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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2017

Giving the Devil His Due: Demonic Authority in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor and Fyodor Dostoevsky by Wilson, Jessica Hooten
Giving the Devil His Due: Demonic Authority in the Fiction of Flannery O'Connor and Fyodor Dostoevsky by Wilson, Jessica Hooten
International Companion to James Macpherson and The Poems of Ossian by
The Westminster Alice: A political parody based on Lewis Carroll's Wonderland by Munro (Saki), Hector Hugh
The Amigos by Dubey, Tanmay
William Faulkner: A Life Through Novels by Bleikasten, André
Visuality in the Novels of Austen, Radcliffe, Edgeworth and Burney by Volz, Jessica A.
Women and 'Value' in Jane Austen's Novels: Settling, Speculating and Superfluity by Hall, Lynda A.
El Mafioso, la Secuela: La Secuela by Vinas, Jaime
Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754): Learning and Literature in the Nordic Enlightenment by
Inventing Comics: A New Translation of Rodolphe Töpffer's Reflections on Graphic Storytelling, Media Rhetorics, and Aesthetic Practice by Töpffer, Rodolphe
Bacteriology in British India: Laboratory Medicine and the Tropics by Chakrabarti, Pratik
Communication Images in Derek Walcott's Poetry by Gill, Sadia
Investigating Fascism: Crime, Mystery, and the Fascist Ventennio in the Historical Novel by Castagnino, Angelo
Love and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison's Later Novels by Wyatt, Jean
Character Focalization in Children's Novels by Philpot, Don K.
The Other Exchange: Women, Servants, and the Urban Underclass in Early Modern English Literature by Van Renen, Denys
Words Like Daggers: Violent Female Speech in Early Modern England by Stavreva, Kirilka
Educating through Popular Culture: You're Not Cool Just Because You Teach with Comics by
Memory, War, and Dictatorship in Recent Spanish Fiction by Women by Leggott, Sarah
Vorträge und Versuche: Beiträge zur Litteratur-Geschichte by Geiger, Ludwig
Writing British Muslims: Religion, Class and Multiculturalism by Ahmed, Rehana
Plautinisches und Romanisches: Studien zur plautinischen Prosodie by Skutsch, Franz
del Manuscrito Al Libro: Materialidad del Texto Y Critica Genética En La Novela Iberoamericana: 1969-1992 by Clíment-Espíno, Rafael
The Invention of Angela Carter: A Biography by Gordon, Edmund
Great Books of China: From Ancient Times to the Present by Wood, Frances
Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics by
Contrastiveness in Information Structure, Alternatives and Scalar Implicatures by
Love and Narrative Form in Toni Morrison's Later Novels by Wyatt, Jean
Inventing Comics: A New Translation of Rodolphe Töpffer's Reflections on Graphic Storytelling, Media Rhetorics, and Aesthetic Practice by Töpffer, Rodolphe
The Battles of Tolkien by Day, David
W.G. Sebald-Handbuch: Leben - Werk - Wirkung by
Reading the Past Across Space and Time: Receptions and World Literature by
Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare, William
Timon Of Athens by Shakespeare, William
The Tempest by Shakespeare, William
The Merry Wives Of Windsor by Shakespeare, William
The Merchant Of Venice by Shakespeare, William
The Comedy Of Errors by Shakespeare, William
Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Política y polémica en América Latina. Las revistas Casa de las Américas y Mundo Nuevo by Morejón Arnaiz, Idalia
La reécriture de l'Histoire dans la littérature francophone by Hirchi, Mohammed
Kill Boxes: Facing the Legacy of US-Sponsored Torture, Indefinite Detention, and Drone Warfare by Weber, Elisabeth, Falk, Richard
Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth by Bradley, A. C.
