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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Marketing in 2019

Best Salesman by Braudrick, Bob
Network Marketing - Sawal Aapke Jawab Surya Sinha Ke in Bangla (নেটওয়ার্ক মা& by Sinha, Surya
Marketing by Tracy, Brian
Advertising Headlines That Make You Rich: Create Winning Ads, Web Pages, Sales Letters and More by Garfinkel, David
Repossibility: The Stories of Companies That Succeeded Because of Their Challenges (Not Despite Them) by Cerullo, Wayne
Strategic Marketing Management - Theory and Practice by Chernev, Alexander
Crystallizing Public Opinion by Bernays, Edward
Turn Your Art Into Cash: Branding & Marketing Your Creative Product by Moreo, Judi
The Non-Obvious Guide to Small Business Marketing (Without a Big Budget) by Bhargava, Rohit
Relationship Marketing in the Digital Age by Steinhoff, Lena, Palmatier, Robert W.
The Dark Secrets of the Search Engines: Find out what search engines are hiding from you by Barbosa de Azevedo, Fernando Uilherme
Nuts and Bolts of Research Methodology: From Conceptualization to Write-up by Persaud, Nadini, Devonish, Dwayne, Persaud, Indeira
Strategic Employee Communication: Building a Culture of Engagement by
Die Werbung der Zukunft. Wie Neuromarketing die Konsumentenansprache verändert by Bendik, Andreas
Creative Endeavour for the Logical Mind: How to Go from Engineer to Entrepreneur by Lawal, Adewale J.
Personal Brand Creation in the Digital Age: Theory, Research and Practice by Grzesiak, Mateusz
Designing Luxury Brands: The Science of Pleasing Customers' Senses by Derval, Diana
To Trust or Not to Trust. Is Reputation the Currency of the Future?: The influence of social media and reputation platforms on the trustworthiness by Bergmann, Markus
It's All about You: The Essentials of Creating, Building, and Managing Your Online Brand by Brooks, Shawn
Public Relations in Practice by Kurtin, Kate
101 Idea for Boosting Sales of Your Handmade Items by Shmakova, Natalia
8-Second PR: Energize Your Story For Ultimate Media Success! by Kelly, Liz H.
Interne Kommunikation in Kleinen Und Mittleren Unternehmen: Eine Qualitative Analyse in Print- Und Digitalunternehmen by Wolf, Sarah, Dietz, Jennifer, Mötzing, Sina
Showrooming Im Stationären Einzelhandel: Entwicklung Eines Erklärungsmodells Des Opportunistischen Konsumentenverhaltens by Schneider, André
Internal City Branding: Ein Empirisch Validiertes Modell Zur Internen, Identitätsbasierten Markenführung Von Städten by Rößler, Ayla
Strategische Kommunikation Deutscher Großkirchen: Von Kirchlicher Publizistik Zur Strategischen Kirchenkommunikation by Wiesenberg, Markus
Stock Market Investing for Beginners: Your Guide to Long-Term Financial Freedom Through Trading by Jenks, Gary
Fussball als Wirtschaftsfaktor: Wie hat sich der Fußball zum Millionengeschäft entwickelt & welche Faktoren spielen eine Rolle? by Anonym
Product Strategy: An Expert's Guide to Dominating the Market by Metcalfe, Gary
What It Takes To Win by Dicks, Jw, Tracy, Brian, Nanton, Nick
The Marketer's Guide to Law Firms: How to build bridges between fee earners and fee burners in your firm by Burnett, Genevieve, King, Sally
Quick Start Guide for Network Marketing: Get Started FAST, Rejection-FREE! by Schreiter, Keith, Schreiter, Tom Big Al
A Concise Guide to Market Research: The Process, Data, and Methods Using IBM SPSS Statistics by Mooi, Erik, Sarstedt, Marko
Digital Influence: Unleash the Power of Influencer Marketing to Accelerate Your Global Business by Backaler, Joel
Vintage Luxury Fashion: Exploring the Rise of the Secondhand Clothing Trade by
AI in Marketing, Sales and Service: How Marketers Without a Data Science Degree Can Use Ai, Big Data and Bots by Gentsch, Peter
Internationalization of Business: Cases on Strategy Formulation and Implementation by
The Value Mix: The Framework to Create Meaningful Products and Services for Your Audience by de Ternay, Guerric
Debates in Marketing Orientation by Bozkurt, Bilgehan
Digitale Unternehmensführung: Kommunikationsstrategien Für Ein Exzellentes Management by
Falando de Gestão: Valiosos Insights by Vargas, Rodrigo
Writing for the Media by Wheeler, Adrian
Integrated Marketing Communications, Strategies, and Tactical Operations in Sports Organizations by
Finding and Funding Great Deals: The Hands-On Guide to Acquiring Real Estate in Any Market by Young, Anson
Crystallizing Public Opinion by Bernays, Edward L.
