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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Management in 2004

Change Without Pain: How Managers Can Overcome Initiative Overload, Organizational Chaos, and Employee Burnout by Abrahamson, Eric John
Value-Centered Leadership: A Survivor's Strategy for Personal and Professional Growth by Burk, George a.
Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science: Stochastic Programming by
Beyond the Quick Fix: Managing Five Tracks to Organizational Success by Kilmann, Ralph H.
The Limits of Business Development and Economic Growth: Why Business Will Need to Invest Less in the Future by Larsson, M.
Towards an Environment Research Agenda: A Third Selection of Papers by
Pro LOGO: Brands as a Factor of Progress by Chevalier, M., Mazzalovo, G.
Clusters and Competitive Advantage: The Turkish Experience by Öz, Ö.
Business Relationships for Competitive Advantage: Managing Alignment and Misalignment in Buyer and Supplier Transactions by Cox, A., Lonsdale, C., Sanderson, J.
Intimacy: An International Survey of the Sex Lives of People at Work by Kakabadse, A.
Theory and Management of Collective Strategies in International Business: The Impact of Globalization on Japanese German Business Cooperations in Asia by Haak, R.
The Inner Warrior: Developing the Courage for Personal and Organisational Change by Stone, B.
Inspiration: Capturing the Creative Potential of Your Organization by Watt, C., Ind, N.
Sources of Information Value: Strategic Framing and the Transformation of the Information Industries by Valor-Sabatier, J., Ricart-Costa, J., Subirana, B.
Myths about Doing Business in China by West, C., Chee, H.
Outsourcing of R&d in the Pharmaceutical Industry: From Conceptualization to Implementation of the Strategic Sourcing Process by Piachaud, Bianca
The Sport Business Future by Westerbeek, H., Smith, A.
Derivatives and Internal Models, Third Edition by Deutsch, H.
Safeguarding the Organization Against Violence and Bullying: An International Perspective by Mayhew, C., McCarthy, P.
Trust Matters: For Organisational and Personal Success by Bibb, S., Kourdi, J.
Rolling Out New Products Across International Markets by Chryssochoidis, G.
The Role of the Non-Executive Director in the Small to Medium Sized Businesses by Smithson, J.
Work Identity at the End of the Line?: Privatisation and Culture Change in the UK Rail Industry by Strangleman, T.
Sales Force Design for Strategic Advantage by Zoltners, A., Sinha, P., Lorimer, S.
Bringing Technology and Innovation Into the Boardroom: Strategy, Innovation and Competences for Business Value by Management, European Institute for Technology and Innovation
Resolving the Innovation Paradox: Enhancing Growth in Technology Companies by Haour, G.
The Asian Insider: Unconventional Wisdom for Asian Business by Backman, Michael
Corporate Governance: Financial Responsibility, Controls and Ethics by Banks, E.
The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives by Banks, E.
Strategic Thinking in Tactical Times by
Problem Driven Management: Achieving Improvement in Operations Through Knowledge Management by Muñoz-Seca, B., Riverola, J.
Creating Value Through International Strategy by Ghemawat, Pankaj, Ricart, Joan E.
The Indian Software Industry: Business Strategy and Dynamic Co-Ordination by Banerjee, P.
Managing to Change?: British Workplaces and the Future of Work by White, M., Hill, S.
Logistik-Management: Strategien -- Konzepte -- Praxisbeispiele by Arndt, R.
Human Capital 2004 by
Investitionsrechnung by Pflaumer, Peter
The Dark Side of Behaviour at Work: Understanding and Avoiding Employees Leaving, Thieving and Deceiving by Furnham, A., Taylor, J.
The New Global Marketing Reality by Palmer, R., Brookes, R.
Technology Intelligence: Concept Design and Implementation in Technology Based SMEs by Savioz, P.
Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business by Ward, J.
The Dream Weavers: Strategy-Focused Leadership in Technology-Driven Organizations (PB) by
The Dream Weavers: Strategy-Focused Leadership in Technology-Driven Organizations (Hc) by
If You Want It Done Right, You Don't Have to Do It Yourself!: The Power of Effective Delegation by Genett, Donna M.
