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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2015

Le commerce connecté: Comment le digital révolutionne le point de vente by Vallet, Jean-Baptiste, Druguet, Vincent
Stratégie digitale: Comment acquérir, convertir et fidéliser vos clients sur le Web by Dorkenoo, Cindy
Market Mediations: Semiotic Investigations on Consumers, Objects and Brands by Heilbrunn, B.
Measuring Customer Experience: How to Develop and Execute the Most Profitable Customer Experience Strategies by Klaus, Philipp
Running Across Europe: The Rise and Size of One of the Largest Sport Markets by
Contemporary Marketing Research by Rao, A. B.
Quail Farming: Markets and Marketing Strategies by Okumu, Francis
Getting 5 Star Reviews on Yelp, Guaranteed: Unofficial Guide to Ensuring Your Business Wins on Yelp by Braatz, Jason C.
Mass-Marketing Fraud: A Threat Assessment by International Mass-Marketing Fraud Worki
Public Relations and the History of Ideas by Moore, Simon
PR 2.0: How Digital Media Can Help You Build a Sustainable Brand by Friedman, John
Light, Bright and Polite 2: Parents/Teens (Green) by Ochs, Josh
From Employee to Employer in 30 Days: Repeatable Tips on How to Build a Business That Attracts Profits Almost Immediately by Nelson, Donna
Work Smart Not Hard, Network Marketers by Boone, Glenda
Cómo Construir LíDERES En Redes De Mercadeo Volumen Uno: Creación Paso A Paso De Profesionales En MLM by Schreiter, Tom Big Al
The global-local paradox in international advertising. Can marketing really be international? by Liessem, Christina
Vermarktung von Sportevents. Qualitative Analyse am Beispiel des Golfturniers "Am/Am" by Still, Stefan
Top Marketing Tactics That Boost Sales: Customers Don't Just Pour in Online, They Abound Offline Too! by Collins, Jeff
Standardization in International Marketing strategy: doomed to failure or successful strategy? by Liessem, Christina
Interkulturalität als Herausforderung der Marktforschung by Ackermann, Matthias
Commodity Marketing: Konzeptionelle Grundlagen und empirische Belege by Beger, Katharina
Google AdWords for Beginners: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to PPC Advertising by Rabazinski, Corey
Author 101: The Insider's Guide to Publishing from Proposal to Bestseller by Frishman, Rick, Spizman, Robyn
Author 101: The Insider's Guide to Publishing from Proposal to Bestseller by Spizman, Robyn, Frishman, Rick
Vermarktung von TV-Formaten: Informative und unterhaltende TV-Formate by Becker, Julia
Zur Profilierung im Wettbewerb mit Hilfe des Retail Branding: Ziele, Gestaltungsansätze, Wirkungen auf das Kaufverhalten und Erfolgsvoraussetzungen au by Kömhoff, Julia
Word of Mouth-Strategien im Marketing und deren Erfolgswirkung by Fries, Jennifer
Die Integration haptischer Elemente in Printmedien und deren Einfluss auf die Markenwahrnehmung by Buckstege, Ines
Vom E-Commerce lernen. RFID und Smartphone als Konversionsoptimierer im stationären Modehandel by Dorn, Niklas
Die Wirkung von Netzwerkeffekten in sozialen Netzen by Ludewig, Mandy
Your Firm Everywhere Now: How to position your professional services firm as an authority in your marketplace, increase your online presence and by Alf, Michael
Plans to Prosper: Strategies Systems and Tools Workbook by Washington, Stan, Cook, Victoria
Sustainable Marketing Management: Grundlagen Und Cases by
Die externe Kommunikation und Imagebildung von Nonprofit-Organisationen: Am Beispiel der Universitätsmedizin Charité Berlin by Gehrmann, Kira
Extremmarketing als neuer Ansatz in der Kommunikationspolitik - Einordnung, Anwendung und Potential by Kindler, Katharina
Cultural Differences in FMCG Marketing in the German and the Indian Market by Raj, Rawel
The Customer Store: Find the Best Customers for Your Business by Gould, Martin
Celebridad Instantanea: Conoce los secretos para convertirte en el experto #1 en tu nicho de mercado by Mendoza, Alvaro, Baron, Luis Eduardo
Der Einfluss von Megatrends auf die deutsche Versicherungswirtschaft by Lülsdorf, Thomas
The Public Relations Firm by Smith, Stacey
Sales Promotion Decision Making: Concepts, Principles, and Practice by Minahan, Stella, Ogden-Barnes, Steve
Social Media Nutzung zur Beschaffung externen Wissens in Organisationen by Peter, Laura
Ausgesuchte Erfolgsfaktoren des Eventmarketings by Albrecht, Jana
Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media by Garst, Kim
City Branding and New Media: Linguistic Perspectives, Discursive Strategies and Multimodality by Paganoni, M.
