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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2018

Gewalthandeln und Gewalterleben in Birgit Vanderbekes "Ich freue mich, dass ich geboren bin" by Kipczak, Katarzyna
Rock and Romanticism: Blake, Wordsworth, and Rock from Dylan to U2 by
London After Midnight: A New Reconstruction Based on Contemporary Sources by Mann, Thomas
Scarronides, Or Virgil Travestie,: A Mock Poem, On the First and Fourth Books of Virgil's Æneis, in English Burlesque, by Cotton, Charles
The Hundred Best Poems (Lyrical) in the English Language by Gowans, Adam L.
The Praise of Life by Binyon, Laurence
The Self-immolation of Oskar Bruesewitz Compared to Other Suicides Committed as a Political Protest by Czabańska-Rosada, Malgorzata, Czabański, Adam
The Works of Thomas Moore: Comprehending All His Melodies, Ballads, Etc by Anonymous
Screen Adaptations and the Politics of Childhood: Transforming Children's Literature Into Film by McCallum, Robyn
Blood of the Gods by Robert Ervin, Howard
Hamlet by Shakespeare, William
Das Kainsmal-Motiv in ausgewählten Werken der frühen Moderne: "Unter Tausenden das Zeichen an Ihrer Stirne". Manns "Tonio Kröger" und Hesses "Demian" by Ziemer, Nikolai
El abuelo by Perez Galdos, Benito
The Tolkiennymicon: Studies in Tolkiennymy; Or, Searching for the Origins of Elvo-Indo-European in Tolkien's Elvish Lexicon by Hooker, Mark T.
Les Eaux vives: Janvier 2018 by Daniel, Hani, Leuwers, Daniel, Malnoe, Celine
Nathaniel Hawthorne in the College Classroom: Contexts, Materials, and Approaches by Diller, Christopher, Coale, Samuel
Nathaniel Hawthorne in the College Classroom: Contexts, Materials, and Approaches by
Shakespeare and Authority: Citations, Conceptions and Constructions by
The Journal Of A Mission To The Interior Of Africa: In The Year 1805 by Park, Mungo
Signs of Signification: Semiotics in Mathematics Education Research by
Imagining the Future of Climate Change: World-Making Through Science Fiction and Activism Volume 5 by Streeby, Shelley
Uses of African Antiquity in the Twentieth and Twenty-First Centuries by Serrano, Jorge
Hemingway, Cuba and the Great Blue River by Pisasale, Gene
Der Begriff des Durchbruchs in Thomas Manns "Doktor Faustus" by Much, Daniel
2017: Spielarten Der Ankunft Im Westen. Die Deutsche Literatur Aus Rumänien Nach 1945 by Nocontributor
The Eighteen Nineties: A Review of Art and Ideas at the Close of the Nineteenth Century by Jackson, Holbrook
Imagining the Future of Climate Change: World-Making Through Science Fiction and Activism Volume 5 by Streeby, Shelley
Fugitive Poems Connected With Natural History and Physical Science by Daubeny, Charles
The Casket, a Miscellany, Consisting of Unpublished Poems by Collection, Wordsworth
Poems by Lloyd, Robert
Selections From the Prose Writings of Jonathan Swift by Swift, Jonathan
Thomas Manns Erzählte Welt: Studien Zu Einem Verfahren by Görner, Rüdiger
A Manual of Religious Belief by Burnes, William
Cavaliers et Têtes-Rondes by Forcade, Eugène
Call Of Blood: Princess Of Transylvania by Jilinschi, Iulia
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Poet and Painter by Hardy, William John, Nicholson, Peter Walker
The Works of of the Rev. Jonathan Swift: Poems, Polite Convesation, Etc: Volume 8 Of The Works Of Of The Rev. Jonathan Swift by Nichols, John, Swift, Jonathan, Sheridan, Thomas
Précieuses Ridicules, Comédie. Nouvelle Édition: Avec Le Sommaire, Un Appendice Et Un Commentaire Historique, Philologique Et Littéraire by Moliere
Les Mohicans de Paris. Tome 15 by Dumas, Alexandre
Thésée, Tragédie En Musique Représentée Devant S. M., À Saint-Germain En Laye, Janvier 1678 by Quinault, Philippe
Les Travailleurs de la Mer. Tome 2 by Hugo, Victor
Les Travailleurs de la Mer. Tome 3 by Hugo, Victor
Les Travailleurs de la Mer. Tome 1 by Hugo, Victor
Théâtre Complet. Marie Tudor by Hugo, Victor
Alzire Ou Les Américains, Tragédie Représentée À Paris, Le 27 Janvier 1736 by Voltaire
Les Mystères de Marseille, Roman Historique Contemporain by Zola, Emile
Le Fils Naturel Ou Les Epreuves de la Vertu, Comédie En 5 Actes Et En Prose: Avec l'Histoire Véritable de la Pièce by Diderot, Denis
Les Mystères de Marseille, Roman Historique Contemporain. Partie 3 by Zola, Emile
Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques. Livre 2 by Scarron, Paul
Pot-Bouille by Zola, Emile
Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques. Livre 5 by Scarron, Paul
Le Virgile travesty en vers burlesques. Livre 6 by Scarron, Paul
Les Enfants by Malot, Hector
La Vampire Ou La Vierge de Hongrie. Tome 1 by de Lamothe-Langon-E-L
Le Misanthrope, comédie. Edition classique by Moliere
Guy Mannering Ou l'Astrologue. Traduction Nouvelle. Tome 4 by Scott, Walter
Guy Mannering Ou l'Astrologue. Traduction Nouvelle. Tome 2 by Scott, Walter
Guy Mannering Ou l'Astrologue. Traduction Nouvelle. Tome 1 by Scott, Walter
Guy Mannering Ou l'Astrologue. Traduction Nouvelle. Tome 3 by Scott, Walter
La Mort de César, Tragédie En Trois Actes. Comédiens Français Ordinaires Du Roi, Le 29 Août 1743 by Voltaire
Les Auteurs Grecs Expliqués d'Après Une Méthode Nouvelle Par Deux Traductions Françaises: L'Iliade. Chant 6 by Homère
Les Demoiselles de Magasin. Tome 4 by de Kock, Paul
Les Demoiselles de Magasin. Tome 6 by de Kock, Paul
Les Demoiselles de Magasin. Tome 3 by de Kock, Paul
Les Demoiselles de Magasin. Tome 5 by de Kock, Paul
Memos to Society 3: Words Are Very Expensive by Davis, James
A Green and Pagan Land: Myth, Magic and Landscape in British Film and Television by Huckvale, David
Olive Schreiner and African Modernism: Allegory, Empire and Postcolonial Writing by Ong, Jade Munslow
Pioneering a People's Theatre by
The Blessed Damozel: The Unpublished Manuscript, Texts, and Collation by
Humanism and Imagination by Elliott, George R.
Studies in Language and Literature by
Heine in England by Wormley, Stanton L.
The Novel and Society: A Critical Study of the Modern Novel by Monroe, N. Elizabeth
The Economic Novel in America by Taylor, Walter Fuller
The Bright Plain by Eaton, Charles Edward
The Oration in Shakespeare by Kennedy, Milton Boone
The One Wordsworth by Burton, Mary E.
Alabama Folk Plays by Lewis, Kate Porter
The Athenaeum: A Mirror of Victorian Culture by Marchand, Leslie a.
Literary Scholarship: Its Aims and Methods by Foerster, Norman
Index Verborum Terentianus by Jenkins, Edgar B.
No One Can Be at Peace Unless They Have Freedom: Essays Poemsthoughts Lessons by Simanga, Michael
1922 by
The Communicative Event in the Works of Günter Grass: Stages of Speech, 1959-2015 by Nicole Thesz, Nicole
Writing to Change the World: Anna Seghers, Authorship, and International Solidarity in the Twentieth Century by Janzen, Marike
The Philosopher's English King: Shakespeare's Henriad as Political Philosophy by Craig, Leon Harold
Phenomenon of Anne Frank by Barnouw, David
Whereabouts: Notes on Being a Foreigner by Reid, Alastair
Biographia Borealis by Coleridge, Hartley
The Principles of the Art of Conversation by Mahaffy, John Pentland
Expressive Minds and Artistic Creations: Studies in Cognitive Poetics by
Lijing in Canada by Xu, Lijing
A Book of Book Lists: A Bibliophile's Compendium by Johnson, Alex
Flatline Constructs: Gothic Materialism and Cybernetic Theory-Fiction by Fisher, Mark
The Divina Commedia and Canzoniere; Volume 1 by Plumptre, Edward Hayes, Alighieri, Dante
Remarks On the Writings and Conduct of J.J. Rousseau by Fuseli, Henry
Herausforderung Der Literaturwissenschaft: Droste-Hülshoffs 'Judenbuche' by Gross, Sabine, Gaier, Ulrich
Die Beziehung zwischen Clara und Nathanael im "Sandmann" von E.T.A. Hoffmann: Ein Sinnbild für den Konflikt zwischen aufklärerischem und romantischem by Wasserscheid, Jakob
The Trumpet-Major by Hardy, Thomas
Nudes: Poems, Memoirs by Klawitter, Solongo
The Civil War Dead and American Modernity by Finseth, Ian
Toward a Theory of True Crime Narratives: A Textual Analysis by Punnett, Ian Case
Charlie Chan's Poppa: Earl Derr Biggers by Gregorich, Barbara
Collected Works of Fitz Hugh Ludlow, Volume 6: Dispatches from the Wild West: From Brigham Young to Mark Twain by Ludlow, Fitz Hugh
Radical Philosophy 2.01 by
A Handbook to the Works of Alfred Lord Tennyson by Luce, Morton
Das "Herzmäre" von Konrad von Würzburg im Kontext des "Tristan" von Gottfried von Straßburg by Bastian, Ronja
The Perils of Certain English Prisoners Charles Dickens by Dickens, Charles
Aestheticism and the Femme Fatale by Greger, Christoph K.
