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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2016

Yelp Local Marketing Workbook: How to Use Yelp for Business by McDonald Ph. D., Jason
Luxe: Nouveaux challenges, nouveaux challengers by Kapferer, Jean-Noël
Marketing 5e by Lamb, Prof Charles W., Hair, Prof Joseph F., McDaniel, Prof Carl
YouTube Marketing Workbook: How to Use YouTube for Business by McDonald Ph. D., Jason
LinkedIn Marketing Workbook: How to Use LinkedIn for Business by McDonald Ph. D., Jason
Management Innovations by Sarwate, Dlip
Indian Caes In B2B Marketing by Sarwate, Dlip
El Gerente. Estratega y líder del cambio: Más allá de la gestión operativa by Lazzati, Santiago
The Ultimate Direct Marketing, Copywriting, & Advertising Bible-More than 850 Direct Response Strategies, Techniques, Tips, and Warnings Every Busines by Perry, Greg
Membership Cube: How to Create a Passive Income Using Membership Sites by Plank, Robert
Copywriter's Crib Sheet - 40 Proven and Tested Copywriting Secrets You Can Use in Your Ads Today and See Results in Your Bank Account Tomorrow by Settle, Ben
Neuromarketing als Teil der Marketingforschung. Einfluss der Marken auf das Kaufverhalten by Mayer, Christina
The Growth of E-Commerce in Saudi Arabia and Its Influence on Saudi Women by Alqulaity, Manahil, Bajaber, Wejdan
Der Einsatz von Social Media Instrumenten im internen Marketing by Höfer, Christine
Ziele und Instrumente des Marketings von Non-Profit-Organisationen by König, Mareike
Der Multi Channel Vertrieb. Welche Chancen bietet der Vertrieb über das Internet? by Thomas, Jens
Inconsistencies in global brands and their affect on consumers' perceptions by Deniz, Tugba
Know. Like. Trust.: The Explosive Marketing Sequence That Can Double The Profitability Of Your Business In 6 Months Or Less by Jones, Greg V., Boles, Jean
Simple Sales for Superheroes: 352 Incredible Tips and Techniques to Supercharge Your Sales Career by Mohammed, Nadeem, Pinkney, Steve
Secrets of the Selection Committee: Create Proposals and Presentations that Win by Coover, Gary R.
Lohas-Marketing: Strategie - Instrumente - Praxisbeispiele by Scherberich, John Uwe, Helmke, Stefan, Uebel, Matthias
Emotionale Markenbindung in Sozialen Netzwerken: Zur Wirkung Von Interaktionen Zwischen Kunde Und Marke Auf Facebook by Schuster, Stephen K.
Sustainable Growth in Global Markets: Strategic Choices and Managerial Implications by Rajagopal
The Influence of Social Media on Human Resources by Seitz, Patricia
Mechanics of Online Reputation Management: Repair & Control Your Name or Brand Reputation Online by Collins, Tyler
Die Olympischen Spiele: Vermarktung und Beginn der kommerziellen Entwicklung by Bammer, Axel
Food Retail Management Strategic Cases by Zwanka, Russell J.
Analyse der deutschen Wellpappenindustrie in einem europäischen Kontext by Kilian, Christoph
Strategic Tools and Methods for Promoting Hospitality and Tourism Services by
The Marketing Revolution in Politics: What Recent U.S. Presidential Campaigns Can Teach Us about Effective Marketing by Newman, Bruce I.
Work From Home, And Stay Sane! by Kaltenbrunner, Michael
May I Have Your Attention, Please? Your Guide to Business Writing That Charms, Captivates and Converts by Slade, Mish
Finding Brand: A Step by Step Guide to Intentionally Creating Your Brand by Oehmen, Tisha R.
