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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

Una lingua morta per letterature vive: il dibattito sul latino come lingua letteraria in età moderna e contemporanea: Atti del convegno internazionale by
El Mundo Zurdo 7: Selected Works from the 2018 Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldua by
It's Overtaking Us/Μας προσπερνά by Papalexandrou, Aristea
Moving Archives by
As German as Kafka: Identity and Singularity in German Literature Around 1900 and 2000 by Rock, Lene
Seventeen Years of Media Consumption (2002-2018): The films by Fail, John W.
Seventeen Years of Media Consumption (2002-2018): The books by Fail, John W.
Seventeen Years of Media Consumption (2002-2018): The recordings by Fail, John W.
Water Graves: The Art of the Unritual in the Greater Caribbean by Loichot, Valérie
Water Graves: The Art of the Unritual in the Greater Caribbean by Loichot, Valérie
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 41 by
Israel/Palestine: Border Representations in Literature and Film by Paul, Drew
Fayerie: Fairies and Fairyland in Tudor and Stuart Verse by Kruse, John
Artistic Duplicity: The Fiction and Poetry of Juliana Horatia Ewing by Dillingham, William B.
Die Programmatik und Mittel von Jean Pauls "Rede des toten Christus vom Weltgebäude herab, dass kein Gott sei" by Prelle, David
Pindar and the Emergence of Literature by Maslov, Boris
Über den Einfluss des Reimes auf die Sprache Otfrids: besonders in Bezug auf Laut- und Formenlehre by Ingenbleek, Theodor
The Food Plot in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel by Lee, Michael Parrish
Literature and Materialisms by Neyrat, Frederic
Empty Nurseries, Queer Occupants: Reproduction and the Future in Ibsen's Late Plays by Gunn, Olivia Noble
Contemporary Rewritings of Liminal Women: Echoes of the Past by Borham-Puyal, Miriam
Poetry and Uselessness: From Coleridge to Ashbery by Archambeau, Robert
Uncle Tom's Cabin by Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin by Franklin, Benjamin
The Works of Edgar Allan Poe by Poe, Edgar Allan
Virgil's Ascanius by Rogerson, Anne
Modernism and Homer by Flack, Leah Culligan
Latin Literature and its Transmission by
Canonical Texts and Scholarly Practices by
Walden: On The Duty of Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, Henry David
Byron in Context by
Aging, Duration, and the English Novel: Growing Old from Dickens to Woolf by Jewusiak, Jacob
Probability Designs: Literature and Predictive Processing by Kukkonen, Karin
Classical Literature on Screen by Winkler, Martin M.
Hellenistic Epigram by Cairns, Francis
Hope and Aesthetic Utility in Modernist Literature by Dejong, Tim
Poetry and the Question of Modernity: From Heidegger to the Present by Cooper, Ian
Flame and Crimson: A History of Sword-and-Sorcery by Murphy, Brian
Epic Into Novel: Henry Fielding, Scriblerian Satire, and the Consumption of Classical Literature by Power, Henry
A Companion to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie by
Medieval Considerations of Incest, Marriage, and Penance by Rouillard, Linda Marie
The Shakespearean Comic and Tragicomic: French Inflections by Hillman, Richard
Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai: Essays by Pathan, Fiza
Scenes of a Reclusive Writer & Reader of Mumbai: Essays by Pathan, Fiza
Disabled Futures: A Framework for Radical Inclusion by Obourn, Milo W.
Nation, Culture and Class in Argentine Cinema: Crisis and Representation (1998-2005) by Oyarzabal, Santiago
Clifford Donald Simak - An Affectionate Appreciation by Lyall, Francis
The Mélusine Romance in Medieval Europe: Translation, Circulation, and Material Contexts by Zeldenrust, Lydia
The Latinx Urban Condition: Trauma, Memory, and Desire in Latinx Urban Literature and Culture by Lopez-Gonzalez, Crescencio
A Conservative Revolution: British Literature of the 1950s: Modernism for Socialist Realists by Tyson, Peter K.
Leaving Langston by Ellis, Michael
Austrian Studies 27: Placing Schnitzler by
Furious Flower: Seeding the Future of African American Poetry by Gabbin, Joanne V.