Winning at Innovation: The A-To-F Model by Kotler, Philip
Will the Real You Please Stand Up: Show Up, Be Authentic, and Prosper in Social Media by Garst, Kim
Social Media Marketing Mastery: Increase Your Website Traffic, Grow Your Business, and Earn More Money by Hargis, William
Watch The Company You Tweet: 4 Step Guide to Making an Impact on Twitter by Cook, Joy
Value Chain Marketing: A Marketing Strategy to Overcome Immediate Customer Innovation Resistance by Hintze, Stephanie
Millions in Real Estate Now for You Today: Do your Due Diligence and you'll be Rich by Knight Sr, Dan Edward
ABC Learning in the Japanese Market: International Marketing Plan by Fachi, Brenda, Pengliang, Gao, Rakowski, Nina
Satire im Social Web: Von Lucilius zum Postillon by Förster, Henoch, Kuczorra, Joscha
Start Me Up!: New Branding for Businesses by
Didn't See It Coming by Stoiber, Marc
How NIVEA uses the marketing mix to expand worldwide by Anonym
Suchmaschinenmarketing mit SEM-Werkzeugen: Ein Vergleich marktrelevanter Anbieter by Schiller, Tobias
Complementor Relationship Management: Herausforderungen Und Lösungskonzepte by Günther, Armin
Erfolgreiche Kundenrückgewinnung: Verlorene Kunden Identifizieren, Halten Und Zurückgewinnen by Günter, Jana, Neu, Matthias
Das Image Dresdens zwischen Weltoffenheit und Fremdenfeindlichkeit: Ansprüche und Wirklichkeit by Trommer-Tiedemann, Simone
Market Driven Strategy: Processes for Creating Value by Day, George S.
Your Patient Attraction Secret Weapon: How To Have A Referral-Driven Dental Practice And Never Advertise Again by Sheetz, Ron
Erfolgsworkshop Vertrieb - Packen Sie's An!: Ziele Definieren, Maßnahmen Planen Und Endlich Tun, Was Getan Werden Muss by Bruhn, Jörn
Das Konsumverhalten in China und die Rolle des Luxusmarktes im Vergleich mit Deutschland by Vogt, Simon
Stop The Fake It Till You Make It...A Results Driven Guide To Living Like A Real Successful Internet Marketer: 7 Time-Tested Online Methods To Make Su by La Rocca, Anthony
SEO Help: 20 Semantic Search Steps that Will Help Your Business Grow by Amerland, David
System Blueprint: Ultimate Marketing System: The Step-by-Step, Easy-to-Implement, "How-to" Guide To Quickly Build A Consistent Marketing by Tan, Michael Vectra
Customer Relationship Management. Grundlagen, Aufbau, Implementierung und Praxisbeispiele by Anonymous
Mercedes-Benz's Marketing Strategy in Mexico by Schweres, Joannis Paul
Digital Relevance: Developing Marketing Content and Strategies That Drive Results by Albee, A.
Political Reputation Management: The Strategy Myth by Schnee, Christian
Gaming und kommerzielle Kommunikation von Videospielen by Backa, Frank
Estrategia Digital de Marketing & Ventas para Startups: Kit de Supervivencia de Lanzamiento de Producto by Delgado Galisteo, Almudena, Meza Tamayo, Veronica
Methoden der außerökonomischen und ökonomischen Werbeerfolgskontrolle by Ottmüller, Florian
Visualizing Culture: Analyzing the Cultural Aesthetics of the Web by O'Connell, Roxanne M.
Win the Game of Googleopoly: Unlocking the Secret Strategy of Search Engines by Bradley, Sean V.