Make Money Online Methods: How to Make Money Online and Generate Passive Incomes by Morse, Amy D.
Flucht Nach Utopia - Events Im Zeitalter Der Angst: Einfluss Des Terrorismus Auf Die Eventnachfrage Und Chancen Der Intervention by Leest, Katharina
The technology acceptance model (r-TAM) for mobile commerce. A revision and empirical evaluation by Yaraddi, Rangappa
Yes Vote: The Public Hearing Plan for Developers by Coates, Katie
Strategic Marketing Management - The Framework, 10th Edition by Chernev, Alexander
Strategic Marketing Management - The Framework, 10th Edition by Chernev, Alexander
Crystallizing Public Opinion by Bernays, Edward L.
Social Media Marketing: Build A Global Online Business In 2019, Following The Marketing And Advertising Network Secrets Strategy Guide Through by Reach, Joshua
Kindle Bestseller Publishing: Publish a Bestseller in the next 30 Days! - The Proven 4-Week Formula to go from Zero to Bestseller as a first-time Au by Gabrielle, Gundi
Lean Startup Marketing: A 3-Step Guide to Building and Marketing a Sustainable Business by Cafesin, J.
Timeless Headline Secrets: How To Get Up To 19X More Clicks & Customers In Only 15 Minutes by Druet, Fraser
The Lean Cmo: How a Small Marketing Budget Can Produce Big Results by Holcomb, Dwight
Timeless Copywriting Secrets: 15 Secrets For Writing More Persuasive And Profitable Words Better Than Anyone You Could Hire by Druet, Fraser
Viral Personal Branding: Marketing a personal brand, building buzz and getting your dream clients by Allebach, Michael
Employer Branding Für Kmu: Der Mittelstand ALS Attraktiver Arbeitgeber by Immerschitt, Wolfgang, Stumpf, Marcus
The Undermining of Beliefs in the Autonomy and Rationality of Consumers by O'Shaughnessy, John, O'Shaughnessy, Nicholas
Family Attorney Guide to Landing More Clients: How Law Practices in the Google Maps Local 3-Pack Reel in Clients Month After Month on Auto-Pilot by Landreth, Aaron
Stärkung Von Retailer Brands Im Automobilhandel Zur Steigerung Der Kundenloyalität by Roßmann, Patrick
Experiential Marketing: Consumer Behavior, Customer Experience and the 7es by Batat, Wided
Crisis Communication: A Stakeholder Approach by Ndlela, Martin N.
Market Segmentation Analysis: Understanding It, Doing It, and Making It Useful by Dolnicar, Sara, Grün, Bettina, Leisch, Friedrich
Marketing Wisdom by
Middle Schoolers, Meet Media Literacy: How Teachers Can Bring Economics, Media, and Marketing to Life by Wasserman, Jim, Loveland, David W.
