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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Literary Criticism in 2025

Agency and Author: German Literature Beyond the Bestseller List by
Colonialism and Literature: An Affective Narratology by Hogan, Patrick Colm
The Novel in Letters: Epistolary Fiction in the Early English Novel 1678-1740 by
English Literature in History, 1780-1830: Pastoral and Politics by Sales, Roger
Prelude to the Enlightenment: French Literature 1690-1740 by Keller, Abraham C., Atkinson, Geoffroy
Hell-Bent for Leather: Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western by Fine, Kerry
A Room of One's Own One by Woolf, Virginia
La pensée française au XVIIIe siècle by Mornet, David
The Huns and their allies in Scandinavia by Högström, Karl O.
The Huns and their allies in Scandinavia by Högström, Karl O.
Fathoming the Deep in English Renaissance Tragedy: Horror, Mystery, and the Oceanic Sublime by Publicover, Laurence
A Room of One's Own by Woolf, Virginia
Carnivalizing Reconciliation: Contemporary Australian and Canadian Literature and Film Beyond the Victim Paradigm by Teichler, Hanna
Cultural Legacies of Slavery in Modern Spain by
Hell-Bent for Leather: Sex and Sexuality in the Weird Western by Fine, Kerry
AP English Literature & Composition Crash Course, Book + Online: Get a Higher Score in Less Time by Hogue, Dawn
The Open Veins of Modernity by Kefala, Eleni
Embodied Experience in British and French Literature, 1778-1814 by Heydt-Stevenson, Jillian
The Open Veins of Modernity by Kefala, Eleni
2024/2025 by
Three Myths of Kingship in Early Greece and the Ancient Near East by Metcalf, Christopher
The Arcadia of Jacopo Sannazaro: A New Translation with Commentary by Jones, Nicholas R.
Approaches to Teaching the Works of Jorge Luis Borges by
Approaches to Teaching the Works of Jorge Luis Borges by
A Lover of God: The Ecstatic Sufi Nuri by Zsom, Dora
Sounding Bodies: Acoustical Science and Musical Erotics in Victorian Literature by Draucker, Shannon
Religion of Love: Sufism and Self-Transformation in the Poetic Imagination of ʿAttar by Zargar, Cyrus Ali
Musico Stilo: Aspects of the Poetry of Ennodius: Aspects of the Poetry of Ennodius by Ela Consolino, Franca
Writers Like Us: My Life with Sinclair Lewis by Conrad, Barnaby
Modern Writers, Transnational Literatures: Rabindranath Tagore and W. B. Yeats by Mohite, Ragini
Unexpected Pleasures: Parody, Queerness, and Genre in 20th-Century British Fiction by Tucker, Lauryl
David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer by Nietzsche, Friedrich
David Strauss, the Confessor and the Writer by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Shakespeare Re-Played: Two Shakespearean Travesties by Postgate, John W.
The Boke of Gostely Grace: The Middle English Translation: A Critical Edition from Oxford, MS Bodley 220 by
Peirce on Habits: Developing a Pragmatist Ontology by Bernardi Della Rosa, Simone
Khitan and Mongol Imperial Women in the Chinese Imagination: Ming Fantasies about Conquest Dynasty Harems by Milburn, Olivia
Francophone Oceania Today: Literature, Visual Arts, Music, and Cinema by
Samuel R. Delany: A Reference Guide to His Life and Works by Mannion, Elizabeth, Matsuuchi, Ann, Porter, Lavelle
The Vacuum Cleaner: A Cultural Investigation by Ellmann, Maud
Lu Xun and World Literature by
Chinese Short Stories (Part 2)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 3)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 4)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 5)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 6)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 7)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 8)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
Chinese Short Stories (Part 9)- Learn Must-know and Famous Chinese Stories, Chinese Language & Culture, HSK All Levels, Easy Lessons for Beginners, En by Sun, Yiyao
The Arrival of the Fittest: Biology's Imaginary Futures, 1900-1935 by Endersby, Jim
The Yeats We Knew by
The Arrival of the Fittest: Biology's Imaginary Futures, 1900-1935 by Endersby, Jim
The Streets of Laredo: Texas Modernity and Its Discontents by Limón, José E.