A Beautiful Constraint: How to Transform Your Limitations Into Advantages, and Why It's Everyone's Business by Barden, Mark, Morgan, Adam
Herausforderung Intranet: Zwischen Informationsvermittlung, Diskussionskultur Und Wissensmanagement by Meier, Stefanie, Lütolf, Daniel, Schillerwein, Stephan
Fußballvereine Am Kapitalmarkt: Wie Sich Der Fußball an Der Börse Finanziert by Hasler, Peter Thilo
Die Überschrift: Sachzwänge - Fallstricke - Versuchungen - Rezepte by Esslinger, Detlef, Schneider, Wolf
Cause related Marketing. Die Bestimmung erfolgskritischer Faktoren by Radloff, Jaqueline
Nachhaltigkeit und Social Entrepreneurship im Tourismus. Das Klimaschutz-Unternehmen "Atmosfair" by Bertram, Deborah
Lettre sur le commerce des livres by Diderot, Denis
Interaction of Design and Brand. A literature review and analysis by Schröder, Mareike
Social Media als Instrument des Customer Relationship Management by Benzin, Dario
Consumer Optimization Problem Solving by Norman, Alfred L.
The New Art of Social Up-Selling: The Only Foh Training Guide for Restaurant Owners, Managers and Chefs: Restaurant Version by Homsey, Leeanne
Nachhaltigkeitsorientierte Unternehmensführung: Employer Branding ALS Ansatz Zur Gewinnung Geeigneter Mitarbeiter by Weinrich, Kai
Marketing Sucht Zielgruppe ... Oder: Was Macht Der Gorilla Am Pos?: Über Denkfehler in Strategie, Kommunikation & Co. Und 58 Tipps, Wie Sie Sie Vermei by Hilbig, Heino
Multi Channel Vertrieb. Chancen und Risiken des Vertriebs über das Internet by Ingold, Markus
Getting Digital Marketing Right: A Simplified Process For Business Growth, Goal Attainment, and Powerful Marketing by Bradley, David J.
Facebook from Socializing to Advertising. An Empirical Study on the Effect of Facebook as Advertising Tool in Egypt by Azer, Jaylan
Kunden Gewinnen Mit Meta-Selling: So Steigern Sie Ihre Abschlussquote Radikal by Lörsch, Thomas W.
Identitäten in Der Öffentlichen Kommunikation: Funktion Und Bedeutung Für Die Reputation Ökonomischer Akteure by Köhler Stüdeli, Barbara
Content Marketing Works: 8 Steps to Transform Your Business by Kuenn, Brad, Kuenn, Arnie
Peaceful Selling: Easy Sales Techniques to Grow Your Small Business by Duster, Dan, Washington, Stan
Fire Up Your Sales Figures: How To Win More Customers And Influence Them To Buy From You by Okumu, Fancis
Introduction to Sport Marketing: Second edition by Smith, Aaron C. T., Stewart, Bob
Introduction to Sport Marketing: Second edition by Smith, Aaron C. T., Stewart, Bob
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Vol 1 by Irma
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Vol 2 by Irma
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Vol 3 by Irma
Marketing and Consumer Behavior: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, Vol 4 by Irma
Perceived Intrusiveness of E-Mail Advertising and Its Impact on Brand Trust by Jaekel, Rebekka, Hasler, Daniel
Brand Planning. Strategische Markenkommunikation in dynamischen Medienwelten am Beispiel der Marke Red Bull by Grube, Mario, Löwig, Robert, Groening, Matthias
Field Visual Merchandising Strategy: Developing a National In-Store Strategy Using a Merchandising Service Organization by Russell, Paul J.
Brand Essense: Using Sense, Symbol and Story to Design Brand Identity by Gains, Neil
Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results by Giannetto, D.
Proceedings of the 1990 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives Can Reshape the Enterprise and Drive Business Results by Giannetto, D.
Crisis, Issues and Reputation Management by Griffin, Andrew
Markenführung. Eine vergleichende Analyse von Markenbewertungsverfahren by Pfeuffer, Mario
Ethnic Marketing: Culturally Sensitive Theory and Practice by Stanton, John, Pires, Guilherme
Lebenszyklusanalysen. Produkt-, Markt-, Technologie- und Beziehungslebenszyklus: Darstellung, Zusammenhänge und kritische Würdigung by Deitenbeck, Jonas
Marketing Mindset: The Ultimate Guide to Positioning Yourself as the Expert in Your Niche by Klipsch, Mark E.
