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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2018

Strategic Marketing Management by Chernev, Alexander
The Marketing Plan Handbook by Chernev, Alexander
Scientific Advertising by Hopkins, Claude C.
The Marketing Plan Handbook by Chernev, Alexander
Strategic Marketing Management by Chernev, Alexander
Crossroads to Clarity: How a salesman found his smile again by Cucci, Dario
19 Ways to Make Money with Instagram: Turn Your Account Into a Cash Machine. by Martin, Roxanne
Building a Marketing Plan for Roofing Contractors: Plan, Implement, Succeed by Edwards, Karen L., Ellsworth, Heidi J.
Public Relations and the Public Interest by Johnston, Jane
The New Business Card: Write and Publish a Book to Attract More Clients, More Media, and More Speaking Engagements by Sansevieri, Penny C.
The ABCs of the Customer Journey: A Beginner's Guide to Automation, Branding and Customer Service by Hoffmeier, Hank
Markteintrittsstrategien bei Innovationen unter besonderer Beruecksichtigung von Preis- und Werbestrategien by Legler, Carsten
Sellegrity: Strategies and Skills for Doubling Your Sales & Strengthening Your Personal and Professional Integrity by Riker, Robert L.
Employee Happiness - Digital Entertainment Market Case Studies by Nguyen Ph. D., Doan T.
Social Media Chaos: What was The World like before Its Explosion and how is it shaping the minds of People Today by Kennedy, Stan
The Ultimate Law Firm Website: Step by Step Website Marketing Approach to Attract Your Ideal Clients by Howe, Tom, Williams, Doug C.
#Growthhackathon: Digital Marketing on a Budget: Create an "unfair" advantage for yourself by becoming famous in your niche by Brown, Tim
Dot Boom: Marketing to Baby Boomers Through Meaningful Online Engagement by Weigelt, David, Boehman, Jonathan
Pop-Up Retailing: Managerial and Strategic Perspectives by Shi, Charlotte, Warnaby, Gary
Financially Free For Life: 10 New & Radical Strategies by Sommerset, Mary
Marketing. Betrachtungen zu Preismanagement und Kooperation, Strategischen Analysemethoden, Corporate Identity sowie Digitalisierung in der Fitness- u by Maier, Monika
Service Quality in the E-Retailing Industry: A Case Study on Amazon.com by Wagner, Maximilian
The Relationographer 2.0: The Art Of Relationship Marketing by Hudson, Josh, Hudson, Bruce
Handbuch Messemanagement: Planung, Durchführung Und Kontrolle Von Messen, Kongressen Und Events by
Krisenkommunikation in Tourismusorganisationen: Grundlagen, Praxis, Perspektiven by
Social Media und Marketing Automation Systeme in deutschen B2B Unternehmen by Anonym
B2B sales of German Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Challenges in cross-border sales within the context of German-French business relationships by Scheffler, Yves
Public Participation, Science and Society: Tools for Dynamic and Responsible Governance of Research and Innovation by Mačiukaite-Zviniene, Saule, Tauginiene, Loreta, Rask, Mikko
Mercadotecnia en los Medios Sociales - Tercera Edición by Durango, Alicia
Was kommt nach dem JA zum MLM in 2018?: Wie starte ich in die Selbständigkeit in Deutschland mit Netzwerk-Marketing, Empfehlungs-Marketing, Multi-Leve by Carter, S. Ralf
52 tips to increase Total Revenue by Sandvik, Ronny F.