Guerilla Marketing: Erfolg durch große Ideen und kleines Budget? by Bartz, Jannek
Marketing Sidekick: A Collection of High Converting, Attention Grabbing Words, Phrases and Headlines to Help You Promote Your Products, Se by Bacak, Matt
Besonderheiten des B2B-Marketing by Baldus, René
It's The Follow Up, Stupid! by Gambacorta, Tiz
Agile Marketing: Building Endurance for Your Content Marketing Efforts by Julian, Jeff
Erarbeitung einer Mediationsstrategie im Falle Suhrkamp by Scheske, Malte
Eine Analyse von nationalen und internationalen Reputationsrankings by Wieser, David
Markenpolitik von Hörfunk- und Musik-Streaming-Anbietern: Ein Vergleich ausgewählter Marken by Fietz, Laura
Unternehmenskommunikation im Krisenfall by Wieser, David
How To Get Work As A Restaurant Magician: The Entertainer's Guide To Getting & Keeping The Gig by Holliday, Doc
Abhängigkeit des Konsumverhaltens von äußeren Reizen by Schwerter, Cassandra
Psychologie der Preisgestaltung. Zu Preispolitik und Preiswahrnehmung durch Konsumenten by Höfer, Christine
Typische Phasen eines Shitstorms. Klassische Krise oder neue Herausforderung an die PR? by Vogel, Martha
Leave Them in the Dust!: How to Out-sell and Out-Market Every Executive Education or Training Provider that you Compete Against No Matter How L by Faure, DC
Leave Them in the Dust!: How to Out-sell and Out-Market Every Executive Education or Training Provider that you Compete Against No Matter How L by Faure, DC
Your Voice Your Message: How to Make a Difference, Leave a Legacy, Make a Living by Sharing Your Story and Passion by Johnson, Scott
How to Catch a Shark by Harrington, Kevin, Amos, Anthony
Code of Conduct. Bedeutung und Abgrenzung im Rahmen einer nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Supply Chain by Voß, Julian
Die Beziehung zwischen CSR-Praktiken und der Unternehmensreputation by Wieser, David
Messen Machen Märkte: Eine Roadmap Zur Nachhaltigen Steigerung Ihrer Messeerfolge by Ludwigs, Kai, Lindenberg, Bernd, Weiler, Dieter S.
Qualität Der Dualen Kommunikation: Konzeptualisierung Und Wirkung Auf Das Markenkonforme Mitarbeiterverhalten by Holzer, Matthias
The Networked Organization: Connect. Collaborate. Create Authentic Relationships. And Accelerate Revenue Like Never Before. by Wendell, Molly
Marketing to Serve: The Entrepreneur's Guide to Marketing to Your Ideal Client and Making Money with Heart and Authenticity by Parks, Cassie
Islam, Marketing and Consumption: Critical Perspectives on the Intersections by
Wine Brands: Success Strategies for New Markets, New Consumers and New Trends by Resnick, E.
Direktmarketing: Grundlagen - Instrumente - Prozesse by Wirtz, Bernd W.
Mission Critical Messages: How to Create a Global Impact by Dandurand, Kim, Repchuk, Tracy
Social Media Domination: Master Social Media Marketing Strategies with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn: Free Bonus Preview o by Lewis, Kenneth
Hybride Events: Zukunft Und Herausforderung Für Live-Kommunikation by Dams, Colja M., Luppold, Stefan
Business Project Management and Marketing: Mastering Business Markets by
The Ultimate Dental Website: Get More Traffic, Engagement and New Patients by Williams, Doug
Perspectives on International Business: Theories and Practice by
Make Money Helping People by Rohleder, T. J.
Akzeptanz Von Produktinnovationen: Eine Einführung by Arnold, Christian, Klee, Christoph
Validating Product Ideas: Through Lean User Research by Sharon, Tomer
Kritische Gegenüberstellung von strategischem und sozialem Unternehmertum by Fischer, Sophia
Edge Strategy: A New Mindset for Profitable Growth by Lewis, Alan, McKone, Dan
The Connected Customer: The Changing Nature of Consumer and Business Markets by
Email Marketing: Optimiza tus Recursos. Optimiza tus Ingresos. 2a Edición by Marin Villa, Arturo
Don't Buy A Duck: Stop Wasting Money & Only Do Marketing That Works by Champagne, Derek
Das Markenimage von C&A als unternehmerische Ressource. Eine Messung mit dem Semantischen Differenzial by Jentzsch, Hannah
Nonverbale Kommunikation in der Unternehmenspraxis. Formen, Funktion und Wirkung by Fischer, Sophia
Social Media im Mittelstand: Die Bedeutung sozialer Netzwerke in der Kommunikation mittelständischer Unternehmen in Deutschland by Sidorkiewicz, Magdalena
Wie kommt Werbung beim Kunden an? Involvementmodelle und Konsumentenforschung by Ruppert, Timmy