eCollaboration Systems. Nutzenpotentiale einer Integration von ERP und Social Media by Siepmann, David
Frauendiskriminierung in der Werbung: Darstellungsformen, gesellschaftliche Hintergründe sowie Auswirkungen auf Werte und Normen der Gesellschaft by Trommer-Tiedemann, Simone
Kommunikationsstrategien von Unternehmen zur Beendigung von Kundenbeziehungen by Schwartz, Isabell
Einkaufserlebnisse in Online-Shops, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und 'best practices' by Anonym
PR for Authors: How to use public relations, press releases, and social media to sell more books by Hendrickson, Nancy, Campbell-Scott, Michelle
Neuromarketing in Action: How to Talk and Sell to the Brain by Badoc, Michel, Georges, Patrick M., Bayle-Tourtoulou, Anne-Sophie
Pricing for Profit: How to Develop a Powerful Pricing Strategy for Your Business by Hill, Peter
Scoring Points: How Tesco Continues to Win Customer Loyalty by Barends, Eric, Phillips, Tim, Russell, Ken
Adland: A Global History of Advertising by Tungate, Mark
Advertising Transformed: The New Rules for the Digital Age by Van Dyck, Fons
Creating and Delivering Your Value Proposition: Managing Customer Experience for Profit by Blake, Helen, Pinder, David, Barnes, Cindy
Kellogg's "To Go" Breakfast-Shake at the Danish Market by Bakir, Beway
Content First Marketing by Arnott, John
Verpackungspolitik für Produktinnovationen by Voth, Tanja
Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen sozialer Netzwerke im Rahmen des Employer Branding: am Beispiel des Arbeitgeberbewertungsportals "kununu" by Bohnenberger, Isabel
Positionierung Und Usp: Wie Sie Eine Alleinstellung Für Ihre Produkte Finden Und Umsetzen by Großklaus, Rainer H. G.
The Fora Framework: A Fuzzy Grassroots Ontology for Online Reputation Management by Portmann, Edy
Proceedings of the 1994 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Sport-Branding: Mit Sport-Sponsoring Zum Markenerfolg by Stastny, Petr, Adjouri, Nicholas
Marketing Plan Cinnabon Company by Khan, Yasir
An Introduction to Survey Research by Cowles, Ernest L., Nelson, Edward
Winning The Battle For Attention: Internet Marketing For Small Business by Atkins, Stuart
Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!: How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients and Make More Money by North, John
Understanding Consumer Behavior and Consumption Experience by Rajagopal, Castaño, Raquel
Emerging Trends and Innovation in Sports Marketing and Management in Asia by
Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!: How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients and Make More Money by North, John
Word of Mouth Marketing: How Smart Companies Get People Talking by Sernovitz, Andy
Brands Win Championships by Darlow, Jeremy Allen
Sports Marketing: A Practical Approach by Degaris, Larry
Everything You Know About Marketing Is Wrong!: How to Immediately Generate More Leads, Attract More Clients and Make More Money by North, John
Hot For Cold Calling in 45 Minutes: How to Boost Your Success Rate on the Phone by Taxis, Tim
Think Round: How To Own The Future By Focusing 100% Of Your Company On Customers & Consumers 100% Of The Time by Campbell, Michael J., Pease, Martha R.
Customer Analytics for Dummies by Sauro, Jeff
Plan Twice, Build Once: Lessons learned from over 100 conversations with extrodinary entrepreneurs by Steiniger, Joelle, Goldman, Matt, Sacca, Michael
Why is Your Name Upside Down?: Stories from a Life in Advertising by Oakley, David
Methoden zur Identifikation von Basis-, Leistungs- und Begeisterungsfaktoren by Fuesselberger, Bettina
Wealth Creation by Wilson-Jeanselme, Muriel, Wilson, Jonathan
Wealth Creation by Wilson-Jeanselme, Muriel, Wilson, Jonathan
Customer Service: Perspectives and Considerations for the EMS Leader by Brophy, John R.