Brewery Marketing 101: Tips and Tricks to Market Your Brewery by Viet, Adam, Dedor, Richard
Successful Marketing Online The Easy Way!: Marketing Online is Made SIMPLE With This Step by Step Guide to Success by Goncharo, Serhio
Lukas Resheske's Newsletters For Freelance Copywriters: 2016-2017 by Resheske, Lukas
Was kommt nach dem JA zu Jeunesse?: Selbständigkeit Machen in Deutschland mit Netzwerk-Marketing, Empfehlungs-Marketing, Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM) by Carter, S. Ralf
Success Starts Today by Canfield, Jack, Nanton, Nick, Dicks, Jw
Customer Journey im Marketing. Definitionen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten by Zacriti, Hosni
Fire Your Publicist: The PR and Publicity Secrets That Will Make You and Your Business Famous by Zitron, Ed
Fire Your Publicist: The PR and Publicity Secrets That Will Make You and Your Business Famous by Zitron, Ed
NAKED TRUTHS About Getting Book Reviews 2018 by Hausmann, Gisela
Steps: My not-so-secret life as an adult dancer and how it impacts my life and business by Vaccarino, Patricia
Advertising & IMC: Principles and Practice by Wood, Charles, Moriarty, Sandra, Mitchell, Nancy
Building Brand Identity in the Age of Social Media: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Adibi, Amir Mohammad, Ekhlassi, Amir, Niknejhad Moghadam, Mahdi
Online-Kommunikation Für Verbände: Wie Ihre Botschaften Die Zielgruppen Sicher Erreichen Und Überzeugen by Hillebrand, Ralf-Thomas
A Brand Strategist's Note: Brand and communication concepts easily explained with drawings by Ahn, Sophia S.
The Enrollment Effect: Form Lasting Relationships Live Your Ideal Lifestyle Impact the World by Watson, Tyler J.
Motivational Marketing: You bet its personal!: How I Sold Goods in Millions to the Richest World Markets by Knoller, Shlomo
Marketing Estrategico: Casos Latinoamericanos by Liberman, Sammy M.
The 3 in 1 Social Media Marketing Guide by Jones, Harwood E.
The Complete Guide to Query Letters for Travel Writers by Stevenson, Roy
Die Besonderheiten des Dienstleistungssektors. Welche Faktoren beeinflussen die Vertriebsstrategien von Dienstleistungen? by Anonymous
Voiceover Achiever: Brand your VO career. Change your life. by Siegel, Celia
Marketing for Entrepreneurs: Concepts and Applications for New Ventures (Third Edition) by Crane, Frederick G.
Kulturmarketing: Grundlagen - Konzepte - Instrumente by Pöllmann, Lorenz
Optimierung der Kundensituation durch Empfehlungsmarketing by Hoppe, Stephan
The Simple 3-Step Process That Ensures Direct Mail Success: How Small Businesses Can Make Huge Profits Using Direct Mail by Lee, Travis
Steuerung Von Akteuren Und Entscheidungen in Baunetzwerken: Eine Netzwerkanalytische Untersuchung Zur Sanierungsentscheidung Im Haushalt by Verhoog, Mart
Marketingkonzeption für das Fundraising der Stiftung für Effektiven Altruismus by Dröber, Pia
How to Become a Rock Star Chef in the Digital Age: A Step-By-Step Marketing System for Chefs and Restaurateurs to Burn Their Competition and Build The by Garcia, Mark
Be the Gateway: A Practical Guide to Sharing Your Creative Work and Engaging an Audience by Blank, Dan
Big Data and Visual Analytics by
Public Relations Strategy, Theory, and Cases: Praxis at Its Best by Hansen-Horn, Tricia, Horn, Adam E.
