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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

A New Dictionary of Fairies: A 21st Century Exploration of Celtic and Related Western European Fairies by Daimler, Morgan
No Easter Sunday For Queers: A play by Koleka Putuma by Putuma, Koleka
Back to Sherlock Holmes: Literary Studies in Sherlock Holmes Stories by Mazor, Yair
Meister Eckhart: Mystische Schriften by Meister Eckhart, Von Hochheim, Eckhart
Utopía Poética, Impotencia Amorosa E Imaginación Temporal En María Luisa Bombal, Pablo Neruda Y Mario Benedetti by Laguna Correa, F.
Fun Yener Zayt Shvel / On the Other Side of the Threshold: Artiklen funem Zhurnal Afn Shvel, 2005-2020/ Articles from the Magazine Afn Shvel, 2005-202 by Zucker, Sheva Charlotte
Wild Rivers, Wild Rose by Birdsall, Sarah
The Temple by Herbert, George
The Dictionary of Mythology: An A-Z of Themes, Legends and Heroes by Coleman, Ja
Dyke (Geology) by Imbler, Sabrina
The Oxford Handbook of the African American Slave Narrative by Ernest, John
Subversion und Männlichkeit in "Fight Club": Tyler Durdens "Fight Club" als Subversion und sein Scheitern an den eigenen Hierarchien und Machtsystemen by Hindelang, Janis Alina
Mans Relationships with Technology: An Analysis of Marshall McLuhan's "Understanding Media. The Extensions of Man" by Easa, Khalid
Biblical Allusions in "The Scarlet Letter" by Nathaniel Hawthorne by Zöpf, Annika
Ecocriticism in Cormac McCarthys Roman "The Road" anhand verschiedener Naturdarstellungen by Hindelang, Janis Alina
There's Something About Darcy: The curious appeal of Jane Austen's bewitching hero by Malcolm, Gabrielle
Gerald Murnane: Another World in This One by Uhlmann, Anthony
The Interpretation of Dreams by Hammond, Martin, Artemidorus
Collected Essays on Sociology of Literature by Todd III, William Mills
Music for a King: George Herbert's Style and the Metrical Psalms by Freer, Coburn
Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect by White, Hayden
The Dome and the Rock: Structure in the Poetry of Wallace Stevens by Baird, James
The Experimental Imagination: Literary Knowledge and Science in the British Enlightenment by Chico, Tita
Peculiar Attunements: How Affect Theory Turned Musical by Grant, Roger Mathew
Before Utopia: The Making of Thomas More's Mind by Dealy, Ross
The Meaning of Travel: Philosophers Abroad by Thomas, Emily
How to Write the Global History of Knowledge-Making: Interaction, Circulation and the Transgression of Cultural Difference by
Imperial Panegyric from Diocletian to Honorius by
The Selected Letters of Robert Creeley by Creeley, Robert
Giving Form to an Asian and Latinx America by Le-Khac, Long
Giving Form to an Asian and Latinx America by Le-Khac, Long
Monsters by Trade: Slave Traffickers in Modern Spanish Literature and Culture by Surwillo, Lisa
Literature and the Law of Nations, 1580-1680 by Warren, Christopher N.
Peculiar Attunements: How Affect Theory Turned Musical by Grant, Roger Mathew
Science Fiction by
The End of the Novel of Love by Gornick, Vivian
Transatlantic Rhetoric: Speeches from the American Revolution to the Suffragettes by
Conceiving Desire in Lyly and Shakespeare: Metaphor, Cognition and Eros by Knoll, Gillian
Dialectics of Improvement: Scottish Romanticism, 1786-1831 by McKeever, Gerard Lee
Literary Manuscript Culture in Romantic Britain by Levy, Michelle
Cultivation and Catastrophe: The Lyric Ecology of Modern Black Literature by Posmentier, Sonya
50 Flower Mandalas Midnight Edition: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happin by Book, Benmore
Erzählen im "Iwein" Hartmanns von Aue. Eine fachdidaktische Ausarbeitung by Vollmer, Bianca
Wallace Stevens: The Making of the Poem by Doggett, Frank
Approaching Eye Level by Gornick, Vivian
Reading Picture Books with Children: How to Shake Up Storytime and Get Kids Talking about What They See by Lambert, Megan Dowd
Dyke (geology) by Imbler, Sabrina
Historische Semantik des Begriffes "âventiure" im mittelhochdeutschen Artusroman by Lütz, Adriana
More Forensics and Fiction: Crime Writers' Morbidly Curious Questions Expertly Answered by Lyle, D. P.
