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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

False Documents: Inter-American Cultural History, Literature, and the Lost Decade (1975-1992) by Weiser, Frans
Writing the Revolution: The Construction of 1968 in Germany by Cornils, Ingo
Mysteries of Dune: Sufism, Psychedelics, and the Prediction of Frank Herbert by Shelton, Mahmoud
Ein poetisches Experiment. Innovationen des Geschichtsdramas in Christian Dietrich Grabbes Drama "Napoleon oder die hundert Tage" by Fröhlich, Oliver
The Critics and Hemingway, 1924-2014: Shaping an American Literary Icon by Mazzeno, Laurence W.
The Literary Art of Ali Smith: All We Are is Eyes by
Der Straßburger Alexander-Roman im Kontext der (früh)höfischen Epik: Mittelhochdeutscher Alexanderroman, Candacis Episode, höfische Epik by Anonymous
Robert Kroetsch: Essayist, Novelist, Poet by
Byron and Italy by
Modern Death: The End of Civilization by Wijkmark, Carl-Henning
The Palgrave Handbook to Horror Literature by
Transatlantic Rhetoric: Speeches from the American Revolution to the Suffragettes by
More Collected Couteau: Essays and Interviews: Essays and Interviews by Couteau, Rob
Climate Consciousness and Environmental Activism in Composition: Writing to Save the World by
Dailiness: Essays on Poetry by Jarman, Mark
It Will Be Fun and Terrifying: Nationalism and Protest in Post-Soviet Russia by Fenghi, Fabrizio
Joyce and the Law by
Gertrude Stein and the Making of Jewish Modernism by Feinstein, Amy
The Wave metaphor and beyond. Feminist agendas of female protagonists in Meg Wolitzer's "The Female Persuasion" by Spreier, Katharina
The Edinburgh History of the British and Irish Press, Volume 2: Expansion and Evolution, 1800-1900 by
Virtues of Renewal: Wendell Berry's Sustainable Forms by Bilbro, Jeffrey
Virginia Woolf, the War Without, the War Within: Her Final Diaries and the Diaries She Read by Barbara Lounsberry
Multicultural and Ethnic Children's Literature in the United States by Gilton, Donna L.
Multicultural and Ethnic Children's Literature in the United States by Gilton, Donna L.
Erscheinungsformen faschistischer Ästhetik im "Triumph des Willens" von Leni Riefenstahl by De Silva, Robin
Die problematische Dreieckskonstellation in "Miß Sara Sampson" von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing by Esweer, Anni
Periodismos hoy en América: Argentina y México by
Protest and Dissent: Conflicting Spaces in Translation and Culture by
Wendell Berry and Higher Education: Cultivating Virtues of Place by Bilbro, Jeffrey, Baker, Jack R.
The Last Days of Sylvia Plath by Rollyson, Carl
Die Fabeltiere Der Aufklärung: Naturgeschichte Und Poetik Von Gottsched Bis Lessing by Schönbeck, Sebastian
Shakespeare and Sexuality in the Comedy of Morecambe & Wise by Hamrick, Stephen
Literature and Transformation: A Narrative Study of Life-Changing Reading Experiences by Tangerås, Thor Magnus
Reading Logbook: a coloring notebook for bookworms and book lovers with space for doodling by Publishing, Artmorfic
A Literary Potpourri by Kaluza), (with A. Chapter Les, Kaluza, Erna
Ideology, Identity, and the US: Crossroads, Freeways, Collisions by
"Singet, vogel, singet" von Otto v. Botenlauben. Analyse und Interpretation in Hinblick auf die Vermittlung höfischer Werte der Liebe by Anonymous
The Distant Shores of Freedom: Vietnamese American Memoirs and Fiction by Chattarji, Subarno
