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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2018

Euripides: Cyclops: A Satyr Play by Shaw, Carl A.
The Politics of Youth in Greek Tragedy: Gangs of Athens by Shipton, Matthew
Stereotype and Destiny in Arthur Schnitzler's Prose: Five Psycho-Sociological Readings by Kolkenbrock, Marie
Mourning Freud by Sprengnether, Madelon
The Homeric Battle of the Frogs and Mice by Christensen, Joel P., Robinson, Erik
Guantánamo and American Empire: The Humanities Respond by
Mourning Freud by Sprengnether, Madelon
Antipodal Shakespeare: Remembering and Forgetting in Britain, Australia and New Zealand, 1916 - 2016 by Ferguson, Ailsa Grant, McMullan, Gordon, Mead, Philip
Much ADO about Nothing: A Critical Reader by
El fin del Homo sovieticus de Svetlana Aleksiévich (Guía de lectura): Resumen y análisis completo by Resumenexpress
"Nathan der Weise" im Kontext der Aufklärung: Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung zum Toleranzgedanken im Drama Lessings by Damer, Marvin
Visions of Tragedy in Modern American Drama by
Material Texts in Early Modern England by Smyth, Adam
Home on the Stage by Grene, Nicholas
An Anglo-Norman Reader by Bliss, Jane
Moroccan Folktales by Koudia, Jilali
Romances And Narratives: Serious Reflections During The Life And Surprising Adventures Of Robinson Crusoe, With His Vision Of The Angelic World by Defoe, Daniel
The Works Of Edgar Allan Poe: Newly Collected And Edited, With A Memoir, Critical Introductions, And Notes; Volume 1 by Poe, Edgar Allan
Aeschylus: Libation Bearers by Aeschylus
Aeschylus: Libation Bearers by Aeschylus
An Anthology of the Twentieth Century Chinese Prose by
Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales, A New Tr. By Mrs. Paull by Andersen, Hans Christian
Symbolverständnis und Symbolverstehen in Thomas Manns "Der Tod in Venedig": Literaturwissenschaftliche und literaturdidaktische Perspektiven by Anonymous
The Foundations of the Origin of Species by Darwin, Charles
Wings of the Dove by James, Henry
La Celestina by De Rojas, Fernando
Poems: Reprinted From The Original Edition Of 1807; Volume 2 by Wordsworth, William
Short History Of French Literature by Saintsbury, George
The Iliads Of Homer, Prince Of Poets; Volume 1 by Chapman, George, Flaxman, John
The Works Of Thomas Gray; Volume 5 by Nicholls, Norton, Gray, Thomas
Aventures du Capitaine Hatteras by Verne, Jules
Postcolonial Approaches to Latin American Children's Literature by González, Ann
The Hell of War Comes Home: Imaginative Texts from the Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq by Gilman, Owen W.
Key Concepts in the Gothic by Hughes, William
Analyse des Romans "Die Zeit der Wunder" von Anne-Laure Bondoux. Inwieweit beeinflusst die Mobilität des Protagonisten seine Entwicklung? by Vösgen, Meike
Tacitus: Annals Book XV by Tacitus
The Concept of Conversation: From Cicero's Sermo to the Grand Siècle's Conversation by Randall, David
Sentencing Orlando: Virginia Woolf and the Morphology of the Modernist Sentence by
Volpone's Bastards: Theorising Jonson's City Comedy by Hui, Isaac
Contemporary Feminism and Women's Short Stories by Young, Emma
Beckett's Breath: Anti-Theatricality and the Visual Arts by Goudouna, Sozita
The Complete Works of Oscar Wilde: Volume VIII: The Short Fiction by
Françounetto by de Lavergne, Léonce
Social Anxiety: Break Free and Build Confidence by Metcalfe, Gary
Rimas by Becquer, Gustavo Adolfo
Thrift by Smiles, Samuel
A Thematic Analysis of the Intertextual References to Transcendentalism in Jon Krakauer's "Into the Wild" and their Role in the Portrayal of Christoph by Callaghan, Claudine
La Rig-Véda et les livres sacrés des Hindous by Pavie, Théodore
The Ethics and Aesthetics of Vulnerability in Contemporary British Fiction by Ganteau, Jean-Michel
The Early Reader in Children's Literature and Culture: Theorizing Books for Beginning Readers by
Race and Popular Fantasy Literature: Habits of Whiteness by Young, Helen
Institutions of World Literature: Writing, Translation, Markets by
El Western fantástico de Stephen King: Hibridización y desencantamiento de la tradición literaria europea en El Pistolero by Simonson, Martin
A Hidden Life and Other Poems George MacDonald by MacDonald, George
Karl der Große im "Rolandslied" des Pfaffen Konrad in seiner Position als Herrscher by Anonym
Stories, Meaning, and Experience: Narrativity and Enaction by Popova, Yanna B.