Signaling Family Firm Identity: Familiy Firm Identification and Its Effects on Job Seekers' Perceptions about a Potential Employer by Wolf, Sandra
Commodities Pricing and the Bulk Trap: Learnings from Industries at the Forefront by Andrén-Sandberg, Fredrik
Games als Werbeträger. Potentiale und Risiken aus Unternehmenssicht by Endter, Tim
The Complete Guide to Partnership Marketing: How to Create Successful Marketing Collaborations by Cristal, James
Das Social Media Marketing des Unternehmens Nike by Ballbach, Nico
The Social Association: 5 Key Skills Not-For-Profits Need to Increase Member Engagement, Generate Roi and Create a Thriving Online Community by Kettle, Mel
Network Marketing: The Complete Guide On How to Create a Profitable Network Marketing Business Using Online Strategies and Techniques (Le by James, Anthony
Digitaler Wandel im B2B-Vertrieb. Die Bedeutung des E-Commerce am Beispiel des Baugeräte-Fachhandels by Ziegler, Kai
Die Bedeutung der Emotionalisierung für Warenhäuser: Eine Analyse der Erfolgspotenziale und Herausforderungen by Schild, Julien
Der Einfluss der akustischen Wahrnehmung auf den Konsumenten by Theobald, Maximilian
The Influence of Values on Consumer Behaviour: The value compass by Kostelijk, Erik
Pathways to Public Relations: Histories of Practice and Profession by
Die Einführung der kundenspezifischen Preisfindung bei einer Tiefkühl-Heimservice Firma unter Zugrundelegung der theoretischen Möglichkeiten der Preis by Schaper, Christian
Assessing the Potential of Sponsorship for Marketing Communications of Scottish Charities by Horn, Lea
Die postalische Befragung. Methodische Probleme, Ursachen der Stichprobenausfälle und Lösungsansätze by Schaper, Christian
Kommunikationspolitik. Ein Überblick by Jaroui, Khalid
Heart Marketing: Engaging with your Ideal Customer through Marketing Philosophies that Matter by McLeay, Shane
Bigger Than This: How to turn any venture into an admired brand by Geyrhalter, Fabian
Marketinginstrumente und ihre Relevanz für die öffentliche Verwaltung: Die vier absatzpolitischen Marketinginstrumente Produktpolitik, Preispolitik, D by Dahlmann, Jeanette
Opportunities and risks of open innovation to ensure innovative power in small and medium-sized enterprises in the business-to-business sector by Anonym
The New Era of the CCO: The Essential Role of Communication in a Volatile World by
The Million Dollar Coach by Morales, Adolfo, Proctor, Dowaun
How To Sell On Amazon: Make Money Online With Amazon FBA And More Ideas by Cummings, Renee
100.000 Fans A LA Velocidad De La Luz by Laguna, Helio
Personas with Punch: True Stories of 6 Personas that Made a Difference for Marketers, Companies, and their Bottom Line by Cerullo, Wayne, Flynn, Dennis, Hornstein, Scott
Marketing zum Markteintritt eines Unternehmens am Beispiel des Dollar Shave Clubs by Zacriti, Hosni
Smart Marketing by Kamenca Mba, Andrea
Anspruch, Ansatzpunkte und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten der Preisbildung. Strategien und Psychologie in Preismanagement by Akçay, Alperen
Brand Therapy: 15 Techniques for Creating Brand Strategy in Pharma and Medtech by Smith, Brian
How To Meet New People Guidebook: Overcome Fear and Connect Now by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
Praxishandbuch City- Und Stadtmarketing by
Affiliate Marketing for Beginners: How to Make Money Online With Blogging For Beginners Only by Hall, Kristine
Solo Ads Email Marketing Secrets: Learn How to Build a Massive Email List, Send A Solo Ad, Generate Leads And More! by Jenkins, Lucia
Get Free Website Traffic For Your Business: How to get more internet visitors for free by Simpson, Rachel
How to Make Money With Youtube Channel Marketing: Learn how to make great Youtube videos, gain more subscribers, and make passive income online by Douglas, Conrad
Information Product Creation Business Guide: How to make passive income online with info products by McCarthy, Priscilla
Facebook Marketing For Your Business: The Complete Facebook Page & Social Media Advertising Guide by Ramirez, Elisa
Reputation Management Techniques in Public Relations by
The Activation Imperative: How to Build Brands and Business by Inspiring Action by Rosen, William, Minsky, Laurence