Writing Talk: Interviews with Writers about the Creative Process by
Fictive Fathers in the Contemporary American Novel by Shostak, Debra
The Metamorphoses of Myth in Fiction Since 1960 by Hume, Kathryn
Directing Shakespeare in America: Historical Perspectives by Ney, Charles
Colonialism, Culture, Whales: The Cetacean Quartet by Huggan, Graham
Orientalism, Philology, and the Illegibility of the Modern World by Trüper, Henning
Literature and Social Media by Thomas, Bronwen
The Fictional Minds of Modernism: Narrative Cognition from Henry James to Christopher Isherwood by
Remembering the Great War: Writing and Publishing the Experiences of World War I by Isherwood, Ian Andrew
Biofictions: Race, Genetics and the Contemporary Novel by Gill, Josie
Man Into Woman: A Comparative Scholarly Edition by Elbe, Lili
Literatures of Liberalization: Global Circulation and the Long Nineteenth Century by Gagnier, Regenia
Imagining Solar Energy: The Power of the Sun in Literature, Science and Culture by Lynall, Gregory
Utopia and Its Discontents: Plato to Atwood by Mitchell, Sebastian
Beckett's Art of Salvage by Bates, Julie
Naething Dauntit: The Collected Poems of Douglas Young by Young, Douglas
Contemporary Fictions of Attention: Reading and Distraction in the Twenty-First Century by Bennett, Alice
Literary Research and the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Eras: Strategies and Sources by Booher, Dustin, Gunn, Kevin B.
Literary Research and the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Eras: Strategies and Sources by Booher, Dustin, Gunn, Kevin B.
Repulsivcan Damn O Cracy: Legislative Entrepreneurs When We Get Your Money - You Get Your Law by Dennis, Wendall E.
Luigi Pirandello: Mappe Concettuali E Schemi by 2020, Pierre
Die Tagelieder Wolframs von Eschenbach. Konflikt zwischen höfischer Gesellschaft und Liebe bei Wolfram von Eschenbach by Haas, Annika
Einfluss des Vertrauens auf die selbstbestimmte Handlungsfähigkeit am Beispiel von "Fifty Shades of Grey" by Pri, Bianca
Religiosität in den Märchen der Brüder Grimm am Beispiel von "Brüderchen und Schwesterchen" (KHM 11) by Jürgens, Peer
The Idea of Russia: The Life and Work of Dmitry Likhachev by Zubok, Vladislav
Rebirth in the Life and Works of Beatrix Potter by Tuerk, Richard
Science-Fiction Rebels: The Story of the Science-Fiction Magazines from 1981 to 1990: The History of the Science-Fiction Magazine Volume IV by Ashley, Mike
Medievalism in English Canadian Literature: From Richardson to Atwood by
Medical Texts in Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture by Kesling, Emily
Poly-Olbion: New Perspectives by
Absurdität in "Alice im Wunderland" von Lewis Carroll: Dialoganalyse des Kapitels "eine verrückte Teegesellschaft" und kreative Schreibaufgabe für die by Anonymous
"Underworld" von Don DeLillo und die Betrachtung der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts anhand von Resten: Den Abfall der Geschichte ausgraben by Zeiß, Anne
Freundschaft, Liebe und Nationalsozialismus als Triebfeder für eine Neubildung der Identität: Anhand des Buches "Daniel halber Mensch" von David Chotj by Kolbas, Regina
Die Bewusstseinskrise in Arthur Schnitzlers "Fräulein Else". Psychische und gesellschaftliche Konsequenzen by Turgut, Tülay
A List of African American Museums: Discover the Hidden America you may never have known was there by McElroy, William (Bill) C.