On the Graphic Novel by García, Santiago
Romanticism, Origins, and the History of Heredity by Lehleiter, Christine
Disease and Death in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture: Fashioning the Unfashionable by
The Annotated Works of Henry George: Progress and Poverty by
Digitale Heldengeschichten: Medienuebergreifende narratologische Studie zur Rezeption der mittelalterlichen deutschsprachigen Epik in Computerspielen by Holzer, Aline Madeleine
The Fanfiction Reader: Folk Tales for the Digital Age by Coppa, Francesca
Brief Comments on Proust, Poetry, Film & Death: A Commonplace Book 1984-2017 by Carl, David
Eduard Mörikes Gedicht "Im Frühling" in seinem Roman "Maler Nolten" by Hein, Liane
Miguel Delibes, profeta del grotesco actual by Delgado-Figueroa, Jose
Poems by Thompson, Maurice
Geschichte der französischen Literatur im XVII. Jahrhundert by Lotheissen, Ferdinand
The Complete Old English Poems by
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature But Were Afraid to Ask Zizek: Sic 10 by
Everything You Always Wanted to Know about Literature but Were Afraid to Ask Zizek: Sic 10 by
Poetry: Wayside Thoughts: A Collection Of Poems On Various Subjects, Sacred, Special And Tributary, With Some Few Thoughts In Prose by Richards, Susan
Understanding Paul Auster by Peacock, James
The Chosen People: A Compendium of Sacred and Church History for School-Children by Yonge, Charlotte Mary
Clair de Lune by De Maupassante, Guy
Conte de la Becasse by de Maupassant, Guy
Corazón by De Amicis, Edmondo
Tambours by Meyomesse, Enoh
She: A History of Adventure by Haggard, Henry Ridder
Catriona by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Claudio Bombarnac: Viaje Extraordinario by Verne, Julio
My Share of The Northern Cake: Behind this laughter by Nwachukwu Tcr, Michael Eziudo
Hesiod, The Homeric Hymns And Homerica by Hesiod
Poetry, Modernism, and an Imperfect World by Pryor, Sean
Greek Tragedy by Kitto, H. D. F.
Komparatistische Perspektiven Auf Dantes 'Divina Commedia': Lektüren, Transformationen Und Visualisierungen by
Examining Text and Authorship in Translation: What Remains of Christa Wolf? by Summers, Caroline
Spectral Spaces and Hauntings by
The Historical Novel, Transnationalism, and the Postmodern Era: Presenting the Past by Brantly, Susan
Cuervo by Alas Clarin, Leopoldo
Dickens, Family, Authorship: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Kinship and Creativity by Cain, Lynn
Garden Plots: The Politics and Poetics of Gardens by Saguaro, Shelley
The Andalusi Literary and Intellectual Tradition: The Role of Arabic in Judah Ibn Tibbon's Ethical Will by Pearce, Sarah J.
The T. S. Eliot Studies Annual by Morgenstern, John D.
Literature and Ethics in Contemporary Brazil by
Hrafnkel or the Ambiguities by Miller, William Ian
Critical Essays on Shakespeare's A Lover's Complaint: Suffering Ecstasy by
Verfall von Werten wie Liebe und Freundschaft in einem kapitalistischen System. "Aufstieg und Fall der Stadt Mahagonny" von Bertolt Brecht by Naji, Nadia
Inspired by Nature: An Anthology of Poetry and Short Stories by
Shakespeare's Global Philosophy: exploring Shakespeare's nature-based philosophy in his sonnets, plays and Globe by Peters, Roger Michael
Shakespeare's Global Philosophy: exploring Shakespeare's nature-based philosophy in his sonnets, plays and Globe by Peters, Roger Michael
The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding by Szirmai, J. A.