Middle Schoolers, Meet Media Literacy: How Teachers Can Bring Economics, Media, and Marketing to Life by Loveland, David W., Wasserman, Jim
Marketing & PR Workbook by Meisels, Candice
How to Grow Your Interior Design Business: How to Go from Having No Clients to Having No Time to Accept New Clients at Your Interior Design Business! by
Markenorientierte Digitale Transformation: Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen Erfolgreich in Das Digitale Zeitalter Führen by Mertens, Artur
From Idea to Authority: Write, Publish, Promote a Non-Fiction Book to Promote Your Business by Carlton, Dixie Maria
Quick Guide Agile Content-Produktion: Die Customer Experience an Allen Touchpoints Optimal Gestalten by Petifourt, Sarah
Effective and Creative Leadership in Diverse Workforces: Improving Organizational Performance and Culture in the Workplace by
Vertriebsprognosen by Kühnapfel, Jörg B.
Experiential Marketing: Consumer Behavior, Customer Experience and the 7es by Batat, Wided
Identity Designed: The Definitive Guide to Visual Branding by Airey, David
Effectiveness of Advertising in 2019: Deepak Talwar by Talwar, Deepak
Marketing für ein Gesundheitsstudio: Marketingbeschreibung, -analyse und -planung by T, S-M
Furniture Marketing: From Product Development to Distribution by Bennington, Richard R.
E-telligence: Email marketing isn't dead, the way you're using it is by Barrett, Kate
Grow Your Business with Online Courses: How Experts and Small Business Owners Use Their Online Courses to Get More Clients, Increase Revenue Per Clien by Bronowski, Dimitris
Leveraging Computer-Mediated Marketing Environments by
Integrated Marketing Communications, Strategies, and Tactical Operations in Sports Organizations by
Book Marketing Basics: The 5 Ps: Applying the Fundamentals to Your Book by Toohey, Jodie
5 Checks of Working with a Marketing CTO: Factors to Check Before Deploying Ideas by Temple, Nick
5 Checks of Working with a Marketing CTO: Factors to Check Before Deploying Ideas by Temple, Nick
Live Campaigns: Event-Kampagnen ALS Konzept Einer Wirkungsvollen Marketing-Kommunikation by Dams, Colja M., Luppold, Stefan
Corporate Advertising: Wesenszüge Und Wirkungen Einer Kommunikationsdisziplin an Der Schnittstelle Von Werbung Und Public Relations by Spangardt, Benedikt
Die Reaktivierung Von Inneren Markenbildern Am Point-Of-Sale: Eine Untersuchung Des Zusammenspiels Von Out-Of-Store-Werbung Und Instore-Displays by Helfgen, Jennifer
Digitalisierungsprojekte Erfolgreich Planen Und Steuern: Kunden Und Mitarbeiter Für Die Digitale Transformation Begeistern by Falkenreck, Christine
Advertising and socialism: The nature and extent of consumer advertising in the Soviet Union, Poland: The nature and extent of consumer advertisi by Hanson, Philip
Psychological Ownership and Consumer Behavior by
Strategic Marketing Issues in Emerging Markets by
Proceedings of the 2nd Advances in Business Research International Conference: Abric2016 by
Investing: How to Invest in Stocks, Mutual Funds, Common Real Estate Properties, Forex Trading and Be Set for Millionaire Life an by Bogle, Scott
An Investor's Perspective on Marketing Excellence: How Objective Marketing Indicants Can Complement Firm Valuations by Kemsa, Dominik
Consumption and Branding Value Networks in New Media Markets: Volume 1 by Vukanovic, Zvezdan
Extremely Efficient Social Media Strategies for Network Marketing: Become a Pro Network / Multi-Level Marketer by Using Step by Step Digital Marketing by Schreiter, Ray, Fisher, Graham, Higdon, Tom
