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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2020

Italian Crime Fiction in the Era of the Anti-Mafia Movement by Farina, William
Lady Gregory's Early Irish Writings, 1883-1893: Coole Edition of Lady Gregory's Writings, Volume 16 by
John Keats: Selected Writings by
The Reputation of Philanthropy Since 1750: Britain and Beyond by Cunningham, Hugh
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature and Culture: 3-Volume Set by
Ruritania: A Cultural History, from the Prisoner of Zenda to the Princess Diaries by Daly, Nicholas
National Image: China's Communication of Cultural Symbols by Meng, Xiangfei
"Empathie gibt's nicht im Appstore". Zu den empathielenkenden Strukturen in "Das Herzmaere" by Neumann, Sina
África Sonríe Triste, En Silencio by Rouco, Rosalía, López, Calixto
Ist Eneas ein Held des mittelalterlichen Antikenromans? Der "Eneasroman" von Heinrich von Veldeke by Steinich, Selina
Das mittelalterliche Heldenbild Alexander des Großen in Bezug auf Frauenrollen im Alexanderroman des Pfaffen Lambrecht by Lukas, Vivien
Der schwache König und der starke Held. Marke und Tristan in "Tristan" von Gottfried von Straßburg by Seitz, Johanna
Andreas Gryphius: War Poetry for Peace: Poetry at the Edge by Terry, Christopher
Formen des Offenen. "Der Zauberberg" von Thomas Mann, die "Oxen of the Sun"-Episode im "Ulysses" von James Joyce und "Rayuela" von Julio Cortázar (Ban by Forssbohm, Paul
Samuel Johnson: Selected Writings by
Andererseits - Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies Vol. 7/8: 2018-19 by
Writing Beyond the State: Post-Sovereign Approaches to Human Rights in Literary Studies by
Sex, Skulls, and Citizens: Gender and Racial Science in Argentina (1860-1910) by Kerr, Ashley
Excess in Modern Irish Writing: Spirit and Surplus by McAteer, Michael
Unfelt: The Language of Affect in the British Enlightenment by Noggle, James
Paradox and Representation: Silenced Voices in the Narratives of Nakagami Kenji by Iwahashi Ishikawa, Machiko
From My Corner: Social & Political Commentary by Hurst, Howell
Tradition and Emancipation in Horace and Alexander Pope by Ohsumi, Megumi
Capital Letters: Hugo, Baudelaire, Camus, and the Death Penalty Volume 33 by Morisi, Ève
Nature Beyond Solitude: Notes from the Field by Farnsworth, John Seibert
Sex, Skulls, and Citizens: Gender and Racial Science in Argentina (1860-1910) by Kerr, Ashley
The Aristotelian Tragic Hero in Thomas Hardy´s Novels. A Comparative Study: Analysis of "The Pursuit of the Well-Beloved" and "The Well Beloved" by Mares, Martin
Riddles at Work in the Early Medieval Tradition: Words, Ideas, Interactions by
Classicisms in the Black Atlantic by
Postcolonial Lack: Identity, Culture, Surplus by Basu Thakur, Gautam
John Clare: Nature, Criticism and History by Kövesi, Simon
Samuel Beckett Goes Into the Silence by Robinson, Jeremy
Renegotiating Postmemory: The Holocaust in Contemporary German-Language Jewish Literature by Roca-Lizarazu, Maria
Films of Konrad Wolf: Archive of the Revolution by Powell, Larson
A Book about Books: Volume II of III by Bernstein, E. H.
Andre Gide: Fiction and Fervour by Robinson, Jeremy
English writers; an attempt towards a history of English literature; X Shakespeare and his time: under Elizabeth by Morley, Henry
The Prose works of Jonathan Swift, D.D. (Volume XII) by Swift, Jonathan
An Ancient Dream Manual: Artemidorus' the Interpretation of Dreams by Thonemann, Peter
Gründung, Aufstieg und Untergang der DDR bis jetzt: Meine Lebenserinnerungen by Mikut, Siegfried
Writing the Land, Writing Humanity: The Maya Literary Renaissance by Pigott, Charles M.
Oxford Handbook of Latino Studies by Stavans, Ilan
Dante's Comedia as Personal Transformative Journey by Bralich Ph. D., Philip A.