OUTRAGEOUS Multi-Step Marketing Campaigns That Are Outrageously Successful: Created for the 99% of Business Owners Who Want to Change Their Good Busin by Glazer, Bill
Affiliate Marketing 2018 Edition: Make Money Online and Passive Income With This Step By Step Guide for Beginners by Quinn, Dolores
Link Building and Backlink Guide for Ranking Your Website: Inrease your SEO and Google Search Results with Quality Traffic by Rice, Gene
Search Engine Optmization (SEO) for 2018: Get to the top of Google with these latest strategies for more traffic and online visitors by Goodman, Vera
Customer Relationship Management: Complete CRM Strategy Guide for High Profits in your Business by Murray, Cynthia
Your Step by Step Email Marketing Guide: How to use emails, squeeze pages, and more in your internet marketing business by Reeves, Cora
How to Market Your Winery to Everyone: Tips and Tricks to Market Your Winery to Millennials, Boomers, and Everyone In-Between by Viet, Adam, Dedor, Richard
Make Money Online with Clickbank Youtube Marketing: Build an Online Passive Income Business With This Easy Beginner Guide by Logan, Geoffrey
Make Money Online with Google Adsense and Niche Websites: Learn the secrets of online passive income and live your dreams! by Boone, Tracy
Make Money Online with Clickbank Affiliate Marketing: Build an Online Passive Income Business With This Easy Beginner Guide by Sandoval, Perry
Influencer Relations als Instrument der externen Unternehmenskommunikation: Die Ergebnisse einer Delphi-Studie unter Kommunikationsexperten by Hanna, Nina
Profilierung: Mit Intelligentem Marketing Zum Gefragten Experten by Sturmer, Martin
Event-Regie: Der Spannende Weg Vom Ersten Konzept Zur Finalen Show - Eine 360-Grad-Betrachtung Der Live-Inszenierung by Luppold, Stefan, Graf, Monika
Die Sharing Economy. Definition und Anwendung der Sharing Economy im Vergleich zum regulären System by Zacriti, Hosni
Das muss ich haben!: Methoden und Instrumente zur Absatzsteigerung von hedonistischen und utilitaristischen Produkten am Point-of-Sale by Schild, Julien
Management Von Führungskräften in Marketing Und Vertrieb: Der Einfluss Von Persönlichkeit, Führungsstil Und Kontrollmechanismen by Röcker, Leonie
Improving the Marriage of Modeling and Theory for Accurate Forecasts of Outcomes by
Just-in-Time Information Feeding: Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Online Handel by Schild, Julien
Chiropractor Marketing Secrets: The Complete Playbook For Attracting More Patients, More Referrals & More Revenue by Boxer, Joshua D., Goldstein, Jeremy
Public Relations Strategy, Theory, and Cases: Praxis at Its Best by Hansen-Horn, Tricia, Horn, Adam E.
Krombacher. Deutschlands erfolgreichste Biermarke und die Produktpolitik auf dem Biermarkt by Weller, Christian
Canonical Authors in Consumption Theory by
Handbuch Pr-Recht by Unverzagt, Alexander, Gips, Claudia
Electronic Business by Wirtz, Bernd W.
Implementation of a customer relationship management strategy to enhance customer satisfaction in the retail selling industry: A case study of Sainsbu by Stamenova, Silvia
Exactly How to Sell: The Sales Guide for Non-Sales Professionals by Jones, Phil M.
Own Your Brand: An Executive Coach Helps You Refine Your Personal Brand on Linkedin by Billstrom, David
Erfolgreicher Markenaufbau in Den Großen Emerging Markets: Ein Praxisorientierter Ratgeber Für Gezieltes Markenwachstum in China, Indien, Russland Und by Schaffmeister, Niklas, Haller, Florian
Trading the Markets the Point & Figure Way: Become a Noiseless Trader and Achieve Consistent Success in Markets by Shah, Prashant
Online Success: 7 Steps to a Powerful Internet Presence: What small organizations, entrepreneurs, freelancers, writers, and business o by Sanders, Beth Gramling
Faire signer ses clients: Le closing by Py, Pascal
Multi-hub meetings: groups meeting groups by Hamso, Elling, Sheppard, Roy, Dzeik, Ilka
ProSieben nach Stefan Raab? Die Profil- und Markenbildung des TV-Senders by Reinhold, Maximilian
The Cotton T-Shirt: A beginner's guide to developing a breakout brand by Thomas, Lori
Unlocking the World's Largest E-Market: A Guide to Selling on Chinese Social Media by Dudarenok, Ashley Galina
Analyzing Attachment and Consumers' Emotions: Emerging Research and Opportunities by Pedeliento, Giuseppe
Main Street Survival Guide for Small Businesses by Burlum, Samuel K.