Marketing Für Kommunalverwaltung Und Kommunalpolitik: Kommunikations- Und Partizipationsstrategien Für Das Gemeinwohl VOR Ort by Breyer-Mayländer, Thomas
Qualitative Marketing Research: Understanding How Behavioral Complexities Drive Marketing Strategies by Rajagopal
Artist Development Essentials: The Key to Structuring a Sustainable Profile in the Music Industry by Penchev, Hristo
Lead with Your Customer, 2nd Edition: Transform Culture and Brand Into World-Class Excellence by Jones, Mark David, Kober, J. Jeff
Management and Marketing of Wine Tourism Business: Theory, Practice, and Cases by
Copywriting Persuasivo: Scrivere Testi Per Manipolazione Mentale, Marketing E Vendita Su Facebook E Instagram. Mind Hacking: 25 Tecniche Di Pe by Padovesi, Luigi
Segredos dos Cupons de Desconto by Monteiro, Eduardo
Get Online: 6 Simple Steps to Launching a Digital Marketing Strategy for the Non-Tech Savvy by Kehoe, Stacey
Don't Be a Slave to Your Clients: Break Your Chains and Regain Your Sanity: How to Attract the Ideal Client, Create Mutual Respect and Feel Great Agai by Williams, Brandon Joe
喷墨数码印刷机营销策略研究Inkjet Printing Devices Marketing Strategy Stu by Xu, Kai
Best Practices in Hospitality and Tourism Marketing and Management: A Quality of Life Perspective by
Getting Started with Demand Generation: Developing an All-Star Marketing Strategy to Supercharge Growth and Minimize Risk by Berringer, Matt
Why Service Matters: A Collection of Essays That Will Change How You Think About Service by Pupo, Raul
Learn to Go Live: Conquer Your Fears, Reach Through the Lens and Pick Up Money on the Table by Mellott, Kerianne
Sorry Spock, Emotions Drive Business: Proving the Value of Creative Ideas with Science by Morgan, Adam W.
Fernsehwerbungen der Deutschen Telekom AG und ihre Wirkung auf Zuschauer: Eine Analyse zweier ausgewählter Fernsehwerbespots aus den Jahren 2012 und 2 by Jonelat, Josianne
Implementierung der Neuromarketingforschung in die Markenführung. Grundlagen, Erkenntnisse und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten by White, Kayley
Ethnologisches Marketing für die türkische Gemeinschaft in Deutschland. Eine kritische Untersuchung: Online Marketing von McDonald´s in Deutschland by Wirtz, Nora
Die Marketingstrategie des Ford Mustang auf dem deutschen Automarkt by Junghans, Johnny
Serve 2 Win: Eight Steps to Making a Living & a Life by Durfee, Mitch
Wahrnehmungsbasiertes Marketing Von Pfarrgemeinden: Eine Praxisorientierte Bestandsaufnahme Am Beispiel Katholischer Akademiker Und Studenten by Peters, Thomas
Customer-Relationship-Management in Zeiten des globalen Wettbewerbs by Moser, Emma Sophie
Die Beziehung zwischen PR und Journalismus: Welche Faktoren führen zu einem Machtvorteil von Journalismus gegenüber der Public Relations? by Schlumschinski, Stefanie
Consumer Expectations: Micro Foundations and Macro Impact by Curtin, Richard Thomas
Erfolgreiches Markenmanagement für den Bankensektor. Die Grundregeln der Markenetablierung im Banking 4.0 by Orlamünder, Alina
Have Them at Hello: How the Best Call Centers Crush Sales Projections by Carolan, Tom, Anderson, Susan
The Million Dollar Rebuttal: Cold Calling is Not a Numbers Game! by Walter, David P.
Chinese Consumers and the Fashion Market by
Artificial Intelligence for Fashion Industry in the Big Data Era by
Contemporary Case Studies on Fashion Production, Marketing and Operations by
Die Marketingstrategien von IKEA by Reinhardt, Marie
Saya Orang Indonesia: Some notes about the Indonesian consumer by Pai, Satish
The 10-Step Formula To Teach Your Easy Manual: How to Build Wealth by Teaching Others What Comes Naturally to YOU! by Storing, Catherine E.