Verbindungen zwischen Bram Stokers Dracula und der historischen Figur Vlad Draculea by Greza, Peter Oliver
Ein Vergleich der Handlungsfreiheiten von Eve und Adam in "Der zerbrochene Krug" von Heinrich von Kleist by Greza, Peter Oliver
Selected Writings of James Fitzjames Stephen: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity by
Tragic Drama in Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Shakespeare; by Campbell, Lewis
Poetry Train Africa: Ethiopia 11 by Wordslinger, John E.
A Thoreau Calendar; by Marble, Annie Russell, Thoreau, Henry David
Christiana & her Children; a Mystery Play by Duncan Pearce, Lilian Anne 1855-
What Postcolonial Theory Doesn't Say by
Children's Literature and the Posthuman: Animal, Environment, Cyborg by Jaques, Zoe
Cranford by Cleghorn Gaskell, Elizabeth
Dead Souls by Gogol, Nikolai
Children's Literature, Domestication, and Social Foundation: Narratives of Civilization and Wilderness by Abdelrahim, Layla
Oedipus at Colonus by Sophocles
Tradition and Politics: The Religious Parties of Israel by Schiff, Gary S.
The Origin of the Modern Jewish Woman Writer: Romance and Reform in Victorian England by Galchinsky, Michael
Scholia Vetera in Sophoclis Oedipum Coloneum by Xenis, Georgios A.
The Phenomenon of Anne Frank by Barnouw, David
Narratologie Und Mittelalterliches Erzählen: Autor, Erzähler, Perspektive, Zeit Und Raum by
Platon: Menon by Ebert, Theodor
Witness Through the Imagination: Jewish American Holocaust Literature by Kremer, S. Lilian
Jewish Moroccan Folk Narratives from Israel by Shenhar, Aliza, Bar-Itzhak, Haya
The Life and Work of Ludwig Lewisohn: Volume 1: "A Touch of Wildness" by Melnick, Ralph
Life and Work of Ludwig Lewisohn, Volume II: "This Dark and Desperate Age" by Melnick, Ralph
Blockbücher des 15. Jahrhunderts by Merk, Angelika
Euripides, Ion: Edition and Commentary by Martin, Gunther
Paths of Song: The Lyric Dimension of Greek Tragedy by
Fremdheit und Kommunikation. "Das Schweigen" (1963) und "Lost in Translation" (2003) im Vergleich by Spanier, Jenny
Typographorum Emblemata: The Printer's Mark in the Context of Early Modern Culture by
The Elements of Avicennaʼs Physics: Greek Sources and Arabic Innovations by Lammer, Andreas
Poems by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth, Todd, Mabel Loomis, Dickinson, Emily
Cæsar Cascabel by Verne, Jules, Estoclet, A.
Psychology of the Spoken Word by Staley, Delbert Moyer
Heroes and Heroines of Fiction: Famous Characters and Famous Names in Novels, Romances, Poems and Dramas, Classified, Analyzed and Criticised, With Su by Walsh, William Shepard
Ireland and Ecocriticism: Literature, History and Environmental Justice by Flannery, Eóin
Cognition, Literature, and History by
Versiones para el debate: La Loca de la Guardia (1882-1896), de Vicente Fidel López by Molina, Hebe Beatriz
Yeats and the Sacred Book by Greger, Christoph K.