Word-of-Mouth - Einflussfaktoren und Reaktionsempfehlungen für Unternehmen: Eine systematische Literaturanalyse by Theel, Sven
Entrepreneurship in International Marketing by
Social Media Bible: Social Media Marketing Strategy Sucessfully for Beginners: Facebook Marketing, Twitter, Google Plus Advertising: Socia by Koul, Sanjana
Key Account Marketing & Key Account Selling: Wie Sie Ihr Geschäft Mit Schlüsselkunden Nachhaltig Sichern Und Ausbauen by Sidow, Hans
Marketingmix für Heilpraktiker (Psychotherapie) im Rahmen der gesetzlichen Bestimmungen: Handbuch für Heilpraktiker by Bode, Thomas
Markenanalyse der Berliner Aids-Hilfe: Markenimage und Markenidentität im Social Marketing by Grenz, Marco
Brighten Up!: Internal and External Customer Service Through Inner Heroes by Kalil, M. a. Carolyn, Rhoades, Ph. D. Merle
Proceedings of the 1997 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Proceedings of the 1996 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Proceedings of the 1995 Academy of Marketing Science (Ams) Annual Conference by
Viral-Marketing Professor: The Best Marketing Is Education by Stanton, Nylus
Video Marketing for Veterinarians: 7 Marketing Strategies to Attract New Clients by Duplecehan, Michelle, Foster, Jenn
Pinterest Marketing for Authors and FREE Bonus Video Marketing for Authors: Learn How to Boost Your Book Sales by Loera, Diana
Best Practices in Global Wine Tourism: 15 Case Studies from Around the World by Thach, Liz
The Wallet Allocation Rule: Winning the Battle for Share by Keiningham, Timothy L., Aksoy, Lerzan, Williams, Luke
Corporate Reputation and Competitiveness by Da Silva, Rui, Davies, Gary, Chun, Rosa
Mit Olympischem Verkaufen Zum Erfolg: So Werden Sie Ein Top-Verkäufer by Frieß, Rainer
Success Secrets of the Online Marketing Superstars by Meyerson, Mitch
I.N.S.T.A.N.T. Credibility: The 7 Step Breakthrough Formula Transforming You From Ordinary To Recognised Industry Authority ... Instantly by
Running Across Europe: The Rise and Size of One of the Largest Sport Markets by
Mobile Marketing - Die moderne Marketingkommunikation: Die Integration von Mobile Marketing in den Marketing-Mix by Schneider, Stefan H.
Wind In Your Sails: Vital Strategies That Accelerate Your Entrepreneurial Growth by Greer, David J.
Designing Research Questionnaires for Business and Management Students by Ekinci, Yuksel
Designing Research Questionnaires for Business and Management Students by Ekinci, Yuksel
Business-to-Business: A Global Network Perspective by Glowik, Mario, Bruhs, Sarah Maria
Strategic Public Relations Management: Planning and Managing Effective Communication Campaigns by Austin, Erica Weintraub, Pinkleton, Bruce E.
Urban Destination Marketing in Contemporary Europe: Uniting Theory and Practice by Heeley, John
Brand Breakout: How Emerging Market Brands Will Go Global by Kumar, Nirmalya, Steenkamp, Jan-Benedict E. M.
Urban Destination Marketing in Contemporary Europe: Uniting Theory and Practice by Heeley, John
Development of a CSR strategy for Toys R Us Germany by Brandl, Stefanie
Die Potenziale von Social Media in der Online-Organisationskommunikation von KMU by Hoppe, Dominik Ulrich
Customer Relationship Management (CRM). Überblick über ein neues Paradigma des Marketings by Holfeld, Christopher
Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2015: Proceedings of the International Conference in Lugano, Switzerland, February 3 - 6, 2015 by
El Arte de la Guerra Aplicada al Marketing by Silva Alba, Jaime
Kindle Marketing para Autores: Aprende a Posicionar y Vender tus Libros en Amazon Kindle by Morral, Jorge
Logograma: LOGO Design for Dynamic Identities by
Spike Your Brand Roi: How to Maximize Reputation and Get Results by Cehrs, Adele R.
How To Get Customers In Your Network Marketing Company: The Complete Guide To Converting Leads To Loyal Customers by Olivis, Argena
Is fashion not in fashion anymore? Wirkungen des Employer Branding auf die Rekrutierung von Mitarbeitern: Automobilbranche vs. Textilbranche by Tschirner, Nicolai
The Impact of Mobile Services on the Interaction between Airlines and Passengers by Biedermann, Markus, Levy, Doron
Copywriting For Beginners Guide: The Ultimate Copywriter's Handbook to Writing Powerful Advertising, Sales and Marketing Copy by Alderman, Robert
Markt- Und Absatzprognosen: Modelle - Methoden - Anwendung by
Erfolgsfaktoren der internationalen Markterschließung am Beispiel von Premiummarken by Meinert, Peter
Sports Marketing: A Practical Approach by Degaris, Larry
Ethical and Social Marketing in Asia by Rowley, Chris, Nguyen, Bang
Kundenintegration Und Leistungslehre: Integrative Wertschöpfung in Dienstleistungen, Solutions Und Entrepreneurship by
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