Shakespeare and Indian Theatre: The Politics of Performance by Thakur, Vikram Singh
The Twofer Compendium: A bizarre, offbeat, and occasionally outlandish collection of short stories based on the theme of twins by
Batrachomyomachia (Battle of the Frogs and Mice): Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary by Hosty, Matthew
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Our Courtyard: Short novel by Friesen, Walther, Wormsbecher, Hugo
[Set Lemmata Linguistica Latina] by
Semantische Und Diskurstraditionelle Komplexität: Linguistische Interpretationen Zur Französischen Kurzprosa by Meier, Kerstin
Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: The Power of Paratexts by
Thinking in Cases: Ancient Greek and Imperial Chinese Case Narratives by
Narrating Law and Laws of Narration in Medieval Scandinavia by
Fruchtbringende Verdeutschung: Linguistik Und Kulturelles Umfeld Der Übersetzung Des 'Novellino' (1572) in Den 'Erzehlungen Aus Den Mittlern Zeiten' by Assenzi, Lucia
Zeit Und >Âventiureparzival: Zur Narrativen Identitätskonstruktion Des Helden by Sablotny, Antje
Charles Simic and the Poetics of Uncertainty by McAbee, Donovan
Die Zionistische Komödie Im Drama Sammy Gronemanns: Über Ursprünge Und Eigenarten Einer Latenten Gattung by Kühne, Jan
Demons in Late Antiquity: Their Perception and Transformation in Different Literary Genres by
Ordo Inversus: Formen Und Funktionen Einer Denkfigur Um 1800 by
Politische Gedichte: Lateinisch - Deutsch by Claudius Claudianus
«He Should Have Listened to His Wife!»: The Construction of Women's Roles in German and Yiddish Pre-Modern 'Wigalois' Adaptations by Oehme, Annegret
Aristophanes and the Poetics of Surprise by Kanellakis, Dimitrios
Clause and Discourse by
Market Strategies and German Literature in the Long Nineteenth Century by
A Cosmography of Man: Character Sketches in the Tatler and the Spectator by Schön, Theresa
Words and Sounds by
The Many Voices of Europe: Mobility and Migration in Contemporary Europe by
Du Bartas' Legacy in England and Scotland by Auger, Peter
Pithanologie: Exemplarische Studien Zum Überzeugenden by
Exodus: Border Crossings in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Texts and Images by
Gert Ledigs gewaltsamer Stil by Hoppe, Florian
Literatura latinoamericana mundial by
Geschichte Und Dichtung: Die Ästhetisierung Historischen Denkens Von Winckelmann Bis Fontane by Seeba, Hinrich C.
Maria in Den Konfessionen Und Medien Der Frühen Neuzeit by
How to Read Donald Duck: Imperialist Ideology in the Disney Comic by Dorfman, Ariel, Mattelart, Armand
Die Ausgestaltung der Grundmotive "Geistesmensch" und "Tod": Erzählweise in der Prosa von Thomas Bernhard by Schilke, Alina
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Summon My Ehi to Ugbine by Oronsaye, Okpame
Andre Gide: Fiction and Fervour by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
Arts of Address: Being Alive to Language and the World by Roelofs, Monique
Posthuman Biopolitics: The Science Fiction of Joan Slonczewski by
Plum Shadows and Plank Bridge: Two Memoirs about Courtesans by Yu, Huai, Mao, Xiang
Arts of Address: Being Alive to Language and the World by Roelofs, Monique
The Transformative Potential of Black British and British Muslim Literature: Heterotopic Spaces and the Politics of Destabilisation by Ahrens, Lisa
Two Studies of Friedrich Hölderlin by Hamacher, Werner
Samuel Beckett Goes Into the Silence by Robinson, Jeremy Mark
Ctesias' Persica in Its Near Eastern Context by Waters, Matt
Night Office SPELL book by Teppo, Mark
The Anthology of Babel by Simon, Ed
The Music of Time: Poetry in the Twentieth Century by Burnside, John
L'évolution de la représentation de l'homosexualité chez André Gide. Une comparaison entre "L'Immoraliste" et "Corydon" by Petatz, Luisa
D.H. Lawrence: Infinite Sensual Violence: Love, Sex and Relationships by Pace, M. K.