The Roman de Troie by Benoît de Sainte-Maure: A Translation by
The Graphic Lives of Fathers: Memory, Representation, and Fatherhood in North American Autobiographical Comics by Precup, Mihaela
Living with Disfigurement in Early Medieval Europe by Skinner, Patricia
ThƯƠng NhỚ NgƯỜi DƯng by Nguyên Du, Hà, MỚi, VĂn HỌc
Perelà: parabola tra futurismo ed esistenzialismo by Quaranta, Marco
Beyond Absurdity: Study in Three American War Novels of Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, and William Eastlake by Zd Bou Hamdan, Amal
Sui nomi divini: Passi scelti dalle Origini hebraiche delle tre lingue e dagli scritti esoterici by Suzzi, Arduino, Veronesi, Matteo
Textual Transformations: Purposing and Repurposing Books from Richard Baxter to Samuel Taylor Coleridge by
Los Angeles Review of Books Quarterly Journal: High/Low Issue: High/Low Issue, No. 29 by
English Translations of Korczak's Children's Fiction: A Linguistic Perspective by Borodo, Michal
Nattens paradis: Svenska sällsamheter by Heller, Frank, Schildt, Runar, Berger, Henning
Himmelwärts / Das Unbekannte Leben / Mit Dem Kopf Durch Die Wand by
Novels in Verse for Teens: A Guidebook with Activities for Teachers and Librarians by Krok, Lisa
Heldentaten, Heldenträume: Zur Analytik Des Politischen Im Drama Um 1800 (Goethe - Schiller - Kleist) by Rocks, Carolin
Cupid and Psyche: The Reception of Apuleius' Love Story Since 1600 by
Qui Aura Sa Vie Comme Butin?: Échos Narratifs Et Révélation Dans La Lecture Des Oracles Personnels de Jérémie by Chauty, Erwan
Sartre, Jews, and the Other: Rethinking Antisemitism, Race, and Gender by
Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit by Herder, Johann Gottfried
Auch eine Philosophie der Geschichte zur Bildung der Menschheit by Herder, Johann Gottfried
Гостиная. Юбилейный выпу by Дубровин&#10, Кудимова, &#, Зубарева, &#
Letters from Filadelfia: Early Latino Literature and the Trans-American Elite by Lazo, Rodrigo
The Second World War in the Twenty-First-Century Museum: From Narrative, Memory, and Experience to Experientiality by Jaeger, Stephan
Christus ALS Held Und Seine Heroische Nachfolge: Zur Imitatio Christi in Der Frühen Neuzeit by
Modern Sentimentalism: Affect, Irony, and Female Authorship in Interwar America by Mendelman, Lisa
Stories to Be Told: Tales About the Pioneer People and Places in Little Santa Clara River Valley, Southern California by Wren, Marie
Stories to Be Told: Tales About the Pioneer People and Places in Little Santa Clara River Valley, Southern California by Wren, Marie
Debating Rhetorical Narratology: On the Synthetic, Mimetic, and Thematic Aspects of Narrative by Clark, Matthew
Debating Rhetorical Narratology: On the Synthetic, Mimetic, and Thematic Aspects of Narrative by Clark, Matthew
Flower Swallows Sing: A North Korean Memoir in Verse by Baek, Imu
Thrift by Smiles, Samuel
Thrift by Smiles, Samuel
Wolframs Frauenfiguren. Poetologisches im "Parzival" by Lütz, Adriana
Die Darstellung der Innensicht in Arthur Schnitzlers "Fräulein Else" und Manuele Fiors gleichnamiger Graphic Novel by Anonymous
Das Nonnenturnier. Schwächung, Unterwanderung aber auch Bestätigung mittelalterlicher Ordnungsvorstellungen by Taskiran, Osman
Letters from Filadelfia: Early Latino Literature and the Trans-American Elite by Lazo, Rodrigo
These Fevered Days: Ten Pivotal Moments in the Making of Emily Dickinson by Ackmann, Martha
Virginia Woolf and the Poetry of Fiction by McNichol, Stella
Geschichte Der Literarischen Vortragskunst by Meyer-Kalkus, Reinhart
Women of Bloomsbury: Virginia, Vanessa and Carrington by Caws, Mary Ann
Secondary Superheroes of Golden Age Comics by Mougin, Lou
Forms of Faith: Literary Form and Religious Conflict in Early Modern England by
Symbolics by José María Eguren: Translated by José Garay Boszeta by Eguren, José María
Panepiphanal World: James Joyce's Epiphanies by Macduff, Sangam
Joyce and Geometry by McMorran, Ciaran
Edith Wharton and the Modern Privileges of Age by Dawson, Melanie V.