Healthcare-Marketing: Eine Untersuchung zu den Potenzialen und Grenzen des Gesundheitsmarketings bei Leistungserbringern und Kostenträgern i by Castillon, Marc
Kommunikation Und Vertrauen in Betrieblichen Krisensituationen: Eine Linguistische Analyse Am Beispiel Der Bankenkrise by Ehmke, Eva
The impact of multi-vendor loyalty programs on the consumers' online purchase process: An investigation based on Payback by Ostertag, Vanessa
Product Strategy: 2 Books in 1: Mastering the Basics and Dominating the Competition + A Guide Beyond the Basics by Metcalfe, Gary
Casi Imperceptible: Las Marcas percibidas y desapercibidas por los consumidores y sus Giros posibles by Otaduy, Javier
101 Freaking Brilliant Business Ideas: And Ten Ways YOU Can Create Your Own by Sager, Bob
Sprachenpolitik und Sprachwahl im Unternehmen am Beispiel einer mehrsprachigen Regionalbank in der Schweiz by Kaya, Özge
Qualität Managen: Das Iso-Handbuch Für Kreative in Medien by Homann, Sylvia, Chang-Langhorst, Christian, Heynen, Dirk
Likeable Social Media, Third Edition: How to Delight Your Customers, Create an Irresistible Brand, & Be Generally Amazing on All Social Networks That by Kerpen, Dave, Greenbaum, Michelle, Berk, Rob
The Design Imperative: The Art and Science of Design Management by Chen, Steven
Crystallizing Public Opinion by Bernays, Edward
Crystallizing Public Opinion by Bernays, Edward
How to Make Money in Network Marketing by Knowing the Plan and Building Up Your Own Networking Company: Show Me the Plan and Become Successful in the by Nkele Mbai, Jeff
Brand Breakthrough: How to Go Beyond a Catchy Tagline to Build an Authentic, Influential and Sustainable Brand Personality by Agin, Margie
Seo Google: Guida Pratica All'ottimizzazione Strategica Per I Motori Di Ricerca Secondo Google Per Ottenere Traffico Con Web Marke by Padovesi, Luigi
Wie unterscheidet sich die Wirkung von Print-Werbung und digitaler Werbung? Untersuchung physischer und psychischer Einflussfaktoren by Huken, Kathrin
Consumer Behavior Over the Life Course: Research Frontiers and New Directions by Moschis, George P.
Starting from Nothing: How to Develop an Internet Marketing Campaign by Roberts, John
How I Built A 7 Figure Law Practice: While Suffering From "LAW PTSD" by Pisarra, David T.
Market-Value Pricing: Definitions, Concepts, and Processes for Market-Value Centric Pricing by Steinhardt, Gabriel
Affected: Emotionally Engaging Customers in the Digital Age by Straker, Karla, Wrigley, Cara
Nutzwertanalysen in Marketing Und Vertrieb by Kühnapfel, Jörg B.
La Bibbia del Seo: Guida Pratica All'ottimizzazione Strategica Per Google Per Ottenere Traffico Con Web Marketing, Social Media, Copywrit by Padovesi, Luigi
The Intelligent Marketer's Guide to Data Privacy: The Impact of Big Data on Customer Trust by Palmatier, Robert W., Martin, Kelly D.
Advances in Kaiyu Studies: From Shop-Around Movements Through Behavioral Marketing to Town Equity Research by
Public Relations: Competencies and Practice by
Die Entwicklung des Wohnungsmarktes in Niedersachsen und die daraus resultierenden Herausforderungen by Werner, Alina
Content Marketing Für Regionalbanken: So Können Genossenschaftsbanken Und Sparkassen Kunden Gewinnen, Binden Und Begeistern by Reichhard, Stephan
Cold Calling: The Ultimate Sales Guide for Shy People by Connors, K.