The study of sensitivity in relationships in Jhump Lahiri's "Unaccustomed Earth" by Stevenson, Sumitha
Literary Theory: A Practical Introduction by
Borges and Kafka: Sons and Writers by Roger, Sarah
Singapore Literature and Culture: Current Directions in Local and Global Contexts by
The Ethics of Opting Out: Queer Theory's Defiant Subjects by Ruti, Mari
The Speaking Self: Language Lore and English Usage: Second Edition by Shapiro, Michael
Speculum Gy de Warewyke by Morrill, Georgiana Lea
The Poetics of Aristotle by Aristotle
El Dinamitero by Stevenson, Robert Louis
De la gracia y la dignidad by Von Schiller, Friedrich
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Una Ciudad Flotante by Verne, Julio
Without Past, No Future. Forgetting, Remembering and Reconciliation in Gilbert Gatore's "Le Passé devant soi" by Schönfelder, Gregor
Conjuring Freedom: Music and Masculinity in the Civil War's "Gospel Army" by Jabir, Johari
Library Partnerships with Writers and Poets: Case Studies by
Margery Kempe and the Lonely Reader by Krug, Rebecca L.
Personal Recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne by Bridge, Horatio
Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature by Thomson, Rosemarie Garland
A History of Modern French Literature: From the Sixteenth Century to the Twentieth Century by
Extraordinary Bodies: Figuring Physical Disability in American Culture and Literature by Thomson, Rosemarie Garland
The Ethics of Opting Out: Queer Theory's Defiant Subjects by Ruti, Mari
The Trial That Never Ends: Hannah Arendt's 'Eichmann in Jerusalem' in Retrospect by
Dialoge im Geiste Huttens by Panizza, Oskar
El adolescente by Dostoievski, Fiódor
Der griechische Roman und seine Vorläufer by Rohde, Erwin
Sonnenfels gesammelte Schriften by Von Sonnenfels, Joseph
An Essay on the Genius and Writings of Pope by Warton, Joseph
Transnationalism and German-Language Literature in the Twenty-First Century by Taberner, Stuart
The "Other" in 9/11 Literature: If You See Something, Say Something by Bell, Lenore
El Hombre Invisible by Wells, Herbert George
Morality in Cormac McCarthy's Fiction: Souls at Hazard by Hillier, Russell M.
Harpooning Donald Trump: A Novelist's Essays by LeClair, Tom
Roman Literature in Relation to Roman Art by Burn, Robert
Coal And What We Get From It: A Romance of Applied Science by Meldola, Raphael
El Retrato de Dorian Gray by Wilde, Oscar
From Shakespeare to Pope: An Inquiry into the Causes and Phenomena of the Rise of Classical Poetry in England by Gosse, Edmund
Autobiography Without Words by Cherches, Peter
Shakespeare and Canada: Remembrance of Ourselves by
The Yeats Circle, Verbal and Visual Relations in Ireland, 1880 1939 by Brown, Karen E.
El Piloto del Danubio by Verne, Jules
El sueño del principe by Dostoyevsky, Fyodor
El Principe y el Mendigo by Twain, Mark
El Regreso de Don Quijote by Chesterton, Gilbert K.
El club de los suicidas by Stevenson, Robert Louis
El diablo de la botella by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Nature Speaks: Medieval Literature and Aristotelian Philosophy by Robertson, Kellie
The Quest for the Christ Child in the Later Middle Ages by Dzon, Mary
Voltaire: 6 Vorträge, Auflage 2 by Strauss, David Friedrich
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
The Writer's Fugue: Musicalization, Trauma and Subjectivity in the Literature of Modernity by Skilbeck, Ruth
El último Hombre by Shelley, Mary
Shelleys Einwirkung auf Byron by Gillardon, Heinrich
Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis by
Modernism: The Basics by Winkiel, Laura
Literature: An Introduction to Theory and Analysis by
Scent Of The Soil: A Civil Servant Returns To His Roots by Malik, Suchita
Kafka Und Die Folgen by Lamping, Dieter
An Outline Sketch Of American Literature by Beers, Henry Augustin
Late Cold War Literature and Culture: The Nuclear 1980s by Cordle, Daniel
Wuthering Heights by Brontë, Emily
Viaje al Centro de la Tierra by Verne, Julio
Christian Wagner. Beitraege zu Leben und Werk by
Fort comme la mort by De Maupassat, Guy
Frankenstein o el moderno Prometeo by Shelley, Mary
El diamante del Rajá by Stevenson, Robert Louis
Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft
Germaine by About, Edmound
Gloria by Perez Galdos, Benito
Eugenia Grandet by de Balzac, Honoré
American Literature and Irish Culture, 1910-55: The Politics of Enchantment by Stubbs, Tara
Martin Anderson Nexo's Novel "Pelle, the Conqueror". A Marxist Perspective by Akhtar, Javed
Aristophanes - Peace: "As I told you, this is his form of madness" by Aristophanes
Characterisation of Women in Maxim Gorky's Novel "Mother". A Marxist Feminist Perspective by Akhtar, Javed
Ten Steps Along the -Steppe-: Collection of Articles Devoted to A.Chekhov -Steppe- by Frumkina, Anna, Izotova Phd, Natalia, Zubarev Phd, Vera K.