New Directions in 21st-Century Gothic: The Gothic Compass by
My Final Territory: Selected Essays by Andrukhovych, Yuri
Vergleich der triuwe-Konzeption im "Nibelungenlied" und im "König Rother" by Rakers, Jens
Boudica: Warrior Woman of Roman Britain by C. Gillespie, Caitlin
The Contemporaneity of Modernism: Literature, Media, Culture by
Venus in the Dark: Blackness and Beauty in Popular Culture by Hobson, Janell
Orhan Pamuk and the Good of World Literature by Fisk, Gloria
The Magic of Writing by May, Adrian
The Magic of Writing by May, Adrian
Erotische und sexuelle Darstellungen bei Neidhart: Interpretation des Winterlieds 8 by Untersteiner, Marlene
Zu Schnitzlers Frauengestalten in der "Traumnovelle". Im Hinblick auf kulturhistorische Aspekte by Anonymous
Jüdische Sprichwörter by Landsberger, Artur
The Literature Of The Celts by MacLean, Magnus
Globalizing Literary Genres: Literature, History, Modernity by
New Perspectives on Detective Fiction: Mystery Magnified by
Cowboy Grandma by Ault, Wendy, King, Sarah
Researching the Writing Center: Towards an Evidence-Based Practice, Revised Edition by Babcock, Rebecca Day, Thonus, Terese
Cowboy Grandma by King, Sarah, Ault, Wendy
Con Amore: A Daughter-In-Law's Story of Growing Up Italian-American in Bushwick by Tusiani, Bea
Narrative Theory, Literature, and New Media: Narrative Minds and Virtual Worlds by
Keywords;: For Further Consideration and Particularly Relevant to Academic Life, &C. by A. Community of Inquiry
Virginia Woolf's Rooms and the Spaces of Modernity by Zink, Suzana
Die afrobrasilianische Poesie der Gegenwart als Widerstand gegen Rassismus und soziale Ungleichheit in der brasilianischen Gesellschaft by Ubik, Patrick
Der komische und der tragische Doppelgänger. Plautus und Robert Louis Stevenson im Vergleich: "Amphitruo" und "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. by Spanier, Jenny
Kleopatra als Femme fatale in der Lyrik von V. Brjusov und F. Sologub by Wagner, Viktoriia
Die Vater-Sohn-Beziehung in Kafkas Novelle "Das Urteil" by Arndt, Robert
Die Frage nach der Schuld in "Das Urteil" von Franz Kafka by Frontzeck, Julika
Album: Unpublished Correspondence and Texts by Barthes, Roland
Der Kreisel als allegorische Darstellung von Literatur: Kafkas "Der Kreisel" als paradoxe Literatur und parabolische Erzählung by Khodaparast, Yeganeh
Dead People Suck: A Guide for Survivors of the Newly Departed by Kilmartin, Laurie
Finks: How the C.I.A. Tricked the World's Best Writers by Whitney, Joel
Letters of a Traveller by Bryant, William Cullen
La Chançun De Willame: An Edition of the Unique Manuscript of the Poem, With Vocabulary and a Table of Proper Nouns by Tyler, Elizabeth Stearns
The Poetical Works of William B. Yeats ...: Dramatical Poems by Yeats, William Butler
Spanish Literature by Foster, Alexander Frederic
The Covent Garden Journal; Volume 2 by Fielding, Henry, Jensen, Gerard Edward
Sir Philip Sidney: Servant of God by Stoddart, Anna M.
Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt; Or, Remorse of Conscience: In the Kentish Dialect, 1340 A.D by Laurent
Hymns of the Tamil Śaivite Saints by Kingsbury, Francis
A Comment On the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri; Volume 1 by Taafe, John
Select Remains of the Ancient Popular and Romance Poetry of Scotland by Laing, David, Small, John
Oxford Idylls: By the City Poet Laureate, Dedicated to His Sponsors, Charles Neate ... and Charles James Sadler by Plowman, Joseph
From Fairy Tale to Film Screenplay: Working with Plot Genotypes by Murphy, Terence Patrick
Chateaubriand en Orient by Masson, Pierre-Maurice
Washington Square by James, Henry
Canadian Crusoes by Parr Traill, Catharine
In the Forest by Parr Traill, Catharine
Raillerie À La Mode Consider'D: Or, the Supercilious Detractor. a Joco-Serious Discourse; Shewing the Open Impertinence and Degenerosity of Publishing by Anonymous
A Systematic Catalogue of Histeride by Lewis, George
Le Roman Comique,: Mis En Vers by Scarron, D'Orvilliers, Letellier
The Formation of Tennyson's Style: A Study, Primarily of the Versification of the Early Poems by Pyre, James Francis Augustin
A Dutch Source for Robinson Crusoe: The Narrative of the El-Ho "Sjouke Gabbes" (Also Known As Henrich Texel), an Episode From the Description of the M by Smeeks, Hendrik
Studies in Spanish-American Literature by Goldberg, Isaac
Some Aspects of Thackeray by Benjamin, Lewis Saul
Salt-Lake Fruit: A Latter-Day Romance by Spencer, William Loring
Emendations and Renderings of Passages in the Poetical Works of John Milton by Mull, Matthias
La Gierosalemme Libberata by Tasso, Torquato, Fasano, Gabriele
Specimens of the Greek and Roman Classic Poets: In a Chronological Series From Homer to Tryphiodorus, Translated Into English Verse, and Illustrated W by Elton, Charles Abraham
The Ever Green: Being a Collection of Scots Poems; Volume 2 by Anonymous
The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals; Volume 6 by Byron, Baron George Gordon Byron, Moore, Thomas, Wright, John
Shelburne Essays; Volume 3 by More, Paul Elmer
The Pearl: An English Vision-Poem of the Fouteenth Century by Mead, Marian
Correspondence of Schiller With Körner: Comprising Sketches and Anecdotes of Goethe, the Schlegels, Wielands, and Other Contemporaries; Volume 1 by Schiller, Friedrich, Körner, Christian Gottfried
The Writings of Charles Dickens: A Child's History of England; Also a Holiday Romance, and Other Pieces by Pierce, Gilbert Ashville
The Poetical Works of Lageniensis [Pseud.] by O'Hanlon, John
The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, D.D. ...: With Notes, Historical and Critical; Volume 3 by Swift, Jonathan, Nichols, John, Sheridan, Thomas
Three Aspects of the Late Alfred, Lord Tennyson by Moore, John Murray
Fundamemental Religious Principles in Browning's Poetry by Weatherford, Willis Duke
The Minstrel: In Two Books: With Some Other Poems. to Which Are Now Added, Miscellanies, by J.H. Beattie by Beattie, James Hay
Poems of a Life by Sherbrooke, Viscount Robert Lowe
Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Luis De Camoens; Volume 1 by Bewick, Thomas, Adamson, John
Four Victorian Poets: A Study of Clough, Arnold, Rossetti, Morris; With an Introduction On the Course of Poetry From 1822 to 1852 by Brooke, Stopford Augustus
The Love of Gain: A Poem. Imitated From the Thirteenth Satire of Juvenal by Juvenal, Lewis, Matthew Gregory
The Quizziology of the British Drama by Beckett, Gilbert Abbott À.
The Epic of Paradise Lost: Twelve Essays by Woodhull, Marianna
Specimens of the Later English Poets: With Preliminary Notices; Volume 1 by Anonymous
Lady's Poetical Magazine, Or Beauties of British Poetry; Volume 2 by Anonymous
Elizabethan Sonnet-Cycles: Delia, by S. Daniel. Diana, by H. Constable by Crow, Martha Foote
The Life of Samuel Johnson ... Including a Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. With Additions and Notes, by J.W. Croker; Volume 2 by Croker, John Wilson, Boswell, James
The Theater by Winchester, Samuel Gover
The Song of the Reed and Other Pieces by Palmer, Edward Henry
Jocoseria by Anonymous
The Works of C. Churchill: The Rosciad. the Apology. the Prophecy of Famine, a Scots Pastoral. an Epistle to William Hogarth. the Ghost. Book 1-2 by Churchill, Charles
The Realistic Revolt in Modern Poetry by Clark, Arthur Melville
The Georgic: A Contribution to the Study of the Vergilian Type of Didactic Poetry, Issue 6 by Lilly, Marie Loretto
A Dark California: Essays on Dystopian Depictions in Popular Culture by
Janet Frame in Focus: Women Analyze the Works of the New Zealand Writer by
Reforming French Culture: Satire, Spiritual Alienation, and Connection to Strangers by Hoffmann, George
Die vermeintliche Stärke des schwachen Mannes. Eine Analyse des Männerbildes der 1950er anhand Martin Walsers "Ehen in Philippsburg" by Anonymous
Essays: An Analysis of Traditional and Marginal Literature by Stewart, S. R.