Zu Konrad von Megenbergs "Buch der Natur": Das kosmologische und das humoralpathologische Prinzip by Klinkenberg, Niklas
Zum gestörten Verhältnis von Geben und Nehmen im Nibelungenlied by Jacobi, Alexandra
Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse einer literaturwissenschaftlichen Germanistik im afrikanischen Kontext by Soh Mbe, Floriant Telesport
Aspects of Visual Sensation in Edgar Allan Poe's Depiction of Violence against Women: "I met the glance of her meaning eyes and then my soul sickened" by Meyer, Amelie
Stories to Tell by Jefferson, Jordan a.
The Anthropocenic Turn: The Interplay Between Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Responses to a New Age by
From Medicine to Sociology. Health and Illness in Magdalena Sokolowska's Research Conceptions by Piątkowski, Wlodzimierz
Future of The European Union Integration: : A Failure or A Success? Future Expectations by
Skyscraping Frontiers: The Skyscraper as Heterotopia in the 20th-Century American Novel and Film by Klein, Sascha
Madness in the Woods: Representations of the Ecological Uncanny by
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination by Gubar, Susan, Gilbert, Sandra M.
Nerds, Goths, Geeks, and Freaks: Outsiders in Chicanx and Latinx Young Adult Literature by
Nerds, Goths, Geeks, and Freaks: Outsiders in Chicanx and Latinx Young Adult Literature by
Beyond the Blockbusters: Themes and Trends in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction by
Navigating the Fiction of Ernest J. Gaines: A Roadmap for Readers by Clark, Keith
The Rise of Victorian Caricature by Haywood, Ian
Ezra Pound, Italy, and the Cantos by Bacigalupo, Massimo
Gendered Ecologies: New Materialist Interpretations of Women Writers in the Long Nineteenth Century by
The Court and Its Critics: Anti-Court Sentiments in Early Modern Italy by Ugolini, Paola
Macbeth: Made Super Super Easy by Samuel, Evelyn
Comics and Adaptation by
Outlaws and Spies: Legal Exclusion in Law and Literature by McCarthy, Conor
Palestinian Citizens in Israel: A History Through Fiction, 1948-2010 by Makhoul, Manar H.
Beyond the Blockbusters: Themes and Trends in Contemporary Young Adult Fiction by
Architects of Tomorrow Volume VI: John Brunner by D'Ammassa, Don
Das Motiv des Unheimlichen in Jeremias Gotthelfs "Die schwarze Spinne": "wenn die Grenze zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit verwischt" by Hohmann, Sophie
Early Modern German Shakespeare: Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet: Der Bestrafte Brudermord and Romio Und Julieta in Translation by
Material Devotion in a South Indian Poetic World by Comeau, Leah Elizabeth
Material Spirituality in Modernist Women's Writing by Anderson, Elizabeth
Plato's Socrates on Socrates: Socratic Self-Disclosure and the Public Practice of Philosophy by Schultz, Anne-Marie
Style and Emotion in Comic Novels and Short Stories by Marszalek, Agnes
This Man and Music: By Anthony Burgess by Burgess, Anthony
Times of Mobility: Transnational Literature and Gender in Translation by
Early Modern War Narratives and the Revolt in the Low Countries by
The Anatomy of Deep Time by Jacobson-Tepfer, Esther
The Princess Casamassima by James, Henry
Surviving: Stories, Essays, Interviews by Green, Henry
Adulthood in Children's Literature by Joosen, Vanessa
Hilary Mantel: Contemporary Critical Perspectives by
A Literary History of Reconciliation: Power, Remorse and the Limits of Forgiveness by Dijkhuizen, Jan Frans Van
Mind Style and Cognitive Grammar: Language and Worldview in Speculative Fiction by Nuttall, Louise
Shakespeare and Queer Theory by Sanchez, Melissa E.
Fault Lines of Modernity: The Fractures and Repairs of Religion, Ethics, and Literature by
Grammalepsy: Essays on Digital Language Art by Cayley, John
Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800: Critical Discussion of the Works of Fifteenth, Sixteenth, Seventeenth, and Eighteenth-Century Novelists, Poets by
Text & Presentation, 2019 by
Children in Greek Tragedy: Pathos and Potential by Griffiths, Emma M.