Scent Of The Soil: A Civil Servant Returns To His Roots by Malik, Suchita
Celtic Myth in Contemporary Children's Fantasy: Idealization, Identity, Ideology by Fimi, Dimitra
Modernism, Middlebrow and the Literary Canon: The Modern Library Series, 1917-1955 by Jaillant, Lise
Society and Solitude: Twelve Chapters by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Works of Alexander Pope by Warton, Joseph, Pope, Alexander
Proust, Music, and Meaning: Theories and Practices of Listening in the Recherche by Acquisto, Joseph
Wrestling with Shylock by
Shaping the Archive in Late Medieval England: History, Poetry, and Performance by Novacich, Sarah Elliott
Literature, Film, and Their Hideous Progeny: Adaptation and Elastextity by Grossman, Julie
Grito de Gloria by Acevedo Díaz, Eduardo
Homerische Aufsätze by Hercher, Rudolf
Von Keller zu Zola by Mauthner, Fritz
Virgils Aeneis, travestirt von Blumauer by Blumauer, Aloys
Reading Orientalism: Said and the Unsaid by Varisco, Daniel Martin
The Prose Tales of Edgar Allan Poe by Poe, Edgar Allan
O modelo de Greimas: Entendendo a ação na narrativa by Venancio, Rafael Duarte Oliveira
De la Mission des Ecrivains by de Rémusat, Charles
Urania: und kleinere Dichtungen by Tiedge, Christoph August
Selections From the Prose Writing of Jonathan Swift by Lane-Poole, Stanley, Swift, Jonathan
Urania: und kleinere Dichtungen by Tiedge, Christoph August
The Spy Unmasked: Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, Alias Harvey Birch by Barnum, H. L.
Katherine V. Forrest: A Critical Appreciation by Betz, Phyllis M.
Mark Twain and the Brazen Serpent: How Biblical Burlesque and Religious Satire Unify Huckleberry Finn by Aldridge, Doug
Saving the World Through Science Fiction: James Gunn, Writer, Teacher and Scholar by Page, Michael R.
The Elements of the Higher Criticism by Zenos, Andrew Constantinides
Bright Eyes, Ape City: Examining the Planet of the Apes Mythos by Ballard, Dave
The Beginnings of Ladino Literature: Moses Almosnino and His Readers by Borovaya, Olga
The British Short Story by Liggins, Emma, Maunder, Andrew, Robbins, Ruth
William Wordsworth by Williams, John
Pater to Forster, 1873-1924 by Robbins, Ruth
Sidney to Milton, 1580-1660 by Wynne-Davies, Marion, Wolfreys, Julian
Post-Colonial and African American Women's Writing: A Critical Introduction by Wisker, Gina
Charles Dickens by Pykett, Lyn
The Rainbow and Women in Love by Day, Gary, Niro, Libby Di
The House of the Wolf: A Romance by Weyman, Stanley John
Blur by Hill, David
Science Fiction and Futurism: Their Terms and Ideas by Pilkington, Ace G.
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