Winning the Profit Game: Smarter Pricing, Smarter Branding by Docters, Robert G., Reopel, Michael R., Sun, Jeanne-Mey
Doing Business by the Good Book: 52 Lessons on Success Straight from the Bible by Shook, Robert L., Steward, David L.
Strategic Management Methodology: Generally Accepted Principles for Practitioners by Roney, C.
Know Yourself, Co-workers and Your Organization: Get Focused On: Personality, Careers and Managing People by Juchnowski M. a., Jack a.
The E-Myth Physician: Why Most Medical Practices Don't Work and What to Do about It by Gerber, Michael E.
How to Manage Performance: 24 Lessons for Improving Performance by Bacal, Robert
Making Teams Work: 24 Lessons for Working Together Successfully by Maginn, Michael
Nachhaltiges Wirtschaften unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Prozesskostenrechnung im Krankenhaus by Schaff, Martina
Untersuchung des Shared Values Prozesses auf Relevanz beim Vetrauensmanagement in virtuellen Unternehmen by Laukart, Viktoria
Übungsbuch Produktionswirtschaft by Souren, Rainer, Dyckhoff, Harald, Ahn, Heinz
Dynamic Modeling for Business Management: An Introduction by McGarvey, Bernard, Hannon, Bruce
Soll-/ Ist-Positionierung im Textileinzelhandel im Bereich Young-Fashion by Krake, Kathrin
Managing Factory Maintenance-2e by Levitt, Joel
Business as War: Battling for Competitive Advantage by Allard, Kenneth
Putting Auction Theory to Work by Milgrom, Paul
Global IT Outsourcing by Sahay, Sundeep, Nicholson, Brian, Krishna, S.
Putting Auction Theory to Work by Milgrom, Paul R.
Secrets of eBay: Strategies and Tips Used by the Most Successful eBay Sellers by Lowy, Donny
Five Management Principles in One Cread: A Management Guide to Live by by Lippie, James
Der Juniorvorstand als ein ausgewähltes Instrument zur Veränderung der Unternehmenskultur by Krasselt, Christin
Cool News About Retail: From Warhol to Wal-Mart by Manners, Tim
The Art Firm: Aesthetic Management and Metaphysical Marketing by Guillet De Monthoux, Pierre
Managing the Supply Chain: The Definitive Guide for the Business Professional by Simchi-Levi, David, Simchi-Levi, Edith, Kaminsky, Philip
Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service by Blanchard, Kenneth, Bowles, Sheldon
Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases by Avery, Gayle C.
Understanding Leadership: Paradigms and Cases by Avery, Gayle C.
Flight Catering by
Maximum Selling: Bob and Rob's Journey to Sales Success by Gardner, Jeff, Green, Shawn
PRAXIS Des Projektmanagements by Heche, Dirk
Implementierung innovativer Anreizelemente für Mitarbeiter des Vertriebes im Unternehmen by Kliche, Gunnar
Supply Chain Steuerung Und Services: Logistik-Dienstleister Managen Globale Netzwerke -- Best Practices by
Unternehmensbewertung: Wertermittlung Bei Kauf, Verkauf Und Fusion Von Kleinen Und Mittleren Unternehmen by Seiler, Karl
Iuk-Technik Und Internationale Unternehmensführung: Kommunikation -- Koordination -- Konfiguration by Röh, Carsten
Aktionärsorientierung Der Unternehmenspolitik?: Shareholder Value -- Globalisierung -- Internationalität by Eckert, Stefan
Integrierte Wissensmanagement-Systeme: Architektur Und Praktische Anwendung by Riempp, Gerold
Communication Skills for Effective Management by Hargie, Owen, Dickson, David, Tourish, Dennis
Revolution in the Mailbox: Your Guide to Successful Direct Mail Fundraising by Warwick, Mal
Applied General Systems Research on Organizations by
The Certifiable Salesperson: The Ultimate Guide to Help Any Salesperson Go Crazy with Unprecedented Sales! by Hopkins, Tom, Laaman, Laura
Reference Checking for Everyone: What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself, Your Business, and Your Family by McLaughlin, J., Barada, Paul
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace by Belfiore, Mary Ellen, Defoe, Tracy A., Folinsbee, Sue
Inter-Organizational Cooperation with SAP Solutions: Design and Management of Supply Networks by König, Wolfgang, Fricke, Markus, Buxmann, Peter
Reading Work: Literacies in the New Workplace by Belfiore, Mary Ellen, Defoe, Tracy A., Folinsbee, Sue
Chefinnensache: Frauen in Der Unternehmerischen PRAXIS by
Die Messung der Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbindung durch qualitative und betriebswirtschaftlich-quantitative Größen im Rahmen des Marketing-Control by Altenhof, Bianca
Schattenwirtschaft in Deutschland: Eine Analyse unter Berücksichtigung der neuesten wirtschaftspolitischen Maßnahmen by Sarman, Marcel
Variantenbeherrschung in Der Montage: Konzept Und PRAXIS Der Flexiblen Produktionsendstufe by
Management Theory: A Critical and Reflexive Reading by Monin, Nanette
Workplace Learning in Context by
Workplace Learning in Context by
Leader Development for Transforming Organizations: Growing Leaders for Tomorrow by Day, David V., Zaccaro, Stephen J., Halpin, Stanley M.