The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas Illustrated by Stein, Gertrude
Essential Compendium of Dad Jokes: The Best of the Worst Dad Jokes for the Painfully Punny Parent - 301 Jokes! by
Disfigured: On Fairy Tales, Disability, and Making Space by Leduc, Amanda
The Global Vampire: Essays on the Undead in Popular Culture Around the World by
Stage Matters: Props, Bodies, and Space in Shakespearean Performance by
Poe and the Idea of Music: Failure, Transcendence, and Dark Romanticism by McAdams, Charity
The Quest for Certainty in Early Modern Europe: From Inquisition to Inquiry, 1550-1700 by Fuchs, Barbara, García-Arenal, Mercedes
Zeina by Saadawi, Nawal El
Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies by
Annotation in Eighteenth-Century Poetry by
The Humid Condition: (More) Overheated Observations by Pettman, Dominic
Georg Büchners "Dantons Tod". Liebe und Gewalt in der Revolution by Molnar, Marina
50 Flower Mandalas Midnight Edition: Big Mandala Coloring Book for Adults 50 Images Stress Management Coloring Book For Relaxation, Meditation, Happin by Book, Benmore
Der Aspekt der Identität in der modernen, interkulturellen Literatur: Am Beispiel von Shida Bazyars "Die Echten" by Molnar, Marina
Goethes Lyrik im Sturm und Drang: Welche wiederkehrenden Motive sind in "Willkommen und Abschied", "Wandrers Sturmlied" und "Prometheus" zu erkennen? by Anonymous
Zur Darstellung des Todes in Elfriede Jelineks Prinzessinnendrama "Der Tod und das Mädchen IV: Jackie" (2003) by Anonymous
Machines for Living: Modernism and Domestic Life by Rosner, Victoria
Julian Barnes from the Margins: Exploring the Writer's Archives by Guignery, Vanessa
Praise Song for My Children by Wesley, Patricia Jabbeh
Villains in literature. How Joanne K. Rowling succeeded in creating Lord Voldemort as the ultimate depiction of evil by Baskaya, Talia
Byron: Reality, Fiction and Madness by
Intertextuality in Alison Bechdel's "Fun Home" by Anonymous
Die Konstruktion der Protagonisten "yo" und "el otro" bezüglich des "pacte autobiographique" in "Las flechas de oro" von John Rutherford: Tourist oder by Hollers, René
"Runnaround" by Isaac Aimov and the Significance of the Three Laws of Robotics in today's world by Anonymous
Zu den Vorauer und Straßburger Alexanderromanen: "Der helt balt, der mûlîche Alexander" by Anonymous
Bible Source Book by Swihart, Stephen D.
Ruralism and Literature in Romania by
The Steampunk Handbook by Darqueling, Phoebe
Thinking Through Place on the Early Modern English Stage by Bozio, Andrew
The Platonism of Walter Pater: Embodied Equity by Lee, Adam
The Nostalgic Imagination: History in English Criticism by Collini, Stefan
Doubtful Readers: Print, Poetry, and the Reading Public in Early Modern England by McCarthy, Erin A.
Kamloops Tapestry by
In Plain Sight: Nineteenth-Century American Women's Poetry and the Problem of Literary History by Socarides, Alexandra
Further Reading by
Poetry Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of the Most Significant and Widely Studied Poets of World Literature by
Clark Ashton Smith: A Comprehensive Bibliography by Schultz, David E., Connors, Scott, Joshi, S. T.
Essays in Petto by Summers, Montague
The Issue of Hybridity in "The Buddha of Suburbia": An Investigation of Karim Amir by Jung, Daniel
Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal: Volume 13, 2019 by
Sehnsucht: The C. S. Lewis Journal: Volume 13, 2019 by
An Ironic Approach to the Absolute: Schlegel's Poetic Mysticism by Mirzakhan, Karolin
A Gothic Bibliography (Unabridged) by Summers, Montague
Canon Controversies in Political Thought: Two Theories of Influence by Welburn, Dominic
Television and Precarity: Naturalist Narratives of Poor America by Humburg, Jasmin
Evgeny Boratynsky and the Russian Golden Age: Unstudied Words That Wove and Wavered by Liberman, Anatoly
Collected Couteau. Essays and Interviews (Third, Revised Edition) by Couteau, Rob
Making a Living As a Children's Book Author by Smith, Scott
Suyeres traducidos Oggún: Osha-Ifa by Oni Shango, Obba Aye Ekun
Asian Children's Literature and Film in a Global Age: Local, National, and Transnational Trajectories by
The French Revolution by Carlyle, Thomas
A Critic in Pall Mall by Wilde, Oscar
Erziehung im und durch den Roman "Robinson der Jüngere". Der Vater als idealer Erzieher by Steinich, Selina
The Author's Effects: On Writer's House Museums by Watson, Nicola J.
