhandlung: Zur Geschichte deutscher Literatur und deutschen Buchhandels by Buchner, Karl
Aesthetics, Politics, Pedagogy and Tagore: A Transcultural Philosophy of Education by Ghosh, Ranjan
Ibsen: An Approach by Lavrin, Janko
An Introduction to the Russian Novel by Lavrin, Janko
Fyodor Dostoevsky--In the Beginning (1821-1845): A Life in Letters, Memoirs, and Criticism by Marullo, Thomas Gaiton
Der kontrastierte Doppelweg im Artusroman am Beispiel des "Erec" von Hartmann von Aue by Hein, Liane
Telos and Object: The relation between sign and object as a teleological relation in the semiotics of Charles S. Peirce by
Animals in Victorian Literature and Culture: Contexts for Criticism by
Outlaw Fathers in Victorian and Modern British Literature: Queering Patriarchy by Gurfinkel, Helena
Poison's Dark Works in Renaissance England by Wilson, Miranda
Romanticism, Gender, and Violence: Blake to George Sodini by Marshall, Nowell
Signs of Power in Habsburg Spain and the New World by
Transatlantic Travels in Nineteenth-Century Latin America: European Women Pilgrims by Méndez Rodenas, Adriana
Heinrich Heine's gesammelte Werke by Karpeles, Gustav
Homer the Preclassic: Volume 67 by Nagy, Gregory
Simply Austen by Ray, Joan Klingel
Selected Poems and Prose by D'Arezzo, Guittone
Women and Comedy: History, Theory, Practice by
Analyse von "Die Poggenpuhls" von Theodor Fontane. Inhalt und Form, stilistische Merkmale und Konflikte by Hein, Liane
The Misinterpellated Subject by Martel, James R.
The Misinterpellated Subject by Martel, James R.
Routledge Revivals: Ethnomethodological Studies of Work (1986) by
French Political Travel Writing in the Interwar Years: Radical Departures by Hurcombe, Martin, Kershaw, Angela, Cornick, Martyn
Geschichte der deutschen Litteratur bis zum Ausgange des Mittelalters: 1. Band by Koegel, Rudolf
Kudrun: 2. Band by Bartsch, Karl
Geschichte der deutschen Litteratur bis zum Ausgange des Mittelalters: 1. Band by Koegel, Rudolf
Feminism and Avant-Garde Aesthetics in the Levantine Novel: Feminism, Nationalism, and the Arabic Novel by Hanna, K.
Arte de horadar by Sosa, Manuel
Sungura Mjanjah: A Lesson in Conservation by Nabawi, J'miah
Kudrun by Bartsch, Karl
A Midsummer Night's Dream by Shakespeare, William
Henry VI Part II by Shakespeare, William
Henry IV Part I by Shakespeare, William
Henry IV Part II by Shakespeare, William
All's Well That Ends Well by Shakespeare, William
Antony And Cleopatra by Shakespeare, William
La Vie de Shakspeare et le paradoxe baconien by Cochin, Henry
King John by Shakespeare, William
Julius Caesar by Shakespeare, William
Henry VIII by Shakespeare, William
As You Like It by Shakespeare, William
Coriolanus by Shakespeare, William
Cymbeline by Shakespeare, William
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
The Palgrave Handbook of Literature and the City by
Women Writing the Home Tour, 1682 1812 by Kinsley, Zoë
Measure For Measure by Shakespeare, William
Macbeth by Shakespeare, William
Loves Labours Lost by Shakespeare, William
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
The Decameron by Boccaccio, Giovanni
Mrs Frances Hodgson Burnett by Bentzon, Thérèse
Les Sociétés communistes aux États-Unis by Bentzon, Thérèse
Autour de Tolstoï by Bentzon, Thérèse
Les Humoristes américains by Bentzon, Thérèse
Child Poverty by Gürsoy, Figen, Özdoğan Özbal, Ece, Aral, Neriman
Die Künstlerthematik in Eduard Mörikes Roman "Maler Nolten" by Hein, Liane
Richard II by Shakespeare, William
The Cambridge Companion to the Literature of Berlin by
Lalo Alcaraz: Political Cartooning in the Latino Community by Fernández l'Hoeste, Héctor D.
Philosophy and Oscar Wilde by
Fallacy of Silver Age by Ronen, Omry
The Tragedie of Macbeth: The Folio of 1623 by Rigney, James
Modern Selves: Essays on Modern British and American Autobiography by Dodd, Philip
Tristan and Isolde: A Casebook by
Closeted Writing and Lesbian and Gay Literature: Classical, Early Modern, Eighteenth-Century by Robinson, David M.
Dickens and the Rise of Divorce: The Failed-Marriage Plot and the Novel Tradition by Hager, Kelly
The Poetics and Politics of the American Gothic: Gender and Slavery in Nineteenth-Century American Literature. Agnieszka Soltysik Monnet by Monnet, Agnieszka Soltysik
Perspectives on Travel Writing by Hooper, Glenn
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Ellis, Steve, Chaucer, Geoffrey
Jonathan Swift by Wood, Nigel
Making Canada New: Editing, Modernism, and New Media by
The Student's Guide to Shakespeare by McKenzie, William
The Student's Guide to Shakespeare by McKenzie, William
Iranian Diaspora Literature of Women by Samadi Rendy, Leila
Gender Bending Detective Fiction: A Critical Analysis of Selected Works by Humann, Heather Duerre
Is That Kafka?: 99 Finds by Stach, Reiner
Stasis in the Medieval West?: Questioning Change and Continuity by
Persisting in Folly: Russian Writers in Search of Wisdom, 1963-2013 by Ready, Oliver
Sculpting the Woman: Muscularity, Power and the Problem with Femininity by Rosdahl, Jamilla
Othello by Shakespeare, William
Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare, William
Brian Friel: A Literary Companion by Snodgrass, Mary Ellen
The Essential Elements of the Detective Story, 1820-1891 by Panek, Leroy Lad, Bendel-Simso, Mary M.
Histories of the Devil: From Marlowe to Mann and the Manichees by Tambling, Jeremy
Joseph Conrad's Polish Soul: Realms of Memory and Self by Brodsky, G. W. Stephen
Pistols and Petticoats: 175 Years of Lady Detectives in Fact and Fiction by Janik, Erika
Up to Maughty London: Joyce's Cultural Capital in the Imperial Metropolis by Loukopoulou, Eleni
Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book by Golden, Catherine J.
Anthology of Spanish American Thought and Culture by
Alice Munro's Miraculous Art: Critical Essays by
The African Queen and the Night of the Hunter: First and Final Screenplays by
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