Putting Stakeholder Management Into Practice by
France and the Age of Work (1814-2004) / La France et le Temps de travail (1814-2004) by Fridenson, Patrick, Reynaud, Bénédicte
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von Communities im Rahmen des Online-Marketing by Hoffmann, Christian
Entwicklung eines Werkzeugs zur Modellierung von Geschäftsprozessen und mikropolitische Analyse von Prozessen und Problemen des Qualitätsmanagements by Stark, Christian
Motivation und Personalmanagement in der Informatik by Steudten, Thomas
Aktives Personalmanagement als Führungsinstrument zur Ergebnisverbesserung by Grundey, Rico
Corporate Governance: National and foreign concepts of development of groups of the enterprises by Saraev, Oleg
Integration of the Ukraine to the world's economic system by means of special investment regimes by Lvova, Elena
Economic globalisation as a source of ukrainian economic growth by Seleseneva, Anna
Derivatives as an instrument of financial management in international companies by Troyanska, Kateryna
A School Leaders Playbook: Proven Methods for Leadership, Team Building, and Problem Solving in any Organization by Akenhead Ed D., James E.
Selling Online: Beyond eBay by Lowy, Donny
Selling Online: Beyond eBay by Lowy, Donny
Valuation by Spremann, Klaus
Betriebswirtschaftliche Organisationslehre by Bühner, Rolf
Internationales Management by Proff, Heike
The Business of Systems Integration by
Betriebliche Altersversorgung und Unternehmenswert by Rapp, Andreas
Strategisches Management in Der Wohnungswirtschaft: Ehemals Gemeinnützige Wohnungsunternehmen Auf Dem Weg Zu Einem Neuen Führungsverständnis by Schwarz, Martin E.
Business Check: Unternehmen Und Innovationen Beurteilen, Profilieren, Überwachen by Bornholdt, Werner
Arbeitseinstellungen Im Interkulturellen Vergleich: Eine Empirische Analyse in Europa, Nordamerika Und Japan by Kern, Mathias
Das Management Von Know-How-Risiken: Eine Analyse Von Wissensverlusten Im Investment Banking Einer Großbank by Knaese, Birgit
Prozessbewertung in Der Logistik: Kennzahlenbasierte Analysemethodik Zur Steigerung Der Logistikkompetenz by Büssow, Christian
Strategisches Performance Management: Performance Measurement ALS Instrument Der Strategischen Kontrolle by Piser, Marc
Multi-Agenten-Systeme Im Fahrzeugumschlag: Agentenbasierte Planungsunterstützung Für Seehafen-Automobilterminals by Fischer, Torsten
Multivalente Nutzung Deskriptiver Organisationsmodelle: Interdisziplinärer Ansatz in Forschung Und Lehre by Mertens, Sven
Kundenrückgewinnung Durch Direktmarketing: Das Beispiel Des Versandhandels by Rutsatz, Uwe
Produktentwicklung Mit Virtuellen Communities: Kundenwünsche Erfahren Und Innovationen Realisieren by
Führen in Krisenzeiten: Managementfehler Vermeiden, Schnell Und Entschieden Handeln by Becker-Kolle, Christel, Kraus, Georg
Unternehmensstrategien Internationaler Automobilhersteller: Auswirkungen Verkehrspolitischen Engagements Auf Die Gesamtunternehmensebene by Intveen, Carsten
The Board Member's Playbook: Using Policy Governance to Solve Problems, Make Decisions, and Build a Stronger Board [With CDROM] by Charney, Bill, Carver, Miriam
Ruling the Root: Internet Governance and the Taming of Cyberspace by Mueller, Milton L.