Advertising for Account Holders (RLE Marketing) by Linacre, Nigel
Die Marketingstrategie von Apple am Beispiel des iPhones by Anonym
E-Consumers in the Era of New Tourism by
Programmatic Advertising: The Successful Transformation to Automated, Data-Driven Marketing in Real-Time by
Fierce and Fabulous: Phenomenal Women in Network Marketing by Beltz, Nkandu
Car Dog Millionaire: How to Sell Cars and Make Money at Your Internet Dealership by Flint, Jim
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Ambient Media by Ruppert, Timmy
Überlegungen einer Berufsbetreuerin zu Marketingmaßnahmen, Zielgruppen und Erschließung neuer Kundemärkte by Schulz, Aileen
Secrets of Successful Virtual Book Tours: Quick Tips for Authors by Rhoads, Roxanne
A Study on Consumer Decision Making of Canned Foods Purchases in Seri Iskandar Influenced by Packaging by Mohamad, Musfirah
Wissens- Und Innovationsmanagement in Der Franchisepraxis: Nachhaltig Erfolgreich Durch Replikation Und Innovation by
Multisensory Impact of Sport Events: A Comparative Effect Analysis Based on Soccer Games by Tham, Thorsten
L'impact d'Airbnb sur la performance des établissements hôteliers: Une étude sur les hôtels appartenant à des chaînes en France by Kanengieser, Julia
Evaluation von Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Einsatzes von Social Media in Volkshochschulen by Hankofer, Oliver
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude
Internet Marketing: 10 Best Strategies to Become a Marketing Guru and Earn More! by Stevens, James
Why Marketing to Women Doesn't Work: Using Market Segmentation to Understand Consumer Needs by Darroch, J.
Protecting a Doctor's Digital Brand: A Guide to Managing a Physician's Online Reputation by Velez, Joe
The Automated Entrepreneur: How To Boost Sales, Maximize Profits, and CRUSH the Competition by Mangat, Bob
Das Bonusprogramm als Instrument der Kundenbindung. Eine Analyse von Miles&More und Payback by Tuglu, Cansu
Explaining Inequality by Franzini, Maurizio, Pianta, Mario
Companion Playbook 2016 by Marks, Ginger
Geodemographics for Marketers: Using Location Analysis for Research and Marketing by Leventhal, Barry
Marketingstrategien im Fitnesssbereich. Franchise und Corporate Identity by Hausenbiegl, Stefan
Service Management and Marketi by Gronroos, Christian
Storm the Norm: Untold Stories of 20 Brands that Did it Best by Motwani, Anisha
Sales and Marketing for Roofing Contractors by Edwards, Karen L., Ellsworth, Heidi J.
Social Media Marketing. Bewertung der Social Media Aktivitäten der Onlineplattform EDITED by Vöge, Nina
Diamantanalyse und internationale Markteintrittsstrategien für die Republik Kasachstan by Konschu, Elisabeth
Brandlife: Brand's Mystery Unveiled by Drapal, Andrej
Brand Page Attachment: An Empirical Study on Facebook Users' Attachment to Brand Pages by Kleine-Kalmer, Barbara
Digitaler Darwinismus: Der Stille Angriff Auf Ihr Geschäftsmodell Und Ihre Marke. Das Think!book by Kreutzer, Ralf T., Land, Karl-Heinz
Architecting Experience: A Marketing Science and Digital Analytics Handbook by Wheeler, Scot R.
The Art of Selling: Learn How To Sell Successfully by Narang, Meenakshi
Moo-Lah-Gy: Uncovering the Secret Cash Cow Hidden in Your Brand by Lucente, Kelly
Cause Related Marketing by Adkins, Sue
Consumer Behaviour in Sport and Events by McDonald, Heath, Funk, Daniel, Alexandris, Kostas
Branding Masculinity: Tracing the Cultural Foundations of Brand Meaning by Hirschman, Elizabeth C.
El Búho de Minerva by Echeverría, Rafael
Das Marketing von Apple. Analyse und Darstellung neuer versus klassischer Vermarktungsmethoden by Bondar, Adrian
The Unique Technique: An Instruction Book About Business Image Transformation, On Site and Online by Higgins, Maria
Grand Stand 5: Design for Trade Fair Stands by
Lead Generation Made Easier: Boost the Number of Leads You Bring into Your Sales Funnel by Filhaber, Dale Datadale
Die Last der Entscheidung by Wenzel, Günther
Marketing: Eine Entscheidungsorientierte Einführung by Kroll, Frank, Meißner, Martin, Decker, Reinhold
The Complete Experience: Unlocking the secrets of online reviews that drive cust by Bodoh, Tony, Barrett, Kayla
Competitive Social Media Marketing Strategies by
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion-Dollar Customer by Ellwood, I., Shekar, S.
