• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 1996

Fremdkapitalmarketing: Ein Teil Des Finanzmarketing Der Unternehmung by Klein, Sebastian
Building Brands Directly: Creating Business Value from Customer Relationships by Pearson, Stewart
Practical Merchandising Math by Gafney, Leo
Global Marketing by Lamont, Douglas
The Information Superhighway and Private Households: Case Studies of Business Impacts by
Building a Mail Order Business: A Complete Manual for Success by Cohen, William A.
Proposal Savvy: Creating Successful Proposals for Media Projects by Parsigian, Elise K.
Building Brands Directly: Creating Business Value from Customer Relationships by Pearson, Stewart
Marketing by Mercer, David
The Low-Income Consumer: Adjusting the Balance of Exchange by Donley, Thomas, Alwitt, Linda F.
Information-Driven Marketing Decisions: Development of Strategic Information Systems by Samli, A. Coskun
The Low-Income Consumer: Adjusting the Balance of Exchange by Donley, Thomas, Alwitt, Linda F.
Proposal Savvy: Creating Successful Proposals for Media Projects by Parsigian, Elise K.
International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis by
New infotainment Technologies in the Home: Demand-side Perspectives by
International Public Relations: A Comparative Analysis by
Building Brands Directly: Creating Business Value from Customer Relationships by Pearson, Stewart
Marketing 1: Käuferverhalten, Marktforschung Und Marketing-Prognosen by Berndt, Ralph
Internationales Vertikales Marketing: Eine Explorative Erfassung Und Evaluation Des Strategischen Verhaltens Der Markenartikelindustrie Gegenüber Inte by
Economics of Innovation: The Case of Food Industry by
Experiment-Research Methodology in Marketing: Types and Applications by Patzer, Gordon
Advances in International Marketing by
Marketing for Nonprofit Organizations by Rados, David
Strategische Marktforschung by Weber, Guenter
Teleselling: A Self-Teaching Guide by Porterfield, James D.
Organisation of Science and Technology at the Watershed: The Academic and Industrial Perspective by
Die Markenwertmessung ALS Grundlage Strategischer Markenführung by Riedel, Frank
The Art and Science of Computer Assisted Ordering: Methods for Management by Anderson, Barbara V., Anderson, Barbra V.
Markets and Myths: Forces for Change in the European Media by Weymouth, Tony
Adv Ser Mar Man V 5 by
Ökologieorientierte Führung Multinationaler Unternehmen in Entwicklungsländern by
Creating and Managing International Joint Ventures by
Know Your Customer: New Approaches to Understanding Customer Value and Satisfaction by Gardial, Sarah F., Woodruff, Robert B.
The Spin Selling Fieldbook: Practical Tools, Methods, Exercises and Resources by Rackham, Neil
Marketing in Evolution: Essays in Honour of Michael J. Baker by Hoodd, Neil
Marketing in Evolution: Essays in Honour of Michael J. Baker by Hoodd, Neil
Die Dynamik Von Konsumgütermärkten: Eine Evolutorische Sicht by Lauer, Thomas
Handling Customer Disconfirmations: A Model of the Service Provider's Response Process by
Methoden Zur Messung Und Beeinflussung Der Dienstleistungsqualität: Feedback- Und Anreizsysteme in Beherbergungsunternehmen by
Constituting Management: Markets, Meanings, and Identities by
Marketing in Asia Pacific and Beyond by
Setting the PACE in Product Development by McGrath, Michael E.
Das Lernende Unternehmen: Theorie Und PRAXIS Des Organisationalen Lernens by Wahren, Heinz-Kurt E.
R&d Decisions: Strategy Policy and Innovations by
The Sex of Things: Gender and Consumption in Historical Perspective by
The Market Value Process: Bridging Customer & Shareholder Value by Cleland, Alan S., Bruno, Albert V.
Measuring the Effectiveness of Image and Linkage Advertising: The Nitty-Gritty of Maxi-Marketing by Woodside, Arch G.
Gerontographics: Life-Stage Segmentation for Marketing Strategy Development by Moschis, George
Advanced Selling Strategies: The Proven System of Sales Ideas, Methods, and Techniques Used by Top Salespeople by Tracy, Brian
Marketing Channel Management: An Instructor's Manual by Unknown
Marketing Channel Management: People, Products, Programs, and Markets by McCalley, Russell W.
Wide-Angle Vision: Beat Your Competition by Focusing on Fringe Competitors, Lost Customers, and Rogue Employees by Burkan, Wayne C.
Social Reconstructions of the World Automobile Industry: Competition, Power and Industrial Flexibility by
Marketing to the Mind: Right Brain Strategies for Advertising and Marketing by Fulton, Richard, Maddock, Richard
Logistik Im Handel: Optimale Lagerstruktur Und Bestellpolitik Einer Filialunternehmung by Toporowski, Waldemar
Hard Looks: Masculinities, Spectatorship & Contemporary Consumption by Nixon, Sean
Psychology in Economics and Business by Antonides, Gerrit
Managing Product Development by
Dual Restructuring: A Two-Way Route to Survival and Competitive Advantage by Kroger, Fritz
The World's Greatest Brands by
Der Erfolg Externer Diversifikation Im Handel: Eine Theoretische Und Empirische Untersuchung by Greune, Malte
Marketing Nonprofit Programs and Services: Proven and Practical Strategies to Get More Customers, Members, and Donors by Herron, Douglas B.
Interkulturelle Werbung by Müller, Wendelin G.
Dynamic Competitive Analysis in Marketing: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Dynamic Competitive Analysis in Marketing, Montréal, Canada, S by
Geschäftsbeziehungsmanagement by Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Plinke, Wulff
Networks in Marketing by
Internationale Werbeplanung: Eine Analyse Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Der Internationalen Werbebudgetierung by Streich, Michael
Film ALS Marktleistung: Absatzpolitik Filmwirtschaftlicher Produktionsunternehmen by
Marketing Für Geldmarktfonds Durch Fondsgesellschaften: Eine Industrieökonomische Untersuchung by
Computergestütztes Promotioncontrolling: Konzeption Eines Informationssystems Für Das Controlling Von Konsumgüterpromotions by
Interne Kunden-Lieferanten-Beziehungen by
Marketing the Museum by McLean, Fiona