Customer Centric Business Models, two steps beyond Customer Relation Management: An Investigation in the process gap between "Customer Relation Manage by Rolf, Thomas
Project Selection Under Uncertainty: Dynamically Allocating Resources to Maximize Value by Loch, Christoph H., Kavadias, Stylianos
Enhancing Procurement Practices: Comprehensive Approach to Acquiring Complex Facilities and Projects by Kovács, Attila
Quality Handling and Evaluation by
Evaluation and Development: The Partnership Dimension World Bank Series on Evaluation and Development by Feinstein, Osvaldo N.
Cooperative Strategies and Alliances in International Business: Joint Ventures and Technology Partnership by
The Triple Bottom Line: Does It All Add Up?: Assessing the Sustainability of Business and CSR by
Seal the Deal: 130 Surefire Negotiating Strategies by Koren, Leonard, Goodman, Peter
Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions by
Management and Myths: Challenging Business Fads, Fallacies and Fashions by Furnham, A.
Ansätze zur Erhöhung der Nutzungsintensität von Wissensmanagement-Systemen by Schmidt, Christina
Konzeption einer Balanced Scorecard als Managementinstrument zur Unternehmenssteuerung für den Bereich Mobilfunk der Siemens AG by Thiel, Joachim
Principles of Cash Flow Valuation: An Integrated Market-Based Approach by Tham, Joseph, Velez-Pareja, Ignacio
Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and the Transformation of Work in the 20th Century, Revised Edition by Jacoby, Sanford M.
Organizational Engineering: Management Is Out! Engineering Is In! by Kartinen, Paul
The management of innovation and its role for the accomplishment of leadership excellence in SMEs by Riedl, Bruno, Santer, Markus
Synergiepotentiale und relevanter Handlungsbedarf im Vertrieb bei Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen by Koppenhagen, Thorsten
Precision Marketing: The New Rules for Attracting, Retaining and Leveraging Profitable Customers by Brebach, Gresh, Zabin, Jeff
Aligning the Stars: Improvements to General and Flag Officer Management by Harrell, Margaret C.
Sales Secrets: Proven Strategies for Increasing Sales by Shaughnessy, Mark
Sales Secrets: Proven Strategies for Increasing Sales by Shaughnessy, Mark
Sooooo... You Want to Be a Manager! Things You Should Know! by Godfrey, Rick
Internationales Markenmanagement nach Unternehmenszusammenschlüssen: Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen by Schädler, Claudia
Erarbeitung einer effektiven Lösung zur Verfolgung der Wechselbrückenbewegungen im Bereich der Geschäftsstelle Berlin der Firma XY by Herrmann, Sebastian
Intelligent Techniques in E-Commerce: A Case Based Reasoning Perspective by Sun, Zhaohao, Finnie, Gavin R.
Controller's Guide to Planning and Controlling Operations by Bragg, Steven M.
Fuzzy Sets in the Management of Uncertainty by Gil-Aluja, Jaime
Paint to Win: Creative Strategic Management by Lowy, Ronald M.
Animals, Inc.: A Business Parable for the 21st Century by Tucker, Kenneth A., Allman, Vandana
Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and the Transformation of Work in the 20th Century, Revised Edition by Jacoby, Sanford M.
Benchmarking von Erfolgsfaktoren der Kundenzufriedenheit by Traub, Christoph
A Practical Approach to Wbem/CIM Management by Hobbs, Hobbs, Hobbs Chris, Chris, Hobbs, Chris
Internationale Rechnungslegung, Prüfung und Analyse by
Controlling Fur Das Handwerk: Durchgangige Fallstudie Mit Softwareunterstutzung by Posluschny, Peter
Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Einführung Und Überblick by Heuer, Kai R., Hüttner, Manfred
The Business of Personal Training In Health Clubs: How to Start, Grow, & Maintain A Successful Personal Training Program by Tierney, Tim N.