Euphrosyne: Studies in Ancient Philosophy, History, and Literature by
Late Victorian Into Modern by
Heeding the Call: A Study of Denise Giardina's Novels by Jolliff, William
Bruder Philipps 'Marienleben' Im Norden: Eine Fallstudie Zur Überlieferung Mittelniederdeutscher Literatur by Ostermann, Christina
Obszönes Übersetzen: Aristophanes in Deutscher Sprache by Lubitz, Katja
Andreas Gryphius (1616-1664): Zwischen Tradition Und Aufbruch by
Der Anthropos im Anthropozän by
Edilo, >Epigrammi: Introduzione, Testo Critico, Traduzione E Commento by Floridi, Lucia
Essays On Education And Kindred Subjects: With Introduction By Charles W. Eliot by Spencer, Herbert
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume I): The Emigrant Literature, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume II): The Romantic School In Germany, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume III): The Reaction In France, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume IV): Naturalism In England, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume V): The Romantic School In France, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Main Currents In Nineteenth Century Literature (Volume VI): Young Germany, Transl. By Diana White, Mary Morison (In Six Volumes) by Brandes, George
Tolstoy: Translated By Bernard Miall by Rolland, Romain
Danger and Vulnerability in Nineteenth-century American Literature: Crash and Burn by Travis, Jennifer
Die Kunst Wolframs von Eschenbach in der Gegenwart: Neue Perspektiven seiner Lieder durch zeitgenössische Übersetzungen by Lanthemann, Corinne
From the Page to the Screen. Digital Media, Cybertextuality and New Forms of Storytelling by Nöding, Thomas
Unterscheidung Von Lüge Und Wahrheit: Abriss Über Die Üblen Märchen Der Häretiker. Zusammenfassung Der Göttlichen Lehrsätze Anhang: Pseudo-Theodoret, by Theodoret Von Kyros
Ambivalentes Erzählen - Ambivalenz Erzählen: Studien Zur Poetik Des Frühneuhochdeutschen Prosaromans by Scheibel, Nina
Städte Und Stadtstaaten Zwischen Mythos, Literatur Und Propaganda by
Trauma-Erfahrungen Und Störungen Des 'Selbst': Mediale Und Literarische Konfigurationen Lebensweltlicher Krisen by
Grandgoujon by Benjamin, René
Ero(t)ica: A Logosophistic Analysis of Pietro Aretino's Erotico-Chivalrous Poetry by Deleanu, Daniel
Wie die küneginne einander schulten. Zum Streit der Königinnen im Nibelungenlied by Karl, Benedikt
Sufism and Transcendentalism: A Poststructuralist Dialogue Between Rumi and Whitman by Shayegh, Elham
Cinderella and the Glass Ceiling: And Other Feminist Fairy Tales by Lane, Laura, Haun, Ellen
Poetics of Visibility in the Contemporary Arab American Novel by Naous, Mazen
Poetics of Visibility in the Contemporary Arab American Novel by Naous, Mazen
Breaking Free from Death: The Art of Being a Successful Russian Writer by Rylkova, Galina
Libraries and Archives in the Digital Age by
The Diary: The Epic of Everyday Life by
The Diary: The Epic of Everyday Life by
Metabiography: Reflecting on Biography by Ní Dhúill, Caitríona
Breaking Free from Death: The Art of Being a Successful Russian Writer by Rylkova, Galina
Comic Spenser: Faith, Folly, and the Faerie Queene by Coldham-Fussell, Victoria
Transmutations of Desire: Literature and Religion in Late Imperial China by Li, Qiancheng
The Child of the Sun: Royal Fairy Tales and Essays by the Queens of Romania, Elisabeth (Carmen Sylva, 1843-1916) and Marie (1875-1938) by
Social Poetics by Nowak, Mark
Furiously Funny: Comic Rage from Ralph Ellison to Chris Rock by Tucker, Terrence T.