Strategic Brand Management in Higher Education by
Nachfrageorientierte Produktlinienoptimierung: Der Einfluss Von Präferenzen Für Kompromissalternativen by Bechler, Georg
Qualitative Consumer and Marketing Research: The Asian Perspectives and Practices by Nuttavuthisit, Krittinee
Literary Agents Emails, Names and Contact Info: Dealmakers in Publishing, Representing Writers and Authors by Davis, Paul F.
Transportation Engineering: A Practical Approach to Highway Design, Traffic Analysis, and Systems Operation by Kuhn, Beverly T.
Digital Marketing That Actually Works the Ultimate Guide: Discover Everything You Need to Build and Implement a Digital Marketing Strategy That Gets R by
Hearings on the Relief of Tobacco Growers by Dalzell, John
Love + Fear: Mastering the Primal Motives of Buyers by Munthree, Shantini
Daily Newspapers in the United States by Wieder, Callie
Love + Fear: Mastering the Primal Motives of Buyers by Munthree, Shantini
Mastering Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (Pls-Sem) with Smartpls in 38 Hours by Wong, Ken Kwong-Kay
Network Marketing Is Dead, Long Live Network Marketing by Kumar, Praveen, Kumar, Prashant
How to Find a Network Marketing Goldmine: Researching and Evaluating MLM Opportunities by Kumar, Praveen, Kumar, Prashant
What Should We Drink by Denman, James L.
Reaching Your Customers with Confidence by MacArthur, Jeffrey, MacArthur, Jeff
The Training of a Salesman by Maxwell, William
Advanced Brand Management -- 3rd Edition: Building and Activating a Powerful Brand Strategy by Temporal, Paul
Contemporary Marketing Strategy: Analyzing Consumer Behavior to Drive Managerial Decision Making by Rajagopal
Public Relations: Competencies and Practice by
Der standardisierte Fragebogen als zentrales Element der quantitativen Marktforschung by Martini, Andrea
The Startup Marketing Bible: A Practical Guide To Startup Marketing by Sahr, Kenny
Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge by King, Katie
Perspectives on Impact: Leading Voices On Making Systemic Change in the Twenty-First Century by
Perspectives on Purpose: Leading Voices on Building Brands and Businesses for the Twenty-First Century by
Einsatzmöglichkeiten der Bedürfnispyramide von Maslow zur Kundenansprache im Marketing sowie Zeitmanagement im wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten by Gesing, Sophia
Idyls of Norway and Other Poems by Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth
Instagram Power: Build Your Brand and Reach More Customers with Visual Influence by Miles, Jason
Using Artificial Intelligence in Marketing: How to Harness AI and Maintain the Competitive Edge by King, Katie
Web Marketing: Manuale Operativo Al Marketing Strategico Online Con Guida Alla Comunicazione, Email, Social Media, Seo E Sem, Affilia by Padovesi, Luigi
Purpose Power: How Mission-Driven Leaders Engage for Change by Bonner Ness, Alicia
Living with the Lid Up: Hilarious and Heartwarming Life Lessons from a Wife, Mother, and Entrepreneur by Switala, Kari
Perspectives on Purpose: Leading Voices on Building Brands and Businesses for the Twenty-First Century by
F#ck Content Marketing: Focus on Content Experience to Drive Demand, Revenue & Relationships by Frisch, Randy
Purpose Power: How Mission-Driven Leaders Engage for Change by Bonner Ness, Alicia
Konfigurationen Von Messelogistikdienstleistern: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Des Weltweiten Marktes by Bannas, Vera
Advertising as a Business Force by Cherington, Paul Terry
The W.G.N.: A Handbook of Newspaper Administration, Editorial, Advertising, Production, Circulation by Tribune, Chicago
Social-Media-Strategie im Destinationsmarketing, untersucht anhand der Generation Millennials by Wohofsky, Angelika
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