Main Street Survival Guide for Small Businesses by Burlum, Samuel K.
Ein Marketingkonzept für ein Discountstudio im Kontext der Fitnessökonomie by Groehl, Marius
Preciovalioso.com: Mi valor competitivo. by Quintero, Ramon Jose
Cracking The Big Ticket Code: Demystifying High Ticket Internet Coaching & Consulting Sales by Ciuba, Ted
Consumer Culture Theory by
Vermarktung des Germanischen Nationalmuseums in Nürnberg. Marketinginstrumente im Museums- und Kulturmarketing by Wöhler, Franziska
Fundraising Zwischen Ökonomisierung Und Mitmenschlichkeit: Emotionale, Soziale, Organisationale Herausforderungen Und Chancen by Hirschfeld, Stefanie
7 Most Common Business Mistakes: Small Biz Owners, Consultants, Trainers, And Coaches Make by Aguilar, Efrain
Marketing Multiplied: A real-world guide to Channel Marketing for beginners, practitioners, and executives. by Moore, Mike, Thomas, Peter A.
Iconic Advantage: Don't Chase the New, Innovate the Old by Yu, Soon
The Interaction of Uncertainty and Asset Specificity in Component Make-or-buy Decisions by Weber, David, Walker, Gordon
A Dynamic Attribute Satiation Model of Variety Seeking Behavior by McAlister, Leigh
Outdoor, Street-car, and Radio Advertising by Hoyle, John T.
For The Win by Dicks, Jw, Ruettiger, Rudy, Nanton, Nick
Multivariate Analysis for Strategic Decisions: Collected Articles of a Marketing Statistician by Lieberman, Michael D.
Deterministic Chaos in an Experimental Economic System by Sterman, John
An Empirical Study of the Industrial Marketing mix / Jean-Marie Choffray by Choffray, Jean-Marie
Decision Support Systems and the Marginal Economics of Effort by Keen, Peter G. W.
How to use a Tape Recorder, in Your Business, in Your Home by Bullen, H. Jay, Hodgson, Dick
Effect of Advertisement Size on the Relationship Between Product Usage and Advertising Exposure by Silk, Alvin J., Geiger, Frank P.
Social Media zur Vertriebsunterstützung by Priller, Maria
New Product Decisions: Information Discounting and Product Selection by Urban, Glen L.
The Modern Lawyer: Marketing Strategies, Tips & Tools by Stammers, Mira
New Product Strategy in Small High Technology Firms by Roberts, Edward Baer, Meyer, Marc H.
Negotiator Cognitions: A Descriptive Approach to Negotiators' Understanding of Their Opponents by Maury, Robin, Bazerman, Max H., Carroll, John S.
Modelling Coordination in Organizations by Crowston, Kevin
The Optimality of a Competitive Stock Market by Subrahmanyam, Marti G., Merton, Robert C.
The Global Football Industry: Marketing Perspectives by
Auswirkungen des Bestellerprinzips im Vermietungsbereich. Analyse und Reaktionen des Marktes by Kronwitter, Mirijam
Celebrity Fans and Their Consumer Behaviour: Autoethnographic Insights into the Life of a Fan by Wohlfeil, Markus
Business Exit Strategies: Family-Owned and Other Business by Lipman, Frederick D.