Anforderungen an das Projektmanagement bei räumlich verteilt agierenden Projektteams by Ruland, Walter
The Blackwell Handbook of Global Management: A Guide to Managing Complexity by
Perpetuating the Family Business: 50 Lessons Learned from Long Lasting, Successful Families in Business by Ward, J.
Tsunami: Building Organizations Capable of Prospering in Tital Waves by Pinedo, Victor
Tsunami: Building Organizations Capable of Prospering in Tital Waves by Pinedo, Victor
Strategic Management by White, Colin
Small Business Solutions: How to Fix and Prevent the Thirteen Biggest Problems That Derail Business by Hisrich, Robert D.
Call Center Excellence: Erfolgreiche Call Center Im Porträt by
Was Erfolgreiche Unternehmen Ausmacht: Erkenntnisse Aus Wissenschaft Und PRAXIS by
The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers by Ramaswamy, Venkat, Prahalad, C. K.
Evaluation der Kundenkarte im Multichannelmarketing als kanalübergreifendes Instrument der Kundenbindung im Handel by Meyer, Jochen
A Research Annual by
Wisconsin Government and Business and the History of Heterodox Economic Thought by
Documents on and from the History of Economic Thought by Biddle, Jeff E.
Power Thinking: How the Way You Think Can Change the Way You Lead by Mangieri, John, Block, Cathy Collins
Jack Welch on Leadership: Abridged from Jack Welch and the GE Way by Slater, Robert
Positionierungsmöglichkeiten städtischer Großveranstaltungen: Am Beispiel des Volksbank-Münster-Marathon by Dertmann, Geb Globig Laura
What is Transparency? by Oliver, R. E.
101 Ways to Reward Team Members for $20 (or Less!) by Aguanno, Kevin
Die Gestaltungsproblematik der Unternehmensnachfolge im personengeprägten Mittelstand by Weißenfeld, Frank
The Adventures of a Self-Managing Team: The Story of a Self-Managing Team as Seen Through Their Eyes by Kelly, Mark Evans
Erfolgreiche Gestaltung des Führungswechsels in mittelständischen Unternehmen: Die Beschaffung und Sozialisation eines Nachfolgers by Lenz, Stefan
From Business Strategy to It Action: Right Decisions for a Better Bottom Line by Benson, Robert J., Bugnitz, Tom
Deutschland Online: Entwicklungsperspektiven Der Medien- Und Internetmärkte by Holtrop, Thomas, Döpfner, Mathias, Wirtz, Bernd W.
It-Systeme Im Crm: Aufbau Und Potenziale by
Management Von Crm-Projekten: Handlungsempfehlungen Und Branchenkonzepte by
Management and International Review by
Local Content-Auflagen: Betriebswirtschaftliche Relevanz Und Handhabung Am Beispiel Des Internationalen Großanlagenbaus by Petersen, Jens
Produktionsplanung Und -Steuerung in Strategischen Netzen: Ein Logistikorientierter Koordinationsansatz by Franken, Myriam
Makromodellierung Von Geschäftsprozessen: Kundenorientierte Prozessgestaltung Durch Segmentierung Und Kaskadierung by Schantin, Dietmar
Qualität Komplexer Dienstleistungsbündel: Operationalisierung Und Empirische Analysen Der Qualitätswahrnehmung Am Beispiel Des Tourismus by Zielke, Katja
Koordination in Supply Chains: Spieltheoretische Ansätze Zur Ermittlung Integrierter Bestell- Und Produktionspolitiken by Sucky, Eric
Gewinn- Und Aktienkursorientierte Managementvergütung by Gillenkirch, Robert
Unternehmerisches Verhalten in Der Rivalität: Wettbewerbsdynamische Untersuchung Von Reaktionszeiten Und Handlungsmustern Am Beispiel Der Us-Amerikani by Boyd, Jens
Wertorientierte Unternehmensführung: Konzeption Und Empirische Untersuchung Zur Ausrichtung Der Unternehmung Auf Den Kapitalmarkt by Palli, Mario C.
"War for Talents" in Der It-Branche: Personalbeschaffung Durch Gezielte Abwerbung in Den Jahren 1998-2001 by Mechkat, Afschin, Weise, Peter
Trust Matters: For Organisational and Personal Success by Kourdi, J., Bibb, S.
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