Panepiphanal World: James Joyce's Epiphanies by Macduff, Sangam
The Lives and Extraordinary Adventures of Fifteen Tramp Writers from the Golden Age of Vagabondage by Cutler, Ian
Critical Branding: Postcolonial Studies and the Market by Koegler, Caroline
Zoë Wicomb & the Translocal: Writing Scotland & South Africa by
Muthupechi / முத்துப்பேச்சி by Razvi, Afzal
George 'Dadie' Rylands: Shakespearean Scholar and Cambridge Legend by Raina, Peter
Staring Down the Tiger: Stories of Hmong American Women by
Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning by Hong, Cathy Park
The Selected Poems of Tu Fu: Expanded and Newly Translated by David Hinton by Fu, Tu
They Have Bodies, by Barney Allen: A Critical Edition by Allen, Barney
Linguistic Semiotics by Wang, Mingyu
Elias Canetti in Seiner Zeit: Kulturelle, Wissenschaftliche Und Politische Deskriptionen by Wimmer, Gernot, Neumann, Bernd
What Forms Can Do: The Work of Form in 20th- And 21st- Century French Literature and Thought by
Dandyism: Forming Fiction from Modernism to the Present by Gutkin, Len
Dandyism: Forming Fiction from Modernism to the Present by Gutkin, Len
Die psychoanalytische Lehre in "Das Schloß, darin sich die Schicksale kreuzen" von Italo Calvino by Zukowski-Krebs, Julius
Zum Wandel der Rolle der Frau in den Arbeitslosenromanen der Neuen Sachlichkeit. Falladas "Kleiner Mann - was nun?", Kästners "Fabian" und Keuns "Kuns by Kroth, Julian
Translated Memories: Transgenerational Perspectives on the Holocaust by
Der Werther-Effekt. Was für ein Einfluss kann Literatur auf Menschen haben? by Amine, Ahmad
Merkmale interkulturellen Lernens nach Heidi Rösch in dem Adoleszenzroman "Shirin. Wo gehöre ich hin?" von Nasrin Siege by Anonymous
Michail Bulgakovs Roman "Der Meister und Margarita" und die Mediale Transformation by Ackermann, Natalia
Racial and gender oppression in Alice Walker's The Color Purple: Authorial background, intentions and public criticism by Pangritz, Katharina
The Fictions of American Capitalism: Working Fictions and the Economic Novel by
The Fire That Breaks: Gerard Manley Hopkins's Poetic Legacies by
Plattenbau-Proust und Detroit-Dickens: Schriftstellerbeinamen und Buchfakten, welche Ihnen gerade noch gefehlt haben by Deiß, Richard
Enacting the Bible in Medieval and Early Modern Drama by
Settler Colonialism in Victorian Literature by Steer, Philip
American Literature and Immediacy by Schaefer, Heike
Whiskers, Feathers and Fur: Veterinary Tales by Donnelly, Austin
The Gentle Apocalypse: Truth and Meaning in the Poetry of Georg Trakl by Millington, Richard
Essen und Macht. Betrachtungen in Gottfried Kellers Novelle Pankraz, der Schmoller by Fonger, Patrick
What Remains: The Post-Holocaust Archive in German Memory Culture by Osborne, Dora
Das ideologisch-politische Potential niederdeutscher Literatur by Meenken, Peter
Imagined Economies - Real Fictions: New Perspectives on Economic Thinking in Great Britain by
New York by
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers by
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers, and Other Creative Writers Who Liv by
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creati by
Something about the Author: Facts and Pictures about Authors and Illustrators of Books for Young People by
Ms. Marvel's America: No Normal by
Ms. Marvel's America: No Normal by
Shakespeare's Cinema of Love: A Study in Genre and Influence by White, R. S.