Marketing per iniziare a farlo: da neofiti ambiziosi by Liboa, Luca, Idea-Dana, Toffali, Michela
Co-Branding. Grundlagen und Diskussion am Beispiel von H&M by Fischer, Sophia
Gattungsmarken. Eine Analyse von Determinanten und Auswirkungen by Meier, Theresa
Wortschöpfungstechniken von Produktnamen by Ott, Alida
Federal Government Proposal Writing: Learn federal proposal writing from ground zero by Brown, George W.
Introducing German clothes to the Canadian Market. A study of MODOMOTO's Marketing Mix Strategies by Grünewälder, Nico
Analyse des Wirkungszusammenhangs zwischen Ressourceneinsatz in der externen Personalkommunikation, Reputation und Wertschöpfung am Beispiel der DAX30 by Ernst, Sascha Georg, Schmidt, Theresa Katharina
Social Media Marketing: Entwicklung von Marketingstrategien für Unternehmen by Garzotto, Marta
Operatives Event Management by Trunz, Falk
Operatives Event Management by Trunz, Falk
Death Goes Digital: How Funeral Directors Can Use LinkedIn To Demonstrate Professionalism, Build Reputation and Create Visibility by Billingham, Peter J.
Emotionales Employer Branding: Die Arbeitgebermarke aus Sicht des Neuromarketings by Albesano, Gabriella
Mehr Verkaufserfolg Durch Selbstcoaching: Überflügeln Sie Sich Selbst: In 21 Tagen Zum Quantensprung by Kiwus, Dieter
Sales Geisha by Miller, Christine M.
The Epidemic of Marketing Fear: Red Affairs, Blue Prescriptions, and Faith Dispositions by Magnificent, Cuffee the
Stop Chasing Influencers: The True Path to Building Your Business and Living Your Dream by Constable, Kimanzi, Easley, Jared
Generating Customers For Life by Rohland, Virina &. Michael
Restaurant Marketing Magic: How to Boost Your Restaurant's Profits by 30% or More with the #1 Dining Holiday by Payne, Sean
Multilingual Digital Marketing: Become The Market Leader by Johnsen, Maria
Immediate Action Marketing: Tactical Marketing System: Firearms Instructor's Guide To Creating A Magnetic Marketing System by Broussard, Omari
Automatic Recruiting System by Rohleder, T. J.
Ultimate Guide to Local Business Marketing by Marshall, Perry, Zamir, Talor
How to Do Marketing by Rodriguez Caamano, Juan Manuel
Your Strategic Personal Brand: "The Truth & The Lies" by Miracle, Katherine
Internet & Facebook Marketing: Online Marketing Made Simple With These Essential Beginner Guides by Richards, Adam
How to Do Marketing by Caamano, Juan Manuel Rodriguez
Internet Marketing: Online and Facebook Marketing Made Simple with These To-The-Point Practical Guides by Richards, Adam
Mindful Social Marketing: How Authenticity and Generosity are Transforming Marketing by Fouts, Janet
Konsumentenverhalten. Auswirkung der Point of Sale-Gestaltung auf den Kunden by Anonym
Network Marketing: How To Build Network Marketing Leader Step By Step From Newbi: Understanding Network Marketing Companies, Network Mark by James, Sai
5-Hour MBA: The Business Owner's Guide To Success by Reinertson, Chad
Die Bedeutung der Sozialen Netzwerke für die Versicherungswirtschaft by Hollemann, Angelika
Wonder Woman: Marketing Secrets for the Trillion Dollar Customer by Shekar, S., Ellwood, I.