Les Origines de la presse by Chasles, Philarète
Asian American Literature and the Environment by
Ethnic Literatures and Transnationalism: Critical Imaginaries for a Global Age by
The Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Seventeenth Century by Waterhouse, Gilbert
Class and the Making of American Literature: Created Unequal by
Space and the Postmodern Fantastic in Contemporary Literature: The Architectural Void by Garcia, Patricia
Justice in Young Adult Speculative Fiction: A Cognitive Reading by Oziewicz, Marek C.
Language and Translation in Postcolonial Literatures: Multilingual Contexts, Translational Texts by
Reimagining North African Immigration: Identities in Flux in French Literature, Television, and Film by
Liberature: A Book-Bound Genre by Bazarnik, Katarzyna
Conversations with Joan Didion by
European Notebooks: New Societies and Old Politics, 1954-1985 by
Nightmare Envy and Other Stories: American Culture and European Reconstruction by Blaustein, George
Some Other Note: The Lost Songs of English Renaissance Comedy by Duffin, Ross W.
Second-Generation Memory and Contemporary Children's Literature: Ghost Images by Ulanowicz, Anastasia
Transpacific Attachments: Sex Work, Media Networks, and Affective Histories of Chineseness by Wong, Lily
The Future of Postcolonial Studies by
Global Perspectives on Death in Children's Literature by
The Rise of the Great Southern Land: The Republic of Australia 2023 by Larsen, David Shaun
Theoretical Schools and Circles in the Twentieth-Century Humanities: Literary Theory, History, Philosophy by
The Ghanaians' Yoke: The Ghanaians' Acts by Sarfo, Bernard Benson
Literarische Bildung. Ein szenischer Vergleich von Kinderbüchern und deren Verfilmungen: "Gregs Tagebuch" von Jeff Kinney by Maiwald, Marion
God's Playthings by Bowen, Marjorie
On the Teaching of Poetry by Haddow, Alexander
Cloister and the Hearth by Reade, Charles
Journeys Through Bookland: A new and Original Plan for Reading Applied to the World's Best Literature for Children: 2 by Sylvester, Charles Herbert
Slavonic & East European Review (96: 1) January 2018: Writing Russian Lives: The Poetics and Politics of Biography in Modern Russian Culture by
Les Américains en Europe et les Européens aux États-Unis by Chasles, Philarète
Apologues modernes, à l'usage du Dauphin premières leçons du fils ainé d'un roi by Marechal, Sylvain
Studies in Dante; Volume 1 by Moore, Edward
Bacon's Essays by Humphries, Sydney, Bagnani, Gilbert, Bacon, Francis
Attachment, Place, and Otherness in Nineteenth-Century American Literature: New Materialist Representations by Murphy, Jillmarie
Venus in the Dark: Blackness and Beauty in Popular Culture by Hobson, Janell
Between Two Worlds: Jean Price-Mars, Haiti, and Africa by
Castaneda Doorgronden: Inzicht in Carlos Castaneda by Luce, Peter
Herodotus: Histories Book VI by
Rhetoric, Medicine, and the Woman Writer, 1600-1700 by Bennett, Lyn
German American Annals; Volume 10 by
Rousseau and Romanticism. -- by Babbitt, Irving
Austrian Studies 25: Celebrations: Festkultur in Austria by
An Anglo-Norman Reader by Bliss, Jane
L'Académie française by Villemain, Abel-François
Voltaire et la littérature anglaise de la reine Anne by Villemain, Abel-François
La Littérature en France sous la Restauration by Villemain, Abel-François
Gramática y literatura en la escuela secundaria. Eligiendo un camino entre los vericuetos de la Lengua y la Literatura by García, Mabel
Formen und Funktionen unzuverlässigen Erzählens. Eine Untersuchung von Christian Gaillys "Un soir au club" (2001) by Montoya, Anna Lucia
Les Victimes de Boileau by Chasles, Philarète
Pop Up Poems by Quink, Arabella
Ester Ried: Asleep And Awake by
Elegant Extracts: Being A Copious Selection Of Instructive, moral And Entertaining Passages From The Most Eminent British Poets by Knox, Vicesimus
Aurelii Prudentii Clementis V. C. Opera Omnia: Ex Editione Parmensi: Cum Notis Et Interpretatione In Usum Delphini: Variis Lectionibus Notis Variorum by
The Uses of Literature in Modern Japan: Histories and Cultures of the Book by Kawana, Sari
Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression by Diplacidi, Jenny
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