Days of Fear: A Diary of Hunger Strike by Gallagher, Frank
Universality and Translation: Sites of Struggle in Philosophy and Politics by
Crisis and Criticism: Literary, Cultural and Political Essays, 2009-2021 by Noys, Benjamin
Celestial Empire: The Emergence of Chinese Science Fiction by Isaacson, Nathaniel
Maternity, Monstrosity, and Heroic (Im)Mortality from Homer to Shakespeare by Burdorff, Sara
Writing Romantic Climate Change: Gendered Poetics and Critical Legacies in the Anthropocene by Lippe, Anya Heise-Von Der
Universality and Translation: Sites of Struggle in Philosophy and Politics by
Chinese Ghost Stories (Part 7)- Learn Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture by Reading Short Stories, HSK All Levels, Simplified Character Edition, Ea by Wang, Xinxin
Chinese Ghost Stories (Part 8)- Learn Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture by Reading Short Stories, HSK All Levels, Simplified Character Edition, Ea by Wang, Xinxin
Chinese Ghost Stories (Part 9)- Learn Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture by Reading Short Stories, HSK All Levels, Simplified Character Edition, Ea by Wang, Xinxin
Chinese Ghost Stories (Part 10)- Learn Mandarin Chinese Language and Culture by Reading Short Stories, HSK All Levels, Simplified Character Edition, E by Wang, Xinxin
Brilliant Modernism: Cultures of Light and Modernist Poetry by Asciuto, Nicoletta
Brilliant Modernism: Cultures of Light and Modernist Poetry by Asciuto, Nicoletta
Sleep Works: Experiments in Science and Literature, 1899-1929 by Klinger, Sebastian P.
The Illegible Man: Disability and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America by Kanyusik, Will
The Illegible Man: Disability and Masculinity in Twentieth-Century America by Kanyusik, Will
I Am Not Korean by Kyeong-Dong, Song
Difficult Lives Hitching Rides by Sallis, James
Doom Patterns: Latinx Speculations and the Aesthetics of Violence by Gil'adí, Maia
Doom Patterns: Latinx Speculations and the Aesthetics of Violence by Gil'adí, Maia
Fantasy Aesthetics: Visualizing Myth and Middle Ages, 1880-2020 by
The Death of Hamlet: A Counterfactual Reading of Shakespeare by Khan, Amir
Архетипы и история by Smirnov, Igor
A Room of One's Own: Gilded Pocket Edition by Woolf, Virginia
Laozi's DAO de Jing: A New Interpretation for a Transformative Time by Liu, Ken, Laozi
Fair or Foul: The Lady Macbeth Guide to Ambition by Stern, Stefan
Textual Traditions and Medieval Literary Culture: Essays in Honour of Siân Echard by
The Gospel of Gollum by Sassanelli, Ivano
Ben Enwonwu: The Making of an African Modernist by Ogbechie, Sylvester Okwunodu
Rootedness and Acculturation: Experiences from German Immigrant Communities in the Usa, 1883-1918 by
Self-Published Psychogeographies: Zines, DIY Communities and the 21st Century Drifter by Kapp, Tanja
Nonbinary Jane Austen by Washington, Chris
Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable by Overwijk, Jan
Cybernetic Capitalism: A Critical Theory of the Incommunicable by Overwijk, Jan
理性,启示与结局 (上) by Kang, Senhou
Cicero's Brutus: Edition, Textual Commentary, and Study of the Transmission by Thomas, Douglas R.
The Victorian Novel on File: Secrets, Hoards, and Information Storage by Jacob, Priyanka Anne
On Close Reading by Guillory, John
On Close Reading by Guillory, John
Slime by Estok, Simon C.
Slime by Estok, Simon C.
Shakespeare, Ecology and Adaptation: A Practical Guide by Prescott, Paul, Daroy, Alys
The Poetry Reader: An Anthology by
Twentieth-Century Literature and the Aftermath of War by Bryan, Rachel
Italo Calvino and Classics: Lightness - Quickness - Multiplicity by
Modernism and the Idea of India by Brown, Judith
Understanding Lynn Nottage by Hayes, Jennifer L.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Tagebücher: Band Ix,2 Kommentar (1823-1824) by
The Semiotics of Performances: An Introduction to the Analysis, Interpretation, and Theory of the Performing Arts by Bouissac, Paul
Strabo by Lightfoot, Jessica
Understanding Lynn Nottage by Hayes, Jennifer L.