In the Dark Room by Dillon, Brian
Schweinerei oder Sauerei ? This is the Zwetschgen ! by Schlachter, Horst
Manual del ensayista by Merino, Pedro
Manual del cuentista by Merino, Pedro
The Works of James Thomson: With His Last Corrections and Improvements: To Which Is Prefixed, an Account of the Life and Writings of the Author; Volum by Anonymous
The British Muse: Or, a Collection of Thoughts, Moral, Natural, and Sublime, of Our English Poets: Who Flourished in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Cen by Hayward, Thomas
Das Märchen "Rotkäppchen" der Gebrüder Grimm als Gegenstand von Märchenparodien by Stewens, Paul
Marvel's Black Panther: A Comic Book Biography, From Stan Lee to Ta-Nehisi Coates by Burroughs, Todd Steven
Bibliography, Volume 5, issues 51-60 by
The Poetical Works of James Thomson; Volume 1 by Thomson, James
OEuvres De Malherbe; Volume 5 by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus, Livy
The Works of Henry Fielding, Esq: With an Essay On His Life and Genius; Volume 7 by Browne, James P., Fielding, Henry, Murphy, Arthur
Table Talk: Being the Discourses of John Selden, Esq., Or His Sense of Various Matters of Weight and High Consequence. Relating Es by Milward, Richard
George Sand by McCarthy, Justin, Thomas, Bertha
New Poems by Lawrence, D. H.
A Sketch of the Lives and Writings of Dante and Petrarch: With Some Account of Italian and Latin Literature in the Fourteenth Century by Anonymous
International Library of Masterpieces, Literature, Art and Rare Manuscripts: History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Poetry, the Drama, Travel, Adven by Anonymous
Directory by
Historia Crítica De La Literatura Espanola; Volume 4 by de Ríos, José Amador Los
The Remains of That Sweet Singer of the Temple by Oley, Barnabas, Herbert, George, Walton, Izaak
Shakespeare's London by Stephenson, Henry Thew
Humanistica Lovaniensia: Journal of Neo-Latin Studies by
Perspectives on Science and Culture by
A la recherche d'un abri: Subjectivite et espaces de deuil dans la fiction de Paule Constant by Miller Phd, Margot
"Under His Shadow.": The Last Poems by Havergal, Frances Ridley
Love's Looking Glass: A Volume of Poems by Beeching, Henry Charles, Mackail, John William, Nichols, Bowyer
Poems, Essays, & Leaves From a Note Book by Anonymous
Herbert's Poems: Pt. 1. Translations From the German, Danish, Etc. (Lacking in Miu Copy) V. 1, Pt. 2. Translations From the Italian, Sp by Herbert, William
The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse by Murdoch, Walter
Memorials of Robert Burns and of Some of His Contemporaries and Their Descendants, by the Grandson of Robert Aiken, With a Numerous Selection of His B by Aiken, P. F.
Bibliographie Des Chansons De Geste; Volume 3 by Gautier, Léon
The Works of the Late G.a. Stevens, Esq: Consisting of His Celebrated Lecture On Heads, and Songs by Stevens, George Alexander, Badham, W. H.
The Poetry of Germany: Consisting of Selections From Upwards of Seventy of the Most Celebrated Poets by Anonymous
The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors; Volume 3 by Anonymous
An Exhibition of Selected Works of the Poets Laureate of England by
Sharpe's London Magazine; Volume 4 by Anonymous
Horace: Sa Vie Et Sa Pensée À L'époque Des Epîtres by Courbaud, Edmond
Dizionario Di Opere Anonime E Pseudonime Di Scrittori Italiani: O Come Che Sia Aventi Relazione All'italia; Volume 1 by Melzi, Gaetano
The Whole Critical Works of Monsieur Rapin by Rapin, René
The World's Great Masterpieces: History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Poetry, the Drama, Travel, Adventure, Fiction, Etc; Volume 15 by Stockton, Frank Richard, Peck, Harry Thurston, Hawthorne, Julian
Historia Crítica De La Literatura Española; Volume 2 by de Ríos, José Amador Los
The Poetical Works of Patrick Hannay: A.M. Mdcxii; With a Memoir of the Author; Volume 3 by Laing, David
The World's Great Masterpieces: History, Biography, Science, Philosophy, Poetry, the Drama, Travel, Adventure, Fiction, Etc; Volume 4 by Stockton, Frank Richard, Dole, Nathan Haskell, Peck, Harry Thurston
The Life and Works of Robert Burns; Volume 4 by Chambers, Robert, Wallace, William
Irish Lyrics, Songs & Poems by Corry, Thomas Charles Stewart
Mediaeval Records and Sonnets by de Vere, Aubrey
French Authors at Home: Episodes in the Lives and Works of Balzac--Madame De Girardin--George Sand--Lamartine--Léon Gozlan--Lamennais--Victor by Challice, Annie Emma Armstrong
Poems by Vegio, Maffeo, Leadbeater, Mary
Central and Eastern European Socio-Political and Legal Transition Revisited by
Socialist Realism in Central and Eastern European Literatures Under Stalin: Institutions, Dynamics, Discourses by
Romantic Paganism: The Politics of Ecstasy in the Shelley Circle by Barnett, Suzanne L.
The Darkness Call: Essays by Fincke, Gary
Goethe's Life at Weimar: 1775 to 1779 by Lewes, George Henry
A Book about the Film Monty Python's Life of Brian: All the References from Assyrians to Zeffirelli by Larsen, Darl
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