The role of the snake Kaa in Rudyard Kipling's "The Jungle Books" and in three film adaptations by Cramer, Robert
Funny Things to Ponder by Vogt, Steve
Mitos Y Leyendas (Myths and Legends): Guía Ilustrada de Su Origen Y Significado by Wilkinson, Philip
Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon by Daudet, Alphonse
Die fingierte Mündlichkeit. "Der Brenner und der Liebe Gott". Eine Übersetzungsanalyse by Calia, Vera
Egress: On Mourning, Melancholy and the Fisher-Function by Colquhoun, Matt
Das Böse in phantastischer Kinder- und Jugendliteratur: Eine exemplarische Untersuchung an Otfried Preußlers "Krabat" by Hartmann, Jana
The Nation's Appeal by Pratap, Rudra
Vincent's Books: Van Gogh and the Writers Who Inspired Him by Guzzoni, Mariella
Art and Artifact in Austen by
Art and Artifact in Austen by
The Laughing Willow by Herford, Oliver
Southern Comforts: Drinking and the U.S. South by
On Contemporaneity, After Agamben: The Concept and Its Times by Baross, Zsuzsa
Comintern Aesthetics by
The Author in Criticism: Italo Calvino's Authorial Image in Italy, the United States, and the United Kingdom by Baldi, Elio Attilio
Metaphysical and Mid-Late Tang Poetry: A Baroque Comparison by Wang, Pengfei
Fromont jeune et Risler aîné by Daudet, Alphonse
Jack by Daudet, Alphonse
L'Evangeliste by Daudet, Alphonse
La Petite Chose by Daudet, Alphonse
Le Nabab by Daudet, Alphonse
Les Contes du lundi by Daudet, Alphonse
"In der Strafkolonie" von Franz Kafka. Wie sich der Begriff einer Rechtsphilosophie in der literarischen Ästhetik des Grotesken manifestiert by Molnar, Marina
Robert Musils epistemologische Konzeption im Roman "Die Verwirrungen des Zöglings Törleß": Unter Berücksichtigung zeitgenössicher grundlagen- und spra by Uhl, Tim
Phönix aus der Asche. Emanzipatorische Ansätze in Wu Mings Erzählung "Arzèstula" by Zukowski-Krebs, Julius
Geschlechterrollen und Eheverständnis in den Fastnachtsspielen des Hans Sachs by Zemmel, Chris
Das Unaussprechliche aus der Perspektive des Kindes in Ilse Aichingers "Die größere Hoffnung" by Thaler, Carina
Angst als resultaat en beweegreden in Reve's "Werther Nieland" by Pollmann, Janina
Il Mercante Di Venezia by Shakespeare, William
Henry James in Contemporary Fiction: The Real Thing by Layne, Bethany
Cassirer's Transformation: From a Transcendental to a Semiotic Philosophy of Forms by Lassègue, Jean
Tartatin sur les Alpes by Daudet, Alphonse
Irish Literature in Transition, 1700-1780: Volume 1 by
Mary Wollstonecraft in Context by
Exhausted Ecologies by Kalaidjian, Andrew
Sette Sermoni AI Morti by Jung, Carl Gustav
Jorge Luis Borges in Context by
Miss Julie by Strindberg, August
Die Entwicklung des Adoleszenzromans anhand von Hermann Hesses "Unterm Rad" und Paulus Hochgatterers "Wildwasser" by Scharerweger, Sandro
Modernism and Still Life: Artists, Writers, Dancers by Tobin, Claudia
Port-Tarascon by Daudet, Alphonse
Rose et Ninette, Le Trésor d'Arlatan, La Fédor, Trois souvenirs by Daudet, Alphonse
Sapho by Daudet, Alphonse
Souvenirs d'un homme de lettres by Daudet, Alphonse
Avant l'amour by Tinayre, Marcelle
Hellé by Tinayre, Marcelle
Dr Oliver's HONORABLE ROBBERS: Robbery in billions; Restitution in hundreds; The Victims applaud their tormentors; The "Honorable Robbers" smile to t by Akamnonu, Oliver
Von Genies und Epigonen. Eine poetologische Studie zu J. M. R. Lenz' "Pandämonium Germanikum" by Meenken, Peter
Ketten der Vergangenheit. Das Mutterbild in Peter Handkes Erzählung "Wunschloses Unglück" by Kowalczyk, Dominika
Irish Literature in Transition, 1780-1830 by
Lucretius II: An Ethics of Motion by Nail, Thomas
Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Nineteenth-Century Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers by
Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short-Story Writers, and Other Creative Writers Who Liv by
Contemporary Literary Criticism: Criticism of the Works of Today's Novelists, Poets, Playwrights, Short Story Writers, Scriptwriters, and Other Creati by
Short Story Criticism: Excerpts from Criticism of the Works of Short Fiction Writers by
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