Childhood in Contemporary Diasporic African Literature: Memories and Futures Past by Ouma, Christopher E. W.
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800: Critical Discussion of the Works of Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth-Century Novelists, Poets by
Arthur Miller for the Twenty-First Century: Contemporary Views of His Writings and Ideas by
True Crime Parallels to the Mysteries of Agatha Christie by Powers, Anne
The Political Philosophy of Fénelon by Hanley, Ryan Patrick
Horror Literature from Gothic to Post-Modern: Critical Essays by
Elias Canetti - Die Blendung. Betrachtung von Büchern, Möbeln und Geld aus der Perspektive eines Masseverständnisses by Fonger, Patrick
Die Verbindung von Roadmovies und Adoleszenz am Beispiel "Tschick" von Wolfgang Herrndorf by Michels, Franziska
Reading Testimony, Witnessing Trauma: Confronting Race, Gender, and Violence in American Literature by Wales, Eden
Reading Testimony, Witnessing Trauma: Confronting Race, Gender, and Violence in American Literature by Wales, Eden
With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Comics by
Fine Meshwork: Philip Roth, Edna O'Brien, and Jewish-Irish Literature by O'Brien, Dan
Urban Horror: Neoliberal Post-Socialism and the Limits of Visibility by Huang, Erin Y.
Fine Meshwork: Philip Roth, Edna O'Brien, and Jewish-Irish Literature by O'Brien, Dan
The Visceral Logics of Decolonization by Khanna, Neetu
Zu Hartmann von Aues "Gregorius". Zwischen Sehen und Nichtsehen by Haas, Annika
Der Wechsel vom gedruckten zum digitalen Text. Die sozialen Folgen der Medienwechsel by Anonymous
The Edinburgh Edition of the Collected Letters of Katherine Mansfield, Volume 1: Letters to Correspondents a - J by
Padua and the Tudors: English Students in Italy, 1485-1603 by Woolfson, Jonathan
Psychoanalysis and the Love of Arabic: Hall of Mirrors by Bou Ali, Nadia
Derrida Reads Shakespeare by Alfano, Chiara
Short Story Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers by
Dlb 386: Twenty-First Century Irish Fiction Writers by
Unscripted America: Indigenous Languages and the Origins of a Literary Nation by Rivett, Sarah
Vergleich der Erzählerfiguren im "Parzival" und "Willehalm" by Niemeier, Katharina
Alasdair Gray's "Lanark. A Life in Four Books". A truly postmodern work? by Mühleck, Hedy
Song of A Caged Bird and Other Poems by Siaw-Asamoah, Joycelyn
Shakespearean Criticism: Excerpts from the Criticism of William Shakespeare's Plays & Poetry, from the First Published Appraisals to Current Evaluatio by
Poetic Canons, Cultural Memory and Russian National Identity after 1991 by Hodgson, Katharine, Smith, Alexandra
Diasporic Inquiries into South Asian Women's Narratives: Alien Domiciles by
With Great Power Comes Great Pedagogy: Teaching, Learning, and Comics by
Eduard Von Keyserling Und Die Klassische Moderne by
Eriza: A woman's journey, a country's hope, a family's freedom by Molife, Peter
Nuova Antologia - A. CLV, N. 2293, Gennaio-Marzo 2020: Rivista Di Lettere, Scienze Ed Arti. Serie Trimestrale Fondata Da Giovanni Spadolini by
Sex, Class, and the Theatrical Archive: Erotic Economies by Sikes, Alan
Le Chevalier de Maison-Rouge by Dumas, Alexandre
A Permanent Beginning: R. Nachman of Braslav and Jewish Literary Modernity by Lewis, Yitzhak
Victorian Structures: Architecture, Society, and Narrative by Griffith, Jody
Contemporary Women's Post-Apocalyptic Fiction by Watkins, Susan
My father my father by Marin, Bernard
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