The Well of Loneliness by Hall, Radclyffe, Funke, Jana, Roche, Hannah
Strabo by Lightfoot, Jessica
The Latin Verse of Martin Luther: Texts, Translations and Commentary by Springer, Carl P. E.
Shakespeare, Ecology and Adaptation: A Practical Guide by Prescott, Paul, Daroy, Alys
Body Politics in Contemporary Irish Women's Fiction: The Literary Legacy of Mother Ireland by Scheible, Ellen
Adrienne Rich's Later Poetry: Raya Dunayevskaya and Marxist-Humanism by Marsh, Alec
Time and Terrain in British Romantic Writing by Vardy, Alan
Botanical Culture and Popular Belief in Shakespeare's England by Lander Johnson, Bonnie
The Poetry Reader: An Anthology by
Theory as World Literature by
Literary Transactions in South Africa: A Politics of Interpretation by Chapman, Michael
Rethinking Kerouac: Afterlives, Continuities, Reappraisals by
Rethinking Kerouac: Afterlives, Continuities, Reappraisals by
Pub by Howell, Philip
Against Progress by Zizek, Slavoj
Misinformation, Disinformation, and Propaganda in Greek Historiography by
The Arden Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's Language: Character Networks by Ladegaard, Jakob, Kristensen-McLachlan, Ross Deans
The Arden Encyclopedia of Shakespeare's Language: Plays and Characters by Murphy, Sean, Findlay, Alison
Ripped Apart: Unsettling Narratives of Transnational Migration by de Veritch Woodside, Vanessa
Sand, Water, Salt: Managing the Elements in Literature of the American West, 1880-1925 by Ach, Jada
A Quiet Grief: Four Voices Italy 1938 by Oneglia, Rod
Chinese Classical Wen Yan Wen Essays (Part 2)- Learn Mandarin Chinese History, Culture, Literature and Language with Easy Lessons of Essays of Ancient by Shi, Mengya
Liber Amicorum H. R. Woudhuysen: A Bibliographical Tribute by Wilkinson, Hazel, Starza Smith, Daniel
History of English Literature from Beowulf to Swinburne by Lang, Andrew
Matthew Arnold: Selected Writings by Perry, Seamus
Earthquake and the Invention of America: The Making of Elsewhere Catastrophe by Brickhouse, Anna
Marion Milner: On Creativity by Russell, David
Basho's Linked Verse: A Comprehensive Translation of the 576 Poems Across 16 Volumes by Ito, Kazumitsu
Men Beyond Desire: Male Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century America by Greven, David
Conditions of a Solitary Birds by Richiusa, Gordon
Alfred Tarski on Scientific Semantics by Hitchcock, David, Stroińska, Magda
The Book of God: In the Light of the Higher Criticism: In the Light of the Higher Criticism - George William Foote by George William Foote
Interspatiality: Inhabiting Literary Geography by Hones, Sheila
Ben Hecht's Theatre of Jewish Protest by Eisler, Garrett
Verginia, Lucretia, and the Medieval Livy: An Edition and Translation of Episodes from Pierre Bersuire's Tite-Live and Jean de Meun's Roman de la Rose by
Yiddish Tales by Frank, Helena
The Younger Edda; Also called Snorre's Edda, or The Prose Edda by Sturluson, Snorri
Ben Hecht's Theatre of Jewish Protest by Eisler, Garrett
John Banville by Murphy, Neil
Conversation at Princeton by Vargas Llosa Mario
The Call of the Tribe by Llosa, Mario Vargas
Supervillains: The Significance of Evil in Superhero Comics by Tomabechi, Nao
A Vain Talent? The Question of Female Artistry in the Life and Work of Anne Brontë by
Selected Poems of Bernard Barton, the 'Quaker Poet' by Stokes, Christopher
Storylife: On Epic, Narrative, and Living Things by Christensen, Joel P.
Dynamic Semiosis by Valsiner, Jaan
Discourse in Black: Voices of the Self, Let's Flip the Script, and Liberation Memories by Gilyard, Keith
Moving Blackness: Black Circulation, Racism, and Relations of Homespace by Calvente, Lisa B. Y.