This Ghostly Poetry: History and Memory of Exiled Spanish Republican Poets by Aguirre-Otezia, Daniel
Control and Resistance: Food Discourse in Franco Spain by Anderson, Lara
Pan-Protestant Heroism in Early Modern Europe by Chovanec, Kevin
Memories Unburdened by Sorrow by Hung, Eva
Margery Kempe's Spiritual Medicine: Suffering, Transformation and the Life-Course by Kalas, Laura
Studies in Medievalism XXIX: Politics and Medievalism (Studies) by
The Virgin Mary's Book at the Annunciation: Reading, Interpretation, and Devotion in Medieval England by Miles, Laura Saetveit
The Dynastic Drama of Beowulf by Leneghan, Francis
Interweaving Myths in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries by
Righteous Anger in Contemporary Italian Literary and Cinematic Narratives by Lucamante, Stefania
Anglo-Saxonism and the Idea of Englishness in Eighteenth-Century Britain by Frazier Wood, Dustin
Imagining Anglo-Saxon England: Utopia, Heterotopia, Dystopia by Karkov, Catherine E.
The Logic of Idolatry in Seventeenth-Century French Literature by McClure, Ellen
Mobility and Identity in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales by Wright, Sarah Breckenridge
Gothic Incest: Gender, Sexuality and Transgression by Diplacidi, Jenny
The Beginner's Guide to Pulp Fiction, Volume 2 by Sweet, Jonathan W.
A Stylistic Analysis of Selected Stories in Achebe's "Girls At War And Other Stories": A comparative study by Dike, Chidinma
Liebe oder Gesellschaft. Zum Problem des Hauptmotivs in Leo Tolstojs "Anna Karenina" by Karl, Benedikt
Something of Themselves: Kipling, Kingsley, Conan Doyle and the Anglo-Boer War by Lefanu, Sarah
Markt und gesellschaftliche Kontexte von queeren Kinderbüchern by Mustelin, Sanna
Sex/Crime by Gregory, Alexis
Study Guide to The Crucible and Other Works by Arthur Miller by
Study Guide to Antony and Cleopatra by William Shakespeare by
In 2 Wochen Italienisch lernen - Italienisch für Anfänger: Italienisch schnell und einfach für den Alltag und Reisen. Grammatik, die wichtigsten Vokab by Leo Babel
Study Guide to Darkness at Noon and The Age of Longing by Arthur Koestler by
Study Guide to Henry IV, Part 1 by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Faustus and Other Works by Christopher Marlowe by
Study Guide to Brave New World and Other Works by Aldous Huxley by
Study Guide to King Lear by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to the Philosophy of Thomas Hobbes and John Locke by
Study Guide to Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to The Tempest by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to The Sonnets by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Candide by Voltaire by
Study Guide to Richard II by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Richard III by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to The Comedies by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Coriolanus by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Henry IV, Part 2 by William Shakepeare by
Study Guide to Henry V by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to A Farewell to Arms and Other Works by Ernest Hemingway by
Study Guide to The Birth of Tragedy and Other Works by Friedrich Nietzsche by
Study Guide to Madame Bovary and Three Tales by Gustave Flaubert by
Study Guide to Rabbit Run and Rabbit Redux by John Updike by
Study Guide to The Metaphysical Poets by
Thread of Lies by Ojabo, Myles
The Land Remembers Us: Women, Myth, and Nature by
Study Guide to The Invisible Man and Other Works by H. G. Wells by
Study Guide to Ivanhoe and Other Works by Sir Walter Scott by
Study Guide to Hamlet by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Macbeth by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Silas Marner and Middlemarch by George Eliot by
Study Guide to A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Howards End and A Passage to India by E.M. Forster by
Study Guide to Othello by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to As You Like It by William Shakespeare by
Study Guide to Waiting for Godot, Endgame, and Other Works by Samuel Beckett by
Lost and misrepresented voices of Afghanistan - a fractured land in turmoil, upheaval and uprising.: Critical Essays on Key Afghanistani novels. by Khan, Miriam
A Girl Named Pearl: A Children's Book by Pritchett, Rashaad
Precarious Partners: Horses and Their Humans in Nineteenth-Century France by Weil, Kari
Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150-1400 by
Le Lettere Di Dante: Ambienti Culturali, Contesti Storici E Circolazione Dei Saperi by
Schriftwechsel Mit Metternich. Zweiter Teil: 1820-1832 by
Erzählte Mediale Prozesse: Medientheoretische Perspektiven Auf Den Reinfried Von Braunschweig Und Den Apollonius Von Tyrland by Wittchow, Britta Maria
Hawdoloh Und Zapfenstreich: Erinnerungen an Die Ostjüdische Etappe 1916-1918 by
Whistler's Mother's Son and Other Curiosities by Cherches, Peter
P. Annio Floro, Virgilio: Oratore O Poeta?: Introduzione, Testo Critico, Traduzione E Commento by Rocchi, Stefano
Naturereignisse Im Frühen Mittelalter: Das Zeugnis Der Geschichtsschreibung Vom 6. Bis 11. Jahrhundert by Wozniak, Thomas
Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Dramatic Works: In Medias Res by Rapatz, Vanessa L.