The Last Straw: A Critical Autopsy of a galaxy far, far away by Wright, John C.
From Barsoom to Malacandra: Musings on Things Past and Things to Come by Wright, John C.
Plum Shadows and Plank Bridge: Two Memoirs about Courtesans by Mao, Xiang, Yu, Huai
Writing Shame: Gender, Contemporary Literature and Negative Affect by Mitchell, Kaye
Flower Pollen: Selected Thoughts by Novalis
All the Lives We Ever Lived: Seeking Solace in Virginia Woolf by Smyth, Katharine
The Play of Allusion in the Historia Augusta by Rohrbacher, David
William Faulkner and the Faces of Modernity by Watson, Jay
Mystic Moderns: Agency and Enchantment in Evelyn Underhill, May Sinclair, and Mary Webb by Thrall, James H.
"wir waren engel vil gemeit". Das Wesen der neutralen Engel in der Reisefassung der Brandanlegende by Molnar, Marina
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Get Even: The Complete Book of Dirty Tricks by Hayduke, George
Trauma and Identity in Contemporary Irish Culture by
Pirandello in un mondo globalizzato 2: Iconografie pirandelliane. Immagini e cultura visiva nell'opera di Luigi Pirandello by
The Ethical Vision of George Eliot by Albrecht, Thomas
From Fiction to the Novel by Day, Geoffrey
Science Fiction and the Dismal Science: Essays on Economics in and of the Genre by
Environment and Narrative: New Directions in Econarratology by
Number and Pattern in the Eighteenth-Century Novel: Defoe, Fielding, Smollett and Sterne by Brooks, Douglas
Work in the English Novel: The Myth of Vocation by Danon, Ruth
Literature and the Social Order in Eighteenth-Century England by
Liberty and Poetics in Eighteenth Century England by Meehan, Michael
Essays on the Eighteenth-Century English Stage by
The Affects, Cognition, and Politics of Samuel Beckett's Postwar Drama and Fiction: Revolutionary and Evolutionary Paradoxes by Ionica, Cristina
Transformation and Education in the Literature of the Gdr by Conacher, Jean E.
Schuld in Wolfram von Eschenbachs "Parzival". Warum Cunnewares Bestrafung Parzivals schwerste Schuld ist by Jell, Lea
Inszenierung und Ambivalenz. Weiblichkeitsentwürfe in Irmgard Keuns "Das kunstseidene Mädchen" by Correia, Carla
Integration von Märchen und Fabeln in den Literaturunterricht by Pri, Bianca
Voices, Languages, Discourses: Interpreting the Present and the Memory of Nation in Cape Verde, Guinea-Bissau and São Tomé and Príncipe by
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Chinese poems by
Post-Digital: Dialogues and Debates from Electronic Book Review by
Contemporary Fairy-Tale Magic: Subverting Gender and Genre by
Yeats and European Drama by McAteer, Michael
Shakespeare's Common Language by Kolentsis, Alysia
The Emergence of Literature: An Archaeology of Modern Literary Theory by Bittner, Jacob
Modernist Crisis and the Pedagogy of Form: Woolf, Delany, and Coetzee at the Limits of Fiction by Cheney, Matthew
Noir and Blanchot: Deteriorations of the Event by Allen, William S.
Hunger, Poetry and the Oxford Movement: The Tractarian Social Vision by Scholl, Lesa
Medieval Literature on Display: Heritage and Culture in Modern Germany by Sterling-Hellenbrand, Alexandra
Fuel: An Ecocritical History by Scott, Heidi C. M.