A Practical Guide to Ethics in Public Relations by Luttrell, Regina, Ward, Jamie
Los CICLOS MAESTROS de la DUPLICACIÓN y la MULTIPLICACIÓN en el NETWORK MARKETING: Principios Universales para Desarrollar Exitosamente Tú Negocio MUL by Murillo Velazco, Mariam Charytin, Tarazona Gil, Ylich Eduard
God of Branding: Using a Podcast to Build a Powerful Personal Brand by Slate, Jeremy Ryan
Einführung in die Marktforschung. Aufgaben, Bedeutung, Qualitätskriterien und Ablauf by Marschall, Ron
Unterhaltungsfaktor Wissen?! Analyse des Potenzials von Infotainment in der Ergebnispräsentation der Marktforschung by Dölle, Annika
Gefahr des datenzentrierten Managements im Profi-Fußball by Weirauch, Stefan
Expand, Grow, Thrive: 5 Proven Steps to Turn Good Brands Into Global Brands Through the Lasso Method by Canalichio, Pete
Betriebliche Wertschöpfung. Einsendaufgaben zu Materialwirtschaft, Logistik und Umweltmanagement by Kellenberger, Thomas
How to Win Clients & Influence People: Create Instant Credibility and Gain an Unfair Advantage Over Your Competition by Buyting, Andy
The Choice Factory: 25 Behavioural Biases That Influence What We Buy by Shotton, Richard
The Storytelling Edge: How to Transform Your Business, Stop Screaming Into the Void, and Make People Love You by Lazauskas, Joe, Snow, Shane, Contently Inc
Verhaltensökonomie. Wirkung psychologischer Trigger in Facebook-Werbeanzeigen anhand des Beispiels der Verlustaversion by Oliveira Correa, Gabriela
Digital Media Positioning: The Art & Science of Attracting Nothing But A-List Clients by Felker, Frank
Surviving a Media Interview: Interview or Interrogation...Your Choice! by Kokol, Doc
Wie wird das Image und die Wertewelten des Mercedes Benz E300L in China transportiert? Kulturell adäquate Werbung als Bedeutungsträger by Zhou, Ashlee
Influencer Relations: Insights on Analyst Value 2e: Expanded second edition by Litke, Sven, Chapple, Duncan S.
Marketing Multiplied: A real-world guide to Channel Marketing for beginners, practitioners, and executives. by Thomas, Peter A., Moore, Mike
Auswirkungen des dynamisch veränderten Kaufverhaltens auf das Multi Channel Marketing sowie die Rolle von Empfehlungen zur Beeinflussung des Kaufverha by Hassler, Jens
The Theatre of Science: A Volume of Progress and Achievement in the Motion Picture Industry by Grau, Robert
Social Selling. El arte de vender en entornos sociales by Neil Revilla
Top Reasons Your Business Still Has No Customers: Stop sending smoke signals to your customers. It's time to step into the new marketing era. These ba by Guiliano, Marcus a.
Email Success by Design by Knight, Bill
Kaufprozessorientiertes Marketing: Stop Branding, Start Selling!: Wie Neueste Erkenntnisse Aus Der Verhaltensforschung Und Den Neurowissenschaften Mar by Rutschmann, Marc
The Myth of "real Work": A Case Study of Engineers' Preferences and Their job Requirements by Perlow, Leslie a.
Technische Anwendungsgebiete des Clustering by Nusser, Daniel
Marktanalyse und Marktkonzept von Hannover 2018: Unternehmenstyp EMS by Huhn, Sebastian
On the Simulation of Investment Behavior by Clarkson, Geoffrey P. E.
The marketing strategies of the Bear Nibbles Company in London by Khan, Yasir
Brennstoffzellenfahrzeuge in Hessen. Konzept zur Messung der Kundenzufriedenheit und Implikationen für die Markteinführung: Strategisches Marketing by Demuth, Fabian
"CSR beyond the Burrito". Corporate Social Responsibility bei Chipotle Mexican Grill by Pinegger, Maximilian
Food with Integrity. Corporate Sustainable Branding als Erfolgsfaktor der Markenführung bei "Chipotle Mexican Grill" by Pinegger, Maximilian
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