21st-Century Horror: Weird Fiction at the Turn of the Millennium by Joshi, Sunand Tryambak
Formen Lyrischen Erzählens Im Minnesang Des 12. Bis 14. Jahrhunderts: Metapher, Topos Und Diagramm Zwischen Nähe Und Distanz by Roever, Diana
Glaube Liebe Hoffnung by
Dr. B in Stefan Zweigs "Schachnovelle" als Spiegel zweier kultureller Gegensatzpositionen: Eine hermeneutische Untersuchung by Hohmann, Sophie
Narrative Ways of Worldmaking in Charlotte Brontë's "Jane Eyre" and Jean Rhys's "Wide Sargasso Sea" by Schilling, Silvia
A Compendious History of Sussex: Volume II by Lower, Mark Antony
A Compendious History of Sussex: Volume II by Lower, Mark Antony
Baptism with Fire in the Coming Judgment by Fire in 2 Peter 3: 7: Echoes of John the Baptist? by Ty, Neil
Francisco Valdés en sus libros: estudio de la obra de un autor olvidado de la Edad de Plata by Nieto Caballero, Guadalupe
Die Vergewaltigung in Heinrich von Kleists "Die Marquise von O...". Vom Schuldgefühl zur Eheschließung by Zhou, Qingyang
Apparat: Der Sieg Der Natur Über Die Schwärmerey, Oder Die Abentheuer Des Don Sylvio Von Rosalva / Comische Erzählungen. März 1764 [98] by
Pascal and Theology by Miel, Jan
The House of Death: Messages from the English Renaissance by Stein, Arnold
The Cryptographic Imagination: Secret Writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet by Rosenheim, Shawn James
Victorian Noon: English Literature in 1850 by Dawson, Carl
Melodies Unheard: Essays on the Mysteries of Poetry by Hecht, Anthony
Far Country: Scenes from American Culture by Moretti, Franco
The Improvement of the Estate: A Study of Jane Austen's Novels by Duckworth, Alistair M.
Virginia Woolf and the Madness of Language by Ferrer, Daniel
Coleridge's Contemplative Philosophy by Cheyne, Peter
Reading Lacan's Seminar VIII: Transference by
Fantasy by Armitt, Lucie
EDO Kabuki in Transition: From the Worlds of the Samurai to the Vengeful Female Ghost by Shimazaki, Satoko
Land and Literature in a Cosmopolitan Age by Pecora, Vincent P.
Not Even Past: The Stories We Keep Telling about the Civil War by Marrs, Cody
Archives of Conjure: Stories of the Dead in Afrolatinx Cultures by Otero, Solimar
False Documents: Inter-American Cultural History, Literature, and the Lost Decade (1975-1992) by Weiser, Frans
Irresistible Driver: A BWWM Sexy Romance by Eromonsere-Ajanaku, Stella
The AIs and Androids of Star Trek: The Technology of the 23rd Century and Beyond That Could Appear in the 21st by Robinson, Scott
Institutional racism and the search for African-American masculinity & identity in the selected works of Richard Wright by Nosakhere, Khefa
Franz Blei (1871-1942), Carl Georg von Maassen (1880-1940) und Hans von Müller (1875-1944) im Briefwechsel: Auch ein Mosaiksteinchen zur E. T. A. Hoff by Walravens, Hartmut
La poética de Lorenzo de Zamora: Una apología de la literatura secular by
A Companion to João Paulo Borges Coelho: Rewriting the (Post)Colonial Remains by
The Mind of a Poet: The Prelude, Commentary Volume 2 by Havens, Raymond Dexter
Archives of Conjure: Stories of the Dead in Afrolatinx Cultures by Otero, Solimar
The Life of William Faulkner: The Past Is Never Dead, 1897-1934 Volume 1 by Rollyson, Carl
Entgegen der Zeit: Zeitarbeit - Moderne Sklaverei by Hofmann, Christian
Imagining Inheritance from Chaucer to Shakespeare by Davis, Alex
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