Framing Literary Humour: Cells, Masks and Bodies as 20th-Century Sites of Imprisonment by Mathieu-Lessard, Jeanne
J. M. Coetzee: Truth, Meaning, Fiction by Uhlmann, Anthony
Samuel Beckett and Experimental Psychology: Perception, Attention, Imagery by Powell, Joshua
J.M. Coetzee's Revisions of the Human: Posthumanism and Narrative Form by Wiegandt, Kai
Prison Writing of Latin America by Whitfield, Joey
Mastering Fear: Women, Emotions, and Contemporary Horror by Schubart, Rikke
Fear and Loathing Worldwide: Gonzo Journalism Beyond Hunter S. Thompson by
George Farquhar: A Migrant Life Reversed by Roberts, David
Narratives of Time and Gender in Antiquity by
At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva by Jardine, Alice
Politics and Emotions in Romantic Periodicals by
The Microgenre: A Quick Look at Small Culture by
Poetry and Crisis: Cultural Politics and Citizenship in the Wake of the Madrid Bombings by Robbins, Jill
The Microgenre: A Quick Look at Small Culture by
Afropolitan Literature as World Literature by
The European Roman d'Analyse: Unconsummated Love Stories from Boccaccio to Stendhal by Kudish, Adele
The Drama and Theatre of Sarah Ruhl by Muse, Amy
Americanisms And Briticisms: With Other Essays On Other Isms by Matthews, Brander
Aids To Reflection And The Confessions Of An Inquiring Spirit: To Which Are Added His Essays On Faith, Etc. With Dr. James Marsh's Preliminary Essay by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Imagining the Unimaginable: Speculative Fiction and the Holocaust by Morgan, Glyn
Cultural Resistance and Gender in Anita Desai's "Cry the Peacock" by Koketso, Daniel, Kgafela-Mokoka, Nono
The Big Somewhere: Essays on James Ellroy's Noir World by
Sissi's World: The Empress Elisabeth in Memory and Myth by
J. M. Coetzee: Truth, Meaning, Fiction by Uhlmann, Anthony
Le Memorial Des Saints de la Qadiriyya Fadiliyya: Hermeneutique de la Silsila Ou Chaine de Transmission Du Wird by Niang, Cheikh Talibouya
History of Russia: A Captivating Guide to Russian History, Ivan the Terrible, The Russian Revolution and Cambridge Five by History, Captivating
Literature In Paris: Essays concerning The Age of Innocence, Paris France, and The Outsider by Dickerson, Emalea
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
At the Risk of Thinking: An Intellectual Biography of Julia Kristeva by Jardine, Alice
Interkulturelle Kommunikation und Globalisierung. Eine literaturwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Afrika und Europa by Ndongo, Marcel Landry
Modernism and the Practice of Proletarian Literature by Cooper, Simon
Affe Und Affekt: Die Poetik Und Politik Der Emotionalität in Der Primatologie by Shah, Mira
Shakespeare, Objects and Phenomenology: Daggers of the Mind by Sachon, Susan
The Nature of the Page: Poetry, Papermaking, and the Ecology of Texts in Renaissance England by Calhoun, Joshua
100 recettes simples pour vivre jusqu'à 100 ans et en parfaite santé by Kengne, Louis
100 recettes simples pour vivre jusqu'à 100 ans et en bonne santé by Kengne, Louis
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Ecocriticism and Asian American Literature: Gold Mountains, Weedflowers and Murky Globes by Simal-González, Begoña
The Palgrave Handbook of Holocaust Literature and Culture by
J.R.R. Tolkien, auteur du siècle by Shippey-T
Living Dreams by Masundire, Edmond
50 Mandalas For Beginners: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness and Relief & Art C by Book, Benmore
A literary history of Ireland from earliest times to the present day by Hyde, Douglas
English synonymes, with copious illustrations and explanations. Drawn from the best writers by Crabb, George
Anticipatory Materialisms in Literature and Philosophy, 1790-1930 by
Imagining Irish Suburbia in Literature and Culture by
Two River Farm and The Cry of the Jackal by Bhebhe, Vincent
Vergil: A study of philosophy in the Aeneid: revised by Johnson, Charles Matthew
50 Flower Mandalas: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happiness a by Book, Benmore
Gelliana: A Textual Companion to the Noctes Atticae of Aulus Gellius by Holford-Strevens, Leofranc
Cultures of Economy in South-Eastern Europe: Spotlights and Perspectives by
Inventing the Novel: Bakhtin and Petronius Face to Face by Branham, R. Bracht
Graphic Novels as Philosophy by
Southern Literature, Cold War Culture, and the Making of Modern America by Dominy, Jordan J.
Southern Literature, Cold War Culture, and the Making of Modern America by Dominy, Jordan J.
How the Other Half Laughs: The Comic Sensibility in American Culture, 1895-1920 by Cole, Jean Lee
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