Dangerous Learning: The South's Long War on Black Literacy by Black, Derek W.
Language: The Unknown: An Initiation Into Linguistics by Kristeva, Julia
Black Prison Intellectuals: Writings from the Long Nineteenth Century by Stone, Andrea
Intimate Revolt: The Powers and Limits of Psychoanalysis by Kristeva, Julia
Time and Sense: Proust and the Experience of Literature by Kristeva, Julia
New Maladies of the Soul by Kristeva, Julia
Black Prison Intellectuals: Writings from the Long Nineteenth Century by Stone, Andrea
Bibliotherapy: Books to Guide You Through Every Chapter of Life by Masters, Molly
Insensible of Boundaries: Studies in Mary Ann Shadd Cary by
Moving Blackness: Black Circulation, Racism, and Relations of Homespace by Calvente, Lisa B. Y.
Supervillains: The Significance of Evil in Superhero Comics by Tomabechi, Nao
Unsettling Difference: Music Drama, the Bible, and the Critique of German Jewish Identity by Nester, Adi
Translation Effects: Language, Time, and Community in Medieval England by Hurley, Mary Kate
Sozioautobiographie Und Szenische Künste: Performative Suchbewegungen in Einer Offenen Gattung by
Unsettling Difference: Music Drama, the Bible, and the Critique of German Jewish Identity by Nester, Adi
The Fight of Exiled Journalist and Anti-Communist Activist Josef Josten: For Freedom, Democracy, and Human Rights (1948-1985) by Polisenská, Milada
The Socialist Side of World Literature by He, Yanli
Reader's House Magazine - Scott Mariani: Interviews with award winning authors; by
Soft Matter: The Poetics of Weakness in Late Soviet Socialism by Vaingurt, Julia
Soft Matter: The Poetics of Weakness in Late Soviet Socialism by Vaingurt, Julia
Alternative Temporalities: The Emancipatory Power of Narrative by
Absorption Narratives: Jewishness, Blackness, and Indigeneity in the Cultural Imaginary of the Americas by Pridgeon, Stephanie M.
The Music of the Gothic: 1789-1820 by McEvoy, Emma
The Music of the Gothic: 1789-1820 by McEvoy, Emma
Re-Embodying and Rethinking Greek and Roman Drama in Modern Times by
Shakespeare's Exiles by Van Oort, Richard
Gerard Manley Hopkins in Context by
Scottish Literature of the South Seas: Critical Studies of Scotland and the Pacific by
Black Women's Health in the Age of Hip Hop and HIV/AIDS: A Narrative Remix by Lewis, Nghana Tamu
Black Women's Health in the Age of Hip Hop and HIV/AIDS: A Narrative Remix by Lewis, Nghana Tamu
Trauma and Spirituality in Ethnic American Women's Novels: Connected by Invisible Fibers by Rodi-Risberg, Marinella
Mehrdeutige Titel: Lektüren Einer Paratextuellen Praktik by
Nineteenth-Century Literature in Transition: The 1850s by
Queer Cambridge: An Alternative History by Goldhill, Simon
Pandemic Storytelling by
Moebius by Labarre, Nicolas
Dichtung ALS Wissenschaft Und Unterrichtsgegenstand: Zur Poetik Im Fruhen Italienischen Humanismus (Von Petrarca Bis Battista Guarino) by Feddern, Stefan
Tolkien on Chaucer, 1913-1959 by Bowers, John M., Steffensen, Peter
Against!: Rebellious Daughters in Black Immigrant Fiction in the United States by Jeffers, Asha
Against!: Rebellious Daughters in Black Immigrant Fiction in the United States by Jeffers, Asha
Postmigrantische Literatur: Grundlagen, Analysen, Positionen by
Enchantment in Romantic Literature by Hopps, Gavin
Serapion. Zweijahresschrift Fur Europaische Romantik: Band 3 / 2024 by
The Nero Wolfe Files by
Moebius by Labarre, Nicolas
Neo-Victorian Cultural Collections of Disability: Interdisciplinary Interventions by Logan-Smith, Louise
The Novel and Neuroscience from Dostoevsky to Ishiguro by Straus, Nina Pelikan
The Natural Environment in Late Byzantine Correspondence by Mavrommati, Kalliope
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