Overcoming Life's Obstacles: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Overcoming Limiting Beliefs to Progress to Success by Wright, John David
Online-Fundraising. Instrumente, Erfolgsfaktoren und Trends by Reichenbach, Thilo
Social Community Sites as the Trend in Web 2.0. How to Beat the Competition by Roggenkamp, Alexander
Weshalb macht die Stärkung des Brand Commitment den Mitarbeiter zu einem erfolgreichen Markenbotschafter?: Qualitative Marktforschung als Messinstrume by Vöge, Nina
Eine empirische Studie zur Wirkung von Native Advertising auf mobilen Geräten by Kubitzki, Kai
SWOT Analysis of the EasyJet Airline Company by Dey, Kamalesh
Verhaltenstypologien im Vertriebsinnendienst. Erstellung eines Konzepts by Friedrichs, Hendrik
Social Media in China: Wie Deutsche Unternehmen Soziale Medien Im Chinesischen Markt Erfolgreich Nutzen Können by Liu, Yinyuan
Public Relations and the Public Interest by Johnston, Jane
Linkedin Mastery for Entrepreneurs by Reed, Chris J.
The Role of Transportation in Achieving Customer Satisfaction in a Private Distribution Company: A Study of Ricky Boakye Yiadom Company Limited by Agboyi, Makafui R., Ackah, David
Projektmanagement und Kommunikation in Projekten. Theorie und Reflexion eines Themenmoduls by Reisner, Franz
Best Practices in Managing Competitive Intelligence Research: For Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Managers by Singh, Arjan, Ratcliffe, Mike
Online Marketing Secrets for Attorneys: The 7 Must Know Strategies for Growing Your Practice by Miinala, Marjukka
The Hippo Campus: A step by step guide to get your business noticed, remembered and talked about with Stand Out Marketing. by Andrew and Pete
Fostering Brand Community Through Social Media by Humphrey, William F., Jr., Laverie, Debra a., Rinaldo, Shannon B.
Book Marketing Checklist for Self-Publishers: Complete Book Launch Action Plan Included! by Jones, J. Bruce
Erstellung eines strategischen Marketingplans für die Kosmetikmarke "The Body Shop" in Chile by Khosravani, Bijan
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von WhatsApp in der Unternehmenskommunikation by Fischbach, Marisa
Digital Influencer: A Guide to Achieving Influencer Status Online by Lincoln, John E.
Hello!: And Every Little Thing That Matters by Edwards, Kate
Markendising: Today's must-know information for getting ahead of the shopper curve by Ahmad, Alex, Howerton, Eric
Kinder und Jugendliche als Zielgruppe der Unternehmen. Eine kritische Betrachtung by Hofmann, Karina
How to Write Copy That Sells: The Step-By-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often by Edwards, Ray
How to Write Copy That Sells: The Step-By-Step System for More Sales, to More Customers, More Often by Edwards, Ray
Painting Faces: The Art of Public Relations by Friedman, Frances F.
Painting Faces: The Art of Public Relations by Friedman, Frances F.
Tu Exito en Multinivel en 7 pasos: Revelando cómo triunfar en Multinivel sin perder miles de dólares y muchos años en la zona de frustración by Moreno, Edgardo
Curso de Marketing Online: 2a Edición by Socorro Navarro, Marcos, Durango, Alicia
Sell more books using your AUTHOR WEBSITE: The Easiest Way to Brand, Build, Market, and Manage Your Authorship by Radu, Balas
Employer Branding. Möglichkeiten der Integration von Nachhaltigkeit: Das Beispiel dm Drogeriemarkt by Fischer, Sophia
Das Produkt Coca Cola. Produktlebenszyklus, Theorie- und Praxis by Schmeckman, Walther
Selling Rules!: 52 ways you can achieve sales success by Raphel, Murray
21 B2B Content Marketing Cases: Inspirerende actuele Nederlandse cases by Vlems Rm, Edwin M.
Kampagnen Führen: Potenziale Professioneller Kommunikation Im Digitalen Zeitalter by Pietzcker, Dominik
The Growth Gears: Using a Market-Based Framework to Drive Business Success by Saxby, Art, Hayes, Pete
Transparenz und Vertrauen in der Beratung. Die Bedeutung von Transparenz für das Vertrauen der Klienten in wissensintensive Beratungsleistungen im Mar by Beye, Daniel
Käufliches Alter(n): Konstruktionen Subjektiven Alterserlebens in Der Marketingkommunikation by Nakao, Christiane
Analyse des Mobile Marketing by Ten Broeke, Kimberley
Accountable Marketing: Linking Marketing Actions to Financial Performance by
Get Smart Around Your Website Marketing: 7 Essential steps to understand before getting or updating your website by Hickie, Darren
Impact of location-based services on consumers' buying behaviour, illustrated by the German market by Meyer, Daniel
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